PAGE TWO ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Friday, ♦ o <► risked their lives daily besides performing most exhausting work. They road against time at the same moment having a care for the horse. Each took an oath to abstain from hquor, gambling and profanity. Some died in the discharge ot their duty. It was a service which appealed onlv to the most venturesome spirits and it is. well their feats’ are re­ membered It was an introduction of ah anarchronism in this age through a reminder of things that were. A s h la n d D a ily T id in g s ______________(Established, in 1876) Published Every Evening Except Sunday by O O THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO Bert R. Greer .................................. Editoi OFFICIAL CITY PAPER oo Î f < o o oo > no on O h no no 1> big package More homes and better homes mean happier families, less divorces, and a better world. 3**....... ....................................................... (" ''L O T H E S T a i­ lored to Measure by B o m afford un­ l i m i t e d c h o ic e o f fabric and fashion» DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: Single insertion, per inch ....... ...........................30 Yearly Contracts: One insertion a week ................................... $ .27}$ Two insertions a week .............. ........................25 Dally insertion ........................ ................................ 20 ______________ — IT IS FUNNY a The way some minds work. Take for instance i’in Anenta] ?ttitu<*e of the man who, hides a $30 00 watch under his pillow at night, vet he parks Ins ear on a dark street for hours at a tune with a $30.00 spare tire that has no pro­ tection. ?rie nH™ber of tires stolen is said to be ap­ palling. flie appalling thing is that so few are stolen when the opportunity is so great. Considerably more than half the ears that pass you daily are carrying spare tires and wheels that have no protection.? Every ear owner should have at least two pad locks, one for his garage or tool box and one tor his tire carrier. We have a full line of the Celebrated Telephone 39 Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postoffice as Second Class Mail M atter. Subscription Price, Delivered in City One M cnth ...... __ $ 65 Three Months ....... Six Months ........... One Year ................ By Mail and Rural Routes: One Month ............ Three Months ....... ..................................... 1 95 Six Months .......... One Year .......................................................... 6>50 c___ NEW ____________ Rates For Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising F irst insertion, per 8 point line ................. | .10 Each subsequent insertion, 8 point l i n e ......... 05 Card of Thanks ............... ............................... 1.00 O bituaries, per line ..............................................02% 1 WHAT CONSTITUES ADVERTISING ‘‘All future events, where an admission charge is made or a collection taken is A dvertising. No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. DONATIONS: No donations to charities or otherw ise will be made in advertising, or job printing— our contribu­ tions will be in cash. SEPTEM BER 21 THE ONLY H E L P :— For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee. F ear not; I will help thee.— Isaiah 41:13. ASHLAND IS HAVING A BANNER YEAR I Daily News Letter ; YALE and TOWNE PAD LOCKS Simpson’s Hardware A n y w ea v e and coloring y o u fa n cy may be found in our new showing o f all w ool cloths; you may s e le c t any one of t h i r t y - f i v e sack m o d e ls a n d h a v e y o u r su it ta ilo red p r e c ise ly t o y o u r measure and personal preference. Classified ads bring results. You will be well pleased w ith our ser­ vice; you will appreci­ ate the saving in price. BULK SEEDLESS RAISINS Paulserud's IJB3E alchemy conducted by mystic signs at astral tim es and by people select­ ed by fate.” “ We believe th a t the light and air Those who have resided here a sufficient number of years of publicity would have a healthy to he well qualified to judge are of one accord in saving that London, Sept. 20— Secret diplo­ and invigorating influence upon in­ this year will he the best in the history of Ashland. The con­ macy ia the “ badge of the duller and ternational relations,” MacDonald dition here presents a striking contrast to the situation exist­ more stupid minds th a t have been added. Above a.11, we