«M MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. P ure domestic w ater helps. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL NO. V. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. RUSSIAN TRADE IMPROVES, SAYS BRITISH VISITOR CHICAGO, Oct. 17.— W illiam “ Kid” Gleason, veteran m anager of the Chicago W hite Sox, today con­ firmed the rum or th at his resignation had been handed to Chas. Comiskey, to be effective immediately. Gleason coached the Chicago American Lea­ gue team to a w orld’s championship in 1919, but the team has disinte­ grated entirely since the Black Sox scandal, following the 1919 series. He said conditions have become such he resigned in order “ to save Mr Comiskey the em barrassm ent of re lieving me if he desired.” ASHLAND CLIMATE Cures nine cases out of ten of asthm a. This is a proven fact. » ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1923 Coolidge and Cabinet to See Masonic Washington Memorial Ceremonials Alexandria, Va., Oct. 17— Presi­ dent Coolidge and his Cabinet, it be­ came known today, will attend the laying of the cornerstone of the George W ashington Masonic N ation­ al Memorial here on November 1. They will be escorted to Alexandria by Leon M. Abbott, of Boston, sov­ ereign grand com m ander of the Su­ preme Council of the Scottish Rite, northern jurisdiction; Barton Smith of Toledo, Ohio, past soverign grand com m ander, and Senator George E. Cham berlain, of Oregon. Charles H. Callahan, deputy grand marker of Virginia, will be in charge of the ceremony, assisted by Colonel Louis A. W atres, president of the George W ashington Masonic N ational Mem­ orial; W illiam Howard Taft, Chief Justice of th e United States Supreme C ourt; form er V ice-President Mar­ shall and others. Chief Justice T aft will be escorted by Judge H. S. gifts from W ashington’s relatives Tompkins, grand m aster of New and friends. It now em braces a great York; George M. Napier, Attorney- num ber of relics associated with his General of Georgia, and Captain life from ten years of age onward, John H. Cowles, soverign grand as well as a num ber of old portraits, com m ander of the Scottish Rite, including an oil painting of W ash­ Southern jurisdiction. High priests ington as Master of ¿he Lodge and of surrounding chapters will escort for which the Lodge has refused H enry De W itt C liaton, who will $100,000. represent Dr. W illiam H. Kuhn, These relics will be housed in the Grand High P riest of the General great museum on the second floor Grand C hapter of the United States of the memorial building above the Royal Arch Masons. great Memorial Hall. In this great Declared to be th e greatest mem­ hall will be placed the memorial it- orial ever erected to any man, built self­ -a staZue of George W ashing- by the Masonic O rders of th e United ton. States to the memory of George H onors W ashington W ashington, th e ir grandest m aster, The George W ashington Masonic the edifice will cost over $4,000,000. Memorial is prim arily a memorial The cornerstone will be laid in the to George W ashington, the Man and presence of 70,000 Masons, who will Mason. Its form is inspired by the come from every Blue Lodge in the ¡ancient tow ers built in the ancient Union, as well as from Alaska. In days of Greece and Rome to mark vitaZions have been extended to Ma­ the entrances to the harbors and sonic lodges all over th e world. The from whose sum m its ever-burning ceremonies will be th e most im pres­ flares th a t could be seen for miles sive ever held a t the laying of a cor­ at sea guided the m ariner on his nerstone. way. The memorial will be one of the Use General’s Trowel NO. 40 Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. D a y Celebrated B y O. E. S. SAN QUENTIN TO PRISONERS One of the most successful frater- anl events in the history of Ashland Einienses Cut and Taxes Up, occurred last night, ¿he occasion be­ Pathetic Pride of Inmates Says F. L. Baldwin After ing the regular m eeting of Alpha Inspection Tour in Tiny Plots an Aid to Chapter, No. 1, O. E. S. The Masonic Prison Discipline temple, in which the communication was held, was filled almost to a MAY HAVE TO CUT TAXES point of overflowing with members CROPS” ARE INVIOLATE and visitors. Of the la tte r there was an unusually large num ber. But One Bad Harvest Might Af.’er transacting the regular bus­ Upset Good Prospects, iness initiation was conducted, two Direst Punishment Is to Be He Declares. Forbidden Permission to candidates receiving an exemplifica­ Visit Little Patch tion of the beautiful and impressive degrees of the order. LONDON, Oct. 17— “ Russia is re ­ At the clVse of the regular chap­ SAN QUENTIN, Cal., Oct. 17— covering,” declared F. L. Baldwin, ter session members and guests were One of tne first tilings that a visitor brother of the Prim e M inister, who requested to rem ain and listen “ The New Oregon Spirit” , was the to San Quentin penitentiary is like­ has recently returned from a trip to a special program. Only those d ir­ theme of H erbert C uthbert’s ¿alk to ly to notice as he is guided through of business investigation in Russia. ectly connected with the evening’s ¿he somber interior of the great “ It is going to be a slow business, the Chamber of Commerce forum at program were aw are of w hat was in tsate prison is the num ber of lii.ie the recovery of Russia, but I am Hotel Ashland Tuesday noon. Mr. store, and it was not until the first C uthbert, for a num ber of years very hopeful,” said Baldwin. “ A I most imposing memorial edifices num ber had been rendered thak the gardens that are conspicuous on single bad harvest might upsek secretary of the N orthw est Tourist ever constructed. The plans were rank and file of those present reali­ every hand. everything, of course, but there is and Inform ation B ureau, is now They are “owned and cultivated" ■ drawn by the New York architects. zed th at a golden wedding was to be head of ithe publicity departm ent of by prisoners for their own use and a good sporting chance. Helmle & Corbett, after many observed. enjoym ent, and it is almost pathet­ “ The thing th a t strikes me is the the Portland Cham ber of Commerce. months of study. Olmstead Brothers Golden Wedding Ceremony ic to observe ¿he pride that many extraordinary way with which the Mr. C uthbert first emphasized the & P arker, Brookline, Mass., have The program proper was a fitting of the convicts take in developing idea th a t the city of P ortland has Rusians are struggling with the fi­ produced plans for the fine land­ and impressive observance of the th e ir tiny patches of flowers, vege­ nancial situation. They are cutting entered into a new idea of state-w ide scapes to surround the memorial. fiftieth anniversary of the wedding tables. or lawn. down their expenditures very heav- developm ent and notw ithstanding The .memorial is located on the of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Day, ily and pushing up their taxes. In ^ e fact th a t 3600 members of the “ One of the surprising things I west branch of ¿he Potomac River, both prom inent in Masonic and E ast­ fact, they fear they have put their ; Chamber pay a membership fee of have found in my many years w ith­ six miles south of W ashington, D. C., ern Star circles of Ashland. in these w alls,” declared an old pri­ taxes up too high and th a t they may , $50.00 each, Portland has raised and can be seen form the capital Mrs. W. M. Denton sang, “ O, son guard today, “ is the fact thak and will expend on state-w ide de- have to bring them down again. city. It will be passed by all those Promise Me” in a pleasing m anner, “ Income taxes range from 2% per ¡ velopment $300,000.00. going to and from Mount Vernon, after which the happy couple, ac­ these gardens we have here are a- Scenery and clim ate” , said Mr. cent to 20 per cent, and they have W ashington’s home, to the Capital companied by the conductress, as­ mong the strongest incentives to placed a tax of about 3 per cent on C uthbert, “ are among the greatest Alexandria, Va., is a town thak per­ sociate conductress, and maids, were good behavior among the inm ates assets which Oregon has, and no the turnover of the business com­ haps contains more of historic value escorted to the front of th e room that we could possibly think of. part of th e entire state of Oregon “ It doesn’k m atter what a fellow munity, which seems to be th e equi­ related to W ashington than any oth­ and to a point beneakh a golden wed­ grows, his small garden becomes his valent of our corporation profit tax. has g reater posibilities than has er city in the United States. The ding bell suspended form the ceil­ Ashland. Your auto camp ground, whole concern and interest