M ALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic w ater helps. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years ASHLAND climate Cures nine cases out of ten of asthm a. fact. This is a proven (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL NO. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. S. P. MURDERERS ARE IDENTIFIED RESERVE OFFICER WARNS AGAINST PACIFIST TALK NEW YORY, Oct. 22— Brigadier General Henry J. Reilly, president of the Reserve Officers’ association, issued a call for a convention of the organization October 27 and 28 in Three DeAutremont Brothers Detroit, and a e a r n in g against what and Barnard Le Chance he termed the “ general indifference Are Wanted of the Amercian people to national B andits H ail From E u gen e and defense, despite the cortly lessons of the great w ar.’’ Id en tification Is P ositive— “ The well financed and continu­ Arrest Expected Soon ous activity of the pacifists, trying to Roy DeAutremont, Ray De Autre- wreck what we have already accom­ mont, Hugh DeAutremont, alias E. plished, makes it necessary to E. Jam es and Barnard LaChance arouse this country to th e dangers have been positively identified as of pacifist propaganda,’’ he declar­ ¿he arch-m urderers who held up ed. train thirteen at tunnel thirteen in Siskiyou m ountains south of here October 8th. Descriptions of all four men have been obtained and are be­ ing broadcasted to every source. Pictures of the first two named De- AuZremonts are also included with descriptions. KLAMATHBYZ6TD12 ASHLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1923 PINCHOT BACKED BY METHODISTS M. E Temporanee B o a r d Uon and Others Wants Mellon Removed A ction F o llo w s R ecent A ction G overnor’s C onference in N ational C apitol. of WASHINGTON, Oct. 22.—-On th.. heels of the departing governors who attended the prohibition conference with President Coolidge here, the board of Temperance, Prohibition and Public Morals of the Methodist Epis­ copal Church took up Governor Pin chot’s cry th a t it is the duty of the the President to assume full respon­ sibility for the enforcem ent of the Volstead law, and made a demand th at Secretary of the Treasury Mel­ lon, and Commissioner of la te ra l Revenue Blair, and A ssistant Pro­ hibition Commissioner Jones be re­ lieved of dry enforcem ent duties. Several days ago Governor Pinchot of Pennsylvania, urged th a t Mel­ lon be relieved of the duties of pro­ hibition enforcem ent, and th a t the President assum e command of the work. The a ffa ir created a mild sen­ sation throughout the country. Governor Pinchot’s proposal was answ ered by the action of the Gov­ ernors in annual conference, who pas- sed a resolution placing the duties of prohibition enforcem ent w ith all branches of state and county govern­ ments. Now follows the action of the M ethodist board which likely pre­ sages a lively figh before the ques­ tion is ended. At the tim e of the action taken by the conference of Governors, At­ torney General D augherty issued an appeal for all state and county of­ ficers to combine in form ulating plans for a strict enforcem ent of pro­ hibition measures. NO. 44 kmerica Cleaned Up One Of World’s Great Plague Spots In Aid To Russia, Says Haskell \ . • • • . A KNIGHT OF THE ROAD BORROWS NIGHT’S LODGING A K night of the Road, name and destination unknown, adopted the school house in Bell View district as ... i - ’.A*... i I a place of lodging W ednesday night. When Mrs. McWilliams, the princi­ pal, entered the school yesterday i morning and proceeded to her desk she found the following note: “ Thanks for the night’s lodging. Yes, y e had no bananas.’’ The wobbly had undoubtedly steered from the main highway to ¿he road passing the school build­ ing and with night approaching, took shelter within the warm walls of the structure. Nohting had been molested in the building. IDE NO TOJED LOCKS HUGE RETORT EN ROUTEHERE Hartman .Syndicate Expects Machinery to Aicive With- in Next Ten Days. Arrival of R etort M eans Thai Shale • Oil P rospects Will Soon Be D eterm ined. Coming as the best news that will have met the ears of H artm an Syn dicate stock holders since work has been pushed at the holdings is the report given by the officials of the concern that the first 250 ton retort is in transit. Two cars, hearing num bers B. R. P. 18198 and P. R. R. 287492, left Buffalo late last week and are routed over the New York Central to Chic­ ago, C. B. & Q. to Council Bluffs, Union Pacific to Ogden, and Southern Pacific to Ashland. Delivery has been puranteed by the different roads over which the hug«* piece of machinery will he di­ rected, to he made in 12 days, placing the retort here next week. Derrick w i l l immediately he swung into place unloading the dis­ membered parts in the Ashland freight yards and a slow procession started to the shale city. Every bit of preparation will have been completed, it is thought, prep­ aratory to installing the retort, which when installed, will soon determ ine the value of the shale oil deposits upon which the H artm an Syndicate is operating, and on which several thousand dollars have been expended. NORTH BEND, Oct. 22— Doctors, The DeAutrem onts hail from m erchants, lawyers and chiefs have Ashland. Ashland, Rah, Rah, Rah, Eugene and evidence indicates be­ failed Z.o fathom the feminine Titian 26 ¿o 12 was the result of the clash yond doubt th a t all four bandits trend of the Coos Bay section. Saturday between Ashland and l. t o ft . — CYRIL J.C .C J0IN N o f S A G IN A W M ICH. came from the north. The stealing Strangers who come to towns on Klam ath Falls. Ashland improved a ASST DIRECTOR. OF THE R U SSIAN UNIT OF THE of the detonating battery, copper Coos Bay say there are more good- hundred per cent in the experience wire and dynam ite from ¿he Oregon looking red-headed girls here than A.R.A. COL. HASKELL,DIRECTOR and. ELMER G. gained the week before fro m . the City Construction Co., being identi­ any place they’ve ever been. 8URLAND BERKELEY, CAL. WHO AS CHIEF O F tussle with G rants Pass. Ashland fied as the same used to blow up the While there are no reports th at tackled, and tackled low, to the sor­ THE REMITTANCE D IV IS IO M A R .A . IN R U S S IA mail car, substantiates th e theory Coos Bay clim ate causes hair of any row and pain of the K lam athites. th a t all members of the quartet CONTROLLED THE DELIVERY OF FOOD A N O other tin t to ¿urn russet w ithout the Klam2.‘h didn’t get its gorge going came from ¿he northern part of the aid of henna, still it is a fact th a t until the last half, and mostly when state. America s work in Russia clean- , more than a famine country,’’ he a large proportion of the native born it did it walked rig h t th ru the field Pgul DeAutremont, fath er of the ed up one of the great plague spots I said. “ It was a disease focus. Fam ine ' girlies of Coos County greet the a t­ for touchdown. One run was a con­ trio of DeAutremont brothers was curly of the world, according to Col. Wll- ¡could have been confined to Russia tending doctors with lk tle tinuous plowing of the Ashland line brought to Ashland Saturday from wisps of auburn. liam N- H askell, director of the blut ty p h u s a iu l cholera know no for sixty yards to a touchdown, Eugene by Sheriff Stickler of Lane Coos Bay Is one section of the Russian Unit of the American Re- man made boundaries. I am not i Klam ath also had the nerve rack ­ county, and M. Contrri, special lief A dm inistration, who landed re -¡s u re thaZ the medical work accom- United States where the tropics agent of the Southern Pacific com­ ing experience of being w ithin one cently in New 'York with the last plished by the American Relief Ad- shake hands with the tem perate pany and was closeted several hours foot of a touch down when the tim e­ of the Americans who had been with m inistration has not saved even zone. Located in Southw estern Ore­ Wet W eather H inders with Chief of Detectives O'Connell keeper blew time for the end of the him in Moscow. more lives than the feeding of more gon, ordinarily thought of as a first half. Continued wet w eather has placed and others. He was subjected to sev­ northern state, still palms grow “ Rusia, when we went in. was ihan ten million Russians. the roads leading to the deposits in The Game ere examination and inform ation plentifully and flowers bloom the a wet and slippery condition and Ashland kicked and defended the of the most im portant n atu re was year around. some difficulty may he met in trans south goal. Klam ath returned the revealed by