— MALARIA germs Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic w ater helps. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL NO. V. ASHLAND CLIMATE Cures nine cases out of ten of asthm a. This Is a proven fact. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8 lih’3 POULTRY PRIZE LIST FINISHED PACIFIC FOREIGN TRADE CONVENTION IN PORTLAND NO. TELLS OF NEW WATERSUPPLY TRIAL o f ARTH UR COVELL UNDER WAV AT COQUILLE ' PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 7__Ses­ sions of the Pacific Trade conven­ tion in Portland, November 15-17, will be held in the Multnomah hotel. Ninth Annual Poultry Show acord‘n£ to arrangem ents announced today by the general convention City Engineer Walker G iv e s Will Be Important Fea Brief Explanation of Plans committee. ture of Winter Fair Considered by City. Thirty-five delegates have already R ules and R egu lation s Are D efined | made reservations here nnd 1 r» ........ " Va" 'S ' "» *' office. rive ! j píete U " PLÂN TO SEIZE HUGE ZEPPLIN WILL ARRAIGN SINCLAIRS AT CHEHALIS, NOVEMBER 2« TAX BILL VOTE IS IN DOUBT COQUILLE, Nov. 7.— The trial of ; CHEHALIS. Wash., Nov. 7— State A rth u r Covell, crippled astrologer ¡Senator Percy L. Sinclair and Mrs. • of Bandon opened here to day. Covell ¡Sinclair, charged with receiving is charged with first degree m urder • >T T • funds when they knew the South- in thP dea,h of his sister-in-law r> m e y Claude Bavarian Nationalists Said tOi western W ashington Bank of Ilwaco Mrs. E tta Covell. A ttorney Have Plans to Comandeer was insolvent, will be arraigned here j Lead of 7,000 Votes Against Giles indicated th a t he would make Measure Is Reduced to U. S. Airship. November 26. Senator Sinclair, pres­ a hard fight for his client and asked Less Than 600 ident of the defunct bank, and Mrs. prospective ju ro rs if the fact th at If Necessary German Dlfieals Will Sinclair, an employe, pleaded guilty F orm erly A n non need . defendant was an astrologist would sesions will m ark the opening of the R eturns from O ntlying D istricts Cuts Destroy Craft— Thuringia W ill D evelop B ell View here Monday to the charge. J influence them . Judge Kendall also Lead o f O pponents— Many I’re- convention. On the second day Makes Protest. The state was granted authority The Tidings present today com­ there will be two general sessions. 1 Ti, , ; Quizzed the jurors. Covell was car- eiu ts Vet to Hear From regular m eeting „1 , Ke « .u n t r i e d Into court on a cot and present- to file an amended com plaint on the plete rules and regulations for the One group session will be arranged MUNICH, Nov. 8.— Coupists of Tuesday evening, at which oppon-.'ed a pitiful picture. He wore faded n . . charge th a t Sinclair made a false PORTLAND, Nov. 8, 2:40 P. M Ninth Annual Poultry Show of by the Foreign Commerce club of enta of the plan proposed to sec u re ! overalls an an old hat. Each ju ro r! " N ationalists have con- statem ent with reference to the Southern Oregon, which will he a San Francisco and the other by the Fluctuating late up-state returns additional w ater from a new unit was also asked that if the fact Cov- i ceived a plan to commandeer the hank’s condition. Over the objection _ __ prom inent feature of the coming W estern fruit growers. A tour of the kept the fate of the income tax mea of the Talent Irrigation District s e r J vel1 was a cripple would influence giant Zepplin z *3. which is b e in g ® / thG defense the court ruled th a t W inter Fair. Indications point to harbor will be made on the final day sur in doubt and it is certain that them. built for the United States Navy, ac- the statem ent might set any time an official count will be necessary one of the finest exhibits of poultry j convention, ved to revive interest in th at im por­ _ j cording to a report received here to­ dsird before Novembr 26 for the to determ ine the result. Unofficial ever collected in the state. j —__________________ ta n t question. Inasmuch as the plans arraignm ent. ■» day. Rules complete retu rn s from 24 counties proposed for relieving the local w ater j The mighty airship is nearing out of 39 gave 56571 “.ves" and Rule 1. The ninth Annual