Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, November 20, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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    S P E C IA L
Cöhtiuued from page 1)
3 Crystal Vi bite Soap Free
1 PeetsWas ling“ Machine Soap
7 Crystal W iite Soap
3 Cream Oil Soap
All for g -j 00
8 Crystal White Soap Free
Plaza Market
H. A. Stearns
61 N. Main
Fountain Pens
This Coupon is worth $1.01
If used Wi'dnesday or Thursday. Nov. 21st or 22nd
Tliis coupon and 19c entitles the bearer to One Regular $1.59
Standard Soli-Fi!ling Fountain Pen
Every Pen Filled and Tested. G uarantee with Every Pen.
This is a two-day sale of Standard Pen Company's
Self-Filling Fountain Pens
Remember at
Nininger and Warner
Buy Your Christm as Presents Now’
F ountain Pens for everybody
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ..........................
The Tensely Dramatic Story of a Girl Who Loved
Not Wisely But Too Well, Enacted by a
Cast of Unusual Excellence Amid Elaborate Settings
“Green as G rass”
A Christi<* Comedy
A d v e rtis in g
"Salesmanship In Print”
W hat Else?
Is it a science, an art, a business or a profession?
It is all of these.
Science is in the knowing; a rt in the doin.q. So far as the
principles of advertising can be understood and laid
down, it is a science; it is a vital force in business; and
men follow the practice of advertising as a profession.
Business men invest in it as a part of their business
which gives information th at leads to sales and growth
in business
Since the early days of mankind, men have been making
known information to each other by publicity methods. Advertise­
ments first were hewn in stone. The “town crier” of a hundred
years ago was an advertising man who marched up and down the
streets. Nowadays, the best and most economical advertising is
printed salesmanship which is carried to the home in the local news-
M arket, 3 lbs. coffee.
Best Flemish doe— McNair
O. E. S.
1 Pionepr Woman Dies—
High Class Tailoring by men
$2.50 Mdse, order.
R egular m eeting of Alpha
The death of Mrs. M argaret who know at Orres— upstairs.
Best doe and litter (any breed)
C hapter No. 1, this Tuesday even­
Ann Cyr, wife of Joseph Cyr of I
Brown's m arket, $2.00.
ing 7:30 o’clock. Masonic Hall
the Kelso Creamery company died Serious Condition Reported-
WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 1 9 |offices of the country will again
New Zealand b u c k ( J r . )
Reamea C hapter No. <56 of Med­
The serious condition of Mrs.
day. Mrs. Cyr is the m other of
The D epartm ent of Commerce ¡ be deiUged with Christm as ship- — Ashland Auto Co., Tire cover.
ford will exemplify the initialory
J. Murphy shows no improve­ announces that the cost of gov- pjng To relieve the condition
at iter home in Kelso, W ash., Fri-
Best American blue Sr. Buck—
work. All visiting members cor-
’ Mrs. Archie P riest of Ashland and ment and stringent care is being j em inent for the state of Oregon ! and to ¡ngure safe delivery the McGee's, $2.00 Mdse, order.
dially Invited. Refreshm ents.
i was ou», of the first women to set­ taken in her condition.
for the fiscal year ended Septem -, p OS(Offjce D epartm ent has pre-
Best baby J r. in show— Bast-
Geòrgie Coffee, W. M.
tle on the Skagit river in N orth­
ber 30, 1923, amounted to $ 2 8 ,-'parPd a list of special instructions ern Supply Co., $1.00 knife.
Leah Caldwell, Secy.
The Secret is out— Dec. 3rd is 563,652, which .was a per capita to be followed by Xmas shoppers.
western W ashington. Mrs. Cyr
Best Flemish Sr. Buck— Jo r­
6S-tf cost of $35.31. In 1917 the per Owing to the length of the in­ dan Electric Co., $1.70 F lash­
was well known here several the Llthian M instrels.
Malta Commamlery No.
years as her shuband operated the
capita cost was $5.82, and in 1914 structions the Tidings will present light.
