PAGE TWO •&* A SH LA N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S (■Established in 1876) Published Every Evening Except Sunday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. Bert R. Greer ..........................................................................................Editor O FFICIAL CITY P A P E R . Z Z 7 ? ~ . 7 Z Z Y . ? . Z 7 Z ’ .Z ’. T ^ p h o n 7 39 Entered at th e A shland, O regon, P o sto ffic e a s Second Class Mail M atter One Month ..... Three Months Six M o n th s..... One Year ....... A s HLÀN ü bAítV uw wía< t I dî XL h November til, iOidi Found in Oregon. There are iiiiiuevbus concrete instances proving that the high standard Httaihed by Ashland’sf school have influenced people from afar to make theif) homes here. The influence and standards of the local school reach out and beyond the radius attained by the average school. It is a condition that redounds to the credit of Ashland and to those who have had a part in the- building of its excellent school system. Daily Fashion Hint Subscription Price, Delivered in City > ,C5 1.95 7.50 liy Mail and Rural R outes: One M o n th .............................................................................................. Three Months Six Months One Year . $ .65 1.95 3.50 DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: single Insertion, per Inch . Yearly C ontracts: One Insertion a week . Two insertions a week Dally insertion ........... .30 R ates F o r L egal and M iscellaneous A d vertisin g F irst insertion, per 8 point l i n e ............................. Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line Card of Thanks .............................................. O bitualres, per line ....................... $ A Vancouver, Wash., news dispatch savs a man had to give up a house and lots to pay a fine for moonshine o jia r g e . I hat is not the first time a house and lots have paid the cost of that article. climate that protects roses and other out-door flow- ers through November is best appreciated bv those not accustomed to it. .27k. Il the number of floaters, hoboes and riff-raff bitting Io the Pacific Highway through Ashland to California is anv ----criterion that state of perpetual summer will most Hkelv 1 have a chill thrown into it before a new year arrives. ' .10 .05 Ì.0 0 .02 k WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING ‘ All future events, where an admission charge is made or a collection taken is Advertising. No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. Scnalor Johnson snvs in his announcement for the jnesnlential nomination that he desires a definite foreign MODES FOR PLAYTIME pohey. So do we all, Hiram, and the quicker the bette? ' Fashion’s approval of prints extends Johnson has been five years in coming to his conclusion ' even to play clothes for the kiddies, DONATIONS No donations to charities or otherw ise will be made in advertis­ ing. or job printing— our contributions will be in cash. LOVER SHOOTS GIRL; COMMITS SUICIDE NOVEM BER 21 PRAA ER FOR TODAY:— O Lord God, I pray thee, send me good speed this day.— Genesis 24:12. _ SACRAMENTO, Nov. 21.— ___ . Crazed with grief because his [ sw eetheart had discarded him for another, Corydon Jones, 29, 1215 k Q street, last night sent a bullet into the body of Miss Leona Brown of 619 k H Street, when the girl sought to prevent him from shooting Glenn Auten, 515 T hirtieth Street, his success- i ful rival, and then m ortally stab ­ bed him self in the breast with a kitchen knife. Girl Has Chance. Miss Brown, shot in tlfe abdo­ men, lies a t W hite Hospital, with chances of her recovery held b y ! attending surgeons to be fair. The double tragedy occurred at the Brown home on H street, ac- cross the street from the city jail, and followed a lovers’ quarrel th a t ensued when Auten, with whom Miss Brown had divided her time in recent weeks, called at the Brown home while Jones was present. BUILDING TOWNS One of the greatest hindcrances in the growth and de­ velopment of any town is the selfish spirit exhibited by the individual. No matter how valuable and promising a proposed new industry or improvement may be there is always one or more who immediately begin to ac­ claim that it will “ injure my business.” Occasionally a public improvement or a new industry may complete to a slight degree with private business firms in the same town, but if all contemplated improvements are to be knocked for the reason that they may offer slight hinderanee to an individual business it is just as well to declare a holiday among all commercial organizations