P age pour ASHLAND DAILY TÎDÎNGS • » « • Monday, October H, llfcitf RECENT DIVORCES ADD INTEREST TO PICTURE “BRASS” HERE TUESDAY BIBLE IS “ BEST SELLER” REV. HART C. OF C. SPEAKER DUNSMUIR MAN LIES STILL IN GREAT BRITAIN: ______ INJURED UNTIL HIS Rev. F. Gordon H art of G rants Í « LONDON, Oct. 8.— The Bible is COMPANIONS FIND HIM ♦ ♦ A Dally Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of still the “ best seller” in Great B rit­ Pass wil be the principal speaker at I DUSMUIR, Cal., Oct.8.— Bert Quite a little interest is shown : the Chamber of Commerce dinner at 1 ain. local interest. by the gossip and talk about M arie' Clark of this place is recuperating Statistics made public by the Ashland Hotel Tuesday evening. Mr. Prevost and Monte Blue, announce­ ♦ » « > > » + « « m «♦» * ♦ * » ♦ » » » « » « « « » »A « British and Foreign Bible Society H art comes from a recent extended from an unpleasant experience while m ent of whose divorces was made More Stamps to Come— Ashland Gets New Residents—/ th at during 1922, 1,101,574 copies of visit in England with a fresh view- hunting last week. Sunday, in the picture “ B rass” The first allotm ent of H arding Mrs. M. B rannan and brother, E. Clark, who had become separated is to be shown a t the Vining Industry Is At Peak, With Grain I the Bible were sold in England and ! point of economic conditions Irf thaz j from Memorial stam ps Is practically ex­ E. Hill of Albany have recently come which bia companions, stepped on a Tuesday> W ednesday and Thursday Crops Showing Record Yield, and ¡Wales. This is 31,7,000 more than hausted but the second issue has zo Ashland and will live indefinitely of tWs week. Marie and Monte w country, rotten log, which gave way and threw Prosperity To All. ¡were sold in 1921. been started and an additional quota on North Main street. Mrs. B rannan not m arrled to each cZher F ar be ere I him to the ground. One shoulder iL ---------- j In the first three years after the will reach Ashland soon. One native is the m other of Mrs. E rnest Hicks, The gosglp ig they may be. And tbe P ortland— Third Bull Run pipe was dislocated and his head cut. Review of the business conditions; w ar sales of the Bible in England Unable to proceed, Clark fired his son of Ashland jokingly declares who is delighted to welcome her funny part about it is “ Brass” is the in the state of Oregon for the past and Wales fell below the l,000,00u line, 25 miles in length, extending ftoni headw aters a t Bull Run to Mt. gun to alarm his party, but to no th at Ashland is In m ourning with the mother to Southern Oregon. story of a m arriage ring of brass week shows a fine increase. Wes­ m ark each year. The increase for Tabor reservoirs, to be built at cost avail. He lay until they found him entrance df the new post-m aster as instead of pure gold. Marie’s hus­ tern industry is thriving with the last year, according to officials of of $2,500,000. t , after hours of search. the stam ps are done in black and Eat a fresh tam ale at Rose Bros band, H. C. Gerke, accused Marie of the society, “ points to a revival of white, which is fitting, he says, for first breath of autum n, harvet com­ Bible reading throughout the coun- deserting him. They were m arried in pleted, lum ber industry at the peak J try .” the occasion. It is said by officials Lloyd fthriner in College__ 1918, but none knew it, even Marie’s be Pr‘n t' L,Oi"1 W Shri“ ‘‘r ’ Ot Mr- and m0**, er, and t o » » " only » h en grain crops In a record yield, m ining' C. OF C. MEETING Mi 3. I. N. L. Shriner of the Scenic Qerke filed suit for divorce a few districts are working lull shifts, beet Drive has returned to Corvallis and m onths ago. sugar factories preparing for gigantic When a loss comes along, my entered O. A. C. in his sophomore Chamber of Cotnemrce members run, and oil development continues Blue, Gerard Monte Blue, was di­ companies pay. Yeo, of course. 