Uedtteedajr, October lU, iftftft ÁStttAÑb DAÍIV fttttXGS PAGE THRU« Classified Column C lassified Colum n R ates One cent the word each time. To run every l9sue for one month or more, the word each time. MISCELLANEOUS DRESSMAKING—- W ork gu aran­ teed. 147 Factory St. Mrs. B. Van H ardenberg. 31-lm o.* FOR RENT FOR RENT— Furnished house. A dults only. Inquire 126 Church St. 43-3 FOR RENT— Splendid 2 room furnished apartm ent with kitchen­ ette and bath. A dults only. Phone 122. 42-tf FOR RENT— Comfortable front bedroom, furnished. Bath, heat. Apply 108 Q ranite St. 44-tf F O R R E N T— Four furnished housekeeping rooms. Poline 187-J. 44-3 FOR RENT— Furnished frorft apartm ent. Phone 263-R, or call Shook building. 44-2 FOR SALE FOR SALE OR TRADF— 10 acres Ip st off the Boulevard % mile from City lim its, mostly alfalfa, 2 acres pears, Shoem aker place, look it over and make me offer. Four Site R ealty Agency, Medford, Ore. 44-5 FOR SALE, TRADE, OR RENT— The Gottssche Tract on Boulevard Just at City Limits, 5 acres, highly improved, modern home, equipped for F irst Class chicken ranch, look it over. Four-Site R ealty Ag.nicy, Medford, Oregon. 44-5 52,000 ACRES LAND OPEN FOR Gone is the good ol’ happy hobo ENTRY BY EX-SERVICE MEN and in his place conies the d etest­ able bum, according to mission WASHINTON, D. C„ Oct. 24.— w orkers here. Opening of about 52,000 acres of The difference, mission w orkers public land in California, Nevada and say, between the hobo and the bum Utah to form er service men was a n ­ is a very distinct one. The hobo nounced today at the interior d ep art­ : would work occasionally in retu rn ment. for board and lodging, but the bum The exact dates when filings may — never. be made will be published by the The hobo was the rom antic type local land office handling the p ar­ of traveler— one who perhaps had ticular tracts, which include 18,000 , been educated, who could recite acres in Kern county, Cal., near the poetry and loved the life of the town of Ricardo; 14,000 acres in open. The bum has no outstanding Washoe county, Nevada, near Ger-' qualities of redemption. He flees lacli, >nd 20,000 .acres in Wayne from work like one dees from a county, Utah, near Hanksville. dreaded disease; he will lie, cheat or steal to get out of doing a job. Instead of doing a little work in re­ tu rn for any benefactions he will flee from sight at the first chance. Mission w orkers long for the re­ turn of the hobo and the extinction of the bum. SNOW IN TENNESSEE state th a t snow fell there during the AND NORTH CAROLINAi ~ , day. Only four snows have been rec­ JOHNSON CITY, Tenn., Oct. 24 — orded in Asevllle earlier than Oct. 23, since 19«6. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Oct. 24— En­ Snow fell here yesterday forenoon, Republicans, eager to when Interm ittent flurries were in HONOLULU, Hawaii, Oct. 24— thusiastic K alalau Valley, on the Island of have Missouri play a prom inent role evidence for several hours. Repoi 's The Tidings office for all K auai, made famous th irty years in the next presidential campaign, from Asheville, N orth Carolina, ak o kinds of printing. ago by the leper, Koolau, who have organized a Coolidge-Hyde fought off the soldiers of the provis­ movement, which is gaining ional governm ent th at came to take strength in th is state. Don’t Pay him to .‘he settlem ent of Kalaupapa, Under the leadership of prom i­ F or Quick See Molokai, is one of the most lonely nent members of th e party in Mis- Exhorbitant Service and and at the same« time one of the souir they plan to push Governor Prices S atisfaction most rom antic spots in the Hawai­ A rth u r M. Hyde as a running mate I ian Islands. N to President Coolidge, whom the ! Persons who have read Jack Lon­ Missourians would back for presi­ Refinisher of Floors and Furniture don’s “ House of P ride’’ will recall dent for the next regular term. the gripping tale of Koolau; of "Candidacy of Governor Hyde for For your Decorating and Interior and Exterior Painting how this leper, refusing to give the Vice-Presidency would give himself up as the other lepers had Missouri Republicans something to Located at Hardy Bros. Hardware Store decided to do, fled with his wife and rally around,” declare local Repub­ small son to the upper fastnesses of licans who are instrum ental in or­ the valley and, with three rifles and ganizing th e movement. a good supply of am m unition, kept Missouri is generally regarded as N atural gas is now being used as guard over the narrow defile th at a Democratic state, but. contend a fuel to generate electricity by was the only approach to the cave backers of th e proposed Coolidge- October, the month to buy Ferns. Fine s p e r­ public utility companies in 14 states. j where they had taken refuge. One Hyde combine, “every time the vot­ The consumption of gas for this p u r­ deputy sheriff and three soldiers ers of this state are properly arous­ mines as low as 75c. Wonderful, extra large, wide pose during 1922 averaged 74.Q00,- who refused to take Koolau’s w arn­ ed” it has gone Republican. 