tfÀÔfe FOÜÚ '•¡T»»» ASttLÀRîi BÀitÿ fritjftâS Many t«rs go to Medford«* Moihlni. Koveriihêr la , JUatf CLUB WORK EXHIBITS I f f OFFERED LIBERAL PREMIUMS FOR THE DUNSMUIR SAFE YIELDS No faster had ok* car of high DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT BURGLARS TWELVE CENTS school and tow n folk passed the o Plaza than another machine bedeck-, o A D aily C hronicle of th ose w ho cVme and go, and even ts of (Continued from first page.) A burglar or burglars entered the ed with red and w hite s tre a m e rs 1 o o local Interest. mill and office of W ilkins Brothers flew down the highway h itting f a s t ! ♦ 25c. Tuesday night in search of valuables, for Medford and the celebration Best quart sweet cucum ber— 50c, says the D unsm uir News. They open­ ‘ there today. Support and sp irit was Here Yesterday — 25c. M asonic Calendar ed the safe, which was not locked, running ram pant with the followers Mrs. E. E. Baker, Miss Nellie B a k -, Best quart peach pickles— 50c, T his W eek The m anagem ent of the Ashland ---------- and took every penhy of the twelve er and Mrs. L. S. Evans, all of F o rt Wh° declared th eir * ame would W 25c. W inter F a ir believes strongly in the That the state income tax m easure icenta il con,ai»»ed and a check, up for last years dispersem ent. Tuesday afternoon— Eastern S ta n J ° nes’ CaL were ßue3ts at the A- w -1 Best quart relish (any variety) — j had a close call in Jackson county j value of Club W ork for boys and P aP«rs and office equipm ent were ■ Storey home on Alida street y e ste r-1 _ » Em broidery Club. girls. They are offering the following 50c’ 2* c is revealed by the official v o te ,!: eattered around promiscuously day. Mrs. Baker, is a neice o t Mr. P '" ‘ep‘ l Xodpe- Meats Tuesday evening— Executive , which has been completed and which ’bowin8 th a t they had looked dili- The funeral services for Mrs. I pidzes t0 Jackson County Clubs to Best quart chicken— 50c, 25c. t om m ittee meeting, to arrange for i Storey and was accompanied by Miss Sabra Coleman, 76, who died at Tai- encoura«e thia work. Of this m atter ' shows th at the measure pulled :?ently for nione>’ or other valuables, Shrine ceremonial early l„ Jan u ary ’ Baker Baker and aUd a a friend. frien d ’ They have re ‘ ent November 11, 1923, will be held Secretary T. H. F u ller says: Best qu art fish,— 50c, 25c. through with a bare m ajority of 22 A year or more ago the safe in Masonlc Hall. ' ’ turned to th eir home. Best quart beef— 50c, 25c. votes.,Follow ing is the official vote W ilkins B rothers’ office was broken “ We believe th a t the two weeks i I Tuseday at the home of J. R. Rob­ Best quart pork— 50c, 25c. W ednesday Evening— F ath er and 1 into and since that time the combin­ sum m er school given by the Oregon of the county by precincts: Have a fit at Orres. Tailors for inson a t Talent a t 2 o’clock. Inter- Son meeting at Masonic Hall. All Best quart of venison— 50c, 2.5c. ation has never worked the safe be­ m ent Is to be made at W agner A gricultural College In June to the Yes No men and women. Upstairs. 4-tf Bread A Rolls Masons and their sons invited. ing used merely as a protection a- Creek cemetery. Mrs. Coleman was membera of the Boys’ and Girls’ I Ashland Boulevard ........ 54 47 Best loaf white bread— 50c, 25c gainst fire for the hooks and valuable Thursday-—Stated convocation of born A ugust 18, 1847, and is is sur- . clnba ls very valuable. To assist ¡Ashland, E. Central ...... 32 27 Plaza M anagem ent R eturns__ Siskiyou C hapter R. A. M. Best loaf whole w heat— 50c, 25c. papers, no cash of consequence being vivied by a large family of re la tiv e s ’ c’u ^9 in sending one or more m em -' Ashland, W. C entral ...... 32 32 Fred Taylor and Mrs. Minard re ­ kept in it. Friday— Special communication, artd m ultitude of friends. ber9 *° tbe school we are offering t o 1 Best loaf graham — 50c, 25c. Ashland, Oak ................. 21 47 I any Jackson County Club organized j Best loaf nut bread— 50c, 25c. Ashland Lodge No. 23, work in turned Sunday evening from a de-i North Ashland .....~ ....... 4 6 14 lightful vacation and m otor tour of j second degree. Best loaf bran bread— 50c, 2.5c. j East Ashland ................. 