21-tf year vorced by his wife for desertion in unabated. In fact prosperity for all. desiring to attend the dinner at the the same court. Mrs. Blue said she Below is given a resum e of en ter­ Hotel Ashland tomorrow, Tuesday, M r« p m ii , i 1 haVe made a sPec,al study of and Monte had been happy until he prises and industries for the past at 6:30 P. M. should notify the se c -! reZary at once as the seating capa- C onvalescent'Home Jo? f F t automobIle insurance; get my rates left his job a9 a 8hipplng clerk in week. Convalescent Home today for a rest first. Yeo, of course. ' 21-tf W est coast sawmills for past week limited, Chicago to become a movie actor. cure, in hope of w arding off a ner cut 112,335,206 ft. lum ber, 24 per! O ther actors in “ B rass” are Irene vous breakdown. To Los Angeles— The first national pennant io be Rich, H arry Myers, Helen Ferguson, cent above normal. New business, 12 V 1 won by a school enrolled in the Mr. and Mrs. H. T. H artm an sta rt- F rank Keenan, Miss DuPont and per cent. í L Oranges, lemons. grap efru it— ed Saturday m orning to Los Ange- Pat O’Malley. health education departm ent of the A storia— 45 vessels loaded and Detrick sells for less. îo e tf les. They are traveling in the H a r t - ; ______________________ discharged at this port in September.; Oregon 1 uberculosis Association lias man motor and will be in the south SEATTLE GROOM OF TWO Seaside— 20 school districts in *,een aw arded to Grade 7A of the Spending Week Here— a few weeks. They also returned Clatsop county lower tax rates for East Hill School at The Dalles. The MONTHS SHOT BY YOUNG Miss Doris K leinham m er is visit-1 from a trip to Portland last week. pennant was aw arded by the N ation­ WOMAN AT CHICKEN FARM next year; 6 are raised. ing the home of Mrs. C atherine Van _______ Prineville— Green Mountain mine al Tuberculosis Associez ion for pro­ Dyke on Morton street. Because of B i r t h - SEATTLE, Oct. 8— H arry LaCelle, finds gold and silver in paying quan­ ficiency in health work. ill health, she will rem ain several Born to Mr- an(1M rs- Ivan ° ’Don-i prom inent advertising man, was tities. day8, oghue, at Weed, September 29, NOTICE Hood River will spend $10,000 on wounded fatally a t a road house daughter, P atricia Anne. REDUCED LOAD LIMIT near here last nighZ by W inifred development work for coming year. Looking at the new teurir.g cai 'rom the eide, you arc at once W atch Rose Bros, window for tha Ashland-Klamath Falls Highway favorably rnipreist-d with the el: c to i longer, tuore graceful line« Lebanon banks show deposits of Gibbons, nineteen-year-old divorcee. hum idor candy ja r. 28-6 , We make a specialty o( picnic and LaCelle was a t the reso rt w ith his secured by enlarging the c o u l : ;.d raising the radiator Maximum load limfZ. on Ashland-1 $886,028.21, or gain of $42,556.06 cam pers’ needs. D etrick’s. i s « . « brlde months LaCeIle made over June. K lam ath Falls Highway between the , Slanting windshield nrxl one-tti •’ top lend material aid in giving Returns Home— the entire car a lower, mere st) . ;h appearance« junction with the Pacific Highway North Powder— Pac. F ru it Ex- j a statem ent before he died th a t he Miss Neva G earhart who has been Week-End Visitor— press to spend $20,000 enlarging south of A shland- and the city lim its ! A n apron connecting the radial r with the fender skirts is also had never seen the woman before. visiting several and weeks with relatives who In Ashland ,, 3 I . “J ” TrOt' “ “ h<"” e i L c e U . w ith a num ber o("ot'h«r men. local plant. a decided improvement. of K lam ath Falls in Jackson and wim relatives and who also attend-, of her parents Mr and Mrs T P . ,, ed th e round >,n in