MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland s Leading N ewspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (International News Wire Service) VOL NO. V. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. PROSPERITY OF OREGON ON INCREASE ASHLAXD CLIMATE Cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. ASHLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1923 VETERANS ARE EXPECTED T 6 WAGE WINNING BATTLE IN CONGRESS THIS WINTER NO. 39 Sells Posies for Disabled Vets TEACH LOVE IN DRIVES PEOPLE MAD IS CHARGE WASHINGTON, Oct. 16.— Veterans of the World War, though the ponsolidated efforts of their various organizations, are expected to w ield! a more powerful influence when Congress convenes in December than ‘ tthey have any time since the 5,000,000 men and women received their discharges from the army and navy and returned to civil life. Report of Business for Past The only shoal in the course that has already been charted for the Week Shows Good Growth veterans is the possibility of friction over whether the omnibus treasure Hospitals Overflowing as Civil­ I t’s Going On, Anyhow, and ization Speeds Up, As­ to carry relief to the disabled vet­ „ in State Ought to Be Fosteced, sorts Physician. erans is to give way to the bonus He Declares. bill. Some leaders of the veterans profess to believe the disabled vet­ PRICES ARE RAISING erans will receive first consideration TEETH OFTEN TO BLAME FARMERS HOPEFUL at the hands of Congress, after which BEST FIELD FOR CUPID Clues to holdups and murderers will follow the battle of the bonus. AND YOUNG PEOPLE who committed their dastardly The power of the World War More Men Than Women Go Portland Cargo Record Broken crime of Thursday, Oc£. 11, in the veterans has steadily been strength­ Insane, but Are More holdup of Southern Pacific train 13 in $725,000 Wheat Ship­ ened during the last few months, at tunnel 13, may be said to be nar­ Matches Inspired Amid Such Easily Cured since all recognized national vet­ ment to Orient rowing. The elimination process, Surroundings Are Most erans’ organizations came together which is natural under the difficul­ Successful, Claim in Washington at the suggestion of MASSILLON, O., Oct. 16.— Civil­ ties entailed by absence of eye-wit­ the Disabled American Veterans Western states are humming with ization is “literally driving people nesses, and the gathering and analy­ and, for the first time since peace mad.” agricultural and mineral develop- sis of all possible clues and possibil­ was declared, gathered around the SYRACUSE. N. Y„ Oct. 15— Love- menZ. Building operations, railroad­ Dodging street cars, sidestepping ities, may be said to be coming to council table to work out in com making should be fostered in every ing and electrical development are a focus. au/omobiles and eating rich foods church in Syracuse and the art of it mon legislation to solve the prob­ getting under good headway and Firnt is the seeking of A. A. lems of the disabled. These, lead­ are modern contributors to an in­ taught in the Sunday schools, de­ farmers feeling more hopeful with Hodges, Marshfield, ex-convict, ers of the veterans say, have never creasing percentage of insanity. Dr. clares Rev. Albert H. Wright, pastor prices advancing. whose picture has been described as been satisfactorily solved. They now A. G. Hyde, for ten years superin­ of the Immanuel Bap/ist church. Oregon has received $168,111.95 showing a resemblance to one of the tendent of Masillon State Hospital, “Courtship is going on in our from the Forest Service, as its share men seen at Siskiyou, the day of call for appropriations from the told International Nwws Service. churches and Sunday schools con­ of receipts from national forest re­ the crime. He is still to be found. Federal Treasury of nearly $5,000,- »“Each year there is a larger num­ stantly whether we know it or not,” 000 annually, a large part of which sources during the fiscal year of Second is the information that has the veterans feel is wasted through ber of patients admitted to the hos­ the minister declared today. “It 1923. Oregon contains 13,137,447 been given Dan O’Connel, chief of pital,” Dr. Hyde said. “We are 400 really does not have to be taught to needless overhead expenses. "Tior g Tic e acres om national forest lands. •‘he Southern Pacific special agents, _____ develop, but some guidance should Following the initiative of the over normal capacity now, and more Lumber cwt of 134 sawmills last that a large quantity of dynamite Disabled American Veterans, na­ are being admitted daily. There is Mto. Florence Floher 1, one o, .he hundred, p re ,,, week manufactured 113,203,158 ft. was stolen from a town in Oregon tional representatives of the Amer­ no doubt that the speed with which girls who „11, forge..,oe-oo,« for America-, wounded and disable,.. -w u h o n , ,he spiel, of love ,oak- of lumber; sold 119,181,963 feet; recently. ican