P á ' ü S fo tti A S itU x ti b À i t r TiiiiÄ ö a ,y, November 18, IW ? Birth Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. P u t­ nam, November 12, 1923 at 558 Holly street, a 9 lb. daughter. Dr. Shaw reports the birth. ¡NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS that you were the sanie &g a m other J $1.00, 2nd— 50c. OF THE ASHLAND TIDINGS to him while he stayed at your Cabbage, 2 heads: 1st— $1.00, K 8 place.” 2nd— 50c. < > On and after December 1, 8 « “ Yes, I fed your boy,” said Mrs. . > A D ally C hronicle o t th ose w h o com e and go, and even ts of Potatoes 1 peck each named va- 1923, all display advertising 8 Skeen. “ I gave him shelter, and riety: 1st— $1.00, 2nd— 50c. local Interest. * ♦♦ I « will be charged at the flat ♦♦ Frenchy, too. I befriended them — : Onions any variety, 1 peck: 1st Pulpit to. be F ille d — rate of 30c the inch, unless 8 Rev. Nelson of Medford will oc­ there is an annual contract » ! \ ¡sited th e Stock Show — r Mr. H ard.j Squash 2 specimens: 1st— $1.00, M asonic Calendar cupy the pulpit of the F irst P res­ « for regular service. 8 » and glad to meet you. You have I 2nd— 50c. Mr. and Mrs. George H aight of T his W eek byterian church Sunday. No perm an­ :: This is not an increase in 8 j shown th a t you are a man by pre Little Shasta are guests at the home Tomatoes, 6 specimens: lst- ent pastor has been selected, it is ! » rates but will result in ad- 8 senting yourself to me. If your son Tuesday evening— Executive of Mr. H aight’s father, Chas. Haight stated has grown steadily since last week. $1.00, 2nd— 50c. » Mrs. A. B. Wick, chairm an, wishes ! » vantage both to the advertis- ♦ 8 ♦ was blameless and was led to ac­ Committee m eeting, to arrange for on East Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Biggest pumpkin and squash— er and the Tidings. Under ♦♦ company Erno through fear, then special Haight are returning from the Stock prize to announce th a t anyone who has not Shrine ceremonial early in January, Frank Moore Improves— « the annual contract, rates « I hope he will escape punishment, Show and Portland. A car load of ¡already subscribed and wishes to do Masonic Hall. H orticultural Frank Moore, who was throw n registered Shorthorn stock is being « will be as follows: 8 but I can’t understand how either ¡so, may leave th eir money at th e ’ W ednesday E vening— F ather and i Apples any variety: 1st— $2.00, One time a week. ......27 %c 8 Erno or your boy can claim inno- 2nd— shipped to Montague from the show from his horse last week, is improv­ State Bank of Ashland or at the Ash $1.00, 3rd__50c. Son meeting at Masonic Hall. All j ♦♦ ing at the home of his parents. ♦♦ Twice a week ...............25 c 8 cence— when my baby is dead, shot in Portland as Mr. Haight is the own­ Masons and their sons invited. Pears any variety: 1st— $2.00, « Three tim es a week....20 c 8 in the back of his head er of the herd of thorough-bred stock While he is able to leave his bed, been taken from the two banks. Thursday— Stated convocation of while he 2nd— $1.00, 3rd— 50c. he spends most of his tim e quietly » at his home in L ittle Shasta. This move is necessitated 8 slept.” Talent Needs Help Siskiyou C hapter R. A. M. Sw eepstakes on a couch, regaining some of his « by the lately added cost of 8 Anyone who has a car and is w ill­ D iscuss Tragedy Friday— Special communication, Largest and best display apples. lost vigor. Have a fit at Orres. Tailors for ing to volunteer to solict Talent, « production and will apply 8 Members of the Skeen family and i pears, peaches, grapes, nuts from Ashland Lodge No. 28, work in men and women. Upstairs. 4-tf 8 should respond early to Mrs. Wick. :: alike to all advertisers. second degree. U. S. Will Not Protest K ASHLAND TIDINGS. 