MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic w ater helps. A shland D aily T idings The line Been Ashland’s a « l T __ The Tidings Has Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty -» T q _ (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL NO. V. Years ASHLAND CLIMATE Cures nine cases out of ten of asthm a. This is a proven fact. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. ASHLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER, 6, 1923 LEGION BOYS TO ENJOY FEED BAI) DUNSMUIR GRADE UNDER REPAIR BY CITY DUNSMUIR, Nov. 6.— The grade known as High School Hill is being graveled by the town. This hill was | a fruitful spot for luckless drivers KLAN LAWYER IS MURDERED 14 YEAR OLD BOY IS NO. 55 ’ KILLED BY AUTOMOBILE RIOTS 0 N INCREASE [HUSBAND AND WIFE DIE ON SAME MORNING 36,278 FOREIGN CARS REGISTER BEND, Nov. 5.— Fourteen year- SACRAMENTO, Nov. 6.__By a old Clifford Friedley, son of Mrs. strange tu rn of Fate, two members , Florence Friedley of this city, died ---------- of one family, W alter N. Wise I ---------- ¡late this morning of cerebral hem- Banquet and Program Tonight f° set 8tnck when n had bPen rain’ Was Consul for Simmons Fac-,orrhagp> the resu,t of in ju riers suf- sheet metal worker, who had made [ in Armory Building for t J tion Of Order—Grand Jury fered When he was run over late Stores Plundered and Citizens his home in this city for about | - — Members. - - | The student-body recently peti­ All Held up and Robbed on eighteen years, and his wife, Stella Of Total 53G8 Were Registerc 1 Will Probe Killing. Saturday afternoon by an auto driv­ tio n e d the town board to do some­ m Ashland from July 16 Streets of Berlin. B. Wise, died at the Sisters’ Hospi­ en by Charles Hassin. thing to make traveling more com­ AA’ill In itiate C am paigns for M emhe Murder Is Possibly Result of Row I to November 3. tal Saturday morning w ithin a few .'"''.’r "T o f |P r e .M n .t Elbert PI,.»,,. for ship and Sale o f Lyceum fortable and safer for it was a -d a n ­ Between Two Factions of hours of each other within a few , » blame by the police. A num ber of gerous grade when slippery. C ourse T ickets. public— Thousands of School hours of the tim e a fte r. they had 1 **" * Ijea<’S VW‘ «rs, W illi W ash­ the Klau. boys were playing football in a The new road to be built on Oak ington Second— Foreign ('nun- Children Hungry. been taken to the hospital together street intersection when Hassin ap­ The Ashland Post American Le­ street and across the county will not tries R<‘pi*<*s<-ni- el« - |2 and 3 o’clock thio morning from W ashington, D. C............ lifeboa^t. More of them, it is urged [Day celebration. BQ ¡a «hex B Bald the wet --------- m ajority in A lberta ¡ted over getting the bear, as it is the spot, and the body buried there, injuries suffered in a dynam ite ex­ can he carried in less space a n d ________ Wisconsin ......................... wil reach the neighborhood of 30,- not her first one. She is well known as its condition did not adm it mov­ plosion a t Dunn & B aker’s quarry launching is much easier. Wyoming ........................... 000. CASTELLA SCHOOL DISTRICT as a hu n ter and trapper, having ing. The coroner’s verdict was th at A laska ........................ on the Ashland road yesterday. The killed nearly all kinds of game ex­ $5,000 ROND ISSUE VOTED the woman had come to death accidental explosion tore off one of Alaska ................................ VOTES DOWN PROHIBITION cept panther. CIRCUIT COURT CONVENED; C hristensen’s legs. Mr. and Mrs. CASTELLA, Nov. 6.— At the through foul play and the body had Canada ................... GRAND JURY IS IN SESSION been weighted down with rocks. The j Hawaii Nels Christenson of Oregon City are EDINBURGH, Scotland, Nov. 6. special election Saturday the Cas- FIRE ALARM ANSWERED AT parents of this latest victim of state — The first Scottish town to vote tella School D istrict voted four to coroner said th a t the body had been Old Mexico Circuit Court was convened at I there for six to ten motnhs. R epublic of Panam a JERRY O’NEIL RESIDENCE highway consruction in this dis­ on local option has voted down pro- one In favor of $5,000 bonds for Jacksonville yesterday and it is un-j F u rth er investigations are being trict. C hristenson’s came to K lam ­ hlbitin, official retu rn s indicated to­ building an addition to the present Total 36,278 derstood th a t the docket for the Oct.) made by the sheriff’s office. ath Falls from Bend about three schoolhouse so four or five teach­ When Mrs. Jerry O’ Neil stepped on day. Nineteen other d istricts are term is a-long one. The grand ju r y |iier ers can be employed and for enlarg­ LIMA, Ohio, Nov. 6.