t page rom A3ÂLÀÎTO Ö A Itt WDttîQS RattíMíiy. ttnvemSet; 1Ô, MMM LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES j A D aily C hronicle o f th ose w ho cihne and go, and even ts of local in terest. <> Fiesh fru it cake and mince meat Departed Y esterday— ingredients— brown; Isugar, citron, i Mr. and Mrs. F. G. McWilliams spices. orange peel, lemon peel, wal- ( with Mrs. G. E. Peck and Jim m ie nuts and so forth. Detricks. We de- left Friday afternoon for El Centro, 1,ver- • 5 9 -tf' Cal. They will break the journey at Oakland. Dr. Mattie Shaw accom­ Cannery W orkers, Notice panied them as far as Hornbrook The Ashland cannery will not and returned last jjight. Mrs. Mc­ sta rt until W ednesday, November W illiams friends are glad to know 14- * 59 2 th at the so jo /rn in the south will be of great benefit to her and Mr. A sliland Girl Appears on Program — McWilliams. Mrs. McWilliams has At the grand opening of the enjoyed and appreciated the con­ “ Gobbler” tea room in the Y. W. C. tinued thoughtfulness of her friends. A. on the University of Oregon cam­ pus, Miss Joyce Johnson gave a vio­ Have a fit at Orres. Tailors for lin aolo. Several other piano and men and women. U pstairs. 4-tf violin solos were given. Early M atinee A ttracts— An evening’s entertainm ent for | Certainly enough condensed milk two people in New York $150.00 in was taken to the Vining T heatre Los Angeles the same amusement morning as admisison tickets to the cost $50.00 a night— but in Medford Near East Relief film and Jackie where there is a M etropolitan Orien- ■ tai Gardens a wonderful time can Cooganjs picture to feed many h un­ gry youths in the Near East. At be had for almost nothing. eight o’clock this m orning a large Dance there Saturday night. 57-4 band of children had roused at school hours to get a can of free Visit at Horn«*— milk from Plum mers' Grocery. They Mr. and Mrs. Jam es H. Boyd of Burbank, Cal. have been visiting at trouped up the street to the th eatre the home of Mr. Boyd’s m other, Mrs. and waited for the doors to open. H attie Boyd at 317 N. Main street. It costs nothing to get my insur- They are touring in the northern port of the state after their visit ance rates. Yeo, of course. 21-t here. Two R a llies Y esterday— To boost the advertising for Ash­ Don’t miss the big Pay Night land-M edford’s football game Mon­ dance at the O riental Gardens at Medford Saturday night. You may day, two rallies were held on the be lucky. 57.4 I streets yesterday. Directly after four o’clock, following an in terest­ ing program given at the High Maple squares— 30c. Bon Ton. School yesterday afternoon, the high school kids paraded main street Visitor from K lam ath Falls— flaunting red and white pompons. George S. Boyd of K lam ath Falls Again at seven o’clock with music has been in Ashland on a business and yells they serpentined. Others trip and incidentally visited at the went to Medford to see th eir demon­ home of his m other, Mrs. H attie stration and retu rn the call made Boyd and other relatives. He has re here late Thursday evening by Med­ turned to his home in Klamath ford’s younger set. county. Flour week at Hardy Bros. Nov 10th to 17th. 59-2 12— 4 by 6 p o rtraits and 1 large one $8.50 D arling Studio. 57-tf W eek-end w ith P aren ts— R eturn Tom orrow— Mrs. T. C. Lafferty left Friday to W. H. McNair is expected to -r e ­ spend the week-end at Hornbrook tu rn from Portland tomorrow after with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. a short business trip in the city. M. Gosmey. Cliff Payne makes chests. There is no flour W hite M ountain. better than 59-2 R eturns to Klam atli Falls— Miss Pauline Clift has returned te At Cení ral Point— Klam ath Falls to continue her work Mrs. J. R. Leslie and Mrs. H. C. in the F irst National Bank after sev­ Head spent Friday iwth Mrs. Bebee eral weeks’ visit in Ashland with at Central Point. her m other and sisters. Of course it's good if it is made Tillamook cheese, cream cheese of “ W hite M ountain” . 59-2 cottage cheese, milk and butter. We sell the best. Detrieks. 