■■BWBWSBBBEi MALARIA germs Cannot survive thfree months in the rich Ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic w ater helps. ASHLAND CLIMATE J, Cures nine cases out of ten of asthm a. Thi3 is a proven fact. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL. XLVII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. M AY ER EC T DEHYDRATING PLANT H E R E ASHLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20,1923 NO. 67 CA T OUT O F T H E BAG; Plane Hops Off and Lands On Submarine’s Deek MYSTERY IS SOLVED T he m y ste ry is so lv ed . It is n e ith e r th e E in ste in th e o ry o r th e fo u rth d im e n sio n . N or has it a n y ­ th in g to do w ith th e a u th o r, Mr. Day, w ho took h is foot in his han d som e seven or_ e ig h t th o u sa n d i m iles hack to w alk a ro u n d th e rim I of th e good old U. S.A. an d th ro w Pompadour Co. W orking to 1 h im se lf on th e m ercy of th e p u b ­ Eighteen Firms Have Al­ Secure Plant—Plans Are lic lo r food a n d bed, fo r w hich, ready Secured Booths for Incomplete. Display of Merchandise. if he su cceeds, he receiv es a few cold th o u sa n d sim oleous. W ell, not CARBONIC GAS ASSET being too b rie f a b o u t it ,it is all AUTOS W ILL BE SHOWN a b o u t ‘'D ecem b er 3 ,” w hich is th e Use of Carbonic Gas May o p e n in g d a te of th e g r e a t s p le n ­ Prizes for Rabbit Depart­ Revolutionize Dehydra­ d ife ro u s b lac k -fa c e show of th e ment Announced—Antici tion of Products. pate Good Display. L ith ia n s, in o th e r w o rd s, m in is tre l show . T he show w ill be held tw o News th a t will be of signifi­ Following a thorough canvass e v e n in g s, D ecem ber 3 an d 4. cant interest to the people of Ash­ of the city, the committee on m er­ W atch fo r f u r th e r a n n o u n c o m tn s. GET BEHIND WINTER FAIR J MISSING SISSON MAN FOUND IN LOS ANGELES PEDESTRIAN- AUTHOR WILL VISIT HERE YREKA, Nov. 20.— Robert “ Smokey” Carlson, employe in 1 the Shasta National Forest at Sis­ son, who dlsapepared from work early in September and for whom an extensive search has been made by forest service officials, has been located in Los Angeles. Carlson wrote G rant Rose, a Famous Hiker, W alking on W ager Will Be in Ash­ friend at Sisson, th a t he was in land Thursday. the Southern California m etropo­ lis. I Carlson left his effects at Sis-1 MUST ASK FOR NOTHING son and had money coming to him from the forest service when he Depends on Public for Food and Lodging—Fire De­ left. partments Give Aid. Clint Baughman, chief of the land and Rogue River valley is Ashland fire departm ent is in re ­ chants’ displays for th e coming th e report th a t plans for the se­ ceipt of the following letter, F. W inter F air announce th a t with curing of a dehydrating plant are P. Graham, chief of the d ep art­ hut few exceptions m erchants are being considered by the Pom 'pa-; ment a t Corvallis, inform ing him getting behind the fair and will be dour Mineral Springs Co., of this of the probable hour of arrival represented in artistically decor­ city. Plans are Incomplete as yet, i ated booths displaying th eir wares Awards Will Be Made Most of Leonard Day, famous author- Dreams of fiction w riters of the past century have at last come true. Here you see the U S sub­ Successful Salesmen—Will pedestrian, in Ashland. The letter but the Tidings is perm itted t o 1 and the latest in the season’s m arine S -l, with th e new type of navy seaplane on deck and put together in a few m inutes A fter say th a t the company is co-oper- m , ___ gives complete details of the nov­ m erchandise. Render Program. .. . . . f , A m abing a scout tr,p / a a ir 14 can then retu rn to the deck of a subm arine and he stowed aw A m ating in an effort to secure such ' * F*öf. U. S. Tutti© Will Be el feat being performed by Day Already eighteen have signed j s u c h a m anner as not to interfere with the subm arine operating submerged. The arrow shows th e ^ la n e Principal Speaker, Edu­ for booths. The following firm s I on subm arine’s deck, The Cham ber of Commerce, and follows: a plant and th a t the carbonic gas, cation the Topic. through Supt. G. A. Briscoe. Is a natu ral product of Pom padour “This is to advise you that Leo­ being represnted: H. H. Elhart,! asking the schools of Ashland to Springs, Is an Im portant factor In nard Day, the author-pedestrian, 41ld. „ . . Officers and members of the Murpliy Electric Shop, E. R. Isaac ARIZONA COTTON TO NET take over the big selling cam­ who is traveling on foot around the plans under way and may re v -: r>\. . _ , ~ OLD RUTTONBALL TREE & Co., H. B. Plum m er, L. L. Lee- ...... . .. , . , . 