A shland D aily T idings malaria germs Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic w ater helps. The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty ASHLAND CLIMATE Cures nine cases out of ten of asthm a. This is a proren fact. Years (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL NO. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. URGES A NEW CITY CHARTER « « :: tt 8 Dr. D- M. Brower, Champion of i: Commission Form of Gov. ~ Addresses Council. » ---------- 8 Tiding^ Present* High Lights of Ad- 8 d r e ss on A d v a n ta g e s o f C om ­ 8 m issio n F orm o f G ov. A t th e re g u la r session of th e city c o u n cil T u esd ay e v e n in g . Dr. D. M. 8 8 8 8 8 SECOND ARTICLE TO A P P E A R TOMORROW Owing to the fact th at the sponsors for the construc­ tion of a new reservoir up Ashland creek to augm ent the present w ater supply of the city have additional in­ form ation to compile, th e a r­ ticle covering the subject will not appear today, as an ­ nounced yesterday but will he presented in the issue of November 10 (tom orrow ). ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, 9, 1923 8 ENGLAND PR E PA R E S TO 8 W R EST OLYMPIC HONORS 8 8 LONDON, Nov. 8.— Britain is 8 j m aking a keen endeavor to win back 8 her lost laurels at the Olympic 8 ---------- j Games in Paris next year. 8 Germany Is Torn W ith New! Training centers, it is proposed, 8 Daughter of Slain Woman Revolt—Vonkahr Orders win be °Pened » p throughout the Calmly Tells of Uncle’s 8 Ludendo’i ’ Arrested. country for the preparation of ath- Plans in Tragedy. 8 ---------- letes and budding athletes by the 8 F rance Ignores Bavarian Coup, Res- British Olympic Games Association, 8 pite Prom ise to C ontrary— King ' while the services of form er athle- A ttorney D oes Not R eveal L in e On W hich D efen se W ill B e Rased— 8 Issues W arning. I tes and w orld-beaters are to be en­ May Spring Surprise. 8 listed as advisers.- , BERLIN, Nov. 9.— Dissension has 8 W ork has already commenced on COQUILLE, Nov. 9.— Calmly and 8 broken out among leaders in the the- tracks at W hite City and the smilingly, Lucille Coved, niece of 8 Bavarian N ationalist revolt and Dr. Crystal Palace, two London su b u r--'A rth u r Coveil, astrologiat, on trial 8 ban am usem ent parks, w’here the ORDER ARREST OF LUDENDORF COVELL MURDER IS DESCRIBED 8 8 8 ERROR IS MADE 8 IN COST FIGURE 8 8 In the Tidings of yester­ 8 day relative to plans propos- 8 sed for securing a new w ater 8 supply the statem ent appear­ 8 ed th a t under the develop­ 8 ment of Em m igrant creek 8 unit 600 acre feet of w ater 8 could be secured at a cost of 8 $105.00 per acre foot, or a 8 total of $163.000. The total 8 should have read $63,000 8 An error appeared in the 8 original proof and a second 8 erro r was made in the cor­ 8 rection 8 8 » » 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 TAX MEASURE IN THE LEAD Negative Vote of 366 in Dou<' - las County Swings Major­ ity in Favor of Bill. Only 2 5 Precinct« M issing hi S la te— M easure Barely W ins in Jackson County. PORTLAND, Nov. 9, 2:30 P. M.— Brower, champion of the commis­ The state income tax measure has sion form of governm ent in m uni­ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Vonkahr, who was proclaimed “ na­ for the m urder of his sister-in-law, aparently passed. Douglas county cipalities, subm itted a new ch arter ------- —________ ______ tional protector of B avaria” , is said condidates for Olympic Games se­ Mrs. Ebba Coveil, told today the and delivered an address before the Beaverton— $75,000 contract a- vote swung from a negative m ajor­ to have ordered the arre st of Adolf lected from the South of England story of hearing the crippled astro l­ council in which he set out the ad- warded for dorm itory for St. M ary’s ity to a 366 vote m ajority favoring H itler, Fascist! leader, according to will be trained. oger plan with Alton Coveli, 16, to vantages to be gained under the Home for Boys. the bill. The latest vote stands a report from the Bavarian ir o n - ! kill Mrs. Coveil through the use of proposed new charter providing for ---- ----------------------- -- tier. L ater reports said V onkahr had “ yes” 58,336, “ no” 57,970, giving ammonia. The girl, who is a step a city commission. The subject is also ordered the a rre st of General a m ajority of 366 in favor of the daughter of the dead woman, said one interesting many towns and measure. Ludendorf, com m ander of the Na­ th a t her uncle set Septem ber 3, at cities and has been under discussion tional Bavarian Army. Only ¡>1 precincts are missing, 11 o’clock as th e favorable time and here for some time, hence the Tid­ | 21 of which are in sparsely settled F orm er U prising R ecalled th a t Alton Coveli, her brother, did ings presents a sum m ary of Dr. The anniversary of the uprising j Malhuer county and it is believed , the actual killing, following a fif­ Brow er’s talk, believing it will be of of 1918, which sent the old Im per­ the measure has passed beyond any teen m inute scuffle with her step­ interest to all interested in m unici­ doubt. ial Government of Germany crash­ mother. She said she helped Alton pal government. It follows: ing to the ground, to-day found the Coveil place the body of Mrs. Coveli “ Organized civil society expres­ The most attractive window’ deco­ nation torn with a new’ revolut-jon LODI, Nov. 8.