ASHLAND 0ÀÎLŸ t ÌDÌÀGS F rid ay, Septem ber 28, 1028 a— — PAGE THREW NAVY ASK ED TO PLAY IN . ANNUAL FOOTBALL CLASSIC Classified Column Classified Column Rates One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month or more, Vic the word each time. FOR SALE FOR SALE— Two homes, pleasant and central location; fruit trees in bearing— apples, cherries, plum, peaches, paper shell almonds, figs— also gooseberry, currants, shrubbery and vines. Light airy rooms; hot and cold water in bed rooms! toilet and bath porcelain. Bath-toilet lower floor. Buck range, practically new; linoleum or kitchen, pantry, bath floors; covering for hall upper floors; window shades; rentable, never vacant. Terms reasonable by owner, 136 B. Street. 18-tf FOR SALE— One ton Ford truck will take part pay in wood. Terms. Inquire Automotive Shop. 18-6* aaa— — Fine Line Of NEW HEATERS We take used heaters in exchange for new ones. PROVOST BROS FOR SALE— R. I. Fries aim Broilers, Hens, Pullets and Cock­ erels. 22 rifle. Chemical toilet, etc. II. J. Durfee 705 Penn Ave. 21-3-5* Refrigerators FOR SALE— Ford bug, first class condition; cheap. Call 41. 21-3* PROFESSIONAL FOR SALE— Singer Sewing Ma­ chine in good condition. C. D. Clark, 84 Garfield St. 22-3* PH YSIC IA NS WANTED— Boy to learn printing trade. Call at Tidings ofice.. 14tf ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the White Shield home, 565 Mayfair Ave., Portland, Oregon. 10-lyr DR. M ATTIE B. SH AW — Resi­ dence and office, 108 Pioneer avenue. Telephone 28. Office hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 p. m. only. DR. E R N E ST A. WOODS— Prac­ tice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat— X-ray including teeth. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg, Ashland, Ore. DR. G. C. PH ET TEPL A C E DENTISTRY WANTED—- Woman roomer, kitchen privilege. 240 C St. Phone 288 R. « 17-tf Above Citizens Bank WANTED— Sewing by the day or will go to the home. Jessie Searing, 137 1st street. 23-4* CHIROPRACTORS DR. E . B. ANGELL— Chiropractic WANTED— Chain ber-nuUd. Ifotiel Oregon. Phone 112. 23-1 FOR RENT FOR RENT— Three room furnish­ ed apartment; all modern conven­ iences. lll- 3 r d . Cor. C. 20-4* FOR ..RENT— Two unfurnished rooms. Call at 47l>. N. Main. 20-6* FOR RENT— Comfortable front bedroom with bath; centrally loca­ ted. Apply 108 Granite St. 22-2 O ffice P h on e 131 R es. P h on e 201J and Electro-Therapy. The com­ bination does wonders. First National Bank Bldg. Phone 48-142. House Calls DR. HAWLEY— Above office. Phoue 91. FOR SALE FOR SALE— Beautiful new five room bungalow, breakfast nook, large bath room, screen porch, laundry trays, built In features in kitchen, dining room and bed room. Cement porch and pergola, basement, double garage, wood 3hed, one block from Baulevard. Come and look it over at 341 Beach St. Terms if desired. 30 ltf FOR SALE, TRADE OR RENT— 160 acres unimproved land, un­ incumbered, near village of 300 on S. P. R. R. and good hard roads. 100 acres under fence with good natural pasture, plenty of water. Three roomed house, barn and woodshed. For further particulars address F. J., care Ashland Tidings. 148tf Tidings DR. ERNEST W. SMITH— Chiro­ practor, near Postofflce. Honrs 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. T R A N SFE R AND E X P R E SS FOR prompt and careful service, PLUM BING JERRY O’NEAL— Plumbing. 