¿■»SA. A shland ô à ü ÿ nam » Monday, y pystoker io, iUiM ***^' * * ' vr m t i f i S O C IE T Y PROFESSIONAL C lassified C olum n » w i g a M B S. GRACE E . A N D R E W S , E d itor PHYSICIANS C lassified C olam n R ates One cen t th e word each Mm«, To ran every issu e for one m en th or m ore, H e th e word each tim e. DR. AL4TTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ dence and office, 108 Pioneer avenue. Telephone 28. Offlch hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 p. m. only. “ “7C R 0P OF C w valli9— School c b t l d f w , P o r tl.n U -T .M O .O lJ 10, prune, >'1“ <’rov“ » s u c c w , » ith o v e r 1 J 0 ,l« 5 .8 S 6 toot lum ber. 4.38J.603 d- W * EQW USi° 6 n ‘ U °ne bu3hels wheat, 340.890 barrels flour made d e p o sitsUt PUP"8 ! 9h‘PPed dur1^ October, total value POS119’ approxiamtely $8,000,000. Phone items to her at 345-R, between lo A. M. and 2 P. M. and evenings. « » « » A ctiv ities o f th e Art Club— calling day for members, or new­ Few realize, but those actively comers. Out-door devotees and possessors engaged what it means to take - * - * * M ISCELLANEOUS of fancy appetites have been having DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prao- charge of the Art Department of the Alpha Club Meet— a , k n, k tbeir day thi3 fal1 «P ^ im en tin g tice limited to eye, Oar, nose and Winter Fair and handle it success- LOST on 4th St. Truck chains. r fhe r’1" Alpha Club - met as usual on and collecting the unusually laree threat— X-ray Including teeth. Finder return to Tidings office. Office hours, 10 to 1,2 and 2 to fully. This, the Art Club of our little Tuesday of this week in Masonic quantities of mushrooms that have 5. Swedenburg Bldg, Ashland. city have done the past tw-o years H a " - . h I « 11* * the woods. The profusion of 3 65-3* Ore. and will do it again this year. At these meetings there are usually edible varieties found by those who LOST—Orange Persian cat from D IP S o f * general ? P T 1 fir n l ______ i __ . Taking charge of that depart topics ------- --------- „„ ----- of interest discussed, proclaim to vouch for their edlhil- 556 B st. Reward for return. 66-3* DR E. B. ANGELL, Chiropractic ment means great sacrifice of time, I while not arranged as -------- a set ity, program _ as well as the poisonous growths, ♦ and Electro-Therapy. Office phone on the part of the committees who vnnnw ------- , HIS bank is a silent partner WANTED—-Work on farm by ex­ Fancy work occupies busy fingers claim tho odd condition a result of it 48; residence 142. First National receive the articles and arrange the while music or pertinent subjects the warm rain and late fall weather * perienced man 65 years old. If no Bank building. * in the business of every one of beautiful art display. It means all claim ed th e a tte n tio n of th e m em ­ farm work is available, I have had its customers. We endeavor to be that have lingered unusually long. that goes to make a success of any­ bers. experience in general merchandise • Not aftny people are aware that helpful and our one aim is to aid DR. HAWLEY— Above Tiding* thing, and Ashland may safely store, have worked in a lumber yard, The hostesses for the afternoon; over thirty-eight million pounds of office. Phone 91. you to increase your business. count on this year’s display being were ‘re Mrs. Geo. A. A Kinz Kin» and on^ Mrs. -w«.. M »< this fungi ___ . . to the Uni­ and have been a farm teamster. Ad­ was ___ imported DR. ERNEST W. SMITH—Chiro­ bigger and better than ever. dress box Ax, Tidings office. 