>♦•<»» a♦» w ♦«>«•<»♦»♦♦»♦» A shland D aily T idings ASHLAND CLIMATE, with „ out the aid of medicine cures “ nine cases out ten of asthma. - _____ THE This is a proven fact. VOL NO. V. ____ ANNUAL MEETING h ........................ ; MALARIA GERMS cannot ;; survive three months in the TIDINGS HAS BEEN ASHLAND’S LEADING^ NEWSPAPER FOB NEARLY FIFTY YEARS. J Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. PF1Ì iXLlz vlVvDu 11 ■ ♦♦«n > u ASHLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1923. NO. 20 LOCAL CLUB M STATE CONTEST Southern Pacific Issues New Booklet Opportunities to be found in West ern Orego nhave been given the most thorough presentation made in more Residence Destroyed By Midnight Firel The roomy, two-story house at the corner of Chestnut and Wimer Sts recently sold from I. L. N. Shriner to John Conlon of Medford was ruined last night at midnight by Announcement Made That fire. Patrolman Wertz, who was on Green Springs Road To duty and happened to be near the Be Kept Open depot at that hour of the night, saw [New Highway W ill Be C om pleted the lire and reported immediately to By N ovem ber 34)— Rain Is the fire department. The cause for Im proving Roadl>ed the blaze is unknown. Flames had enveloped the house when the fire department arrived and l< Fn, ♦»,«. „ . in spite of well directed efforts t o L f Klamath 7 7® h7 ° ry save the place, a total loss was re-L n rir ' ° UU Green ported by F. C. Stevens, who has the will 7 m° Untain road to Ash‘*nd. insurance written covering the house X r d ' l n X " G I T e h h , to the extent of $1600 cording to G. I. Stebbins, resident Soon after the house was transfer- Charge ° f niaiDte»aace. red from Mr. Shriner to Mr Colon a 7 7 * 7 K,aiUath Pal,s Herald. deaf and dumb family had occupied , 7 7 * f° ‘he completion <* the puce for . .h o r, Ume. Z u . I* T “ * N° V,,"‘b' r 30 vacated the house two days prior to 7 8 gIe exceptlon of the contract tho , » ----------- ""y3 prlor to l given to W. D. Miller, local contrac­ tile time it was destroyed. No other surroundings were harm­ tor, who must have the base rock on by November 30 but who )s given ed. The fire department is congratu-l 7 “ J “,y 1924 tO lay on the last Win From Field Of 18 Boys And Girls Club Work P r e s e n t vooiiage finnliíio-P rresiaes Presides ai A t1 , icatlon t y nrtav 8 as the of pub rresiaent 9 fì result „nnioa lication today n of f 20,000 copies «i of The Opening Session— a booklet entitled “Oregon For The Speakers Prominent. Settler” by the Southern Pacific WILL MAINTAIN WINTER TRAFFIC Lines. The booklet contains 64 pages, at­ Victorious Club Is Composed Of Jap anese A m bassador W ill P ersonally tractively illustrated and represents Frances Gallitan, Barnard Thank Society F or Aid six months of careful work. Although And Richard Joy To Stricken Nation the booklet deals with Oregon as a unit it gives primary attention to Western Oregon and discusses in A telegram was received yester­ WASHINGTON, Sept. 2 5.— Flush­ narrative form the various indust­ day evening from L. A. Moss, in ed with success in their drive for ries of this section. charge of the Boys and Girls’ club I .............................. Japanese relief, one thousand Amer­ That the publication might be work in Jackson County, at Salem ican Red Cross workers from every thoroughly reliable, information was stating that the team representing corner of the Union convened here obtained from the Oregon Agricul Jackson county had won first hon­ today in the organization’s annual tural College, State Bureaus and Florence Rogatz, of New York ors in the contest at the State Fair. convention. leaders of the various lines of in­ The Judging contest was a feature City, 22-year-old lawyer and na- President Calvin Coolidge wel­ dustry. It is endorsed by W. J. Kerr, of the program yesterday afternoon tionl chairman of the Students’ ¿■■•yr.gj r: comed the mercy workers to Wash­ President of the Agricultural Col­ and Mr. Moss telegraphed the re­ Council of the Woman’s Party. ington, made the first address and lege as being pertinent, conservative Chosen by President Coolidge «8 sult as soon as it was announced. Miss Rogatz holds an LL, R. degree presided over the opening session. and representative of actual condi­ his private secretary, Slemp is re­ The team representing Jackson, from Yale University. At the age of While acting afficially as president tions. County, i9 composed of three Ash­ 11 she marched in the first suf­ of the American Red Cross, Mr. Cool­ The population, climate, char­ garded as one of the most adroit and land young people, Frances Joy, of frage parade ever held in New York idge incidentally made his first form­ acteristics and educational advan­ best-informed politicians in the Miss Rogatz is organizing student Valley View district, and Barnard al appearance since the Harding tages of Western Oregon are given country. He is said to know most of lating itself that the fire did not hap- „J councils in the various colleges of pen and Richard Joy, of Bell View dis­ last week, during the shortage L A 7 ^ " , ° a“d Klan,a,h Fa:-'< State funeral. careful attention and a detailed dis­ the members of the House by their the country with a view to interest­ of water. According to Fire Chief! trict. The club which won state hon­ * 7 ? been rushed a,°ng as fast A three-day programme of ad­ cussion is given of agriculture, hort­ first names. ors yesterday at Salem was the ing college women in the work of Baughman, the force of the water 7 effic*ency would allow and the dresses and advanced instruction in iculture, dairying, livestock raising one that won from a field of five the Woman's Party. relief work awaited the delegates. and other pursuits of this section. was as great as could be handled base rock is being laid at the rate of at the recent Jackson County Fair, a quarter of a mile daily. The rock last night. President Coolidge’s attendance fea­ The 20,000 copies will be distribut, and which earned for them the privi crusher is working two 8-hour shifts tured the opening session this morn­ ed through agencies of the railway lege of representing the county at All contractors working on the ing. but the delegates later in the company in every state of the Un­ the State Fair. Although the three road must have the entire base or day plunged into the study of prob­ ited States as well as Canada and members were recognized as the their stretch of road bed laid be­ lems facing relief workers through­ foreign countries. YREKA, Cal., Sept. 25.— Florin best in the county their most con­ fore the top layer is put on. The base Lemay, scion of one of Siskiyou out the country. WHITEPLAINS. N. Y., Sept. 25. sistent supporters had hardly antici.-- rock of the macadam road makes County’s oldest and best known fam­ A wide range of subjects were to pated first place in the state contest. — The State ha9 made a case against the road comfortably passable, ilies, was found dead near his lonely be discussed by nationally-known However, the victory earned by the Walter Ward, young millionaire, Stebbins was entusiastic about cabin on his mining claim on Green- speakers during the four-day con­ local club is not without a great deal sufficiently strong to warrant his the effect of the rain on the grad- torn Mountain, three miles from clave. of honor, due to their having met standing trial and having to defend The Tidings is in receipt of a let-1 ing and road bed. It will serve to Yreka, yesterday. Diversity of Subjects more experienced clubs from other himself against the charges'hf hav­ ter from A. S. Dudley, secretary of | pack down the road he said, and to The discovery was made by Char­ parts of the state. These ranged from war to public ing murdered Clarence Peters. This the Oregon Chamber of Commerce,! put *be road in better condition for les Lemay, brother of the deceased. health service; from home hygiene decision was rendered by Justice 18 Clubs Entered The quarterly meeting of the Bap­ in which that official outlines plan? J tlle ,ast layer of which consists or Wagner. to life saving. The election of offi­ tist B. Y. P. U., Association was held It is believed heart failure was the Reports from Salem indicate that for “harnessing the State Chamber.” four Inches of fine rock. Also, the cause of his death. The Court denied a list of motions cers at this morning’s session and Sunday in the Baptist church, when 18 clubs from as many counties In An outline of the program which | fact that traffic will be running over Lemay was aged 65 and although the launching of the annual Red Ashland young