/ MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months In the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic w ater helps. A shland D aily T idings Wie Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL. XLVII. KELS VISITED BY HIS WIFE Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings. Volume 48. DUNSMUIR MAX RUN DOWN AND KILLED BY AUTO ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1923 SAYS RECORDS ARE INNOCENT Newest Type of French Army Plane ASHLAND CLIMATE Cures nine cases out of ten of asthm a. This is a proven fact. NO. 62 YOUNG HARD AND ERNO FACE COURT AT YKREKA RAIN HINDERS HIGHWAY WORK DLNSMI IR, Nov. I4 > — County authorities have instituted a search YREKA, Nov. 14.— Wiliam Hard, for the unknown m otorist wh6‘ Sat­ who says he is 16, and Ronald Erno, urday night ran down and fatally 24, charged with the m urder of W ife of Lodi Slayer and Mother injured Floriano Subrio, 37, a labor­ Fred Skeen, young farm h e 1 ! farm er of t the ______ er, on the state highway near Shasta Convicted Coquille Murderer Sam’s Neck district in Siskiyou of New Born Babe Meet d istrict in Sismyon Ashland -Klamath Falls Road Springs. Astrologist Makes New County, to-day were arraigned be­ in Prison Walls. Subrio's body was found Sunday May Not Be Completed Denial. fore Justice A lbert Thomas. Scene Enacted in Folsom Prison I a J n tbe highway where he had been Before Winter. Hard was certified to the juvenile struck. His skull was fractured and:Says Record of Toroscope Are Only E xtrem ely P ath etic— K els to coutr for investigation as to w heth­ Unless Completed Klamath Falls Will ! his body crushed. A pparently he had Innocent Writings— Reveals H aug January 4. er his case should be handled by been killed instantly or had died be Isolated from Auto His Philosophy. th at court or w hether he should be shortly after the accident. Travel. SACRAMENTO, Nov. 15— Alex prosecuted before the superior court The rem ains were brought to Duns­ A. Kels came back from the tomb SALEM, Nov. 15.— Declaring that Brno was held to answ er to the KLAMATH FALLS. Nov. 15.— yesterday for his wife, who until two muir. There Is no clew to the identity th e horoscope upon which his con­ superior court. of the autom obile driver who ran W hether Klamath Falls will be days ago believed him dead. She saw viction for the m urder of Mrs. Ebba The com plaint charging m urder in to Subrio. shut out from the outside world*this him in a living tomb from which he Covell was largely based were m ere­ was sworn to by Isaac Smith, w inter as far as automobile traffic will never emerge alive. ly innocent records of the workings brother-in-law of the slain man. is concerned depends entirely upon W ithin the grey walls of Folsom of his mind and th a t they were never j Erno has retained a Los Angeles the w eather. So says C. C. Kelly, d i­ attorney. Prison, where he is condemned to die intended fo r use, as statem ent w rit­ vision engineer of the state highway Here is an airplane of the new type adopted by the French army. Note on the scaffold on Jan u ary 4th, she ten by A rth u r Covell, Coos county office here. Of the roads leading the unique fuselage and wings with closed cabin to protect the fighter, and fell into the arm s of the man she astrologer, and made public by Dep­ double propellers and engines. out of Klamath County there is hut thought dead since the charred re­ uty Sheriff Malehor here yesterday one th a t might he fit for travel the mains of the initeran t laborer, Ed. evening, attem pts to present an alibi .MYSTERY VEILS SLAYING OF entire w inter, the Green Spring OCEAN STEAMER DOCKS Meservey, whose m urder Kels has for the evidence which Coos county RENO BANKER IN AUTO m ountain road. FOLLOWING STORMY VOYAGE confessed, were found in the field au th o rities declare indicated a plot For the past few months the con­ near Lodi where Kels machine had “ Lady L ithia,” a Tancred Royal for the destruction of num erous tractors on this new road have been RENO, Nov. 14.— The body of M. i ABERDEEN, Wash., Nov. 15.