A shland D aily T idings malaria germs Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic w ater helps. The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years ASHLAND CLIMATE Cures nine cases out of ten of asthm a. This is a proven fact. (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL NO. V Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43, TAX MEASURE IS DEFEATED POLITICAL RESULTS MIXED IX YESTERADY’S 'ELECTIONS ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1923 2 5 0 TON RETORT" IN S. P. YARDS LIGHT VOTE ( AST IN TODAY’S SPECIAL ELECTION PREMIUMS FOR NEEDLECRAFT NO. ARRANGING RACE M EET FOR ARM ISTICE DAY COUNCIL HAS A BUSY SESSION WASHINGTON. Nov. 7.— Dis­ PORTLAND, Nov. 6.— In spite of patches today reveal th a t the high The automobile and motorcycle I ideal w eather a surprisingly light . lights of yesterday’s election are as races which are to be held a t the «vote is being cast in the special ---------- follows: K entucky: Democrats re- fair grounds on Armistice Day will --------- - jstate election today on the income be conducted under the auspices of Incomplete Returns Indicate turned t0 power with a m ajority of Huge Machine Will Be Instal !tax referendura measure . O nly t w e i - i p i a n s for Needlework Depart- the Jackson County F air Association Measure Defeated by Less ,o«°oo. with William Fields elected ve per cent of the registered voters led in Shale Oil Fields ......~........ Asked to Place Pool Hall; governor. Vermont: P o rter Dale, ment of Winter Fair than 8,000 Votes says the Mail Tribune. of Portland had voted at noon today Near Ashland. Under Strict Regulation dry republican, won senate seat from Are Completed. The race meet will be in the form The vote is also light in the W ill­ Mu It noma h Derirtos Issue— Ashland Park Pollard, dem ocrat. M aryland: —Matter Deferred. of a F air association benefit and all A rrival o f R etort M arks Im portant am ette valley. F avors M easure by a D eci­ Ladies' Art Club W ill Be In Charge ! E ntire state dem ocratic ticket, head­ profits will be devoted for financing Epoch in D evelopm ent of sive Vote. of D epartm ent— List o f P rem ­ ed by A lbert Richie, for governor, the prelim inary expenses of the as­ New W alks P etition ed for— New R ich F ield s. iu m s Are Increased. Charter Proposed— W ater Q ues­ elected. Richie is an outstanding foe sociation activities for next year. tion Is Considered. The Income tax m easure, referred of prohibition. New York: Republi­ The 250 ton re to rt purchased by In order th a t the association may The Ladies’ A rt Club will again to the voters of Oregon at the spec­ cans gained a seat in congress and the H artm an Syndicate arrived in secure ample funds those who will have charge of the A rt Needlework The city council met last night at ial election of yesterday has been an increased m ajority in the state as­ the Ashland freig h t yards last night i D epartm ent of the W inter F a ir and sell or take tickets, act as traffic the city hall in regular session. Tin« defeated by from 6,000 to 7,000 sembly. Democrats won New York from Buffalo, N. Y., following a and watchmen and those who will be Mrs. Selma Gray will be* Supt. of this votes, according to the best retu rn s city. Soldiers bonus carried. Cleve­ rapid three weeks in tra n sit and is ushers, will donate their services for m eeting was marked by the presen­ j section. The departm ent will be tation of an unusual amount of im­ available. The available retu rn s in­ land: Ku Klux Kian swept many being unloaded today. The Southern this particular event. known as section 2 of the Art De­ clude all o f th e up-state vote and-all cities and counties in Ohio. Chicago: Pacific Company has granted the Popular prices will prevail and the portant business and the mayor and partm ent. of M ultnomah county with the excep-' Miss Mary Bartelm e. republican, use of th e ir w recker to tra n sfe r the advance sale of box seats will open council were detained until tin* SALEM, Nov. 6.