are certain ences,“ according to Ramsey Mac­ ing in many other towns of the Northwest, that if we are to have peace we Donald, leader of the British Labor m ust build up policy on public Not only is the volume of business showing a marked in­ Party, the chief opposition in the opinion and puhjlic knowldge, for crease over former years but there is improvement in the House of Commons. th at task is quite beyond the abil­ general financial condition both in the town and in the sur- D uring a debate ju st prior to the ity of th e little coterie of gentlemen lounding rural districts. Ashland grows a wide variety of adjournm ent of Commons, Austen who live in ruts, look out from Cham berlain, one of the leaders of blinkers and are tau g h t in a school <•1 ops and tor most part each has found a good market, prov-i the Lloyd George branch of the Lib­ of experience and discipline which ing that the district of diversified resources is on an average eral party, and a form er member of unfits ra th e r than fits them to do more prosperous than the sections that depend on a single of Lloyd George branch of the Lib­ the work they are expected to do. crop. With strawberries, cherries, apricots, peaches, string eral party, and a form er member o f “ The aim of the Labor party as beans, raspberries, blackberries, apples, and other fruits Lloyd George’s coalition cabinet, a t­ regards foreign affairs has been to grown in commerieal volumes, and with each meeting a good, tacked the Labor party'3 protest construct a policy to end this w ar continuation of secret diplo­ market the community has enjoyed prosperity from the date! against a fte r w ar’ which France and Bel­ macy. “ I think the denunciation of gium are now carrying on, to get of harvesting the first crop. secrecy in diplomacy is claptrap,” In addition to the growing of many products, Ashland he said. He proceeded to point out British influence on the side of th a t policy, and to devise a programme is fortunately situated with respect to markets. In the first th a t the Labor party does not in ­ of action in which B ritain will play place huge quantities of fresh fruits and vegetables are ship­ vite the press to come and listen to not for it3 own hand, but for the discussions.” ped into northern California points and to the Klamath Falls its Ln confidential wider and deeper purposes of a recent article in the New country, which form an ever increasing market?' Although Leader, a labor publication, Mac­ peace and reconstruction. Our duty some of the fresh products have been marketed individually Donald pointedly answ ered C ham ­ is to keep pegging away, m aking a the bulk has been handled by the local fruit and produce as­ berlain and outlined Labor’s idea on sound public opinion th a t will re ­ spond to an enlightened lead. \ sociation, which organization has •been marketing along secret diplomacy. “ W hat is known as sceret diplo­ si ientific lines, and as a result excellent prices^have been is certainly regraded by us as received. Augmenting the foregoing markets is the Ashland macy one of the most evil ways of doing Canning company, which is consuming several hundred tons things,” MacDSnald said. “ Secret of fruits and vegetables. With an excellent market for large diplomacy does not mean the te n ta ­ quantities of fresh products and with a cannery to consume tive private soundings and approa­ the surplus the small fruit grower and gardner have met with ches th a t paecede an agreem ent, but the m aking of th a t agreem ent and no difficulty in finding a market at profitable prices. the binding of nations to it by three Dairying and poultry have added to the sum total of or four persons acting on th eir own the prosperity that prevails here. responsibility; it is the narrow ing The operations of the Blair Granite Company have also down of democratic responsibilities in all international affairs to the aided materially in the year’s business. The enormous payroll of the Southern Pacific is another duty of passive ob ed ien ce«to the mo3t concentrated and close-visioned source ol a large volume of business. of bureaucracies; it is the reg ard ­ One of the most valuable resources from which comes ing of national interests as a mere he growing prosperity is the tourist trade. The season has game of chess, the success of which been a record breaker for tourist travel and the fact that depends not on rig h t but on finesse, more than 10,000 people