— been burned. white leghorn hen. No. 385, owned persons residing in th at section. straining every effort to lay in l.ase This alibi was one of th e two D. Fairchild, president of the Stock j Arrival here of the Norwegian Greeting Pathetic Scene by Mrs. W. D. Booth on W eightman rock before the snow sets in, All It was a tearful scene in the of- street, has an enviable record th a t is statem ents w ritten by Covell, on his Growers bank of Reno, was found -at steam er Atna from Japan, brought Masonic F ath er and Son week was have been meeting with success ex­ way to Salem from Coos county 8 o’clock yesterday crumpled up to an end an eventful voyage accord­ fice of W arden J. J. Smith when Kels reached seldom in state contests. observed in Ashland last night when cept W. D. Miller, whose contract is in his automobile, which was stand* ing to Captain N. Nilson, master. garbed in the gray prison uniform Record of the hens activity for a Tuesday night to en ter the state ing in California Avenue in the resi- The Atna left Moji, Japan. Septera- sixty fathers and sons met at Masonic the most difficult stretch of the was led into the presence of his wife, year was started by h er owner prison here, w here he is condemned Hall in accordance with orders from road from the point of view of road who had come from her Lodi home November 4, 1922 and compelled to hang December 21. The other dence section, a bullet wound in his her 19. Engine trouble developed liead. Grand Master Cochran, La Grande construction. There are three and when she was two days out and the to see him. November 3, 1923. He first egg was statem ent presents Covell's philoso­ Fairchild had been dead for some vessel was headed to Hackodate. and celebrated the national occasion. seven-tenths milps on this contract She sprang from her chair and laid at the age of 5 mo. and 12 phy of life and death. time when his body was discovered Before reaching Hackodate the en- Chaps of the De Molay age, ranging which may render traffic between stepped tow ards him. They embraced days. During the year, she laid 320 Reactions Insistent. from 10 years to grown young men, here and Ashland impossible this and sobbed convulsively. Tears roll­ eggs averaging 26 eggs per month, “ These reactions from a high and the police are working on the gines broke down entirely and the accompanied their “ dads” to the winter. ed down the cheeks of both and those the highest num ber being produced plane of th o u g h t to th a t of a lower theory that he was shot while en i ship was forced to anchor Hayden Creek “Sticker.’’ route to his home in Sierra Street, A fter leaving H akodate th^ Atna evening’s mix. who witnessed the scene were visibly in one month was 30, in May, and became so Insistent th a t out of cu r­ It is Hayden Creek hill that is the Superintendent G. A. Briscoe, a few blocks away, the night before. ran into rough w eather and her en affected. For several m inutes there! the lowest num ber being 20 in her iosity and to see . how they would the sticker and trucks laden with The murdered man was at the ¡tire pasage across the Pacific ocean principal speaker of the evening, look In w riting I commenced to put was silence save for the sobs, which initial month of producing gave an inform al talk on activities base rock gravel from the quarry spoke eloquently of the ordeal both j Eighteen days is the longest down my im pressions as though wheel of his machine, which was j was m arked by a succession of of boys, recom m endations for their are unable to make this grade. It is not wrecked, but had been driven to storms. W hen about halfway be- were undergoing. stretch in which th e hen laid an egg they were plans to be carried o u t,” the curb and stopped. He had evi­ tween Japan and the Pacific, one of present and future grow th, associa­ located in heavy tim ber and the Arms Around His Shoulders a day, stopping one day and contin Covell w rites in his alibi. dently engaged in conversation with the balast tanks began to leak. Be­ tion of fath er and son, and general road has refused to dry up. despite “ I like to investigate and I only At last Kels dried his eyes, led h is .u in g her work for a sim ilarly long the many days of sunshine. The his assailants before he was killed. cause of th e leak the vessel develop- impressions. ___ ________— wife to a chair in the corner and s a t , period of time. Ten different days had In mind the opportunity to d elv e1 road is all newly graded and when Impromptu music furnished by { ed a heavy list to the port, and upon down beside her. Mrs. K els’ arm s she produced two eggs a day, aiid Into some secret recesses of my ; arriving off Grays H arbor it was Billie Briggs, R. L. Burdick. S. A. the rain falls, it sinks into the went around his shoulders and she: with strict observance it was found n atu re never before touched o rilC A IZ E PflMPCDT U/Cl I found she was listed about 14 de­ Peters and other choristers created fresh soil instead of draining off. patted him affectionately as they I that she laid three eggs w ithin tw en- brought to light, but I attached no LTOL UUlWLhl Only a heavy freeze that will last an enjoyable atm osphere for the re ­ grees. talked in whispers. im portance to the m aking of these, ty-four hours on one occasion. m