FÂGfi THREE Classified Column ASfilAND DAILY TIDINGS MRS. HARDING ENJOYED RIDE IN STAGE COACH "•-V- Tuesday, November 20, 1923 B e llv ie w P . T. A .- . raphy is stim ulated an hundred dale, Cal. OREGONIANS VICTIMS The Bellview P. T. A. which • fold. OF FAKE OIL STOCK „ . , The dinner was a most delight- held its regular meeting Friday : The hosts and hostesses of the (lli . PORTLAND, Nov. 19.— Th« .. .. _ i in* «iitair and the viands, aside. Classified Column R ates PENDLETON, Nov. 20.— When MRS. GRACK E. ANDREWS, Editor evening cl last week reported o n e , evening were Mr. and Mrs. Fred | !r0„ , he picce „„ reslsu n ce ! sale cl approxltnaiely One cent the word each t jje jate president H arding visit- Phone item s to her a t 345-R, between 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. ot the finest meetings ot the year. Homes and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. B0M dellc| OUB and ; ; worth „ |, , 1a the Investigation of each time. ______________________________| oi the presidential party expres^ Tuegdayi Nov. 20 — Special conference at Portland gave their i'ave no children in school, but rangem ents of which had been guests, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Jones,} of Fred Hoag, arrest- MISCELLANEOUS , scd ,h eir P,easure over rides they Meeting Hope Rebekah Lodge No. reports which proved most inter- wh° show by their presence tliatiplannA i most tastefully and were and Mr. H erbert Yost enjoyed i ed noar here. Hoag is said to have LOST— Two Yale keys on t0° k in an old Concord stage. The 14 L o o p Hall eating. they are vitally interested in the ¡very homelike. i this hospitality. , interested a number of friends in | driver was Joe Woods of La D A R. Meet__ ' sch° o1 and worth while things. It} At a late hour good-nights were Wednesday, Nov. 21— Presby- N orth Main St. Im portant F in d -!......*'* “ «I Mrs. Stephens was assisted by ,lie ^ ratPr Basin Oil Project, 67-2 Grande, a veteran handler of the ferian Mlsslonary society, Mrs. i was suggested th a t more seats i said, all feeling that this had been Miss Dorothy Stephens and M rs.! w >’om in&. claiming to have ex- er leave at Tidings office. Mount Ashland Chapter of the ___________________ reins of s,x horse team s since the Van Sant’s, 2 :30 P. M. tensive leasings there. The prose- D. A. R. held its regular meeting | would have to be provided in one of Bellview's most delightful Jane Carter. WANTED .TO ..LEASE . with early days of the west. Wednesday, Nov. 21 — Upper planning the comfort of the a u d -! evenings. * « • ' cutlon started when Hoag could at the Civic Club house on Friday privilege of purchase, two or ience. ♦ * * When the president died, Mr. Valley Community Club. Mrs. Ed not furnish proof that wells had afternoon of last week, with a th ree room house. Must have Woods was one of the host to Qowland hostess B. of R. T. E m b ro id er,i ’ " “ ‘T S” 1« » >•««— The first num ber of the pro I.. A. been sunk. *•, very good attendance of members shade trees. Address Box B, care send a letter of condolence to M rs.' W ednesday, Nov. 21 — Em­ gram was a “ Thanksgiving Song” Club Meets— Tlle Missionary Society of the and as special guests of the Chapt­ BE PREPARED FOR COUGI18 of Tidings. 67-6* H arding. He has received a le t­ broidery Club of L. A. to B. of R. j by the upper grade girls, followed The Em broidery club of the L J Presbyterian church will meet at er, the Mesdames Swedenberg, te r from Mrs. H arding’s secretary Do not wait until an attack of bya “ Flag D rill” by the children A. to B. of R. T. wil meet at t h e } ^ h° ni° ,°f Mrs" E ,lzaheth Van .UU and WANTED— W ashing. 248 1st in acknowledgement of his letter T. 2:30 P. M. Mrs. L. C. Dunn, Russell, K nelting, McCoy U of the prim ary room. A “Thanks- home of Mrs. L. C. Dunn, at 585 T*"1 ° n W ednesday afternoon of " flu ” is upon you. Take care or Newcombe St. 62-2mo.