camped in the auto parks of Ashland and from which large impulses and during the month of July is sufficient to convince the stranger motives of public opinion are je a ­ excluded. To stand by this or prospective homeseeker of our importance as a tourist lously wizened survival of mediaeval gov­ center. ernm ent Mr. Cham berlain and his New homes under the course of construction have aided friends consider is th eir duty. m the general growth. “ We pn the other hand are de­ term ined to change colnpletely the *1 he result is that Ashland, with a diversity of crops and varied resources, with its stragetic position as a tourist cent­ method of conducting business with other nations. We propose to end er, is enjoying an increased volume of business, while the the bureaucracy of th e foreign of­ towns less favorably situated report the volume of business fice, with its queer m entality and, below normal, with no prospect of reaching a normal volume subversive selection of agents, with tor another year, or possibly two. its work done in secluded rooms and The atmosphere of Ashland is surcharged with optimism, by strange people, for all the world and that the coming year will witness great strides in the as though it were some p u rsu it of program of development and growth is now apparent. September 21, 28 Stores 201h Century Grocery 28 Stores SATURDAY and MONDAY September 22 and 24 C U T ^ T R ™ p i S l r h.e^ sS 0 I,ID PACK TOM ATOES-Gold Leaf Brand, ° UT ? nRIN®LESS BEA N S-V alue Brand, or JUNE PEAS, all the latest packs, 2 Cans 25c- Dozen Cans $1.45. - Po," “ l s .......................... LARGE PACKAGE RAISINS 2 tor « c COC Or tO C PINE APPLE-1923 Puck-Broken slices, Tree ripened fruit '1 No 2 v 2 cans No. 2 cans . o ,v i; A PINEAI I LE—Grated, halves, flat, 12 *c N° E a 2 c h ................ ............... on« hUC iA ,i < l lS K ach ............................... BALL MASON FRUIT JARS—Equipped with genuine porcelain zinc caps. Quart size, extra special Dozen 85c TABLE SALT—Leslies Brand 2 Pound Package............... - 10c IVORY SO A P -“ Gnest Size” Dozen Bars .. OSC Raeh........................... 5c CA 5 Z .5 0 BULK SEEDLESS RAISINS c o 25 Pounds . . . . . ROYAL BAKING POWDER, Lilrge i 2oz Cans................ 2% pound cans E a c h ................ 5 Pound cans E a c h ......... FEDERAL M ILK-Tall Cans E a c h ............. 6 C a n s............................ Tt is so satisfying, besides it is made in the Northwest. BROOMS—SUPER VALUE Fach SITA ER ISLE—The Ten Cent mediati ic soap........... I1EAD RICE—Blue Rose Variety 4 Pounds................................. in Pounds........................ the dangerous sendee. For $125 to $150 a mouth these men 1 neighborhood benefit. A shland Store 374 F a st Main Street. Misi ford Store 81 N. C entral Ave. Cured Without Surgery JF you suffer with Piles „ 1 will send you my FREE, illustrated booK tellin g o f the causes, symptoms and injurious enable m e to GUARANTEE a apeedy and permanent C U re.Tnw em ent« may ba takaa waalcly tf It I t Inc o a v an le M to ba hata lo r dally attention. Write 69c There are hundreds of other reasons why these stores are a PILES effect«—if neglected. It also describes the non-surgical, painless m ethods w h ic h wUC 20th CENTURY COFFEE has the Value th at only good coffees can have, per pound 35c; 3 Pounds $1.00 RECALLING THE PAST The famous pony express of 1860 from St. Joseph, Mo., to San Francisco has just been repeated as a feature of a pageant of progress in which a half-dozen Western states took part. Riders followed closely the old trail of three score years ago. Whil® P^turesque and a reminder of other days it was difterent trom the original as all imitations are. No hostile Indians menaced the riders every mile of the way. Where an occasional fort gave the only protection to the rider and there was always doubt what would be found at the station t<> uliieh he was bound, towns and cities now mark the way and the horseman enjoyed a security that removed all the adventure trom the undertaking. It was a rather colorless tnp because the settling which made it famous is wanting. But V esterners like to recall the old days when perils were met b\ daring men and an empire was reclaimed from the sa\ age. That is why such imitations are staged, though thev lack necessarily the thrill of the real thing. \ et it is worth recalling what kind of men performed QH a “If you ask me, it’s the best cigarette ever made!” 1023