A shland D aily T idings ASHLAND CLIMATE, with out the aid of medicine cures nine cases out ten of asthma. — _ **................................................ ..................... v A G A IN STK ELS BIG SPORTS IN R E A D IN E S S PROGRAM IS FRISCO PLAN p . ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1993 NO. 29 Entire Town of Elcho Lives in This Hotel Complaint Expected To Be Sworn To To-Day; Assistant District Attorney Wires T h at1 Prisoner Is Not Sane STOCKTON (Sam Joaquin Co.), Oct. 5— A com plaint charging Alex A. Kels, Lodi butcher, with the m ur­ der of an unidentified man has been prepared by the d istrict atto rn ey ’s office here at the request of Sheriff W. H. Riecks, who wired early to-day th at he was on his way here with bis prisoner. Kels Held to Re Sane Deputy District A ttorney Sanborn said that the m urder com plaint prob­ ably would be sworn to sometime today. said that Kels showed no signs of insanity and he oelieved him abso- Enreka w ith Kels and Sheriff Riecks malaria germs cannot f — '* ’w three *nuuii13 U1 survive months in the = X rich Z ozone U at i Ashland. S X " The (International News Wire Service), Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. Legion Convention Delegates Will See Big Collection of Stars — - THE TIDINGS HAS BEEN ASHLAND’S LEADING NEWSPAPER FOR NEAKLY FIFTY YEARS T h u ,...™ ..,..« VOL NO. V. — . -------- i r B ZITA ON WAY 10 m siitis TO HUNGARY .... -- J h 8 «'**•1 World W ar Veteran Believed h* Diy Officers to Be in Probability of Effort To Re­ Bootleggers’ Employ. gain Throne, for Son, Is Seen in Move HELENA. Mont., Oct. 5— Mon- --------- Mont., q/Tter many weeks’ search. PARIS- Oct. 5— Empress Zita. A' The m oonshine-making outfit had ’widow of form er Em peror Karl, of CITY EXPECTS NOT been hidden in a tent, painted green, A ustria-H ungary, secretly has de­ LESS THAN 150,000 tana prohibition officers are search parted from her residence at San ing for a war veteran who saw ser- Sebastian, for Munich, according to - - American Legion Conventions vice overseas with a camouflage out- reports. At Munich, it is said, she Now Biggest Meeting fit. According to George Costello, plans to enlist the aid of Crown F e b , X O' t he” ? o w „ ^ 3° a X Y J* ,0 1,8 ‘»Pul.Uon. L U In the World ry agent of Glasgow, Mont., boot- Prince Rupprecht in placing her eld­ lumber company, decided to build a hotel am /eonnnunity center and J i U d T s O ^ a v s W; J**1*’ presldent of • eggers are believed to be employ- est son, Otto, on the H ungarian ¡ng one block and containing a movie theater hunk d m » etn ro i o ..i , ^8 ^ad erect®d a building occupy- ng the returned veteran to conceal throne. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 5.— (Spec­ of 60 rooms and equipped with every modern convenience. The emire X u l a X ’n ^ X ^ V h ^ h i ^ C°In8l8tIng their moonshine stills on Montana ia l).— A sports program rarely if Form er Em peror Karl died in b u ild in g In the <11, Is the community center, which everyone Is welMme to Join. ' ' ° th" farms. ever equalled in this country will This mad and heartless striving exile about a year ago, following a be offered 150,000| delegates nnd a fte r money seems especially wicked failure to regain the Hapsburg discovered in a tent near Bozeman throne. Ever since the World War. guests during the American Legion which divested the dual monarchy t ostelo said a still was recently national convention here Oct. 15-19. uiojj a u iu jn to j si oqw ‘ pjbmpooa \ of an occupant of the throne, the and pitched in a clump of willows Track and field, golf, tennis, foot­ O uoubn X aujonv lo jJlsja juk form er rulers have been making un­ Several times the dry officers came ball, baseball, aviation and aquatic -n g D uoijbw A aujojiv jo u je ia jub DES MOINES, la., Oct. 5— W ini­ w ithin a few feet of the hidden still successful efforts to attain a mili­ events form only a part of the stren ­ -tsissy iuojj poAiaooj uiBjaajaj y fred E. Robb, form er preacher-sher­ but were unable to locate it because tary and political coup which will uous schedule. lutely sane. Woodward is to have iff of this county and chaplain with of the successful camouflage, a place A ustria and H ungary again in Joie Ray, Clarence DeMar, C har­ charge of the case throughout. the list of nations with crowned lie H unter and H. Linder, Univer­ Leader Of H ot Springs F action large num ber of barrels, hidden iu Woodward stated th a t the pris­ the famous 168th In fan try during the willows nearby, were