1 Chamber of Commerce are look- S5,000,000 THIS SEASON olutionize the dehydrating of e , AT YALE STILL LIVES paign for the W inter F air season the rim of the United States is doni, Ashland Tidings, E. T. Sta­ ««a . vi mv . | InS forw ard to the reg u lar month- tickets. Next week is designated due to arrive in your city on or fru its and vegetables. The im p o r-', ,, . v • . I ly dinner and m eeting tonight ples, A lbert Johnson, The Enders } PHOENIX, Nov. 20.— W ith the as the period for the sale and a about Thursday. The object of tance of carbonic gas can be com- . . . , , , NEW HAVEN, Nov. 20— W hile „ . iu ith a great deal of pleasure, due Co., R. E. D etrick, Carson-Fowler cotton harvest only half finished, prehended in p art in th e state- . .. . i the W ashington elm a t Cambridge real contest will be inaugurated this trip is to prove to Mr. Day's ,v „ , ,, ,v, to tbe fact th a t there is every in- Lum ber Co., McGee’s, McNair railroad reports of cotton ship­ “ —— ’ has fallen, the old buttonball tree by the Ashland schools to make publishers the tru th of his man- " ’ M8,bl<' dication th a t the event will prove Bros., Jordan Electric Co., Ash- m ents to the E astern milling cen­ to manufacture and market p ro-!„ne , Sc mos, S„MCS(U, .„ ^ la n d Furniture Co.. Vining Then H atred Displayed Against j at Elm and college streets, ju st the fair a big success. W hether uscript “ The Unsolicited Generos­ ters indicate a much larger yield ducts th a t will rem ain sterile un- Parade at Roseville— outside the fence at New Haven this contest shall be between tlie ity of the American People.” Tho tre, Swenson & Peebler. • ypiir. than early estim ates. A to ta l of til the packages are opened and | m . Cross Fired at. ¡Green, still flourishes, as it has schools or individuals in the extraordinary conditions that Mr. R oom F o r T hirty 8,500 hales of cotton, mostly rnnunmci o f t* v v . ' The p r°Sr am of the evening will consumed. So far it has been ini done, according to records, since schools will be worked out by Day m ust carry out on this trip Secretary J. H. F u ller says: nncikiu _ . t v . , . , , . , he in harm ony with education, short staple, have been loaded on ROSEVILLE, Cal., Nov. 20.— long before W ashington review- Prof. Briscoe and the F a ir com­ make it the most unique trip ever posible to keep dehydrated fruits, . . . . ! due to this being N ational Edu- “ At least 30 booths can easily be . to cars. Estim ating the price at , Gnly a change in the scheduled ■ ed Yale students on the Green and m ittee, but substantial rew ards _ . cereals and vegetables sterile fo r' , ,, . TT „ m . . . cation Week. Prof. II. S. Tuttle provided in the spacious Chau- 30 cents a pound, this represents hour of a Ku Klux Kian paradeI then rode away toward Cam will be offered to the successful attem pted in the history of the any con.ldur.W e length of tim e Pac|tlc firov<1 lIni„ rsH w ill+“ >» . . . , . . _ i two weeks ago behind > closed that Sheriff Breen and a posse When he appears in your city he Best made single fu r piece, C ., , , , . m arket, dehydrated products of WASHINGTON, Nov. 20— Open I was m ade la th e Roseville Pape. i ^ . j , ......... . * . ’ doors would be made public. are searching for the perpetra­ cannot stop unless invited to do all kinds at the sm allest initial w arfare w ithin the rep u b lican ,^ -* L McKinney, 1 pr. rabbit skin and the parade, while not annouu WITH KNIFE WOUNDS tors. Wm. McCoovey, well known so, so strict watch must he kept cost. This is wliat governs large ganization in the house of repre ' gloves. DESTROYER SKIPPER FREED ced officially, was heralded by resident of Crescent City, was pre­ for him and he must he invited sentatives over the coveted floor P psF Now Zealand doc and production and sales. word-of-mouth all day Saturday, NEW YORK, Nov. 20.