in life “ The Rusians are trying to estab­ General surveyed the strecks of Al­ ing. Then followed a vivid review of lish th eir currency on a chervoneZz situated in your w onderful park, has exandria in the year that it was the wedding ceremony of half a while he is here. I, needs constant basis. A chervonetz is th? equivalent proven A shland’s ability to a ttra c t founded ( 1749) by Lord Fairfax. century ago, delivered by Vicar P. care and attention, and there isn’t and hold the to u rist. The am ount of our pound. W ashington was the first to estab­ K. Hammond. The Vicar likened the a man in a hundred thak will do received in fees from these tourists “ In the promotion of Russian lish a free school in Virginia. He venerable couple to a double rain ­ anything that might deprive him trad e th e Soviet governm ent is sub­ should be devoted, every cent of it once owned the very land upon bow, which he said it was his plea­ of the opportunity to visit his little to a continued developm ent and im ­ ordinating everything else to the de­ which the memorial to him is being sure to observe not long ago, and patch every day.” Officials of tin* great prison, provement of your camp facilities. velopment of agriculture. They constructed. He was closely asso­ closed by invoking Divine blessing would like to im port a lot of a g ri­ Because, every dollar th u s expend­ ciaked with the Masonic Lodge in for the future happiness, health and which houses more than 2,70« men. declare ¿hat they intend to continue ed means an ever-increasing retu rn cultural machinery, for their proces­ Alexandria. prosper iky of the husband and wife. encouraging San Quentin prisoners to your m erchants and com m unity.” ses are still very prim itive. We saw Deputy Grand M aster Callahan The honored guests were then to take an interest in gardening, be­ people cuttftig corn with hand-sick­ “ Advertise your opportunities and will use the identical silver trowel given sea¿s of honor and Mrs. Fred cause a man who is engrossed in les during our journey from Moscow advantages in clim ate and scenery used by George W ashington during Neil sang, in her usual pleasing the mystery of why plants grow to Perograd. But even th eir im ports to this ever increasing num ber of the Masonic ceremonies a t the lay­ manner, “ At Dawning.” doesn t have time to misbehav«*. of agricultural machinery would be visitors; but to obtain the best re­ ing of ¿he cornerstone of the N ation­ Mrs. Frank Jordan read "R e­ One of the small gardens belongs held down by th eir policy of m ain­ sults Ashland should now s ta rt a al Capitol on September 18, 1783. m arks from a F riend” , in honor of to Thomas J. Mooney, who was sen­ movement for a real to u rist hotel. taining a favorable trade balance. Each Grand M aster will be fu rn ish ­ the couple, which was followed by tenced to life im prisonment in con­ "If they had any money to spend In my opinion th e re is no other ed with an exact replica of this a song by Miss Ema Kelting. Dres­ nection wizh th«* Preapredness Day abroad, which at the moment they place in Oregon which has a great- trow el, and each will spread a small sed in appropriate costume, Miss bomb outrage in San Francisco, in CHICAGO, Oct. 17:— All engage­ LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Oct. 17.— have not, they would spend it first 1 er °P °rtu n ity than Ashland. I am quantity of m o rtar on the huge cor­ K elting sang “ P ut on Your Old Gray 1916. Mooney’s patch is outside the • ments today for Lloyd George, Eng­ Notre Dame will play in Los Angeles on agricultural machinery, then on confident th a t such a venture nerstone. Plans for am plifying and land's war prem ier, have been can- Christm as day, according to a mess- B onnett’ in a m anner th a t elicited walls of the prison, near the little the repair of rolling stock and ra il­ would prove a certain financial suc­ broadcasting the ceremonies are be­ celled and Lloyd George ordered to j age from Coach Rockne, accepting the hearty applause. engine house in which he sits and ways, and then on such things as cess. There is no better investm ent ing made. Mrs. K arl Nims gave two excellent pulls levers to unlead cargoes onto bed by physicians, because of a cold.j invitation to play a post season game. in Oregon today than in th e hotel saw-milling plants and mining ap­ The