the father, who said That smiling lass in the post- porting the retort to the scene of ¿hat he would render any assistance kickoff to the center of the field, on office is a red-head. operations, hut the heads of the syn­ posible in aiding officers in bring­ the second down gained by a fast 25 The society editress of the Daily dicate expect no unusual difficulty ing ¿he wayward sons to justice. He yards by keen pass, the next pass News is a Titian top. and hope to be able to deliver it im­ failed and Ashland got the ball. gave the inform ation th a t his sons The girl at the coal office is a mediately upon arrival. had not been at home since October Ashland worked a trick form ation straw berry blonde. Ashland people and stockholders 1st and th a t he had heard nothing for a kick and slid th ru the K lam ­ The best dancer on Coos Bay of the H artm an Syndicate have been ath line for yardage. Klam ath held of them since thaZ date. shakes curly auburn locks as she aw aiting the arrival of the report fairly well on the next three downs, Bandits are believed to be some­ trips the light fantartic. with great interest, and if results are BERLIN, Oct. 22.— The founda-j Earl E. Chandler, a resident of where along the northern coast of but Ashland worked a puzzler on the School teachers a re n ’t mad when as anticipated by many it will be tion of the German relcli is c rack in g ' Elgin, Ore., visited in Ashland yes- California or southern coast of fourth and made tw enty yards on they see red. I t’s ju st the heads of the determ ining factor of the exten­ Oregon, however this is conjecture a wide right end run, to w ithin fif­ today under the strain of secession, terday and ,agt night the girl pupils which are greeting sive project. k as a resu lt of the hostility between j and thé net is spread east, north and teen yards of the goal. Ashland then their pedagogical optics. states, public distress, whidh is gen-1 H Vls!*”01 ' " as a delegate from souZh as well as w estward to the smoothly passed over the goal line Some of the dooZors hereabouts WILL EXH IBIT “ PROSPERITY A trio of young men, Raymond eral, and labor troubles. Up to early Oregon to the national convention say th at if the roseate tipped lasses Pacific. Sheriff Breen, and D istrict for touchdown, and kicked goal, in TOPICS” AT THE VISING Hedlin, 17, of W ashington, Clifford afternoon few serious disorders had of the American Legion held last will only remain in Coos Bay that A ttorney Davis, of Del N orte coun­ about eight m inutes of playing. Kicked Touchdown Owens, 17, claims to have come from been reported, excepting in the oc- week at San Francisco and gave an in a generation or so this section ty, Calif., have been giving val­ J. H. Fuller, secretary of the As the next exciting play in the Chicago, and another youth arrived cupied districts. For most »art Ger-'i«*„ *• uable aid, and they together with , 1 .interesting report of the entertain- will have a veritable coterie of red­ Chamber of Comm«*rco is in receipt nt v several special agents are combing game, Ashland kicked off, and the in Ashland on No. 16^priday even­ man people are pathetic and indif-* 'Pl, T > ,• . m ent received and of the proceed- headed laddies; th a t red-headed of a letter from Business Building ball went over the K lam ath line. governm ent is .. ing from Red Bluff. W hile here . rerent. . The . Berlin the m ountains from Crescent City . , . . , mgs of the convention, m others will tran sfer the head color Bureau, Portland, inform ing him ,, ..... , , wesZward to the coast. W hile it is Klam ath players however were mis­ they visited Ashland on foot, a tte n d ­ beset on two sides and is in the most to the opposite sex. R ight now once He said th a t ¿he resolution pre- that the “ Prosperity Topics ”, for , difficult to tell of the movements taken in the rule governing the play ed the Vining T heatre Friday even­ dangerous position since the end of In a while a youthful m other can be whi«di th«* cham ber conZracted some the war. Bavaria is defiant to w ard s1 X v T * * KU K lu* of the desperadoes following th e and did not go after the ball for a ing, were arrested by Tom Roberts, seen cuddling a tiny brick-top. time ago, were forwarded to the Berlin and is threatening war against ? d n . pr° vo e a bitter fight, and fatal holdup it is the general be­ touchback, which would have allow­ spent Saturday In jail and were re­ red Saxony, while the Rhineland re -!brandS the st° ries sent to the Vining Oct. 13th. The letter says: lief th a t they made their way south­ ed them the ball on- th eir tw enty- turned to Red Bluff yesterday with ‘‘You will find the service, like old public movement is spreading. j PFPSS C° ncerning the action taken west through the dense forests of yard line. Instead, one of the Ash- jM. O. B allard, sheriff of Taham a R epublic M ovem ent Spreads I” highly misleading. He said: friends and old hooks, improves with land linemen dropped on the ball county. the Siskiyous. age and we are positive that «lut­ MAYENCE, Oct. 22.— The Rhinish Certain delegates of the convention near the north fence, and after con­ Such is the fast life led by the Men Are D escribed ing the ensuing iifteen weeks you republic movement is spreading ra p -!tried *° f° rCe the pas8age of the Descriptions are complete and are siderable discussion and reading of bad check a rtists who left the train resolution with the name of the will find many issues which will hiz the rule book. Umpire Clyde W akli here in th e m idst of several detec- idly. Two secessionists were shot as follows: the nail on ¿he head so far as your and wounded when shots greeted th e ! Iui Klux K ,an included, but they No. 1. Roy DeAutrem ont— age ruled a touchdown. Ashland failed jtives and were ready for work when particular business is concerned.” YREAKA, Cal,, Oct. 19— A nother entrance of troops in Mayence. T h e 'Werc short of the necessary voting Z.urned over to the police. 23 years; weight 135 to 145 pounds; to kick the other point. strength and, th a t as a compromise, Q uick Succession Exceptionally clever work is laid troops later w ithdrew to avoid fu r­ a resolution condemning any and and perhaps the final chapter In ¿he hair, medium light and bleached by On the fourth down of the next crim inal career of Thomas W alton, SENATOR SAYS RUSSIAN REDS a t the door of th e three boys who th er bloodshed. sun; height, 5 feet 6 inches; eyes, all organizations th a t are un-Amer­ READY TO INVADE GERMANY wholesale m urderer, has been w rit­ light brown and small, w ears glasses play, Ashland blocked a kick, and have worked together and through ican was passed, and th at Klans- ten in the state prison at W alla a t times, and eyes appear granulated Chapman picked it up and made a evidence gained by questioning the SLAYING OF GAME WARDEN WASHINGTON, OrZ. 20.— Massed WILL RE FULLY PROBED men voted for the adoption of the W alla, Wash. According to inform a­ and squinty; face, broad, short cut 25 yard run for the third touch­ delinquents, it is thought they have resolution along with others. As a along the Polish border ig a vast tion from th a t place, W alton on Oc­ arm y of Russian Soviets held in neck, long nose and prom inent down. Ashland again failed to kick worked many towns in Oregon and CXSTELLA, Calif., Oet. 22— Evi- maZter of fact several delegates an- California. tober 7th killed Seth Bunt, a pal readiness to invade Germany any nostrils; Face, smooth: No m arks. goal. dence ¿hat the slaying of Deputy nounced th a t theY were Klansmen Ashland received the kick, and Every m anner of m erchandise, wtih whom he escaped from San moment in support of th«* Commun­ Head round. Twin brother of No. Fish and Game Commissioner Jam es ¡°n the floor of the in v e n tio n and made downs, K lam ath held the next autom obile tires and tubes and h a r­ Quentin on Jan u ary 21st, and istic revolution Senator King, Utah, 2. S. W hite by Federal Prohibition VOted open,y for the resolution that George McDonald, his cellmate. declared in w arning against the No. 2. Ray D eAutrem ont— Age buck, Ashland tried a pass and ness equipm ent have been found in Officer John Vail in Castella, Shasta ¡Wa* Hually adopted. Death was dealt In both cases with threatened spread of Sovietism thru- 23 years. H eight 5 feet 6 inches. kicked. Klam ath fumbled th e kick boarding houses and rooms left by County, on Thursday is not a closed 1 A m ajority of delegates regret- and Ashland recovered the ball on th e unique w orkers. a knife. W eight 135 to 140 pounds. Com­ out Europe and said the “ prospect m atter is seen in the following d e -!ted thi* th ? issue was brought ‘«to K lam ath’s 22 yard line, but lost the plexion sandy. H air same descrip­ W alton’s crim inal career started of a ‘Soviet Germany” is imminent, velopments: the convention, but to be pl&in about tion as No. 1. Has broad face, short ball close to the goal on downs. CAPT. PORTER IS HOME in this county when on Thanksgiv­ and only a ‘m iracle can prevent it.’ ” Reports th a t Clifford W hite, s o n * 1" ’ » latter it is public news th a t cut neck, face smooth. Eyes are K lam ath made five yards on end ing Day, 1915, he m urdered Georg«* PROM EXTENDED TRIP of the slain w arden, will sw ear’ to a ¡th ° 8e Wh° tried tO force the passing run, instead of kicking out of dan­ light brown and sm all. Is twin Hill, father of six m otherless child­ ger. Q uarter. Captain M. H. P o rter of the Sal­ complaint charging m urder against ¡°f the ° riginal resolution attem pted ren, at Bray. He was sentenced to OREGON SCHOOL LAW brother of No. 1. j to pack ¿he convention with non- IN THE PUBLIC EYE Second q u arter— K lam ath m ade vation Army, retu rn ed Sunday m orn­ Vail. No. 3. Hugh DeAuZremont, alias San Quentin prison with a recom­ delegates in order to ga gain their point yardage, then made a perfect fo r­ Announcement by George Neale of ing from an extended business and E. E Jam es. Age, 19 years; looks mendation of life im prisonm ent. WASHINGTON, OcZ. 20— The ret ¿he state fish and game commission ' a “ d Were Sf*V*rely rel)uked by the ward pass for 10 yards, followed by pleasure trip in Oregon, W ashington, older H eight 5 feet and seven in­ W alton blamed addiction to narco­ Oregon school law, which may he th a t the commission is investigating natlonal com m ander.” tics for his crime. ches. W eight, 135 pounds. Complex­ a trick pass play which failed, then and Montana. taken to court for test as to consti­ reports th a t it was a cold-blooded ‘ Mr* Chandler was the g»*st of Mr- made a great pass for tw enty yards The council of the W estern rep re­ ion fair. Eyes, blue. Nose slightly Escaped from San Q uentin tutionally, attracts much attention m urder !and ^Irs- ^ee T u tt‘e while in Ash- Last January W alton and Burt, from National Capital educcZors. pug. H air, medium light, slightly to A shland’s 35 yard line and re ­ sentatives m et in P ortland late in P lan s Grand Jury Probe land. who was sent up from San Luis sandy and curly. Smooth shaven. turned tw enty yards on th e ru n , Septem ber a t which between three That the law is misquoted by its Ashland then bucked the line, a and four hundred officers of the Announcement by D istrict A tto r-! (Continued on page 4) Obispo counzy for m urdering a enemies, and not well understood by pass failed, another failed, followed northw est were present. Much good ney Jesse W. C arter of Shasta Coun­ STEAMER IS ON REEF OFF watchman, escaped from San Quen­ COAST OF EAST NICARAGUA tin in a prison automobile. A num ­ the general public, is contended by by kicking to K lam ath’s 28 yard was accomplished a t the council and ty th a t he will lay ¿he m atter of WAGE CREDITS WITHDRAWN its friends, who m aintain that it will ber of* robberies in California and not, as charged, abolish the private FROM WORKERS IN RUHR made five downs to w ithin one foot tentative plans for the coming year W hite’s slaying before the Shasta BOSTON, Oct. 22— The steam er Oreogn are attributed to their pas­ line. Ashland held and K lam ath were laid. A fter attending the coun­ County Grand Ju ry today. school. kicked. K lam ath held and Ashland cil, Captain P o rter proceeded to Seat­ Announcement in San Francisco San Gil, belonging to the United sage through the two states. BERLIN. Oct. 20— The Berlin In support of this corZention many kicked. K lam ath here started into tle, Spokane, Lewiston, Idaho and to th a t Vail was on a vacation and had F ru it Company, is on a reef and L ater the two convicts shcZ and quote the phrases of the law which governm ent has ceased all wage breaking to pieces at Providence doing some real line plunging. She G reat Falls. M ontana, also visiting no au th o rity to make raids. wounded Deputy Sheriff Dick Cash- state, not that a child may not a t­ credits to German w orkers in the Island, off