ÁSÉUfiD BAíif MfilifSg Ttiéedity, Septem ber 25, Jityfl STATE FAIR OPENS AT W. A. Rockfellow SALEM— EXHIBITS GOOD Portland. among out-of-town visitors ( Established, in 1870) Published Every Evening Except Sunday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO Editoi OFFICIAL CITY PAPER Te E ntered a t the Ashland, Oregon, I Second Class Mail Matter, Subscription Price, Delivered in City One Month ....... - ........................... „ .............. j Three Months ................................................. Six Months ......................... ~ ................. ........ One Year .................................._........... By Mail and Rural Routes One Month ... Three Months Six Months .... One Year ... .. DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES Single insertion, per inch .................................. ; Yearly Contracts: One insertion a week ................................... | ,j Two insertions a week .......................................j Daily insertion ........................ ................................s Rates For Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising F irst Insertion, per 8 point line ................. f .10 Each subsequent insertion, 8 point l i n e ......... 05 Card of Thanks ............................................ 1.00 O bituaries, per line ..............................................02 U WHAT CONSTITUES ADVERTISING "All future events, where an admission charge is made or a collection taken is Advertising. No discount will be allowed Religious Benevolent orders. or Portland will co-operate in Klam­ a th ’s railway celebration, October 12 and 13, and the P ortland and state cham bers of commerce are sending Edward W einbaum as th eir joint representative to confer with the K lam ath committee on details. W ein­ baum will arrive Friday night. He is head of traffic and commerce d epart­ m ent of the P ortland cham ber, which is arranging for the special excur­ sion here. The Ylamath committee is now down to the detail drudgery of pre­ paration. The site for the open a ir am phi­ th eatre at Second and Main streets, where the pageant, ‘‘The Passing of the Covered W agon,” will be presented the evening of October 12, is being cleared of weeds and ru b ­ bish. John Goodrich, Hollywood motion picture producer, who will direct the pageant, has returned from Holly­ wood and is m aking ready for the big local production, which will require the assembly of a cast of 250 actors, and the mobilization of a large a- m ount of property, including old- time prarie schooners, stage coachea, livestock and num erous m inor prop­ erties. DONATIONS: London, fSept. 22— “ Ton Nights ' in Hyde P a rk ” m ight well be the title of th© latest literary effort from SEPTEM BER 25 the pen of the Bishop of London, GLADNESS AND SINGING — Serve the Lord with gladsess: come be- . who is chairm an of the London Council for the Prom otion of Public fore his present with singing.— Psalm 100:2. M orality. And w hat a fine little row the Bishop’s composition has stirred up. spaces. "Ten nights' observation in Hyde P ark disclosed 746 cases of impro- ed public. “ W here else can young lovers do th eir courting if not in the p ark s?” was another question hurled at the frank and observant eccles­ iastic. The charg© th a t the Bishop’s statem ents were exaggerated how­ ever, predom inated in the storm of criticism his charges Aroused. Only a small m inority agreed with the Bishop and very, very few could be found who were willing to express of contrast. There are streams which one misses in the Cal­ the view th a t the bishop "h ad n 't told ifornia flats, and these streams are swift and a clear blue- half th© story.” gieen. The virility ol the outlook is not in carefully worded To get the picture clearly before advertisements but in the land itself. Nature herself is the reader it m ust be explained th a t indecency or im m orality. Ten young and delightfully verdant. There is much less evidence priety, nights’ observation in five other ot effort to make something grow from the soil than on the parks disclosed 2,615 caseB of com­ south side of the Siskiyous. plaint.” The comparison is not made to decry California but to No sooner had the Bishop’s letter emphasize Oregon. “ California Incorporated” is spending appeared in p rin t than a shriek of millions in advertising the so-called advantages named above strident dissent arose from the de­ fenders of London’s honor. “ W hat including “ sunshine,” and with very great success. does th© Bishop mean by indecency But when the traveler passes northward over the Sis­ and im m orality?” queried an arous- kiyous and enters the near-paradise which stretches before London’s many large parks and his eyes in the Rogue River and Willamette valeys, what of public grounds have long been re ­ garded as th© "courting preserves of the “ California Incorporated” advertising? the m asses.” Complacent authorities It isn’t only people that make a state. But their factor- for years have perm itted young ship is very great. TheirVnergy and spirit count. But there Quoth the Bishop in a le tte r to must he assets; there must be the qualities that nature pro­ the press dealing with the subject vides; there must he the things to work with, and in these of “spooning” in London’s open swains and th eir ' ‘sw eeties” to u til­ Oregon is her own great advertisement. Oregon will yet have all the people she wants. Her land­ ize secluded corners of the parks for purposes th a t in a less to leran t age scape, her beauty of perspective, her soil, not much more would hav© been restricted to the than merely scratched, her wealth of resource, will bring parlor sofa. The Bishop now con­ them. tends th a t these practices have gone To attract them and prepare for them, Oregon might do beyond the bounds of public decency. what California has done—join in great co-operative move­ ments in which town and country move together, work to­ NAMED “VIRGINIA” FOR BASKETBALL PLAYERS gether, plan together to make markets for her soil products,! and make those products bring their worth in the markets Defiance, Ohio, Sept. 22— Sons That movement is one of “ California Incorporated’s ” in most any town may be named strongest drawing cards. It can be made of stronger pulling after the P resident of the United power in fairer and better Oregon.