Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, November 21, 1923, Image 1

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    ■ri-fc« ihuk'^.
Cannot Survive three months in
the rich ozone at A shland. P itre
domestic water helps.
Without the use of medicine cures
nine cases out of ten of asthma.
Thi s is a proven fact.
The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years
(In tern atio n al News W ire Service)
C C’
Successor to the Semi-Weekly TidlngB, Volume 43.
SACRAMENTO, Nov. 21.— Fig
ures compiled from federal sta ­
tistics by L. E. Ross, director of
the state bureau of vial statis-
i tics, show th a t California in 1922
: ranked fourth among the various
, states in divorces. The compila-
$ 4 ,0 3 1 ,1 4 1
Chicago Girl Simply Had Io Have
Knickers Even at Cost of Husband
Event Was One of the Most tions made by Ross also show Total Auto Registration to
Successful of the
that tbP ration of divorces to
October 31,1923, Was
arriages is gaining in Californa
258, 381.
P a c i f i c University Man
Qualified Statement Made
in Address Last Night.
Jackson County Has 9,240
Vehicle Operators—Fees
Visitor Tells of Pacific Uni­
v ersity -O n e of Oldest
in Nation.
or, in other words, Dan Cupid is
a hard struggle to hold
his own.
In 1916 there were approxi­
Prof. H. S. Tuttle Delivers a
Masterful Address—Ex­ mately six m arriages to every di­
vorce. w hereas last year there
cellent Program Given
were but five m arriages to each
The regu lar monthly dinner of divorce. Since 1916, Ross’ figures
the Cham ber of Commerce at show, divorce has increased 65
Hotel Ashland last night was a per cent in this state, Los Ange­
pleasant and interesting
event les leading last year with a total
and one of the most successful of of 2,826 legal separations. San
Francisco came second, with
the year.
The attendance of
members 2,162 divorces.
The divorce record forY he en-
and th eir wives exceeded the ex­
pectations of the committee a n d i tire state ,ast year was 9.227,
was such th a t the dining room compared to 5,572 in 1916.
was taxed to accommodate all, j
however, all were seated with but I :
little delay. The dinner was ex- ’
eellent. R oast tu rk ey predom in­
ated the menu, which in its en-
tireity proved the excellence of
the cuisine departm ent of the
Program E n joyed.
According to a report issued
from the office of the Secretary of
State, Sam A. Kozer, up to Octo-
her 31, 1923, there were reg ister­
ed and licensed in Oregon 560
m otor vehicle dealers, 13,824
chauffeurs, 258,381 m otor ve­
hicle operators, 3,101 motorcy­
cles, 14 8,999 passenger and com­
mercial cars of less than one ton
capacity, and 13,201 trucks and
trailers, from which the total li­
cense fees aggregated $4,031,-
141.92. The fees, less adm inistra­
tive expenses, are distributed one-
fourth to the counties from which
the registrations are received and
three-fourts to the State H igh­
way fund for the prosecution of
road work throughout the state
The distribution of the 1923
registrations up to October 31.
1923. shows th a t in Jack3on
County there w ere licensed 24
motor vehicle dealers, 584 chauf­
feurs, 9,240 m otor vehicle oper­
ators. 70 motorcycles, 5,265 pas­
senger cars, 1 am bulance and
hearse. 31 busses and stages, 182
commercial cars of less than one
ton capacity, 447 trucks of from
one to five tons capacity, or a
total of 5,937 licensed passenger
and commercial vehicles. During
19,3,2 therg w^a, a total of 5,128
pasenger and "com mercial motor
CHICAGO, Nov. 20.— Some husbands don’t like their wives’
vehicles licensed in this county. cats, others don't like their wives’ relatives, but Raymond Hotchkiss,
Between September 15, 1922 i form erly a naval officer, didn’t like his w ife’s knickers. Mrs Hotch-
and September 15, 1923 of the kiss’ on tbe otller hand, is a lady who simply m ust have her knickers
receipts from m otor vehicle „ ! of a »\o in in S ° r ’dse he a bundle of loose ends all day.
a /»
Things ju st wont from bad to worse a lte r they were m arried
censes and fees $967.492.19 was ¡th ree years ago until they appeared in court here. The learned judge
distributed to the counties of the J asked Mrs. Hotchkiss to choose between her husband and her knick-
state, and there was turned over ers- A husband m eant nothing at all to her where knickers were
or transferred to the State H ig h -‘ concerned’ so they were divorced-
D uring the dinner an excellent
I Roads and Inform ation Shown for
program was rendered, consisting
Sportsm en and Va­
of instrum ental and vocal music.
cation ists.