East Nicaragua, accord- of the goal and time for the first Billings. In each city visited, active a tt in W hitman county, W ashington. tend a private school, but that par R uhr district, officially ending pas­ corps of the Salvation Army are do­ COURT DECISION WILL RENEW ing t0 word received bX the local Burt was charged with the shooting half was called. sive resistence against Franco-Bel- entH or guardians must send child­ Third q u arter— Ashland received ing splendid work and the local of­ MAJOR ALEX CRONKHITE CASE , office of the company. Two of ¿he and W alton with being an accessory. gan occupation. It is feared an eco­ ren to ¿he public school during its ficer was able to .gain much good in­ company’s steam ers are standing by (Continued on page 4) The pair were arrerted in Des term . Nothing is said about not nomic crisis will follow, now that form ation and the pleasure of m eet­ WASHINGTON, D. C. Oct. 22— ¡and no fear is felt for safety of the Moines on May 16th after a sensa­ sending a child to a private school th e m illions of m arks poured irzo PIONEER SHASTANS WED 84 ing scores of peole. The United States Supreme Court ipasengers or crew. A strong gale is tional chase in automobiles. A quan­ at other times. the R hur weekly to support passive YEARS NOW SEEK DIVORCE Although th ere are many beauti­ today granted an appeal of the gov-¡blow ing and passengers are being tity of stolen wearing apparel was w orkm en, w hether they worked or ful cities on the coast, Captain P orter ernnient to review action of the cir­ removed in small boats. found in the car and officers m ak­ HATED RELIEVED CAUSE OF not. LAMOINE, (ShasZa Co.), Oct. 22 assures Ashland th a t there is no cuit court of appeals for Rhode ing the arre st said th a t the two men T h irty thousand German coal — A fter being m arried for thirty- place a» beautiful as Southern Ore. BURNING FIN E RESIDENCE Island which decided th a t Roland POLICEMEN ARRESTED; attempZed to shoot them. m iners went on strike around the four years, Mr. and Mrs. George It is planned th a t unfortunate Pothier, confessed slayer of Major ONE VICTIM IS DEAD PORTLAND, Oct. 21— HaZred is R eturned to W ashington fields of Halle. Grafton, pioneer settlers of th is re ­ fam ilies in Ashland maybe given a Alex Cronkhite aZ Camp Lewis, believed to have actuated the man They were returned to W ashing­ gion, have found th a t they are no Thanksgiving dinner. Following the Wash, recently, could not he re tu rn ­ SEATTLE, W ash., Oct. 22— Pa­ who robbed and set fire to the fine, MUNICH, Oct. 20— Bavaria has longer happy together. Thanksgiving season comes C hrist­ ed to the jurisdiction of the federal trolm an H. Short, who shot two pe­ ton and sentenced to the state pri­ old residence of Mrs. Olivo Girton son a t W alla. sent a ncZe to Berlin threatening Mrs. Grafton has brought an ac­ mas, when every attem p t will be court a t W ashington for trial, be­ destrians last week while attem pt­ here Friday night. The woman has The stabbing took place as ¿he arm ed resistance if the “ German tion in divorce, alleging th a t her made to bring cheer to many child­ cause the alleged m urder had not ing to caZch a suspected shoplifter, convicts were m arching out of the been obsessed with fear for several state attem pts to violate Bavarian husband deserted her in March 1921 ren and parents. been committee on grounds solely I was arrested on the charge of man- prison chapel. months th a t her house would be soverlgnty.” w ithout cause. No property is in­ w ith the jurisdiction of ¿he federal slaughter following the death of burned, according to neighbors. The volved. though Mrs. G rafton is a J. C. Fuller, secretary of the local governm ent. The case has attracted The Social committee of the Civic woman and son were visiting at Mrs. J . L. Greenwood is conval­ large property owner in her own chamber of commerce, is transacting m arked attention in arm y and civil­ Isaac H am burger, secretary to a federal judge and one of Short’s vic­ Club will give a card panty on Sat­ escing from an attack of flu. Montesano, W ash., when the house name. , . business at the county seat today. ian circles. tims. urday, Nov. 3rd at the Club House. was fired. Lived at E ugene IEGIONAIRE TELLS OF [ T W O IN J A S H IO N