P age four ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS M M ÌiàM a W ednesday, October 8, 10,000 “HAPPY HOME” GINGHAM DRESSES AMOSKEAG-SECURITY GINGHAMS IN NEW STYLES AS PICTURED fou will be agreeably surprised to see w h a t charming m o d els a n d splendid qualities can be had a t this surprisingly lowprice in~> sec u s pat o rc the sterling co . C hicago THE NEWEST OF NEW STYLES 1SPLAYED FOR THE FIRST TIME ’ jm. «J; ? ’M ! r» #! » - . 1, « oi J» * se dresses are made larger and roomier than ever before, ring a perfect comfortable fit after being laundered. They replete with new ideas, new trimmings, new sleeves, ' fashions, new fancy patterns and many new features ays so characteristic of “Happy Home" apron dresses. m All Sizes From 36 to 46 EVERY DRESS IN THIS OFFERING IS MADE OF AMOSKEAG-SECURITY G IN G H A M S IN F A S T C O L O R S GUARANTEED AGAINST SUN AND W ASH TUB. You will find a wondrous display of stylish “Happy Home” models in attractive color-- ings that are a pleasure to eye—so refined and beautiful. Their stunning lines give an unmistakable character to the dresses and their well known sturdy qualities insure an appearance of neat dignity and high quality desired by all women. , ftW aM faW ttttf e t e Telephone Orders Tonight Only 6:00 to 9:00 p. in. For the convenience of any women unable to attend this sale, we have arranged to take phone orders this evening from 6:00 o’clock until 9:00 p. m. 'No phone orders will be accepted after tonight OUT OF TOWN PATRONS CAN ORDER BY MAIL SPECIFY STYLE NUMBER, SIZE AND COLOR A „ • JT* • Tg J y Copyrighted, 1923 By The Sterling Company Chicago, Illinois A t j ms Exceptionally Low Price You Will Want A t Least Six T h e D r e s s e s A r e A r r a n g e d B y S iz e s M a k in g S e le c tio n E a s y Two Days Only Two Big Days THURSDAY and FRIDAY Buy all yon want THURSDAY and FRIDAY Positively no returns or exchanges Where your dollar has more cents