ainder of the evening. V. D. Mill­ for a week or ten days before the As they conversed, Kels grew calm ­ Mrs. Booth, who is thoroughly notes, and w ithin the hour of jo ttin g , er also responded with several se­ snow sets in will enable Miller to er and at intervals his face lighted fam iliar with chicken raising and them down forgot all about the sub-! FRANCE WILL NOT ACT lections. lay the base rock, stated Kelly. Once with a smile. He would look into has follow'ed that specialty for sev­ Ject. I was surprised when the notes UNAIDED IN GERMANY A supper, not sum ptuous, finished the rock is spread on the new grad­ the eyes of the woman for whom he eral years, has approximately si^k"®1* were ' brought --------- - oro,,gni to my attention re- the evening in time for the elders to ing. the nrohletu w ill have been hoped, through the m istaken ident­ hundred chickens in her flock. Forty aS bad no use for them and ______ j PARIS, Nov. if,.— Even if the retire with no great delay. solved and auto traffic will be ea.iy ity of Meservey for himself, to get pedigreed roosters are kept under had not remembered they were in The 1923-24 lyceum opened a J a l“ ed Ambassadors council decides during the winter. approxim ately $105.00» in life in­ close observation as are several hens existence. I am sorry th a t there has not to impose any new penalty upon SUDDEN DEATH OF YREKA To Use Snowplows ar,nory last night with the surance. who lay in trap nests, to secure th eir been any wrong construction p laced ' Germany, France will not act alone The road will be kept clear of BOY CAUSE OF INQUEST Leake entertainers giving Ashland upon them . They really m eant noth­ lyceum Sister Is W itness absolute record. patronizers one of thè kind ' ^ ainst the Germans. considering snow during the wi > r months bv On the other side or Mrs. Kels sat At the cu rren t m arket price of ing to me, and the idea th a t I intend­ of musical program s which brings ! th perhaps fatal, accident eager to catch the tenor of the co n -, accept the challenge REAR IN SCOTT VALLEY ’ he service it has rendered me. When thing less than a full concert band < was narrow l>’ averted Tuesday even- a few miles from the northern versation. but unw illing to d is tu rb 1 So. on Monday night Yomashito we departed it is what we take with boundary of the county, to a point or symphony orchestra. Yet, Mr. i *ng wben th e blue P n Her touring any of the principals in the tragic hied himself to the Japanese bath us th a t counts— we cannot take YREKA, Nov. 15.— Gus V. and just north of Fort K lam ath, the Leake has taken the violin, s a x o -'car owned and driven b; C. W. Pul- dram a at such a tender moment. John D. Klgaver, Scott Valley road is unimproved. To keep this house conducted by Mr. and Mrs. ’ toney or property, or a great name, phone and clarinet solo sections, j and occaPied by two other peo- The party arrived here shortly he- Yokoi a t 320 M street, and there but if we have tried to be good, kind ranchers, last Friday killed what is road open will he almost impossible, with piano and drum s to make the ' pJe’ ran off tbe f ade at the curve fore 11 o’clock and at noon Mrs. Kels again laid ardent siege to the wom- and tru e to self and others, this is ensemble instrum entation ’co m p lete!011 the Pacific higliw • v*ar P’ ki­ said to be one of the largest brown said Kelly, and the m aintenance stlll was at her husband’s side. a n ’s affections. Again spurned, food upon the soul shall feed after ln score production, and attained a ; you‘ ^h e curve a t th a t pr int is bears ever slain in th a t part of the expense would not be worthy of the W arden Smith wras m aking arran g e­ Yomashito drew a gun and placing change called d eath .” very good Dance of the Hours. The; ra th e r ab ru p t and the road va3 cr •- country. The animal dressed out at traffic th a t would pass over the ments to serve luncheon to the party. the muzzle against the breast of the n e rd y 500 pounds, and yielded 175 road during the w inter months. next num ber was a xylophone so lo !ered ,n a denae bank of fog, object of his affections sought to of the favorite overture “ Poet and ! ^ rttetin g the view’ of the <’ ive**. ■»i uds of lard, The hunters say that THREE FEET OF SNOW ON kill her. ihe bear was so fat th a t when he MAN, 37, MARRIES A Britain Unable to Act. RIMS OF CRATER LAKE P easant.” This dem onstrated Mr. j When near th e edge of the re 1 But Yomashito was playing in bad LONDON, Nov. 15.— Due to the BRIDE OF « 3 YEARS Leake’s ability as a competent per. l P a Hette saw the danger and app!i J I overtaken it could not climb a election situation G reat Britain i s ! luck- a11 around, for even the gun Medford, Nov. 15.