— The paring to eat lunch at the mouth to stop, or else he will he obliged “ P ure carbonic gas, used in leadership of the sixty-eighth con- j bH er, State Bank of Talent $5. SAN DIEGO, Nov. 20 Com- Early in the evening, a large body of 4-year-old Irving Pickney, ofBlue creek, which em pty’s into to continue on his route w ithout th is way, will become an employ-1 gre3S broke out today with the! Largest num ber of entries, 1 m ander Calhoun, skipper of t h e ' crowd gathered on the Roseville kidnapped on October 2G, was the Klam ath River. He was ap­ food and lie will be compelled to e r of labor on every parcel of |announcem ent (hat R epresentative! i breeder, L. H. H am ilton— silver destroyer Young, which tu rn e d , • “ <« M“ « ™ « • th e; knUe proached by a bearded stranger sleep out of doors without cover­ laud, under our new irrigation i " illia m Graham, of Illinois.! cup. tu rtle w ith the loss of 30 lives at K an was exPressed freely. Men — - - who inquired: “ Is th a t Trinity wounds. Tlie body was stuffed in ing. When he arrives at a Fire system. One of the vital difficul- w o u l d oppose representative) R< st New Zealand in show the tim e of the Point Honda d is -!gathered in sma11 SrouPs on street River, and is there much travel Station he is under the direct ' a box in a cellar a block from his ties of m arketing farm land pro-j Lonesw orth, of Ohio, for the p o si-lC’ A’ R oberts> 6et child’s furs, aster, was found not guilty of th e ;™ 1™ ’’8 and aw aited the m archers. | ¡*10me. *TheTh7ld " h a d ' a apparently up and down h ere?” At th a t ju n ­ supervision of the Chief of the Best exhibit of furs— Southern ducts will be solved by the re d u c -1 ^ on- charge of negligence. He is the VVben 9 »clock, the hour a t: been dead about a week. An in­ cture the stranger stepped back, Fire Department and is not per­ A statem ent was made in t h e ! ^regon Rabbit B reed ers Ass’n., third of eleven officers facing which the Parade was scehuled to : tlon of shipping costs by at least a shot rang out, coming apparent­ mitted to leave the station w ith­ sane degenerate is believed to co urtm artial to be acquitted. Two ta ^ e p,ace arrived, many of those ! two th ird s: large production and formal announcem ent of G raham ’s si,ver eup- have slashed the child to death. ly from the m ountain side and out an escort. He should be pro­ candidacy th a t members of every,' ResF display by mem ber (sin- others found guilty, it was indi- i gathered to see the procession, b e -' large sales will solve the others. A nation wide search had been pierced McCoovey’s hat, grazing vided with food and lodging and lieving th a t it had been abandon “ It is the purpose of the Pom p­ section of the country would s u p - |^ e ^reed’ ^5 or more entries, cated. conducted for the boy. The m oth­ his scalp. He was stunned but be­ if his schedule will perm it his , ed, returned to their homes. adour M ineral Springs Co. to se­ port the Illinois congressman on points to c o u n t)— Southern Ore- er was overcome when neighbors lieves the bearded man struck him clothes should be laundried, shav­ , Met by Jeers. cure by its cooperation, a dehy­ the ground th a t the proposition i gon Rabbit Ass’D’ silver C,,P- of "G illett fo r speaker and Longs-! Rest disp,ay °» tsld e Jackson T'l'HOOX CONVERTS MANILA j Shortly after 10:30, the church notified her th a t the child was at the same time. When he re­ ing articles should he provided d rating plant, th at can eventually INTO AN ORIENTAL VENICE i was emptied and the parade, led dead. The father, wildly excited, gained consciousness he found his and he should he invited to take a — Sun grow into great im portance in worth for floor leader does not county’ 5 or more watch, $30.00, and his provisions bath. If the distance to the next by Rev. C. R. Fairfield, pastor of ! had to be restrained. All persons gone. m arketing our land products: give proper representation to t h e !Gold Babbitry, silver cup. city is too great (under favorable « MANILA, Nov. 19. — G re a t! t i,e ROsevn ie Presbyterian Church living in the house above the cel­ Best display, single breed, (25 whose fu tu re home will lose noth­ various sections, and to the vari-i Grand Jury in v estig a tes conditions he