33 A l’TOMOBLE SKIDS OVER Ham, !and w orklne during the season of Swifts— Bacon, Boiled 10 the northern part of the state. The ’ Best loaf salt rising— 50c, 25c. BANK ; TWO INJU RED Get it at , 1923’ and m aking an exhibit a t the Chipped beef and lard ¡Southeast Ashland ........ 51 16 , most m arred feature of their en tire Rlrth— Best loaf rolls— 50c, 25c. 53-. secretary of state, and are canvassed Other L ate A rrivals__ SYCAMORE, Calif., Nov. 12.— by him In the presence of the gov- j Try our fresh kippered H. R. Fox of Tennant, Cal. was a salmon The autom obile of Dr. W. F. H arlan ernor. business visitor over the week-end D etricks.” 53-tf of A rbuckle was wrecked Thursday The statu te will be adm inistered Ray Gault of Weed and W. V. H arris evening when it turned tu rtle into Visits Sister— by the state tax commission, which of Klam ath Falls at the Hotel Co the ditch w ith him a t th e bridge liimbla yesterday. Mrs. Frocine Burrisa, sister of west of Sycamore Btation on the consists of the governor, secretary Mrs. Phebe V eils and Mrs. Eliza- Sacram ento Railway. of state and state treasu rer, togeth­ I have made a special study of M 1 1--ninn h ’ WaS ° Ver Monday fro aii He telephoned to A rbuckle for er with one tax commissioner ap­ automobile insurance; get my rates e rn , logon to visit here sifeters. help, and w hat was left of his m a­ pointed by the other three. The pres­ first. Yeo, of course. il n turned the same day. >. j chine was towed home yesterday. ent tax commissioner is E arl L. i 21-tf F isher of Salem, who is appointed ; The doctor was not injured. for a four-year term , expiring in Cliff Payne makes stands. Skating Rink Opened__ 192«. Saturday night saw the opening of CALIFORNIA TO HARVEST Be Levied in 1024 the N atatorium skating rink under Influenza Victims__ RECORD ALMOND CROP It is reported th a t Mr. and Mrs The statu te provides th a t the new managem ent. A good crowd of “ tax shall first be levied, collected skaters were on hand for the new D. T. C arr of 34 Iowa street are SACRAMENTO, NOV. 12— The having influenza. Not m any cases of and paid in the year 1924 and with season and the popularity of this almond crop of California this year sport grows with the w inter. Few this illness have been reported. win be about 11,000 tons, the big­ respect to the net income received casualties were reported last year. gest ever harvested in the state. This during the calendar year 1923, or Special this m onth— 12 larg e is shown in the estim ates of crop during any income year ending d u r­ Exceptional values and sm art pictures $15 at D arling Studio. 57-tf productions contained in the m onth­ ing the 12 m onths ending March 31, 1924.” styles in overcoats at Paulserud’s. ly report of E. E. K aufm an, agricul­ Mrs. Smith Im proved— The law also provides th a t w ith­ 55tf tu ral statistician of the California The many friends of Mrs. E liza­ Co-operative Crop Reporting Service, in 90 days from the end of the beth Smith will be glad to learn th at issued today. Death R esulted from Accident__ Income year, w hether th a t be com-j she is quite improved. She is a t the \\ ord was received yesterday of the puted on a calendar or a fiscal year death of C. C. Greenleaf, fath er of Convalescent home. basis, a retu rn shall be filed with INTERNATIONAL YACHT Mrs. Sam McNair at his home in. the tax commission, by the tax payer, RACE IN FEBRUARY ’24 Big shipm ent of overcoats Kansas City, Mo. Mr. Greenleaf was upon such blanks or in such form ju st hit by an autom obile while’ crossing arrived, at P au lseru d ’s. as the tax commission may pre­ ROME, NOV, 12— Presented by Linwood Boulevard in the eastern scribe. The statem ent m ust be sworn , the Royal Italian Yatch Club, a cup city Thursady evening and died from To 1 isit in K ansas__ to. i to be called the “ M editeranean Oup” injuries Sunday noon. Mr, and Mrs. Mrs. H. E. Wilts© left Sunday, will be raced for In February, 1924, Power o f Commission McNair are in the east and will prob­ evening for Chanute, K ansas to visit by yachtes registered with clubs be- The tax may be paid in four in­ ably be detained in returnin g to the her m other and othov relativ es. Mrs stallm ents, each consisting of one- coast by this unfortunate death. Mr. ^ U ts e expects to be gone several longing to the in tern atio n al Yacht