— Three feet of from er with execution and culture, ‘ his brakes- b at the pavement b e in g .tr6®; unable to act upon the proposed new | balked and failed to explode as he snow lies on the shaded areas of the to which he added the dazzling r a - ! wet and slippery- he was unable to RENO, Nov. 15.— Youth and ago e K leaver brothers are among the most successful bear hunters in penalties or on the reported decision Pressed the trigger, and when he ventured on the sea of matrimony C rater lake bowl, according to word pidity of jazz stick operation to add slop tbe heavy car. A fter leaving of Germany to stop all reparations later attem pted to kick in a door recevied here. L ast Sunday a very interest. One of the best received i tbe grade the car turned completely the county and annually make good yesterday with the granting of a catches. payments. It is reported th a t Ger­ behind which Mrs. Yokoi had sought m arriage license hy County Clerk heavy fall was recorded and th e last num bers of the en tire program was over and landed right side up in a “We d on't care so much for the many is preparing to announce a re­ shelter from the expected bullets, Beemer to Louis Albares, aged 37, parties down from the lake re tu rn ­ his playing of “ Home Sweet Home” niass oi boulders at the bottom of m eat,” said Gus, who reported the pudiation of the Versailles treaty. the door held. And so have the bars and Angeline Wilson, who confes­ the deep em bankm ent below. ed with some little difficulty over on the m arim baphone. sed to 63 years. of the city jail, where the love-lorn the snow covered roads. The three occupants of the m a­ kill, “ but the lard is the finest for Mrs. Leake, soprano, of more ARGENTINE HOLDUP NETS pies, cakes and other pastry th at Japanese languishes aw aiting a h ear­ The bride took charge of affairs than .usual ’mellowness of »voice, chine, who were returning to P o rt­ one can get. I wish we had the old BANDITS COLD $20,000 ing on a felony charge. and answered all questions asked correct diction, tone control and land from the south, were not in­ FOUR CITIES CONSIDERED by the county clerk. boy down in the city. There they well balanced registers, in spite of i ured and were in Ashland yester. FOR NATIONAL CONVENTION The m arriage was immediately KANSAS CITY, Nov. 15.— Two GIRL FINDS CORPSE OF the rigors of lyceum work, was day' A fter a days’ work Wed- would pay as much as $1 per pound for bear m eat on the block.” officials of the A rgentine State Bank perform ed in the courthouse by SUICIDE IN OLD BARN charm ing in her main num ber, “ Voi nesday. the W hittle T ransfer com­ Judge T. F. Moran, and the couple were held up and robbed of $20,000 WASHINGTON. Nov. 15.— Choice pile sapete” from Cavaliera Rusti- pan^’ succeeded in loading the heavy Collinsville Reports Holdup left arm -in-arm , apparently su­ which was being taken to the bank ' OREGON CITY, Nov. 14. — W hen of a city for holding the national cana. [ car on a truck and brought it to premely happy. COLLINSVILLE. III., Nov. 15.— to meet the Santa Fe railroad pay-; 14-year-old Ju lia Casanoz, venturing republican convention Jias narrowed One of the fine things was a Ashland late yesterday afternoon Five or six bandits, armed with shot roll. The bandits escaped w ithout , into the dusty loft of a deserted down to Chicago. San Francisco, soxophone trio giving a seldom • where preparations were soon un­ any shots being fired. barn near her hj>me in Milwaukie. Cleveland, and- Des Moines. Denver heard arrangem ent of “ Praise Ye derway to ship the machine to P o rt­ guns, raided the main office of the OPPONENTS OF INCOME Consolidated Coal Co., held up Char- saw th e suspended corpse of a which had figured in the early bid- the Lord.” Miss Bettv Liece violin- land. TAX PU IN TO APPEAL - of damaged ____ ___ les'Jam es and Ernest Meyer, clerks, BIDS MADE FOR SURFACING suicide, she collapsed from sheer ding. withdrew. The representatives ¡s t. had a snap and enthusing vigor Damages consisting SALEM, Nov. 24.— Action look­ ROAD ABOVE HORNBROOK fright. Her father, whom she had of the four cities engaged in spirit- to her playing of the “ Spanish ; tran8m lssion. demolished top, brok- and escaped in an automobile with $14,000. ing to the appeal of the State Income accompanied to the bam , called ed competition today in presenting = Dance” by Raphael and “ O riental” 1 en windshield and glass side pieces tax law recently passed hy the people SACRAMENTO, Nov. 15.