* and photographs of the late pres­ 585 Allison St. hostess. the little cougli or cold and pre­ „ , . giving P laylet” , also was given Allison street, on W ednesday aft- * *S week’ Thursday, Nov. 22— Elk Lad­ Mrs. Russell had brought a Ins- ■, , ident and Mr3. H arding and Lad- vent the big one, or an attack of . , .X , , . i by the prim ary. , ernoon of this week. W ashing, Etc. ies’ Card Club, Thursday P. M., toric 1 There is a splendid program letter, th a t had come to Ash- „ . , . i “ flu.” Bear in mind Foley’s I WANTED— W ashing. B lankets di® Boy> .. TT . ) Reports were heard from the Mrs. D. Perozzi and Mrs. F. G. land via. the This is the second meeting Of j planned for the meeting and Horn, and a paper , , „ _ leverv « x, 1 Honey and Tar, the safe and suro ‘ delegates to the P. T. A. conven- L a specialty, 25 to 50 cts. 165 B. Swedenburg hostesses. to be pre8. | remed}. for brou with interesting local history th a t . i the season, and a full attendance i “ ’ ry ra'" " b‘" ' ls H untington- The Times, new Friday, Nov. 23— Ladies Aid : tion, Mrs. Huxley and Mrs. Tuttle. : - , . ' ’ ' eut. St. 63-26* proved most interesting to th e !. . . ,, >9 expected. The club meets every newspaper, will heein publication Presbyterian church, 2:30 P. M. . . chial and throat troubles and both giving excellent reports of »„„.„¡¿vx „ , Chapter. .. x fortnight on Wednesdays, , si e 10m the program , there coughs resulting from “ flu.” Fol- FOR RENT at this point with Frank L. B ark­ * ♦ * th at splendid meeting. Mrs. Me- * » * At the opening session, one of ¡ are reports to he made, and at ey’s Honey and T ar— the largest er as editor. : Williams gave a very complete re Civic Club M eets— FOR RENT— 5 room modern the things of moment decided up­ this meeting the quarterly dues] selling cough remedy B irthday Celebration— in the ... The Civic Club is holding its on was th a t the C hapter assist in j sume of “ Teachers’ Day” of th e | cottage, furnished on Main St. 1 are to be paid, so that the money world— free from opiates. Get The birthday of Mr. B. H convention. regular m eeting as we go to press. the furnishing of the “ Oregon Close in. Apply Park Hotel. 67-2* may be all in hy the first of next th e genuin«*— refuse substitutes, A song from the Prim ary “ Why Grubb was celebrated Sunday at month. This is one of the very im portant Room” a t Memorial Hall. j Sold everywhere. FOR RENT — Seven r o o m Mr. Gobbler Changed his Tune” his home east of Ashland with a] m eetings of the year since the Very interesting reports were PHYSICIANS house. 348 H agardine. Phone i most delicious chicken dinner, to subject under discussion is of read from different committees followed these addresses. 455. which were added all the delica­ Maxine Brown, of the seventh DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ such general interest. and communications of im por­ cies of the season. Miss M argaret Deveraux is pre­ tance received the attention of the grade, in a short talk, called the FOR RENT— Three room fu r­ dence and office, 108 Pioneer The guests who shared the hos­ attention of the visitors to the avenue. Telephone 28. Office senting the “ W ork of the County Chapter at this time. nished apartm ent. F irst floor. pitality and good cheer incident to exhibit arranged for their inspec­ The fact th a t a real son and a hours, 10 to 12 a. m .; 2 to 5 N urse” , and those who have heard L ight and w ater furnished. 575 the occasion were Mr. Ross Ap- Decide now to spend >' Miss Deveraux know the subject real daughter are buried in the tion and explained the work of the p. m. only. Liberty St. 63-6 plegate and family, Beecher Dan- will be discussed in a most earn ­ Phoenix Cemetery, relatives of one school in securing it A piano solo, hy G ertrude Stites . ford and Mr, and Mrs. FOR RENT — Four room fur- DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac- est and convincing fashion. of the members of the Chapter, completed the formal p ro g ram : Larkin G r»bh and Mrs. J. L. j nished apartm ent with garage. tice limited to eye, ear, nose and } No doubt there is a goodly is a fact of more than local im­ but Mr. Howard Grover, a form er Grukk- A dults only. 1101 Boulevard th ro at— X-ray including teeth, num ber present for this m eeting portance. principal at Bellview, gave a talk The a fternoon was spent in a Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to as it is one th a t concerns us all. C3-tf Miss Blanche Hicks had the ad­ that voiced his pleasure in the mos^ d©lif»htful visit of relatives 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, The hostesses are Mrs. Sam dress of the afternoon, on “ The FOR SALE and friends. Ore. McNair, Mrs. F. S. Engle, and Influence of David Douglas on program , the meeting of old • • • friends, and complimenting the Mrs. E. A. Woods. TWO SPECIAL BARGAINS OF Oregon H istory.” DR. E. B. ANGELL— C hiropractic ♦ • « E. E. PHIPPS, Real E state Brok­ To many the name of David school rooms on their new and Turkey Dinner*— and Electro-Therapy. Office harm onious dress. Mention must A