huge mem orial will be con­ The cold has been aggravated by fa-¡T h e University of Southern Calif- readings, “C andor” and “ The Bald a w harf a short distance away. business.” paratus.” * Headed Man.” Previous ¿o Mr. C uthbert’s ad­ structed of solid granite. Lt will be tigue, and the visitor failed to show ornia may be the opponent. The only restriction prisoners who Baldwin said ¿hat very few of the Attending ______ _________ ___ The last num ber of the commem­ are interesked in gardening must ob­ 260 feet in height, 180 feet wide and improvem ent expected. dress W. J. Piepenbrink, secretary Moscow population looked poverty 260 feet long on the ground level, physicians emphasized Lloyd George’s ______________ oration of the wedding performed serve is th a t they cannot take their stricken and everybody seemed to be of state to the Royal Rosarians of condition as not serious. STEAMER GETS UNDER WAY so many years ago, was a duet ren­ and it will be set upon the command­ working. The change from state to Portland, addressed the gathering, AFTER FIGHTING STORMS dered by S. A. Peters, Sr., and Mrs. produce to their cells. ing sum m it of Shooter’s Hill, a part Never has there been a case of private control is now well advan­ particlarly the Lithians, and invited Wm. Denton. They appeared in the one prisoner appropriating the crop of A rlington Ridge, overlooking the COYOTE WAS KILLED WHILE participation in next y ear’s Rose ced, he said. PORTLAND, Oct. 17.— The steam EATING ASHLAND CHICKEN schooner Clarem ont limped south­ costume of German folk and render­ of another’s patch, according to the Festival, which the R osarirns maka Pokomac. The sides of Shooter’s Hill ed in characteristic m anner an in­ old guide. A sort of unwrizten law th e ir special program of the year. will contain seven artistically p lan t­ ward today, following twelve hours COMMANDING LEGION ed terraces, with broad walks and The nice fat appetizing chickens of anxiety, during which the vessel terpretation of “ An Early C ourt­ among the men makes it out of the Mr. W. G. Brownell, legislative IS NOT AN EASY JOB member from Portland, was also in­ low stone steps leading to the shrine of Mrs. Barber, 153 G ranite street, was disabled in m ountainous waves ship,” portraying how “ Wiliam pro­ question, he said. of W ashington. The memorial will this m orning appealed ¿o strongly posed to Mary fifty years ago.” The The greatest praise th a t a pris­ yesterday off the Columbia River SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 17.— The troduced and spoke briefly of his be set in a park of 32 acres of land and lead a coyote to his death. lightship. The crew succeeded in m anner was exceptionally well ren­ oner can receive is to be commended desire to meet the business men and Job of commanding the American Le­ m easure, acquired by th e George W ashington This m orning M arshall Barber, a- constructing a jury rudder, replacing dered and called for hearty ap­ on the pleasing appearance of his gion is no sinecure, it would appear discuss the income tax Masonic N ational Memorial Associa­ roused by the cries of the chickens the steering ap p aratu s smashed when plause. garden. from the words of Alvin Owsley, who which is to be voted on in November. tion. Mrs. S. H. Peters, Jr., presided at in his backyard, went to the win­ "Get ’em back to the soil, and The following communica¿ion a deckload of lum ber was washed delivered his farewell speech to the the piano. dow with a gun, and saw a coyote The huge solid concrete founda­ nature will do the r e « ,” said the from Mr. H. G. Gilmore, was consid­ overboard. Legion here yesterday. Receive Congratulations tion for the memorial already has eating a fine pullet. M arshall took guard as he waved good-bve. In referring to th e international ered as a bid from this Ashland Mr. and Mrs. Day were the recip­ scope of Legion activities, Owsley booster for membership in the L ith­ been completed up to the level of aim, pulled ¿he trigger and one more ONE BUCKET MAKES 7«« ients of many hearty congratula­ ians. An intim ation th a t his age the main Memorial Hall. It is 10 m arauding coyote went to the an i­ Bald; tions. That the observance of an “ Not only has the force of the might be considered tw enty-four in­ feet thick, 180 feet wide and 260 mal heaven. W hether the early raid­ P art