Legion, Veterans of Foreign the world is living is responsible in veterans of the World War on National “Forget-Me-Not Day,” to be ob­ and shipped 106,660,661 ft. Produc­ Third is the conclusion that the Wars, United Spanish War Veter­ part.” ing our Christian Endeavor Socie­ served throughout the United States Saturday November 10. tion was 25 per cent above normal. bandits passed a posse from Ashland Infected teeth often cause insan­ ans and the Military Order of the ties would have to close their doors, New business was five per cent going to the scene of ¿he crime. The World War are now working on a ity, he said, and bad teeth— due to for there would not be enough above production. Shipments were men suspected of commiting the codification of the laws of the eating rich foods— are more preval­ people to sing anything but a solo. 11 per cent below new business. crimes were going towards Ashland Veterans’ Bureau for the purpose of ent today than ever before. For that Church l.ovc Purest Beaverton— Citizens bond town at a fairly good speed, but not fast preparing a general measure that reason a dental clinic is maintained “Under the influence of the Sun­ for $65,000 for new water system. enough to rouse suspicion, altho one will clear up all matters of dispute at the hospital. As soon as a patient day school and the Christian Endea­ Corvallis— Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. of the Ashland posse made the re­ through legislation. CINCINATI, Oct. 15.— America’s wounded and disabled veterans of vor Society the young people of both is admitted his teeth are examined supplying 2700 subscribers here. Once this bill is completed it is and suspicious molars and bicuspids the World War will be benefited a hundredfold by the coming “National sexes are brought together under mark, “There are the men we’re Forget-Me-Not Day,” of the Disabled American Veterans of the World War proper conditions and learn love in Silventon— New high school pro­ looking for.” The remark was made planned to have a former service are extracted. posed. Tonsils are next examined. Bad to be observed throughout the United States Saturday, November 10, ac­ its purer sense. This is not always by Patrolmen Wertz, who later said, man introduce it in Congress upon McMinnville— 160,000 fish plant­ “It was only a hunch, at the way one the opening day of the next ses­ tonsils cause insanity in many cases cording to National Commander James A. McFarland, of Dalton, Ga.. understood and fostered by the national head of the disabled veterans’ organization. ed in Yamhill county streams. sion, and then every veterans’ or­ Dr. Hyde said, and in all cases t of the fellows was smiling at us as heads of the religious organizations. Commander McFarland is here to start preparations for “Forget-Me- Astoria— Erection of new $210,- we sped by. And, evidently from the ganization will get squarely behind where the tonsils are found to be Sunday school is the best and Not Day,” which is the annual “day” of the disabled American veterans, finest place in the world for love- 000 hotel assured. diseased they are removed. reports given by the car seen stand­ the measure. assisted by committees of citizens and women in various cities and towns making. in my opinion. It is the Oregon’s apple crop for this year ing near where .‘he bloodhounds The alliance of veterans’ ograni- Largely Physical and sponsored by National, State and civic officials. The National Infor­ estimated at 6700 cars. came to the highway, and the same zations, leaders point out, is wholly The study of insanity is a matter mation Bureau, recognized authority on the merits or demerits of move­ match making that lasts that is de­ bi-partisan and is expected to re­ Commercial fishermen on upper car observed to have passed through of elimination,” he asserted. “We ments of this type, has heartily endorsed “Forget-Me-Not Day,” and poin­ veloped with a religious atmos­ Rogue River received $10,777 for Ashland, this was the bunch of men ceive its greatest active strength in phere. correct all physical ills so far as ted out that the Disabled American Veterans’ organization is solely inter­ both Senate and House from for­ salmon catch this year. “What is more natural than for who committed the crime. The exact possible, and in a majority of cases ested In the relief, welfare, legislative, educational and organization plans Work on Redwood highway from number of men in the car I could mer service men who now hold love ¿o develop when young people Grants Pass to sta/e line to com­ not say, and probably would not be seats. The number of former sol­ an improved mental condition re- of the nation’s wounded and disabled World War veterans' of sixteen years or over get to­ suits. In fact, mental disease is now diers in Congress is steadily in­ mence soon. able to recognize ¿he man who smil­ gether in the proper atmosphere? viewed in the same light