PAGE TWO A shland daily tidings Thursday, October 4, 192.1 ««„.mu. i. »iHnaikMUMiuniiiiiiii.iiiiuhiimiitniniiuMtuniiiiH, A s h la n d D a ily T id in g s Bride’s Ten Commandments Don’t Work i - — ---- — ( E s ta b lis h e d bi 1 8 7 6 ) lUMWIlUUtllUMtntM P u b lish ed E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO Bert R. G re e r............................... Editoi OFFICIAL CITY PAPER Telephone 39 E n te re d a t th e A sh la n d , O regon, P o sto ffic e as S econd C lass M ail M a tte r. «... < ► ♦ 04» Subscription P rice, D e liv e r e d 3 n City O ne M c n th ........ .................................................. $ .g5 T h re e M onths ...................................................... 1 9 5 Six M onths ........................................................... 3.75 One Y e a r 7 50 142704789 B y M ail and R ural R ou tes: O ne M onth ..... ..................................................... 5 gg T h re e M o n th s ...................................................... j 95 Six M onths ........................................................... 350 O ne Y ear ................................................................ 6,50 DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: ♦ I <»<> <><> o <> 00 0 0 o O 00 <><> ▼ 0 o < > o <» S in g le in s e rtio n , p e r in c h .....................................30 Y e a rly C o n tra c ts : O ne in s e rtio n a w eek .................................. t 27% Two Insertions a w eek ...................... .25 D aily in s e rtio n ...............................................................30 R a te s F o r L egal and M isc e lla n eo u s A d v e rtis in g F irs t in s e rtio n , p e r 8 p o in t lin e .......... ........ 4 .10 E ach s u b s e q u e n t in s e rtio n , 8 p o in t l i n e .......... 05 C ard of T h a n k s ................................................. 1 oç O b itu a rie s, p e r lin e .................................................. 0 2% WHAT CONSTITUES ADVERTISING All f u tu r e e v e n ts, whe re a n a d m issio n c h a rg e is m ad e or a collectio n ta k e n i3 A d v e rtisin g . No d isc o u n t w ill be a llo w e d R e lig io u s or B e n e v o le n t o rd e rs . Mrs. M elville Thom pson, w ife of a Chicago attorney, before h er m ar­ riage w as Miss E lsa M iller, organist and heiress of S eattle, W ash. She w ent before h er m arriage to courts of dom estic relation w ith her fiance to study th e reasons fo r divorce. A fter m aking this study she w rote th e "B ride's Ten C om m andm ents.” They fo llo w : 1. L et your husband control the home. W hen you lose your respect for his ability you a re losing your love for him. 2. Be a good cook. I f you cannot cook, m ake it your business to hire a good cook and see th a t th e m eals a re served on tim e. 3. Keep your home a ttra c tiv e and cozy. If you are a m usician play and sing fo r him in th e evening. 4. Study his disposition and act accordingly. .. Do not blam e all of th e troubles ! on th e m an. Many tim es th e wom an Is to blam e. I learn ed th is in court out la te 1 ? m y0Ur husband- AccePt hls explanation of why he w as 4 *7 4n « l f ♦ Cou d not fru st him you should not have m arried him. . Do not nag. Most m en huve plenty o f troubles of th eir own 8; T ak e an in te re st in his business affairs. I f he Is a law yer ta lk w ith him ; if he is in politics talk politics. 9 E xercise your rig h t to vote and he’ll be proud of you. 1 ° ' Show him a little affection and atten tio n . M ake love to Mm Men like Îton raÜ1Cr th an belDg t0 m ake a11 Ü1U «Avances in th e show J f aff^c- He °£ °Qe « ^ ”0 STREET DRESSES FOR FALL VARY THEIR SKIRT LINES ♦ ♦♦ » ♦ » ♦ « ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ -» ♦ ♦ .............................. ..................► a 7 OCTOEER 4 COMMENDABLE VISION Decision by the city council to make a contract for two bundled million gallons of water yearly, for summer time or ice Ashland V ulcanizing W orks Harrison Bros. Ford G arage • W e s te r n HP M a d e tu r W e s te r n T r a d e '’