Delightful P a r t y - er: Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Stephens} Douglas suggested perhaps the phone 48; residence 142. F irst One of the most delightful of man for whom Douglas county be made of the exhibit th a t the were gracious host and hostess, I 1 Building lot half block off National Bank building. little parties occurred Saturday was named, (which is an erro n ­ children had aranged. th e Boulevard, near H aw thorne Sunday evening in honor of M r.! Some time since members of and Mrs. Ray E. Helman, of G len -1 fo r llie ro u n d tr ip is th e fa re to be School, 60 ft. frontage, for quick DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings } when Mrs. Poley’s Sunday school eous im pression) as Douglas coun cash— $175. class were invited to her home to ty was named for Stephen A. certain grades had w ritten to a office. Phone 91. in e ffe c t b etw een alU S o u th e rn num ber of Chambers of Commerce -------------------- «=----------- effect an organization. Ford Touring Car, 1916 model. I Douglas. P a c ific s ta tio n s w h e re tin* one This is ra th e r a large class and from Portland, Maine, to Jackson, O riginal purchaser still owns it. DR. ERNES'! W. SMITH— Chiro- To most, his work, until Miss w ay ta r e does n o t ex ceed $ 1 5 .(Ml, praetor, near Postoffice. Hours , the m ajority were present for this Missisippi, and from Seattle to H as never had a bolt or nut re­ <• I Hicks told of it, was a mystery, w ith m in im u m o f 5 0 cen ts. Dallas, Texas. 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. j business meeting. At the election moved since it came from factory, but when told proved as fascin­ . of officers Miss Marie Davies was ating as a fairy tale. never repaired, never has run Answers have been received PLUMBING I elected president, Miss Emily Tay- 5,000 miles, m echanically good from Des Moines, la., C harlotte, S. i The story of David D ouglas’ 5 ie k e ts will he on sab* T u e sd a y , JERRY O’NEAL— Plumbing. 207 l° r vice president and Miss Jan et boyhood was given and how his C., Denver, Jackson, Miss., Col­ as new. Will sell for $125.00. W e d n e sd a y an d T lini sOR >00 an expenditure of $8,000,000. can truthfully say that I am cured.* ness caused by Catarrh. Harold Bell W right...... All Wool, Sold by druggutt for ovtr 40 yean NEVER TH E TWAIN This and hundreds of other Heavy Cloth, F. J. CHENEY &- CO., Toledo, Ohio SHALL MEET Qi.A(K) ASHLAND, OREGON letters have been received from P e te r 1». K y n e ...................t. - No wind will go thru grateful patients. They are o n file THE ALASKAN QnOO A G ood T h in g - P O N -T M IS S IT. Only $3.41). in my offices and will be sent any­ CnrwtHMl ...............................V “ Special Attention to Surgical Send your name and address plain!] (¡>£}OO one w ho w ants proof o f my non- written We R epair Tubes Diagnosis. Radium for Cancer and FLOWING GOLD together with 5 cents (and thii surgical, painless m ethods o f cur­ slip) to Chamberlain Medicine Co., Dei Free Crank Case Service Modem Treatment for Diabetes. Moines, Iowa, aud receive in return a WANDERERS ing Piles. 1053 Pine St., San Fraucisco, Cal. Conscientious and Pleasant package containing Chamberlain’i OF THE WASTELAND ©OOO I guarantee to euro trial Cough Remedy for coughs, colds, croup, Service Zane Grey .................... yon or refund your bronchial, “flu” and whooping coughs NERVOUS HACKING ALL THE NEW FICTION AT money. Write today and tickling throat: Chamberlain’a Stom­ We Want Your Business ach and Liver Tablets for stomach trou­ Can not be cored by a glass oi for FREE BOOK. bles, indigestion, gassy pains that crowd water, but w ill disappear under All Prices Reduced the heart, biliousness and constipation: the healing and soothing effect of S O C IE T Y T ' l » z-w n t * A n r ln fl 1 1 1 Z-1 T m t. 1. _ __ 1 X « « PROFESSIONAL Thanksgiving At Home FARE AND ONE-HALF Fuller Paints, Oils, Varnishes J. O. RIGG Southern Pacific Lines i Four-Door Sedan j JB ? PROVOST BROS Service Station Associated Tires: Accessories: PILES Im portant New Books Cured or Money Back Harrison B rother’s Garage MORTON HOSPITAL j McNair Bros. C H A M B E R L A IN ’S C O U G H R EM ED Y «••r to a friend H all’s C atarrh Medicine T D . 77te DEAN. M O Drug Sfon 1 Chamberlain’s Salve, needed in every family for burns, scalds, wounds, piles, and skin affections; these valued family } * medicines for only 5 cents. Don’t miss U 1 Dr. Oeser & Son CARS - TRUCKS • TRACTORS