PAfìfc TWO AStttAXb ilAttŸ frîMîGS A SHLAND D A IL Y T ID IN G S Friday, November U, NOTICE OF DISTRICT ROAD MEETINGS La Grande— To date this year, La Cannery W orkers, Notice Approximately $130,000 has been i Grande has issued 60 building per­ The Ashland cannery will not spent in Umatilla county during Published Every Evening Except Sunday by mits totaling ?277,425. start until Wednesday, November Road District Number 2 Jackson THE ASHLAND PRINTING CÒ. 14. 59-2 past year for m arket roads. Articles of tim ely interester County, Oregon. -M arshfield— Coos Bay Country are welcomed under this head. Bert R. Greer Notice is hereby given that in Editor club plans erection of club house. Communciations m ust bear the pursuance of a petition duly and signature of the author. OFFICIAL CITY PAPER ...................................................................Telephone 89 legally signed by more than three B aker— Rainbow mine in Mor- E ntered at the A shland, Oregon, Posteffiee as Second ('lass Mail M atter free holders and legal voters resid­ ing in Road D istrict Number 2, mon Basin, to be reopened. Subscription Price, Delivered in City FACTS AND ESTIMATES OX Jackson County, Oregon, and duly One Month ... $ .65 OIL SHALE IN THE U. S. Three Months i and legally presented to the County 1.95 Six Months .... Last week I reviewed in the Tid- j Court of Jackson County, Oregon, 3.75 One Year ...... 7.50 ing an article published in the Out- a diatrlct road m eeting of the legal By Mail anil Rural R ou tes: look Magazine which treated of oil voters ° t said district num ber 2 will o u e Month .................................................. $ , .65 Three M onths ................... ..................................................... Q(. and the rapidly declining output ’ be beld at The Couny Poor Farm Six Months ................................. ........................................................................ 3.50 from wells. The article showed the in Jack s°n County, Oregon on the “ The Tanlac treatm ent is good underweight, had lost much en er­ One Year .................. .................. ' ............. ................... in the fullest sense of the w ord,” is gy and always felt more or lesa 6.50 j attitu d e of the U. S. Geological DI- 28th day of Nov. 1923, at the hour the concise m anner in which P. M. fagged out. • partm ent, the Bureau of Mines, the j ol 2:00 o'clock P. M. on said day DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: Hubard, 313 Cameron St., Alexan­ Single insertion, per inch ..................................... large oil operators and the inform- i for the Purpose of levying a special “ 1 bought Tanlac on the advice .30 offices are a mecca dria, Va., a clerk in the W ar De­ of a friend and can say that It ful­ Yearly C o n ta c ts : ed public. It treated of the rapidly 1 road tax not to exceed 10 mills on One insertion a week ................................................. , 1 fo r P ile su fferers partm ent, W ashington. D. C,, re­ ly met my needs in every way. I Two insertions a week ....................... ..................................... * ™ enlarging demand for oil and by- tbe dollar on all taxable property, products: discussed briefly the c r it- i w,thSn said road D istrict for the from all over the W est cently spoke of his experience wiili now feel stronger and better by far Daily insertion ........................ ................................................................... ~~ .20 the medicine. ical situation as it affects the com- ■ 8Pe or 59-3 Fridays jects. This advance confirm s and j »W. DEAN, M.D POR W TIA NO.O RECOW magnifies the im portnace and pos- M L NI T I. Q \N T H IS PAPC R H EN W R IT IN G . NOVEMBER ft Cannery W orkers, Notice t a s t e anti q v v . . sibillties and inevitable necessity of E. O taste and see th a t the Lord is good.— Psalm s, the developing of the Oil-Shale In- The Ashland cannery will not 34:8. I dustry. From Mr. Alderson I quote s ta rt until W ednesday, November 59-2 ' the following paragraph, which, I 14. i while startlin g is made stronger by i Has Completely Cured Cases Of i up and disappear forever. THE INCOME TAX MEASURE Classified ads bring results. present advance in the study. He Several Years’ Standing in U’s positively marvelous how 1 lie outcome ol the state income tax measure in the special 9ays: from Three to Eiqfht“Days- speedily it acts. Blessed relief often elect lion i( of November fitli is extremely doubtful. The measure In 1915 tbe area of Pr°ved oil Guaranteed by East Side!comes after the use of the first Sup- hangs in the balance. But even though it is defeated by a score land ,n tbo Un,ted States was 4,109 For a smooth shave, and Pharmacy and a 11 Good pository even in cases with profuse quick service, go to the Druggists. square miles. The total production bleeding that have resisted all or more of votes proponents of the income tax 1 lave won a sig- Shell B arber Shop, across nificent known treatm ents; often after op­ .....