PAGfc IWO AsftLÀxn toAiit ASH LA N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S (E s ta b lis h e d in 1 870) i » >« »♦ SO CIETY THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. O F F IC IA L CITY P A P E R . ............... ................... . E n te re d a t th e A sh la n d , O reg o n , ......... ............... T e lep h o n e 39 P o s to ffic e a s S econd C lass M ail M a tte r S u b sc rip tio n P ric e , D e liv e red in C ity O ne M onth .......... ......................................................................................................... $ .65 T h re e M o n th s .............................................................................................................. 1.95 Six M onths .................................................................................................................... 3.75 O ne Y e a r ................................................................................. ' ................................... 7.50 By M ail a n d R u ra l R o u te s : o n e M ontn .................................................................................................................... $ .65 T h re e M o u th s ........................................................................................................ 1.95 Six M onths .................................................................................................................... 3.50 O ne Y ear ....................................................................................................................... 6.50 D ISPLA Y A D V E R T ISIN G R A T E S : S in g le in s e rtio n , p e r in ch .......................................................... .30 Y early Contracts: O ne in s e rtio n a w eek ......................................................................................... $ .2 7 % Tw o in s e rtio n s a w eek .......................................................... .25 D aily in s e rtio n ................................................................................................... . .20 R ates For L egal and M iscellaneous A d vertisin g F ir s t in s e rtio n , p e r 8 p o in t lin e ..................................................................... $ .10 E a c h su b s e q u e n t in s e rtio n , 8 p o in t lin e .............................................................. 05 C a rd of T h a n k s ................................................................................ .................... 100 O b itu rie s, p e r lin e .........................................................................................................02 % W H A T C O N ST IT U T E S A D V E R T ISIN G “ All f u tu r e e v e n ts, w h e re an a d m issio n c h a rg e is m ad e o r a collectio n ta k e n is A d v e rtisin g . No d isc o u n t w ill l,e allo w ed R e lig io u s o r B e n e v o len t o rd e rs. DONATIONS No d o n a tio n s to c h a ritie s o r o th e rw is e will be m ad e in a d v e rtis in g , or Job p rin tin g — o u r c o n trib u tio n s w ill be in cash. -S2T: N O V EM B ER 17 B E T T E R TH AN S IL V E R AND G O L D :— G odliness w ith c o n te n tm e n t is g re a t g ain . F o r we b ro u g h t n o th in g in to th is w o rld , a n d it is c e rta in we can c a rry n o th in g o u t. And h a v in g food and ra in m e n t, le t us th e re w ith be c o n te n t.— 1 T im o th y 6 :6 , 7, S. C a le n d a r of th e W eek — S a tu rd a y , Nov. 17-—W . R. C., I. O. O. F. H all, S a tu rd a y P. M. M onday, Nov. 19— A shland S tu d y C lub, M rs. J . M. W a g n e r h o stess. T u esd ay , Nov. 20— Civic C lub, 2 :3 0 P. M. C lub H ouse. T u esd ay , Nov. 20— F re n c h C lub, M rs. F . D. W a g n e r h o stess. T u e sd a y , Nov. 20— Special m e e t­ ing of H ope R eb ek ah L odge No. 14. T u esd ay , Nov. 20— H a w th o rn e Cir- le P. T. A. 3 :1 5 P . M. T u esd ay , Nov. 20— P re sb y te ria n M isisonary S ociety m e e ts a t M rs. W . F . B ro w n ’s, P h o en ix . W e d n esd a y , Nov. 21— U pper V al­ ley C o m m u n ity C lub, Mrs. Ed Gow- lan d h o ste ss • . . C ivic C lub M eet— T u e sd a y . Nov. 2 0 th , is th e re g u -j la r m e e tin g of th e Civic C lub. A t! th is m e e tin g M iss M a rg a re t D ever- a u x w ill p re s e n t th e “ W o rk of th e C o u n ty N u rs e ” , a s u b je c t of g re a t in te r e s