207 East Main. Phone 138. MISCELLANEOUS Wanted— Position as clerk, but willing to do any well paying work. Address C. Van Childs Ashland Tid­ ings. 21-3* MONUMENTS MONUMENT— MARKERS Lowest Prices ASHLAND GRANITE CO. 3rd and East Main St. 223-6mo ASHLAND GRANITE MONUMENTS Oregon Granite Co. S. PENNISTON, Salesman. R es. 4 7 0 Laurel P h on e 444Y auto trucks or horse drays, cal Whittle Transfer Co. Phone 117. Office, 89 Oak street, near Hotel Ashland. 56tf T. L. POWELL— General Trans­ fer— Good team and motor trucks. Good service at a rea sonable price. Phone 83. TRY FEII1GE FOR HAULING and transfer work of all kinds 375 B St. Phone 410-R. 2 0 0 -lm o PLANING MILL JORDAN’S SASH AND CABINET WORKS, Cor. Van Ness. Heilman » z Cured Without Surgery enable me to GUARANTEE a •peedy and perm anent C U re.Treatm ent • may be taken w eekly If It 1« Inconvenient to be here for daily attention. W r it e to d a y fo r B o ok. 3RD, K(WTÌ S. J. DEAN PAP PORTLAND,ORIGON W H IN W R IT IN G 1st 2nd 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd B etter be sa fe than sorry. See B eaver R ealty Co. about your In­ surance. P h on e 68. 2 8 7 -tf W e m ake a specialty or picnic • and campera' n eeds. D etrick ’s. 2S 8-tf Have a fit at Orres. Tailors for men and Women. Upstairs. 4-tf SOMETHING NEW An au tom ob ile accident policy th at pays $ 2 5.00 per w eek ; in h ospital $ 3 7 .5 0 per w eek ; acci­ den tal death $ 1 ,0 0 0 ; in 5 years $1,6 0 0 ; co st o n ly $ 7 .00 per year. P hon e 8 7 4 J. T eo, o f course. 3.00 5.00 3.00 4.00 2.00 7.00 5.00 7.00 5.00 7.00 7.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Ribbon Ribbon 5.00 2.00 Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon 5.00 3rd 3rd 2nd 3rd Ribbon 1st 5.00 2nd 3.00 2nd 3.00 1st 6.00 1st 5.00 2nd 3.00 1st 4.00 2nd 6.00 1st 7.00 1st 7.00 2nd 3.00 2nd 3.00 1st 5.00 1st 4.00 1st 6.00 1st 7.00 3rd Ribbon 3rd Ribbon 1st 6.00 3rd Ribbon eo RE MUSCLES oi O w r J? MUU»» J t n U—J Yewfe NOVELTIES —AND— \ EA R R IN G S TABLETS Keep stomach sweet—liver active— bowels regular—only 25c. M U « !» « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ * * * ♦ * * > , « , 2nd 5.00 1st 4.00 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • • • • • • ♦ e e s s s s s s s e 2.00 The Citizens Bank of Ashland ., Ashland. Oregon A > ♦ » s e - e e e e s e e e e e e e e e e e-e-e o ♦♦♦♦ « ♦ e-s-s ♦ « FURS 4.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 3.00 5.00 3.00 4.00 2.00 5.00 3.00 4.00 2.00 7.00 6.00 7.00 5.00 7.00 5.00 5.00 ♦ e e e e e e e e e ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ -« ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ eeeo-e-e-e -♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 3.00 ♦ 6.00 3.00 A FULL LINE OF HIGH GRADE FURS AT ISAACS STORE Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. Furs made to order, repaired or relined. Don’t Miss —T H E - AUTO POLO GAME —AT— New Department HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC FIELD ADDED TO OUR STORE Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock In line with our policy to make this store, Book and Stationery Headquarters for Ashland, we are today opening a Rental Library Auspices High School