Knights Templar
$6.40, the totals for these years them in two installm ents, begin­
Ashland cream ery. The body was Meeting was Interesting—
Additional Prizes
taken to Lyman, W ash., where
Miss Isabell Crawford, personal being $4,379,689 and $4,597,670, ning today with the first, which
Masonic Hall
Additional prizes offered
friend of Mrs. B. C. Miller, spoke respectively.
The per capita follows:
Stated conclave, W ednesday i burial has probably been made.
at. the Baptist church yesterday costs for 1922 consisted of ex­
evening, Nov. 21. Petitions and
Plaza m arket, 1 sack Crown
W rapping and Packing
reports. All Sir K nights cour­ Say Merry Christm as with your evening. Miss Crawford told of penses of general departm ents,
All parcels m ust be securely flour for best loaf of bread, 1
teously invited.
photograph and let us make it f o r l llGr work in the m issionary fields $16.50; expenses of public service wrapped of packed in order to sack Crown egg mash for best
62-tf !of America and proved more than | enterprises, $0.02; payments for reach their destination in good barred rock hen.
F. H. JOHNSON, E. C. you now. Darling Studio
interesting. She is in G ra n ts ! interest, $2.23; and for outlays, condition. In w rapping ordinary
W. H. DAY, Recorder.
II. G. Enders— 1 sack egg mash
Have yohr clothes cleaned and Pass today and will retu rn to ¡$16.55, more than 90 per cent of parcels strong paper and heavy for best exhibit W hite Plymouth
R eturn South—
pressed now for Thanksgiving at northern cities on the same mis-i which was for highways,
twine should be used.
Mrs. F. S. Foltz returned to Orres tailo r shop, phone 64.
H ardy Bros.— 1 aluminum ket-
Special Packing
The total revenue receipts for
San Francisco this m orning after
Umberellas, canes, golf stick sjD e for best exhibit W hite Wyan-
Cliff Payne makes French 1922 were $19,447,935, or $24.04 should be reenforced their f u ll; dotles.
a short visit with her husband 1 , r
, _
Moved R ecently—
per capita. For the fiscal year length by strong strips of wood
and scores of friends. She will I Thg Migses W jhna &nd MHdred
_____ .______________
the per capita excess of govern­ tightly wrapped and tied to w ith-'
join her son and daughter in the j Cuyer haV0 mQyed to Ashland
m ental costs over revenue receipts stand transportation.
southern city and rem ain there from th eir home east of here and i Bakery is Dolled Up—
th is Winter.
are living with Miss Bernice Kin­
caid at 400 Liberty street. The
Large loaf -quality bread . 10c. three yoting women are in school. this week by Landing Brothers. costs for the ordinary operation , board hat boxes m ust bp fcrated
Continued from page 1)
Clean, durable and pretty is the and m aintenance and the p a y -, Ladies- hats and stiff bats easily
Bon Ton.
3 4M
interior of the building where m ents for interest, excluding out- damaged
b e m arked met by jeers and cat-calls.
W atch ° ” r windows for Novem- fancy delicies are turned ont hour. lays, by $5.29 per capita. This
R epair Shop Opens—
Few of those who took p art in
C. E. Johnson, the shoe repair- ,)fr sPec*a' s - Darling Studio. 62-tf j y by
B utler. w ith so pretty a excess of per capita payments overj
Shoes: Pack in strong boxes«. the parade were Roseville resi­
or, lias opened a shoe repairing
: background, pastry will appeal to revenue receipts is largely on ac­ preferably corrugated cardboard. dents, the m ajority being from
shop a t 220 F ourth street. Mr.
Have a lit at Grres. Jailors fni i the most dieted hum an.
count of perm anent improvements, W rap with strong paper securely Modesto, Sacram ento and oilier
Johnson is known here as he has men and women- Upstairs.