— Monday, Nov­ A much g reater list of premiums tion of 26 precincts. Vp-state figures ; elected first woman judge. a t the office of the Medford Cham­ m idnight hour. huge m achinery from the freight ember 12, is declared a legal holi­ will be offered than heretofore and ber of Commerce on Friday, Novem­ W ant P ools H alls R egu'oted include all counties except Currey, ----------- ---------------- __ cars to the platform . day in Oregon for the purpose of ob- blue, red and w hite ribbons, appro­ ber 9. Purchasers of box seats, in Rev. C. F. Koehler and Rev W. J. G rant and Malheur. A rrival C reates Interest -n,« . xv serving Armistice day, in a proc- priately printed will designate the case of bad w eather and races not Oldfield, representing the Ashland U p-State F avors M easure : IlH IV i The arrival of the reto rt, which isliam atio n issued Saturday by Gover- winners as well as the regular cash being run will have their money re­ M inisterial association, and ladies of The vote outside of Multnomah ! * the largest of its kind in the U nited! nor Pjprcp premiums. The following rules will funded. the W. C. T. U. were present and county stands 23,752 “ yes” and 19,-' States, has created much interest “ Nine years ago be observed: last August, subm itted ordinances for the con­ 190 “ no” , giving the m easure a lead in Ashland and m arks an im portant Europe was catapulted into a tre ­ 1. No premium shall be awarded sideration of the council. The pro of 4562 votes. event in th e developm ent of the mendous conflict” the proclamation when the exhibit is unworthy, posed ordinances were drafted with In M ultnomah county latest avail­ vast shale oil fields located at Ash- though there be no competition. land’s door. The developm ent work ° f tbe govornor rpads. “A powerful a view to licensing pool hall! ami able retu rn s indicated 13,64 7 votes menace threatened civilization. The 2. A rticles m ust be entered by placing them under strict regulation. has been under way, under the d i­ favoring the m easure, with 25,159 Ordinance No. 2, would prohibit votes opposed. The m ajority in Mult- Kor ,be benefit of people not fam- rection of the H artm an Syndicate, fu tu re of nations and peoples every­ the m aker. where were thrown into the scales nual license of $50.00. 3. No article can be entered which for the past eighteen m onths. Exten­ nomah county against the m easure *^a r with the state game laws of of war. has been previously exhibited at this Nrdinance No. 2. would prohibit is 11,512. These figures indicate ''reg o n , the following articles taken sive developm ent has been accompli­ “ W ith liberty as the stake this na­ fair. minors from frequenting or loitering clearly th at the m easure will go from the same law, are being printed shed and the work has progressed to 4. All articles m ust be clean. No in pool halls, playing billiards, nool down to defeat by not less than at th e re(l«est of Roy P arr, deputy a degree th a t w arrants the installing tion was compelled to en ter into the of a re to rt of commercial size. The struggle. The w ealth, the resources. The fifth anniversary of the sign­ worn or soiled articles can be enter- or any other game, and supplem ents 7,000 votes. game warden, woh has found know- ing of the arm istice, wihch brought an ordinance already effective which The retu rn s bear out the predic- !edgp of state provisions woefully re to rt now in the yards of the S. P .lth e manpower was dedicated to t h e ( ed - 5. Clothing and needlework m ust to an end the world war, will be ob­ prohibits minors from playing in tion of many in th at agricultural dis- 'acking and believes th a t people is capable of handling 250,000 tons purpose of m aintaing democracy and of shale rock a day. civilization. Each state, each city, served a t Medford in a fitting m an­ pool and hillard balls. be pressed. tricts would favor the m easure hut sho” ,d be presented with facts The installation of the reto rt each ham let, each family and each Ordinance No. 3 provides for the (d ) A m etal tag or seal, which 6. Unfinished articles will riot be ner and according to early announce­ th a t M ultnomah county and Port m ark8 an im portant epoch in the de­ individual was called upon to give given premiums. m ents th at city is preparing a pro­ removal of all screens and partitions has been approved and which shall land w’ould accomplish its defeat. velopment of the oil deposits and in­ th eir all if need be to the successful gram th a t will a ttra c t many visit­ within pool halls, and the removal be supplied