In addition to the regular a d d res­
ses scheduled for the evening. The
Keen interest is m anifested in
High School orchestra, headed by
the new road and recreation map
Mrs. W. R. Henry, rendered sev­
of the state of Oregon, ju st issued
eral selections and was compelled
by the United States forest ser­
to respond to a numbe of encores. |
vice. The map, perhaps the most
Mrs. Henry, who heads the music |
complete road map of the state
departm ent of the school, captur-1
thus far issued for public d istri­
ed the audience with a vocal solo
bution, folds up into a pocket-size
which elicited a hearty encore.
packet. On the map are given all
P a ir and Show Roosted.
paved, graveled, tru n k , secondary
O. A. Briscoe, superintendent '
and proposed roads of the state,
of the Ashland schools, presided |
i the various roads being shown
V. D. Miller,
! in distinctive ways with two-color
head of the Llthians. Mr. Miller,
printing, with milages between
somewhat abashed at the sud­
denness of the call, responeded
On the back is printed m atter
nobly and anonunced the m in­
descriptive of all camping places,
strel show for December 3 and 4,
recreation and scenic areas of the
Inform ing his audience th a t an
national forests in the state, a
event of unusual interest was in
list of municipal ps and
«tore for the public. He also call­
other valuable data for the m otor­
ed attention to the coming W inter
ist and vacationist. Twenty-two
F air.
of the main scenic and camping way fund $2,902,476.56 during
Fred C. Holmes, president of
areas of the state are described th at period. Jackson County’s STEALING CARS LIKE
the Cham ber of Commerce, fol­
in detail and a num ber of illus­ share of the foregoing allotm ent
lowed Grand High Fizz Miller and
to the counties was $.f4,240.09.
tratio n s are included.
supplem ented the la tte r’s rem arks
A map somewhat sim ilar, al­
REDDING, Nov. 20.— “ Mr. and
on the W inter F air. President
though not nearly so complete,
Mrs. John Doe” were arrested
Homes called particular *attention
was issued by the forest service
yesterday afternoon on a
to the prospects for the most suc­
in 1921 and an edition of 50,000
telegraphed from Los
cessful poultry show in the his­
was soon exhausted, requests for
Angeles. They have several dif­
tory of the Southern Oregon
the maps being received not only
ferent sets of names, so Doe is as
P o u ltry association. He also in­ from all over Oregon and other
One H as Chintz Trim m ed F rench
as any.
dicated th a t all other departm ents
W indow s, P otted F low ers
northw est points but from far
Constable George F. Graves
gave promise of being excellent,
and R ear Porch.
d istan t states. A heavy demand is
says they are the pair who stole
and closed his speech with an ap­
anticipated for the new maps.
Harold M ark’s car two or three
peal for co-operation in the un­
chatter, ch atter as I tl(fw to
Copies may be obtained on re ­ O fficer T hinks R ecovered Body weeks ago. Doe is alleged to have!
d ertaking.
That o f a P ortland
quest from the district forester,
stolen a car in Portland, which h e ' Join the brim m ing riv er..............”
