PAGE TWO AMflUXß DAÎLV M t»G » A SH LA N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S 09696612 “ Molidiy, Ñovtttther R*al Estate to Change Hands 1», ÍM Í entire activity. The assignment of members of the group to th e Lhxtt- W. W. Robison and a party of The publicity will be handled oy vidual development division# la: property buyers will leave today P u b lish ed E very E ven in g Except Sunday by a committee under the direction of Chairm an, A. L. Mills; publicity, Q . I for Salem on ‘a business trip. It is i THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. J. P. Jaeger, J. W. Brewer and W. G. W. Mielke, Guy W. Talbot and J. O. l thought possible th a t property here Ide. They have already started on A insworth; organized m arketing, will be traded for Salem land, as M r.’ Bert R. Greer ............................................................................... ;....................Editor the land settlem ent problem, which Emery Olmstead, Isaac D. H unt and Robison has considerable p ro p e rty ' PORTLAND, Nov. 16— Announce- will be under the general direction Frank E. Andrews; land settlem ent. OFFICIAL CITY PAPER .... ........... .......... ' ................... T ^ p h ^ T l ö to trade in both places. He will re- » ment of the allocation of the Oregon of W hitney L. Boise. Investigations Roy T. Bishop, Max S. Hirsch and • tu rn th e middle of the week. E ntered at the A shland, O regon, P o sto ffic e us Second CI a m Mall M atter (C. B. W atson) ¡state development fund of $310,000 pertinent to the m arketing program F ranklin T. G riffith. f In the rosy bloom of a glorious i raised by the Prtland Cham ber of will be directed by R. H. Kipp, with Dr. Jarvis to care for P a t i e n t - Subscription P rice, D elivered in City NOTICE OF TAX LAND SALE. One Month ........................................................................ ' Commerce was made yesterday fol­ E. E. Faville in general charge of $ .65 October morning, ,'cheek3 blushing Charles Lee Morton left Ashland T h re e M onths .................................................................. ’ \ or PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY with the kiss of zephyrs, sweet with lowing the decision of the trustees of this activity. Six Months ...............................................................’ L .J'” / " ........................ Saturday morning for San Francisco That the undersigned, 3.75 the odor of ripened fruit, in the con­ GIVEN: the fund on the scope of the work to One Year ........................ The large allowance was made for where he will become the patient of 7?50 Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon, tentm ent of peace and plenty, the be undertaken the first year. publicity work because the other Dr. Geo. O. Jarvis for an undeter- By Mail and Rural R outes: h lid under and Pursuant to a certain or- o n e M onth harvest garnered and a A total of $145,000 will be spent $ .65 chariot der ° f the County C ourt of Jackson in the year’s work, of which $S5,000 two problems which fall under the mined length of time. Mr. Morton Three Months ................................................................. .................... V 95 declared, we ride forth in scope of the development plans will has been in poor health for some Six Months 3.50 th e child of man-, eenlu. and'recent C°UntJ'’ Oreg°°’ d“ly modo and en­ will be devoted to publicity, $35,000 One Year require extensive prelim inary work, i time and went to San Francisco that 6.5(1 years. tered on the 9th day of November to organize m arketing and $25,000 Members of the trustee board will Dr. Jarvis might get him to enjoy A. D. 1923, will offer for sale and DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: to land settlem ent work. Our chariot is a moving, rushing hav general supervision over the . better health. will sell, a t th e fro n t door of the Single insertion, per inch .................................................... whirlwind, tamed to obedience and .36 Courthouse in Jacksonville, Jackson Yearly C ontracts: mindful of the guiding hand of its One insertion a week County, Oregon, to the highest bid­ • 27% master. Two insertions a week .25 der for cash In hand, all or any of Daily insertion ........... Youth and age alike bathe th eir .20 those certain lots, pieces or parcels souls in the joy of th e moment and R ates F or L egal and M iscellaneous A d vertising of lands heretofore acquired by glide with ease and swiftness thru F irst insertion, per 8 point line .................................................. $ .10 Jackson County, Oregon, for delin­ Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line ................................ os scenes of ra re st beauty. At early quent taxes, and now owned by said Card of Thanks ......... 1.00 dawn the higher peaks about blush O bituries, per line i i County, upon which lots, pieces o r 1 • 02% with rosy gladness portending a p e r-1 . . , p parcels of land, th e said Countv WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING feet day. The fiery finger of autum n nt * «.' y . „ . . . i Court of said County has set a m ini­ “ All future events, where an admission charge is made or a collection frost has already decorated m oun­ ! mum price as indicated in said order, taken is Advertising. tain and valley with the coloring of and as said land and said price is set No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. ripened joy. We seem to sw’im in an I forth In Voi. One D elinquent C ertifi­ atm osphere so pure, so truly tem ­ DONATIONS cate Record of said County, refer­ pered th a t we a re bathed in the de­ No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertising ence to which order and to which Job printing— our contributions will be in cash. light of living. Surrounding moun- :sai-d Volume One is hereby made a tains in tow ering grandeur make a part of this notice. NOVEMBER 1» wonderful fram e-w ork about a beau-! K EEP THE WORD:— Whoso keepeth the word, in him verily is the tiful Picture and over the face of o’clock mmence at 10 a. m., on Saturday, the 15tli: this picture we speed like leaves day of December. A. D. 1923, and, love ot God perfected: hereby konw we th at we are in him.— 1 John 2:5. H eretofore a moderate-priced closed car has blown by the wind; a poem, one of continue until 12 o’clock noon of i m eant an inferior chassis. N ow at a saving N atures “ movies” . The sum m er has said day, and in case all of said j BUILDING FOR THE FUTURE of hundreds of dollars you buy in H U D S O N been plethoric with sun-shine and property is not sold within said / now in super-abundance N ature is a car of positive reliability, chassis excellence 1 “ \\ ho builds lor the present, builds only for the past,” was time, said sale will be held and co n -’ gathering her gold to pay her yearly: tinued a t the same and finest performance. not written ot good roads, but is as true of them as of temples place, between , debts. Maple, alder and ash glow the same hours on each succeeding and meeting halls. The organization which, knowing it is with the w arm th of ripened oranges. These are the lowest prices of all tim e on the growing, builds only for its present membership, soon finds it Away up the m outnain heights these Saturday until all of said lands so H u d so n Super-Six. T h e y m ake both the to be sold have been sold, or pend- has built too small. I he “ present,” which soon comes, brings great spots and splotches of yellow- ing the fu rth er orders of the County I Sedan and the Coach the most o u t s t a n d i n g stand out against the dark forests Court of said County. values in the world. a membership too large for the building. of fir and pine like polished buttons A list of all property to be sold, i 1 he hard road built just big enough, wide enough for to­ on a soldiers coat. together with the minimum price a t ' day s trattie, is built lor to-morrow, too, only when it is known As we spin along the byways and which each lot, piece or parcel there- I West Main Street Medford, Oregon that the traffic does not, can not grow. highways we breathe the enchant- of can be sold, is open to the inspec- ment of living and feast our e y e s : tion of the public a t the office of Nut theie are tew places where traffic does not grow! The village of to-day is the thriving town of to-morrow ° n the beauty spread out around us. the undersigned Sheriff, in the | The town of today is the big city of to-morrow, and the big [ t0UCh °f i<>y With “ Court House at Jacksonville, Ore- when some fossil suggests gon. city of the immediate moment becomes the huge city of the * ” “ w eather breeder” : Boreas will fol­ Dated at Jacksonville, next one! Oregon, low and scatter the leaves. “ God lay9 Nov. 10, 1923. When the Boston Post Road was Imilt,' no such thing as w inter upon the h eart: the song of C. E. TERRILL. the “ capacity of a road” was known: But to-day, this road the bird and the bloom of the flow- SH E R IFF OF JACKSON CO. ORE (among many) is strained against its capacity limits most of er. But the touch is gentle in ae- 61-5 Monday. (E stablished In 1876) A DAÏ DREAM, REAL AS T H E SUNSHINE j On the Finest Super-Six Chassis Ever Built Oregon-California Auto Distributing Corp. the time, and always on Sundays and holidays. The good roads1 Ponipanlment with a thr,n of ¿eliRht , Pageant-wonder of the hours from connecting any two large cities of the -n atio n ; Boston and New1 dawn to sunset; the flam ing glow York, . New ... , York , m i an<1 Alba^v, Baltimore and Philadelphia, of chemically changed sunshine into li'ielaiul and i oledo, Chicago and Detroit, to mention onlv pigments so charm ingly spread by a lew, are often made,plate to earry the traffic which seeks the artistic touch of N ature. Today no sordid thoughts nor self- them. I hey do carry the traffic, hut at greatly reduced speed ish purposes shall bear us company. ami speed is as much a part of transport as motion. Thus the men whom N atures works New roads should always he built for to-morrow; never can charm , with God him self hold <»r t<»-«'• ...... - its :.n h „ ' e ; n e n ; ' a : : : ¡ T ' “ 'kt and improvement. he consensus of opinion appears to he that this “ next war, ’ predicted hv E u lopean prophets, will be the same war. Did anybody ever dream of a time in this country when it ttould have more Mali Jong sets than bananas! I he knocker gets new support in tlie recent discovery that ie hammer was the first tool devised by man, hundreds of cen- tunes before the horn. An insurance company has withdrawn a $5,000 policy on the life of a man sentenced to hang. Not, the company*» letter said, on your life. i in v o r n o v to renn f . . ..... ,, . . s 1 ♦ ’«mees recall that it is almost as difficult >er their names as it is the capitals where they reside. » ot JÌT»JS ° u " Ilich republicans and democrats agree—getting the political plum. A cs, we all agree, Ashland has the finest climate in the world be ford in h er pride and attractiveness lies spread out below us. Jackson­ ville nestles In h er cove at the foot of the Siskiyou’s and C entral Point gleams not far away. On and on we speed drinking Joy in sight and breath from every side, and everywhere are orchards and gardens with barnyard folks in abundance. Such pastoral scenes as may not be often seen elsewhere, and surrounding th e whole the great m ountains, with th eir w onderful forests of pine and fir green and blue interspersed w ith holiday dress of prodigal coloring. We know, too, th a t in these m ountains rests m in­ eral wealth to enrich the world. In im agination we may penetrate the dark tunnels with candle and pick in company with the hardy enterprising half tneir th eir lives lives in In the the * men “ vu who ‘ u live nair dark Places of th e earth. B ut today we are out for sunshine and beauty and to linger where is spread over the whole the silvery sheen of an au­ tum n sunlight; not to cum ber our beautiful sheen with th e disturbing details of commercialism. W E A T H E R OUTLOOK STAGES Effective November 19,1923 Ashland, Roseburg, Portland Service DAILY AND SUNDAY NORTHBOUND Read 7 :00a.m. 7:45a.m. 7 :45a.m. 9:15a.m. lilt* tetiain, Another little drink wouldn’t do u» harm ,” is no longer true, if it ever was. The oncoming express never stalls at the cros«mg. Elgin— Surfacing begins on In ­ dian Craak m arket road. Down 1:00p.m. 1 :45p.m. 2:00p.m. 3:30p.m. 9:15a.m. 12:45p.m. Lunch Lunch 5:00p.m. 0:45p.m. 7 :30p.m. 8 :40p.m. 9:00p.m. 11:00p.m. 5 :30p.m. 7 :00p.m. Lunch 11:00a.m. 12:45p.m. 1:30p.m. 2:40p.m. 3:00p.m. 5:15p.m. S ta tio n s 0 Lv 13 Ar Lv 13 40 Ar M ilcs .. ASHLAND .. .. MEDFORD .. .. MEDFORD . GR ANTS PASS .. Ar ..L v . .A r ..L v IL aA Up 327 ............ 3 1 4 ......... 314 5:30p.m. 281 4:00p.m. L v ..........GRANTS P A S S . . Ar A r............ ROSEBURG ............Lv 281 ............ 203 .. . 124 198 Lv............ ROSEBURG . A r.................... EUGENE .. Ar . Lv 203 12!) 198 239 250 277 277 327 L v.................... EUGENE .. Dv............CORVALLIS . Lv.................... ALBANY .. A r....................... SALEM . . . L v........................ SALEM . . . A r............ PORTLAND . .A r .Lv . Lv .Lv .A i* .Lv Stop O vernight 1:15p.m. z 7:20a.m. 4:25p.m. 10:30a.m. SOUTHBOUND M iles 4:00p.m................... 46 7:30p.m. 124 2:15p.m. 1:30p.m. 10:00p.m. 9:20p.ra. 9:15p.m. 7:50p.m. 12.(K)noon Lunch 8:30a.m. 7:30p.m. 4 :00p.m. 8:10p.m. 5:00p.m. 4:00p.m. 12:50p.m. 1 2 :0 0 noon Stop Overnight Lunch 12!) Lunch 4:30p.m. 12:30p.n». 