travels about 20 or more entries)-^-A shland Cham­ damage is reported from a severe i and form er kk>agle of th e Rose. lar have been questioned, hut no ing by comparison with the fine ous interests of the country.” Investigation of the Siskiyou miles per day) he should he al­ clue ascertained. typhoon which converted the city ber of Commerce, silver cup. ville Ku Klux Kian, who marched present q uarters of the Shredded holdup and m urder was begun yes­ lowed to proceed as fas as pos­ Best Junior Buck, any breed— into an oriental Venice, more than bareheaded, was formed. As the W heat Biscuit Co. G randm a’s W ANTS LO W ER RA TES ON terday by the grand ju ry now in sible the first day and then picked J 12 inches of rain falling in 24 m archers proceeded down the YOUTHS PLEAD GUILTY LIVESTOCK SHIPMENTS i J ’ L’ B arnthouse, $1.00 Cookies, Kellogs products, and session at Jacksonville. The dyna up and returned to the place from Best Cheekerd Giant— W. H. j hours- Shipping is delayed, wire main street of the town, they were TO SISKIYOU BURGLARY I SALEM, Nov. 20— The N orth- some others. mited mall car was sent to Med- which lie started th a t morning i and railw ay communication from | “ Carbonic gas is now being west Livestock Shippers’ T ra ffic ; E5dGS’ ford, where it was investigated and the next morning taken out (Continued on page 4) YREKA, Nov. 2 0 — Daniel shipped from Pom padour S p rin g s; league Joined today with the Cat-! Best rabb ,t ’ in show Emil tb e n° rth and south suspended.1 by the jury. Dan O’Conueil is in to the point at which he was N orthern Luzon province report-! Peil, $2.00. Riekes, 19, and John Grade, 18, for use in b u tter m aking, ice­ tie and Horse association of Or­ Jacksonville today, having con­ picked up and allowed to proceed who with Jam es Penion were ar- Best New Zealand doe— Plaza ed floods reaching a depth of sev­ cream m aking, and dehydrating. egon and the Portland Livestock veyed to the county seat, many on his way. Mr. Day is an in te r­ en feet. Rice and other crops ; rested three weeks ago in con­ “ The ga3 is an agency by which exchange in dem anding the Public articles of evidence pickel up in esting speaker, and when invited j have been heavily damaged. nection with cracking the safe and (Continued on page 4) Industry can be increased and in- l Service commission dçcreaseed connection with the event. The a r­ to do so, he will address any o r­ robbing the store of the Long-Bell dnstry makes the fu tu re of every : Freight rates on livestock ship- ticles include the detonating bat­ ganization such as the Boy Rcouts, Lum ber company at Tennant, Sat­ TOURIST DRIVES OFF com m unity.” j mpnts in Oregon. Sim ilar de- MILLIONAIRE “MACARONI tery, insulated wire, clothing, Rotary Club, Chamber of Com­ urday afternoon appeared before FOLLOWING COLLISION ____________________ | mands have been filed with the cooking utensils, and many other merce, or make a talk from the KING” DIED TODAY p , Judge C. J L uttrell of the super- i W ashington commission. Two Poincare Renounces Plan f o r ! |OT Jonrt and entered pk,as o( articles. It is expected th at at stage of a th eatre in conjunction HOSPITAL VISITOR DIES ! thousand Oregon and W ashington WEED, Nov. 20.— A to u rist at- the conclusion of its investigation with the current program . If this CHICAGO, Nov 20.— F ran k Additional Penalties on WHILE VISITING FRIEND guilty to second degree burgularv. ■ shippers signed the complaint. Foulds, m illionaire “ m a ca ro n i!tem pted t0 pass a car driven by the grand ju ry will retu rn an is arranged Germany. in your city, the Rick's and Grade waived time king,” died here today despite the Mrs. Fred SuHoway on a tu rn on indictm ent against the three D’- money derived therefrom w ill , PORTLAND, Nov. 19. T ho u g h , KILI.ED PARIS, Nov. 20.— The Council for sentence, and were im m ediate­ A utrem ot brothers, who are sus­ desperate efforts of his son, Co- the state highway between Weed help defray any expense* incurred surrounded by all the aids th a t, Ab TER ATTACKING MAN jburn, to save him by a blood trans- and Sisson. He struck the Sallo- of Ambassadors met under con- ly sentenced to San Quentin pris­ pected with having committed the on his behalf hut Mr. Day, him- medical science could p ro v id e,' on. The degree of the crime calls AREKA. Nov. 20.