“ A shland D aily tidings tneedftÿ, October 1«, l t é â ■ PROFESSIONAL Classified Column ■ ■■ *w Pacific International Live Stock Exposition ’j PHYSICIANS Classified Column Rates One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month or more, tho word each time. DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ dence and office, 108 Pioneer avenue. Telephone 28. Office hour«, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 p. m. only. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ tice limited to eye, ear, noae and throat— X-ray including teeth. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg, Ashland, Ore. DR E. B. ANGELL, Chiropractic and Electro-Therapy. Office phone 48; residence 142. First National Bank building. FOR RENT DR. HAWLEY— Above office. Phone 91. FOR RENT— Four room furnish­ ed house— new paper and paint— all conveniences including gas— also two room apartment and a cabin, Tidings 1153 Granite St. Phone 411-R. 37-1 DR. ERNEST W. SMITH— Chiro­ practor, near Poetofflce. Hours 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. PLUMBING FOR RENT— Eighty acre farm on Pacific highway seven miles east of Ashland. Enquire of Mollie Songer, 4 5 Helman St., Ashland. 34tf ■ ■ ■ - . - ■■ FOR SALE MONUMENTS FOR SALE— Reed baby buggy condition very good. Phone 33-R. 31-3 MONUMENT— MARKERS Lowest Prices ASHLAND GRANITE CO. 3rd and East Main St. 223-6mo SEASONABLE GOOD THINGS Now Is the time to put away goodies for the winter, while the markets are flooded with all kinds of fruits. India A huge building! It covers ten acres of ground. It takes a lot of time to walk all over ten acres, but tho Pacific International Is so full of Interesting and fascinating exhibits that nobody gets tired. Or if they do. Its a “happy tiredness.“ Not only is it the largest building of its kind in the world, but Its ar­ rangement is ideal. The great arena where the judging is done in the day­ time and the horse show held at night, is in the center. In front is the beau­ tiful Industrial Exhibits divisions, 728 feet long and 120 feet wide—filled with a bewildering number of exquis­ ite displays. On the other sides of the arena are ranged the beef cattle barn, the dairy cattle department, , HI ......................... » , 1 JERRY O’NEAL— Plumbing. 207 Bast Main. Phone 138. NOT THE OLD JOSH FOR SALE— Used Ford car cheap Beaver Realty Co. 19-tf FOR SALE— Salloway peaches for canning, 2c at Avery Orchard, Bellview, Phone 10F5. 36-3 ASHLAND GRANITE MONUMENTS O regon G ranite Co. S. PENNISTON, Salesman. Res. 4Tfl Laurel P h on e 44 tY TRANSFER AND EXPRESS FOR prompt and careful service, auto trueks or horse drays, cal Whittle Transfer Co. Phone 117. Office, 89 Oak street, near Hotel Ashland. 56tf T. L. POWELL— General Trans­ fer— Good team and motor trucks. Good service at a rea sonable price. Phone 83. TRY FEH1GE FOR HAULING and transfer work of all kinds 375 B St. Phone 410-R. 200-lm o • in t. • KITCHEN CABINET It Is. not the revolution that de- atroya the machinery, but the fric­ tion.—Henry W. Beecher. DRESSMAKING— Work guaran teed. 14 7 Factory St. Mrs. B. Van) Hardenberg. 31-lmo.* TAKEN VP— Aged black mule, blotched brand on right stifle. W. L. Huxley, Phone 9F2. Owner may have same by paying for ad. 37-tf l'HKÈÂ <©. D IS , W eiter» N ew spaper U n ie».! MISCELLANEOUS DR. G. C. PHETTEPLACE DENTISTRY Above Citizens Bank Office Phone 151 Res. Phone SO1J PÀGË ► -ZT FOR SALE— Pullets, also late I peaches, green tomatoes. Bring box­ es. Phone 335-L. 34-6 WANTED WANTED— Home for winter for good work-horse and outfit. Or will sell cheap: horse, light wagon, heavy wagon harness saddle. Also side hill plow. Leaving Thursday 18th. Elizabeth Miller. Box. 564 36-4* Bunco Man—Well, well, my old friend I Ain’t seen you for an age! Going to take In the town? Uncle Josh (coldly)—Jes’ so, stranger—an’ I might as well begin Wanted: Experienced woman to with you! do press feeding and other work in the Tidings office. See Mr. Greer. CUTTING THE PRICE WANTED— Apple pickers. Call Suncrest Orchards 4 y2 miles north 32-tf JORDAN’S SASH AND CABINET of Ashland. WORKS, Cor. Heilman and ’ ______________________ _____ ______ I WANTED— Boy to learn printing ! Van Ness. 194-tf trade. Call at Tidings oflce. 