53tf Old F riend Here— Mrs. Emily Byrnes of Albany is Ashland T ou rists in Kansa< visiting her old tim e friend. Mrs. A m arked copy of the McPherson J. R. Rice at 113 H argadine street. Daily Republic from McPherson. Mrs. Byrnes is pleased with Ashland. Kansas was received at the Tidings office this morning. Listed under Positively the g reatest pleasure “ Strangers in our M idst” , a novel producing event of the week Dance plan for keeping tab of tourists, are at the Oriental Gardens at Medford the names of C. B. Oreenough and Saturday night. 57-4 wife of Ashland, Oregon bound for Chester, Pa. * 5? Detained Here— F. A. Legge and family of Salem, I have made a special study of Oregon will be guests at the Ilo te r automobile insurance; get my rates Ashland a few days during the time first. Yeo, of course. 21-tf their machine is being repaired at a local garage. Member of Linville Octett The Linville Octette, of which Eat a fresh tam ale at Rose Bros. W alter Miksch Is a member, gave a 34-tf concert this week In Portland at the first Presbyterian church of thart Guest Last Night— x city. Membership in the Octette is Miss Elizabeth Snyder of Portland a deserved recognition of Mr was a guest of Patrick Sweeney and MIksch’s musical ability. In Decem­ Thomas O’Conners at the Ashland ber he will go as a delegate from his hotel last night. Miss Snyder is en college to the Student Volunteer route to her home in the Rose City. Conference at Indianapolis, another honor. He is a student at Linfield Try our fresh kippered salmon College In McMinnville. "D etrieks.” 53-tf Exceptional values and sm art G arages are P r o f i t a b l e - styles in overcoats at P aulserud’s. Seven garages have been comple­ 55tf ter by J. R. E ^ ra rd s a t the rear of his home on Third street. All garages Ilom e from C alifornia— have been rented. Mrs. J. Z. W ing has returned from a short trip to California where she Special this m onth— 12 large visited relatives. Mrs. W ing’s m oth­ pictures $15 at D arling Studio. 57-tf er acompanied her to Los Angeles and will rem ain there this w inter. To K lam ath F all W hite Mountain baking a pleasure. Flour I/eave for C alifornia— CITIZENS URGE RESERVOIR Big shipm ent of overcoats arrived, at P aulserud’s. need, ^ay those favoring the Ash­ land creek project, and the addition­ al supply will be available within a year if a reservoir is constructed up the creek. They estim ate th a t at least two years will be required to obtain w ater from Em m igrant creek. . es, and recall the time when physi- , , , clans condemned open ditches in Ashland some years ago, even though the w ater was used only for irrigation purposes. They m aintain that the same condition will obtain in the future, and th a t if w ater from Ashland cFeek is used It can be car­ ried in pipes, as they are at present and th a t all of the w ater will be suitable for domestic purposes as After having graduated from the ; high school in Syracuse, N. Y., as vale­ well as for irrigation. ' dictorian of bis class, Moses Finkle- M akes Statem ent stein, aged eleven, has matriculated Relative to the fu rth er develop­ into full standing as a freshman at ment of the Ashland* creek supply, Syracuse university. He is the young Mr. P atterson makes the following est, by several years, of any student, statem ent; past or present, of that university. “ I have nd selfisff motive in this enterprise. A few of the citizens of W hite M ountain Flour a t Hardy Bros. 59.2 Ashland contributed to a fund mak- it possible to hire an engineer to Our $24.75 special all wool suits make a survey of a suitable site for and overcoats tailored to your a reservoir, which we were unable to m easure and fit guaranteed is the get from the city engineer. I con­ talk of the town. Don’t try to beat tributed five days of labor, as well it, it can’t be did. See Orres tailors as my share of other expenses in, upstairs. 