as physical REV. KOEHLER RESIGNS Til* FOR POLICE; McMinnville— Ground broken for ed, unless it might be under similai creasing and such combinations as Would Cut Divorces disease. $100,000 Baptist church. NEVER ATTEMPT TO conditions. This car has not been Representative Royal Johnson, (Re­ “Divorces would be greatly de­ “ Many more cases of mental trou­ Rev. F. C. Koehler, whose resig­ Oregon City making rapid pro- located, or seen since it passed publican), of South Dakota, and JAIL PORCUPINE creased if more marriages began in Lamar Jeffers (Democrat), of Ala­ ble are being cured now than form­ nation took place Sunday morning. gress on new water system, Com- through Ashland. the shadows of our churches and in bama, are expected to give aggres­ erly. This is due to the fact such will accept the pastorate of a Pres- pletes 600,000 gal. steel tank. Marysville, Cal., Oct. 15.— The our Sunday schools. The trouble to­ The unusualness of the holdup, Albany has furniture factory with according to postal and railroad sive support on. the floor should diseases are better understood and byterian church in Spokane, Wash- Marysville police station usually the day is there is not enough religion there be a disposition to delay the also thClt Patients are sent to the ' ington. When he assumes his duties, last place one would look when in $5,000 monthly payroll. in the homes and the result is both special agents, a daylight affair in Astoria to have new grade school stead of the customary night holdup, action which the veterans will de­ hospitals in earlier stages of their has not been announced. Mr. Koeh- quest of a decent, modern writing men and women are too willing to trouble than was formerly the case. I ier’8 resignation came as an almost pen, has “quills to burn.” They’re mand, veteran leaders assert. in west end of city. sever the marriage ties. gives credence to probability of “It is when mental troubles are , complete surprise to his people and scattered all over the place, the re­ Oregon City— $30,000 Congrega­ strange faces in the criminal circles “Love making was fostered in the H. R. REACHERT FOUND DEAD treated in the stages of inception ¡Ashland, altho rumors have been sult of an arrest made by Patrolman tional church to go up. of the Pacific coast. churches of Europe during the war. NEAR HOME MONDAY EVENING the/, cures can be wrought, although afloat fdr a week or ¿wo regarding DeHoff, who acts as a special offi­ Contracts to be let Nov. 1 on Red­ even advanced cases can be helped the possibility. Mr. Koehler has been cer in the westren portion of the especially in England, whore I ser­ wood highway from Grants Pass to ved most of the time. The soldiers WEST PALM REACH HOST H. R. Reachert, north of Ashland, if treated vigorously.” pastor of the Presbyterian church city. state line. were able to meet the young women More men go insane than women for five years. In ¿hat time he has TO EDUCATORS JAN. 2-4 was found dead in a field, about At an early hour in the morning Talent— 634 acre fruit ranch sells under proper conditions either in two hundred yards from ¿he Reach­ but men are more easily cured, Dr. built up the church, not alone in DeHoff came upon a porcupine. The for $240,000. the churches or in the “hostess WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., Oct. ert home last evening, shortly after Hyde said. Women patients cause membership, but in spiritual porcupine contested DeHoff’s beat, houses.” Prineville— Dqschi4‘es i Pr. Co. 16— Individual citiezns and mem­ seven o’clock. He was found by Mrs. more trouble than male patients. strength. There has been at all and for it, was placed under arrest, plans $100,000 power plant. “If the church would take an in- bers of the Chamber of Commerce Reachert who had become fearful More Males Insane times the spirit of unity manifest first being lassoed. At the station terestin love affairs of young peo­ Newberg— Council votes to im­ here are making plans for entertain- of an accident at his prolonged ab­ The proportion of male to female in all the branches of the church the prisoner repelled searching, ple there would be more happy prove more streets. ing 4,000 educators, members of the sence. Mr. Reachert had gone into Insane is now about three to ¿wo, work and cooperation Iji 1 his shooting quills to the great discom­ homes and better, well-cared-for Roseburg— Calif. Ore. Pr. Co. Florida Educational Association, the field about five o’clock. He he estimated. church membership and with the fiture of Desk Sergeant Ed Wemple, children,” said Rev. Wright. files application for permit to de­ here in their annual convention would have been forty-seven years “Fear or sudden shock may sister churches. When the resig­ newspapermen and others. Soon the velop power of North Umpqua. January 2-4. It will be the largest old in December. The Reachents cause insanity, but unless there is nation was announced, there was police office was the porcupin’s. In Estimated potato yield in this convention that West Palm Beach have lived on the community for something in the brain that is not scarcely a dry eye in the church. the way of compromise he was led POMMI INI TV INTEREST state placed ait 4,500,000 bushels. has ever handled. URGED AS WAR CURE thirteen years. They have no child­ jur.t right the mind will not snap,” Official action was taken Monday to the Yuba River bottoms and turn­ Marshfield— Englewood coal mine ed loose. ren. Dr. Gregg was called and pro- Dr. Hyde said. “The same is true evening by the session. starts actual production of soft coal. COLUMBUS. Ohio. Oct. 16.