P .n tiU fn « ¡ . p a ren ts Air. a n a Mrs. J. c . wag atandlng on Zh porch of the road A comiort feature much apprei luted by owners, is the additional A storia— Paving of Olney cuZ-off, Klam ath Counties, 16500 pounds i n - { h er stay h e « has re ^ rn e d , n F" 8" s° “ ° n ,B’ 8tre<>t’ house when a woman appeared, ask- eluding weight of vehicle. Maximum i leg room provided by the eaL r ment of the cowl. south of town, completed. Miss T rott ro tt retu rn s jng tbem to beip get an autom obile e ' pas wee "en • Ml88 Salem— C ontract let for $25,000 load per inch width of Zire for ; Allow us to show you the ent. e line cf new Ford cars now on home in California, having returned each week-end from her school vehicles having a total tire width display in our show room. on out of th e ditch. As he started down one-story business building. late last week. Anderson creek. «. ___ . . . .. . the steps to aid, the woman drew Bend— W ork starts on $14,000 of th irty inches or over, 450 pounds; 7 hese ca n can be obtained through for vehicles having a total tire wid­ ‘ a revolver and shot LaCelle in the brick store building. the Ford K 'eeh ly P u rch a te Plan. Use our rental library. 25c gets Visiting from Roseburg— t abdomen. she Insi8tg jthe km ,ng wag th of less than th irty inches, 3' Albany— F irst unit of large grain any popular book— E lh a rt’s. pounds per inch widZ.h of tire. 91 M nn W o « .' MF9' R&WllngS is vislt,ng at occidental. only w anting to scare w arehouse to go up at once. 31-Mon-Med the home of her father, J. C. Poor tbem a Effective October 15, 1923 to Coos Bay section booming in every on Sherman street and other friends April 15, 1924. respecZ, new roads, many new build­ Returned Yesterday— A uthority, Laws 1923, Chapter this week. Mrs. Rawlings came to to DEPORT ALIEN DRUG ings. Mrs. Geo. Icenhower returned last Medford Saturday, spending the day 145, Section 1. VENDERS AS TERMS END Beaverton to hold $65,000 bond evening from Los Angeles where she there with friends and came to Ash- By Order of the election for connection with P o rt­ has spent the past month attending land yesterday. Miss Chalotte Chap- OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COM­ KANSAS CITY, Oct. 8— Alien land w ater system. MISSION, Zhe m eetings of Mrs. Amiee Me- pel plans to come from Medford and convicta 8erving sentences ' in '¡to Bend— American Legion takes 99- Pherson, known to thousands of *’ill be the guest of friends during Federal penitentiary at Levenworth,, Wm. Duby, Chairman year lease on site for erection of people for her unusual divine heal- the rem ainder of the time th a t Mrs. Kan., num btring 225, will he re a r­ building. H. B. Van Duzer, Commissioner ing prayers. Mrs. Icenhower was Rawlings is here. W. H. Malone, Commissioner. rested a t the expiration of their Lum ber shipm ents form Columbia pleased with the south. ---------- sentences and deported. river during September reached 90,- Portland, Oregon, ______ < Ipens S c h o o l- 31-1 E. P. Reynolds, im m igration In­ 367,437 ft., carried on 103 vessels. ! September 25, 1923. Have a fit a t Orres. Ttilors for Miss Ruth Fifield has gone to spector, announced he already has Eugene proposes $298,000 drain-! — men and women. Upstairs. 4-tf HiSt where she opened her school at filed prelim inary proceedings neces­ age system. ---------- i the Moon lum ber camp today. Her sary to deport the aliens. J R ickreall— ContracZ let for steel Luncheon Visitors— j position in McNairs is again filled by A m ajority of those to be re tu rn ­ and concrete building. Among Ashland club women who her ®iste r> Miss M arjorie, ed to th eir native land are Italians Receipts of state fair this year ag­ will attend the lunejieon given under ---------- who were convicted of violaZing the gregated $102,263.63, as compared the auspices of the Jackson County Ashland-K. Falls Play Tie Game— H arrison anti-narcotic law, Rey- with $92,452.20 for 1922. H ealth Council at zhe Hotel Med-; A shland’s initial football game re- „olds said. The Ha'rrison act pro­ H arrisburg ti get handle and box ford today will be Mrs. J. P. Dodge. 