60-1* w hat I consider a good, enterprise. “ The voters w ere asked a few The Ashland Rod and Gun Club years ago to vote on a $100,000 wish to announce th a t they will hold bond issue for the construction of a Turkey and Merchandise Shoots reservoir up Ashland creek canyon. Sunday, Nov. 25th and Thanks­ It was carried by a big m ajority, but giving m orning at th eir grounds op­ was pigeon-holed by the council posite Jackson’s Hot Springs. All w ithout giving any reason why, and shooters please bear this in mind it stands today. Fred R. Neil, Sec. Treas. “ The reason I favoi a reservoir 60-Sat., Tues up Ashland creek is th a t we will be developing and having under our P. T. C. M eets-t- control our own resources, and make The P. T. C. of the Ju n io r High it possible to double the capacity of will meet Tuesday, 3 p. m. a t Ju n io r our electric light plant, which would high building. Miss Hicks will talk save the city thousands of dollars on “ B etter Books and B etter Films now paid out for electric power. This for C hildren.” The program will saving alone will take care of extrta open with a piano duet by Rosina expense and tak e care of a big por­ and Frances Gallatin and Mrs. E. O tion of interest on the bonds th at Smith will sing a closing num ber. will be required in either event. Much of im portance will come up at “ I oppose entering into a contract this m eeting and everyone in terest­ with the Talent D istrict because the ed is urged to be present. construction of our city charter makes it illegal to enter into a con­ Thanksgiving is getting closer tract of the expenditure of th a t sum and so is Christm as and New Years. of money w ithout obtaining the Don’t let th e holiday season see you 'consent of the m ajority of taxpay­ in th a t old suit or overcoat, have ers by vote, and I am, and we all it tailo r made a t Orres tailor shop. should be willing to abide by the Expert tailors only— upstairs. 60-1* will of the m ajority, which is the fairest and most im partial way. This P o rtra its $4.50 up at D arling will settle the question rig h t.” Stadio. 57-tf Swifts— Bacon, Boiled Ham, 10 to 20 per cent off on all por­ Chipped beef and lard. Get it at tra its during November at D arling Detricks. I t’s the best. 53-Zf Studio. —' 7^ Tea Cnp Club to M eet— The Tea-Cup Club will meet Tues­ Mrs. Mary P otter of Boring, Ore­ day afternoon, Nov. 13, at Mrs. gon, who has been visiting her K luth’s home, 710 Palm Avenue. All daughter, Mrs. W alter Everton, has friends are cordially invited to a t­ returned from a short visit with h er i tend. Members are urged to be pres­ son and sister a t Klam ath Falls. ent as im portant buisness comes be­ fore the club. x On one expedition—notable In my memory because I was unaccom panied by any o th er w hite .men— I spied a huge rhinoceros under a tig tree not m ere th a n a h u n d red y a rd s away, w rites D octor Shelby, the big game and was about to tu rn in t n v , .vhpn n . i, i ‘ ’ \ " hen lle ru s"ed me snorting and low- ering his head. He was upon m e before I was in a position to shoot, so th ere w as n oth­ ing to do but leap nimbly to one side. H e put on the b rak es and alm ost stopped, then continued on down the trail in the w ake of the porters. They were heavily loaded and would have difficulty in escaping, so I m ade up my mind 1 would have to kill him. As I raised my rifle he w as ju st turning a bend 20 yards down th e tra il. And, scarcely taking aim, I fired. It was a snap shot for his body. I fancied th a t he lurched forw ard. At any rate, he disappeared around the bend and I could b ear him rolling over and over down the tra il, while the cries of a dozen or m ore terro r-strick - i en n ativ es ren t the air. I hurried forw ard. Around the bend I found loads sc attere d everyw here. Some boys had scram bled upon lurge ! rocks. Two had jum ped into a tree. Some had jum ped aside. One o f , these had been howled over by the rhino, which then rolled over him, but luckily th e boy had fallen betw een two rocks, which received th e ponderous weight of the beast instead. Ih e Leake s Orchestral Entertainers, who will appear here soon, offer a happy combination of personality and musicianship, with a proper amount of dignity and merriment. The company is under the personal direction of H J Leake, a musician of exceptional attainments. This organization does a whole lot of things musically, and does everything well. Vocal work, piano, drums, flute, saxophone, marimbaplmne and e ther musical features will be enjoyed. A man is known by his wife's ap­ parel as much as by bis own. Moral — Have your clothes tailored by competent tailors at Orres Tailor Shop— upstairs. 60-1* I Blankets Comforts Quilts Pillows T Appearing at Ashland Armory Wednesday, November 14 8:1 a n. in. I The first number of the 1923-24 Ellison- White I jyceum under the auspices of the American Legion.