Mills Legion Speaker
postoffice building, this city, or
abondoned in G rant’s Pass, only Sltch *s the song th at is ta ttle d off
The dinner and program fea­
from any forest supervisor’s of­
to pick up another car, in which not only by Srade sch° o1 children,
tu red N ational Education Week
PENDLETON, Or., Nov. 19.— he made his v » y to Redding. Here but literally by the countless
fice in Oregon, it was announced.
and in as much as the American
Detailed maps zfor public dis A theory th a t the body of a he is alleged to have stolen autom obiles th a t are rum bling
Legion is sponsoring the move­ tributon of two Oregon and th r e e ! woman found in the Columbia,
M ark’s car and started off f o r ! over the highways to Los Angeles,
m ent. V. V. Mills, responded in
W ashngton national forests also November 4, not f a r from W allula Los Angeles. He is now wanted in the cosmopolitan city, and other
behalf of the veterans on the
have ju st been issued by the P o rt­ on the Oregon side of the state Los Angeles for stealing a carj California points,
subject of “ P atriotism ” . He urged
land office. These include the line, may have been th a t of Mrs. for the homeward trip.
Every -m anner, shape, size and
th e practice of patriotism in every Cascade and Umpqua
national í 'l°i'eI)h*ne Covak of Portland, has
color of vehicle th a t has been
day life and with respect to m uni­
created since the days of the auto­
forests in Oregon and the Chelan been advanced by T. B. Buffing­
cipal, county and state govern­
mobile, pass through Asland daily.
Olympic and W enatchee national ton, deputy sheriff.
m ents, as well as to the federal
The casual by-stander is made to
forests in W ashington. The Cas­
governm ent.
He characterized
pause at the method by which he
cade national forest map is of
N ational Educational W eek as an
would travel after w atching the
particu lar interest, as it covers vak is said to have been missing
the McKenzie highway region as
llltlA T r n r i
a i i a i i i count ‘®8S k * nds of
(Continued on page 4)
fa r south as the middle fork of was about 25 years old, was 5
ITIII lU I LIiLL UllUTT Typical and truly novel, prob­
the W llam ette river. It joins the feet 4 inches tall and weighed
ably b etter constructed and con­
region covered by the Umpqua 165 pounds. The deputy sheriff
PROVES LIQUOR OASIS national forest folder, which ex­ stated today th a t E. L. Yeager, 1 Good P rogress R eported A m ong ceived than several, was one mov­
Those R ehearsin g for th e
able domicile the passed through
tends as far south as C rater lake living near the place where the
SAN ANTONIO. Tex., Nov. 21— national park.
R ig E vent.
body was found, has reported
Ashland late last night. Unique
Discovery and seizure of liquor on
having seen a cross-eyed woman
to the nth degree would express
th e State Insane Asylum premises
Carl Loveland, director of the the pale green house with its lav­
dressed in m en’s clothing, in the
by ranger forces is developing into
company of a man in th a t vicin­ Lithian Cabaret Minstrel Show, is ish trim m ings. To be sure, there
a State-wide investigation prom pt­
ity lats spring, in either April or in receipt of a telegram , stating were French windows hung with
ed by the urging of scores of civic
th at the costumes for the Lithian pretty chintz, scores of sm aller
NEW YORK, Nov. 20— Isarel May. Mrs. Covak’s eyes are said
Rosebud Chorus have been mailed windows, allowing the best out­
to be slightly strabism ic.
The liquor, rangers declare, was Zangwill today Included mem­
New York. Mr. Loveland, look, a neat chimney and best of
The body was identified a few
found In the q uarters of an as­ bers of his own race in his caus­
by a Tidings re­ all, a rear porch th a t extended
days ago by A rth u r Rogers of
sista n t supervisor. Jesse Jam es tic criticism s of America. Lam ent­
the costumes, across the entire length of the
Eagle valley a8 being his daugh­
Robinson, the assistant, has been ing the failure of the Jews in
ter. Mrs. Edna Pitm an. .Mr, Rog­ although scanty, are very elab house..
placed under bonds of $500 an- the United States to fight Henry
orate and have been ordered from
The stealthy railing of the porch
sw ering to a Federal charge o f ^ ord and th ? Ku Klux K lan’ the ers was positive of his identifica­ a fashionable costum er on Fifth
the traveller as ' much
British-Jewish author told the tion and based his opinion on the
does the Pullm an obser­
Jewish Publication society. “ I fact th a t curved bones in the lit­
vation car to the rail tourist. P ot­
don't like to see a million and a tle fingers and little toes, which
ted flowers radiated Ih e homelike
were characteristics of his daugh­
STUDENTS; INDICTED! half people in this city with cold
feared the costumes might not be atm osphere in which these people
ter, were found on the skeleton,
MEDFORD. Nov. 20.— George i t feet.”
here in tim e for the show on De­ were traveling.
a nick in one front tooth and
Zangwill said he is not angry
Tucker of Medford was indicted
cember 3rd.