14tf Chutney. —Take 15 large, sheep and goat department, poultry, sour apples, two horses, with two big auction sales I g r e e n peppers, rings in the corners. one cupful of - The Pacific International Live Stock s e e d e d raisins, Exposition is recognized by livestock two good - sized men everywhere as one of the most onions, one qua»! of vinegar, two ta­ important institutions of its kind in blespoonfuls of mustard seed, the the world. It is held in Portland, Or., same of ground ginger and salt, and November 3-10 inclusive. People come two cupfuls of brown sugar. Pare, across the continent to see its attrac-1 core and chop the apples together with tions—the finest livestock in the the peppers, from which the seeds world. This Is an opportunity to visit and learn and enjoy, close at home, j and membrane have been removed, You could travel all over the United and the onions. Add the raisins and vinegar and put into a kettle and sim­ States and see no better exposition. The pride we take in the Pacific In­ mer for two hours. Add the sugar and ternational is Justified. It is ours, and seasoning and cook slowly another it indicates what kind of people we hour. Seal In glass jars while hot. This recipe makes about five pints. are—the best. Peach Chutney.—Take two and one- ALL IN POINT OF VIEW half pounds of fresh peaches, one and one-quarter pounds of evaporated peaches, one-half pound of seeded raisins, two tablespoonfuls of red chill powder, one small onion, one-half cup­ ful of mustard seed, one-half pound of green ginger, one and one-quarter pounds of brown sugar, one quart of vinegar and one-third of a cupful of salt. Soak the evaporated peaches several hours in water to cover, then cut Into small pieces. Peel and cut the fresh pieces. Put the onion and ginger root through the food chopper. Boll the peaches in a pint of vinegar for one-half hour. Make a sirup of the sugar and a pint of vinegar and Girl—There Is nothing beautiful to cook all the Ingredients in It for an hour, stirring frequently until thick. view In this place. Smitten Youth—You have the mis­ Seal while hot In preserve Jars. This fortune of not being able to look In makes eleven cupfuls. the right direction. Pickled, Spiced Onions.—Peel small onions and cover with hot water and salt, making a strong brine. Let them DOWN IN SHADY LANE stand twenty-four hours, drain, cover with another hot brine. Next day drain, make a fresh brine, heat to the boiling point; add the onions and boll three minutes. Drain and put the onions into Jars with bits of mace, bay leaf, cloves and slices of >-ed neoner. “Is your new typewriter named Alice?’1 Miss Homely—Beauty’s but a fad- I “Yes; why?” lng flower. ‘You always use that name when Youth (with business mind)—But a you talk in your sleep.” blooming fine asset in the business of j “Well, she does such poor work that love, Miss Homely, ahe Is always on my mind.” Tanlac Stood Test When Others Failed “Tanlac relieved me of stomach trouble after everything else had failed, and I can’t say too much for it,” declared Finis F. Amick, 605 Sixth street, Portland, Oregon. “For years I had indigestion, and finally got to where I didn’t feel like working or doing anything. I didn’t have any appetite at all, suf­ fered from sonstipation all the time, and always felt so tired an dgroggy it seemed that I had no energy at all. I tried everything that was recomen- ded to me, but nothing did me any good. “Finally I started on Tanlac, and on my first hottie I noticed a big change. I kept taking Tanlac and kept improving, until now I am in better health than for years, and feel full of life and energy all the time. My appetite is fine, and work doesn’t tire me any more.” Tanlac is for sale by all good drug­ gists. Accept no substitute. Over 37 million bottles sold. Take Tanlae Vegetable Pills Summer conditions among office workers are much more healthful, with open windows and fresh air circulating, than in winter when ventilating agencies are closed and the air becomes hot and stagnant, says a medical observer. So far, in listing “The Ten Books I Have Enjoyed Most,” the cook book seems to have been entirely over­ looked.— Memphis Commercial Ap­ peal. PLANING MILL ♦ ♦♦ Very wise indeed! Cholly (nervously) — O-o-o-o—aw— j that cow was coming right for me, doncher know! Miss Cutting—Probably mistook you for her calf. ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the White Shield home, 565 Mayfair Ave., Portland, Oregon. 10-lyr Fix Up Shop Wisdom Is but a collection of ex- We repair furniture and anything ^perience. The wisest benefit by, > that needs fixing. North Main next TM. the experience of others as well to Homes Grecery Store. Customer—I see you’ve reduced the — as by their own. I ■ ■■■■■■ ■ ' price of boiled eggs. Are you serving FOR SALE, TRADE OR RENT— a different grade of eggs? 160 acres unimproved land, un­ '^Any man insures after an acci-o Walter—Nope. They’re some o’ the incumbered, near village of 300 dent, a fire, a sudden destruction ” same lot we served six months ago on S. P. R. R. and good hard for four bits. <»of his property. roads. 