Football Team —OF— POPULAR FICTION Over 300 Volumes At The Start to which we expect to add more books from time to time. Our Slogan Will Be A book for the price of a Magazine Step in and look the books over and let ns explain details. A chance to read your favorite author’s books with­ out buying them. -A T - Books and Stationery ELHARTS rollet Articles Dragt Sundries M » < > 'T 'H E besti test of success is not * how far you have advanced, but how much reserve you have laid np. The amount you have sav­ ed represents your actual advance­ ment. Its size is the best test of your prosperity. 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 5.0 3.00 J o o ♦ < The Best Test 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd goes, and energy, pep and vim return when taking KO, N. Main 5.00 2nd 1st C C H A M B E R L A IN ’S VARIETY STORE 1st 1st 2nd 1st ONSTIPATION They’re Very Low Priced 6.00 2nd 24>15f —O F - 1st 1st 2nd jst 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st Cigarettes NEW LINE 6.00 2nd 111 from outdoor sports ars re­ lieved by massaging with— 1st Oregon Berkshires, Sow 2yrs. or over 1st Oregon Berkshires, Sow 2yrs. or over 2nd Oregon Berkshires, Sow 18mo. & under 2yr. 1st Oregon Berkshires, Sow 18mo. & under 2yrs. 2nd Oregon Berkshires, Sow lyr. & under 18mo. 1st R. L. Burdic of Grants Pass is aikj Ashland guest since yesterday. Geo. Halkney of Corvallis is a We repair furniture and anything visitor from the school city. that needs fixing. North Main next to Homes Grecery Store. Charles R. Perkins of Sing Sing is an Eastern visitor. TYPEWRITER REPAIRING Send thi3 ad and ten cents to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will re­ ceive a ten cent bottle of FOL­ EY’S HONEY AND TAR for Cougs, Colds and Croup, also free sample packages of FOLEY KID­ NEY PILLS for Backache, Rheu­ matic Pains, Kidney and Bladder Trouble, and FOLEY CATHCAR- TIC TABLETS for Constipation and Biliousness. These wonder­ ful remedies have helped millions of people. Try them! Sold everywhere. 2nd (Continued In Tomorrow’s Issue) an Ashland visitor. Fix Up Shop CUT TH IS OUT— IT IS WORTH MONEY 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st NEW BIG PACKAGE —— SW INE Goodwin of Sacramento are out-of- River Banks Oregon Berkshires, Boar 2yrs. & over 1st town guests. Grants Pass, Or.. Oregon Berkshires, Boar 18mo. & under 2yr. 1st Oregon Berkshires, Boar lyr. & under 18mo. 1st George Forsythe and family of Oregon Berkshires, Boar ly r & under 18mo. 2nd Butte, Montana are among tourists. Oregon Berkshires, Boar 6mo. & under lyr. 1st Oregon Berkshires, Boar 6mo & under lyr. 2nd J. L. Colvig of Klamath Falls is PILES effects—if neglected. It also describes the non-surgical, painless m e th o d s w h ich i No officer in his report after a raid on a “soft drink” parlor has had to spell sasaparllla yet. Classified ads bring results. (Continued from Yesterday’s Issue) Romneys, Ewe, 2yrs or over Romneys, Ewe, lyr. under 2 Romneys, Ewe, lyr. under 2 Romneys, Ew elamb Romneys, Ewe lamb f • Romneys, Flock .if Romneys, Flock * - . i.W Romneys, Flock bred by exhibitor Romneys, Flock bred by exhibitor Romneys, Pen of lambs .Romneys, Pen of lambs bred by exhibitor 'Romneys, Get of sire .a Romneys, Produce of ewe Romneys, Get of sire Romneys, Produce