— The name of the PORTLAND, Nov. 9. — The stale on the bed. A shland’s 1923-24 Ellison-W hite ses herself through her Courts. The rations in Ashland this week are which has broken out in Bavaria. Income tax measure is still behind Courts In functioning are governed and u n w illin g accomplice of The girl told her story w ithout lyceum begins with the first num ­ those prepared by J. O. Rigg at his The late revolution* is led by Gen­ by constitutional law. A city char- Xall"00 Hfe insurance hoax is not eral Ludendorf, Colonel E h rh ard t, store on North Main street portray­ played no emotion, and gave her ing the spirit of Armistice Day. with the Leake musical organiza­ it. Complete returns from all but H itler and V onkahr. The Bavarian A charter prescribes a form, char- an have announced the Cola King, as a joke and thought it , Deliveries of fifty new freight he the head of a definite depart- j the week ending Nov. 3, is a as fol- d ate for th eir fortunate forthcom ing ASTORIA, Nov. 8.— John Jensen, EAST LAKE HOTEL, BEND , was a good “ poof” on the Candlers, and passenger locomotives which m ent, for the conduct of which he low’s: M instrel Show as Monday, December a tim ber faller employed at the L ar­ IS DESTROYED BY F IR E long friends of his family, when he were ordered several months ago are Is responsible to the commission. Scarlet Fever— Klam ath Falls 4, third. R ehearsals have been in pro­ kin & Green Logging company’s wrote checks aggregating $15,000 under way. and to the people; «and (5 ) the McMinnville 2, Oregon City 2, Port- gress for some tim e and according camp, was brought to hospital this BEND, Nov. 8.— An oil lamp, Richardson confidently expected his The two orders represent an ex­ “ checks” designed to assure direct land 6, The Dalles 1, Columbia to Carl Loveland the am ount of en­ evening suffering from a fractured , knocked from the hands of Henry parents to come to his aid today. penditure of $8,000.000. The loco popular control. county 1, Lane county 1 W ashing- thusiasm shown in the rehearsals skull as a result of being h it on the ; Linster, m anager of the resort at motives are designed particularly for the “ L ithian M instrels” will su r­ “ The c h arter we are discussing ton county 1. head by a piece of bark weighing East Lake, as he was passing M ULTIPLE LISTING ADOPTED for the m ountain hauls and other contains all of the above features D iphtheria— Albany 1, North pass anything of the kind ever a t­ about 100 pounds th a t fell from a j through a low doorway, started a BY SALEM REALTY DEALERS heavy work. and because of the opportunity pro- Bend 2, Portland 14, Columbia tem pted in Ashland. tree. fire, which resulted in $20,000 The L ithians are going at their viding for co-operation h a s features county 2. W ashington county 1. SALEM, Nov. 8.— The m ultiple damages. The hotel, bath-house, OPEN BIDS ON DEL th a t secures blessings to us from the Typhoid— Hood River 2. La show with the usual Initiative and NEW SH R IN E TEM PLE IS boathouse and 19 boats were burn- listing system was adopted by 16 NORTE-GRANTS PASS ROAD daughter of our people. Miss Ash- Grande 2. McMinnville lT Portland 1 pep and are sparing no trouble or ER EC TED IN NEW YORK ed. L inster was w ithout aid in his j members of the M arion-Polk real- expense In th eir production. “ Some­ land, th at the vision of a seer can Baker county 1. tors* association at a meeting held efforts to check the flames. SACRAME^TO, Nov. 8.—The fed­ easily discover. Mr. Bristow, Ass t Smallpox— Albany 1, P ortland 1, thing d ifferen t” is the word sent out NEW YORK CITY.— The corner­ Only a small part of the loss is here last night. H ereafter owners eral departm ent of public roads will Secretary of the Interior, several The Dailes 4, Lane county 1, Uma- from the Lithian headquarters who stone of the new Mosque for Mecca j covered by insurance, but local of property for sale who list their are not prone to reveal the exact Temple of New York City w*as laid business men, who are the owners holding with any member of the open bids in Portland to-morrow for years ago in a lecture in the City I tilla 3. the construction of seven miles of H all, said th a t one of the things th a t , _______________ ________ program they are preparing. with appropriate cermonies by Ju s­ of the resort, said th a t rebuilding listing bureau will receive the sell­ highway on the W aldo-Elk Creek w’as the m atter with the people in ! , , , . ,, tice A rth u r S. Tompkins, Grand Mas­ will be started at an early date. ing service of every