8l‘,ted a tie score, 13-13. Accord- vi(le8 th a t upon conviction an alien factory. Mrs. MacCracken, Mrs. J. H. Dill. inK ‘o some who witnessed the game, ia liabie to deportation Eugene building perm its for Sep­ Mrs. W right, president of the Civic th ^ e is no doubt but th at Ashland v irtu a lly all those affected were tem ber totaled $94,450. Club, and Mrs. D. Perozzi. will be able Z.o defend her rig h t next J sentenced from Missouri. Kansas, Baker— Bids being received for ---------- week when the K lam ath Falls ag- Oklahoma and A rkansas. macadamizing Mason-Salisbury sec­ If you w ant a real tam ale try gr ga tl°n play here. Both team s are This new serie» of lessons on mtlle cookery will appear weekly. Mrs. Blake*» tion of Lockhart m arket road. Enders Confectionery. hndicappd with the poor condition of STOKES .JURY COMPLETE Hood River county to vote on counsel will he helpful and stimulating, because of her practical experience the field as a recent rain rendered CO-RESPONDENT NAMED $60,000 bond issue for perm anent in home cooking. She will answer any question on cookery asked by her H unting Trip P l a n n e d - the area groggy and slick. Roads to ______ road connecting Columbia and Loop readers. Address Mrs. Mary Blake, tare Carnation ¿dilk Products Co., Hank Pace and Ted GeBauer plan- Klam ath Falls are in fair condition NEW YORK, Oct. 8— The jury to highways with in terstate bridge. Stuart Building, Seattle, I, ashinyton. n- .? ° i e.aV®. this m orning for Lake Ugh are uncertain owi“ g the decide w hether W. E. D. Stokes, mil- Medford’s new arm ory almost of the Woods where they will hunt changing w eather, 6 . lionaire clubman, to secure a divorce completed at cost of $80,000. deer and ducks. Lesson 2 St. Helens harvesting cranberries. from his pretty wife, forty-»two years R. W. Caswell, wife and d a u g h te r( hifl ju n io r, waa completed by the F ru it large and of good quality. Be individual. It costs no more of Stockton are among guests of the. 8upreme court today in alm ost rec- Springfield— Carbolineum Wood See P aulserud’s suits. 25tf¡ Hotel Columbia. I ord time. E ight of the ju ro rs are Preserving Co. installs big electric . ---------- i m arried men and fathers. Counsel crane. a p p y is the housewife who can get Flake the cooked fish and season. Cool the Story Telling Hour Good— Ir. and Mrs. W. D. M artin of for sto k es outlined his case to the Oregon City— Hawley Pulp & thin white sauce, add the fish, then the well- away from the customary fried or Under the direction of Miss K ath­ Caldwell are among out-of-town jury , in a declaration ¿that they ex­ Paper Co. to build $1,250,000 addi­ beaten yolks and mix. Fold in the whites of baked meats and produce savory dishes eggs beaten stiff. Bake in buttered individual erine Parson fifty-one youngsters of ^ues^9 pect to show Mrs. Stokes has been tion affording employment for 250 baking dishes or in a pudding dish set in a pan Ashland were held Saturday after- '--------- that are both easily digested and tempting unfaithful in her m arriage vows additional men. of hot water. Bake twenty minutes, or until noon at the story Celling hour in the F - A’ stew a rt of Puyallup is a- since the m arriage. Edgar T. W al­ to the appetites of her family. puffed and brown. Serve immediately. This La Grande lets $24,499 contract library. The attendance is growing mong out-of-town visitors. recipe serves six people. lace, form er oflcial of the subway for cement sidewalks. In this lesson