of ewe E. 8 . Lucas Romneys, Ram, 2yrs. tana is an out-of-town visitor. Beagle, Ore. Romneys, Ewe, 2yrs Romneys, Ewe lamb Beads, therad and needles for a Vaughan & Dawn-Dorsets, Ram, lyr. under 2 bead bag at the Deuel Art Shop. Ly -'na, Oregon Dorsets, Ram lamb Medford, for $4.20. Free instruction. Dorsets, Ram lamb 21-3 « > Dorsets, Ewe lyr. Dorsets, Flock $10.00 reward is what you get if Dorsets, Pen— 4 lambs • 'J* you walk upstairs to Orres Tailor Dorsets, Get of sire •* • Shop. Dorsets, Produce of ewe • .* Dorsets, Ram, 2yrs. or over . Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Stoddard of Dorsets, Ram lyr. under 2 Pasadena were in Ashland en route Dorsets, Age ewe to the north where they spend the Dorsets, Yearling ewe winter. Dorsets, Yearling ewe ’. Dorsets, Ewe lamb Selmar Working of Butte, Mon­ Dorsets, Open flock tana is among out-of-town visitors. Dorsets, Pen of lambs Dorsets, Pen of lambs bred by exhibitor A price within your means and Dorsets, Get of sire full value for every dollar. See Dorsets, Produce of ewe Paulsend’s Suits. Walter Hubbard Dorsets, Ram, 2yrs. old or over Wren, Oregon Dorsets, Ram Lamb Mrs. F. J. Ernster of Butte, Mon Dorseys, Ewe 2yrs. old,& over tana is an out-of-town visitor. Dorseys, Flock Dorseys, Pen of 4 lambs Kiddie Kaps ’n Rapes designed Dorseys, Pen 4 lambs bre dby exhibitor by an Ashland lady at the Deuel Art Dorseys, Get of Sire Shop, Medford. 21-3 Dorseys, Produce of ewe Dolph Phipps Fat Sheep— All fine wool herds A. A. Crawford is an out-of-town M« dford, Ore. Fat Sheep, Wether lamb visitor from Pasadena. Walter Hubbard Fat Sheep— All middle wool-breeds W en, Oregon Wether lyr. & under 2 Dahlia display continues to-day Fat Sheep— All long wool breeds and to-morrow only. Place your or­ Fat Sheep, Wether lyr. & under 2 der now. Elharts. 22-1 Wm Wowning Pen of rams. Any breed j Lyons, Oregon Pen 5 rams E. J. Holeberger of Portland is PJoyd ’F Fox among visitors from Multnomah Silverton, Ore. Pen 5 rams County. R. B. Hollopeter Toggenburg, Milk Goats Jacksonville, Or. Toggenburg, Milk Goat Sr. & Grand Champ. Choose your fur and make a de- . i Toggenburg, Milk Goat posit on n B. n Hollopeter » .- i.- - - ,« - Toggenburg, m . ..... „ . it and it will be saved for , R. Milk Goats you— Isaacs Store. 22-2 » . ,,, „ . Jacksonville, Or. Toggenburg, Milk Goat, Jr. Champion l — Toggenburg, Milk Goat A. E. Waller is a recent arrival : Toggenburg, Milk Goat from San Francisco. Toggenburg, Kid— Champion Wm. Downing Saanens, Doe 2 yrs.— Champion Cliff Payne makes cupboard doors , ' K Lyons, Ore. Saanens, Doe lyr. , i W. W. Hartley Angora Goats— Buck, 2yrs. or over Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Clarke o: (• Angora Goats— Buck Kid Seattle and V. A. Clarke are among ... _ . ... Wm. Downing Cheviot, Ram 2yrs or over out-of-town visitors. . | Lyons, Oregon Cheviot, Ram 2yrs or over Cheviot, Ram lyr. under 2 Extraordinary in Value, and Cheviot, Ram ly r under 2 dependable for splendid service Cheviot, Ram lamb our $23.50 all wool Suits and Cheviot, Ram lamb Overcoats— Made to your measure Cheviot, Ewe 2yrs or over at Orres Tailor Shop upstairs. Cheviot, Ewe 2yrs or over Cheviot, Ewe lamb C. H. Rose of Portland is another Cheviot, Ewe lamb ». visitor from Portland. Cheviot, Flock