000 cubic feet a day. It produced ap­ ing not to attem pt this ridge paid spreading plants up to $4.00. R. R. Brewster, Republican nom­ proximately 5,500,000 kilow att for th eir daring with th eir lives. inee for United States senator at hours of electric energy. This a- ¡Later a field piece was brought in the last election and one of the lead­ m o u tt of electric current would and an attem pt made to blow the ers of the party in this state, took keep all of th e 7,000,000 electric hiding place to pieces but w ithout an im portant part in the form ation irons in daily use in the United success. Finally the hunt was given of the combination. In an address States hot enough for ironing for at up. Koolau rem ained in the valley, before the Twentieth Century Re­ Phone 120 least three hours were they all con­ br.‘ died several years later of tu ­ publican Club, Brew ster was fre­ nected to the n atu ral gas-fired elec­ berculosis. quently interrupted with outbursts tric generating stations at the same Bounded by C liffs of applause whenever he made m en­ time. K alalau Valley faces the sea, with tion of the two men as ¿he standard ♦ oo ♦ o o o ♦ * no oo s - , a broad beach of yellow sand. Its bearers of the party at the next sides are hemmed in by precipitous election. To know cliffs which rise thousands of feet how good a cigarette Support has been received by wo­ itno the rain clouds. The only means men voters in the movement. Mrs. really can be roach you must try a- jof entrance to the valley at the George W. Davis, member of the present time— the old Hawaiians club and head of the C hristian citi­ knew a trail up the cliffs— is to zenship departm ent of the W omen’s anchor outside th e breakers and C hristian Temperance Union, urged “surf in” by small boats to the the women voters to get behind Gov­ HE permanent satisfactions of beach, or to take a narrow and dan- ernor Hyde for the vice-presidency, ■ life are the ones we should look igerous footpath more than ten miles while Mrs. Sylvester Wells, presi­ to first. Among these is to be in length which follows the cliffs dent of the club, was firm in ex­ relieved from money worries. This ¡along the rocky Napaii coast, pressing her belief th a t Coolidge i The valley is wholly deserted of and the Missouri governor would bank is here to assist you in this hum an inhabitants. Thirty years make a w inning pair if nominated. matter. ago it held hundreds of Hawaiian i families, and its wide area boasted Establishm ent of a sanitarium in 'a maze of taro patches, irrigated by this city to care for drug addicts is w ater brought down from the taking on a determ ined and concrete heights by an ingenious system of j form. ditches. Today the taro patches are Charles Tucker, president of the overgrown with brush and weeds, Board of Public W elfare, is taking Ashland, Oregon and the native fru it trees— bananas a leading part in urging th a t such and papaias— have gone wild and a hospital for the cure of such un­ cst , '■** torpid . ■ biliousness,Indigestion iscraggly. Wild goats roam the val­ fortunates be built. and gassy pains result. 4 4 Easy to take, thoroughly cleansing ley in hundreds, and at night wild Tucker plans a civic movement to 4 ♦o >oooo C H A M B E R L A IN ’S dogs and cats, the rem nants of obtain funds for the establishm ent form er days, may be heard skulk- of the sanitarium w here drug ad­ TABLETS j ing about the cam pfire of the tra v ­ dicts could go voluntarily to be Never disappoint or nauseate—25c m i« eler who has ventured in from the cured, and a clinic where confirmed outside world. users could purchase drugs under Close up against a cliff, hidden the strictest supervision. This would by the lantana bushes, may atill be elim inate drug peddlers, leaders of At bedtime rub the throat and found the ruins of an old grass hut, the movement declare. chest thoroughly with— and nearby the rotted prow of an •POBTLAND old fishing canoe. GAMBLERS AND BOOTLEGGERS ^OREGON ? ▼ V a p o R ub Seek Cure Now PAY LODI $10,530; FIXES _ O w e r 7 7 M illion J aT, U „ J Y ea rly But with this change which has 9 9 0 ,0 0 0 in Prem ióm e come to K alalau Valley there has LODI, Oct, 24.