I am going to suggest sev­ rapidly and It Is thought by the! ---------- lines, is named as co-respondent. McMinnville B aptists b r e a k Creamed Chipped Beef eral delight I ul ways in which fish or meats M. Stew art of Puyallup is among library leaders th at It will be neces- ground for new $100,000 church. % teaspoon salt, 2 table­ can be enriched in flavor and made more sary to use a larger room If the tate arrivals at the Hotel Ashland, p e a k WAGES AGAIN spoons butter, % cup Car­ hour grows in its fascination. nation Milk, 1 cup water, nutritious by the addition of sauces or by RAILMEN’S DEMAND I Mr. and Mrs. Edw ard C. Ulen of 2 tablespoons flour, hi tea­ special methods of cooking. spoon pepper, % pound W affles with butter-scotch at En- Nevada Ci»ty are among out-of-town CLEVELAND, Oct. 8— The de­ chipped beef. Melt the ders Confectionery. One of the first steps is the preparation TME TMEATCR 31-tf visitors. butter, add flour, stirring mand for increases in the wages of constantly u n t i l thor­ of a white sauce, either thick or thin. Here railroad trainm en and conductors oughly blended. Add the liquid, salt and pep­ J. B. Munyon and wife of Port- Many People go to Medford— are quick, simple recipes: LAST TIMES TODAY will be presented to the railroad ex­ per. Let boil until thickened, stirring occa­ land were week-end visitors. Several parties have been formed sionally. Add beef and continue cooking until ecutives October 10, it was announ­ W h ite Sauce beef is heated through. Turn onto a hot plat­ who will attend the Black and W hite! ced today. The organizations recent­ For thin white sauce take 2 tablespoons flour, te r and garnish with toast points. This recipe review given tonight at the Page R' E‘ Alli8on and wife are among ly voted to demand a restoration of 2 tablespoons butter or substitute, % teaspoon will serve four people. theatre in Medford. Julian EUinge; ° ther vlsitors from K lam ath Falls, the “ peak” wages which were cut salt, % cup water, % cup Carnation Milk. Melt butter or butter substitute, add flour and stir is said to be the draw ing card of th e 1 by the railw ay labor board July 1, Questions and Answers until thoroughly mixed. Add the milk and Mr. and Mrs. Davis W illiamson of 1921 program. Is there any sugar used in making Carna­ cook about five minutes or until the mixture Gridley are among out-of-town tion Milk? Mrs. T. M. B. thickens, and add seasonings. This recipe makes one cup sauce. It costs nothing to get my insur­ i visitors. No; Carnation is just pure cow's milk HUDSON WORKERS IDLE Thick white sauce is made just the same way, evaporated until about half the water is ance rates. Yeo of, course. 21-tf except use twice the flour (4 tablespoons) and Ira W illiams of Portland and removed. Nothing is added. 2% tablespoons butter or substitute. NEW YORK, Oct. 8— Eighteen of Lloyd B. Jeager of P ortland are College Club Meet— These sauces can be used in a variety of ways the twenty-two collectors of the Can you tell me the proper way to set a in preparing either fish or meats. table? Mrs. B. IV. S. The W omen’s College Club will among week-end guests. Hudson coal company, between Ply­ meet in the Ashland Civic Club Full directions for this will be found on m outh and Carbondale are on strike. Fish Croquettes Mrs. Ed. Oberg of Prospect a n d ’ It ig e8tlmated tw enty thousand men 2 cups cold cooked fish, the inside cover of the book, “One Hun­ house next Saturday afternoon at 1 Mrs. T. Oberg of Portland are guests are idle 1 cup thick white sauce, dred Tested Recipes,” which will be sent 2:30 o’clock. All college women and salt and pepper. Pull fish from northern cities. free to you on request. teachers are invited. apart in small pieces, us­ ing a fork. Season with I SMITH RESENTS BEING H hy do you call Carnation the milk “from Among oufc-of-town visitors are salt and pepper and add A book for the price of a m aga­ SUMMARILY DISMISSED contented cows”?