by the state game com- 7. All embroidery work m ust be A shland F avors M easure dicates, beyond doubt, th a t the syndi­ prosecution of the struggle. judg<^ as to simplicity of design, ors from all over this section of the of all shades, curtains, screens, or As in other sections of the state, misison, shall be attached to each cate behind th e 'develoDment w i l l On the 11th day of November, five other obstructions prohibiting a color, neatness of finished work, and state. game anim al, game bird, game fish , ' the vote in Ashland was decidedly „ xv n A r tP > lose no time in determ ining n the ac- years ago, the conflict ended. The f or i r part n n r t or n r parts n o i 4 ; o tlm i__ ’ A proper observance of the day clear view of the interior from with fitness of m aterial used. thereof, offered by light, the total vote in the citv he- tual value of the fields, which, ac­ will be held on Sunday, November out. Lnncheon Set ing 591. The m easure carried by 113 quests of any hotel, cafe, cafeteria, cording to all indications, are the principle of freedom had again been The ordinance would also prohibit (Cloth and one-half dozen napkins) 11th, when appropriate program s votes. The vote stood 332 for th e i I*p?’ta u ra n t or boarding house or richest in the United States, if not in established. In honor of th a t day and w hat it owners of pool and billiard balls will be presented at the churches, 1. Luncheon set embroidered in measure and 239 against. The vote i e,” b’ for sto rage or to be served to the entire world. gave to us, in honor of the boys who white, crochet edge— $2.00, $1.00, hut the real celebration will occur frm carrying any stock of m erchan­ by precincts follows: such guests, members of such club. O ccupies Tw o Cars so bravely carried the flag of free­ Ribbon. Monday, November 12, th a t date be­ dise other than soft drinks, tobaccos or guest of such hotel or boarding Precinct Yes No. The re to rt is immense, both as dom on to victory, and in honor of ing designated as a holiday by and sm okers’ goods. 2. Luncheon set crochet edged— No. 1 ... . 54 47 house, which tag or seal so affixed to size and weight. Two freight cars Rev. Koehler addressed the coun­ Governor Pierce. No. 2 .... .. 32 27 shall rem ain attached to said game were required to tran sp o rt the huge all these who sacrificed th a t demo­ $2.00. $1.00, Ribbon. cracy and civilization m ight live cil on the im portance of adopting Sport Program anim al, game bird, game fish or 3. Luncheon set applique trimmed No. 3...... piece of m achinery to Ashland. .. 32 32 Armistice day has been rightfully 1 the proposed ordinances and called A program of interesting sports part or p arts therof. until the same — $2 00, $1.00, Ribbon. No. 4 .... According to the m anagem ent an 41 4. Luncheon set embroidered in will be presented on ^ionday, the attention to Ibe fact that i M p i n No. 5 .................................... .... 46 14 shall have been consumed: provided option is in effect for the delivery celebrated throughout the United 10 that such guest or member of any of a battery of 20 retorts, which are i States- color, crochet edge— $2.00, $1.00, feature of which will be the annual state law providing for licensing No. 6 .............. ... 33 football game between the high P°°l and bililard halls. to be installed in the same field, and! therefore, in conformity Ribbon. No. 7 .... .................................... 51 16 hotel, cafe, cafeteria, re stau ran t or Amos Nininger, of Nlninger & th e custom of paying tribute A centerpiece is twelve to tiventy- school team s of Medford and Ash­ No. 8 ................................. 57 52 boarding house or club, at the tim e these will be received as required, or as rapidly as development work • to those who made the world safe, W arner, opposed the adoption of the such game anim al, game bird, game land. This event is one of the sport- four inches in diam eter. Totals ...................... 332 239 will perm it installing them. ; I. W alter M. Pierce, by virtue of l effect, A luncheon cloth is more than ! *n& events of the year in Southern proposed laws, stating, fish or part or parts thereof, is or B ell V i«w F avorable All hands are working in the ! the authority in me vested as gover- Oregon and will a ttra ct many Ash­ th at pool halls are 'ire . Iv under twenty-five inches in diam eter. The vote in Bell View was light may be offered for storage or to be freight yards today hurrying the nor of the state of Oregon, do here- land people. In addition a race meet severe regulations. I’, .