AéifcÁÑft sa ♦ •»♦»»» »<<>>♦»» S LOCAL AN] iJ D ally C hronicle of th o se w ho com e und go, and even ts o f local Interest. lo la n th e in P ortland— Profesional singers and actors have been cast for “ lo lan th e” and a five night production started W ed­ nesday evening at the Auditorium in Portland. Production is under the auspices of the Royal Rosarians and proceeds will go to the Rose Festi­ val association in the Rose City, lolanthe was given at the county fair grounds this fall and proved to be a wonderful musical extravagan­ za. Its popularity can be vouched for, oweing to the fact th a t the long- run has been signed for in Portland. Ed Andrews of Medford takes the leading comedy role. I I > ................................. » ♦ 4 S M M M « <> makes typew riter Tender steaks and chops at the E at your Sunday dinner, chicken Plaza Confectionery. 4’.2 special, in our new dining room. Plaza Confectionery. 47-2 : i : , . pnT L o: , “ Mr. and Mrs. E lb ert Fariow mo- tOrGd tO Portland early this week t0 spend a short vacation. They are iexpected to retu rn today and “ Chic” Farlow wil1 continue his work with the Standard 011 company here, E at th a t chicken dinner Sunday at th e Plaza Confectionery. 47-2 We m ake clothes adapted to your taste. Be individual it costs no more. Paulserud’s. 4 5 .^ V isitor from T alent__ Rev' Reed of Talent is a business visitor in Ashland today. Rev. Reed We make a specialty of picnic an will be here next week interested in cam pers’ needs. D etrlck’s. 236-tf the state Sunday School convention. Let the Ashlaud Laundry do you NOTICE— Overland Garage goes service. 31 io strictly oash basis November washing. G uaranteed W ater St. Phone 165. 54.2 f,r8t- . 42-eod Inter. I . York-por,iand t Evidentally there were dreaa m itt | \ »» t e rent his garm ents. Special for Saturday 28 Stores / Electric Columbia Curling1 Irons Phonograph Records Special 35c 3 for $1.00 Special $1.79 (guaranteed 1 yr.) Ze Pyrol Portland-A pple export, h ™ ™ million boxes this year. For Sore Throat A Germicide for mouth, teeth, throat and skin. 1. Food stuffs of unquestion­ able high quality. 2. Lowest average price on all merchandise sold. 3. Honesty in dealing—This guarantee accompanying a 11 sales; Our goods, if you are not Katon, Crane & Pike 24 linen envelopes 24 sheets paper Special at Amaizo Oil—Best for Salads and Cooking _Pts 97e (Its. 53cts, half .gallon, $1.05. ' • Free We are giving away Free Thermos Bottles Keep Hot Zepyrol $1.00 bottle of 24 hours. Keep cold 72 with every Purchase of Hours. Youth-Craft hair tonic. $1.25 and up T M H satisfied.” 4 Unfailing courtesy and at­ tention py 20th Century sales people. » With the ,above for past record, such stores should be safe places for the future. Saturday and Monday We Offer 35c .................................................................................................... * « 20lh Century Grocery 28 Stores 20th Century stores have these accomplishments to I heir credit Stationery V acation ing in Portland— Story-H our Proves Popular— An enthusiastic audience of young folk listened attentively to stories told by Miss K atherine Parsons yes- terday afternoon a t the Library during the hours th eir m others at- tended the P. T. A. session aZ the Presbyterian church. C hildren’s hour has steadily grown In popular­ ity and it has become necesary to relegate the crowd to a larg er room. Fairy stories, tales of King A rth u r and the Round Table, historical sketches and biography are includ­ ed among the stories told during the hour spent with the children Portland— Local bualnm Cor. 2nd and Main F u rn itu re packed for shipping. Swenson & Peebler. P u rn itu re. 33eod Payne ......................................... East Side Pharmacy F ire Record Good­ in answ ering the call last night, the fire departm ent will report its first call for this month. It is hoped by Chief Baughman th a t the month may be ended with no losses as this will be the second month this season th a t no loss has been reported. The month of May was a perfect one and it is hoped th a t this month may be the same. Good retu rn s have been sent to the fire m arshall in P ortland from the departm ent here. Cliff It costs nothing to get my lnsur tables. ancs rates. Yeo of, coures. 21-t noix os daily Pure Cocoa in bulk ¡>Gf» 4 Pounds .... "WV Prefered Stock Corn Î1 -0 S Preferred slock Catsup, full Kaisms 1 I I , , Del Monts or Sun Maid Fresh Seeded, QJ?« 2 15oz. pkg...™OC Trip Planned— Mr. and Mrs. Emil Peil plan to leave in the morning by m otor for The officials have w ithin th e past ' Roseburg and G rants Pass on a -4 houis, unearthed dam aging evi­ business and pleasure trip. They ex­ pert to retu rn early next week. A. dence in connection with the identi- beautiful drive is expected at this tication *,CttlIUU of 01 the ine Siskyou siskyou bandits, bandits, was was time of the year after frosts have statem ent of D istrict A ttorney done th eir work with trees and Rawles Moore this forenoon. Not hillsides. Mr. and Mrs. Peil are en- even the slightest inkling can be thusiastic over th eir trip to Klam- pried from the officers relative to ath county lately saying th a t roads '.!he discovery but thaZ it is of more in th a t section are wonderful and im portance in establishing the con­ plan as good a trip in the northern nection of the men sought with the hold-up and quadruple m urder, than p a rt of the state. Valuable Evidence Brought To Light NOTICE— Overland Garage