Wedensday, October 3, 1923 ASHLAND BÁILY TIDINGS Classified Column 5 R BALE OR RENT A good used sewmg machine. Inquire of Mrs. C. E. Lane, Tidings. 27-4 »► +»»»* t » » »> »»♦»->, PAGE THUE« r LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES f ----- - ........... PARIS STYLE HINTS LOST— Ladies ~ bracelet A Daily Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of watch between 29 G ranite street and - Neck-lines Classified Column Kates local Interest. Mr. E n d e rs store about 4 p. m. Tues­ PARIS, Oct. 3— If there is still D ublin .’ b e t. 3 - M Ï n 'y 'M sV men ’ * One cent the word each time. (By Miss Li thia) day. R eturn to Mrs. H. W. P o tter »« some doubt as to the proper position “•"♦-I *■ - *< f I I t l ( I I I I who did not mind a bit the drastic Stick Your Toea To run every issue for one 29 Granite St. Reward. 27-2* of the waist-line, Paris designers Cliff Payne makes Screert Win-! month or more, %c the word Into a warm woolen com forter m easures taken by the Free State Ashland Lodge No. 23 each time. seem to have at least made it clear ws. LOST— Rrown cap, bearing~nam e dows ^ r a p your toes in a bungly outing to curb the activities of the Repub­ about the neck-line of th season. A. F . & A. M. M illett & Son. Finder notify Robert flannel nightgown and play tag with licans are very much perturbed be­ The old hatteau-shaped neck Herndon. Mrs. N. W ’olf of FOR SALE Special communication, Thursday Jack frost. Endless bright and in cause the Cosgrave governm ent has Portland is 27-1 opening th at has been enjoying so among late arrivals. evening, Oct. 4. F irst degree, th ree vigorating. 80ft and puzzling the decide to enforce the collection of much popularity has about disap­ K>R SALE— Used Ford ear cheap WANTED— Capably woman. Ap­ Income taxes. There is considerable candidates. V isiting brethrifn wel­ lavender and yellaw com binations peared. Only onw and then does noe Beaver R ealty Co. l y . tf ply Plaza Confectionery. 27-tf It costs nothing to get my in su r­ come. Meeting promptly at 7:30. lavender and yellow combinations eeling th at the Government is “ go­ spy it in the new colections, and ance rates. Yeo of, course. 21-tf K. P. NIMS, W. M stores to suggest crimpy~fa’ll” w^h ing too fa r.” FOR RENT H>R SALE— Wood burning h e at­ then usually in linen or organdie. W. H. DAY, Secy. 'I he m atter was brought sharply a t pum pkins, yellow cornstalks and er, alm ost new— Price $12.00. E S. The “ V” neck seems to be the chos­ R. E. W olf is an out-of-town to public attention when an income blushing apples. I" OR RENT— If you are looking M orrison-Automotive Shop. 27-7 en one. Some of the houses give it visitor from Portland. Vacation a Good One— The Most Fastidious Young Woman tax dodger was cast into Mountjoy ________ ___________ ^or first class 2-room furnished dfinite outlines, others drape it. for sale Two R am blant bucks apartm ent Phone 122. Mrs. F. L. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dennis retu rn - " be throw n into ecstacies when jail at the Instance of a tax collector. Round openings are also very We m ake a specialty of picnic and ed to Ashland last night from a 3he ls Presented a box of W hitman The defaulter persistently had re­ Mr. Scherdereiter, R 1-Box 173. Putm an. 23-tf much used, together with small fused to “come across” with his In­ cam pers needs. D etrick’s. 236-tf m otor trip to the W illam ette valley. Samplers. Everyone knows th a t 25-3* square ones with a rounded back, W eather conditions were ideal dur-! W hitman Sam pler is, and i t ’s a Ut- come tax, so the collector invoked ------ -------—----------------- for rent — Comfortable front te round »OWS FOR SALK— Four regis- b,‘d ro° ’». with bath; furnished, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Cooley ing the greatest portion of their out- tle cr°ss-stitch m esenger boy hasten­ the more drastic provisions of the Lenief is one who favors lh< neck cut ju st at the collar-bone, a tered Jerseys, eight mostly grade i APP>Y 108 G ranite St. 27-tf are am ong out-of-own visitors from ing and the State F air was wonder-1 please the palate. Individu­ law and had him incarcerated. style which is becoming to many Jerseys. Must sell because of sick­ G rants Pass. Now a lot of Irish citizens are a l . according to th eir opinion. Sev-' allty smacks you In the face with ness. w . E. Moor, 171 Helman St. FAMOUS FRENCH R EC IPE» beginning to see visions of them ­ women and especially to the ill-fav­ eral Ashland people were seen in tbe W hitm an containers— some are Jack Dunlap and party are among Salem as well as in other cities visit­ in nifty little boxes, to fit the small selves in durance vile for a sim ilar ored ones with too little flesh cover­ 27 eod-tf ing at this particular point. On his Ragout <»f Artichokes. recent arrivals. ed. A fter visiting the fair the party space in your pocket. For the spicy offense and there is much agitation FOR SALE!