!5?U PAGE TWO ASHLAND ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS .Mondi»), November lib löiM D A IL Y T ID IN G S ( E s ta b lis h e d in 1 8 7 « ) P u b lish ed E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. ‘ alleged equality with man makes very little difference.” We wonder whether intelligence or instinctive caution is respon- ----------- sible for wdmen’s avoiding ridiculous situations more than men.—Stockton Record. B e rt R. G re e r ................................................................................................ ' .............E d ito r OFFICIAL CITY PAPER*.’................ ........................... ........... T elep h o n e E n tered a t th e A shland , O regon, 39 P o sto ffic e as Second C lass Mail M atter Subscription P rice, D elivered in City O ne M onth .................................................................................................................... $ .65 T h re e M o n th s ....................... 1.95 Six M o n th s .................................................................................................................... 3.75 O ne Y e a r ....................................................................................................................... 7.50 By Mail and R ural R ou tes: o n e M onth .................................................................................................................... $ ,65 T h re e M onths ........................................................................................................... 1.95 Six M o n th s .................................................................................................................... 3.50 O ne Y e a r ...................................................................................... ' ....... 6*50 D ISPL A Y A D V E R T IS IN G R A T E S : S in g le in s e rtio n , p e r inch .............................................................................. .30 Y e a rly C o n tra c ts : O ne in s e rtio n a w eek ........................................ ................................. 27% Tw o in s e rtio n s a w eek .............................. « 25 D aily in s e rtio n ............................................................................... ................ 20 « R ates Lor Legal and M iscellaneous A d vertisin g F ir s t in s e rtio n , p e r 8 p o in t lin e .............................. ...................................... $ .10 E a c h s u b s e q u e n t in s e rtio n , 8 p o in t lin e ........................ ..................................... 05 C a rd of T h a n k s .......................................................................... "" j ’ qq O b itu rie s, p e r lin e ........................ .0 2 % W H A T C O N ST IT U T E S A D V E R T ISIN G “ All f u tu r e e v e n ts, w h e re an ad m issio n c h a rg e is m ad e o r a collectio n ta k e n is A d v e rtisin g . No d isc o u n t w ill be allo w ed R e lig io u s o r B e n e v o len t o rd e rs. DONATIONS No d o n a tio n s to c h a ritie s o r o th e rw is e w ill lie m ad e in a d v e rtis in g Job p rin tin g — o u r c o n trib u tio n s w ill be in cash. or N O V EM B ER 12 CU RSING o r B L E S S IN G ?— C ursed be th e m an th a t tr u s te th in m an, a n d m a k e th fle sh his a rm , a n d w hose h e a rt d e p a rte th fro m th e L ord. B lessed is th e m an t h a t t r u s t e t h in th e L ord, a n d w hose hope th e L ord is.— J e rm ia h 1 7 :5 , 7. - Tom i IMIWUlUlli lll' lit: KIKMIlUMMliUlliaiMIIHtMMIIUHtnUMMtUMtU'NMtWN.M u i., inti imi . i!ii.a«nantntttUMHHMHuu A few n ig h ts ago, a f te r a long ses­ sion of th e city council la s tin g to th e “ w ee h o u r ” y e t lea v in g m any th in g s u n s e ttle d , I c a st m y b u rd e n s upon th e L ord a n d fell Into a p eace­ 1 <> ful sleep. In a d re a m I w alk ed dow n :: M ain s tr e e t, and se ein g such a c h a n g e in c o n d itio n s rea liz e d I had w aked from a R ip V an W in k le sleep. Pool ro o m s xvere on my m in d , and upon lo o k in g a ro u n d could find none. I sto p p ed a to w n sm a n and a sk e d , “ W h e re a re th e pool ro o m s ? ” “ W h y ," he sa id , “ a f te r th e c h u rc h people w e n t to g e th e r w ith a few pu b lic s p irite d c itiz e n s a n d e s ta b ­ lished a social c e n te r fo r th e young people th e pool ro o m s died a n a tu r ­ al d e a th .” “ W h a t a b o u t Mr. N in in g - e r ? ” “ W hy h e is one of o u r lea d in g m e rc h a n ts and a p illa r in th e c h u rc h .” “ W h a t is th is sm o k e in th e a