~ « a x ............ “ “ I“? “ Perhaps the most amazing discov­ eration, really wonderful results from Depot. G rinding of ery of recent years in the field of have been accomplished. all kinds. C hildren’s work medicine is the discovery that Piles U K is good leason to believe that opponents of the was 5,753,000,000 b a rre ls .‘ Hence I The discoverer of this truly won­ a specialty. can now be successfully treated and derful siiljfdance has instructed income tax measure spent more money to defeat it than is the total prod“ctl*n of oil from th e | cured at home by a wonderful sub­ druggists all over the country to W. A. SHELL, Prop. becoming the lair state of Oregon. If not, why did Brownell 4,109 square ml,ea of proven ground stance called MOAVA. This sub­ guarantee and bis bosses refuse to open their hooks to the Gramm > T h a t would be 9 J 7 0 ' 000-000 barrels, or,! 532 A. St. Ashland, Ore. MOAVA SUPPOSITOR­ stance in the form of a suppository IES in every case of blind, bleeding in itself is convincing that whose Who possess and are making ^ r® ’8, t0 the 811 the state. No doubt if the tbe ton, will give 15.488,000 barrels then by direct contact with the ul­ in the worst cases unless It absolute­ mone\ expended in defeating the measure were thrown into of oi1, or 3even times as much oil cers and piles causes them to heal ly does what is claimed for it. No. I the funds of the state treasurer the property tax could be t0 tbe 9quare mile aa obtained reduced to an appreciable degree in another rear from wel1 oiL In Colorado< Utah and . x (E stablished in 1876) THE FORUM War Dept. Employee Offers Strong Proof You Can Be Cured A/IY ¡P ile Sufferers! This New Discovery Will Rid You- of Piles (Hemorrhoids) Forever sssm k lm one, The outcome of the contest is perhaps a greater victory’ “T , ° tl,er - ‘'^an n & < h V thkkne8S of the 8hale but X X low n l a n b ^1 ' ’^l ‘ 1 H.‘ State inconiG tax as one of hisi thickness it is evident th a t the pro- 1 auks, and although the legislature thwarted him in ction of ill g eivimr i v i n g d” «wcuon or oil on from from shale to the Hun a lu ll that was undesirable in many respects, he, with the square sqi,ar mile will be many times th at rell aid ot a few friends, democrats and republicans, carried it to °f W e oil to the square mile. How­ the jieople and a significant victory is the result. The income Ti^k to delve a little into figures, ♦ r + - 1 • in( ° m e oil shales of commercial value in our tax th measure was „1- not ¡111 e ,1 . and • I. I ,‘1,l,h < a l “ !>.'• s ™ « i, a n d h a d . western States are frequently a I ’ ,'S, ’ , 10 e been as anxicms to relieve tile! hundred or more feet thick, so sit- ,1,1 as lev I l « We,p 1,1 “ putting ~ the governor in t me b e 'uated 1 1 1 1 •!, ---- as to be broken and run into i < e, a i>i 11 acceptable in all respects would have been forth- a retort at a very low cost. coming and there would have been no doubt as to the outcome In Colorado and u Utah there are J The men who can afford to p-ay taxes in Oregon, aided bv 5,500 square mlles of oil shale ac- ,.,1 » they ■'■t " ‘Vim MJ cessible, capable of producing th e ' the salaried people of Multnomah county, whom scared • ’ 10111 tl>e .v scared enormous am ount of 255,552,000,-! into opposing the measure, accomplished its defeat, if’it is de- >- 000 barrels of oil «or tw enty seven ! of v^/egon Oregon are are go- go- times the total past and fu tu re p ro -' • eated , at , all. . 1 he . tanners and stockgrowers o ----- — 1 g | ,,Ox< e ot such nature that the right thinking people of oil shale m ust supply the oils for »,(*n 'li? W‘- . StaH< solldl-v bebmd it- Multnomah eounfv and the future. At th a t time the Geolog- 1 ical D epartm ent had no record of J ortland, with all their money^will not stand in its wav. Delicious Chocolate Eclairs Our special for this Saturday. Don’t Forget Sally Anne Bread ’ . ° lc l>°m(, the school and the church, and the industrial communities in the United gieatest assistance must come from the home. There is a break- States- witb im em asurabiy less of ing down ot the homes of the nation, and as a result those w ho’ natural res°urces than we have. are direcBy responsible are attem pting to shift responsibilities nnn °”r ,8lT n be’ A9h,and' 100’’ to public institutions and to the law. ' 000 people in ten years- C. B. W atson. The results of the income tux measure is doubtless eneour- agmg to those who backed it. That it was defeated by less than 500 votes, projects tbe “ handyritin ig on the ' wall” for two years hence. 