/ P age four ASHLAND D A IL Ï TIDINGS "» ♦ » « M M M .1 ♦ ♦ ♦ r LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES A Daily Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of locM interest. Friday, October n», iftsá Real Estate Active— ... rne WaltQr y rnd . COLORADO TOURIST RETURNS ¡RADIO SUPERVISOR A ♦ W. R. tt tlliams, who owns a this week. Mr. W illiams reports u. 1 *4 The \ u W alter Herndon home on EXCEED TAXES FOR 1928 VISITOR AT M EDFORD farm eight miles east of Ashland on good grain crop and an abundance Eighth street was sold this week to S ♦ John K an ax o , who will h a re posses- n F v v rn the K lam ath Falls road, is in town of work, this year. MEDFORD, Oct. 3 9— O. R. Red­ fern, United Stages radio supervisor >*■« » ♦ . for the seventh district, arrived in Masonic Calendar NOTICE— Overland Garage 'goes Medford last night. This m orning he Thia Week ¿o Btristly cash basis November conducted exam inations for am a­ Friday— Special m eeting, Ashland n r8 ^ 42-eod teur and commercial radio opera­ L odge. F irst D egree. tor licenses in the city hall. This Saturday— DeMolay •rganW aUen, To Attend Harvest Ball— evening at 8 o'clock a i n e r t i n g will Masonic Hall. Showing the latest enations in the world of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Baughman and be held in the city hall for the pub­ family will leave this evening for lic. All things of interest pertaining Ladies Suits, Dresses and Hats One Move C alls for A nother__ Shasta Valley to spend the week­ to radio will be discussed. It Is . E. Leer family have moved end as the guests of relatives of Mrs. hoped all people interested "in radio from Liberty and Ashland streets to ' Baughman. They will retu rn Sun- will attend. All phases of in terfer­ 550 Allison street, now occupying evening, if not Saturday, and it ence will be reviewed. If ¿hose in Che house vacated by the C. D. 18 Planned th a t they may attend a attendance desire to form a radio ~ Wood family. H ubert Bentley and !arge harvest ball, which will be regain health. They have rented the ■ club at this meeting, it will be done Don’t forget the dates—Don’t forget the Show C. E. Thompson house on Ashland PLAVS TRUMP card family have taken an apartm ent in given during the tim e .they are and under the name of the Rogue * AMOVS DIVORCE SUIT the rooms above the L lthia Bakery i th ere- Gala festivities and worlds of street and will spend the w inter! River Valley Radio Club. Radio op­ ----- recently renovated and prepared for m errim ent m ark the venture of the here. All deals and rentals reported erators of th e surrounding commun­ were made by A. M. Beaver of the , ,E^ ? R K ’ ° Ct' 19— The tru m P occupancy. fall season. ities are invited. Beaver R ealty Company. ' . . °f lIiam Stokes- 75 year-old Dance Jackson Hot Springs. Sat. ! ______ • m illionaire, was played today in his Oct. 20th. — Lyric Orchestra. 4tf-X Hat a n-«ah tam ale a t Rose Bros to divorce his beautiful young wife, Game Warden Returns— Helen Elwood Stokes. Horace Know­ Deputy Game W arden Roy P arr Big Bear Hunt Planned— j J- B arnett of Dunsm uir with les, form er United States m inister to returned W ednesday evening from a Jack Peebler, A. B. Collins a n d / - K- H ottan also of Dunsm uir are Rumania, swore th at “ to the best of business ouiing to Evans creek and his knowledge and belief” he saw the Ed Sieel left early y e ste rd a y ! am onB late arrivals. the Umpqua divide country. Rain titan-haired defendant in the a p art­ m orning for the Dead Indian coun- ' ‘---------- greeted Mr. P a rr every moment of ment of Edgar W allace, San Francis­ try for one of the blggeat bear Showrpr Installed in Sleeping Rooms his trip. hunts In the history of the hunters. ; Coming as a most welcome and co oil man who has been named by Three days of Intensive p ursuit will 'needed fixture, a shower bath Is Stokes as a corespondent. W allace lend the out-doors lovers either a being installed In the rooms occu- Returns from Dunsmuir__; is expected to fight the Stokes char­ .