8 No one has been designated to cover Light refreshm ents after the D ennison Day— WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. — The th a t territo ry and the visiting city :: :: 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 :: meeting. the g rie f-1 T o° LATE TO CLASSIFY At a special meeting last night at United States will not protest indi­ ¡has asked th a t someone from A sh­ the home of Mrs. M. H. Ellis, the vidually or join an allied protest la n d come to solict th eir residents. GIVE BOOST TO W INTER FAIR FO R *R E N T — Splendid two room Convention a T rust— officers of the W ednesday Club and against the retu rn of the form er furnished apartm ent with kitchen­ More D istrict to H ear From Hard says that his boy lived at Delegates to the Missionary Con-' ette and bath. Adults only. 357 the hostesses for the club meeting German kaiser or members of his , Several districts have not been (Continued from page 1) 1 home and was a model son until ference held last week in Portlanl family to Germany, it was officially 62-tf were given a special session on the i heard from. Valley View and Bell- the H ards became estranged, th V ista St. Phone 122. returned to Ashland and Rev. B. C .' preparation for tom orrow ’s affair. announced a t-th e W hite House. view are expected to turn in more ,nade in each and every departm ent boy going wjth his m o(hrr whpn th r ... k < h h k wiiii nis m o th e r w Miller gave interesting echos from FOR SALE— Lot 41 Mlekle & The daintiest of place cards and than th eir last years quota w tihin the and with Proper co-operation from j fam ily home Wfls brokpn convention lights in his sermon Payne Addition for 50.00. Box 21. favors in loveliest guise grew under S ales R eported— week. The drive in b o ,h o ,,.ly in g i„ Benoml. ,„e coming m ir, Vo„„.. Har„ ( Sunday morning. Numerous side 62-3* t r i e s lifts m et w ith enthusiasm and « 1 « together a class of ex- h | s -Ial,n 1|)a, Erno kl|]()(t g ________ skillful m anipulation, and on W ed­ J. C. Mason, of Talent reports the ju a n ts from the convention furnish-! nesday these beautiful things will be sale of four properties during Octo­ ¡people have responded readily, ae- hll'«» lhat will reflect unusual cred- a nd then told him he would b a y i l o l l SALE— Two 5 room cot­ ed dull hours with som ething to ¡it on display for any one to see and ber, aggregating close to ten thou­ cording to those in charge. I“ on this district. ¡to drive the ear In the flight from tage, central location, reasonable remember. Portland and .many of its learn to make. High Goal Set A rranging Program (bp 8cene. price and term s. Lock box No. 53, sand dollars, the four acre place of unseen haunts were explored by v ar­ j The goal of one thousand has been H. K. Tomlinson, chairm an of the Blames Frno phone 166. 63-3* Wm. Stump was sold to H. B.Nye, ious members of the party. The Ladies Aid of the Congrega­ 30 acres belonging to E. E. Foss ¡set as the zenith for this years drive, program committee announced that ««j tob] Erno I did not want ¡To date, $652.75 have been turned a program of exceptional m erit and do that, th a t I w an ted to stav to • FOR SALE— Call on me for real tional church will have a display of was sold to Mr. Bryan, a house and Large loaf— quality hrend 10c. af bargains in houses and farms. Some rugs and quilts Thursday evening lot belonging to H. B. Nye was sold in as the lump quota. Membership I powers of entertainm ent is well un- the Skeen h o m e ” said Hard Bon Ton. 34-tf “ 1 good houses reasonable. J. C. Mason at the church parlors. 62-2 to Wm. Stump and a house and lot ¡figures have increased with th e week der way, but stated th at the exact knew that if I fled I would be Realty Co., Talent. 62-3* in Talent belonging to T. J. Bell 'and more than half a thousand mem- n ature of the program is not to be blamed with Erno for the m urder Recent Visitors— R eturns form San F r a n c i s c o - bers are hoped for a t the end of divulged until a later date. Mr. To,,,-; ■■ .y „ „ ,„ lh ,,r (lrive ,ha, ’ P o ,t R E X T - Clean. conifJrTabl. was sold to E. E. Roberts. Charles Messick and John Delmer the drive Saturday night. All dona- Imson Indicated. however. • that take , be same dose Skeen got.' Erno ' well Ineated house keeping of Macdoel are among late a rriv a ls .1 Mrs. Geo. J. Jarvis returned Mon­ tions are allowed to rem ain in Ash- som ething good is in s to re fo r i l l ... , , ____ . „ ,, , .„„a c 0 .0 „„„„„ I____ gOOa ., Store_ for a11 sa,d <° me- a »d he motioned a 45- «-ooms. Call mornings. 