A shland daily thttradA#, fcovetti ber i5, iöu$ Classified Column Says His Prescriptiôn Has Powerful Influence Over BE PRETTY! TO Hal tima »♦»■»»»♦■»♦•■♦♦♦■>»■»♦♦♦*•»»»♦•»4 !9tage I Daily News Letter *The Campahile, one cf the land­ marks of the campus of the Univer- SAN FRAtfCISCO; Nov. 15— The s,ty of Cahfornia at Berkley, is one ¡extent to which transportation is of the wOrld’s few earthquake proof Classified Column R ates Try Grandmother’s Old Fav­ becoming motorized in California is stru ctu res> according to professors One cent the word each time. Proven Rem arkably shown bv the annual report of the in the engineering departm ent of the orite Recipe of Sage Tea Has A,so in Severe Cases of To run every issue for one i i i Successful m onth or more, the word ¡autom obile d e p artm en tt of the Cal- university. and Sulphur. R heum atic N euritis It was built in im itation of the each time. ; ifornia Railroad Commission. famous Italian tower. At the time *, . ’ - „ Mr. Jam es H Allen suffered for Almost everyone knows th at S a g e , 1 This report shows that there are MISCELLANEOUS it was built there was a g reat deal „ „ „ years with rheum atism . Many times , Pea and Sulphur, »properly com- 713 motor carriers operating under WANTED— W ashing. 248 1st St. terrible disease left him help- . . , „ , , ¡of discussion as to the practicabil- pounded, brings back the n atural this less and unable to work. ,h * ^ « d i c t i o n o th e C o m m is s io n ,^ of shock.proof building, The 62-2mo* -color and lustre to the h air when He finally decided, a fte r years of ¡and the> enip O> ’ * ln pas ! professor contended th a t such a faded, streaked or ° gray. Years DRESSMAKING— W ---- ork --------- guaran- '? ----- ° ago ! ceaseless study th a t no one can be senger servl,p anrt nearly l o 0 0 j tower could be built wbicb wouid be teed. 147 Factory St. Mrs. B. Van the only way to get this m ixture; y’ trucks and trailers for freight carry- j success( u| t and others said th a t it free from rheum atism until the ac- H ardenberg. 31-lm o.* was to m ake it a t home, which is cum ulated im purities. commonly | I)uring the last ca^ n d e r year (could not Finally thp profesaorg —----------i mussy and troublesome. Nowadays, ‘the auto carriers of the State tra n s -1 won, and the tower was built as they called uric acid deposits, were d is -1 W ashing Etc. by asking at any drug store for ported 21,221,928 passengers. ! wished it. WANTED— W ashing. B lankets a '‘W yeth’s Sage and Sulphur Com­ solved in the joints and muscles Under the regulation of the Com- and expelled from the body. specialty, 25 to 50cts. 165 B. St. pound,” you will get a large bottle W ith this idea in mind he consult­ mision this form of transportation 63-26* of this famous old recipe, improved In order to m aintain the proper ed physicians, made experim ents and is rapidly becoming standardized balance of the structure, so as to FOR TRADE— Will trade good by the addition of other ingredients, finally compounded a prescription and a higher class of service ren- keep it from falling when an e arth ­ milk cow, fresh in about th r e e 1 at a sm a^ cost. th a t quickly and completely banish- dered each year. So rapidly has months and in good condition, for Don 1 3tay gray! Try it! No one ed every sign and symptom of rh e u -:been tbe development of this form quake comes, the walls were made thicker at the bottom . As the walls 80 to 100 pound shoats. Phone L. | can P o^ibly tell th a t you darkened matlsm from his system. of transportation th at it is now pos- ___ _ ...... ~ rise the thickness becomes less, un- W. Fahl, 9F11, Ashland. 62-3* yoUr h a ir- as u does n 30 naturally He freely gave his discovery. 3lble ,ravpl by a u ,° Calif° [ nia til at the top thep are thinenr than _ ............................ ......................................; and evenly. You dampen a sponge which he called A llenrhu, to others roni e regon me to the Mexican thg ayerage wallg Jn thig w&y tfae FOR RENT or soft brush with it and draw this who took it. with w hat m ight be | b° rd e r’ O 1 < ° ™ y ° r C° a8‘ - center of gravity is much lower than through your hair, taking one small FOR RENT— Furnished 3 rooms, called m arvelous success. A fter Irou p e * ° ered- Across-the- wouM .f strand a t a tim e; by m orning the ho doHdod to lot inf- i State service is given in the extreme L sleeping porch, bath, electric range same thickness throughout. When gray hair disappears, and after a n ­ years of urging he decided to let sur ferers everywhere know about his nor • * being possible to travel by an earth(Juake comeg the tower w(u and heat. W ill accommodate three other application or two, your h air people. Phone 478-J. 63-3* discovery through the n ew sp ap ers?a ” ° using f t n iT rock and sway’ but k win not fa»- becames beautifully dark, glossy He has therefore instructed the East J ines from CreS(pnt C l,y to Fort Bid- j t works No. 62 Side Pharm acy to dispense Alien-! weI1’ fro,n E u r,‘ka to Red Bluff, t o j the always uprigbt saR-shaker of FOR RENT— Three room fur- and attractive. nlshed appartm ent. First floor. rh u with the understanding th a t j f , Nevada State line; from Orville, dolls which cannot be knock- Light and w ater furnished. 575 Lib­ : Chic Sacram ento and Stockton to the first pint bottle does not show erty St. 63-6 ! the Lake Tahoe and F eather River ed down. the way to complete recovery he will Although this type of architectur­ gladly re tu rn your money w ithout ! tP rr’to ry ' from tbe center of popula- al construction is considered to be. FOR RENT— Four room fu rn ish ­ No. 4 tion to the Yosemite Valley and con-! ed apartm ent with garage. Adults comment. tiguous territo ry ; from Fresno and! only. 1101 Boulevard. 63-tf PHYSICIANS Bakersfield and other Valley points FOR RENT— Splendid two room Portland Man Tells About to the Coast and to the high Sierras. DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ furnished apartm ent with kitchen­ Out of Los Angeles and San Diego dence and office, 108 Pioneer Remarkable Experience ette and bath. A dults only. 357 stage lines run in every direction, avenue. Telephone 28. Office a zu. of Himself and Vista St. Phone 122. 62-tf hours, 10 to 12 a. m .; 2 to 6 serving San Bernardino Mountain W e n at all (40411 CemmeOlUM 1 p. m. only. Wife. i territory, Im perial Valley, and the FOR RENT— Clean, comfortable •vast desert areas th a t spread over and well located house keeping DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ I th southeastern part of the State. i tice lim ited to eye, ear, nose and rooms. Call mornings. 31C Harga- th ro a t— X-ray including teeth. ! Many of the stage lines publish I I I F new dine. 62-3 Ooo.Jy»*r t ÌÌ; Office hours, 10 to 12 and to joint tariffs and so arrange their 8141815181t 18171 Bitit 1820 182118221121 5. Swedenburg Bldg, Ashland, FOR RENT— A three room fu r­ ! time schedules that the necessary Ore. nished apartm ent, close in. Phone change from one line to another is 40 Robison’s Garage or 432-Y. accompanied by a minimum of dis­ DR E. B. ANGELL, Chiropractic H IS little chart comfort. As a result there are few’ and Electro-Therapy. Office phone •h o w s t h a t fo r FOR SALE 48; residence 142. F irst National places in California today th a t are years Goodyear Tire Bank building. inaccessible to the traveler by auto FOR SALE— Full blooded white p r ic e s h a v e b e e n Minorca cockerels, Mrs. J. J. Schol- k ep t below th e av­ DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings er, R -l, Box 154, Ashland, Ore. erage price level o f office. Phone 01. 63-4* a ll c o m m o d i t i e s . GBAH« dark RHEUMATISM nt food for small buildings, or Medicated a ir is the only treat- ornam ental towers, it is believed ment for catarrah Breathe Hyomsi th a t it will not be a success in the I aad obtain immediate relief. At business districts, as the sp ac e 1 which would be taken up by t h e ! McNalr Bros Money back if U fails- thickness of the walls is too val­ uable to waste in such a m anner. a V. S. W ILL NOT PROSECUTE SLAYER OF SANDPIPER Danger Is A Quick Traveler PORTLAND, Nov. 13.— Mayhap W atching cannot always see danger Em bert Wells did shoot a sandpiper th a t piped on the Tillamook coast ahead. Dodging cannot always miss it. but the United States governm ent 111 CQin s ta n t financial protection. Consult to answ er the charge. Then the i your insurance agent as a specialst in prosecution weakened. “ It can’t be done, said A ssistant iprotection United States D istrict A ttorney Al­ len Bynon. “ The sandpiper hasn’t enough friends to prove th a t Wells killed him .’’ Judge Bean dismissed Real E state and Real Inaun the case. ance. (E stab. 1883) Phone 211 41 E ast Main FOR SALE— Old papers 25c per hundred. Tidings office tf Billings AgencJ PROFESSIONAL j— L 1 .!> I ■ ’?*» f 2 T PLUMBING FOR SALE— 1923 Chevrolet touring car, in A -l condition. Also , JERRY O’NEAL— Plum bing. 207 new Kimball Piano. Mrs. Dougher­ East Main. Phone 138. ty. 55 Pine St. 59-tf ' MONUMENTS FOR SALE— One Gang Disc Plow second h a n d ’ at a bargain. Carson- Fow ler Lum ber Co. 60-6 MONUMENT— MARKERS Lowest Prices ASHLAND GRANITE CO. 3rd and E ast Maia St. 223-6mo FOR SALE— Apples. W. L. Moore Bellview. Phone 10F4. 53-12* ASHLAND GRANITE MONUMENTS Oregon G ranite Co. S. PENNISTON, Salesman. Res. 47« Laurel Phone 444 Y FOR SALE— Lot 41 Miekle & Payne Addition for 50.09. Box 21, Route 1, C entral Point. 62-3* FOR SALE— Two 5 room cot­ tage, central location, reasonable price and term s. Lock box No. 53, phone 166. 63-3* PLANING MILL JORDAN’S SASH AND CABINET WORKS, Cor. Heilman and Van Ness. 194-tf FOR SALE— Call on me for real bargains In houses and farms. Some good houses reasonable. J. C. Mason R ealty Co., Talent. 62-3* TRANSFER AND EXPRESS W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. for SERVICE Experienced movers and p a ck rr3 of household goods. Dealers in coal and w’ood. Phone 117. Office 89 Oak St near Hotel Ashland FOR SALE— Seven room modern house iu first class condition. Near Junior high school. Most scenic lo­ cation in town. Cash acceptable, or substantial paym ent down, balance by the month. See Mrs. Lane at Tid­ ings after three o’clock. 62-12 FOR SALE— Four room cottage, T. L. POW ELL— General Trans­ fer— Good team and m otor closets and garage— nice location? trucks. Good service a t a rea; Lot 50 by 125. Cash acceptable, or sonable price. Phone 83. paym ent down and balance by the | m onth. See Mrs. Lane at Tidings TRANSFER AND EXPRESS— a fte r three o’clock. 62-6 K ing’s T ransfer, general hauling. Dry wood for sale. Phone 113. CLOSING OUT SALE or one line Plaza Pool Hall. 45-tf of Pianos. The best piano for the Least money you ever saw. A nice Piano Teacher toned piano for rent, at 658 Blvd. Mrs. J. R. Robertson, certified Ashland, Oregon. C. F. Shepherd. piano teacher. Credit given in High 55-Mon. Thurs.2* School. Phone 341-J. 53tf Hall* s C atarrh Medicine —rid your system of Catarrh or Deaf­ ness caused by Catarrh. J’ CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, Ohio Fine Line Of NEW HEATERS We take used heaters in exchange for new ones. PROVOST BROS Refrigerators PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING— $3.50. Trade at home and have your piano tuned by Carl H. Loveland. Studio 135 E. Main St. Phones 134 and 465. ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May com m unicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army a t the W hite Shield home, 565 M ayfair Ave., P ortland, Oregon. 1 0-ly r Coughing I Tires the old, lowers their vital­ ity. The best standard family cough medicine for old and young W. A. SHELL, Prop. 532 A. St. Ashland, Ore. of wheat baked 2 0 hours “ Both my wife and myself have taken Tanlac and the Tanlac Vege­ table Pills with the results th a t her health is b etter than it ever was and, as for me, I couldn’t feel bet­ te r if I wanted to ,” recently stated Paul Sipes. 314 East 82nd St.. North, Portland, Oregon. “ We both suffered from stomach trouble and about everything that goes with it and were all run-down. But now we are like new’ people. Mrs. Sipes has gained ten pounds and I have gained thirty-nine. You can’t beat Tanlac.” Tanlac is for sale by all good ' druggists. Accept no substitute. Over . 3 7 million bottles sold. . '' m r.L: ■ >'■ ■ •V'/»- ' * /*'• 1 „•. > -?r.' 1 '* • V itam in -B and mineral - 5 elements ■■ h o w can XT . > J Take Tanlac Vegetable Pills. * ■ V J .“’ l . Í _ -c a ■1 ' • * r 7 ? B aker county apple grow ers losing such as East Side Pharm acy. larg e crop to r lack of labor. 