people were hosts to the state, entered the contest, and presented by Ward’s attorneys for is the foundation for the genuine I lhe new road soon will help to pack Cross roll call at the close of Thurs­ delegates from Grants Pass, Klam he had been in poor health he left the victory secured by the Jackson dismissal of the indictment. Another development of Oregon was encloses I road down. for his claim to do some work two days session also held the spotlight ath Falls, Medford and Hugo. county club is all the more pleasing motion, requesting a verdict of not with the letter and is presented in A1* through the winter patrol weeks ago. He had not been seen of interest. The entire day was filled with to Jackson county people. The par­ guilty, was also denied. The denial brief, with the belief that every res-1 itati°ns will he maintained on the At this morning’s session the invo­ business pertaining to that organiza since, hut it was frequently his cus­ ents of three winners, and Ashland of the motions was followed by the ident of Oregon is interested in thi road tractors and snowplows cation was delivered by Rt. Rev. Wil­ tion and delegates arrived through tom to make long stays a this claim people as a whole, take no little close of the State’s case. The de­ program adopted for the develop-J to clear the road of sn«w during and his brother and other relatives fense will present its case at to- liam F. McDowell, Bishop of Wash­ out the day from different tow’ns pride in the deserved victory. ment of the state: 1 winter. gave his continued absence but lit­ morrow’s session. ington. He was followed by Presi­ representing live circles. Will Extend Club Work tle concern until Saturday night Chain her of Commerce Service dent Coolidge, who gave the delega­ Miss Mildred Taylor, of Grants The work of the Boys and Girls’ when Charles Lemay awakened from Statistical Department— Have a- tes an official wlcome from the na­ Pass, who is president of the league Clubs has been progressing at a sat­ WELL KNOWN R. R. MAN if his sleep by a vivid dream of seeing vailable for instant reference, fact? tional chapter. had charge of the afternoon se9siop isfactory rate in Jackson County, DIES IN SAN FRANCISCO regarding every business and indus­ Addresses by Admiral Edward W. hearing various personal reports ant his brother dead. and has been receiving excellent sup­ Finds Body Near Cabin " try in the state. Eberle, Chief of Naval Operations, league notes. The meeting was open port from the county court, not SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 25.— Charles Lemay went to the cabin Service to Local Chambers— Clos U. S. N, and Cairman John Bar­ and all delegates w’ere given free only, but from bankers and business Charles 8. Fee, Freight Traffic man­ Sunday morning and found the body est of cooperation for up-bulldinr ton Payrie followed. The session was sway of discourse. Rev. Milliken, who men of the county in general. ager of the Southern Pacific and a about twenty feet from the cabin. of the state through local organi­ closed with the appointment of com­ is at the Sunday school Convention The scope of the club work will widely known railroad man, died here Coroner Felix Kunz, Sheriff A. S. zations. | OKLAHOMA CITY, Sept. 25__ mittees and the election of officers. being held in Medford, addressed the be greatly extended during the com­ today, following a protracted illness. Calkin sand District Attorney Char­ Tourist Program — Retain tourist Wlth “2ero hour” hut 24 hours away The afternoon session w'as de­ association in the afternoon and also Deceased was quite well known ing year and those in close touch les E. Johnson were notified. It was in the state to see and appreceiate, ^ ^ h om a legislators were in a tu- voted to a study of war service, with delivered the evening sermon. with the movement express the opin­ in Ashland, having visited many stated by those who found the body attractions and resources in each | rault oi excitement here. In the slang William Fortune, of Indianapolis, According to attendants, probably ion that the boys and girls of Jack- times on official business. His last that Lemay had been dead at least I Phrase of the street, the legislators presiding. Addresses were delivered 75 delegates were in Ashland from son county