The house was large and roomy,
today by the Jackson connty b«t only disappointed with Ameri- an old scar on- the shin corres­ " R ehearsals for the show are
b a b l/ more than eight feet in
pond to m arks found on the body
grand ju ry on a charge of pos­ ca. but that he is both angry and
now being called almost daily and w idth and every, convenience in­
of the woman taken from
sessing and giving away liquor. disappointed with the Jews in
hose who are perm itted to witness cluding bedroom, parlor and bath
T ucker pleaded not guilty and the United States. “ It is peculiar
them state, th a t the Minstrel Show could surely have been harbored
W hat flesh rem ained of the will undoubtedly be the finest of
was jailed In default of $ 2 0 0 0 ,th at hpre in New Y ork- the l a t ­
in the interior if outside dim en­
when it was found ig being its kind ever produced in Ashland.
sions are any criterion.
The Indictment Is the result of should be ashamed of being removed, and as soon as this work P articularly pleasing are the m usi­
This is only one of the many
is completed by J. T. Brown, cor­ cal num bers, which contain many
someone having furnished intoxi­ Jew s,” he said.
— one on which a feminine tour-
oner. exact m easurem ents will be of the best voices in the city, and
cating liquor to Medford high
j ist was m aking use of the pretty
made in an effort to establish a are produced in a snappy and or­
school students a year ago. Ef­
porch and seeing Ashland in the
final identification.
iginal m anner.
forts were then made to bring
twinkle of early evening.
WALLA WALA, Nov. 21.—
about the indictment of Tucker
D irector Loveland states that
before the grand jury. That jury, Thomas W alton, who was convic­
Portland— Ndrthwest Copper th e chorus has worked hard and j Canyon City— Valuable mine
after having investigated
the ted of the m urder of P. B urt at and Sheet Metal Works to erect enthusiastically and both in sing-1 developed on Miller Mt., surface
case, did not return an indict­ the penitentiary here, was sen­ factory on East Madison and ing and dancing shows splendid , cropping show’s vein about 28 ft.
tenced today to hang December 8. Sixth streets.
MlNXIrnrl \Hllmithat pass throu&h *al1y-
OROVILLE, Nov. 21.— Adop­
tion of four children, three boys
and a girl, aged from 4 to 9 years,
was the unusual proceeding in
th e B utte county court Monday.
The children are of one family,
the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Overton
of Chico, giving them up because
of constant m isfortune.
were adopted by Mr. and Mrs.
Jam es R. Morrison, also of Chico,
who stated their desire to give the
children a good home and an op­
portunity in life.
TO PAY $1,571,882
City Council in Regular Ses­
sion; Inspection of
Walks Ordered.
Order Ordinance Drawn Re­
stricting* Minors E nter­
ing Pool Halls.
“ Ashland is getting more per
- The city council met in the City
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20— The
dollaj- for the money invested in
Hall, last night in regular session.
public schools than any town on governm ent yesterday filed a brief
The most im portant item for con­
the Pacific Coast,” such was the in the United States court of
sideration was that of three o r­
glowing trib u te paid the local claims here claim ing th a t Swift
dinances proposed at the preceed-
schools by Prof. H. S. Tuttle, who & Co. made enorm ous and uncon­
ing meeting for the regulation
delivered the principal address at scionable profits out of the war of pool rooms. Following a dis­
the Cham ber of Commerce dinner and asking th a t the packing con­
cussion, it developed that the con­
last night. In his address before cerned be compelled to retu rn to
struction and general form of the
the cham ber he qualified the fore­ the governm ent the sum of $1,-
ordinances did not conform to the
going statem ent. This morning 571,882.