and booster societies. riier^is no contemplated improvement or new indus­ try that is worth while at all but what will result in greater benefit to the town as a whole that it can possibly injure some private enterprise. Ft is a man’s duty to look to the welfare of bis own business, but it is not becoming any man to throw obstructiona-in the way of public improvements that are tor the benefit of the general jublic. The individ­ ual business man must submerge self and self interests to a degree it the town and community in general are to grow Streaks of ore and prosper. Any contemplated public improvement H ♦ uhtington— , . , containing 1,000 to 3,000 ounces ought to he col,strutted along lines that will result in th e' X r T L X e k in Bay Horse greatest* good to the greatest number. No community can mine of V. S. Metals company. advance m the face of selfishness. No town can attain its best unless its fellows are willing to submerge 6' personal differenees and selfishness and work for the gen- eral good. PROUP Ç at Spasmodic Croup is frequently relievedbyoneapplicationof- PACIFIC ISLANDS TO HAVE A LIGHTHOUSE HONOLULU, Nov. 21— The i Hawaiian departm ent of the army is cO-operating with the Federal Lighthouse Service in plans to Pace, Neck and Arms Easily Made map the small rock islands of Smooth, Says Specialist Kaula, which raises hundreds of feet above the Pacific at a point Any breaking out of the skin, 35 miles south of the island ot ; even fiery, itching eczema, can be Kauai. W ork will sta rt soon. quickly overcome by applying a Two twin-m otored M artin army little M entho-Sulphur, declares a bombing planes will be taken to noted skin specialist. Because of Kauai aboard the lighthouse tend­ its germ destroying properties, e r K aukui, unloaded, and- from this sulphur preparation begins a t' there fly to the objective. Photo­ once to soothe irritated skin and graphs of the rock will be taken heal eruptions such as rash, pim­ and a complete mosaic form ed.' ples and ring worm. The work is prelim inary to estab­ It seldom fails to remove the lishing a beacon light on the torm ent and disfigurem ent, and island. you do not have to wait for relief from em barrassm ent. Improve­ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ , ment qunckly shows. Suffers from skin trouble should obtain a sm all, ja r of Rowles M entho-Sulphur from any good druggist and use it like cold cream. No. 3 V IC K S Strengthen your stomach and and an attractive one-piece bloomer banish indigestion; Mi-O-Na is dress is.pictured to the left made of guaranteed xby McNair Bros, to figured percale. The three-piece gath­ ered skirt is attached to a square yoke do it or money back. with round neck. The lower parts of the bloomers are gathered into straight bands, made of plain material to correspond with the facing on thé neck and sleeves. Medium size re­ quires yards 36-inch material. .Gingham and chambray are com­ bined in the rompers so attractively 4 pictured. The front and back of the waist and kimono sleeves are cut in one, the closing of the waist being at the back. Applied bands of self- |With disc rubber tired! material finish the sleeves and the ■ plain fabric supplies the patch pockets ' jwheels, and a fine finished! and knee-bands for the lower edges of ; (body, sturdily made. the rompers. Medium size requires yard plain and 1»4 yard 36-inch check material. First Model: Pictorial Review Bloomer Dress No. 1590. Sizes, 1 to 5 years. Price, 25 cents. Second Model: Rompers No. 1591. Sizes, 1 to 5 years. Price, 25 cents. IO V E R L A N D and zincs PROVOST BROS HIS bank is a silent partner * in the business of every one of its customers. We endeavor to be helpful and our one aim is to aid you to increase vour business. ■ The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ashland, Oregon ¡PEIL’S CORNER ! Groceries F ruits Fine Pasteries and Cakes for Thanksgiving Order Now B U S IN E S S S E D A N V egetables BAKERY 00532301530253025348 at S e b u e rm a n ’s 201 E. Main been made. Most im portant of all, perhaps, new spring equipment throughout has resulted in a degree of riding comfort which can only be characterized as revolutionary. man so is he The price is $1250 f. o. b. D etroit— $1475 delivered T Riley-Meier Motor Co. Medford, Oregon CRAPE-NUTS Six Minute Pudding 1 cup G ra p e -N u ts l ‘A cups scalded m ilk 1 tablespoon sugar ’/ i cup raisiua C o ver G ra p e -N u tt w ith scalded to Ik. Add sugar, raisins, and a little n u tm eg . G ook six minutes d i rectly over the heat, stirring con - stanlly, and serve w ith any good pudding sauce. M akes four to six portions. O, course the schools are costing more. So are other c i t y , county, mid slate governmental departments costili« moie, [sn i it about lime the foolish arguments about thei increased cost of education eease? OUR SCHOOL AN ASSET RbloZr PUbilC r Ch°01 haS perhaPs been given limited con­ sideration as a direct monetary asset to a eonnnunitv. Or­ dinal.1> we think ot the school as a necessity and as af- tordrng edm-anonal facilities to the young. Comparative- b httle thought has been given to the powers of the effi-i cient and modem school in drawing new people into the circles of its influence. 