—Buy Season Ticket Converse G u a ra n te e d R u b b ers We make them as clean soft „ and refreshing a s when they were new. Our work is better and cheaper than you can obtain at home. The season for rubbers will soon be upon you. Be prepared to keep your feet dry and your health good. Send it L e t o u r phone be y o u r clo th e s line. 31 W a te r St. We sell Converse Rubbers because we believe them to be just a real good piece of footwear. P hon e 1(15 Overland Shoe Shop ASHLAND LAUNDRY Corner Main and Oak J. D. Mars, Prop. E astern Men H ere— H. C. May of Brookfield, Mass. and C. E. Boquist of R utland, Mass, are among recent arrivals a t the Hotel Columbia. We deliver the goods. Service is our motto. Detricks— phone 62. 53/f TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED— 2000 shakes. Inquire Provost Bros. 60-4* FOR SALE— Good fresh cow with heifer calf. 471 M ountain Ave. 60-3* M ove to M edford— FOR SALE— One Gang Disc Plow The C. B. Moore family from the second hand at a bargain. Carson- Bellview district have moved to Fow ler Lum ber Co. 60-6 Medford to live this w inter. The Moore family have been active in their affairs near here and will un­ DENNISON doubtedly be missed. CREPE Don’t forget Denison Day at the PAPERS Presbyterian church Wed. a t 2 P. M. you can lear how to make all kinds of pretty things of crepe paper.Re- freshm ents will be servad. This is We stock full line of the for the benefit of the W ednesday above also wires— centers— Club and will cost only 25cts. In­ cluding the paper. 60-3 and flow er-m aking m ater­ Returns from D u n sm u ir - Mrs. D. D. Good has returned from a short visit to D unsm uir with her daughter and friends. Salesmanship in Print at E L H A R T ’S On the Plaza Large loaf— quality Bon Ton. A d v e rtis in g ials, etc. bread 10c. 34-tf HARRISON BROS. Announce the best Showing of in the History of their Business B usiness V isitor— W hen a loss comes along, my companies pay. Yeo. of course. 21-tf Doctor Shelby Tells How He Killed the Huge Beast W ith a Snap Shot. R egarding Sanitation i hunter.« Opponents of the Em m igrant , As soon as the hoys saw that rhino creek project point out th a t it is ! tlle-v g'^bbeif up their loads, and start- proposed to carry the w ater through on l,owl1 tlie trail. Ashland for most p art in open ditch- I do< ided not to kill th e huge beast, ju st Charles W. R ohrer of K lam ath Falls is among business visitors from out-of-town. ” * “ "OCER’S PtiwtlNAUTY AND MUSICIANSHIP SHINE FORTH IN LEAKE COMPANY (Continued from first page.) Mrs. Paul Guiley of 167 H arga­ makes dine street, plans to leave today for 59-2 Klam ath Falls where her husband is doing electrical work for Copco. Mrs. E. T. Merrill leaves tonight for Long Beach. Cal. for the w inter. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill have spent a wonderful sum m er in Ashland this year and expect to retu rn in the spring. They are contem plating building a summer home here. Mr. M errill has several business deals on which he will be detained for a while longer, but will leave for Long Beach in the near futuer. R eturns to A shland— YOUNGEST IN SYRACUSE 1 Sedan Bargain $450 4 Late Model Tourings 2 Late Model Runabouts These cars are all in good repair—new paint, good Rubber and are priced very Reasonably. Open Used Cars in our present stock Range from $75.00 to 300.00 Two Chevrolets Cheap 2 Maxwells Bargains Our Terms on these cars are Exception­ ally Good. What Is it ascienee, an art, a business or a profession? it is all of these. Science is in the knowing; art in the doing. So far as the principles of advertising can be understood and laid down, it is a science; it is a vital force in business; and men follow the practice of advertising as a profession. Business men invest in it as a part of their business which gives information that leads to sales and growth in business Since the early days of mankind, men have been making known information to each other by publicity methods. Advertise­ ments first were hewn in stone. The “town crier” of a hundred years ago was an advertising man who marched up and down the streets. Nowadays, the best and most economical advertising is piinted salesmanship which is carried to the home in the local news­ paper.