65-3* H. Ellis, who served very dainty ted States during five years pro­ practor, near Postofflce. Hours But this is but one of the many refreshments at the close of the 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 111. ceeding the World War. Quantities W ANTED— Calves few days old. activities of the wide-awake club. It pleasant afternoon. come from France and China, which Call 157 Van Ness Ave. 65-tf has subscribed fifteen dollars to the This club meets the second and sends its products for their people PLUMBING Ashland band, five dollars to the fourth Tuesdays of each month. R A N T E D — Work on farm by ex­ in our country. T he C itizens B ank oí Ashland • * * perienced man 65 years old. If no JERRY O’NEAL— Plumbing. 207 Red Cross work, five to the Salva­ Just which ef the thousands that tion Army, five to the P. T. A. for Teacup Clab Meet— East Main. Phone 138. farm work is available, I have had Ashland, Oregon are sought uot as being edible is the fountain, five to the Japanese The pleasant home of Mrs. O. R. the most faltering question ama­ experience in general merchandise MONUMENTS Relief, twelve to the Chamber of Kluth was the scene of a delightful »tore, have worked in lumber yard teurs of this study have to contend „ Commerce, have a membership in gathering Tuesday, when the Tea and have been a farm teamster. with. Modest and suTe-fire prevents-' ° MONUMENT— MARKERS the Valley Federation of Women’s cup Club, the social organization of Address box Ax, Tidings office. Lowest Prices tives have been broadcast by news­ clubs, (one seventy-five,) and five the >■“<’ M «» .«s,. enure held its first meet- ,E. church 65-3* ASHLAND GRANITE CO. papers. but the Interesting and com­ 3rd and East Main 8L 223-Omo dollars again to the R. C. They fur- ing of the year prehensive article recently published W ANTED— Washing. 24 8 1st St. nished the salads and made them Mrs. Kluth’s home had been made in the National Geographic rnaga- ASHLAND GRANITE 62-2mo* for the meeting last spring, and very bright with late fall blossoms, zln* urges the public to exercise a MONUMENTS assisted In the dinner given for the cosmos, chrysanthemums, and laurel few precautions before accepting DRESSM AKING^— Work guaran­ Oregon Granite Co. P. T. A. delegates. There was a good attendance to mushrooms.for what they are worth. teed. 147 Factory St. Mrs. B. Van S. PENNI9TON, Salesman. This little resume of the year’s j enjoy the fine musical program fur Do not seek mushrooms in or near Hardenberg. 31-lmo.* Res. 470 Laurel Phone 444Y work was given because but few < nished by Miss Berna Haight. Mrs wooded areas except for study pur­ know of the work of the club, except Anguin and Mrs. Thurlow. Washing Etc. poses. Death cups which form as PLANING MULL as a social organization, and they WANTED—Washing. Blankets a Games had been arranged that crusty enveJopes at the root of the specialty, 25 to 50cta. 165 B. St. JORDAN’S SASH AND CABINET surely do have delightful times in a mixed the audience and effectually mushroom, start their growth early WORKS, Cor. Heilman nod social way as the members and did away with any formality. 4. 63-26* in the development and as the plant Van Ness. 194-tI those who have the privilege as At the business meeting new offi­ grows the hag is ruptured, causing for rent guests to share in them can testify, cers were elected, rsulting in Mrs. it to grow to immense proportions TRANSFER AND EXPRESS • * • G. H. Yeo, president, Mrs. Marske under the sod. FOR RENT— Seven room house, F- T. A . o f Ju n ior H igh M eets— vice president, and Mrs. Thompson, 348 Hagardine. Phone 455. 65-5 Some cups are more fragile and Whittle Transfer & Storage Co. The Junior High Circle of the P. secretary and treasurer. scaly and can be found on the T. A. met Tuesday of this week at FOR RENT— Three room fur­ for SERVICE The next meeting will be ¡n De­ ground, leaves, twigs and needles Experienced movers and packera Junior High at three P. M., with a nished appartment. First floor. cember at the home of Mrs. Thomp­ near the place the doughy fungi has of household goods. Dealers in good attendance, and keen interest son on Terrace street. Light and water furnished. 