— At­ ounced the cause of death as heart of disease. There are many diseases Mr. Koehler's going is nc/ alone Banks votes $32,000 bonds for in­ PENNSYLVANIA SPUDS SHORT GHOULS EXPLOIT BURIAL, tributing responsibility for the funeral. ¿.hat cause insanity, but if the per­ a great sorrow and loss to the stallation water system. World War to “ lack of community GROUND OF GEM EATERS Funeral services for the remains son is free from hereditary taint of ' church, but it is a distinct loss to HARRISBURG, Oct. 16— Penn­ Oregon wheat yield estimated at of interests primarily,” State Su­ will be held form Stocks funeral par­ insanity and has a strong healthy ' the community, for his active par- 26,300,000 bushels compared wkh sylvania s total potato crop this year DEFIANCE, Ohio, Oct. 16— Dia­ preme Judge Florence Allen, ad­ 19,774,000 bushels, last year; oats is expected to be about 20,540,000 lors Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 mind in most cases the disease will ticipation In every good movement, mond hunters discovered that con­ dresing the Woman’s Association o’clock. Burial will be made in Ash­ bushels, or at least 20 per cent be­ not affect ...he mind. j and his helpfulness will he sorely at 10,500,000 bushels land. victs, working in the South African of Commerce here, declared that “If “The rush of life In the larger ! missed. Klamath Falls celebrates laying low normal, according Jto reports mines, were in the habit of swallow­ the white race Is to maintain Its cities is responsible for much of the The loss of Mrs. Koehler will be first rail on Natron Cutoff extension compiled by the state Department of insanity, and that is why when a felt no less keenly and sad are ¿he ing diamonds and that death resum­ supremacy the Causcasian nations of Southern Pacific railroad from Agriculture. Dry wea/her Is blamed PROPHESIED LIGHTNING must cultivate this spirit.” for the present shortage. STROKE COMES TO PASS city grows rapidly and people begin hearts of those with whom she has ed from such misconduct. Acting Eugene to Weed. Asserting that the white race can­ living faster we have more insane ‘ worked and to whom she has so upon this information the hunters Work started on Portland $300,- not survive another such conflict Silverton— New steel bridge to be SUPERIOR, Wls., Oct. 15.— Neigh­ from that city.” j truly been a friend. All know that for this gem bought an entire ceme­ as the recent World War, Miss Allen 000 showcase factory. built over Silver Creek by S. P. Co. bors used to merely grin when they Keeping the patients cheerful is their going means greater opportun- tery where bodies of such convicts stated that “peace must be assured Stayton— 800,000 young salmdn City budget of Pendleton cut heard Joseph Marshall a farmer liv­ one of ¿he big things in treatment ity for service and that what is our ur ’ an^ ma(^e a fortune by turned into Santiam. $4,000 below 1923. removing the diamonds from the whether the assurance is brought a- ing near Saunders, Wls., predict that of the mentally diseased, he said, loss is Spokane’s gain, and ¿he good Corvallis— New Methodist church carcasses, acordlng to H. H. Mollen- bout through a League of Nations Coos county to vote on $300,000 some day lightning would strike him. and for this reason plenty of whole­ wishes of the congregation and has 31 rooms. road bond issue. cup, local jeweler, addressing mem­ or some other such tribunal.” Now they are taking his abilities some entertainment is provided. everyone is theirs. Albany— Charles Alexander, bers of the Defiance Exchange Club. Salem Chamber of Commerce goes as a forcaster more seriously. Mar­ Contrary to general Impression, Editor, Sunday Democrat, has a on record against state income tax. shal was seated on the porch of his Dr. Hyde declared that strai.‘-jack- FAMOUS FRENCH RECIPES novel published. “Fang of the For­ Gresham to have $100,000 elec­ FIRE CHIEF PUTS OUT BRIDGEPORT BOYS HAVE home in a thundershower when a ets were not used. est.” tric say factory. THE NUMERALS COMPLEX bolt enveloped him In flames. He AUTO FIRE WITH GRASS “I have never seen a strait-jack­ Salmis of Game Bend to have a state approved Portland— Largesf cereal cargo In was painfully burned and his right et in use in an asylum in my life.” PARIS, Oct. 15— September is filteration plant. history of this port loaded for leg was shattered. Physicians at­ he added. “Certainly we never use BELLAIRE. Ohio, Oct. 16— A BRIDGEPORT. Ohio, Oct. 16.