-fe. ring to the served to such guests or member, Lunch Cloths hut decidedly in favor of the m ea­ tran sferrin g of the machinery. Ad­ by declare the said November 12th, for motorcycles and automobiles will state law providing for licensing shall execute an affidavit setting 1. Lunch cloth embroidered in sure. The vote was 28 to 5. ded crews are to be employed to A. D. 1923, a legal holiday.” forth the fact th a t such game ani­ white— $2:00, $1.00, Ribbon. t be held at the F a ir grounds under j Pooi halls, he said that such a law Jack son County V ote take advantage of the fine w eather mal, game fish, game bird, or part 2. Lunch cloth em broidered in the auspices of the Jackson County j d,d exist, but was mcc, 1 j , ’ 954. R eturns from all but a few Jack- on hand to accelerate movements F a ir association, with some of the was obsolete and had nev»«r been color— $2.00, $1,00, Ribbon. son county precincts reveal th a t the or p aris thereof was killed lawfully of the syndicate plans. Day and COST OF MEAL INCREASES 3. Centerpiece embroidered in best drivers in the state participat­ enforced. county has voted against the bill. and *s now legally in the possession night contingents working witl^ The council took no action i:i (be ing. R MILLIONS WHILE EATING white— $2.00, $1.00, Ribbon. The incomplete vote, not in c lu d in g ;0*’ such guest or member, and th a t trucks and team s are to place the m atter, deciding to defer a vote until A grand ball, under the auspices Ashland and other m issing precincts, *bo samfi and th a t no p art or parts 4. Centerpiece embroidered in re to rt a t the shale deposits in rec­ of the American Legion post of Med­ a subsequent meeting. THE DALLES, Nov. 6.—^German color— $2.00, $1.00, Ribbon. is “ yes” 1042. “ no” , 1396. There is thereof have been Purchased, or New Charter Proposed a possibility, however th at w’ben all bave been sold or will b4 sold or ord time. restau ran ts ought to have signs in > 5. Centerpiece crochet trim m ed— ford will be held In the evening. Roads leading to the H artm an Dr. D. M. Brower addressed the them th a t would read something $2.00, $1.00, Ribbon. re tu rn s are in the m ajority of the offered for Rale, b arter or exchange, Syndicate holdings have been work- council on the m atter of the adon- like this: “ Diners eat here a t their B^li-oom Linen bill will be negligible or may be re- Upon the Presentation of such affi- ROBBERS LOOT BANK AND versed. The m ajority in Ashland and davit to any game w arden or other | ed 0Qd rough portions are graveled own risk .” T h at’s the opinion ex­ 1. Dresser scarf embroidered in ESCAPE WITH THOUSANDS tion of a new charter, providing for a commission form of govern­ Bell View for the m easure is 136 | person authorized to affix the m etal j and corduroyed, so th a t th eir pres- pressed here by Chas. Zwickey, a white— $2.00, $1.00, Ribbon, tag or seal provided by this act. i 3nt condition is said to be parti- Swiss who recently arrived in Amer­ votes. 2. Dresser scarf applique— $2.00, BELLINGHAM, Nov. 6 — Rob­ ment, and presented a copy of a new such game animal, game bird, game cularly satisfactory. Practically ica to visit an uncle here. “ I sat $1.00, Ribbon. bers early today brake open sixty charter, supplem enting it with de­ j fish or part or parts thereof, shall ; “Yprythli)g is ready a t the shale de- down to luncheon in a cafe in Bre- 3. Dresser scarf embroid, red in safe deposit boxes in the Farm ers & tailed explanations of its im portant FO R R ES FORCED TO R E TIR E be tagged as provided herein. j posits for the arrival of the retort, m an” , said Zwickey, “and I calculat­ white & crochet— $2.00, $1.00, Rib­ M erchants’ State Bank at Edison, a provisions. Owing to the late hour, DIR EC TO R SH IP BY HARDING (e) A metal tag or seal, which ed form the menu th a t the meal I bon. , I few miles south of here, and escaped no action was taken on the m atter. Petition for Walk wanted would cost me 25,000,000 WASHINGTON, Nov 7.