— The fines collec­ come also a change in the m anner ted from gam blers and bootleggers with which lepers in the islands re ­ Largest livestock exposition under one roof in America. 10 aerea of jh r. red in this city since Jan u ary 1st a- and fancy beef and dairy cattle, horse*, iwine, sheep and Boats. Com Lain h r the gard the settlem ent of Molokai. No Western Winter Poultry and Rabbit Show: Western Dairy Produets . jw ; m ount to $10,530. This includes sev­ Manufacturers and Land Products Show; N orth w est Hay and Urain b:.ow; longer is it considered by them as a Night Horse Show; Industrial Exhibit*. eral hundred dollars posted as bonds KARRS A I.L R A IL R O A D S place of perm anent im prisonm ent, by Japanese who were arrested in as in the days of Koolau, but now the last raid by officers and whose rath er as a great open-air hospital, trials have not yet been held. where those who come in the early stages of the disease have an ex- icellent chance to regain their hea’th Classified ads bring results. This is the result of the splendid care which the T erritorial Govern­ ment gives the lepers at Molokai; good food, good houses and the won­ derful chaulm oogra oil treatm ent which has worked such marvelous cures. Instead of hiding out, as in .‘he old days, the natives who find them selves afflicted w ith the disease report to the health author ! ities and ask for treatm ent. Besides being an excellent thing for the patient, this also works as a benefit to the community whence he comes, ’ as it does away with the possibility of his friends and relatives con­ tracting the disease from him. RED STAR OIL STOVES No wicks, nor wick substitutes. — Fuel goes direct to burner— — a feature in no other stove. Call and inspect this wonder­ ful Oil Stove. ASHLAND FURNITURE COMPANY 94 N. Main NEW HEATERS Help Fem ale Earn $20 weekly spare time, at home, addressing, mailing music circulars. Send 10c for music, infor­ mation. Amercian Music Co., 1658 Broadway, Dept. P.-42, New York. 43-6* We take used heaters in exchange for new ones. PROVOST BROS Refrigerators FOR SALE PIGS— $3.00 per head W. L. Moore. Bellview, Phone 10F4. 42-6* The Citizens Bank of Ashland /CONSTIPATION Î For a smooth shave, and quick service, go to the Shell B arber Shop, across from Depot. G rinding of FOR SALE— Used Ford car cheap all kinds. C hildren’s work Beaver R ealty Co. 19-tf a specialty. FOR SALE— Apples, $1.00 per box. Bring your boxes. W. L. Moore, Bellview. 42-6* WANTED— To buy second hand lum ber. 520 Liberty St. 43-4* WANTED— Private garage near Junior High school. Phone Tidings and ask for Mr. Berg. tf WANTED— Boy to learn printing trade. Call at Tidings ofice. 14tf ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the W hite Shield home, 565 M ayfair Ave., Portland. Oregon. 10-lyr Fix Up Shop We repair fu rn itu re and anything th a t needs fixing. North Maiu next to Homes Grecery Store. PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING— $3.50. Trade at home and have your piano tuned by Carl H. Loveland. Studio 135 E. Main St. Phones 134 and 465. ~ 0 PHR GENT LOANS— Under Reserve System on city or farm i property. Reserve Deposit I Company. 72 Fourth Street. Portland. Ord. T Y PE W R IT E R R EPA IR IN G E. MELVIN HART What Passes PEIL’S CORNER FOR SALE— Fresh milch £ow A. B. Chapman, Phone 1F11. 43-5* WANTED SCENE OF E W IN G TALE Say it with Flowers A Carload of Fencing, jnst in. W hy pay 10 or 15 cents more per rod elsewhere. Ju st for to be mean, and to trade out of town, and genuine ?ood American fence too that you will get here. New and old Sewing ma­ chines always on hand. Har- nes and implement. You will always find the best a t Fine Line Of STAPLES REALTY BARGAINS— 6 room modern Blvd. home, Price $5500. Real value $7000. 5 room furnished Bungalow and half acre, close in. Price $3000. Real value $4000. 5 room modern Bungalow and 2 % acre close in, barn and cheap w ater, Price $3000. Real value $3750. 5 room modern Bungalow and 1-3 acre close in, cheap w ater. Price $3000. Real value $3800. 6 room modern home large lot near M. E. church. Price $3800. Real value $4500. 