Cheviot, Flock A. A. Nelson of Sioux City is an Cheviot, Pen of 4 lambs out-of-town visitor. Cheviot, Pen of 4 lambs Cheviot, Pen of 4 lambs bred by exhibitor C. E. Othy, F. H. Waldry are Cheviot, Pen of 4 lambs bred by exhibitor among visitors from Redondo Beach. Cheviot, Get of sire F. M. Cunningham is among late Cheviot, Get of sire arrivals from Ukiah. Cheviot, Produce of ewe Cheviot, Produce of ewe H. C. Carnie, F. E. Carnie and Ed. ANNOUNCEMENT Typewriters— AH makes, guaran­ Mrs. F. W. Bartlett, of the Bart­ teed. Lowest Prices. Expert Repair­ lett Fur Store of Medford, will be ing. Call or write L. D. Minkler 404 FOR RENT Liberty Building, Medford. Tele- at E. R. Isaac & Co’s. Wednesday 22-1 20-lm o • with a stock of furs. See S. L. Allen for Furnished | phone 162. Apartments. 4-1 Mo. ' For a smooth shave, and For th e best io sw eet m ilk and quick service, go to the xream go to D etrick's. 1 0 6 -tf Shell Barber Shop, across from Depot. Grinding of O ranges, lem on s, grape Ira it— D etrick s e lls for le ss. 1 0 6 -tf all kinds. Children’s work a specialty. Full line of ammunition. We repair, buy, trade and sell new W. A. SHELL, Prop. and used guns. Army Goods I 532 A. St. Ashland, Ore. Store. 295-tf JF you suffer with Piles I will send you m y FREE, illustrated boot telling of the causes, symptoms and injurious LIST OF AWARDS MADE AT , JACKSON COUNTY FAIR, 1923. and 1 94-tf WANTED AN INTELLIGENT PERSON— Either sex, may earn $100 to $200 monthly corresponding for newspapers; $15 to $25 weekly in spare time; experi­ ence unnecessary; no canvas­ sing; subjects suggested. Send for particulars. National Press Bureau, Buffalo, N. Y. 1-tf BaOB»a— n c — a— x a a j • PASADENA, Sept. 28— The Navy A Colum n D evoted to B rief football team has been invited to B u sin ess and P erson al N otes. play the Tournament of Roses foot­ ball game next New Year's day against a Western opponent to be L. C. Larsen of Eugene is among selected at a later date. It is said late arrivals. that the Navy has accepted the invi­ tation. All kinds of materials for shades ‘ free instruction or shades made to ! Classified ads bring results. order at the Deuel Art Shop, Med- j ford. 21-3 FOR RENT— If you are looking for first class 2-room furnished C. A. Brown of Oakland is an out- apartment Phone 122. Mrs. F. L. of-town visitor. Putman. 23-tf Let’s get together on the clothes FOR SALE— 500 all wool suits question. Paulsend’s. and overcoats at $23.50 at Orres Tailor Shop upstairs. Mrs. J. E. King of Butte, Mon­ FOR SALE— Used Ford car cheap Beaver Realty Co. 19-tf WANTED FIN D IT H ERE IT IS FUNNY The way some minds*work. Take for instance the mental attitude of the man who, bides a $30.00 watch under his pillow at night, yet he parks his car on a dark street for hours at a time with a $30.00 spare tire that has no pro­ tection. The number of tires stolen is said to be ap­ palling. The appalling thing is that so few. are stolen when the opportunity is so great. Considerably more than half the ears that pass you daily are carrying spare tires and wheels that have no protection.? Every car owner should have at least two pad locks, one for his garage or tool box and one for bis tire carrier. We have a full line of the Celebrated YALE and TOWNE PAD LOCKS • Simpson's Hardware