paoèj four ÀSfflLÀND DAÎtV Ttt)î\T,9 Prof. Vining in Portland— Attraction for Children— Prof. I. E. Vining left Ashland The first 48 children to be at Wednesday to attend a m eeting of the Plum m ers Grocery Store in the 11 State Secretaries of th e Cham ber of m orning between € anc 9 o’clock 1 > A D aily C hronicle o f th ose w h o com e and go, and even ts of < ► Commerce in Oregon. Prof. Vining will get one can apiece of Borden's < I is president of the Oregon Chamber local interest. Condensed Milk as adm ittance to of Commerce and will retu rn to the show given a t the Vining Thea- G rants Pass to deliver a speech on tre «omo„ ow m orning showing the M ove to A shland— R eturns from H ospital— Armistice day. Since organization o! N ear Eaat relie, For Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith, form erly Miss Imogene Wallace, piano in­ th e state to «he various. Borde„.s m„ k of K lam ath Falls have moved to structor, was operated on at the cham bers in Oregon, this is the first ah__. . m^ i n o J. T F. F u ller has been _____ 3how’ the Borden company has giv­ Ashland and are domiciled at 266 Community Hospital this week and meeting unable Third street. Mr. Smith is a mason returned to her home yesterday on to attend on acount of illness. Mr. en the N ear E ast relief fund one and builder and has come to Ash­ G ranite Street. Fuller was confined to his home this can of B orden’s Milk. land with Mrs. Smith for a rest and ---------- morning with a cold. When a loss comes along, my . Special Saturday Sales, fresh and | ---------- vacation. companies pay. Yeo. of course. 21-tf cured meats, rabbit and chickens, at Have a fit a t Orres. Tailors for LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES F r st «lance of year— N at’l G uani Eagle M arket. b enefit dance— to-night at Armory. Recovering from Heart A ttock— J. K. Pigney of 323 Helman street is Improving after a severe spell of heart trouble. ---------- If you like good k rau t, order some from the fresh barrel at Plaza M arket. men and women. Upstairs. W ill R epair M achine— We are m aking and packing our 11 12— 4 by 6 p o rtraits and 1 large own chocolates and we know they one $8.50 D arling Studio. 57-tf are fresh, a t Enders. 41-tf There is no flour W hite M ountain. better than Portraits $4.50 59-2 Studio. Support th e h om e dances— first i Dennison Day— one of year at Armory ton igh t. Dennison Day will be ushered in up at D arling ¡ 57-tf i A shland B oy A ppointed— Swifts— Bacon, Boiled Ham, Melwood Van Scoyoc of Ashland Chipped beef and lard. Get it at has been appointed editor of the Detricks. I t’s th e best. 53 ¿f electrical engineering section of th e Student Engineer a t O. A. C. fo r the Remember Saturday Sales on coming year. The Student Engineer fresh and cured m eats at Eagle Mar­ Is published three tim es a year by ket. > the students in the different engine­ ering departm ents. „ T he m agazine contains all kinds of technical and non-technical m aterial as well as a comic section and other special fea­ tures. The Dodge coupe owned by W. Members of th e Stanford footf- ' T. Grosse, Siskiyou accident victim, ball team passed through Ashland ! is insured in the Firem ans Fund yesterday m orning enroute to P o rt­ Company with C arter & Mills lo­ land to meet the U niversity of Ore cal agents and is at the Automotive gon on Multnomah field Saturday Shop where repairs are being made No rousing dm onstration was made j as faßt as parts will come. Mr.Grosse at the depot by the young men. At ! rem ains in Ashland. G rants Pass they were stocked up f ______ ■with a crate of Rogue River Valley i Don’t miss the big Pay Night grapes from Stanford alumni. Prob- ' dance at the O riental Gardens at Positively th e g reatest pleasure ably a few football fans from here Medford Saturday night. You may producing event of the week Dance will go to Portland during the week- he lucky. 