-Oregon Dailv .Tonmnl ° States, but to Defiance falls the dis­ tinction of possessing proud p a r­ ents whose daughter was christened from three basketball players, all having th e given name of Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. E arl L. Mauck, a r ­ dent basketball fans, have named th eir baby V irginia May, honoring Misses V irginia Lam bertson, V irgin­ ia H arley and Virginia Lawson, all members of the local high school basketball team. Just^ why the backers ol the recall of Governor Pierce picked Umatilla County as the starting point of their opera­ tions, thereby attempting to make it the goat, is a mystery. rI hat the hackers of the recall movement made a seroius blund­ er when they arrived at that decision is not mystifying, how­ ever, as Umatilla County is one of the strongest Pierce Coua- ties ly the entire state. Sellwood It can be said to the credit of Governor Pierce that Uma­ Portland— Proposed bridge would cost 1350,000 and u til­ tilla county was for many years his home and that at the ize steel of old Burnsid© bridge. «•lection ot last November lie carried it by 1100 votes and even the most ardent enemy of the Governor should not’hope Reedsport— Umpqua channel to be that the change m sentiment there has been such that the re­ enlarged to 15 feet deep and 200 call movement could obtain any momentum. The rebound in feet wide. that county is nothing other than what could have been ex Pendleton— Pac. Pr. Lt, Co., ex pected by any one acquainted with the temper of the people tending line to McKay creek dam. 2* u 6 W o-eat growiuS districts of Oregon. They have known Walter I leree as a neighbor and an official for many vears. I hey have known him as a man who is sincere in his be­ CUT THIS OUT— IT IS WORTH MONEY liefs and Ins promises. As Governor they know that he will light with all his might to make good his election promises Send thl3 ad and ten cents to among which was a promise to distribute tax burden of the Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., state, relieving the overburdened farmers, who are facintr Chicago, 111., w riting your name bankruptcy. * and address clearly. You will re­ ceive a ten cent bottle of FOL­ The political assassins of Governor Pierce reconed illy EY’S HONEY AND TAR for when they selected Umatilla County as the goat. Instead, the Cougs, Colds and Croup, also free sentiment being expressed in that county has served to make sample packages of FOLEY KID­ NEY PILLS for Backache, R heu­ the recall hackers the goat. Septembe rains are always welcomed. They mean much to fall pasiuies, purify the air, relieve water shortage, and serve to cheek devastating forest fires. C. L. McCaslin and E. S. Kramer were in from Portland last night and retu rn today. Mr. and Mrs. Karl among late arrivals. matic Pains, Kidney and Bladder Trouble, and FOLEY CATHCAR- TIC TABLETS fo r Constipation and Biliousness. These wonder­ ful rem edies have helped millions of people. Try them ! Sold everywhere. K rauss are Eugene cannery short of help, itp ic b tu id u v e s io tins con- and hops rotting in many fields for o ■ vention and Cimmissionair Gifford, lack of labor in the W illam ette Val­ Who is head of the W estern Division^ ley. will officiate at this meeting. Captain P o rter has issued a call for serviceable clothes, thread, but­ tons or tape to be sent to Japan. Ac­ cording to authorities one ship has gone to the stricken land fi/om the state, under the auspices of the Sal­ vation Army and another consign­ ment of clothes is expected to be sent as soon as collected from the sym pathetic in America. At the present time the Salvation Army are on the lands recently laid waste and have established hospit­ als and first aid huts. During all the drives th at have been going on in Ashland, as well as other cities, if tlirt-e has been willing to contribute to this call Cap­ tain P orter urges that the The new Ford cars are now ready for your inspection, introducing changes th a t improve the appearance of the various body types and increase their comfort and utility. No donations to charities or otherw ise will be made in advertising, or job printing— our contribu­ tions will be in cash. UMATILLA COUNTY, THE GOAT? SALEM, Sept. 24.— The Oregon State F a ir opened here today. Ex­ hibit buildings and stock barns are filled with the best products of Ore­ gon's fields .orchards and barns. As is often the case, the w eather outlook is not a t all favorable, as indications of rain are strong. W ith good w eather there is every indica­ tion of one of the most successful F a ir’s in the history of the state. from Salvation Army Officers Will Attend Meeting They offer you not only economical and depend­ able transportation, but also a more attractive style and a greater share of motoring convenience —a combination that m akes th e outstanding value of Ford cars more impressive than ever. See the new Ford models now on display in our showroom. These cars can be obtained through th e Ford Weekly P u rch a se Plan. HARRISON BROTHERS Ashland, Oregon. . . m v z u u WHAT IS SUCCESS? Success of all worldly things, ii most sought after. It is also o f’ al worldly things probably the least of ten obtained. The chief barriers to it! attainm ent are two simple rules: Plan your W ork— W ork ydur Plan Simple rules, hut to l l i a n v i n s n n o r . i lanning means thinking, analyz­ system atizing— m aking things possible after the w eaker nature has pronounced them impossible. I lan your work and work your plan are basic, fundam ental, neces­ sary— they are the universal laws of success. There never was a time when con­ centrated thought and unstined ef­ fort were not rew arded by a full m easure of success and there never will be. W ealth is not the m easure of suc­ cess, but love of work is the first sympton. in g , GREA T-GR A N I) FA TH E R DIVORCES FIFTH WIFE Sept 25.— F ath er of g randfather of 60 and ther of 2, at 73 years les Bland was granted m his wife in Domes. Court here. Bland told at his last spouse the ! him a week after their 1920, when he refused leed to all his property. TOBA ROLL YOUR OWN WITH BIZ 1A CROIX Cured Without Surgery JF you suffer with Piles send y °u my ’ illustrated book te llin g o f th e causes, symptoms and injurious effects—if neglected. It also describes the non-surgical, painless m eth o d s w hich enable me to G U A R A N T E E Q BRFCHAS. J. DEAN I know why it’s zooming o -“ it’s die best cigarette I ever smoked!” OREGON