fourth of th e total tax, the first in­ Racing association. and Mrs. Greenleaf visited Ashland months. Rules will be the same os those stallm ents w ithin 90 days from the eight years ago and will be rem em ­ regulating the British-Am erican Cup end of the income year, the second bered by friends formed here. M hen a loss comes along, my races. on or before the 20th of the third companies pay. Yeo. of course* 21-tf month following, the th ird on or be­ 10 to 20 per cent off on all por­ fore the 20th of the sixth month, 22-INCH SNAKE IS tra its during November a t Darling Here Y esterday— and th e fourth bn or before the 20th Studio. FOUND IN ROOSTER of th e ninth month. 7tf Miss Doris K leinham m er "was a visitor in Ashland The tax commission is to appoint, y esterd ay w ith HOOD RIVER, Nov. 12— Ruben and may discharge, all necessary of­ relatives. Sunday Visitors— • K rug, local rancher, because his R. B. Craver of Klamatly Falls was ficials, agents and employes, and rooster acted queer, decided to m ake may fix th e ir salaries a t such fig­ We delteer the good3 a visitor yesterday in Ashland. Mr and Mrs. E. E. Heath and family our motto. D e t r i c k s - p h o ^ £ 2. 534f a meal of it. A fter th e axe act had ures as the commission may desire, been perform ed he noticed th a t the provided th e total cost of the de­ were among out-of-town visitors bird’s craw was unusually large, so partm ent does not exceed the. legis­ K lam ath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Motor to G rants Pass__ he opened It and found inside an lative appropriation made for the P arser and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brad­ M r and Mrs. Elw ood Hedberg. ford of Weed were in Ashland yes­ the Misses M argaret V an Dyke, Ag- undigested snake 22 inches long and adm inistration of the law. terday and guests of the Hotel Ash­ nes Hedberg and E sth e r Trial«’», S thicker th aa a m an’s middle finger, I t is provided th a t in December of Ainkani" Ntxw he knows wh ythe rooster was land. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Arnold of m er and Clyde Y ou-.. 1 1923, and each year th ereafter in vesterdnv \ Ashland not entirely comfortable. Sdloni arc out-of-town quests. yesterday m orning, follow ing break- December, the tax commission shall 1 fast at the Hedberg’ home f a r G r n n to l m eet and determ ine th e total am ount Don’t forget Denison Day at the Pass where they spent ’t h e d a a t ( of money necessary to be raised by Presbyterian church Wed. at 2 P. M. | tb o home of th e host and h o ste « ’ and ' taxation purposes. It shall also esti­ you can lear how to make all kinds returned home la,te la st evening a fte r FOR SALE— Conn Alto 9axa- m ate the am ount th a t will be raised of pretty things of crepe paper.Re- a most interesting an d d elightful phone U °0.® 0. Address box 63C by the Income tox, and will certify freshm ents will be served. This is day- |R . No. 1, Medford. such a levy upon real estate as will for the benefit of the W ednesday be necessary a fte r the subtraction of LOST— Black Jet earring between the Income tax estim ate from the Club and will cost only 25cts. in­ P o rtraits $4.50 up at Darling Baptist and Presbyterian church. cluding the paper. 60-3 Studio. _ net state revenue, form other sour­ i ( f t 6’ -“ Finder phone 414-R. 61-2* ces. V « » LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES 8 V ONLY 2 2 VOTES A A dvertising is "Salesmanship in Print” What Else? Is it a science, an art, a business or a profession? It is all of these. : Science is in the knowing; art in the doing. So far as the principles of advertising- can be understood and laid down, it is a science; it is a vital force in business; and men follow the practice of advertising as a profession. . Business men invest in it as a part of their business which gives information that leads to sales and growth in business Since the eaily days of mankind, men have been making known information to each other by publicity methods. Advertise­ ments first were hewn in stone. The “town crier” of a hundred yeais ago was an advertising man who marched up and down the streets. Nowadays, the best and most economical advertising is printed salesmanship which is carried to the home in the local news­ paper.