57-4 at the O riental Gardens at Medford end to see the game th at is a ttra c t­ . Saturday night. 57-4 Maple squares— 30c. Bon Ton. ing attention on the coast. Team Goes N orth— Vining Theatre Monday, Nov. 19 The Vanderbilt Producing Company Presents for the First Time in Ashland, the Sensation of Four Continents TH E S M A R T MUSICAL COM EDY H IT ! . 4-tf We deliver the goods. Sendee is i Cliff Payne makes tables. Stomach m isery, gas and indiges­ our motto. D etricks— phone 62. 5 3 if tion are prom ptly relieved with B arrel of fresh k ra u t ju st open­ Geese Are Flying— Mi-O-Na stomach tablets. At McNair ed a t the Plaza M arket. Rain is predicted by those who Bros, on money back plan. 1 proclaim them selves w eather pro- phets. A band of geese, was heard Cliff Payne m akes Hub Stakes. K ANT KID KOKOMO KOMPANY MONTICELLO, Ind., Nov. 9.__1 and seen yesterday afternoon and in Ku Klux Kian or Kappa Kappa early days their flight predicted P ostponm ent A nnounced— K appa?” inquired a member of the Due to Armistice Day, regular drill falling w eather. Not many geese county fair committee when a truck have gone south yet but the fall mi- of the 48th Co. has been posponed un bearing the insignia “ K. K. K .” gration is expected. til Thursday, November 16th. drove up. N either, replied the driver N ational G uani B enefit dance to­ It costs nothing to get my insur- it s the Kokomo Kandy Kompany.” night, A shland Arm ory. . ance rates. Yeo, of course. 21-t In the South— Mrs. Carrie Ryan of the Port Shasta R estaurant on A street, is in Sacram ento and San Francisco com­ bining business with pleasure and An evening’s entertainm ent for will rem ain away three weeks. Miss Mabel Peterson and Mrs. Chet Rob­ two people in New York $150.00 in inson are taking care pf her busi­ Los Angeles the same am usem ent cost $50.00 a night— but in Medford ness. where there is a M etropolitan O rien­ Your Sunday dinner will be as tal Gardens a w onderful time can tasty and appealing as the meat. To he had for alm ost nothing. Dance there Saturday night. 57-4 be sure get your steaks and roasts from the Eagle M arket. " ' ^HAaÿ, SíoVernar d( UHM And Magnetic With The Radiant HOW TO GET YOUR TICKETS BY MAIL NOW DALE W IN TER And The All- Listen to this Chorus of Punse from San Francisco Star Company II an yth in g, th e show is b etter than «i.i Address letters, make checks and money or­ ders payable to H. B. H urst, m anager, Vin­ ing Theatre, Ashland, Ore. Inclose self-ad dressed stamped en­ velope to help insure „ safe retu rn . Ann 10 percent Gov. tax (o price ticket desired. its previous visit here. “Iren e” e le c tr i­ fied the aud ien ce.— Exam iner. Curran patrons greet “ Iren e” w ith en ­ th u siasm .— C hronicle. “Iren e” m ust l»e again aeelainied as the last word in m usical eo im sb ’— Journal. PRICES—Lower Floor $2.50, 1st row Balcony $2.50 Box Office Seat Sale Will Open Monday, Nov. 12 November Of course it’s good if it is made of “ W hite M ountain” . 59-2 ---------- May Remain H ere Definitely— Mr. and Mrs. C. T. W orthington, residents of Sheridan, Oregon since 1884, have come to Ashland in hope of improving Mrs. W orthington’s health. Asthma, th a t has caused Mrs. W orthington sickness for many years, is being improved daily and Mr. W orthington declares they may rem ain in Ashland perm anently. They are farm owners of the Will am ette valley but are living at 2 53 Third street. here nexj W ednesday at two o’clock E at a fresh tam ale at Rose Bros. at the Presbyterian church, when 34-tf ‘ the W ednesday Club and all th eir friends will meet to take advantage New music for dance tonight at of Mrs. M. H. E llis’ kindness in Armory. N at’l Guard benefit. teaching all who wish to* learn, to ; use the Dennison crepe paper in A full line of fresh home made fashioning the lovely receptacles, in candy every day a t E nders. 