3:00p.m. 11:00a.m. 2:20p.m. 10:20a.m. 1:15p.m. 9:15a.m. 1:15p.m. 9:15a.m. 11 7 :00a.m. 88 77 50 50 0 S to p o v ers p e rm itte d a t R o seb u rg , Eugene-and Salem Medford-Ashland Line DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Leave MEDFORD—7:00, 8:00, 10:00 7nn L0!0-0 iVoN V' a 1,1001,15?;3?’ £ 00’ 4:30’ 5:30’ 9:20 P AL’ also 7:45 P M - Saturday only. Leave ASHLAND (.00, 8:00, 9:4o, 11 A.M.; 1:00, 2:30, 4:15, 5:30, 10:00 P.M.; also 8:30 P.M. Saturday only. T SUNDAY SCHEDULE 10:()0’ 1 1 :4 5 A M ? 1 :3 0 ’ 3 :3 0 ’ 5 :3 0 ’ 7:0(,y ^ 2 0 P .M . 11:00 A.M.; 1:00, 3:00, 4:45, 6:30, 10:01) P.M. Jacksonville-Medford Line DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY T iave ¿rm ?S S 2JiyiL L E "~7:00’ 8:30’ 11:00 A.M.; 2:00 3:30, 5:00 P.M.; also 7:00 P M Saturday onlv Leave MEDFORD—i :40, 10:30 A.M.; 1:00, 3:00, 4:30, 6:00 P.M.; also 10:00 P.M Saturday onlv SUNDAY SCHEDULE Leave JACKSONVILLE—9:00, 11:30 A.M.; 2:00, 4:30, 7:00 P.M. Leave^OSDFORD—9:30 A.M.; 12:00 noon; 2:4.5. .5:45. l o :00 P.M. Central Point-Medford Line DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Leave CENTRAL PO IN T -7:45 A.M.; 1:00 P.M.; also 7:00 P.M. Saturday onlv Leave MEDFORD—12:00 noon; 5:00 P.M.; also 10:00 P.M. Saturdav only SUNDAY SCHEDULE Leave CENTRAL PO IN T -9:30 A.M.; 12:30, 7:00 P.M. Leave M EDFORD-12:00 noon; 4:30. 10:00 P.M. NOTE—Through cars will earry local passengers between Uentral Point and Medford ONE WAV F A R E S “ Radicals Will never b,» ¡„ tbe majority, for.lhev wouldn’t radicals if they were in the majority. WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 19.— W eather outlook for the period Nov. 19, to 24, 1923, inclusive: Pacific states and northern Rocky m ountain g u y ' and plateau regions— generally fair. Normal temperature. /> / Change in Schedule of We speed along the npper m argins of the valley, on roads whence our vision embraces the whole panoram a program,* of this beautiful vale. We swiftly STILL ANOTHER ENDORSEMENT The resolutions passed by the Litliians urging a of development ami expansion of the local tourist auto camp* 8treets °f Aah,and’ Tal' ent and Phoenix and note the stam p adds much of w eig h t to the many already voiced in behalf of a of peace, not alone on the moun-! progi-essive policy with respect to that utility. The resolution tains and plain, but also on the is .1 ioieetul expression ot a representative and progressive. faces of men where it rests like a commercial organization of the town and it interprets the senti ,benison: for il is a Sabbath-day. At ment of a majority of Ashland citizens. Phoenix we tu rn to the right, cross Demands for improvement and enlanrompnt a the creek and take a hili road toward that flip mitn amp - II 4- enlargement to a degree Eagle Point across a country th a t 1 , I* Vl continue to maintain its ä p prestige 9Gems to have been i | , (l t >„ z, . ................... « . . « « « iu it r e s u g e o on n oce,HH l ° nave Deen shaped by roll- • • i ' "" i oas are roc°ived daily. There can be no mistake ing bi,lows and le it in the positioni as to the pulse of the Ashland »o',lie regarding this important of th eir highest reach. Now we are matter. hidden from the valley by a knob or crest on whose pinnacle a pictur­ It is gratifying, indeet to note that the men and women of Ashland are aroused to the rent vilim «r VA esque b a r l o w stands and in the they recognize it -IS •, a J • a u t ° e a m P5 t l l a t bollows and on the slopes the far- T h c «vntr 4 * i * v °rih \ ot greater development. famed orchards are bending low i ’ pears and late pd&ches. a part, brought $100,000 to the trade channels of Ashland d « r Among the3e knob8 and little vales, mg the past seven months. It is e v id e n t mmn <- ' ! W o n d th e sight of those who travel ual observer, that if improvement« l,™V . * 4, ° t . C as' ' on th e Pacific Highway, or by rail, entertainment of tourists nr, • i , * to 10 comfort and are hidden away some of the choicest t.. ii point X ; r ,™™, increasing numbers _______ ley. Now we pass a break in the hills volume reuse nt least twenty-five per eent"in'l9°4 and are charmed with a view of the There m X » » Value of « « »"io camp. beautiful city of th e plain, for Med­ / - r e t if h t u n d /'•» l i a Ashland Ashland . . . Medford . . . Grants Pass Roseburg .. Eugene ___ Portland . . . $0.45 1.60 4.60 5.95 8.20 Medford G rants Pi ................ ............ $1.15 4.15 5.60 7.85 $3.00 4.60 7.05 Roseburg Eugen« $2.60 6.00 $3.75