of sevn hundred pounds of event so im portant in th eir lives by feet long. ing of city chicken pens by coyotes Legion been proclaimed throughout stead of eighty-four: fine potatoes can be seen on display the organization loved by both was every State of the Union, but in the Believe. The movement for the greatest prophecies an early and hard w inter, lands of Cuba and Panam a and on Proud Ahland 'w ill never fail to al­ mem orial was form ally initiaked by is yet to be determ ined, by those in the grocery window at Enders. pleasing to each was evidenced by lure, foreign soil a t London, Paris, Brus­ the organization of the George who have kept tab on the portents The three potatoes are unusually the beams of pleasure radiazing nicV po¿atoes. They are grown on from their faces. Although they felt, sels and in Germany, in th e R uhr, So long as its Lithia P ark thrives W ashington N ational Memorial As­ which tell the future. the A. R. Kincaid farm , mile south perhaps, th a t the rounding of their and endures. w herever there was a listening ear, sociation F ebruary 22, 1911. It ‘ of the L ithia Springs, on Em igrant fifty years of m arried life was only WEST BADEN. Ind., Oct. 17.— whenever tim e and a muchly over­ And a single Booster, well prim ed in grew from a desire to provide a creek. The exhibit'w as part of seven an ordinary instance, the many “ Prohibition never can be enforced the fray, worked body and mind perm itted, the shrine for th e priceless collection hundred pounds of spuds which friends assembled realized it as a until there is a thorough house-clean­ presence of your N ational Comman­ Is sure to drive the mischief making of relics and intim ate records of were sorted from the result of plant­ real accomplishment, calling for ing of the national dry forces and fed­ der was given.” knocker away, George W ashington in possession of ing a 10-quart pail full of seed pota­ warm words of commendation and eral units placed squarely under the Owsley expressed his appreciation Boosting, (not boasting) judiciously W ashington’s old Lodge, No. 39, of direction of the President of the Uni­ congratulation. toes, which were purchased last of the relief from these m ultitudin- sustained which he was Grand Masker. These ted States” was the charge made by spring from Enders. The name of our duties afforded by the national Refreshments Served Is A shland’s corrective against relics of W ashington as a Mason will ¿he potato is not known. It would vice-commanders. Delicious refreshm ents were ser­ Governor McCray, of Indiana, today both grief and pain.” be housed in an exact copy of his be of interest and benefit to have ved in the banquet room, entering in echo to the challenge flung last Secretary Fuller asked th a t all old Masonic lodge room. The room more of this big producing potato which diners were marched around Sunday by Governor Pinchot of Pen- to 10« MILLIONS IN CONSTRUCTION ¿hose willing to assist in giving the will be faithfully reproduced Mrs. Louis Dodge, president of t h e ^ ^ tit e d and grown in this section. the table bearing the huge wedding ) nsr i va«ia- McCray’s statem ent was Parent-Teacher convention mem­ every detail, even to the paper on IN MANHATTAN BOROUGH Ashland Parent-Teachers Associa-! ~— cakes, prepared especially for the made in an address of welcome to bers, num bering about two hundred the wall. ALL YEAR ROUND SERVICE tion received a trouble call from of­ occasion. At the close of the banquet the fifteenth annual conference of NEW YORK. Oct. 16.— If the a- and fifty, a drive around Ashland on Relics Priceless AUTHORIZED TO KLAMATH ficials of the Medford circle of the Dr. Blake. Patron of Alpha Chapter, state governors. Statem ents by other m ount of building construction now next Tuesday afternoon, register This gre'*.t memorial will not only with well chosen rem arks, presented governors will he made at President under way in the Boro of M anhattan their n ames at the Cham ber of house W ashington’s Masonic mem­ association, asking for help in the: Coolidge’s “ law and order” confer alone is any criterion, wages and 'Commerce at the earliest possible orabilia, but also his personal pos­ way of providing lodging for part of The Postm aster a t Ashland has a beautiful picture of C rater Lake to ence at the Whit«* House this com­ the delegates to the state convetiou