ir? I t d o e s n ’t seem lik e A s h la n d .” “ T h a t com es from th e fa c to rie s th a t s p rin g up w hen th e s h a le oil s t a r t ­ ed ru n n in g th ro u g h th e p ip es dow n to A s h la n d .” “ W l* t is th a t s k y ­ sc ra p e r o v er t h e r e ? ” “ T h a t’s th e city xvarehouse. It looked as if w e could n e v e r g e t it h ig h e n o u g h to s u it O llie an d E a r l.” “ How did th e y ev er s e ttle th e w a te r q u e s tio n ? ” “ W e p u t in b o th . T he H y a tt P r a ir ie xvater m ad e a w o n d e rfu lly p ro sp e ro u s co n ­ d itio n a n d we ju s t h ad to h av e Mr. P a tte r s o n 's dam to su p p ly d o m es­ tic w a te r fo r o u r fa s t-in c re a s in g p o p u la tio n .” “ T ell m e a b o u t th e C ouncil. W ho are. s e rv in g n o w ,” “ W hy, th e old co u n c il-m a n ic g o v e r n ­ m e n t is a th in g of th e p a st. A com ­ m ission form of g o v e rn m e n t h a s fo r y e a rs been in o p e ra tio n a n d Doc Broxver’s c h a r te r w o rk s lik e a c h a rm .’ J u s t th e n one of m y p a tie n ts r a n g h e r bell a n d it w as a ll off. T H E COUNCILW OM AN. A sh lan d , Nov. 9. ARMISTICE f ive years ago yesterday there transpired one of the most important historical events in the history of the world, the signing of the Armistice between the many nations that were thiowing their all into the World W ar-Jt was an event that Count Apponyi Pays America a Visit silenced the big guns. The machine guns ceased spitting missies It Is quite the fashion now adays ot death into the massed ranks ot manhood. Poisoned gasses fo r European dignitaries to pay Uncle weie held in cheek, and the smoke ot battle rose heavenward Sam a visit. Count A lbert Apponyi, and was waited trom view’ by gentle breezes that whispered the H ungarian eider statesm an and form er prem ier (p o rtra it herew ith), peace to weary, mud-covered soldiers. The announcement, is now on a lectu re tour in the United ot the signing of the document that brought to an end dliat S ta te s upon invitation of the All- appalling conflict brought joy to soldier and civilian, and to A m erican com m ittee of th e In stitu te of In tern atio n al Education. Prof. Os­ a tired and bleeding world. c a r Jaszi, m inister of national m inori­ The men of the Argonne, Meuse, Ypres, Bealleau Wood ties under th e regim e of M ichael Karo- and 1* landers field have throw n aside implements of destruc­ lyi, which im m ediately preceded the R ed d icta to rsh ip of K un Bela, tion and in their stead are wielding the tools of peace. But, publicly a sse rts th at Count Apponyi there are other men, whose brawny hands will never again Is a rep resen tativ e of th e ancient The Born Countrym an. clasp the implements of warfare nor the tools of peace. They feudal system in H ungary and is It is difficult, likely impossible, to w orking fo r an intern atio n al loan tc are in a last long sleep in blander Field; some repose in the be used for th e resto ratio n of the de­ determ ine how fu r the horn country­ cemeteries ot Islay. Others have been returned and tenderly m an is susceptible to the beauty of fu n ct H apsburg m onarchy. Count Apponyi is seventy-seven his surroundings— to th e cloud-shad- lowered to graves in their old home cemeteries. Still others and six feet th re e inches tall. He oxvs on the hills, th e ripple in the red are here and there. The flesh of all has turned to the dust from speaks English perfectly and can even w heat, tlie sun-gleam on coppice and which it came. Their hones are crumbling and will soon be! use A m erican sla n g ; a t th e peace c-on- hedgerow, to th e au tu m n ’s fieeting ference lie spoke for H ungary in fo u r g o ld ; yet I know th a t lie does note as the earth. They gave their all and made the supreme sacri­ languages, ri^ere is nothing of the old m an about him, except the fact th a t them , have seen his eye gleam as lie fice in bringing to its senses a maddened and crazed world- he w as born in 1846. H e says the g re a t danger th u t he fe a rs is th a t all E urope noted th em ; and I know, too, th a t it It was said of the fallen millions that they had not died will go Bolshevist. H e also says th at th e rearran g em en t of E urope by the is not possible for one so weatherxvlse in vain, hut through their lives liberty would he carried to the V ersailles tre a ty is in conflict w ith all n a tu ra l law. and the new m ap will • and w eather-w ary not to value th a t to be com pletely revised before th e continent can become stulde and which lie read s so profoundly and people ot all nations ot the earth. But, the fear permeates many have prosperous. studies day by day w ith ever fresli ap ­ plication. Tow nspeople a re too ap t to a heart that our boys did die in vain, and that their slaughter arg e x p re ssio n ; but expression Pink Church and on the fields of Europe was for naught. Five times have the Its “Soul Clinic” is ju u e s t from w hat th e countrym an lacks. A poppies reddened on Flanders Field, and hearts that w’erel EW YORK.