form of ordinances, a mo­
The brief was filed In a couter
he called at the Tidings office and
tion was adopted which killed all
said: “ I want to qualify my state­ suit brought by the governm ent
of the much discussed
m ent of last night. I am always a short time ago when Swift & measures.
careful in m aking statem ents, hut Co. sued the governm ent for $1,-
Following this action, however,
I don’t know why I said th at 459,885 because of the term ina­
council voted to instruct City
‘Ashland is getting more for her tion of a war tim e bacon contract. A ttorney Briggs to prepare a new
dollar than most towns of the
ordinance, which will provide a
Coast.’ ”
more effective law preventing the
‘ I spent the greater part of two
entrance or loitering of boys un­
days becoming acquainted with
der 18 years in pool halls of the
your excellent school system, and
city. This action, and the general
I can say w ithout any qualification
discussion, indicated th a t the
w hatever, th a t it is a pleasure to
council stands ready to provide
note the superb organization and
necessary restrictions with
re ­
methods at work here. W ithout
spect to pool halls, yet the death
doubt, you people have the finest D isplay Used to D ecorate T ables
of three measures proposed by the
school system on th e Coast, It is
for Cham ber Com m erce
Ministerial association and W. C.
an inspiration to visit your
D inner.
T. U. is taken as an indication
schools. The attendance and in­
that the city government is not
terest th a t marked the dinner and
Chrysanthem um s converted the in sympathy with many of the
program of last evening in honor dining room of the Hotel Ashland
features embodied in them.
of N ational Educational Week is into a flowery fairyland last night
Street Nani“ ( ’banged
com plim entary to Ashland and is when flower lovers conveyed
A petition, representing 97 per
indicative of the^spirit th a t is in th e ir choice specimens to the
cent of the residents of Factory
your schools.”
hotel preceeding the banquet of Street, was presented, asking that
Professor T uttle is well quali­ i the Chamber of Commerce.
the name of that street lie chang­
fied to judge and is a man who
V arieties of Infinite beauty, ed to that of Central Avenue. An
is reserved in his statem ents and showing the result of care and
ordinance waH passed providing
his compliments.
Ho came to culture, attracted favorable com­
for the desired change, and here­
Asland as a representative of m ent from those who viewed the
it will he Central Avenue.
Pacific U niversity of ForVst Grove.
display. Mrs. L. J. Jacks won first
W ill Inspect W alks
This school is the W esternm ost prize and Mrs. D. A. MacDonald
The m atter of the condition of
college in a chain of forty-two was given second award.
side walks throughout the city
founded by the P u ritan s of New
Following the judging of the came up for discussion and a vote
England and th eir spiritual suc­ flowers, they were taken to the
prevailed instructing Street Com­
cessors. H arvard, founded in dining room, where they were dis­
missioner Merrill to make a
1836, was the first; then Yale, tributed among the tables, adding
thorough inspection of all walks
D artsm outh, Oberlein, Grinnell, pretty atm osphere for the other
of the city and report all that are
and Beloit, with Pacific not by setting.
found defective.
any means the last in the chain,
Through the courtesy of Ash­
New Charter Considered
for this school was founded in land Greenhouses, an immense
The m atter of adopting a new
1849; so th a t at the next com­ bouquet of perfect yellow chry­
form of municipal government
mencement it will celebrate its santhem um s was given to the
was discussed at some length, be­
diamond jubilee.
Cham ber of Commerce for decor­ ing the result of the presentation
Pacific University is a college of ating purposes and not entered
of a new charter, providing for
liberal arts, accredited as “ stand­ in the prize winning display.
a commission form of govern­
a rd ” by the U. S. Bureau of Ed­ When they were auctioned off,
ment, by Dr. Rrower at the last
ucation, and the state departm ent every blossom brought approxi­
regular meeting. A motion was
of education. The graduates are m ately a dollar.
carried authorizing the mayor to
certificated for high school teach­
Judges selected were Mrs. appoint a committee, composed of
ing w ithout exam ination. A high Oeder and Mrs. Johnny Gruelle.