^—Students m otor th i8 morning and was months ago. voting on the issue. is convened in regular session and ing the school grounds. ONE GROWER WILL MARKET who smoke, or frequent pool rooms, shocked by the blaze th a t popped it is also reported th a t they have a TWO TONS OF WALNUTS are barred from holding office in into activity under the rad iato r of long list of complaints to consider. Ford, she forgot there was a filled any student organization at Bluff­ E. E. Foss, well known farm er, ton College. This rule has been a- ___ tPa k ettle in th e rear of the machine fru it and nut grower, is busily en­ dopted by the college “ senate” and THANKSGIVING DAY SET that would have served as the best fire extinguisher. gaged in drying approxim ately two approved by the faculty. President Designates November £ftth tons of w alnuts grown on his place The source of the blaze is not as Day of Thanksgiving. I known, tho it is probable a short cir­ a mile south of Talent, The season JOIN A S H L A N D FIRM cuit existed in the w iring apparatus up to this week, has not been fav­ orable for drying nuts, due to fre­ W. M. and T. \ \ . Jones Engage in WASHINGTON, Nov. 6. — P resi­ of the car. The machine rested in the garage, located under a portion of quent rains. A visit to the Foss Busines^ Here. dent Coolidge has issued a procla­ Z '" " home yesterday, however, revealed mation designating Thursday. Nov­ the house, and was pulled from the basement by the fire departm ent, X. th a t the work is progressing satis- C- Stevens, form er sole proprie em ber 29 as Thanksgiving Day. ' A •:Z X. who responded to Mr. O’Neil’s call. factorily this week. Some damage ' ’or the Ashland Realty Company, The P resident's proclam ation says A new wiring system and set of has resulted to part of the Foss !has anno»nced th at W. M. Jones and In p art: “ The year has brought to coils will put the car in running or­ crop, the shells having darkened to son, Theront W. Jones, form erly of our people two tragic experiences der. No other damage was done. a degree because of m oisture. Gen­ the W illam ette Valley, have formed (»MC: which have deeply affected them. erally speaking the crop is excel­ a p artnership One is the death of our beloved D with hint in the Ash- BWi iw*« land Realty Company. lent and has been m arketed at a president, his loss calling the nation POSTMASTER HAS RECORD good figure. Mr. Stevens has felt the need of to a less captious and more chari­ OF FORTY-FOUR YEARS assistants to give bigger and better table attitude. It sobered the whole service in his growing concern and WIFE, TWO SONS AND thought of the country. A little la- HINTON, W. Va.. Nov. 6.__D G •w . AGED FATHER DESERTED has added men who are influential te r came the nnparalled disaster to Bailengee, 78, one of the oldest post and experienced. the friendly people of Japan. This j'masters in West Virginia, believes WEED, Nov. 6.— E. Kuhl, a re- f u t u ^ 1*1 Cff° r t Wil1 m&dP thP SW® called forth from the people of the he holds the state record for ser­ to give people the service they cent arrival in Weed, with his wife, United States dem onstration of deep vice as such. He has been post­ ask and require. The firm is also twoy oung sons and aged father, and hum ane feeling. It replenished m aster at Clayton, this county, ready to give individual attention to has disappeared. th e charitable impulse of the coun­ continuously for the last 4 4 years holding and managing property for Teh four had 14 cents among try. We have been the most blessed j Although he walks with the aid of While nearly 600 pedestrians have been killed out-of-town people. « .d Expo»,,,™ pa,«n ^ U,e ta r iS f b’u ü d tn l'in P m U ,» ~ " “ n them after Kuhl left. The Weed people. We ought to be the most a cane he is active and looks 20 deo, to A private room for consultation is The „ fet, of emp|oyces ho^ to th u reMrd Red Cross Chapter is looking after thankful people.’ years younger than his real age. one of the features of the new p ar­ them, while the authorities are on tnership and is especially attractive the lookout for Kuhl. for p atro n s. S m S OF SKEEN MUST FILE CLAIMS FOR AUTO THE INCENTIVE Fine Safety Record Made on Immense Building ■ > li MM91S I