painted heads. Empress Zita is one of the sity of California distance man, will oner appeared greatly relieved after the W orld W ar, who resigned from A dm its D efeat And A dvises good looking and fairly sm art, royal green. compete in a l'ive-mile classic. Ray confessing his crime to Sheriff the m inistry as an outgrow th of “ Forget I t ; ” T akes F lin g criticism offered by his congrega­ will attem pt to lower the w orld’s Riecks. Three hundred gallons of whis­ women of Europe, and with an un­ _ A t Court tion resulting from the hanging of record for a mile if conditions are key, 1,300 pounds of sugar, 1,000 faltering zeal to develop a move­ P rison er in Irons right. pounds of corn and 15 barrels of ment both and m ilitarily and poli­ The sheriff’s wire said th a t he O rrie Cross, December 7, 1922, will Coach Hughes Has Good Bunch klamath f a t i q k ™ Charlie Paddock, C alifornia’s was returning with Kels in irons. retu rn to the gospel. were tically which will return to the Experienced Men For klamath falls , Oct. 5 - T h e mash, ready for distilling Hapsburgs the throne, especially Robb persisted th a t it was his sprint champion of the world is ex­ He expected to reach San Francisco found in the cache. 1923 Schedule court bou8e controversy was w ritten her son to preserve the lineage of pected to compete in the 100 and 220 late this evening. If plans made be­ duty to cut the rope th a t sent Orrie Evidence of the work of the vet­ succession. yesterday, ending the tangle for all yard dashes. Charles Brookins. Uni. fore the s ta rt are carried out, an Cross to his death, but the people eran has been uncevered in other time, when R. A. Em m itt, for many parts of the state. versity of Iowa, will defent bis automobile will be w aiting a t the protested so strongly in having h im ; U Was 8aid- 'G Y P S Y ’S PLAN T o Ito i t A shland’s high school pigskin: Vear3 a leader in the Hot Springs w orld’s titles in the 120 and 220 station to bring him, his prisoner and do so. northern Montana grain field a still SPIRITS COSTS *1,000 yard hurdles. “ W ith the greatest p art of my hooters go to K lam ath Falls tomor- faction> issued a statem ent acknow- was discovered hidden under a tent Woodward direct to Stockton. row for their initial gome of the sea-1 ledgl“ g defeat and advising the FALL RIVER, Mass., Oct. 5__ Basketball will see the famous H earing on a petition for letters life having been devoted to the min- which was covered with bunches of Mrs public to “ forget it” , Gloria Silva, of No. 170 Mul­ Sacram ento Post Coast League of adm inistration in the Kels es­ istry I don’t feel right in being son, with big chances for a winning grain, tied together, and ready for berry street, went to see a gypsy This action followed th at of the harvesting. For some champions in action against the best tate, filed by attorneys for the “ wid away from it. The pulpit is where! year of football. Coach Hughes has days dry fortune teller, who told her that she suprem e court recently in up agents searching for team s selected in a Legion to u rn a­ ow,” which was to have been held in I belong, and th a t’s where I can do ten last year’s men on the squad, I „ state 0,alng dM rM Jud' e £ the still was haunted by evil spirits and in ment. the superior court here today, has most good,” declared Robb. nine of jvhom are letter men. ¿ The * * rth desi8n atin .1 g the . 1 thought the disguised tent was a Dougan or order to drive them away must get The swimming meet at Neptune been postponed. mound of grain. Robb has already made a reputa- squad to be taken to Klam ath Sat $1.000 in cash and hang it around Main street stru ctu re as the official beach, Alameda, will include George In the meantime, as far as the tion for him self throughout the state j urday will num ber seventeen. They Near Havre, Mont., a still was her neck. ! court house of Klam ath county, Schroth, P iiitic coast record man court is concerned, Kels is legally as a m inister of the gospel, a note are: foun on a m ountain. The still was i Klamath now has but one court Mrs. Silva drew the family sav­ and A1 W hite, present national in­ dead. worthy lecturer and a historian. An made of canvas and located on the W ilbur Chapman rig h t tackle; j hoaM laatead of , hree aB ha> ings and the gypsy helped her fix door springboard champion. Johnny illustrated history of the W orld W ar Erm ole Carlon, rig h t guard; Elm er, the ca8e (or edge of a cliff. Painted to resemble , the charm. Later Mrs. Silva found a W eism