U 4»» O IU O u n M U 4 H H » ASHLAND CLIMATE, with out the aid of medicine cures nine cases out ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings THE TIDINGS HAS BEEN ASHLAND’S LEADING NEWSPAPER FOR NEARLY FIFTY Y p a r q (International News Wire Service) VOL NO. V. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 48. lib A lio . 4 MALARIA GERMS cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. The pure domestic water helps.. < «’ ;• ;; ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER, 26.1923 NO. 21 'ASHLAND ACRES j GirlK “ I ' Ä WILL BE MOVED UKIAH, Cal. Sept. 26.— A toll of one life is laid to the forest fires which burned over a large area in this section last week. Miss Elsie Hatrick, 16-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Hatrick of Point Arena, died while she was seeking refuge from the flames with her mother and two younger members of the family in a crevice in the rocks along the Garcia River. When the flames threatened the ranch home of Morris Hatrick, a brother whom the family and Roy Woodhead, also of Point Arena were visiting, it was decided that Woodhead would take the mother out of the danger zone. Their pro gress was halted at the Garcia River by the approach of the fire. SYNDICATE IS BUILDING ROAD World And His Wife Attend Singer's Debut at Sea S. S. Convention Closed Last Night HOUSE SESSION IS PREVENTED The thirty second annual conven­ tion of the Jackson Counday Sunday school closed at Medford last night Stretch Of Over A Mile Is Tract Of 1900 A6res Placed * UIY a very forceful address from Being Constructed For On M arket For Buyers Oklahoma Legislators Disperse W. T. Milliken of Portland, Ore. The County And Homeseekers At Command Of Col. K e y - W. W . Robison of Ashland, who No Blood Shed N ew Road W ill Aid O perations has been identified with Sunday! T hree-F ourth s Of Tract W ill Be Of S h ale Oil P eople, W ho school work for many years, was Under W ater Not L ater Are P u sh in g Ahead re-elected president of the associa­ A ttem pt W ill B e Made To E njoin Than Spring G ovenor From Interferin g tion. Mr. Robison acted as secty- With latw ful A ssem bly Employees and machinery owned treas., during the first year of his Of great interest to the residents and directed by the Hartman Syndi­ connection with the council and fill­ of Ashland and of decided importance cate are hard at work building a ed an unexpired term of presidency OKLAHOMA CITY, Sept. 36 — No to the community from a material section of new road for the county, at the same time. After successfully blood has been shed in Oklahoma to. standpoint is the annoucement that cutting out the long grade on Frog guiding the destinites of the associa- day as a result of the fight that is the large area of practically unoc­ Creek hill. When completed, this ion through the shoals this year, going on between Governor Walton cupied and only partially developed road will be a mile and a quarter he was re-elected to act the comintg and his military forces on the one land located across Bear Creek from year. in length and will have reduced the hand, and the members of the house the city, and extending for a distance grade from 17^ , to 8% , thus allow Monday and Tuesday were well of representatives and the Ku Klux of over four miles along that stream ing muck easier navigation and quick filled with devotional, round table Kian on the other. T ake R efu ge In th e R ocks has been subdivided and is now be­ discussion, musical entertainments, House Fails To Meet Instructing his companions to take er dispatch of Hartman supplies as ing offered at very moderate prices well as affording a good thorough­ The House of Representatives fail­ workers conference and addresses by refuge in a small pocket formed and on remarkably easy terms. fare for users of the Dead Indian prominent men of the county. Rev ed at noon in their attempt to as­ by boulders, Woodhead took Mrs Under Irrigation Project and Lake of the Woods road. Milliken and State Secretary E. E. semble in defiance of the fighting Purchased some 13 years ago from Hatrick’s apron, placed it over the Steam shovels are working now Cissna, both of Portland were speak­ governor. Singly and in pairs the the former farmer-ranchers as pros­ crevice and covered it with wet sand toward this end and are widening ers during every session. legislators walked to the Capital pective fruit lands at the height of to keep out the smoke. He then push the course in various places as well The convention was very well at­ Building, but when they attempted the orchard ••boom”, it has since ed on to Point Arena for help. as preparing foundation for a mac­ tended and was one of the best con­ to meet in the routanda of the Cap­ When he returned to the spot lain principally in pasture, except­ adam road that will ultimately be ventions ever held in Jackson Coun­ ital, adjacent to the legislative chain, ing portions of the bottom and with several other men the family laid by the company. It is expected ty- It is judged that one hundred