7,000 KU KLUX KLAN WILL ATTEND SALEM CEREMONIAL SALEM, Nov. 8.— Plans were i completed today for the ceremonial , a the state fa ir grounds here S atu r­ Then re are no four-wheel brakes on old Father Time day night by the Ku Klux K ian. It was said th a t approxim ately 7000 -Iiariot. In fact there arc none at all. klansm en from all sections of Ore­ gon will attend the ceremonies. A lter a man turns forty he is a conscientious objector so D uring th e evening a ch arter will be presented to the Salem branch far as winter is concerned. j of th e . klan. In case of favorable w eather the ceremonies will be stag­ Trusting souls simply will invest in Blue Sky. Then it ed on th e race track. In event of rain the ceremonies will be held in the rains. stadium . A scientists says Eve arrived before Adam. If that is so, why has woman been ever since? M arshfield— Coos Bay W ater Co. announces plans for >100,000 im- ! provements and extensions. I FAN that never/ shivers 7 Comfortable as you make ’em even until the small, wee hours when th e la s t p ro g ram is “ signed off.” P V R IC H T . a p . s e c? Lithia Bakery Pear! Oil wil! keep the room warm w ith no more bother than light­ ing a match—no fire to build — wood, coal, or ashes to lug. As easy to “keep up” as turning a wick—the most conve­ nient heat ever made. W hen you order— get the oil that burns up completely, th a t leaves the air sweet, fresh and clean. Pearl Oil is refined and re­ refined by the Standard Oil Company’s special process—every drop is entirely consumed in clear, heat-producing flame. Be sure the ker­ osene you use is the highest quality only— when you order say “ Pearl Oil” by name. oil shales In Oregon and other fields promised from half a barrel ASHLAND, A CLEAN TOWN to one barrel per ton. Many of tly* Some who have hee nreshlcnts of Ashland for the past beds then know’n were very thin deeade or longer may he ¡„dmed will, 11,e idea that. Ashland’C<””’ ared with the Ashland beds. , The testing of the Ashland shales to IS rotten morally. If such there he, let them visit some of the the present tim e shows the quality is ventmZd^h-it 7 / 1?’1’1! t,ie Aortllvvest ;>ntl the assertion! of oil to be extra high and the depth .1 , i i i , H ' ' ' 1 1 ° 111 n l,o,lie with the 1 inn conviction of the beds to be enormous. All who tnat Ashland is one of the towns of the west where the moral vlsit these bed8 are astonished at standard is all hut above reproach. The moral standard of no their ' ‘ extent and richness. Ashland town is pertect, but observation reveals tbe fact that there is has a w’orld-beating enterprise at her door. Will the people w lJr, Tl''Ot' e“CT iind h,'re »“ 1« found a,IV- «1.1, „popManHA’ndZ iw respond to up, by its illicit Iheic is less moonshinmg, fewer drunkards and hood-1 development, one of the greatest urns, ess ( c Line ie i\, fewer law breakers than is found in any and richest com m unities on the Pa- a \ a g e community. A moral town is perhaps the price of eter- cific coast? Rem ember th a t opti- nal vigilance, and it pays to guard well the morals of any com­ mism, pep and energy w ith w’hich munity. It is important that useful laws be enforced, but it is Los Angeles, situated in a desert, well to remember that the laws can^go only so farcin maintain 1 has acquired a million people in ^ a M m d 'i m ’ d n».",. h e ' X RADIO A stirring romance of the North ALSO ' His New Papa’* o - K. itird ay Only 6i The Man From Glengarry Ralph Connor’s Immortal tale of the fearless lumberjacks ♦ ♦ M I M STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) TUTERE you may be x A- sure o f g e ttin g just w hat you like in clothes; if you are not entirely pleased, it is e a s y to g e t y o u r money back. You are safe w hen you buy Clothes Tai­ lored to Measure by Born, from an au­ thorized dealer. B orn woolens are of finest quality; they are carefully tailored to fit well and wear lo n g ; d e p e n d a b le slothes are never sold •i lower prices. H ere, /o u save m o n ey •’felv. PAULSERUD^S >HE4T^UGHT OY has been called tbe blood of the world. It is what we all want. Joy is somehow bound up ivitli money. This bank aims to assist you in the intelligent care of your money and thus increase your jov of living. J The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ashland. Oregon M I»«« « ,