will be heard from in visit here took place during July . district eight days. The body was decomposed “Oregon Business’’ Magazine— Tol are “rarin to go”. Apparently they by Brigadier-General Frank T. Hines, the various leagues. The meeting the future, and that they will bring and could not have been identified aid local chambers— to disseminate fee* that the much talked of “march Director of the U. S. Veterans’ Bur­ held in January, which is the next additional honors to the county. except by the clothing. facts to bulsness men to obtain their I on t*ie Capitol” can’t begin too soon WORLD’S SERIES OPENS eau; Colonel Joe Sparks, Chairman regular meeting date, will be held united action. J to suit them. The lawmakers of the IN NEW YORK OCT. 10 of the National Rehabilitation Com­ in Medford . Oregon Publicity I Sta,e of Oklahoma remained uu- WHIPPING BOSS OF MACON mittee of the American Legion; Dr. NEW YORK, N. Y., Sept., 25— The Bureaus in 36 Cities— To establish I daunted in their determined purpose IS AGAIN PLACED ON TRIAL W. F. Lorenz, Director of the Wis­ RAIN AND FROST VISIT world’s series will open in New York 56 information bureaus in 36 iarg-1 to a88ei«ble tomorrow noon to begin consin Psychiatric Institute, Madison, DUNSMUIR SECTION October 10, Judge Landis announced est cities in the United States, in- { imPeai‘hment proceedings against MACON, Ga„ Sept. 25.— Dr. C. A. Wis., and Robert E. Bondy, Director today. The first game will be held at Governor Walton despite his edict eluding three in Los Angeles. DUNSMUIR, Cal., Sept. 25.— Rain Yarbrough, dentist of this city, has of War Service, American Red Cross. the Yankee Stadium. If New York Feature Articles— Illustrated fea- to the Military: “Shoot to kill, If An open discussion and round-table fell here all day Saturday. Sunday again been placed on trial, charg­ Giants win the pennant the Yankees The Lithian Octette with brand ure stories in National magazines necessary, but don't let them meet.” was cold and cloudy. Early frost has ed with being the ringleader in a conference concluded the session. and Giants will alternate. If Cincin­ Not even in the days of the sav­ new uniforms and quantities of pep trade papers, etc., regarding Oregon nipped squash and cucumber vines series of whipping cases here. The Japan Envoy to Speak nati wins the National League pen­ life. resounding to the heavens, plan to age Red Man and the “old Wild specific charge faced by Yarbrough The session tonight will be fea­ in this part of the county. nant, the first two games will be Railroads and Tour Bureaus— Ed-1 West” has Oklahoma experienced is that of rioting and hinges on the leave Ashland tomorrow for the tured by the appearance of Masanoe played in New York and the next State Fair where they will boost Ash­ ucatlng every information and ticket such a thrill. whipping of W. O. Barnett, a harness Hanihari, Japanese Abassador to me two in Cincinnati. TWO FINED IN SISKIYOU land so lour that New York will hear McGee is Defiant clerk in the U. S. regarding Oregon ] manufacturer. United States, who expressed a wish FOR HAVING DOE MEAT the echo. Eight members of the Oc­ Representative McGee, who issued attrations and Industries The defendant was acquitted some to attend the convention to person­ ’Romance of Oregon,” Booklet? , tbe cal1 for ,he Assembly, said: “We tette, which is the full number will M o O lls l lillC B o t t l e time ago on the charge of whipping ally thank Red Cross workers for DUNSMUIR, Cal., Sept. 25.— R. F. Mills. leave by cars and train, accompan­ on “Agricultural Industry” and will meet or go to jail. If arrested Charles Williams and Miles Seng ied by probably a number of the (Continued on Page 4) Special Booklets— National distri we will demand release on writ of were each fined $50 for having doe wives of the Octette. It is uncertain bution of two attractive booklets te habeas corpus,” he added. meat in their possession. The arrest 39 ARE JAILED IN yet who will be able to attend from Men Ordered Armed KLAMATH FALS, Sept. 25.— Don Development districts to secure vol­ was made at Weed. District Attorney RAIDS AT OROVILLE the feminine representation. All men between the ages of 21 Metzger and Lee Summers, arrested umes of “choice” production foi Charles Johnson prosecuted the The Octette has practiced every last week when discovered iu a grove specific market purposes. and 45 have been ordered to provido case. OROVILLE, Cal., Sept. 25.