— Mrs. J. M. C. to thick w h i t e sauce; zine— E lharts. 31- Mon,-Wed. Mr. and Mrs. K. G. L audgraf of Los MAY TOUR STATE then put on a plat« to In the earliest days of its manufacture Angeles. cool. Shape, roll in crumbs, then in slightly it was determined that only high-grade beaten egg and again in bread crumbs, and fry W eek’s W eather— SALEM, Oct. 8— W arden Johnson milk from dairies which conformed to cer­ in deep fat. Drain and garnish with parsley. Pacific Coast states— g en erally ! a "h»**1111 MF9’ A’ Borners a n d | Smith didn’t resign as Governor tain regulations in their care of cows, was This recipe serves six people. foi,. „^„.1 J »eueraiij daughter are out-of-town visitors Pierce anonunced, but was “sum ­ (air southern and central California trom Lo9 Angels,s sufficiently good to he used in making Qar- m arily rem oved” declared Smith to ­ Creamed Salmon occasional showers elsewhere Teni- nation Milk. Where these rules for the 2 cups salmon, 2 cups thin white sauce; flake day. F urtherm ore, feeling he has not perature normal. care and feeding of cows are observed, WILLIAM deMILLE the fish, add to hot thin white sauce and serve Anna Madden of Portland is an-^ been accorded a square deal, he pro- WITH the animals could not help but be con­ Ready-to-wear suits at Paul other visitor from on toast. This recipe serves six people. M A Y M cA V O Y Multnomah, pogeB t0 iet j be peOpie know how he serud’s. tented, and it is a well-known fact that 2 5-ft county. L O IS W I L S O N Baked Hash feels. Smith declared he is consider­ under such conditions a cow will give ELLIOTT DEXTER Vi cup fat, IV2 cups meat, 3 cups mashed more and better milk. ing touring the state in defense of Rev. Purdy Preached— .wtatoes, onion juice, salt and pepper, chopped «»d GEORGE FAWCETT W. N. Sharp of Sprague River and. hIg prlgon policy D alrym ple, the new parsley. . The Rev. J. Edgar Purdy, repre- Seymour Hood of Sprague River are ------m m a warden, is busy qualifying for the Grind the cooked meat and season. Melt one serZative of W illam ette College, Ore­ out-of-town business visitors Ubieapoon fat in a baking dish. Mix the In­ job. Meanwhile, Smith is not idle, D om estic Selene« Uept. gon’s M ethodist school, delivered the “ LOST CONTROL” gredients well, moisten with Carnation Milk having dismissed two guards and de­ Sunday m orning sermon for Rev. diluted with water, put in the oiled baking dish L. N. Dunham of Chicago is a- clared th a t three or four more prob­ is th e c o m e d v and bake in a moderately hot oven until brown Chaney, who had ju st returned from mong late arrivals W rite for free booklet ably will be discharged before he re ­ an top. This recipe serves six people. of 100 tested milk reci­ Portland where he attended thei • pes. Address Carnation linquishes the w ardenship. “ I ’m TUES.— WED.— THURS. funeral services for the rem ains of Henry M. Strong of Chicago is a Fish Souffle Milk Products Co., Hili», ju st getting rid of a few surplus 2 cups fish, l 1^ cups thin white sauce, parsley boro, Ore. is brother, who was a m issionary in business visitor from the Windy City men, Smith explained of his eleven­ and 2 eggs beaten separately. Chile. th hour housecleaning. The prison Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Henderson are employees view the situation differ­ (C Up and paste this lesson in your cook book. I f you have missed Cliff Payne makes Book racks. any previous lesson, I will be ylad to send it to you on request.) among Multnomah county visitors. ently however, as "pure spite w ork?’ : LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES E t Easy Ways to Serve Fish and Meats H onte» BRASS’