ber, the military forces dispersed bench lands, which have been crop­ was safe, but Elsie Hatriclc had that spent shale from the retorts delegates were in Medford and sev them without firing a shot. There Doctors said her death had ped to alfalfa and “dry farming” died. will be laid on the road, thus afford­ eral members entertained in Med­ was no violence and the conduct was wheat respectively. Then came the been caused by the excitement ing a finish equal for macadam. Long orderly. ford homes. conception and finally, about a year coupled with near-suffocation from before winter is here, the road will Command To Diapers« The new officers for next year in the ago, the completion of the Talent the smoke and poor air are: be completed and in use as the pres­ When an attempt was made to Irrigation District scheme, which at rocky refuge. ent situation is retarding the pro­ assemble. Col. Key, the military com­ President, re-elect, W. W. Robison once placed the property in the very «» Left at the ranch, the father and gress made by necessary trips to Ashland, Secretary-Treas., S. D. Tay­ mander of the city, read a special mil brother also had a narrow escape desirable class. Ashland. lor, Ashland; Vice Pres, Prof. Au- itary order preventing 'an assem­ Their home was completely surround Tract Is Sub-D ivided Having finished the new section hry Smith, Medford; Administrative blage within the state “during the The tract, of approximately 1900 ed by flames, and had they not been of the road, it is planned to start Division Work, D. J. B. Webster, present period of unrest.” As the acres, has been cut up into 4 5 par­ able to back-fire they would have Phoenix. at the Shale City and surface the commander finished reading the or­ cels, ranging from 13 to 165 acres,1 had no chance to flee from the in- road used by the syndicate down to der Representative Stovall, acting as Dist. No. 1, o . F. Carson, Pres, each parcel, with but few exceptions,!ferno on a11 sides’ the highway. Ashland; 2. Rev. E. N. Edgar. Jack­ spokesman for the legislators ask­ having about three-fourths of its Building operations are going sonville; 3. H. E. Kellogg, Gold Hill- ed: “Are you commanding us to area within the operations of the ahead at the new city. A cook house, 4. John C| Stille, Eagle Point; 5* disperse?” "I am.” responded Key, Talent Irrigation District. seating 60 men is completed and Rev. E. P. Lawrence. Medford. Adult “I want all of you to move on.” W ater A vailable Next Spring the next two months will see th( Machine Gun Is Ready Division Work. E. C. Faer. Central Arrangements are now being made erection of fifteen houses to be at As the words were exchanged be­ The first international debut of of the Metropolitan, the magnificent Point. Children Division work, Mary to construct the laterals so that wa­ the disposal of workmen. Four tween the military representative of Spencer, Ashland; Older Girls work. an operatic star took place recently salon of the Leviathan where, dur­ ter will be available for each tract houses have been completed and are Governor Walton, and the spokes­ Mrs. H. H. Canady, Medford. Older when the Leviathan, biggest steam­ ing the voyage, notables from every by the beginning of the next irri­ in use by workers and their families. Boys work, H. N. Franklin, Medford. man for the legislator troops stood at gation season. INDIANAPOLIS, Sept. 26.— Gen­ A machine shop and commissary have ship in the world, made her maiden nation gathered. attention nearby. A machine gun was trip across the Atlantic. Comparatively few of the residents eral public interest has been aroused been built where once barren earth Whiteman’s orchestra furnished FRANCK DEFERS ACTION manned and ready for action. The star who received the impres­ of Ashland realize the close prox­ in the American Legion’s proposal Move Slowly Away and grazing land held domain. The the accompaniment for the youthful IN RUHR SITUATION sive introduction to his public was imity of these lands to the city, in of an international air disarmament The “lawless mob”, as the Gov­ sawmill operating now is cutting at Mort Downey, young Irish tenor, singer and “Wonderful One”, a fact a portion is within the city conference, according to national PARIS, Sept. 26— France will ernor termed them, slowly moved the rate of 15,000 ft. of lumber each waltz song, composed by the leader who was discovered and presented limits and at only a few points is headquarters officials of the veterans day, which is used in company op­ himself and considered by publishers make no move in the Ruhr until away from the Capital and proceed­ by Paul Whiteman, famous orches­ the distance more than two miles organization. erations. the biggest musical fi»d of 1923, the German government’s decision ed in automobiles back to their head­ tra leader. from the main business district. That The legion's appai for opinions on to end passive resistance i6 officially quarters. There they planned to pre­ was what he sang. Four western dump cars have un­ The role of