Show completion at the Zepplin W orks shortage have not been made public 56743 “ no” making a m ajority of of the Southern Oregon Poultry As­ at Frederichshafen, and the B avar­ in a general way, the Tidings will j 172 against the measure. Eighty five sociation will be governed by the ian governm ent is taking every step present, in tw o articles, the two precincts are missing over the state rules of the American PoultryAs- to fru strate the conspiracy, fearing courses proposed, giving first ithe i and it is likely th at retu rn s yet to sociation. All prizes awarded strictly serious complications m ight ensue, plan proposed by City Engineer W alk-: come may put the income tax mea­ in accordance with the American should the plan be carried to a suc­ er and on which the city governm ent J sure over by 300 or 400 votes. Standard of Perfection. looks with favor. I ------ — cessful end. Rule 2. E ntries close December i National education week will be T alent U nit ; J ° hn K oeh,er and Mark K oehler.1 The huge factory is being closely PORTLAND, Nov. 8.— Returns 1, 1923, at 10 o’clock. j observed throughout the United The plan sponsored by W alker and 8O” S of Rev’ and Mrs- Koehler, won guarded by police. German officials from up-state and outlying precincts R pv . Parounagian spoke before Rule 3. E ntry fee for poultry is States from November 18 to 24 in­ others is to join with the Talent I r - ; the first Prize of five dollars for of the company are eager to com- received last night have cut the lead fifty cents for each specimen. Pens, j elusive Thig inform ation wag recejv_ n g atio n D istrict in forming a new sending in the nearest complete list pIete the alrsh iP and land it in the the public schools in Ashland this oen dollar. Pigeons and ornam ental j cd in a letter sent to Mayor W. D. unit known as Em m igrant creek unit of things wrong with the car In the C nl" “<1 States “" e r a Trans-A tlantic morning and told the children of of 7,000 votes against the state in­ come bill to a hare 589. witli many fowls, twenty-five cents each, which Fry. It is not known w hat action will or ra th e r contract for w ater from v Fix the orphanages in Turkey and the precincts yet to hear from. The be­ It page of Monday. Oct. 2 9 / ’ " ? * * , ‘ ° *,W ,0 “ 8 includes cooping, care and feed. 29. be taken in G rants Pass in regards th at project to the am ount of 600 conditions th a t existed before the lated returns have created a stir- guessed tw enty-three of t t . i i T S ’ i ' " * * - “ * Rule 4. All entries m ust he made to the observance of the week. The acre feet. To develop the Em m igrant ; They guessed tw enty-three of the f to seize the baloon officials may children were forced to leave their | prise and that'T he bill will he de­ in w riting on entry blanks fu rn ish ­ letter reads: homes. creek unit will require 4,500 acres twenty-seven things wrong with th e ’ r wreck it to fru strate them. feated by a mere handful of votes is ed by the Secretary. land, or the equivalent. According car in alm ost the exact words as “The United States bureau of edu- of Saturday morning at 9:30, three received with pleasure among those to Mr. W alker it will hardly be p o s -! T ™ " Whkh &rriVGd TuGS'i Prem ier F ^ o X h Rule 5. Shipping coops m ust he cation in cooperation with the Am er­ Thuringia, reels of Near East Relief films show­ who so ardently supported it. The ,°™ th ° A dvertispr’s . Cut Ser-j m arked with the name of the breed, ican Legion and the N ational Educa- sible to secure th a t am ount of land' ing the constructive work being done fact is there is a slim chance of the cbose„to / et ' who is in Berlin, is protesting to the sex, and num ber of birds contained i tion Association, is again this year the first unit having supplied w ater 7 , ^ ? ^ 2 ^ ' th eir m erchandise from the Enders federal governm ent against’ alleged in orphanages will be shown a t the bill being approved by the voters of and address of exhibitors so as to J prom oting American Education to a large area in the vicinity of Ash discrim ination by the reichswehr. He Vining Theatre. This film is declared the state and the outcome ig still insure