— An im- fusion. A transfusion of blood was way car and damaged it to such ditions today th a t indicate th a t crime. for term s ranging from one to F. L. Evans, 68, of «685 East ' mmcA Hnii nil- i • i n .b iv afloat i . , mpnso bul1 plk, weighing approx-: made from the son to th e father, and extent th a t it was necessary the Anglo-French E n tan te will be (Continued on page 4i five years. Eighty-second street, diopped | matoiy 1.050 pounds, was killed for the car to be towed into Weed. continued for an indefinite per­ hut the la tte r failed to rally from Penion, who is only 16, has COOLIDGE DESIRES TO dead in the lobby of the Good a ca r Callaghan Friday by W W an operation for ulcer of the The to u rist drove on north, but iod. It is learned from an autlior- FEEL WESTERN PULSE HAS ROYAL AUTOGRAPHS Sam aritan hospital yesterday a f - : Llppincott, district fish and game Mrs. Sulloway took the number. ative source th a t Prem ier Poin­ been referred to the juvenile court stomach. ternoon. Death was due to h e a r t, commissioner. Lippincott was no­ W hile Mrs. Claude Allingham care has renounced his demand for and will probably he sentenced to WASHINGTON, Nov. 20.— 1 CAMBRIDGE. Mass.. Nov. 20.- disease. ! tified by Callaghan residents th at of Sisson was driving over the im m ediate penalties upon Ger­ the reform atory and paroled. President Coolidge w ants to ob­ A jeweled and decorated album BURY UNIDENTIFIED SUICIDE Mr. Evans evidently had called ^ h e huge anim al was killing and Siskiyous her car skidded and many when England threatened serve the reaction of the great containing autographs of thirty- HUNGER STRIKER DIES a t the in stitution to visit a pa­ maiming livestock and had a t­ she ran into a batyc, breaking a to w ithdraw her representatives farm ing interests of the W est to six members of the German, Brit- OREGON CITY, Nov. 18.— The wheel and otherw ise dam aging from the Allied commissions crea­ tient. N urses noticed th a t he ap­ tacked several men who tried to DUBLIN, Nov. 20— Dennis B ar­ Secretary Mellon's proposition of ish a n d Russion royal families has peared exhausted as he entered chase it away. One boy narrow ly funeral service of the unidenti­ the car. H er daughter. Miss ted by the treaty of Versailles. ry died in the interm ent camp to­ tax reduction before definitely been placed in the treasure room the doorway and one had started escaped injury in a run across a fied man who hanged him self in Claudia Allingham, jum ped and T ip decision to send a strong day of self imposed hunger after com m itting him self on the m at­ of the W idener Library, of H ar­ a desterted barn near Milwaukie sustained a severely sprained note to Germany is expected to fo r the old m an’s side to attem pt field to avoid the elk. a strike lasting 35 days. He is ter. The W hite House announced vard University. Em peror William to assist him, when he toppled Drawn and quartered the an i­ were held at the Holman Chapel ankle. Mrs. A llingbam ’s husband lessen appreciably the tension, the first Irish irreg u lar to die on that business and financial in te r­ I. and Em press A ugusta presen­ over and fell dead on the floor. mal weighed 500 pounds. It had this morning with Rev. M. M. was killed in an autom obile ac­ since it is a concession to England. the hunger strike. ests of the E ast are enthusiastic ted the album to Dr. Thomas W. The body was taken in cahrge six antlers. The head was shipped Stocker of F irst Presbyterian cident a t Sisson a short time ago, France previously insiiSted th a t oven the Mellon plan b u t the Evans, a famous dentist of Paris. chnrch officiating. Interm ent was by Depnty Coroner Goetsch and to the head q u arters of the fish Miss Allingham being injured a t fresh penalties be inflicted w ith­ Grants Pass— Contract let for sentim ent of th e agricultural dis­ The volume contains a medallion made in Mountain View cemetery. the time. removed to the morgue. out further exchanging of notes. Redwood Highway. and g a p e commission. trict has not cryatallzed yet. of the Emperor* SCHOOLS WILL SELL TICKETUO ll FAIR E ON M T U RIVER - G. 0. P. FIGHTS OVER APPEARS RELIEVED