41-tf which artistry , Mrs. Ellis is so skill- ed. Everyone interested is invited. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO*0ON- STRUCT CEMENT SIDEWALKS ! ■ > N ational Guard B enefit dance to ­ ON NOB HILL ST. BETWEEN night, A shland Arm ory. HIGH AND ALMOND STREETS, IN THE CITY OF ASHLAND, Flour week a t Hardy Bros. Nov. OREGON. Loveland’s dance orchestra makes lrtth to 17th. 59-2 R ecorder’s Office, Ashland, Ore­ the music for dance tonight at gon. Nov. 8, 1923. Armory. e To San Francisco T on ight— NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to A. C. K eller is in Ashland today all persons interested in the owner­ B usiness V isitors— transacting business preparatory to : < - Charles R. Cooley of the Three retu rn in g to the Southern Pacific ship of any parcel of land abutting C’s Lum ber Company and who is hospital in San Francisco for a final on Nob Hill street, between High supervising the construction of the examination. Mr. K eller’s condition and Almond Streets, in th e City of lum ber shed on the Ashland Lum ­ does not show great Im provem ent Ashland, Oregon, th a t It is proposed ber Companies yard, is in Ashland after his visit in Corvallis with the by the Common Council of said city from G rants Pass. F. M. Havens, rem ainder of his family, and the ex­ to construct cement sidewalks on also of G rants Pass, is a guest at act procedure for his case is not said street, between the two points named. the Hotel Ashland as a business known here. 'You are hereby summoned and re ­ visitor. quired to appear before th e said W hite Mountain Flour at Hardy Common Council, a t the City H all, Fresh fru it cake and mince meat Bros. 59-2 in th e City of Ashland, Oregon, on ingredients— brown. Isugar, citron,' the 20th day of November, 1923, a t spices, orange peel, lemon peel, wal­ Tillamook cheese, cream cheese, 8 o’clock P. M., then and th e re to nuts and so forth. D etricks. We de­ cottage cheese, milk and butter. We offer any suggestions or objections liver. 59-tf sell the best. Detricks. 53tf to the construction of said side­ walks. Recent A rrivals— To P o rtlan d — By order of the Common Council. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Ellis of Great H. A. Stearns, proprietor of the GERTRUDE BIEDE. Recorder. Falls are among recent arrivals. Plaza Grocery, left last night In his C. L. LOOMIS, Mayor. Mr. and Mrs. F A. Legge and daugh- , machine for Portland on a business Date of first publication November te r of Salem, Ore. are recent arriv ­ trip. He will be gone four days. 9, 1923. 59-1 als. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fulm er of Port Angeles are out-of-town visit­ I ha,ve made a special study of Try our fresh kippered salmon ors. J. H. H attan of D unsm uir ig automobile insurance: get my rates “ D etrlcks.” 53-tf among guests at the. Hotel Colum­ first. Yeo, of course. 21-tf bia. Mrs. F. F. Dahlin, A. M. Rey­ Special this m onth— 12 large nolds and Perry Morris of Albany National Guard Benefit dance to- pictures $15 a t D arling Studio. 