prom pt retu rn at the close j Week, which will be observed from land and Talent. Bell View district, Company. Dr. E rnest Smith won the second urged President E bert and Chancllor to be the best educational picture a m atter of doubt. exhibition. CAUTION! Male birds, November 18 to 24 inclusive. The which is w ithout w ater, is in position prize of one dollar and fifty cents i Stresem ann to visit the “ Bavarian ever shown in Portland and will be Complete returns from 19 of should he shipped separately as they object of this week is to focus the to supply 1600 acres. That, together w orth of m erchandis by giving fro n t” to get a personal view of the interesting to older folk. 36 counties, with 174 precincts in will fight on their retu rn from the attention of the entire nation upon with additional land between Ash­ As a new idea, comes the plan for rem aining counties to be heard from, twenty-one things in alm ost the same j ac^ v^les of the "B avarian irregu- show. education and to make national sen­ land and Talent, and between Talent way as described by the standard ’a rs.” each child and parent who cares to ! gives the following totals: “ Yes” Rule 6. Express charges m ust he tim ent for the im provem ent of ouy and Jacksonville, will run the total list. He also chose to get his m er­ see the show to bring one or more 55049, “ No” 55638. The present Advices form the Rhineland said paid in full by the shipper to the schools and the furtherance of our up to a point where there will be chandise at Enders. th at the separatists had seized cans of milk as an adm ittance fee, m ajority against the hill is only 589. a shortage of only a few hundred Ashland W inter F air, Ashland, educational aims. «r ,, „ , “ uuureai o th e r advertisers on the page were ; money presses and were n r t n t in » ra th e r than paying money. The milk Preneincts yet to report are, Bak Oregon. It is not necessary Io accom­ H odkinson’ eir own “ Sunday, November 18, has been to this project "set f o r t ^ ^ ^ nson. Overland Overland Garage G arage,. ! th their own currency. currency. The The allied allied dis- dis- Is to be sent to the children In the er 12. Columbia 1, Curry 5, Douglas pany birds. ... . a t if the Ashland Electric designated as “ For God and Coun­ jtric Supply. Supply, Ashland trict commissioner in the zone where Near East. 32, Gilliam 11, Grant 20, Harney?, Rule 7. All birds for exhibition try D ay;’’ Monday, November- 19, city of Ashland will subscribe 600 Studio, Ashland Vulcanizing W orks, the secessionists were turning ont The Vining m anagem ent has also Jackson 7, Jefferson 1, Klamath 22, acres th a t it will make possible the m ust be received and in the show as “ American C onstitution D ay;” Jerry O’Neal, F ranklin Bakery, j money forced the relch bank branch- secured a Jackie Coogan picture, Lake 2, Lincoln 15, Malheur 25. Em m igrant Murphys Electric Shop, Yeo and ‘ es to accept It as legitim ate. room not later than six P. M. De­ Tuesday, November - 20, as “ P atrio ­ developm ent of the which is always an attraction. Morrow 1, U m atilla 3, Union 1. creek project and n o t o n l y cember 5. tism D ay;” W ednesday. November Buick Service Station. __________ .____ __ Wallowa 2. If the trend of t h e 1 ulh Rule 8. Im m ediately after aw ards 21, as “ School and Teacher D ay;” supply w ater to every available acre ONE THIRD OF NEW CARS Here is a list of the things wrong SIMMONS WILL ASCERTAIN returns is a safe guide it is expect­ by the Judge have been supervised , Thursday. November 22. as “ Illiter- j of non-irrigated ag ricultural and hor- with the car: ARE ENCLOSED MODELS ed that the rem aining vote in MOTIVE FOR COBURN MURDER j icultural land in the Ashland and and approved a ribbon designating ; acy D ay;” Friday, November 23, as 1. Lamps not mates. K lam ath, Gilliam, G rant and Curry first, second, and third prize shall he Community D ay;” and Saturday, Talent, and Talent and Jacksonville, 2. Wheel’s do not match (w ire, disc DETROIT, Nov. 8.-— Production ATLANTA, Nov. 8.