1 ♦ » -♦ ♦ > > a a a a » » a » » a a a » » -» a a a a » a a a » » a a a ♦ ♦ a » FREE PUBLIC LECTURE The Hope for Distressed Humanity Now Living Will Never Die Wh’at hope have you for the relief of suffering and sorrow in the world, and the distress among the rations? Can you base your hope on any one of our great statesmen; on any League of Nations? NO— they have failed to bring peace and happiness to the world. Where, then, shall we look for a savior? Hear what some of our great statesmen say rela­ tive to the present distress in the world; their frank admission that they see no way out. Then hear what the Bible says about the only way, whereby sin and suffering, sorrow and sickness, pain and even death itself is to he destroyed; and peace and happiness, and everlasting life on earth shall he the ultim ate blessing to all mankind. “ For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there shall be famines and pestilences and earth ­ quakes in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrow ” — Matt. 24:7.8. A Story of the San Francisco Earthqiiake You’ll see a whole city crumble before your eyes! Crashing walls; licking tongues of flame; hun­ dreds of terrorized citizens running before the Demon of Fire; the earth cracking, and open­ ing, engulfing whole Mocks of buildings! A beautiful, charming girl; a man with a warped and twisted soul; a strange and beautiful love— Lon Chaney IN “The Shock’’ G. R. Pollock of New York Speaker, “ And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the form er things are passed away”— Rev. 21:4. The Truth is Free Come and Hear It L Y R IC T H E A T R E Ashland, Oregon Friday, Nov. 16th at 7:30 P, M. Mr. Pollock is an exceptionally eloquent speaker, with a clear, powerful voice. He recently lectured to an audience of 18,000 people and was plainly heard by everyone. Auspices International Bible Students Association Admission Free ♦ f f t ♦ ♦ 4 -♦ ♦ a a a a a a a a a a a a ♦ » • • ♦ ♦ a » a a a a a a a a a » a a a a a a a A a a a a »a a aa-a- ♦ ___________ • • _______ Today and Tomorrow ♦ f V M ad a te r W eatara T ra d a ” -A'«, bk/.-.... » ♦ * ♦ GOODYEAR -, J heumat I sm superler Ashland, Oregon Harrison Bros? Ford Garage Ashland Vulcanizing Works n L o n g , narroiv, darkened streets; slinking Oriental figures; You’ll see one of most beautiful love stories ever screened! I t is p r e p o s t e r o u s ; in f a c t , i t l a » s h a m e to s u f f e r w it h in f la m m a to r y , m u s c u l a r , s c i a t i c o r a n y f o r m -o r ffb e u m a tis m . T h is P r e s c r ip tio n does n o t r u la th e s to m a c h , i t d o es n o t d e p re s s th e h e a rt. E a t a ll th e m e a t a n d c o o d f o o d y o u w is h w h i l e t a k i n g T r u n k ' s P r e s c r ip tio n . C o n ta in s no m e r c u r y , s a lic y la t e s o d a , o il W in te r g r e e n o r n a r c o tic s , b u t p o s itiv e ly o v e rc o m e s a n y k in d o f r h e u m a tis m o r g o u t o n e a rth . W h a t m o re do y o u w a n t? T h e r e is n o t h i n g J u s t a s g o o d , a n d i t is im p o s s ib le t o g e t s o m e t h i n g b e tte r. T h e g r e a t e s t u r ic a c id s o l­ vent know n a n d a ls o a l i v e r m e d ic in e . T r u n k ’s P r e s c r i p t i o n s e lls f o r tl.TS o r 3 f o r o n l y $ 5 .0 0 a t d r u g s to r e s , First National Bank , W » » th » r T r» a d » n d h » ch t k t m u p w ith » t» n d » r d Co»dy»»r Särvit;» he other than BE PREPA RED FOR COUGHS Do not wait until an attack of " flu ” is upon you. Take care of the little cough or cold and prevent the big one, or an attack of “ flu” . Bear in mind Foley’s Honey and Tar, the safe and sure remedy for coughs, colds, bronchial and th ro at troubles and coughs resulting from “ flu ” . Foley’s Honey and T ar— the largest selling cough remedy in the World —free from opiates. Get the gen­ uine— refuse substitutes. S o l d everywhere. At least one-half of thrift is spending wisely. One’s surplus may be entirely wiped out by ill-advised purchasing. Learn how to buy and you will know how to get ahead. On a Subject of Transcendant Importance to You and to all Mankind You’ll see the mysteries of Chinatown unfolded! Good for every member of the family A a CaoW_y«ar Saratca D aaU rt iaa a