4-tf |
towns. Several had “ Modesto K.
the costs of which were m et by the tied with heavy twine.
worked at various places and op­
Have your clothes cleaned at issuance of debt, obligations.
Cut flowers: Place in strong, K. K .” in w hite letters on their
Koelilers A rriv
erated his private shp.
Paulserud’s. Phone 119.
In Oregon property and special suitable boxes of wood, or heavy backs and the drum in the hand
Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Koehler
taxes represented 41.0 per cent corrugated cardboard. W rap with which was a part of the procession
Oh Boy! Dec. 3rd is the LItli-1hav<? arrived in Spokane and are Red Cross Drive On—
hope the same insignia. Several
of the total revenue for 1922, 64.6 tissue to retain moisture.
ian M instrels.
were among the marchers.
At the close of the initial week per cent for 1917, and 74.2 per
6Stf domicilied there. Rev. Koehler
Candies: Inclose in strong ou t­
has tltken the pastorate of the of the Red Cross drive $685 has
Defies Marchers
cent for 1914. There was a de­ side boxes or containers.
Knox Presbyterian church in tlirat been turned in to Mrs. A. B. Wick,
Appointment. Announced—
At one of the principal street
crease of 15.4 per cent in the
Drawings, paintings, unm ount­
corners, a group of men was g ath­
The appointm ent of Dr. F. G. i city.
chairm an.
Thanksgiving is tho am ount of property and special
ed maps, etc: Pack or w rap in
Swedenhurg as railroad physician
end of the year's drive and it is taxes collected from 1914 to 1917, j strong m aterial to avoid dam age. ered about a banner which said:
has been announced, according t o 1 Our hand dipped Im perial hoped th a t the thousand dollar and an increase of 179.4 per centj When not flat> roll around a
“ We are n o t Ku Klux Klans-
late advise. Dr. Swedenhurg has Chocolates represent the b e s t - m ark will have been reached be­ from 1917 to 1922. , The per capi- wooden core and then wrap and rnen.”
been appointed following the de-i
69-tf fore th a t time
A boy was sent from the ranks
Several o u tly in g , ta property and special taxes were tie carefully or place in strona
take it down. As he grasped the
p artu re of Dr. Jarvis for San
districts and the high school
are ?5' ^ in 1922’ *2-79 in 1917> and pasteboard tube.
Francisco. Dr. E. A. Woods has
vet to be heard from and there $ 4.i0 in 1914.
Sharp-pointed or sharp-edged banner, he was caught by several
coats at Paulserud’g.
acted in the interim .
are probably other residents of
Earnings of general d e p a rt-, instrum ent3 or tools m ust have men and it wms taken from him
Ashland who have not contributed. m ents, or compensation for serv- ! points and edgeg fully guarded t0 and erected again. A num ber of
Are you hard to fit? Have your Qu.e st of ^ ‘,a tives—
ices rendered by state officials, prevent in ju ry to clerks in handl. the m archers started toward the
suit tailored to m easure at Paul-! Mrs' T' J ' MallA&r<?n came to Vacationing—
represented 6.4 per cent of t h e j j ng or dam age to other mail, group, but retired when it appear­
serud’s. It costs no more.
i Af blaiMl yesterday to attend Study
Donald W right left this m orn­ total revenue for 1922, 10.6 perj Crate auitably or thoroughly wrap 'd that a fight would ensue.
j Club and rem ained last night as
Fire .At Gross
ing for a two w eeks’ vacation in cent for 1917, and 5.8 per cent for ; so tb a t th
can not cut th
the guest o th e Misses H aan and
reported th a t several
southern California.
Clarence 1914.
Out-of-town Visitors—
the w rapping.
Golieen, she will attend the French
throw n, but none of
Lane is driving the laundry wagon
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Mahoney
Business and non-business li­
Fragile Articles
Club this afternoon before re tu rn ­
were hit.
during his absence.
were visitors yesterday. Catherine
censes constituted 25.4 per cent
Articles easily broken or crush
ing to her home in Phoenix.