„„1 All ,11 styles- < 'oats’ S |ip-°v<“r», with or w ithrnt sleeve Mrs. G. H. Hedberg returned ges. profitable layout of spoils or a big pIed by members of the fire depart- ¡11 Grey, Buff, Blue, Brown «nul all combination of mixtures. disappointm net. ment. A shower has long been need­ from D unsm uir W ednesday where ed among other things int he room she attended the funeral of Engineer John C. Holste of San Francisco and will give untold pleasure for the Bates, who was killed in the Siski­ Regulation Slip-overs for hoys or girls in the High is among out-of-town visitors. weary firemen who have calls at all you holdup. Mrs. Hedberg and Mrs. hours of th e day and night. A boil Bates are friends of long acquain­ Paradise pattern hats at Mrs R. is being placed In the stive and hoi tance, tho Mrs. Hedberg was not a School Colors, P o tte r’s. 30, 2nd St. w ater will alwys be on top. Jerry guest of Mrs. Bates during her stay 41-1» - O’Neil has the contract for placing in Dunsmuir. Dr. George H unter, D. D„ who has E. W. Spaulding is business tbe «hower. first hand knowledge of conditions visitor from Portland. Mr. Dix DI— Large loaf— quality bread, 10c. N. Dix has been kept at home this in Russia, occupied the pulpit in the Boa Ton. Cliff Payne m akes crates. 34-tf week with rheum atism . He will be Presbyterian church Sunday even­ ing. His address was very interesting a t work again soon. INEXPENSIVE AND PRACTICAL and he brought a message from far NOTICE­ -Overland G arage goes An out-of-town visitor la B W off Russia, discussing religious con­ LO strictly cash basis November W egert of Seattle. Week-end in Sams Valley__ Specially priced $6.00 - $6.50 - $7.00 and $8.50 ditions prior to the revolution and first. 42-eod Miss Dorothy Abbott, Mrs. Bertha those of the present day. A full line of fresh home made Corthell and Miss. M arjorie Corthell Beautiful display of colors He told of the a¿titude of the peo­ candy every day at Enders. 41-tf W atson Moves In— plan to leave this evening in com­ D. W atson and fam ily have moved pany with S. S. Abbott, who m otor­ ple toward the Bible and the rever­ NOTICE— Overland Garage goes from ¿heir ranch to Ashland and ed here from Sams Valley to return ence in which it is held; th a t the «to strictly cash basis November are occupying the lower p art of the with the viskors for the week-end revolt was not against conditions firet- 42-eod house owned by Mrs. Paige on Nut- at his home near Gold Hill. This is th a t obtained because of the form er practices of the orthodox Greek ---------- , and High streets. the first visit made by Miss Abbott, church. We are m aking and packing o n rj _______ who is teaching in th e ju n io r high own chocolates and we know they] B. Grennholgh is a business visit- He also said of th e personnel of school, since h er arrival here from the fity oficiáis of the Soviet govern­ are fresh, a t Enders. 41-tf or from Spokane. Kimball, Minnesota and a delightful ment, th a t forty ¿hree are Jews, six week-end will come to a close Sun­ are Russians, and one a Jewish A. Hill of Roseburg is among out- We have glass for windows day evening. woman. of-town visitors. Bring in your sash. Swenson & Dr. H unter stated while the ban Peebler F u rn itu re. 33eod jadybugs Found— held against all leaflets and propa- Where your Dollar has more Cents” P. A. Dunn of Los Angeles was he second layout of ladybugs sanda of every sort there was uot among recent arrivals yesterday. Apartment Sold— were reported ¿his m orning by Lar- a Fan on the Bible and tha.t thou- , The Shook A partm ent, recently kin Grubb who motored to Dead sands were being distributed. Anyone who has no HM ns of j owned by Mrs. M artha J. Shook was Indian Sunday. At the region of the On one occasion an official sat up tarnsportatlon and who desires Ice house lake, untold quantities the en tire night to read the Bible- ..U n a , h8 P . , , .. 