— the month for the real gourmand to Oakridge growing rapidly— rail­ Orient carrying 13.250 tons wheat tending him said he had an even one here. We do not resort to soli­ Local youngsters ^have the figure new fire extinguisher has been visit Paris for there is a wealth of roads build towns. valued at $725,000. chance for recovery. found by Fire Chief Charles Grantz delectable food on all restaurant tary confinement either. When a fever. Corvallis— Odd Fellows to build In the United States the General Every boy, of grade school age, here' is gra9S- 14 happened this menus— fresh oysters, capons and patient becomes vloler/ w re give him hall on site of old M. E. church. Electric Comapny has manufactur­ HIGHWAY BRIDGE NAMED way: The chief and his wife were all kinds of fresh game. a shower bath. That usually quiets J who owns a jersey has had one or Salem— North 20th street to be ing plants In 40 cities, and sales of­ AFTER HERO OF ARGONNE him.” more figures sew’ed, or painted, on auto riding when the car ignited Salmis of wild game is one of ¿.he paved. fices or distributors in 87 cities. from the ignition wires. Floor the rear exposure of his outer gar­ best French dishes and can be made P o r 1 1 a n d— Willamette Iron Electric light and power compan­ boards were burning. There was no with pheasants, woodcock or part­ PUTNAM, Coon., Oct. 16.— A ment in emulation of the players Works awarded $251,403 pipe line ies serving 37 per cent of all the new precedent waa established here AUSTRALIA PUTS BAN ridges. on the local high school eleven whose fire extinguisher on ¿he machine. contract. ON KANGAROO EXPORT people in the United States, and when the State Highway Department Mrs. Grantz jumped out and be­ jerseys are adorned with numerals. Roast the game for twelve to fif­ Salem— Per capita expense of telephone companies serving prac­ named a new bridge built to carry gan pulling up grass alongside the teen minutes so that it is just bleed- state institutions except prison and CINCINNATI. Ohio, Oct. 15.— tically the entire country, are carry­ a re-paved highway over a river road. The grass was damp due to ing. Brown in oil a few small onions tuberculosis hospital reduced. Australia has placed a ban upon the JOINS ALPHA KAPPA ing on customer ownership activi­ after a local war hero. Harry Clin­ recent heavy rains. She tossed the shallots and a bit of garlic wVh lau­ Cottage Grove cannery packing 8 ties. Since customer ownership ton Hopkins, who died in the Argon­ exports of kangaroos, according to grass to Chief Gratz( who piled it rel and parsley. Moisten with a lit­ tons prunes daily. Ellis S. Jacobs, noted Australian hun­ movement started in June 1914, ap­ ne in October, 1918, is the one for UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu­ on the burning boards, putting out tle warm water and then add some ter, who has just sold fourteen of Dallas to spend $50,000 on sew­ proximately 1,500,000 citizens have whom the bridge is named. Other gene, Oot. 16,— Dwight W. Gregg of the fire- brown sauce which has been made age system. the residents of the antipodes to the become stockholders in electrical, Connecticut towns will follow suit. Ashland, a student in the Univer­ Cincinnati Zoological Gardens. before hand. Let cook one-half hour. LaGrande to spend $66.234 on telephone service and gas companies “Metal Mike” is the picturesque In a letter to Sol Stephan, general sity of Oregon Medical School at paving. Remove the skin from the fowl During 1923 the service companies title o fthe automatic helmsman, a An electric range can be kept and cut up. Chop and crush the ot the zoo. Jacobs stated Portland has been pledged to Alpha P o r 1 1 a n. d— Willamette Iron will obtain through customer own­ looking clean and bright by rub­ ‘‘ “ .t_W’ . WOUl.d be the 8l>lpn.ent Kappa Kappa, men s national med- cross between a gyroscpoe and an bones and add to ¿he sauce. Boil & Steel Works to add $100,000 new ership upwards of $300.000,000 for bing it once a week with vaseline of kangaroos from Australia. electric automatic compass of the for a moment and pour over the equipment. Annual payroll in excess ical fraternity. The Oregon chapter Harry Luchenbach. construction of plants, additions and or a cleaning oil and then polishing The ship has of $1,500,00 with 1,000 workers. of the organization is known as the just made a 12,000 mile trip under fowl. Add cooked mushrooms and extensions. . It with a soft dry cloth. arrange with crisp croutons about Classified ads bring results, Upsllon chapter. the control of the mechanical pilot, it SYRACUSE D. D. Clues To Bandits May Be Narrowing ~~ÿ National “Forget-Me-Not” Day Will Yield Funds to Aid Veterans of War