During the evening, rifle shats
Gray from G rants Pass was a
of the total revenue for 1922, ed m ust be crated or securely
fired at the cross which had
R eturns from Visit—
guest at. tho Hotel Ashland.
11.0 per cent for 1917, and 7.4 wrapped. Use liberal quantities
Maple squares— 30c. Bon Ton.
over the church, but
Mrs. Clark Rawlings is visit­ per cent to r 1914. Receipts from ) 0( -excclsiol, or llkc m atcrlal. ip.
Thomas F. J e te r and children of
it was not injured. The cross, be­
ing this week a t the homo of her business licenses consist chiefly
Pasadena, wero in Ashland last
around, and between the articles lieved to be symbolic of the “ flam ­
Fined for Speeding—
father, J. C. Poor this week. She of taxes exacted from insurance
evening. Mrs. S. G. Cummins of
Two carloads of young folks
and the outside container.
ing cross” of the klan, is still a-
is also being feted by friends, wlio and other incorporated companies,
P ortland
was an
were arrested last evening while
Glassware, fragile toys, crock­ bovo the church and apparently
are glad to hear of her short stay W’hlle those from non-business li­
guest yesterday. F L. Simmer-
speeding through the camp ground
ery m ust be packed so as to pre­ is m eant to he a perm anent adorn­
j here.
man of W enatchee was in Ash-
■ . , „ .
Chief McNabb followed the affen-
vent tlie escape of particles or ment.
land last night. John G ardner of ders
* to Main
. street
. and , ordered
vehicles and am ounts paid for
j pieces if broken in tran sit.
ath Falls was a business
» to appear this
«v m orning in Parents arc Hosts—
hunting and fishing privileges.
uu.uuej« them
Cigars: O rdinary b o x e s of
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Hazelton
visitor yesterday. O. E. Dyer and thp
city court. City Judge Robin-
, cigars wrapped in paper only will
wife also of K lam ath Falls arc etlo levied a ien ient f;nP-
of Lodi, Calif., are visiting Mrs.
Tho net indebtedness (funded
j not be accepted. Pack in a m an­
among business visitors. F rank
H azelton's parents, Mr. and M rs.; and floating debt less sinking
ner to prevent damage by shock
Dean of B utte, M ontana was a
B arber at 153 G ranite street, fund assets) of Oregon was $48.12
Tillamook cheese, cream cheese,
or ja r. W ray in corugated paste
guest at the Hotel Columbia re ­ cottage clieese, milk and butter.
per capita for 1922 and $0.66 for
board or sim ilar m aterial.
1917. Highway bonds am ounting
We sell the best. D etricks. w53tf At Convalescent Home—
All articles easily broken or
Mrs. F. C. Miller of Fifth to more than $6,000,000 were
damaged m ust be plainly marked
street, is a guest a t the Convales­ sold during the cu rren t year.
T have made a special study of H ere for Christm as—
Assessed Valuations and Tax
automobile insurance; get my
Mrs. Newton W ard is a guest at cent home, taking the rest cure
Perishable M atter
rates first. iYeo, of course.
21-tf the home of her m other, Mrs. and milk diet. She is improving
likely to spoil w ithin
For 1922 th e assessed valua­
i M attie Holmes for several weeks. with good care.
the time reasonably required for
tion of property in Oregon sub­
Game Tags Sealed—
Mrs. W ard is here from the north-
transportation and delivery will
to ad valorem taxation was
Deputy game warden Roy Pai*r ern p art of the state, which lias
be accepted for mailing. W rap
Rev. Otto Olsen, a returned $1,009,499,160; the am ount of
sealed four hundred game tags at been her home for several months.
I or pack carefully, according to
m issionary from China, will hold taxes levied was $8,835,295; and!
« «
, , . ,
Medford yesterday. Any m eat th a t'
___•* i levy, $10.92.
» 1 contents, and plainly m ark all
Is taken to public storage, restau-
Fresh Homemade Candies at
I such parcels “ PERISHABLE.”
ra n t, or cafe for storage or con-; Rose Bros..