575 Lib­ taken root. If the flesh has started coal and wood. Phone 117. In the addresses given, and program erty SL 63-6 Delicious refreshments of salad, to decay, avoid using them and if Office 89 Oak St near rendered. sandwiches and coffee were served Substance does not FOR R E N T -P o u r room furnish­ Hotel Ashland After the business meeting, fine by Mrs. Kluth, assisted by Mrs a red milky ___________ ed apartment with garage. Adults come from the when cut reports were read by Mrs. Nims and Whittle. Mrs. Martin. Mrs. Chas. 1 Its safety is not mushroom vouched“*for only. 1101 Boulevard. 63-tf T. L. POWELL— General Trans­ Mrs. Wallen covering the recent! Spindler, Mrs. L. A. Deer, and Mrs. It has been said that soaking or fer— Good team and motor convention of P. T. A. j S n y d er. FOR RENT— Garage. Mr9. Dough­ trucks. Good service at a rea­ boiling mushrooms will assure their A thoughtful and earnest address J ♦ * * erty. 55 Pine St. 66tf sonable price. Phone 83. ___________ __ M o n d a y pureness and destroy all element of by our librarian. Miss Blanche Hicks, I Surprise Luncheon__ TMtATis acAimru. November J pniaon. Comprehensive research dis­ f u r a t i dW ,XT i5p,endid tw° ro«m TRANSFER AND EXPRESS— on “ Better Rooks and Better Films' A delightful surprise was planned claims nroof of any such theory as S ea ts N o w S e llin g a t th e B ox O ffice for Children’’ received close atten­ Friday for Mrs. Louis Dodge taking It also discredits the adage that poi­ ette and bath. Adults only. 357 tion. Dry wood for sale. Phone 113. PRICES: $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 Plus Tax the form of a covered dish luncheon, sonous mushrooms will Vista St. Phone 122. pea] the 62-tf Plaza Pool Hall. Supt. G. A. Briscoe discussed the at high noon. 4 5 -tf Curtain 8:16 same as good varieties. budget and made full and clear ex­ Those arranging this so happy af­ FO R SA LE Because as the number of varieties Piano Teacher - planation -------- of -------- „UUSC1. 1S [O is oe to be fair were the ladies acting as dele­ it. This budget that are not edible increases with Mrs. J. R. Robertson, certified j TOted upon Nov. 27th. and everyone . FOR SALE— Apples. 8. J. Evans, gates at the recent P. T. A. Conven­ the number that are, lovers of the M i l l i o n P e o p le ic A l2, ----- " is very interested in its provisions. tion. phone 10F13. 49-lm o.* piano teacher. Credit given in High ,D uriu JS» t t it n e s s e ile K lû a la im e d / ‘ ■ / in i spongy creations can hardly rest School. Phone 341-J. A beautiful solo by Mrs. Everett 53tf D will be remembered that Mrs. FOR RALE— Plymouth Rock NtWMfiK „ „ J , t fu ic flö o Smith and a well played piano duet Dodge was District president of the at their ease in taking them from ! ------ fhAo ’ 1 the woods. Cultivate a “fairy ring" " PyDets and Imperial Plymouth Rock PIANO TUNING by Rosina and Frnaces Gallatin com­ T. A. and in that position carried at home and be safe. cockerels. Call 4F12, Mrs. J. E. PIANO TUNING— $3.50. Trade at pleted the program of this very in- through so successfully the plans ” ........ . 411........ 04, »uccessiuiiy the plans R am say. 64. 6 home and have your piano tuned by eresting and important meeting o f j o r the convention held here and at H. ^ovelana, Loveland. studio Studio 1 135 E. Junior High Circle. ' «An,» ---------------------- I v Carl “ri "• j Medford. ’ Portland— City is eleventh in all " T ? ° r Wllli Maln St- Phon™ 134 »“<1 4 «5. . m 2 * * ThiS p,easant little function might municipalities in U. S. with 8.9 89,- trade for small house and lot and1 pay cash difference. Call 332 Har- n - ! be ''a"e