— Bids Sheriff Wilson and deputies and the d ata favorable to each before the by Couee. The other member w a s !in the re a r besides other broken A BEAR STORY was started by C. C. Chapman, ed it­ for the grading and surfacing with unidentified body was brought to sub-committee. The selection of a .Miss M arietta Gift, woodwind p la y -jparts are t0 he taken care of. Two LeRoy A shcraft, well known here or of the Oregon Voter, with the gravel of alm ost ten miles of high-¡O regon City. The body apparently city will not be finally made u n til, er> with a charm ing personality. | <‘usbions and extra tires were still but who is tim ekeeper for the Mc­ filing of copies of a petition with way between a point two miles had been suspended nearly a week the committee meets in W ashington, The last big num ber was the H n n -jon th e machine, Cloud River Lum ber Company, is Secretary of State Kozer for an ini­ south of Hornbrook and the Oregon and although well clothed, bore no December 11. when action will be garian overture “ Lutspiel” by Kel-i W. P u llitt prepared to return reported to have killed a 650 pound tiative m easure to be voted on in state line, all in Siskiyou County, m arks of Identification. The body taken on the report of the sub ; ler-Bela as ama rim baphone q u a r-!to Portland last night. bear and 9 men were required to November 1924. More than 13,000 comimttee. were opened at the office of the is being held here while identifica­ tette. In between each num ber was] carry it from the m ountains to Mc­ signatures must he secured before state highway commission here yes­ tion is sought. oddities and unique musical fea­ GUILTY OF MANSLAUGHTER Cloud where it is being cared for. the measure can go on the ballot, terday afternoon. Two types of bids BASE BALL SQUABBLE WILL tures which were hum orous and B ert H inthorne has negatives of and circulators will start soon to se­ were called for, one providing for RESTRICT IMPORTATION OF PROBABLY ENTER COURTS laughable. SEATTLE, Nov. 15. — W inifred pictures taken of the anim al and has cure signatures from over the state. th e completion of the work in 150 CALIFORNIA LIVESTOCK The American Legion can well j yOu»g ,ady of 19 years who ghot an enlargem ent in his window. days, and the other 200 days. Chapman said that already millions SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 15.— The feel repaid for the effort of a ly ^ a n d killed H arry LaCelle at. a road The lowest hid under the 150-day! pending investment in Oregon had PORTLAND, Nov. 15— Stringent possibility th a t the Pacific Coast ceum this w inter in the first num-J house near here October 7, ELSON FAMILY BETTER lim it totaled $205.000, and was rules have been passed by the Or­ ben cancelled, due to the bill and League squabble, which resulted in her of the program , so far as pleas- ¡found guilty today of m anslaughter John Elson, Tidings carrier, has tiled bv Dunn and Raker of Klam ath egon livestock sanitary board reg­ the election of two presidents, will ing the patrons. A fair audience by a ju ry of ninp women and three been afflicted with bad doses of th at many corporations with Oregon Falls, Oregon. S. S. Schell of Oak­ ulating im portation of cattle from branches plan to have business find its way into the courts for ad ­ greeted the opening program and men. A minimum sentence was rec­ poison oak as well as his fath er who land. Oregon, with an o f'e r of $192,- California. Disease infeetd anim als in Oregon handled through San judication was seen when a local found it good. More could have ommended. Consul for defense an­ was obliged to leave his work a t the 864, Is the lowest bidder for the from the southern state have spread Francisco and Seattle. bank, custodian of the league funds, heard the program and been de­ nounced th at he would move for a Golden Rule last week. A fter trying work under the provision of the bovine tuberculosis to free herds' in announced th a t It would not pay lightfully entertained and profited new trial. scores of various medicants the in ­ 200-day lim it. ¡Oregon. H ereafter stock brought money on anyone’s order until it is musically. Beaverton lets $42,911 contract fection is gradually disappearing and for w ater system. Action on the bids is expected to in m ust be from state or federal ac­ legally determ ined who are the prop­ Sixteen miles road bcilt in Uma­ Mr. Elson has rturned to his work, be taken by the highway commis­ credited herds or m ust pass a 90-day er persons to receive the league, Newberg ships carload w alnuts to tilla national forest during 1923 sea­ while John no longer has painful sion a t an early date. eye retest. Elgin packs 110.000 boxes apples funds. Spokane, Wash. son. eruptions on his skin. this year. I AN ENVIABLE RECORD ENJOYED BÏ ASHLAND A N D SONS VftLL 0 V PORTLAND PEOPLE OFF