100 acres under fence < > with good natural pasture, < I plenty of water. Three roomed “ A very wise man would discuss To remove gummy substances house, barn and woodshed. For “ insurance today. We can advise further particulars address F. from carpets use a few drops of you— gladly. J., care Ashland Tidings. 148tf chloroform or ether to soften it and then use the electric cleaner suction A wise man insures before an WANTED hose to draw it up. eventuality. AN INTELLIGENT PERSON— Either sex, may earn 3100 to A professor says our mad haste 3200 monthly corresponding will destroy the race. He hasn’t been for newspapers; 313 to $25 watching any buildings going up.— Real Estate and Real Insur­ weekly in spare time; experi­ Waterloo Tribune. ance. (Estab. 1883) ence unnecessary; no canvas­ Phone 211 41 East Main sing; subjects suggested. Send for particulars. National Press Bureau, Buffalo, N. Y. 1-tf Youveam oior th a t starts RIGHT AWAY i f RED CROWN S in the ta n k / Vaporizes rapidly«* one spark is ENOUGH* for IOO% power. Billings Agency “No man is a hero to—” “Anybody who knows him.” The Tidings office kinds of printing. for U SE all RED CROWN fo r comfortable winter driving" Classified ads bring results. DOUBLE YOUR SALARY Associated Gasoline Is the cold weather gasoline TRY IT AND SEE HOW M UCH E A S IE R IT STARTS T H A N T H E OTHER BRANDS Free Crankcase Service Oeser & Son Ashland Service Station NEW WALL PAPER LATEST DESIGNS LOWEST PRICES Are you a common laborer mak- I lng only fifty cents an hour? We are ' training men in two months to be- come Auto Mechanics. Steady in­ side work at $1 an hour. Call or write, Hemphill’s Auto and Tractor School. 125 N 5th Street, Near Un­ ion Depot, Portland, Oregon. 37-2 | ---------------------------------------------------- PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING— 33.50. Trade at home and have your piano tuned by Carl H. LoYeland. Studio 135 E. Main St. Phones 134 and 465. I ■ - ........... TYPEWRITER REPAIRING Typewriters— All makes, guaran- ! teed. Lowest Prices. Expert Repair- i ing. Call or write L. D. Minkler 404 Liberty Building, Medford. Tele­ phone 162. 20-lm o. For a smooth shave, and quick service, go to the Shell Barber Shop, across from Depot. Grinding of all kinds. Children’s work a specialty. x NEW HEATERS This new paper holds a sur­ prise for the careful buyer. We take used heaters in exchange for new ones. The largest exclusive paint and wall paper store in South­ ern Oregon. - - _ re cotnpictc lr pressure ftp . reaSon i°r CftUti°n lii v id n ty u U li UI"1- tendency drugs that act caUuon. physictftns d ? y with spurring t « -^■dftted^aii i | — From a Leaflet l yg QÂre )U against DAYS? 532 A. St. Ashland, Ore. 10c to 17 He the siugle roll— two rolls to the bolt. J. O. RIGG M an Y a nervousness W. A. SHELL. Prop. Fine Line Of PROVOST BROS Your g ro cer s e l l s Postum in two forms: Instant Postum (in. tins) prepared instantly in the cup by the addi­ tion of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in pack­ ages for those who pre­ fer the flavor brought out by boiling fully 20 minutes. The cost of either form is about one-half cent a cup. ^There's sa fe ty and sa tisfa ctio n in P O ST U M for your mealtime drink » BOISAGE Refrigerators THE WEARY WAY »X * **•*«* »» Jt •.»*■ * “There's a R ea so n f IMA «artua tosw u» Cer?al Compart », VA Daily Becoming Less Wearisome to Many in Ashland With a back that aches all day, With rest disturbed at night, Annoying urinary disorders, 'Tis a weary way, indeed. Doan’s Kidney Pills are especi­ ally for kidney trouble. Are endorsed by Ashland citi­ zens. Ask your neighbor. Mrs. A. Sherard, 881 E. Main street, Ashland, says: “I can recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills from experience, for I know they do all that is claimed for them. I had a lame, aching back that kept me feeling miserable all the -time and my work tired me easily. I had frequent headaches, and my kidneys acted too frequently. Doan’s Kidney Pills bought at McNair Bros. Drug Store, helped me wonderfully by reliev­ ing the back aches and regulating my kidneys.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for kidney remedy— get Doan’s Kidney Pills— the same that Mrs. Sherard had. Foster- Milburn Co., Mfrs, Buffalo, N. Y. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (C A L IF O R N IA ) QUICK STARTING with no sacrifice Power Dainty Cakes and Delicious Bread For F all-T im e appetite are alw ays aw aitin g th e dem ands o f th ose w hose fundam ental rule is to eat n othing hut th e best am i purest food . Only th e ch oicest q u ality o f butter, eggs, flour and other in gred ien ts go into th e m aking o f our bread, cakes and pastry. T his, com bined w ith our w ide ex­ p erien ce and pain stak in g sk ill, has m ade our nam e as high-grad e bak­ ers for m iles around. LITHIA BAKERY