— The late baS been approvpd and which shall 4. Sheet or sheet sham •' ¡rt pillow with loot valued a t a thousand NATIONAL GUARD OFFICERS A petition bearing the names of m arks. B ut before I could finish and cases, crochet— $3.00, $ 1 5 0 . r.ib- dollars. Bank officials believe th a t President H arding forced Col. For- be. 8»pPnpd hy the ^ a te game com­ HAND IN RESIGNATIONS pay my check, the rate of exchange more than half the residents resid­ bon. ; be« to resign directorship of the Uni- niiss’on» shall be affixed to each men participated in the robebry. ing on Nob Hill Street, between High had fluctuated so much th a t I 5. Pillow cases, crochet tiim m e 1 ’ ted States V eterans’ bureau because gamp anim al game bird, game fish ROSEBURG, Ore., Nov. 6.— Lyle and Almond was presented, asking of the sale of the surplus property! or Part or parts thereof, offered or E. Mars ter« and Alvin E. Knudtson, found myself indebted to the restau ­ — $2.00. $1.00, Ribbon. V.TI D DRINKING PARTIES for thee onstruction of a new cement a t Perryville, Md. depot, which For-1 accepted for cold storage or to be capta.n and first lieutenant of the ra n t keeper to the extent of 30,000,- 6. Pillow cases, ta ttin g trimmed ! ARE BROUGHT TO LIGHT walk. The petition was read and up bes continued even after President cleaned and dressed by any cold stor- Roseburg National Guard company 000 m arks. The cost of the meal in­ — $2.00, $1.00, Ribbon. on motion the reorder was instruct­ H arding ordered them stopped. Brig- age plant or pu b lic m arket w ithin have tendered th eir resignation as of­ creased 5,000,000 while I was eating 8. Table runner, crochet edged— WASHINGTON, Nov. 6.— World adier General Sawyer, W hite House the state, and the absence of such ficers of the Oregon National Guard. it.” ed to publish notice of Intention to $2.00, $1.00, Ribbon. war veterans attending the V eter­ physician, testified before the senate tag or seal from any game animal, Both are world w ar veterans and hold | construct the proposed walk. The ex­ 9. Table ru n n er applique— $2.00, a n ’s bureau school at Chillicithe, ---------------------------— committee. Sawyer said th a t a Boston game bird, game fish or parts thereof commissions in the officers’ reserve j DESIRE FOR SMOKE PUTS cellent representation carried by the $1.00, Ribbon. - Ohio, staged a wild drinking party firm bought three million N^ollars Wiall be prim a facie evidence th a t petition insures that the Improve­ 10. Table runner, colored, em­ on governm ent property, according corps. Inability because of personal TWO IN SALEM HOSPITAL w orth of supplies for six hundred such anim al, game bird, game fish business, to give sufficient time to ment will not meet any serious ob­ broidered— $2.00, $1.00, Ribbon. to a sensational le tte r w ritten by H. jections. thousand dollar^. Forbes was not or part therof was unlaw fully taken the work of the company, was given 11. Table ru n n er colored cross Tripp, governm ent employe, which SALEM, Nov. 6.— The d es|re for present when Sawyer testified, th e , or killed and th a t it is unlaw fully in as reasons for quitting Jh e guard W ater QuesGan Considered a smoke is responsible for the fact stitch— $2.00, $1.00, Ribbon. was introduced by the Senate inves­ form er director, according to his eon- the possession of the person or per- Sylvester P attei ¡on who i t deeply 12. Best collection hand made tigating committee. Tripp charged An election will be held in about two; th at two men were in a local hospital sul, being ill. , sons in whose possession it may be weeks to select new officers for the! today. The men are Armand Cooper, handkerchiefs— $2.00, $1.00, Rib­ interested in securing an additonal th at the mayor, sheriff and district found. company. supply of w ater to meet « reusing 23, and Vick Cummings. 23, both of bons. attorney a t Chillicothe were pres­ LEGIONAIRES TO SELL demands, presented plans for the Poultry Department Independence. Cooper is suffering ent at some pf the parties. TICKETS FOR LYCEUM construction of a new reservoir up HOLLYWOOD FILxM PLAYERS Rules regulating the poultry jli- from a broken nose and severe KLAN SLAYER INDICTED A shland-creek in lieu of negotiat­ HELD FOR EXTORTION scalp lacerations. Cummings was vision of the W inter Fair, together The Ashland Post of the Amer­ WEST ITRGINIA VICTORIOUS ing with the Talent Irrigation pro­ badly cut about the hands. Cooper. ' w,tb tbe Premlum list, will be pub- Colonel Simmons Was On th e List ican Legion m et last night with ject for an additional source. The LOS ANGELES, Nov. 5.