69-tf Baptist church. Rev. Olsen has
Use special-delivery stam ps to ex-
been heard at the church various
sum ption must bear a government!
- -
’ ’Vi
I I See “Irene”—
I pedite delivery.
times during the past few days
seal showing that the meat lias Average Holds U p -
Mr# and Mrs. Howard Hicks of
been killed legally and tho ow ners; R egistration of autom obiles at
Y reka were guests at the home of
Addresses should be complete.
protected. Seals may be secured the Cham ber of Commerce is hold- fine speaker.
Mr. H ick’s parents, Mr. and M rs.' with house num ber and name of
fiom the w arden at a minimum ing up rem arkably well.
E rnest Hicks on North Main street street, postoffice box or rural
cost, tliose for m eat being a t the November first an average of Home from E u g e n e -
Tuesday evening for dinner and route number, and typed or
Mrs. C. O. P o rter has returned
ra te of five cents each and the 15.7 cars a day has been reg ister­
saw “ Irene.”
> plainly w ritten in ink. A return
from a week-end visit w ith re l­
tag for fish one cent apiece.
ed at the registration bureau.
card should be placed in the up-
atives in Eugene. She was able to
visit w ith Miss Marie P orter, a ! Arrive in F ,orida—
j per left hand corner of every piece
We deliver the goods. Service
Our fam ous Tam ales are al-
Mr. and Mrs J. R. Wick have ■of maiL If a ta & is used> the
Is our incito. Detricks phone , ^ a y s good. Try one— Rose Bros. senior in the school of geology
at the U niversity a few m inutes. arrived in Florida a fte r v isitin g ! address and retu rn card should
Miss P o rter is m inor instructor in extensvely in the E ast w ith re l­ also be w ritten on the w rapper
the school of geology under Dr. atives and will spend the w inter in for use if tag is lost, and a copy of
A rrived Safely—
Muscovites Have Big Time
the address should'h(* inclosed in­
the southern state.
The friends of Mrs. F. C. Mc- Packard.
Muscovites from all p arts of
side the parcel.
Southern Oregon gathered a t W iiliams wil1 bp pleased to learn
A storia— Paving
of Nehalem
Roseburg last Saturday and had of ,1Pr safe arrival at E1 Centro
Postage m ust be fully prepaid
! highway to Olney cut-off complet-
one of the biggest times tlie or- and th a t she stood th e i ° urne>’ PEDESTRIAN-AUTHOR
on all mail. Affix the required
tier has had since its sta rt in thH Very wel1' M r' McWilliams, too,
am ount of postage in the upper
p a rt of the state. By the tim e the Seeni3 much improved ’’X Uie
corner. Full inform a
Continued from page 1)
local caravan had reached R o se-icbange-
tion concerning postage rates car
burg it num bered 25 cars and
obtained at the parcel-post or
WILL TRADE— Splendid five-
w ith the other G rants Pass peo-i
Swifts— Bacon, Boiled Ham, self, is not allowed to accept one
p window.
passenger touring car, run less
pie there, a total of 150 from h e re ’ Chipped beef and lard ' Get il at cent.
CeDt' Any funds left ° v er’ a f te r ‘
Limit of Weight and Size
took a part. The a f ^ n o o n and i Detricks.
Ue" * K8’ I “ t ’s 3 the best.
^ 53-tf ¡ iP P ayinS
^ n g expenses
expenses can
can he
be turned i
o^sm an“^
8 nT /r i s h -
No parcel may be more than 84
i ! over
en’s s Benefit!
Benefit ian d; or will sell on very easv
evening w ere spent w ith th e c ere-1
' ----------
° ' er to
t0 the Firem en
inches in length and girth combin­
m onial and initiation
of new • Try our fresh k iPPGred salmon Fund. Mr. Day is easily recogniz- termg
party W rite ed. F o r delivery locally and in the
members. Many spent the night in! D etncks.”