— One span horses, velvet frocks he puts a narrow bor­ A good washday dish is ragout of motored on to Portland where they tempered people, m ints coated and about it. wagon and harness, weight about artichoke d er of embroidery or fur and con­ easy to prepare and re- Be individual, it costs no more. spent a short time and returned to rol,ed again in chocolate resist the The habit of paying income tax 2,600; Seven head young cattle; Quires little watching, tinues it down the side in Russian See P au lseru d ’s suits. 25tft Ashland. Countless friends are in { most acid rem arks often made upon could hardly be said to have taken blouse m anner. one m are and buggy. C. B. Owen,' Clean carefully eight little onions the W illam ette valley whom the tbe most delicious of sweets. Every a deep root In Ireland. In the days 519 Mountain Ave. or see the stock and brown in butter. Clean two ten ­ The Persian neck is a specialty of Mr. and Mrs. R inehart of Cedar­ Dennis family visited with and box of sam plers Is done securely in when G reat B ritain controlled the and m achinery a t the ranch six miles der artichokes and remove the leaves one of the sm aller houses and is ville, Cal. a re among late arrivals. scores of acquaintances were at their glazed paper to insure perfect governm ent non-paym ent of income one of the prettiest to be seen. It out on Dead Indian road. 27-3* and grassy portions. Cut the hearts bidding to remain much longer. Mr. strength and renewed flavor when tax was viewed in the light of a is round, cut off to a slant on the itno small pieces and add to the When a loss comes along, my Dennis and family form erly lived sold. Even the sight of these tidy “ patriotic d u ty.” To pay the tax was WANTED _______ onions with about six small potatoes companies pay. Yeo, of course. 21-tf near Junction City and are well boxes is alm ost more than one can regarded as giving aid to the side, giving a most* becoming and “ enemy” . There came to prevail youthful finish. ‘Yvonne Davidson WANTED— Boy tc learn printing P,eCeS’ Salt> pepPer resist. known there. throughout the country a rath er uses it on a charm ing silver-gray trade. Call at Tidings ofice. l ltf I . P e " ty ° f b u tte r- Cover the Wm. E. R inehart is an out-of- «asserole as tightly as possible. Put town visitor from Nevada. scrupulous disregard for the income silk tricot gown. The neck is bor­ Grapes Are Served— Pleated Skirts— dered with the same fine gold thread tax. milch ° n ,he 3ide of the tsove to simmer WANTED— To buy fresh In an effort to interest travelers Are a revelation of small pleats em broidery which trim s the gown j c slowly for one and one-half hours. When the Free State came into cow. Registered preferred Mr. and Mrs. J. t . Goodman, Jr. in the grapes of the Rogue River I and broken into with a broader 26-5* Serve very bot with the meat are out-of-town guests form Salem. I valley, the Oxford hotel has hit upon spacing, th a t come in sand, gray, tan power, however, the governm ent not and is finished off with a narrow Rogers, 548 Iowa St. triple-colored tie in green, gray and T » ,v zi.M » . ---- .T.---------------------------- 1 COUrSe ° r as a seParate dish. One ' the idea of serving a small bunch of, brown and biege were recently laic only undertook to collect the current silver. A N \ GIRL IN TROUBLE— May, may leave the hearts of the arti- E. J. Taylor is an Ashland visitor the fruit at breakfast every morning on display. Any m anner of person tax but also made efforts to Im­ Many of Chanel’s little crepe de communicate with Ensign Lee of chokes whole if one prefers, pound certain a rrears of taxes d at­ from Portland. to the patrons of the dining room. may be fit and pleased with the chine frocks have, narroy bands a t­ the Salvation Army a t the W hite — — They are handed to the diners with trick and snug well dressed feeling ing back to the days of the Black tached to the bodice and standing Shield home, 565 M ayfair Ave., Have a fit a t Orres. Ttilors for an explanatory rem ark concerning that one of these new garm ents wrill and Tans. This was a jo lt th a t the up across the back of the neck and Portland, Oregon. 1 0 -ly r men and women. Upstairs. 