ju st received authority from the De­ the happy couple as a token of the m aterials here are pretty well stab- ’fom ent. sessions and relics associaked with of the association which is to be partm ent at W ashington, to contin deep respect in which they are held ing Saturday. llized and there is small chance of —---------- ----------------- every stage of his career, of which held there Oct. 23-26 Medford . ue the daily closed pouch mail ser- by the organization. any decline in either. a collection was begun shortly after PORTLAND AND EUREK A, UAL.. has received word to prepare for vice from Ashland to K lam ath Falls The dining room was tastefully Exclusive of minor developments, the G eneral’s death. BOTH HAVE BANDIT STORIES three hundred delegates to the con- by automobile stage until June 30, decorated for the occasion with such as private construction and A few moments after W ashington vention, and has not been able to PORTLAND, Oct. 17.— Police in 1924. beautiful autum n leaves, and lighted small projects in general and small died a t Mount Vernon, Dr. Elisha anyways near meet the demand for this city are working on th«* solution projects in general, and there is morej H eretofore this service has been candles and old fashioned candy Cullen Dick, an old friend, who has rooms. of the Siskiyou train robbery anti Consequently the call for m aintained only during the summer hearts graced ¿he tables. than $100,000,000 worth of building held th e post of honor during ¿he help. m urder mystery, after inspecting an and fall months but with the rapid The committee responsible for the eith er under way or im m ediately con­ laying of th e cornerstone of the- old Hudson car, bearing a W ashing­ As one day of the convention is completion of the new Green Springs tasty decorations and delightful tem plated . WASHINGTON, Oct. 17.— Living N ational Capitol, cut the pendulum to be held in Ashland, on the day of ton license, found back of a garage, highway it is anticipated th at stage lunch was composed of Mr. and Here are the m ajor construction costs are on the advance again, ac­ of th e clock which stood in W ash­ and belonging to Vancouver, Wash. October 25, the local circle would like program m es: cording to reports by the departm ent ington’s bedroom. Its hands still to have a hearty response from Ash­ traffic will continue throughout the Mrs. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. It is said to answ er th«* description winter, hence the departm ent has Vaupel, /M r. and Mrs. Hammond, Twenty-eigth apartm ent houses of labor. W holesale prices have jum ­ point to th e moment which ended of the car seen hurrying away from land residents to the appeal for lod­ authorized the all year round ser­ and Mr. and Mrs. McRae. representing an investm ent o fmore ped nearly two and three-quarters th a t glorious career— 20 m inutes the scene of the crime. ging. Those who will offer this as- vice. than $50,000,000. Midnight m arked the close of per cent in September, as compared past 10 p. m. on Saturday, Septem­ sitance, kindly phone Mrs. Dodge. W hile police are working from This closed pouch mail which leav­ the enjoyable event and members Twenty-five new hotels under con- with August. This is in m arked con­ ber 14, 1799. Mrs. W ashington this angle, word has com«* from E u­ The program for the session to be struction, totaling $30,000,000. tra st with the downward trend since shortly a fte r th e G eneral’s death held in Ashland will be given later. es Ashland each m orining via the of Alpha Chapter and their guests reka, Cal., th a t the arrest of the ban­ Howard stage line has proved quite returned homeward with the pleas­ Various commercial stru ctu res in­ May. Clothing shows thq greatest presented this clock to Dr. Dick dits is expected there today, by pos­ a popular one. K lam ath Falls people ant knowledge of having attended volving an estim ated investm ent of increase, am ouning approxim ately to for the lodge. ses which have surrounded the sus­ The Tidings office for all have been particularly appreciative $20,000,000. four and one half per cent. an event of unusual in trest In Ash- pected men in the wilds of the Kla­ The collection was amplified by kinds of printing. of it. lads’ fratern al circles. math National Forest. NEW OREGON SPIRIT LLOYD GEORGE SICK I NOTRE DAME WILL PLAY