5 3 -tf! ed as he w ears no h a t o r coat and . „
± ..
e Pa ty.
first, second, and third zones. 70
A. B. care Tidings.
carries a cane bedecked with Fire
Roseburg, every avilable room
pounds is the maximum weight; in
D epartm ent badges obtained along
being taken. Thç retu rn was made Vis,t<>r frMn AH,an5—
LOST— Near Community Hos all other zones, 50 pounds.
pair light rimmed spectacles
Sunday.— G rants
Whore to Mail Parrels
Oregon, is tlie guest of her daught- by an Airdale dog who you will F inder retu rn to Tidings office.. U ninsured parcels 4 ounces or
er Mrs. H. A. Stearns on G ranite be sure to feed. Also see th a t Mr.
less in weight may be mailed in
, street. Mrs. McCoy has made Day's shoes are in good repair.
Big Reductions on Suits and
le tte r or~package boxes, at
FOR SALE— Stock beets, at
friends a t'v a rio u s club meetings
Be sure to watch for him and
Overcoats, m ade to your m easure
all classified stations and branch­
at which she has been a guest d u r­ invite him to stop. He m ight ap­ ranch or will deliver. S. S. Stevens
— a t Orros tailor shop. B etter get
68-6* es, and at such num bered stations
ing here visit here.
pear in your city slightly ahead Talent, Ore.
In on it now.
as are^ designated to receive p ar­
or behind liis schedule. He is not
FOR SALE— Reasonable pric­ cels.
Parcels weighing over 4
It costs nothing to get my in- allowed to leave the highway, so es: few Duroc shoats; one Jersey
Home Tonight—
be mailed in street
gurance rates. Yeo, of course. 21-tj ff he does not show up send some­
heifer nine m onths old; one ram boxes, but m ust be taken to the
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Peil are ex­
one to look for him. You are Lukes place, Talent, Ore. 68-3*
pected home tonight from a short
main post office or classified sta­
Returns Today—
earnestly requested to w rite or
business trip to northorn Califor­
tion or branch. Parcels contain­
Mrs. W alter Hash from the phone ahead to the next city on
BOARD AND ROOM in private
n ia cities.
ranch in Dead Indian came in his route in order th a t they may family. I l l Third St.
68-2* ing m eat, food products, cut
flowers, or other perishable m at­
, Monday to visit friends and attend know when to expect him .”
te r should be mailed only a t the
l o u r p o rtrait a gift
th at to shopping. She plans to retu rn
Although fire departm ents in
main post office or one of the
m oney cannot buy. D arling S tudio’ t o her home today.
the various towns are aiding Day
lars in silver. W ill finder please large classified stations.
— P o rtra its th a t please.
In securing necessary accommoda­
retu rn to Tidings office.
Fresh fru it cake and mince tions and supplies the hotels In
In Califomi i—
m eat ingredients— brown sugar, many places are providing him
P o rtlan d — N orthw est Copper
FOR SALE— Large black w al­
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kinney are citron, spices, orange peel, lemon with meals and lodging. He was a nuts, 50c gunny sack, you pick and Sheet Metal W orks to erect
visiting relatives In Oakland, Cal., peel, w alnuts and so forth. De- guest a t hotels in Roseburg and them. Spitzenberg apples. Mrs. C. factory on East Madison andj
fo r Thanksgiving.
I tricks. We deliver.
59-tf G rants Pass.
C. W olters, Talent, Ore.
68-2 Sixth streets.
Per Capita Expense for State
Government $24.01 for
Fiscal Year.
iWüiüüBSflSuiliuuüaa ... iiiö
A Daily Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of
local interest.
_ !S; i E E i S M » «
Home from School-—
Miss R uth infield was over froth '
her school near H ilt for the w eek -!
end with home folks. Miss Mabel!
T ro tt w’as also a guest a t her
4» home.
. ............................................ ..
ÏTiësôaj-, Xurembei' yo, itóft)
♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
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