— night for the last several nights and themselves with arms to protect Ok- Standardizing and Grading— Sel- Wholesale arrests were made in Oro­ have a wonderful display of songs, of trees about four miles west of ect produce for top market price. Jlahoraa> when directed by Governor ville’s Chinese quarter when thirty- booster lines and popular hits thjit here transferring what the officers. 2 0 ,(MM) M E N K IL L E D IN Sheriff L. L. Low, and Game Warden Provide profitable methods for ln Mil,tary proclamation, REVOLUTION IN BULGARIA nine men and women were taken on have been given before local people, M. J. Barnes, claimed was alcoholic handling culls and by-products. Grand Dragon 's Case Continued charges ranging from the sale of liq­ as well as things entirely new and UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu­ Local Market— Popularize Oregon The case of N- Jewett. Grand liquor from kegs to small bottles LONDON, Sept. 25.— Twenty uor to conducting disorderly houses. not yet displayed. gene, Sept. 25.— (Special)— The fall products in Oregon— jobber, retail-1 Dragon of the Klan- who is charged entered pleas of not guilty of viola­ Four narcotic dens, equipped with The new uniforms prepared espec­ thousand men were killed on both with flogging a laundry wagon driv­ term at the University of Oregon tion of the prohibition act and de­ er, house-wife. officially opens today when first-year sides during a battle Sunday between supplies of drugs in addition to opium ially for the Octette have arrived and manded jury trials. Their cases will National Market— Feature Oregon er, v , co tinned at a i ilminary students report at Villard Hall for Bulgarian revolutionists and regular pipes, were also raided, it is de a committee have taken care of in- come up Wednesday. products by advertising, publicity, hearing today until October 9. dared. signa and designed ribbons to be the freshmen English examinations. troops, according to a dispatch re­ Sheriff Low and Game Warden worn by Lithians and Ashlanders, Barnes had started on a deer hunt The freshman may ta,ke the test ceived by the London Daily News. (Continued on page 4) Sheridan to pave Yamhill river Klamath Falls— Strahorn railway who are present at the Fair. The location of the fighting is be at either 9 A. M„ or 1. P. M. bridge and approaches. when they saw a car -parked in the starts passenger motor car service Every opportunity to appear while brush near the road, which at this All of those who pass the exam­ lieved to be near Sofia. P. P. Hassler of Turner Tribune WEED BANK BANDIT IS on its newly built line to Sprague at the fair is to be taken and the ination will be exempt from the place is little traveled and leads buys Ione Independent. HELD UNDER BONDS river. Octette plans to work long and faith­ through a very rough section over English A requirement. If the fresh­ Baker— $20 gold and $30 silver fully boosting Ashland. King Bing what is known as “Whiskey Ridge’’. man shows a lack of proficiency in EARTHQUAKE REFUGEE WEED, Cal., Sept. 25.— Monicklore per ton found in Phelan mine. COUSIN OF LOCAL MAN Hamilton of Salem has written to as­ English, he enrolls in this subject Busy Filling Bottles Pickner, 22, whom officers say has) certain all data concerning the num­ until he shows himself no longer de­ A search among the timber near confessed that he was the bandit who SANFRANCISCO, Sept. 25.— May ber of Lithians expected to attend. the car brought the two officers sud­ ficient. Neill, of La Grande, and John Con- held up the First National Bank here Personned of the Octette follows: denly upon the two men and with Registration for old and new stu­ fay and Mrs. L. Cowley, of Seattle, Friday and fled with $1,080, was or­ First Tenor, J. A. McGee, Carl Love­ them were two women. They were dents begins Thursday morning. Un­ are among refugees of the Japanese dered held for trial under bonds of SALEM, Sept. 25.— Having one land, director. Second Tenor, Dr. R. der the new system in vogue, a stu­ earthquake and fire who arrived here busy filling bottles and the men, $15,000 at his preliminary hearing. court house fully constructed and L. Burdic, H. G. Enders, Jr; First SALEM, Sept. 25.