member. This Ashland was they lacked co-opera- I * Asbland will be born th a t will section of the road betw’een Crescent system, it was said, is in effect in HOTEL MOVED BY QUAKE te r of Masons of New Yorfc City. City, Calif., and G rants Pass, Ore. tion and because of such lack th e y 1 T ' tO SPrve us> tbe peo_ The ceremony was preceded by a UNNECESSARY EM PLOYEES many parts of the country and has lost much w ealth, both after it was f * 11 an any Predecessor has C alexico, Cal., E xperiences Three The road to be improved connects colorful Shrine parade up Fifth CHARGED TO GOV. WALTON proved very satisfactory both to the j , . - . ever served, and perhaps better than Del Norte County and Josephine p ro d u ced a n d fro m n o n -p ro d u c tio n . I , p o e iie r m a n D istin ct Shocks. Avenue. property owners and the agents. , ., , _ , any people ever have been served County. We know th a t manv of our children TT , w u servea. OKLAHOMA CITY, Nov. 9 — . . leave Ashland, . . . . CALEXICO, Nov. 7. — Three M ALHEUR RAILROAD IS are forced . to on i u nless government has power to co­ More than a dozen unnecessary em­ AFTER RUM SMUGGLERS REPO RT P R E SE N T FA LL IS reaching th eir m aturity or sooner operate in any and all things, co-op- earthquake shocks, the longest la st­ INCORPORATED AT SALEM eration as a theory, is a joke and ployees were placed on state pay­ TH E DRYEST IN 52 YEARS ing five seconds and being so violent from lack of employment. We have ' C ongress A sked for H uge Sum to doomed to failure. th a t it shifted the V irginia hotel great resources, enough to employ SALEM, Nov. 8. — The M alheur rolls at the Instance of Governor Chase L iquor Sm ugglers “ W ith co-operation ^included in several inches on its foundations PORTLAND, Nov. 9 — The d iv ­ many thousands more people than un u u eu in Railroad company with capital stock Walton, according to testim ony of powers of government, failure est w eather in the 52 years which Aldrich Blake, form er executive and tw isted reinforced pillars of a we now have. W hat is the trouble? of $500,000, and the H errick Lum ­ WASHINGTON, Nov. 8.— Congress is impossible, with power to co-op­ departm ent store, were felt here. Non-co-operation. We co-operate in ber company, with sim ilar capital consullor, before the impeachment will be asked an appropriation of rainfall records have been kept her * erate with other cities or organized The ceiling of the United States supplying ourselves with w ater and stock, have been incorporated by court trying the governor. Blake twenty million dollars for a powerful by the United States bureau, with bodies through the departm ent of im m igration station is also said to electric light, heat and power. In Fred H errick. Jam es W. G irard and said th a t Governor W alton frequent­ fleet of new revenue cutters and only one exception, is the present finance and commerce alone or act­ have fallen from the shocks. Several doing so we give work to many of F ran k J. Jlobucher. The plant of the ly requested the highway, banking, m otor boats to chase rum smugglers, season. So bright and warm is it ing with the Chamber of Commerce, large plate glass windows in down­ lum ber company will be near Burns, and health departm ents to place em­ it was learned a t the treasury de­ th a t talk of a change in the Japan our people and get good service and trade would flow w ithout impedi­ town stores were also broken. No partm ent today. A dm inistration plans current due to the recent e a rth ­ while the railroad will extend from ployees on th eir pay rolls. could get b etter as many cities th at ment of any form. This ch arter pro­ one was injured. The line of the call for more than 200 additional quake is running high among street th a t point to Seneca, a distance of have a commission form of govern­ vides th a t all things for the good quake is believed to have been along Salem— Spaulding lum ber plant boats to be operated under the coast corner prophets. 40 miles. m ent do. Because of giving the peo­ of the people may be theirs. Follow­ the Mexican border. No such luck,” said Edward L. to double capacity of planing mill. guard. The coast guards recommen- ple opportunity to co-operate in all ing its adoption. A shland’s prosper­ tion for new ships and additional. Wells, m eterologist. ‘ We may havt» Salem— Construction starts on thing s desired: with the adoption of ity is certain and advancem ent sure. personnel are supplem ental to the rain alm ost any day, although the Portland— Masons planning $1,- new* $50,000 Court Street Christian P ortland— Jantzen K nitting Mills the c h arter under discussion, a Thank vou.” regular budget estim ates of eleven 000.000 temple. dry spell Is general over a large church. building $20,000 addition to mill. million ordinary operations. area,” »^, OFFICIAL IDENTITY OF KELS NOT ESTABLISHED BY CORONER'S JUDY AND ARMISTICE DAY LYCEUM TICKET SELLING CAMPAIGN STARTS: FIRST NUMBER EVE OF NOV. 14 J