— Coming it was said was drivii^r the car, in ,Ishftd ln full in tom orrow ’s issue of of the M urderer. NEW YORK, Nov. 6.— W est Vir­ Rn interesting business m eeting fol­ plans presented wrere prepared bv as the afterm ath to the recent ex which both were riding through the Tidings. ginia trium phed in today’s football lowed by a tam ale feed at the Arm­ pose of a Hollywood blackm ailing ATLANTA, Nov. 7.— Phil E. Fox, W est Salem. Cooper elected to light contest with R utgers, the score be­ P atterson’s engineer. Mr. Taylor and ory. ring headed by Ben Osborne and Rose revealed th a t the proposed reservoir a cigarette. The autom obile cata-1 RUNS INTO BUILDING slayer of W. S. Coburn, planned to ing 27 to 7. Nominations of officers for the Putnam , both of whom pleaded guilty would’ supply 275 acre foot, in ad Faulted into a ditch. Cummings was ! KELSO; GIRL IS HURT kill all other leaders in the in su r­ following year were held. The next and were sentenced in the federal! pinned beneath’ th e ' ■ machine" dition to the present available sup­ gent faction of the Ku Klux Kian and i ---------- 21 STUDENTS ISOLATED ply.. The plans were explained in de­ m eeting promises to be interesting court in C incinnatti last week, follow-1 was stunned Passersby found it ! KELSO, W ash., Nov. 6.— Miss organization, including Col. Joseph judging from the am ount of nom­ Simmons, authorities were informed ing admissions th a t they had attem p- necessary to cut loose his clothes ! Mamie W agner of C entralia was Carriers of Diphtheria Germs Are tail. In view of the fact that the ted to “shake down" John L. Bush­ inations made for each office last today. council is pursuing a plan in con­ Found at Roseburg. before he could be removed from the Painfully cut Saturday when a car, nell, banker of Springfield, Ohio, fed­ night. Rev. Parounigan of Salem nection with the Talent project, no wreckage. ’ j owned and driven by J. C. Scritch- Fox was charged with m urder in eral agents and pqlice officers Friday spoke concerning the Near E ast Re­ ROSEBURG, Or., Nov. 6.— Twen­ official action was reerded, hut due ___________ _________ 1 field of C entralia, in which she, an indictm ent returned by the grand arrested M argaret Gibson, motion lief and was given a response by Scritchfield and her m other were, ty-one students in the Benson school consideration will be given the plans jury. He displays no rem orse for his picture actress, who appeared on the; THIRTY KILLED AND MANY the American Legion. Captains for ran into the Hamish building at the were placed in quarantine today and proposals of Mr. Patterson. act, saying: “ Under the circum stan- screen under the name of Patrica; WOUNDED IN CRACOW RATTLE th e m embership drive were appoin- west end of the Kelso bridge when when it was found th a t they were . . . .. . ... . CPS waft all I could do; I couldn’t ted and the ticket sell,ng campaign do anythInjf d iffe re n t/. Fox ,g algo Palmer. Scritchfield sought to avoid a col­ carriers of diphtheria. Seven cases RICH STR IK E IS MADE WARSAW, Nov. 7.— T hirty per­ for the w inter lyceum num ber given creditpd with MyJng th at he is lision with another car, which tu rn ­ have been found in th a t school and NEAR PRA IRIE CITV sons were killed and 260 wounded under th e auspices of the legion j the shot was fatal Whpn informed LATE STATE VOTE ed the corner improperly. Kenneth a test was made last week, cultures in battles between the strik ers and was planned. „ , , 1 Boyd, a son of Mrs, Cora Bovd of being taken from the th ro ats of 120 th a t Coburn was dead, he said: “ I BAKER, Nov. 6.— A rich strike The A uxiliary to the legion plan am glad of it. He would have ruined of the lower grade pupils. An exam­ was made last week on the H unter , n , T " Just before going to press the to a ¿¡„patch receiver here. The j ° , w t u L r ^ . to have one person out for every me. I had ra th e r be hanged than Tidings received a telegraph dis- trouble began w ith pitched battle.! L” JY’ “ " ” ” ° 8‘an<1