— To conserve dent will prepare his course for the aboard the seeing the officers approaching, at­ steamship President adequate for its needs, the county Pickner’s desire for comfort Sat­ state highways, especially in coast Bass, S. A. Peters, Jr; V. D. Miller, entire year, with the advice of his Pierce. court of Klamath county can not High Fizz; Second Bass, H. K. Tom­ tempted to make a get-away into urday morning led to his capture. counties, the highway commission major professor. The student first the timber. Metzger was immediate­ He ordered his breakfast sent to legally enter into the wholesale con­ linson and Dr. Phetteplace. here reduced maximum loads twen­ obtains his registration blanks at ly taken, and he and the two women the room in the Weed Hotel, which Miss Neill, of La. Grande, is a struction of court houses, the Su­ ty-five per cent under the law. The the registrar’s office in Johnson Hall school teacher and a cousin of Lee were brought to town. Summers was he had occupied for several days. preme Court ruled here today in af­ GERMAN CHANCELLOR ISSUES maximum is 22,000 pounds and the and proceeds to the office of his ma Tuttle, of the Tidings force. For located later. James Daley, hotel clerk, became new order reduces this to 16,500 firming the decree of Judge Skip- W ARNING AGAINST UPRISING jor professor. About fifteen gallons of the moon­ suspicious. He notified the author­ the past two years she has been worth. The decision rendered by pounds. The order becomes effective When the freshmen arrive in Eu­ teaching in the public schools of shine was taken and many small ities and two officers carried Pick­ Judge Skipworth granted Frank October 15, and continues until April BERLIN, Sept. 25.— Chancellor bottles, gene they will be greeted at the Honolulu. At the close of school in filled and empty, were ner’s tray to the room. 15, 1924. taxpayer, an injunction Stressman issued a warning today passenger stations by committees rep June she began a tour of the Orient Wade, brought in. One of the interesting Immediately after his arrest, Pick­ against the county court enjoining to the German nation against an up­ The new order applies to the fol­ resenting the student body and stu- and was in Japan at the time of the features on the collection is the fact ner was identified by Charles Drury, it from spending further funds In lowing roads: Medford-Crater Lake. rising in retaliation for the surrend­ that no attempt had been made to dnt Y. M. C. A., and Y. W. C. A., terrible catastrophe that destroyed bank teller, as the man who held Ashland-Klamath Falls, Bandon-Cur- completion of the Hot Springs coun­ er of the policy of passive resistence clean the bottles. A number of them and will be escorted to residence halls Yokohama and Tokio. The young him powerless at the point of a gun rey County line, Currey County line- ty court house. In another decree the to France. "We will proceed, ruth­ were old medicine bottles, some hav­ or to rooms which they will select lady is a daughter of Nellie G. Neill, while he scooped all the currency In Corbine, Roseburg-Coquille, Corvallis after consulting lists prepared by principal of one of the La Grande county is also denied title to the Hot lessly, against any attempts to re­ ing at one time held poison. One sight into his pocket. The stolen Newport, McMinnville-Tillamook, Mrs. Virginia Judy Esterly, dean of schools, and is a graduate of the Springs court house, due to its fail­ volt,” he said, “The existence and bottle had in It two tablespoonsful money, with the exception of >16» Neskowin-Hebo, Tillamook North- ure to live up to the terms of the unity of the German State must be .women, and by the Y. M. C. A. of lysol. In the outfit was a siphon was fonnd crammed under the wash University of Oregon. gift. blachy-Goldson, and Mt. Hood-Clack­ i safeguarded, said the Chancellor, and other filling apparatus. bowl ln the room. amas County. ■■ ■ ■■ ■ ................ ■¿■'".»¿ d . l . BODY IS FOUND THROUGH DREAM CASE IS MADE AGAINST WARD STAIE CHAMBER HAS B. V. P. 11. ION HERE "ISNEAR IN OKLAHOMA CIIY Lithian Octette Leave Tomorrow For State Fair Has Deadly Poison staieìmi T O P EN E D T flD A Y ONE COURT HOUSE IS S U F F I C I E N T S P E C IA L !