57-tf are recent arrivals in Ashland. W. pighr, Ashland Armory. J. McEnerney of Dunsm uir is a Big shipm ent of overcoats ju st business visitor. B aptist P eop le M«‘ct in M edford— arrived, a t P aulserud’s. Sixteen members of the Baptist Good kraut is nourishing. Fresh church motored to Medford last TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY barrel ju st opened at Plaza Market. night to attend a fellowship meet- ing of county churches held in the bOR RENT— 75» acres fair Like A shland— B aptist church recently dedicated in buildings, 22 acres, balance plow Em llie K. Sallentine and Ida M. Medford. Because of the absence of and pasture, will lease for term of Sallentine have completed a summer Rev. R. C. Miller, V. O. N. Smith years. J. J. Deakin, 217 East Main vacation at Cannon Beach and have responded with an address from St. 59-3* come to Ashland to live this win­ j Ashland. Musical num bers on the ter. ’Tho neither of the eastern large pipe organ were given and a FOR RENT— 8 room modern fu r­ nished huose. Call 137. 59-tf women have been in Ashland before, , tour of inspection displayed a ttra c ­ they are delighted with its prospects tive points of the churches construc­ FOR SALE— Cabbage by • the as they have been with th e n o rth ­ tion. O. F. Carson, Howard Gear, hundred, 2% c per pound, 3c In ern part of the state. They have H. P. Holmes and V. O. N. Smith small lots. Phone 257-Y. 264 taken rooms at 217 North Main took their machines with other W eightm an St. 57-2 street. members. FOR SALE— A Boon to Poor C annery W orkers, Notice Exceptional values and sm art j Eyes— Self-threading Sewing. Need­ The Ashland cannery will not ! styles in overcoats at Paulserud’s. j les, as well as a boon to your fam ­ sta rt until W ednesday, November I 55tf ilies. Suitable Homes and all kinds 14. 59-2 I of Real estate. See Mrs. E. Yockey W hite Mountain makes Yockey Real E state Co. 59-2 Flour To Portland— baking a pleasure. FOR SALE— Five room modern Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goeller and bungalow ju s t completed inquire Mr». Jennie H um o[ K lam ath Palls ’ S ,a„f„r,l B oy. G o T h r o u g h - W. H. W enner, F reig h t depot. 59-6* motored to Ashland this week and A car of S tanford’s famous foot- , were Joined after a short visit here FOR SALE— 1923 Chevrolet ball team passed through Ashland with Mrs. Goeller’s sister. Dr. Ber­ touring car. in A -l condition. Also this morning to Portland. They reg- • tha Sawyer, for Portland where they istered at the Chamber of Commerce new Kimball Plano. Mrs. D ougher­ will spend two weeks. Dr. Sawyer ty- 55 Pine St. 59-tf and filled up on A shland’s fruit. will resum e her practice at the end of the vacation. FOR SALE— 1917 Ford Touring N ational Guard B en efit dance to­ car. Good rubber, lots of tools. $100. night, A shland Arm ory. P ark Garage. — 59-3* The B urnside Relief Corp will hold a food sale at H ardy B rothers 10 to 20 per cent off on all por- FOR SALE— Corona Typewriter, Grocery— Enders Building, Satur-1 tra its during November a t D arling good condition $40.00 Phone 215. day Nov. 10th. 58-2, Studio. x 7 tf! 59-2* of Womens, Misses ami Childrens COATS STARTS SATURDAY Her Is The Sale You Have Been Waiting e? Every Coat Goes in this Come Early Saturday and Get Your Pick. L o o k fo r t h e R ed S a le T a g D R ESS COATS PL U SH CO A TS SPO RT COATS -4.KK- Hi , Made , ° i Normandre Some with big Fur Col-Marvel Cord, Bolivia, lars and Cuffs made of I Brytoma and o t h e r Salt’s Fabrics. wanted fabrics. Some with big Fur Collars Priced Priced $1675 to 57595 The popular coat this season—made of all wool materials in over plaids and plaid back, Some with Fur Collors. _ Priced $2995 10 $6975 $1985 10 $2925 Misses and Childrens Coats Made of all wool materials in the wanted fabrics some with Fur Collar and Cuffs 4 to 8 years Priced at $448 to 51 g48 9 to 15 years Priced at $698 t0 $1695 Saturday Specials You Can't Afford to Miss 36 inch Outing Flannel yard .. 22c Womens Flannelette Gowns each . New Brushed Wool Sweaters $ 5 9 8 to 5^| j 98 Cotton Batting Full Size 72 X 90 each .. J Womens 36 inch Wool Hose Wool Serge Brown, black Navy Blue and Heather . - $ 1 0 0 yard . pair 1 New Skirts Made of Wool Crepe and Xoveltv Woolens. Priced S698 10 $9 95