t to a ll th o se co n c ern e d in th e w e lfa re of o u r c h ild re n . T hose w ho h a v e m e t M iss D ev erau x , and h a v e h e a rd h e r ta lk , know how e a rn e s tly a n d c o n v in c in g ly sh e w ill p re s e n t th e su b je c t. I t is hoped t h a t a ll m em b e rs a n d th o se in te re s te d w ill m a k e it a p o in t to be p re s e n t T u e sd a y a fte rn o o n . T h e h o ste sse s a re M rs. Sam Mc­ N air, M rs. F. S. E n g le a n d M rs. E rn e s t A. W oods. • * ♦ THE KAISER IS MISTAKEN M eeting o f R e b e k a h s — Until his recent announcement the world had believed that S pecial T h e re w as a fu ll a n d in te re s tin g the word “ honor” was not even in the vocabulary of Kaiser m e e tin g of H ope R e b e k a h L odge, William. “ My honor as a Monarch would not permit me to, No. 14, la s t T u e sd a y n ig h t to a r ­ return to Germany. I can not return as a private citizen,” the ra n g e fo r th e sp ecial m e e tin g t h a t is Kaiser is quoted as saying in a denial ol the report that he con­ p la n n e d fo r th e co m in g T u e sd a y templated returning to Germany. Honor did not prevent the ev en in g , Nov. 2 0 th . A t th is sp ecial m e e tin g , th e p re s ­ reprobate from turning loose the dogs of war on an unsuspect­ ing world. Honor did not assert itself in his control of German soldiers as they blasted, burned ami raped their way throughi Belgium. Honor had no place in his code of ethics wlieji hej liberated deadly gases. ’When* was honor when he murdered | defenseless women and children in air raids? Honor did not! prevail when he directed the torpedo that sent the Lusitania to the bottom of the Atlantic with its hundreds of unarmed men and its frantic women and children. Honor is impossible for the king of murderers and rapists. His poisoned being never contained the slightest atom of honor. There was no display of honor when he wrecked his nation and fled, like a coward, into Holland. To hear the ex-Emporer blaspheme the word “ honor” boils the blood of every man and woman who believes in representa­ tive government and who adheres to the principles of humanity. It again creates the desire in Americans to have him within their clutches that he might he executed as an example to future despots. Honor! Not for you Kaiser William. The erueitiers ot Christ were without honor, so is the erucifier of humanity without honor. ‘ Today Only THE EMMIGKANT CREEK UNIT The voting of bonds in tin* Talent Irrigation District for the construction of the Ennnigrant ereek unit is another im-1 portant announcement in the history of development in Jackson county. While there is much work to accomplish and many obstacles to overcome in the period of time that elapses between the voting ol bonds and the completion of an irrigation project,! the action recorded Thursday at Talent is important from the! standpoint of development. It is a step forward in the vast! development program that will eventually come to southern! Oregon. The completion of Ennnigrant creek unit, will saturate 4500 acres of land with the flood waters of that section of moun­ tains drained by Ennnigrant cieek and will increase the p ro -, ductivity of that acreage fivo. times that of the present. Its I completion means added wealth to Hie land owners and to Jack-1 son county. It means that the area will support five times as 1 many families as at present. The development of Ennnigrant ereek unit ought to he of! particular interest to Ashland people, as its completion means! that the Bell \ iew districe with 1600 acres of land will come in-j to its own. W ith sufficient water that will become one of thel richest districts, acre for acre, in the Northwest. Its location and soil, together with the admirable climatic conditions, aid­ ed by water, will he unsurpassed for the production of hay, grain and fruit. It will support many happy homes, and will add appreciably to the business volume of Ashland. AN EXAMPLE TO ALL EUROPE The fifth anniversary recently of the peaceful and in­ auspicious establishment at Prague of Czechoslovak Republic still found this new small nation the most useful of the positive accomplishments of the World war. What is more, the fifth anniversary ol the birth ot this new nation in Europe found the nation an actual isle of safety functioning perfectly. The Re-’ public ot the Czechoslovaks has become an influence for peace and economic stability and normality in troubled Continental Europe and unlike the majority of its near neighbors is enjoy­ ing comparative prosperity and national and international) peace. Let it not he supposed that this little haven,of peace, pros­ perity and busy thrift just happened nor that it was a “ result” , solely ol the war. I lie ( zechoslovak national movement was launched a century ago. The World war only provided the op­ portunity for right to conquer dissipated might. Neither is it to he supposed that this European republic is the culminationj ot a century of patriotic propoganda and organization or ofi open revolt against the ruling power. Quite to the contrary’, iU is the truits of a century of education, lovaltv and world com­ petition in commerce ami industry. The “ isle o f safety” of the Czechoslovaks has already been of immeasurable service! Io the woild and credit lor the establishment of the “ Isle” still lests with the ( zeehoslovaks before and after it is finally de-' cided “ who won the war.” I If the I filth were known the former Kaiser is perhai i s thinking more a »out the satety of h i s own worthless hide tha an about his honor. hat urda), November ident of Rebekah Assembly, Mrs. much. Edythe K elley, w ill be e n te r ta in d . T h e g u e sts w ere P u b lis h e d E v e ry E v e n in g E x cep t S u n d a y by B e rt R. G re e r ........................................................................................... .......... ?...... E d ito r - M r. a n d Mrs. A fte r th e e x e m p lific a tio n of th e C hap m an and M r. J . R. T ozer. ¡d e g re e w o rk , th e r e w ill be a re c e p ­ » » ♦ tio n fo r th e d is tin g u is h e d v isito r. M usicale W e d n esd a y E v e n in g — C o m m itte e s h av e been a p p o in te d Mr. a n d M rs. F loyd D ickey w ere to p la n fo r th e social h o u r a n d fo r h o st a n d h o ste ss a t a v ery p le a s a n t th e re fre s h m e n ts . little m u sic a le W e d n esd a y e v e n in g It is hoped th a t e v e ry m em b er w ill a t th e ir hom e on E a st M ain. a r r a n g e to be p re se n t a t th is tim e. A It w as a so m e w h at im p ro m p tu m o st d e lig h tfu l m e e tin g is a n tic i­ a ff a ir , but p e rh a p s b ecau se of th e p a te d . in fo rm a lity of th e occasion, w as a m o st e n jo y a b le ev en in g , T hose p re se n t to e n jo y w ith h o st a n d h o ste ss th e d e lig h tfu l m usic w ere Mr. a n d Mrs. Ed C oovling, and A d alin e, Mr. a n d M rs. Ed H adfield a n d d a u g h te r J a n e , Mr, an d Mrs. W . W ed n esd ay — T he U pper V alley C om m unity C lub w ill m eet on W e d n esd a y of next w eek, Nov. 21, a t th e hom e of Mrs. Ed G ow land on th e B o u le v a rd J in B ellview . T h is p ro m ises to be a H u d n e ll, Miss E rn e ste e n H icks and m ee tin g of m o re th a n o rd in a ry in ­ Miss May H a d fie ld . te r e s t a n d a ll m em b e rs a re u rg e d to D elicious re fre s h m e n ts w ere s e rv ­ m ak e an e x tra e ffo rt to be p re s e n t. ed a t th e close of th e evening. P a rlia m e n ta ry d rill is a f e a tu re * • « of ev ery session an d will be of con- U pper V alley C o m m u n ity M eets, (C o n tin u e d on p ag e 3) D inner for Mr. ..and ..Mrs. ..A. B. Chapman— Mr. a n d M rs. A. B. C h ap m an w ere g u e s ts of h o n o r a t a v e ry d e lig h tfu l d in n e r p a rty given by M rs. M. A . ! B aldw in a n d Miss C ora B aldw in r e - ' cen tly . T he C h a p m a n ’s leave fo r th e so u th soon to spend th e w in te r. T he d i n - : ¡ J n e r w as a v ery p la e s a n t a f f a ir and th o se p re s e n t e n jo y e d it a n d t h e : h a p p y v isit of old frie n d s v e ry , Announcing BE P R E P A R E D FOR COUGHS Do n o t w a it u n til an a tta c k of " f l u ” is upon you. T a k e c a re of th e little cough o r cold a n d p re v e n t th e big one, o r an a tta c k of “ f lu ” . B ear in m in d F o le y ’s H oney a n d T a r, th e sa fe a n d s u re re m e d y fo r co u g h s, colds, b ro n c h ia l an d th r o a t tro u b le s a n d co u g h s re s u ltin g from “ f lu ” . F o le y ’s H o n ey a n d T a r— th e la rg e s t s e llin g cough re m e d y in th e W orld — fre e fro m o p iate s. G et th e g e n ­ uine— re fu s e s u b s titu te s . S o ld ev e ry w h ere . I lie opening of our New Store, com pletely stocked w ith a b ran d new, high class line of G roceries and V egetables will occur Im p o rta n t New Books Monday, November 19 TH E W H ITE FLAG <£900 G ene S traton -P orter...... TH E MINE WITH TH E IRON DOOR ( » 9 0 0 H arold B eil W righ t......... NE V E R TH E TW AIN SH ALL M EET (¡?9<>O P eter R. K y n e ................ TH E ALASK AN Q 900 WE FLOW ING GOLD dfcQOO ..B each .................................. A L L T H E N E W F IC T IO N AT YO lJR BUSINESS 201 East Main Building formerly Occupied by Jordan Electric Co. McNair Bros. TTiff «R e c a l l , SO LIC IT August Schuerman W A N D ER ER S OF TH E W ASTELAND O9OO Zane Grey ........................s c " Pitone 155 Drug Store 0002000102020001010200020000010200020001020000000200010101000102010100010101010006090504010200020102482348485348535348484848015323484823234 Change in Schedule of STAGES th a t ta k e s th e s p e c ta to r fro m h ig h Effective November 19,1923 society to th e low p lac e s of h u ­ m a n ity w h e re a d v e n tu re lu rk s in th e sh ad o w s. Ashland, Roseburg, Portland Service J.PARKERREADj,. DAILY AND SUNDAY NORTHBOUND R eati D ow n • Also “ Chop Suev” 7 :00a.m. 7:45a.m. 7 :45a.m. 9:15a.m. 1:00p.m. 1:45p.m. 2:00p.m. 3:30p.m. 9:15a.m. 12:45p.m. 4:00p.m. 7:30p.m. L unch M iles 0 13 5:30p.m. 7 :00p.m. 13 46 46 124 S top O v e rn ig h t SOUTHBOUND S ta tio n s M iles R ead Up Lv............... A SH LA N D ..............Ar A r...............M ED FO R D ................Lv Lv............... M ED FO R D ................Ar Ar. . . . . . GRANTS PASS 327 ............ 3 1 4 ............ 314 5:30p.m. 281 4:00p.m. L v . . . . . . GRANTS PASS Ar. . . . . . . ROSEBURG . 281 ........ 203 ............ . ...A r ....L v 10:00p.m. 9:20p.m. 9:15p.m. 7:50p.m. 8:30a.m. 7 :30p.m. 4:00p.m. 8:10p.m. 5:00p.m. 4:00p.m. 12:50p.m. 1 2 : 0 0 noon Stop O v e rn ig h t 7:20a.m. 10:30a.m. 124 198 L v .... . . . ROSEBURG . Ar. .. . .......... EUGENE .. 203 129 5:00p.m. 6:45p.m. 7 :30p.m. 8:40p.m. 9:00p.m. 11:00p.m. 11:00a.m. 12:45p.m. 1:30p.m. 2:40p.m. 3:00p.m. 5:15p.m. 198 239 250 277 277 327 L v ... ........ EUGENE .. Lv CORVALI IS Lv. A r ... .......... SALEM Lv. . . . ......... SALEM . . . Ar. .. . . . . PORTLAND . 12!) 88 77 50 50 0 L u n ch 2:15p.m. 1:30p.m. 1:30p.m. 12.00noon L unch 1:15p.m. 4:25p.m. L u n ch Sunday Only L unch . Lv . Lv 4:30p.m. 3:00p.m. 2:20p.m. 1:15p.m. 1:15p.m. 11:00a.m. S to p o v ers p e rm itte d a t R o se b u rg , E u g e n e a n d Salem L unch 12:30p.m. 11:00a.m. 19:20a.m. 9:15a.m. 9:15a.m. 7 :00a.m. Medford-Ashland Line Leave M EDFORD-7:00, 8:00, Leave ASHLAND , :00, 8:00, Leave M E D FO R D -S:45, 10:90, Leave ASHLAND- i :911. 9:39. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 10:00 A.M.; 12 noon; 1:30, 3:00, 4:30, 5:30, 9:20 P.M.; also 7:45 P.M. Saturday onlv. 9:45, 11:3,9 A.M.; 1:09, 2:30, 4:15, 5:30, 10:00 P.M.; also 8:39 P.M. Saturdav onlv. SUNDAY SCHEDULE 11:45 A.M.; 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:00, 9:20 PM 11 :99 A.M.: 1:99, 3:99, 4:45, 6:39, 19:99 P.M. Jacksonville-Medford Line Leave Leave Leave Leave MacMunay TheFrenchDoD Her Supreme Trium ph lO’J J DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY JACKSONVILLE—7:99, 8:39, 11:99 A.M.; 2:99 3:39, 5:99 P.M.; also 7:99 PM Saturdav onlv MEDFORD—7 :49, 19:39 A.M.; 1 :00, 3:99, 4:39, 6:99 P.M.; also 10:09 P.M. Saturday onlv SUNDAY SCHEDULE JACKSONVILLE—9:00, 11:30 A.M.; 2:00, 4:30, 7:00 P.M. MEDFORD—9:30 A.M.; 12:00 noon; 2:45, 5:45, 10:09 P.M. ‘ Central Point-Medford Line DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Leave CENTRAL POINT—7:45 A.M.; 1:99 P.M.; also 7:00 P.M. Saturday onlv Leave MEDFORD—12 :00 noon; 5:00 P.M.; also 10:00 P.M. Saturdav onlv. ' ' * SUNDAY SCHEDULE LeaX® CENTRAL P ? INT~ 9.:?I° A.M.; 12:30, 7:00 P.M. Leave MEDFORD—12:00 noon; 4:30, 10:00 P.M. N O IE —Ihrough cars will carry local passengers between Central Point and Medford. ONE Adapted by A. £ . Tbomaa tron i ü » •pectaeadar New York and Paaw ataga I by Pant A n n ea l and Haanat Ashlapd ................ M ed fo rd ................ Grants Pass ........ R o se b u rg .............. Eugene „ ................. Portland .............. W AY FA RES A sh lan d M edford G ra n ts P a ss $0.45 1.60 4.60 5.95 8.20 $1.15 4.15 5.60 7.85 $3.00 4.60 7.05 Eugene $2.60 6.00 $3.75