— When Col will be against the hill, while Doug­ placed on the w inning coops, blue, November 24, as “ Physical Educa­ districts, but will supply sufficient and artille ry ). figures announced by the largest Simmons, founder and present Em- w ater for irrigating all acreage tracts las, IJncoin and Baker >,. ¡|| he for red and white. No advertising shall tion Day.” w ithin the corporate lim its of -Ash-J 3. W rong step under front door. j peror of the Ku Klux Kian, returned motor car m anufacturer show* that it. 5. Rear door missing. be perm itted after the w inners have ¡to A tlanta from Birmingham, he an- on the basis of nine m onths’ out-put land. They advance argum ents th a t 6. No license plate. been so designated. , nouneed th a t he would use all the one-third of the cars this yeâr will TRUCKS RUSHING SUPPLIES with sufficient additional w ater to Barron Favors Tax 7. Front bumper broken off on Rule 9. During the continuance force of his organization to ascertan be closed models. The figures of OVER KLAMATH MOUNTAINS take care of acreage tracts within The vote on the income measure far side. of the exhibit all specimens are to the motives for the slaying of- Wra. this m anufacturer are indicative of ETNA MILLS. (Siskiyou Co.), the corporate lim its of Ashland th at jin Barorn precinct fa v o r.-.1 the (Coburn, his attarney. He criticised the trend of the entire automobile be under control of the Superintend­ Nov. 8.— F reight is being rushed th e present supply will be adequate 8. No rad iato r cap. I measure by a vote of 18 to 5. ; Im perial W izard Evans for "rem ain- business. ent and cannot be removed except into the Salmon River country over to take care of all lawns and domes­ 9. No honeycomb in radiator. 10. R adiator does not fit hood. j Ing in hiding” and not appearing to by his consent, but any specimens Salmon Mountain. E xtra trucks have tic requirem ents. The percentage of cars produced RIOTING AND LOOTING STILI, 11. Tread on wrong part of tire. j aid in clearing up the mystery. show ing. symptoms of disease will been put on and in some instances th a t were closed cars Is given for 2 0 0 0 ,0 0 ,0 « « G allons CONTINUE; DEATHS R lk ’.ULT 12. No huh cap on front wheel. be im m ediately removed and re tu rn ­ drivers are doubling the trip in an the period since 1919 as follows: Engineer W alker states th a t the 13. No mud guard on far side in Reedsport now has monthly pay­ ed to owner. 1919, 11.7 per cent; 1920, 18.9 attem pt to get w inter provisions, am ount of w ater required for 600 BERLIN, Nov. 7.— Hungry mobs front. roll of $100,000. Rule 10. The term s “ cock” , “ hen” , stock produce, etc. over the moun- acre feet is equivalent to 200,000,000 per cent; 1921, 25.7 per cent; 1922, continue to riot in Berlin. Many ¡14. No name plate on radiator. “ cockerel” , and “ pullet” are thus de­ tains before the heavy snow s t o r m s ; 3 ° ” S per season> and th a t the a - l J5 Cowl ,ight too large a'nd 29 per cent; 1923, 33.3 per cent. stores have been looted. Despite the i« ¡WILL ALTER DUNSMUIR fined: Cock and hen are birds one set in. There was a light fall of snow , m ount would be sufficient to supply . The 1923 figures are based on an appeal of the police the public failed wrQnr nlare AND REDDING HIGHWAY estim ated production of 1,700,000 year old and over; cockerel and pul­ Tuesday morning. j 2.000,000 gallons daily for 100 days.11 , , ... vertically .. ,, instead , , x J 16- W inshield split to support the authorities against REDDING, Nov. 8.- -H arry Comly, ¡ cars. let are birds under one year old. A In w inter the snow is ’eften ten |T ne am ount would be -sufficient to the rioters. One was killed and breeding pen shall consist of one feet deep, and the letter mail and , irrigate all acreage tracts during the 17. Steering wheel at wrong angle. division engineer on the state high several wounded in bread riots at way commission, appeared before Jry season and leave the full supply male and four females. parcel post are conveyed by mule 18. Handle on door in wrong position the supervisors yesterday and asked AMERICAN PARTY DEFEATED Pirm a, the heart of the Saxonian Rule 11. All birds entered for sale hack. In more severe w inters the of Ashland creek for domestic and 19. No front seat shown. BY SALT LAKE MORMONS coal fields. More than 600 persona them to secure rights of way far p-o- other purposes for several years to (Continued on Page 4) mules w ear snow shoes, and when come. 20. Emergency brake misplaced. have been arrested the past day for i posed alterations in the h i"h ”*ay be­ SALT LAKE, Nov, 8.