30 vacant lots on Blvd. in a block, 800 ft. pavement paid. Price $4500. Real value $7000. Furnished cottage lovely location pretty front view. Price $2100. Real value $2500. 40 acre paying orchard and alfal­ fa tract well improved and close in. Price $15,000. Real value $20,000. Also other vacant lots. Homes in town, Orchards, Stock Ranches and Mdse. Stocks. Staples Realty, No. 71 Ashland Hotel Bldg. 42-tf I Daily News Letter ASHLAND GREENHOUSES FOR SALE— Bared Rock pullets 1401 Boulevard. 43-3* FOR SALE— A good used cream separator a t the Ashland F u rn itu re Co., 92 N. Main St. 40tf .............. ..... B V J C K S RONCHITIS W. A. SHELL, Prop. 532 A. St. Ashland, Ore. N ö v .3 1 0 GREATER ANO GRANDER THAN LUuR PROFESSIONAL Ending Today PHYSICIANS DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ dence and office, 108 Pioneer avenue. Telephone 28. Office hours. 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 p. m. only. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS—P rac­ tice limited to eye, ear, nose uuu th ro at— X-ray iucluding teeth. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Sweden burg Bldg, Ashland, Ore. Beautiful and Thursday and Friday DR E. B. ANGELL, Chiropractic and Electro-Therapy. Office phone 48; residence 142. F irst National Bank building. DR. HAWLEY— Above office. Phone 91. Tidings The people on the screen are as real as. people look from your window. DR. ERNEST W. SMITH— Chiro­ practor, near Postofflce. Hours 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. Don’t miss the first motion picture in N A T U R A L colors: PLUMBING JE ltR Y O’NEAL— Plum bing. 207 E ast Main. Phone 138. MONUMENTS MONUMENT— MARKERS Lowest Prices ASHLAND GRANITE CO. 3rd and East Main St. 223-6mo ASHLAND GRANITE MONUMENTS Oregon G ranite Co. S. PENNISTON, Salesman. Res. 4 7 0 Laurel Phone 444Y TRANSFER AND EXPRESS FOR prom pt and careful service, auto trucks or horse drays, cal W hittle T ransfer Co. Phone 117. Office, 89 Oak street, near Hotel Ashland. 66tf T. L. POWELL— General Trans­ fer— Good team and m otor trucks. Good service at a rea sonable price. Phone 83. The Toll o f the Sea TRY FEH1GE FOR HAULING and tran sfer work of all kinds 375 B St. Phone 410-R. 200-lm o PLANING MILL Typew riters— All makes, g u a ra n -' teed. Lowest Prices. Expert R epair­ JORDAN’S SASH AND CABINET ing. Call or w rite L. D. M inkler 404 WORKS, Cor. Heilman and Liberty Building, Medford. Tele­ Van Ness. 194-tf phone 162. 20-lm o. LEE D OM ’S 30-DAY SPECIAL Damned DR. G. C. PHETTEPLACE DENTISTRY Above Citizens Bank Office Phone 151 Res. Phone 201J I Written by Frances Marion Directed by Chester M. Franklin Photographic direction by J. A. Ball P|SiilyCed ..by die Technicolor Motion Picture Corporation on KILLING IF GAME WARDEN GIVEN INVESTIGATION REDDING, Oct. 24— The Shasta , County Grand Ju ry today is contin­ uing the investigation started Mon­ day into the slaying of Deputy Fish and Game Commissioner Jam es S. W hite by Federal Prohibition John ! Vail in Castela last Wednesday. W itnesses to th e shooting were called at 2 o’clock yesterday after- i noon, and included Jack M attes, J Ira P. Engle, George Costa, Lloyd M artin, J. F. Hughes, Michael Pid- ula, Charles George and W. B. Scott. All were in or near the room where the shooting occurred. Ad­ ditional subpoenas were issued yes ,‘erday afternoon. TWO SUSPECTS HELD FOR ROBBING OF WEED HOME WEED, Oct. 23.— Two young men, giving the names of Flem ing and Neylon, w ere arrested at a hotel Monday on the charge of having bur glarized on Sunday a house occupied by three teachers. The stolen proper­ ty was all recovered in their rooms, as well as a watch they are alleged to have stolen from another guest of the hotel. The pair drove into Weed on Fri day, sold th eir car, which was in bad order, and got a room a t the hotel. The au thorities now are try ­ ing to ascertain if the car was stolen Flem ing and Neylon were taken to the county jail at Yreka. C-T-C T I R E S For the next 30 (thirty) days we will Rive every owner of a light car—Ford, Cheverolet, Overland, all others which use 30 x 3V2 tires—the opportunity to put real mileage running tires on their car at a Real Special In Price, Tire and Service. Inquire For Our Special Ashland and community can well afford to buy and ride on C. T. C. Tires, an Oregon product which is not ashmed to let any stranger see it on the road. Leedom’s Tire House Beaver Block Corner