impresario is a new the development of the 1900 acres the advisability of the gathering has in effect, it was announced today. loaded and will soon be in position “It was a greater thrill than I’d German workers must also return pare a petition against the governor, one for Whiteman, but his friends with many new homes, will add stimulated many prominent citizens asking that he be enjoined from in­ for handling shale from the steam along Broadway who declare he bave gotten out of even the Met- greatly to the future growth and express their opinions, to suggest ad- shovel to the storage bins. Two “innovates” in his sleep were not in r°PoHtan, though always before that to work and Germany must make terfering with the “lawful assem­ prosperity of Ashland is dawning itionl resona etaoi shrd aa r vg TT reparations proposals the French gov blage of the lower house of the Leg­ thousand feet of track are expect­ with rapidity. the least surprised that he disdained was the height ° f niy ambition,” ernment has decided. ditional reasons for holding the con­ islature.” ed momentarily to hasten the min­ Location Is Ideal the ordinary way of launching a Downey radioed friends after his ference and to outline methods of Courts To Settle Issue ing operations. A quantity of cater­ In the past the tendency has been procedure. grand opera find, and chose, instead opening night at sea. From developments here today It pillar track for a Marion steam shov­ to hug the high hills on the west side Because European nations have is evident that, although thwarted el will soon be delivered, with much and cling to the Alpine-like slopes, contracted for most of this country’s In their attempt to assemble, the other equipment expected. but the opening up of this close-in available supply of spruce lumber, members of the lower house will pro­ area will tend to direct attention essential in construction of aircraft, ceed along orderly lines to defeat to the rich bottom and bench lands, Representative Elton Watkins, of the governor. The preparation to and gently sloping hills beyond Bear Portland, Oregon, believes that the SALT LAKE CITY. Sept. 26— At formulate a petition enjoining Gov­ SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 26.— Sam. Creek, where soil, sunshine, scenery conference is necessary. He has writ­ a meeting of several hundred citi­ ernor Walton from interfering with uel Gompers will not attend the ses­ and situation all combine to make ten the legion stating that the entire zens held here a political organiza­ a lawful assembly is the probable sion of the Seattle Central Labor an ideal location for a suburban supply of this wood, grown only in tion, known as the American party forerunner of an interesting fight Mrs. S. A. Peters, Jr., and Mrs. Council, which meets tonight. In­ home, a truck garden, an orchard, a the state of Oregon and Washington, was organized for the purpose of in the courts. That the enemies of poultry farm, a dairy farm, or any will soon be exported to foreign coun John Shortridge left yesterday with stead he will go to the banquet giv­ seperating church and State in this the governor will not halt in their other of the many uses tq which this tries unless air forces are reduced or Mrs. Pearl Harkins in Mrs. Hark- en by the local Pattern Makers’ Un­ city and throughout Utah. fight and that they will continue ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Sept. 26 versatile tract is adapted. an embargo is placed upon exporta­ in’s machine, for the State Fair," at ion. Gompers intimated that he had until they have either impeached him The movement is directed at the Salem. Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Short­ covered the Seattle situation when — Twenty-sir million Americans, It takes no great stretch of imag­ tion of this kind of lumber. Mormons, or Latter Day Saints, and or are routed is evident. ination to picture this expanse of Miss Julia C. Lathrop, humanitar- ridge will dispense Lithia Water at he told Seattle Unions last night that) nearly one fourth of the nation's P eop le A pprehensive if it succeeds will eliminate religious country green with the rapidly grow- tan, listed as one of the twelve most the Ashland booth, which is the first the Central Labor Councils would population, have savings accounts in OKLAHOMA CITY, Sept. 26.