— C. Clar- plundering. the w inters are unusually severe 21. Rear of top missing. Approximate Cost tween Redding and Dun tv.' *. Th • ance Nelson, Mormon candidate and the mail carriers make this arduous PROGRESS MADE IN DRIVE The cost of developing the Em m i­ 22. Spokes missing from hack wire supervisors granted the rcquesL and . rre se n t incum bent was reelected trip on skiis wheel. g ran t creek unit is placed at $475,- FOR RED CROSS MEMBERS will acquire all the needed rights mayor of this city, defeating Joseph CHICAGO POLICE DOUBT AMADOR GIRL’S STORY 000. The total acreage to be served, 23. No springs. of way as soon as the deeds and d - Ga!¡glier, candidate of the American 24. No ventilators in hood. WIFE DESERTER OF WEED including the 600 acre feet to be The com m ittee in charge of the scriptions are provided. Par y, by 5,019 votes. Nelson is bish­ IS LOCATED AT PA LOMA utilized by the city of Ashland, will 25. One re a r wheel missing. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 6 — The Red Cross drive appeals to the town Comly asked particularly for the op in the Mormon church. The two 26. Axle missing. WEED, Nov. 8.— E. Kuhl, who de­ make th e cost per acre approxim ately people to pay th eir membership fees r.ghts of way for the first ten miles I candidates of the American party sensational story of a Chicago m ur­ 27. No valve stems. $105.00. The cost to Ashland for the serted his wife, two children and a t the booths placed in all hanks north of Bayh^. Rights of way for for commissioners were also defeat­ der in June of last year told by 600 acre feet will approxim ate $163,- aged father at Weed some days ago, Miss Anna Backovitch, whose home whenever they a re in town. By co the next ten miles may come later. ed by the Mormon candidates. The Salem— $1,382,266.08 expended operating with the chairm an of the 1 bas *’een located at Paloma. He is 000.00. The m aintenance cost is esjj- The engineer explained th a t the contest developed to such an inten- is in Slitter Creek. Amador County committee it is thought th a t possibly picking olives and m aking sufficient mated at $2.50 per acre, which would under Oregon Soldier8’ Sai,ors and ’ distance between Redding and Duns nit« U ..I .K., , * x , . 118 not accepted by the Chicago po- M annes E d X n c a 31^ t in n a l nr.» t í a on? 6 «*«u x»uua ,.lty that the L largest rote tn the hts- ,k c as being worn, ,„„ch paid e x J tory of Salt a ie was’ poifed. make the annual m aintainance cost no o th er solicitors will need to be money to support his family, which Despatch­ es received here from Chicago indi­ distributed over the city. ,0 •’oin him Tuesday afternoon. and at the same tim e certain heavy (Continued on Page 4) am ette university. Response from the public has been ^be " eed authorities decided not to cate the authorities there consider grades will he elim inated. KLAN HEADQUARTERS TO BE all the colorful rk tails of how a man growing and four hundred dollars prospcute him . providing he took his MOVED TO KANSAS CITY named j'im family off th eir hands. was slain by a girl have been turned in to the treasurer. friend of Miss Backovitch rs purely If there are any persons in Ashland KANSAS CITY, Nov. 8.— The JURY IS COMPLETED IN fiction and the whole s ti.y creat­ who are willing to solicit or to vol­ national headquarters for the Ku ed by the g irl’s imagination. COVELL MURDER TRIAL u n te e r services to work in th booths Klux Kian, headed by Im perial Wiz­ COQUILLE, Nov. 8.— All seats Mrs. A. B. Wick desires to hear from ard Evans, will be moved here from PHILIPPINE PROBLEM MAY were taken today when the trial of them at once. A tlanta, Ga. according to reliable BE NEAR A SETTLEMENT j A rthur Covell, charged with plotting Inform ation here. Transfer is to be O. A. C. STOCK JUDGING them urder of his sister-in-law , Mrs. made within the next two weeks, It j MANILA. Nov. 7.