4-tf them. Much interest has been give you. A thletic girls will have Irish taxpayers had not been look­ then brought around and tied loose- S5K aroused In the possibility for grape open sway and free access of every ing for, and th eir displeasure was | ly in front where the bodice ¡ r low. Always find relief and comfort in WANTED— Woman room er, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Grimes are re culture by this m ethod.— G rants I muscle, unham pered by hems and greatly in evidence. There is little doubt th a t the s ta n d ' ° ften the ° rder ‘8 revereed and kitchen privilege. 240 C St. Phone C H A M B E R L A I N ’S cent arrivals from Oakland. Pass Courier. narrow widths. Short girls will be taken by the governm ent with re-1 band tie8 in the back’ 288 R. 17-tf TABLETS made taller and slender and who gard to the income tax was a factor Evening gowns are cut low in the No griping—no nausea—only 25 cent« L. B. Moore and W. U. Moore are Arrivfsl this M orning— denies the charm of the growing in the recent elections. Many voters back and high in ,he front Many’ OWNER WILL SE LL—Desirable > among late arriv als from Portland. corner Home. Also gentle young cow. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Young arrived youth. Ask your dealer to see these undoubtedly carried their resent- ln faCt’ have " ° ba<*» B St. Phone 410-R. Dairym an’s Association for Jackson ---------- meet at the Civic Club house Thurs- Sw eater will be ju st the thing for 200-lm o county. Also to discuss any other day at 2 p. m. This m eeting is of the first football game of the sea- m atters th a t may come before the the utm ost importance as final co n -'so n , when you wish to be decked in planing mill meeting. vention plans will be made. Every the autum ns rosiest persuasion. J< WORKS, AND CABINET R- E. ROBISON, member of the association is urged ______ ORKS, Cor. Heilman and 27-1* Van Ness. President Dairy Ass’n. to be present. Form er Resident R eturns— 194-tf ____ S. B. Stoner from Los Angeles re-! SOMETHING NEW W orking in F ru it— —— turned to Ashland during the week-) Fix Up Shop An autom obile accident policj Mr. and Mrs. F orrest Boyles are end. Mr. Stoner is a property owner th at pays $25.00 per week; in hos in Ashland have been employed in here and came prim arily to arrange We repair fu rn itu re an d 'an y th in g THE best hiding place for your pital $37.50 per week; accidents the packing houses. Mrs. Boyles, who for business m atters. Owing to fall­ that needs fixing. North Main next death $1,000; in 5 years $1,500;' will be remembered as Miss Violet ing health, Mr. Stoner moved to Cal­ to Homes Grocery Store. money is this hank. For it is abso­ A Carload of Fencing, just cost only $7.00 per year. Phond Wood, lias been here several weeks ifornia. and it is reported th at his TV PEU IÎ1TER REPAIRING 274-J. Yeo, of course. and was joined recently by her hus­ health is much b etter as evidenced in. Why pay 10 or 15 cents lutely safe, you can get it when you band. F u tu re plans a re undecided by his looks. more per rod elsewhere. Just Typew riters— All makes, guaran'- want it and nobody else can find it. for to be mean, and to trade teed. Lowest Prices. Expert Repair- notice to school children To Visit — ON BICYCLES out of town, and genuine mg. Call or w rite L. D. Minkler 404 En Route to S e a t t le - Mrs. P. c . G arrett arrived Sunday ?ood American fence too that Liberty Building, Medford. Tele- When school is out do not bunch Mrs. A. B. Johnson visited a yon will get here. up on the streets nor ride along in from her home in Oakland to visit short time Monday with her sisters phone 162- 20-lm o. a zizzag m anner, but look where you with many Ashland friends. Mrs. Mrs. Jennie Churchman and Mrs. W. New and old Sewing ma­ are going and go where you are Waldo Klum will probably be her C. Mitchell. Mrs. Johnson was en chines always on hand. Har- PIANO TUNING looking. Please try to avoid acci­ hostess during the m ajor part of route to h er home In Seattle after nes and implement. You will Ashland. Oregon Card C. Bowen. B raum uller Plano dents with autom obiles. P a rt of the her time here, tho scores of friends a trip to California, having passed always find the best at , Co.. Hoboken. N. J. jg here tuning will vie for her pleasure. responsibility is on you. through Ashland recently, promis­ pianos. Leave orders Mrs. Putnam GEO. W. McNabb, ing to rem ain longer here on her Phone 122. 26-2* The Tidings office for all 24' 6 Chief of Police. return. O ther plans prevented her kinds of printing. doing so. Daily News Letter <: 1 & yi PROFESSIONAL NEW HEATERS PROVOST BROS Refrigerators The Bank and The Hiding Place The Citizens Bank of Ashland PEIL’S CORNER lr a -