1 1 Ashland affords one of the best examples of the pub­ lic school as a monetary asset to the community t i be Old Stoves for New—«cuttles TP D odge -B rothers <> ,'n< 67 5 l>er “eUt cent f,om during l!U-'5 this 9>0 ,'iL t ! "e ™ °f fTaSe<1 Vmg °nly ln<,rcased 100 < I’«- this time. Is it tair to assume that when living costs in crease, the cost ol education must remain stationary’ Vs t#a? ers mu9t be paid lareer 8alari8s- ! sFehoo.,Sh X t o I s m°re- “ C°6tS m° re M Heatrola ¡Coaster Wagons) W. A. SHELL, I»rpo. THE AUTHOR-PEDESTRIAN 532 A. St. Ashland, Ore » o R u b Leonard J)ay, author and adventurer, will arrive in _______ 17 Million V J a a rt f U sed Yearly LITHIA A io rJu ST G time tomoiTOW forenoon on the last lap of a t ,000 mile trip, which he is making on foot to prove toi his publishers the truth of his manuscript, “ The Unsolieit ed Generousity of the American People.” Day is walking around the “ rim ” of the United States, is without fundsj asks no man tor a meal, a bed, nor anything. He is ac- cepting no rides, as does the average floater making bis way along the modem highway. When lie is the recipient of a meal he takes that which is set before him He can­ not even designate his choice of drinks, as between coffee1 and tea. He is without a eoat and travels bareheaded Some may say of Day that he is nothing more or less than a tool. Others may say that he is humming his wav and would not succeed were it not for charity. But is Dav Recent improvements in the appearance a tool? Is he an object of charity? No. He is an ad and equipment of this Sedan adapt it, venturer, who believes that the average American loves a more perfectly than ever, to family as game sport. The meals and beds accorded the author- well as business use. pedestrian are not given with a spirit of charity, but in appreciation ot his gameness. Day’s journey of 10,000 The body is swung lower to the road. A Bides, under the almost severe restrictions, is not a task transm ission lock, knob-grip steering tor the weakling. He is proving that he is game to the! wheel, a combination stop signal and tail core. His trip is establishing the fact, bevond anv ques­ tion, that America is unexcelled in its appreciation of one ! lamp, and other details have been added- of his nerve. Truly, “ the world loves a sport.” important chassis improvements have THE RISING (?) COST OF EDUCATION Some persons are becoming very much alarmed over ie tact that education is costing more now than it did a lew years ago. Of course it is costing more. There are more children in the country; more of them are attending school; the schools have become better in every wav. The schools are costing more because the value of the dollar has depreciated. A school costing twice as much per pupil ! .JOW as ,n .9,3 ¡S in reality costing „„ Í then In tact the cost of education per pupil-in average Estate The Silent Partner Newport— $40,000 bonds voted for bridge over Yaquina River at Toledo. For a smooth shave, and quick service, go to the Shell B arber Simp, across from De­ pot. G rinding of all kinds. C hildren’s work a specialty. P ortlahd— Trutaon S iad ijem* pany to proceed i to mediately w ith erection of modern felahf and make this city distributing ceUtetf for its products throughout north* west. * | G r?Pc Nuu _ ^*^****» Sa H IN K IN G moulds the mind and exercise develops the body, but food supplies the materials for building mind and body. Grape-Nuts, made from wheat and malted barley, is a crisp, delicious cereal food, rich in wholesome nutriment. The important mineral elements of the grains are readily available in this splendid food. The essential Yitamin-B is supplied in gener- ous measure. The nutritious starches of the wheat and barley are partially pre-digested by 20 hours’ baking. Grape-Nuts with milk or cream is a com­ plete food. Its compact form makes a little go a long way. Sold by Qrocers Everywhere! GrapeNuts ♦ T H E BODY B U IL D E R "There's a Reason” «