316 Harga- Brown and Strom the roof men, have day from a trip to San Francisco land for local Red Cross work. D elta Tau D elta Man H ere— those who visit the W inter Fair. ¡caliber pistol at me in a menacing dine. return from near Klamath Falls, where she visited her huband, Dr. 62 3 In te re st Has Grown Ralph Ray, brother of Miss Grace Space prevents complete anner. con-' „ . . . ------ the — . . . . . . re- . m iiiiu in c r u On n a all il of ol the th e I trip r i n h he e /»n,i where they have been doing roof G. J. Jarvis. Mrs. Jarvis states th at esP»te the fact th a t the drive in port from the heads of the various tinually reminded me that he had LoST—New brown kid gauntlet the doctor has many duties in the Hawkyard, teacher in the Ashland work. Jam es Smith and family of high school, was the guest of his jliland got away with a bad start, committees, but with assistance the gun and would r a / - , R,ove’ Finder Phone Mrs. Carl Love- city but finds time to enjoy the ou t­ St. Anthony, Idaho are out-of-town sister a short time du rin g the la tte r ¡doaadons have swelled the funds and from II,cm the Tidings will cover. In ' carry on’ Id, w fe ' 62-1 visitors. Ed. E. Shyler and wife of doors and beneficial recreation. He given the com m itte’s heart. Few as solic- separate articles d t urine- ti.n « « o » 1 t . ----------------------- does not plan to retu rn to Ashland, p art of last week. Mr. Ray is nation­ ’« o r , were sen. on, In Ash,and th e w eek“ ¡ ¡ . T v i r o n T t , « , ties e ” T T P° R TBADF' Tacoma aer among recent arrivals. Will trade good al field secretary of Delta Tau Delta, Mrs. Jarv is says. E. C. Raping of Junction City is an bulk of members were reached t h r u , each ' ' rnn ia< * ngaged a Los Ange- milk cow, fresh _ in about three national fraternity, and travels to __ _______ _____ ______ ______ ___ _________ ,es attorney to defend him and that months and in good condition, for out-of-town guest at the Hotel Ash­ It costs nothing to get my insur­ many colleges th a t has a chapter of the booths and the few captains land. are to be complimented on the man- ' " o u h l b, claimed that he was in- SO to 100 pound shoats. Phone L. ance rates. Yeo, of course. 21-t his fratern ity . The U niversity of iner in which they have cooperated b R e e n S l a y e r s A r e G u a r d e d lurod ia the head when a child, and W. Fahl, 9 F 1I, Ashland. 62-3* Oregon has the only Delta Tau Maple squares— 30c. Bon Ton. if m’nd h8d been affftcted a s ! ------------------------------------ Delta in Oregon and several Ashland * ¡with Mrs. A. B. Wick, chairm an. To C alifornia— FOR SALE— Seven room modern 1 (Continued from page 1) ¡a consequence -I _ Mrs. Florence Studebaker, who boys are members. house in first class condition. Near R eturn to H onolu lu— FO REST DEPAR TM EN T WILL , A pathetic scene was enacted late ‘ has been visiting at the home of Mr. Junior high school. Most scenic lo­ Mrs. Edwin C. P ettit departed yes­ AID MOUNT HOOD LOOP: Saturday when George H ard, Ver- Prem ium List for A gricultural and Mrs. L. Miksch of Bellview’, and cation in town. Cash acceptable, or terday for San Francisco where she and () r <• li a r <1 Products An Ancient Art. ---------- j non policeman, father of W illiam a num ber of other friends left for substantial payment down, balance will take a boat for Honolulu, T. II. The implements and methods of fish­ WASHINGTON, Nov. -13.—A fter) Hard, sought out Mrs. Skeen, m other Los Angeles last week. Mrs. Stude­ by the month. See Mrs. Lane at Tid­ Mrs. P ettit and son, Leonard C. (Continued from page 1) baker was for a num ber of years a ing have hardly changed since the a conference with Col. Greeley, chief of the slain man, introduced himself! ings after three o’clock. 62-12 earliest times. In the days of Pharaoh, P ettit returned early this week from |- Corn "dent7 yellow b e s t t e n e a r s - resident of Ashland and has many the fishermen on the Nile used nets forester, Senator McNary, of Oregon, ¡and expressed his deep sympathy. Seattle after placing their motor on i A ppreciates H ospitality 1st— $100 2nd— 50c FOR SALE— Four room cottage, friends here, who are glad of the fastened on the end of long Y-shaped announced th a t the Forestry Service! a boat for the islands. opportunity to see her. poles—not unlike the modem landing had agreed to construct the exten-j <