— If old P e te r faded, stu rd y little church built about ' thing is felt, pondered, stored u p ; the S tuyvesant could m ake his th e year 1795. thought lie,« too deep fo r tears, or broken five years ago have partly healed, but the old world is! I peg-legged way today past lau g h ter e ith e r; and certainly is not H ere G overnor S tuyvesant built his still in turmoil. There are rumors of war. .Jealousy, selfishiness,1 Second avenue and T enth stuff for m inor p o e try . “You enjoy militarism and hate still abound. “ Peace on earth” seems an) s^reet> tbe sae his ancient country chapel. H ere until his death, in 1682, talking about i t ; I enjoy letting it soak or “bouw erle,” he would see lie a tte n d ed w orship every Sunday. in” ; as the gypsy wom an said to the impossibility. Only a lighted match is required to again throw seat And here he w as buried in th e fam ily ! perched on th a t site a building of to u rist about tlie su n set.—M aurice humanity into another struggle and into the mills of death. cliurchly proportions in a coating of vault, still sought out by the curious, H ew lett. It is all but evident that the world profited nothing from vivid pink p laster, x. T h at he would in th e churchyard of present t St A frican T erm ites. the recent conflict, into which was thrown more of our man­ beat a ta tto o of rage w ith his historic M ark’s-in-the-Bouwerie. A fter the old ’ wooden leg upon th e m odern pave­ governor’s death th e little chapel fell B efore society, in hood, more of our wealth, more heart aches, more sorrow than all m ent is not unlikely, for P e te r xvas a into disuse, aud not until 1795, when London, a tlie n a tu Biological ra list described his ot the wars of the past centuries. Yet, it seems it was for mun of con8lderab,e tem per, albeit a a descendant of th e first P e te r gave stu d ies of tlie A frican term ites, or the property to the vestry of T rinity w hite ants. C ertain Individuals in naught. Plans for pennanent peace are no nearer comnlpfion lnun God’ H1Kl pink churches were church, w as an o th er church (th e p res­ every nest have no o th er ap p a re n t than thev xroro fix-. ex \ J , Completion, „ot the fashion in th e days w hen this t ia n they w eie liv e years ago. Our nation refused to join with, «w D utch governor led his dun-coi- ent one) built on the site.* function except th a t of fighters or sol­ others 111 a proposed plan to bring everlasting peace- Still other ored llock to w orship in his farm Aud quite as sta rtlin g as its pink diers. Some have a long beak, from • p laste r is St. M ark's new and success­ which they eje c t an acrid corrosive plans have been suggested, only to bring a storm of protest chapel. Slantxvlse on its tria n g u la r plot of ful experim ent. It xvas early la s t sum ­ flu id ; o thers inspire te rro r by m aking trom the clique that has opposed every plan proposed to pre­ ground (th e oldest consecrated ground m er th a t th e “soul clinic” received con­ a loud clicking noise w ith th eir vent another slaughter of millions of the finest voting men of in New York City) now sta n d s St. siderable a tte n tio n from belligerent m andibles; hut they n eith er shoot nor M ark’s-in-the-Bouwerie in brand new- clergym en and from doctors whose bite. One singular observation of the the world. dress. G listening and clean it is Is of the body ra th e r than the n a tu ra list w as th a t th e soldier ants, ^et we thank God for the Armistice d#y of 1918 It at am ong its duigy neighbors. Pink plas­ science soul. T his clinic, held under the aus­ which rush out to defend an attack ed least brought temporary relief to stricken nations, and before te r covers its xventher-beaten gray sides pices of th e N ational A ssociation for nest, do not re tu rn to the nest, but another anniversarv of the event is observed nnv tho find nf ,ront’I au»‘ under cornice th e A dvancem ent of Scientific H eal­ w ander about, and soon perish from n il u n f i f fl.z, 1 ’ , , , 1 U iay t i l l (rOU Ot a blue and gold m ural has been palnt- ing, w hich fo ste rs large and im portant exposure to th e outside air. 1 t it into th^ hearts ot men to shape the destenies of nations ^d— a m ural which lias am azed the clinics in big cities throughout the | toward peace, instead of into the depths of war i gowd folk round tlie old S tuyvesant country, opened in one of th e church «NnHUIIHIII.IIM« * * **"* ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ -» -4 . ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « » » ♦ » ♦ ♦ » » ♦ » « This Is National Children’s Book Week Nov. 12-17 All of O ur Childrens BOOKS Picture—Drawing* and story, be left out where they will be easy to look over AND HANDLE. Select Now While Our Stock Is Complete Books are the children’; best companions, see that they do not lack in these. G et r{ hem At B ooks and Stationery Toilet A rticles Drugi Sundries ELUAUT’S ■ ♦ ♦-< REPUTATION A X important part of every man’s business is his reputation. A connection with this hank, anti to he favorably known here will he of assistance to von in manv wavs. The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ashland, Oregon N 4 i- ______________ * NOTHING NEW “ The delightful old gentleman who sang the song could not help talking ot the temperance movement with a sort of regret and said that all the fun had gone out of life since tliev had banished whiskey from it.” You’re all wrong it is not a bit of street comer gossip Picked up to-day. nor is it a paragraph from this week’s best seller. M hat then? Those words, which sound familiar to pro- in nt ion America, are none other than ail excerpt from a book of travels in Ireland written before the American Civil war. Solomon said; “ There is nothing new under the sun.” I lato maintained that: All knowledge is but rememberanee,” and the American people are more convinced than ever that ‘History repeats, itself ” In this same hook of Irish travels the author reports half the population displaying temperance pledge cards or badges a real pussyfoot Johnson under the name of Theobald Mathew and a drinking public denying themselves their claret or whis­ key out of deference to the new tee-totalers. What a different impression the American public now' holds ot temperance in Ireland. The average citizen of tlie United States has been led to believe that his country is the first and only “ dry“ spot created on the inhabited globe hut disillusioned in this he can still boast of being a citizen of the first country with prohibition written into its constitution. Prohibition is not a mAv institution, hut it remains for the I mted States to show the world if it is still in the experi­ mental stage. stre e t corner, long accustom ed to the rooms. Appearing at Ashland Armory Wednesday, November 14 8:15 p. m. The first 1111m her of the 1923-24 Ellison- W hite Lyceum under-the auspices of the American Legion.—Buy Season Ticket OVERLAND j Italians Honor Their Dead Sons Coaster Wagons 8 O | With disc rubber tired | wheels, and a fine finished ? body, sturdily made. g P E IL ’S CORNER 1 Fine Line Of NEW HEATERS We take used heaters in - exchange for new ones. PROVOST BROS Refrigerators T HERE’S just the right proportion of “roughage” in Post’s Bran Flakes io promote healthful regularity. But that isn’t all. From the instant you taste the appetizing flavor of tins crisp, delicious laxative food, the digestive system goes right to w ork for your improved health and energy. The principal content ci P ost’s Bran Flakes is wheat bran—made non-irritating by special process­ ing. NYith the bran are retained other valuable por­ tions of the w heat, rich in nutrim ent, including mineral elements and vital* tih-B. Give health and appetite this daily treat. Order TODAY, from your grocer, and— be sure i t ’s POST'S. you’ll like Bran!^ F o r a sm o o d i sh a v e, a n d q u ick serv ice, go to th e S hell B a rb e r Shop, ac ro ss WHICH? Min aie women so seldom “ the goat” in funny pictures ami eaitoons. Captain Bruce Baimsfather comic artist, com­ ments: You can t get a woman into as manv farcical situa­ tions; you can’t get a woman to do the many things you can get a man to do, and the reçent emergence of her sex on an Leake Orchestral Entertainers ! fro m D epot. G rin d in g of a ll k in d s. C h ild re n ’s w o rk a sp e cia lty . W . A. S H E L L , P ro p . Scene af tke !°!ub w here Me th e bodies of the “ Sons of the A bruzzl.” gpns of Italy who died fo r th e honor of th e ir country. T he D uke de Aosta is a t the e n tra n ce to th e tom b rendering a trib u te a t th e an nual m em orial service. 532 A. St. A sh la n d , O re. I p0ftt -i < > < >