1‘At.fc TWO VSBLÂND DAILY TIDI.Vchî Wednesday, October 24, 1923 A 5 H L AN D D A IL Y T ID IN G S AUTO’S APPEAL UNIVERSAL FRACTIOUS WATER IS ( te r io r . T his is one of th e g re a te s t HARD TO MANAGE p ro b le m s G o v e rn m e n t irrig a tio n eu- Tt is only necessary to hold an automobile show or for P u b lish ed E very E v en in g E xcept Sunday by dealers to make a storeroom display of new models in motor W A SH IN G TO N , O ct. 2 4 .— C h e c k -1p in e e rs llave t0 c o n teu d ith in re- THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. cars to secure some appreciation of the extent to which interest ing a herd °f 8la,u^ dine cattte w X ^ r 1' ? ! StfOraR,‘ dams is i, tro child’8 compared con- F P l u e n t l y w a te rs th u 3 rele ase d , Bert R. G re e r.................................................................. Editor “ in i n automobiles _______________________________________ t r i o i i e d ” b v has H ip increased ‘W D n a o month ip « ” bv month „ . The / l l public . llin g w play” a te r on a ra m p a g with e , accor- OFFICIAL CITY PA PFR ••_:••••......................Telephone T U I QQ o r e r n - ^ l • ' * 0 1 " e a ^ o,< 1 i a * 1S v e r Y d in g to th e D e p a rtm e n t of th e In- th e DeP a r tm e n t s ta te s, becom e un- .L ; L. b AFijK 39, overworked i m current ♦ * writing. | P me tn , aianageable and Jo mu ' ''UllllllllllllllatlllUHIHUUUlM IhllMUIIHHIMHHIM HtMUlUIMUHUIlUUUlllUIM ititlliUlllMMIIIlUUI .... „»'11»,mm , „ , n , Exclusive Radio Shop We Wish To Announce Opening Of Shop Stocking Complete Radio Sets ami Parts to supply the Rig Demand for the Greatest Home En­ tertainment Ever Invented. Get in the Radio Game and Spirit. SOUTHERN RADIO SUPPLY Beaver Block Opposite Union Oil Station Ashland, Oregon ■ i i ih ih ih i ilium,,M u iu m u im iiiu im u iiiim in iiiiih iiiiu iiì ......•■iM 'u iiiu u in nM M iiu tiiiiiu iH iu itH .im iu iu itiiiu iii.......ti» ii« m i,H H .n .n .u n .i.n m n u ...n in ..ii.in iu .» u iu H n ii GOVERNOR WALTON IMPEACHED T he announcement of the impeachment of Governor Wal ton, of Oklahoma, conies as no surprise. That as chief execu tive oi that state he exceeded constitutional authority was evi I- dent from the beginning. It was also apparent that ‘in his un usual methods of dealing with issues in his state, he was rep- est uiiiig a very mall minority of his constutients. Amitting that Governor Walton had to meet questions that were irritat­ ing, at no time was he justified in bringing to the fair name of his state the stigma that resulted from his enforcement of martial law. / The punishment handed to Governor Walton should serve as an example to present and future governors, who become demented with the idea that military forces are placed at their that this point will be reached soon. Replacements constitute happen to oppose them on questions that are not jeopardizing the foundations of government. The almost unanimous vote by which Walton was impeached is further proof of the error of his wavs. Selecting a wife ought to he asier than buving an auto. In Peking a w i f e there are no agents to befuddle the m ind.- Toledo Blade. lhe Japanese navy was reduced 30 per cent by the recent earthquake There was a disarmament conference that didn’t require any dickering.—Corvallis Gazette-Times. David Lynn has been appointed arc h ite c t of the natio n al capitol a t W ashington, succeeding th e late El­ liott Woods. As everybody knows George W ashington w as th e moving sp irit in th e erection of the building —in its present form one of th e most satisfying stru c tu re s on e a rth —and laid its corner stone in 1793. Lynn therefore is th e la te st of a long line of capitol architects. T h e original plans of th e build­ ing w ere draw n by W illiam Thornton, an English physician and a m ateu r d raftsm an , then resident In P hiladel­ phia. T he first tw o supervising archi­ tec ts w ere Stephen H allet, u F ren ch ­ m an, and Jam es Hoban, an Irishm an. T he next in succession w as B en­ jam in H enry L atrohe, an Englishm an appointed fo r the work in 1S03 by Thom as Jefferson, who was in charge J of construction when th e in fan t capi- , t° l w as burned by an English raiding p a rty In August, 1814. L atrobe also took charge of the rebuilding. His suc­ cessor, A m erican-born, was the celebrated C harles Bulfinch of Boston, In 1818. n 1851 the construction of the m arble north and south wings to house the b° USe ° f rePresentatiVGS was undertaken, following plans draw n by T. U. \\ a lte r of Philadelphia, who w as appointed architect. H is assistan t, E d­ w ard Clark, la te r m ade architect, designed the system of terraces. Mr. Lynn, fo r tw enty-three years, has been employed in the office of the a rc h ite c t and for the last ten years lias been civil engineer of thé capitol He w as born in M aryland und lives a t H yattsville. OBITUARY M rs. A nice M cC lanahan w as born w ith m an y s ta rs . A t h e r re q u e s t th e song, “ W ill ¡T h e re Be A ny S ta rs in m y C ro w n ,” w as s u n g a t th e fu n e ra l a n d sh e w as laid to r e s t in th e M o u n tain View c e m e te ry by th e sid e of h e r h u sb a n d . a t Des M oines, Iow a, J u n e 2, 184 3 a n d died a t A sh la n d , O regon, O cto­ b e r 1 8 ,1 9 2 3 . She w as m a rrie d to M r. An Omaha man speaks seventeen languages, having stud­ N ew ton M cC lan ah an in 1SG0. H e ied to properly equip himself for when that weak tire in the p rec e d e d h e r to «the g r e a t beyond CARD OF THANKS lack blows out. se v e ra l y e a rs ago. I W e w ish to e x p re ss o u r d e e p e st F o r a n u m b e r of y e a rs, she an d ¡ g ra titu d e fo r th e love an d sy m p a th y h e r s is te r-in -la w , M rs. S usie B u tts Fashion decrees that men’s trousers should be worn longer ¡•‘h a t h a s been e x te n d e d to us by o u r h a v e lived to g e th e r c o n s ta n t a n d in ­ sounds like the return of the old-fashion patch. frie n d s an d n e ig h b o rs on th e occa­ s e p a ra b le co m p an io n s. S he is also sion of o u r re c e n t b e re a v e m e n t. su rv iv e d by a s is te r w ho lives a t D ie b e a u tifu l flo w ers w ere tru ly vati