— intereference from politics. The ing crops and dotted with the homes famous women in America, has writ­ booth representing Ashland to be not be permitted to act on national State and National banks, Samuel party charges that the Mormon Thia is perhaps the most eventual of 45 or more contented, prosperous ten that participants at the confer­ placed in the State Fair for several and international affairs, or formu- H. Beach of Rome, N. Y., president church exercises undue influence In day in the history of Oklahoma. As late policies counter to those of the of the Savings Bank Division of the families, which given the necessary ence should not only technical au­ years, if there has ever been one. the politics of the State. the zero hour” approaches interest American Bankers Asociation, re- The Ashland booth will be dis national organization. care and attention, it will .support. thorities but also civilians, both men A principal adopted by the Ameri in Oklahoma City and throughout It is likely that the matter will vealed her today at the fifty-ninth The realization of such a dream will and women, who represent public tinguished with many pennants and can party follows: “There shall be the state ig at fever heat. Nearly all mean a great deal to Ashland and opinion in their respective coun­ streamers, bearing appropriate signs come before the executive council annual convention of that organlza- no union of church and state nor shall are wondering what the day will and insigna and the lady attendants of the federation for adjustment be-j tion. Their accounts total $17,300,- will have a great tendency to initi­ tries. any church dominate the state, nor record. Apprehension prevails in ev­ ate a new era in the city’s growth “The economic and political con are bedecked with Lithian ribbons. for the federation labor convention 000,000, Mr. Beach said. ery quarter. That the blood of many interfere with it functions.” J. A. Fuller secretary of the Cham­ in Portland next week. It may go and development. fusion of more than half the world, “For purposes of comparison,” he of Oklahoma’s best citizens may be O wners H ave R epresen tative Her«» the war preparations of which air ber of Commerce is also at the Fair, to the floor of the convention. added, “we have compiled similar spilled before another sunset is the The Seattle Council extended sym­ ¡statistics for 1912, the earliest year democrat leads in James Cormack, of the land de­ armament is an astounding indica­ having gone to Salem Sunday on belief of mauy. There is, however, He reports last evening pathy to the people of Russia, against for which we can obtain comparable RACE FOR CONGRESS partment of the Balfour-Guthrie Co., tion, show how far we are from any business. a general belief that the judgment SPOKANE, Sept. 26.— Incomplete which concern owns the 1900 acre accepted practical program in pur­ that the cases of Lithia Water had the wishes of Gompers. data, and find that the aggregate returns today leave Judge Samuel of the men pitted against the anti. tract, arrived in Ashland yesterday suance of our desire for a peaceful arrived to be dispensed and «will was only about half as much then Hill, democrat, with a lead of 373 Ku Klux Governor is such that and is completing plans for offering world order,” her letter stated. “Un make a big advertising stunt for Ash as in 1922, or only $8,433,000,000. they will proceed in an orderly fash­ votes over State Senator Myers, re to the public at an early date the doubtedly the world is at the stage land. Mr. Fuller is expected home Even more remarkable are the in­ publican in the Fifth district special ion to carry out their program. “The various sub-divisions. The tracts for talking and we should lose no tomorrow. creases of savings deposits in the congressional race. About 80 per lawless mob”, so dubbed by the gov­ The Lithian Octette start this have been placed in the hands of sound occasion like this for candid various classes of banks during the cent of the total vote has been count ernor, shows no signs of resorting evening. various realty firms of the city, international conference.” n r n iz p , l , v I ¡decade between 1912 and 1922. Nat- ed. The race is the closest in hist­ to rash action, nor do any of its .. . ’ Sept- 26 City of-jional banks gained 228 per cent Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, prom- which together with the announce ficials of Berkeley are indignant state banks and trust companies, ory and may be decided on scatter­ members indicate any intention of ment that irrigation laterals will be inent suffragette and also listed VICTIM OF W HIPPING deliberately offering themselves as r! fUSal ° f Governor Priend 128 per cent and Mutual Saviags ing. late returns from outlying pre­ constructed covering at least three- among thetwelve leading women of a target for the troops. ASKS $150,000 DAMAGES cincts. Hill carried Spokane by 1100 W Richardson to heed requests to bank3 fifty-^ight per cent, fourths of the tracts, means that this country, has expressed a belief votes. Noon Is Zero Hour MUSKOGEE, Okla., Sept. 26.— A call out sufficient national guards­ they will move readily. Mr. Cor­ that the agenda of the conference Noon today marks the much dis­ “The statement that mutual sav- mack is enthusiastic as to the beauty should include “the equally menac­ demand for $150,000 damages has men to patrol the fire stricken area cussed “zero hour”. Lute reports in­ ings banks gained only fifty-eight BE LIEV E BULGARIAN REPORT and latent wealth that will be de­ ing chemical warfare competition.” been made by S. Lesky, flogging vic­ of his home city. dicate that the members of the low­ ERRORENOUS OR EXAGGERATED Unless Richardson issues an order TV' in