— Manuel Que­ TEAM WINS AT EXPOSITION J Ebba Cove11’ was resumed. The jury, was learned, and negotiations are zon, Piedro Roxas, and Senor Os- i composed of ten men and two women under way for a lease by the Evans mena political leaders and heads of OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL­ has been accepted. The crippled as­ faction of the Kian of the old K an­ the Philippine Independence Move­ trologist, from his cot in the court­ LEGE, Corvallis, Ore. Nov. 8.— The sas City athletic club building. m ent, met leading members of the O. A. C. stock judging team won room, will testify in his own behalf, j No alienist will be put on the stand American community here for the first in the stock judging contest , BASTROP JUDGE REFUSES purpose of agreeing on a plan for on behalf of the defendant, accord­ at the Pacific International Live- j TO DISQUAIgIFY HIMSELF immediate decisive settlem ent of the ing to Claude Giles, attorney. Dr. stock Exposition a t Portland again- 1 Philippine problem. This meeting Fred Covell. husband of the slain at five other institutions. BASTROP, La.. Nov. 8.— Judge i was regarded as m arking the capit­ woman, will likely be the first w it­ The team wras able to bring per­ Fred Odom, central figure in trials ness for the state. ulation of Quezon in his anti Ameri m anently to the O. A. C. campus the of those charged with complicity In can campaign and believed there is Livestock State B ank’s big slver cup Morehouse parish mob outrages, to­ a possibility of American-Filipino ¡THORNTON, WASH., BANK offered for the best work in judging day overruled the motion of defense leaders In agreeing to a plan satis­ IS ROBBED BY EXPERTS sheep, by w inning it the third tim e! asking th a t he disqualify himself. factory to both for submission of j SPOKANE, Nov. 7.— Three ex- In succession. The defense immediately notified the the whole m atter to congress . pert cracksmen cut open the vault court th a t the decision would be car­ through Governor General Wood. 1 of the bank at Thornton, th irty ENGINEERS AND FIREM EN ried to the state suprem e court for miles south of here, and escaped in final ruling. OUT ON VIRGINIA ROAD WALTON ENTERS i an automobile with securities and : currency valued at a thousand dol­ GENERAL DENIAI. NEGRO GRABS PUNCH BOARD NORFOLK. Va„ Nov. S.— Despite lars. Police fear the recurrence of WEED, Nov. 8.— An unknown ne­ the order of the United States R ail­ OKLAHOMA CITY, Nov. 7. - A . T v „ an epidemic of small town bank road gro grabbed a punch board from road Labor Board th a t they would | robberies such as occurred here two general plea of “ not guilty” to the Wong Louie’s restau ran t and ran defer action until November 14 years ago. This is believed to be the Miss Electra Doren, chief librarian at Dayton, Ohio, conceived the idea of carrying books to readers who could out of the restau ran t with It. It con­ twenty-two charges of impeachment when settlem ent * '°uld be madp, ) same trio which robbed a bank at not conveniently patronize the library, and her -rolling j library.” consisting of a » truck «on' " 7 tained several watches and chains preferred against him has been en­ consistim* nf tmz*iz* with shelving __s» close to 500 engineers and firemen Edison a few nights ago and escaped umes and 104 current periodicals, has proved a great boon to suburban dwellers. The truck canvasses a ^ lliT e r^ tered in the senate by Governor of considerable value. L ater the W alton employed on Virginia railroads went with a thousand dollars in securities Hon of the suburbs every day. The plan is economical, too, in that it is saving the c o n S r u X l of h r.n /h .m T The photograph shows Miss Doren standing at the rear of the truck. «instruction of branch libraries, board was found with the prizes re­ on strike today. and cash. moved. but the negro has not been Albany’s new $25.0000 city hall located. will soon be ready for occupancy. IEHLER FIRST AUTO PRIZE Ü FIX II PAGE IONAL W EEK IS 18 10 24 “ x • • • « « X * • X - V" A1 CA 1 1 1 X..' 1 p • CX V v . *./ a A A CX AAA C l I- W A • How Suburbanites of Dayton Get Library Books TEILS Of NEAR EAST RELIEF: SPECIAL AT VINING