uller and Norman Ross, the IF KELS HANGS, W IFE by iChatplain Rqbb was published Dix, left guard: Glen Wilde, left end rocks, it was many weeks before T akes F lin g at Court roll of old paper around her neck best in their class, have been in­ W ILL GET INSURANCE recently. the moonshiners outfit was diseov- Chester Woods, rig h t end; A lbert i Em m itt said in part: instead of the currency. vited. If Alexander Kels, will be charged ered. Marske, q u arter; Merrick Thornton,! A national rif’e contest between with m urder today, is convicted and “ We have made a good fight in At G reat Falls a still was recently hack; Max Moffett, back; Howard BERRIANS to 20 states, with the arm y and navy hanged, life insurance compainies, „ , . , , ; - good cause with the m ajority be- Hohson, back or end; above all last hinrt . . T . . y found on the banks of the Missouri as added contenders, will be held all unless some unforeseen circum stan­ i ulna us ana lost. In defeat we have ATTEND FESTIVAL River. Here the still was located t:i year s letter men; Sam Prescott cen- x . during the conveLtlon. The Georgia ces arises, will have to pay Mrs. ter; Melrel Gooding, left tac k le ;)“ ? ? * wiadom, hope, regret. a cave. Painted canvas tree* were state Legion is defending its vic­ Kels the full am ount of his insurance. NEWBERO, Or., Ort. 5— The Her- Cleon Caldwell, q u a rte r; Hoyt! J ' “ h‘ ° lher 8,a“ 8 used to disguise a door, which tory of last year. rlans will attend the prune festival A ttorneys and life insurance com­ Downing, quarter; Barton PrnlanJ ” ’’ * e°"” 8 formed the entrance to the cave. The noted Agnetian club, with pany officials in Sacram ento agreed at Vancouver Friday, October 12. H.tiifv J / Uua Oregon. We regret th a t Klam- utillty for center, guard or tackle;! ••.* * « ,* six form er University of California upon this today. The point has been going in a body with their drill team Raymond McGee, tackle; Tom Bry2 to OFFENDED BISHOP SPURNS stars on its roster, will meet the brought up in the court;! on num er­ and band. Indications are that more $175,000 for which it will not re- CZECHOSLOVAK PRESIDENT ant, back; Ralph Robison, end. Mel- „ , champion fleet team Monday Oct. 15. ous occasions and in nearly every than 100 will make the trip. It is , . vel Gooding la a new man in th e ' , " ? 0“e ( Pe” “ y *" re,t " r n ’ Wo “re PRAGUE, Oct. 5— A Slovak Bish­ ' planned to leave here at 9:30, arrlv- A game between Mare Island sailor.; instance, the ruling has been in favor Dope F ien d t a u g h t Here Charged Aab|and hlgh h a v |a g com e [rom : sood sports and cheerful losers. We op. who was refused a passport to, ing at Vancouver " sh o rtly before and another fleet team is tentative. of the beneficiary. W ith T heft t of ’J e d fo rd Doctor’s H|1|al)<>ro Hoyt D ow a|ag [ro a]' are satisfied to wipe it out from the America recently by this governm ent' noon. The Prunarians Willie Ritchie, Jimmy B ritt and Almost the only exception, it was I beginning of the world to the end of Corona, In stead o f M edicine will give a Cleveland, Ohio, is another new man because he intended to propagate C. P. Deal of the Olympic Club will agreed, was when th e beneficiary tim e.” luncheon at noon, after which the on the squad, with Tom B ryant hav­ the policies of the Slovak separatist Berrians will participate. be part of the boxing card at a High was an accomplice in the crime for Throngh quick action and head Says B u ild in g is R am shackle ing come from McMinnville. party recently was invited by P res­ Jinks and sm oker the night of Oct. which the testato r was hanged. As a final fling at the now offi- work on the part of a local taxi driv- Quite a good sized bunch of Ash- ident Masaryk to the president’s CRATERS TO JOIN CELEBRATION 16. At Cost of Own Life i cial court house, Em m itt said: er, a dope fiend was apprehended land high boosters are expected to castle a t Topoltchany, along with W illiam Johnston, world tennis Foiled in what hp adm its wag an last night. follow the team to K lam ath Palle.l hl “ We reSre,t ,th a t, put of ,he scram - other Slovak bishops. He refused titler, will conduct an all-Legion ten­ attem pt to have his iifn insurance MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 5— The , ‘ ” “ T " ° m<,re th a ” the invitation and telegraphed the At 7:30 yesterday evening a taxi There Is a probability of A shland' nis meet. Legionnaires will also have paid his “ widow,’’ Kels at the cost C rater club of this city has decided ’ pos’ ™ae