members of the council and a
reasonable num ber of citizens, to
(Continued on page 4)
make investigations, and if neces­
REPORTED IN STATE sary draft a new charter, provid­
ing for a new’ form of govern­
PORTLAND, Nov. 21.— Fire ment.
early this m orning swept the bunk­
Successor Not Announced
ers of the Pacific Coast Coal com­
No appointment was announced
pany and menaced adjoining prop­ by Mayor Loomis to succeed Mrs.
erty along the W est w ater front. Fred W agner, who resigned a R a
The loss is estim ated a t $100,000. member of the Park board at the
Close to 1500 tons of coal were preceeding meeting. The mayor
P rotestan ts O ffer E d ifice F o llo w ­
announced tliat be desired to give
in g
D estruction o f Cath­
olic E d ifice.
ESTACADA, Nov. 21— The bus­
iness area of this place was nearly
wiped out when fire, of an unde-
SUTTER CREEK, Cal., Nov. 20 * J L ,nol
, ,
’ ‘
term ined origin, started early to-
The »nnnnal spectacle of a day and swapt
, ranlp re ,
Roman Catholic congregation wor ,a || M Ub„ , hm M U Th, , ol„ o |e „
shipping in a P ro testan t E pisco-,n re dppartnw n, aldwi niater|a|i
pal church will be witnessed in in halting the flames. The loss
Sutter Creek for the next few
is estim ated at approximately
months as a result of the destruc­
$100,000. The buildings were old
tion by fire of the Imm aculate and the flames spread rapidly.
Conception Catholic Church, in a
blaze declared of incendiary ori­
Rev. Michael O’Conner, pastor
of the destroyed edifice, was w ait­
YREKA. Nor. 21.— William
ed upon last night by a commit- Hard, held with Ronald Erno in
tee from the local Episcopal con-, connection with the slaying of
gregation, who tendered him and I Fred Skpen at his ranch home ,n
his congregation the use of their Sam8 Npck on October 31st was
church with all its equipment un- , akPn boforP Judgp c j L uttrall
til his own house of worship can of the supprior court yP8tPrday
be rebuilt. The committee told th ej afternoon a8 a m attpr of form al.
priest th a t Bishop W illiam Hall ity and arraignpd as a juvpnilp
Moreland of the Sacram ento dlo-,
Commissioner Charles Graves
cese of the P rotestant Episcopal | appearpd and Thursday aftPrnoon
church had bee,a communicated j was agrppd upon a8 thp tJmp for a
with and had consented to the use hearing of H ard ’s case in the
of the denom ination’s church h e re ' j UVen i!e court.
by the Catholics.
D istrict A ttorney Charles John­
Offer Accepted.
F ath er O’Connor, w’ell know’n
throughout the Mother Lode, re­
membered for his eloquent eulogy
over the bodies of the victims of
the A rgonaut Mine disaster at
Jackson a year ago, and loved by
people of all denom inations, was
greatly touched by the offer. He
gladly accepted and expressed his
son announced that he w’ill recom­
mend th a t Hard be referred back
for crim inal prosecution. If rec­
ommended back, the prelim ilnary
hearing of both Hard and Erno
would be set for the earliest day
the appoitnment further consider­
YREKA. Nov. 21.— The Cali­
fornia-Oregon Power Company
turned on current over the new’
line just completed from the Cop­
co and Fall Creek power houses
to Montague, Yreka and G ren­
ada and the tap line extending
from Ager on this line to H orn­
brook pn last Sunday.
This line replaces the old line
built in 1903. This pioneer line
of Siskiyou County was originally
built to supply current from the
Fall Creek power house to Yreka
and Scott Valley. The line had
outlived its usefulness and the
power company was forced to
make the large expenditure of
money necessary to construct tho
new and up-to-date line to supply
these communities.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21-Presi-
dent Coolidge declined to commit
himself when a delegation of prot-
estant churchm en presented him
with a memorial, urging him to
get behind the world court pro­
posal. A fter listening carefully.
President Coolidge said he was
"glad to have thetr view point."
New income tax law creates 60
jobs and annual expense of $150,-
Heppner plans
Main street.