1 of bugs were found grouped in clus- and on an o th er one thousand were communicate with Mrs. F. G. Swed- ‘ idenls of Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. ters on an old stum p and projecting distributed in a few minutes, enberg before Saturday night. 40-3 Luke will continue to run the apart- arm s of the wood. Ten years ago D r- H unter, from the knowledge G. H. Galloway is among out of í “ * ? D° changes win near the same location, a vart j he has of the Russian situation, feels »n v iilto » from T .rom 0 Th’ » • » » « 1 « am ount of the small bugs were I th at the people are eager to receive town Fourth street, form erly owned by found hibernating for the w inter ♦ he knowledge of the Bible and will Mrs. Lydia M cFarlane of Portland and another clan was also found welcome those who bring it. for y o ü r m .ö .e v - e ‘te'“ S <>•' Dotting Full Val Mi hen a loss comes a on«, mj has lie been HQld tQ Emma D Carter> near the falls in Ashland ’ creek. companies pay. Y »o, Of cosrsc. â l - t l who will improve and renovate ¿he These are to be m arked and taken Pull Value means, not only the Tr . 110 a’ue °f Merchandise its s sell, hut also tin* A nother visitor from Portland «- hou9e extensively. Possession will he in the spring. other costs that go into the buying and selling of this com m odv- ¡given In 30 days. The sale was also A. Newlands. , handled through the Yockey Co. It is true that these latter costs are added to the selling p,h«e. Mr. Hartly Improves__ The condition of J . H. Hardy, Bring your garm ents to Paul- By reason of the great output and the Among recent arlvals from Port- of Hardy Bros, is im proving and of buving and s e llin -^ li^ o u s e application of scientific methods serud’8 ¿0 be dyed and pleated. S7tf ______ land is C. H. Pickett. . ana selling, thebe j O ui Century Stores are in a position to offer full value. danger of a crisis is passed, accord­ Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Bates of ' . ---------- ing to reports. Mr. Hardy is a/ his Hollywood were rsccnt arrivals yec- • NOTICB— Overland Garage igoes home and not a t a hospital as has terday. strictly cash basis November been the impression given. Uo you want Flour? If you do l>e will sell tho kind you like, 49 pound sacks $1.85 42-eod MAN BURIED IN EARTH Have a fit a t Orraa. T tilers to Do you bake Bread or Make rolls? If so we will s e l l - Naw and used heating stoves at IS RESCUED BY FRIENDS man and woman. Upstairs. 4-tf — » Swenson & Peebler. Purniture. 23eod VANCOUVER, W ash., Oct. 19__ Patrick Sweeney of San Francisco Buried for five hours under tons of Magic or Yeast Foam is a business visitor. NOTICE— Overland Garage goes Salt—A 21b Free earth, Ray Brown- of Fern Prairie Per io strictly cash basis November Running escaped with his life and will re­ I have mads a special study of flrat Package .. 42-eod cover from his injuries. The earth Salt ......... . automobile insurance; get my rates caved In on Brown while he was first. Yeo, of course. Si . tf Football Game Tomorrow— sinking a shift. Rescuers im­ ---------- Ashland and K lam ath Falls will mediately began to sink another Uharles Ocepek of Seattle is an tangle again tomorrow. The Klam shaft along side of the one which Raisins, Two full 15 oz., Ashland v l.ltor. Mb .t e u i (hl3 Milk Your Choice Shortning entombed Brown. When they reach­ Seeded or Seed­ ------— iand It is thought th a t many towns- ed th e depth tfiey though was level 5 Tall In hulk A shipm ent of new suits have People will be here to boost th eir less—Pk Cans . . . . with ¿he buried man they tunneled Just arrived at Paulsernd’a. •» Pounds . . 1 7 tfiteam . Houseguests of various Ash- under and found him alive. The par­ ---------- lan"’Iayer figs on« SUXCBAM IIAIX Walnuts, 1923 Crop California, Pound . . . See your old favorite songs on the screen and OUC Knox Gelatine Pa(*kage 20 C Filberts, 1923 Sicily, « « P o u n d ............ CUw “ SING THEM AGAIN” Faïcy11 SwTet P o S T s ^Pounds a T c t s Market" Then you will w a n t- Corn, 4 Pounds 25c. ’ d ’ 22 c18 —Sweet Oranges, small size, 2 Doz. 35c.—Pop The end of “ PLUNDER” Ashland Medford Grants Pass