Thursday, September 20, 1923 AHHTANP DAILY TIDINGS O fficers R oundup W ild Bull and Save Citizens Kansas City, Sept. 20— Two Kan­ sas City detectives turned matadors recently when they were summoned to Center Station, between Rosedale Classified Column Rates and Argentine, Kansas, to rescue One cent the word each time. about 50 residents from the ravages To run every issue for one month or more, *Ac the word of a bull suddenly turned belligerent each time. The minions of the law drove the fractious beast into a corner, lassoed FOR SALE and hog-tied him. The bull's owner an aged negro, was seriously gored FOR SALE— Fixtures and furni­ before the 'detectives arrived. shings of small rooming and ap­ artment house— in good location. Call quick at 177 E. Main St., Yockey & Co. Phone 14C. Classified Column PROFESSIONAL FOR SALE— Modern 6-room Bungalow, good location. Cash pay­ ment; terms on balance. Easy way to get fine, up-to-date home. Yockey & Co. 15-3e.o.d. FOR SALE— Ten - room apartment house. Inquire 137 First Street, Ashland, Oregon. 12-5* FOR SALE— New 10x12 tent for sale, $14.00, at 111 Third St. 15-2* FOR SALE— 13 Dairy cows or will take for stock cattle. Phone1 447L. 14-3* WANTED WANTED TO BUY— Acre or more land with five or six room house near Ashland. Cach payment, rest on terms. Call 928 B. St. Ashland Ore. 16-2* WANTED— A furnished appart- ment of 2 or 3 rooms, ground floor, about Sept. 24. Enquire Mrs. Lane, Tidings office. 16-2 WANTED— Boy to learn printing trade. Call at Tidings ofice. 14tf ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the White Shield home, 565 Mayfair Ave., Portland, Oregon. 10-lyr PHYSICIANS DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ dence and office, 108 Pioneer avenue. Telephone 28. Office hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 p. m. only. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ tice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat— X-ray including teeth. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg, Ashland. Ore. DR. G. C. PHET1EPLACE DENTISTRY Above Citizens Bank Office Phone 1S1 Res. Phone 201J CHIROPRACTORS DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic and Electro-Therapy. The com­ bination does wonders. First National Bank Bldg. Phone 48-142. House Calls DR. HAWLEY— Above office. Phone 91. Tidings DR. ERNEST W. SMITH— Chiro­ practor, near Postoffice. Hours 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS FOR prompt and careful service, auto trucks or horse drays, cal Whittle Transfer Co. Phone 117. Office, 89 Oak street, near Hotel Ashland. B6(f JANITOR WANTED— For early morning work. See Greer at th e 1 T. L. POWELL—»General Trans­ fer— Good team and motor Tidilngs office. trucks. Good service at a rea sonable price. Phone 83. FOR RENT FOR KENT— 4 Room Appartment furnished, nice place, $16.00 a month to right party. 21 E. Main, Freeburg. 16-3 TRY FEH1GE FOR HAULING and transfer work of all kinds 375 B St. Phone 410-R. 200-lm o PLANING MILL IX)ST— On Bam Street, between Granite and Bush, baby’s white P. K. coat. Finder phone 411-J or re­ turn to 77 Granite. Reward. 16-tf JORDAN’S SASH AND CABINET WORKS, Cor. Heilman and Van Ness. 194-tf FOR SALE PLUMBING FOR SALE— Beautiful new five room bungalow, breakfast nook, large bath room, screen porch, laundry trays, built in features in kitchen, dining room and bed room. Cement porch and pergola, basement, double garage, wood 3hed, one block from Baulevard. Come and look it over at 341 Beach St. Terms if desired. 30 ltf FOR SALE, TRADE OR RENT— 160 acres unimproved land, un­ incumbered, near village of 300 on S. P. R. R. and good hard roads. 100 acres under fence with good natural pasture, plenty of water. Three roomed house, barn and woodshed. For further particulars address F. J., care Ashland Tidings. 148tf JERRY O’NEAL— Plumbing. 207 East Main. Phone 138. MONUMENTS MONUMENT— MARKERS I,owest Prices ASHLAND GRANITE CO. 3rd and East Main St. 223-6mo ASHLAND GRANITE MONUMENTS Oregon Granite Co. S. PENNISTON, Salesman. Res. 476 Laurel Phone 444Y *« « > > » ♦ » .» « » » » » ♦ » • ♦ ♦ > ♦ « » » » < :• F I N D I T H E R E , jj ’ A Column Devoted to Brief ’ <► Business and Personal Notes. ” PAGE THREE CUT TIOS OUT—IT IS WORTH MONEY MARK NOW VERY LOW i CAMP LEWIS MAY BECOME recommended that concrete or brk-k PERMANENT .AIR BASE buildings be erected at Camp Lewis and that he will confer with Brig­ TACOMA, Segt. 19.— Rebuilding adier General Robert Alexander,- of Camp Lewis with permanent bar­ commander of the post, on plans to racks and establishment of an army besubmitted to the war department. air base at the post within the near The entire personnel of the army future, was predicted here yesterday post passed in review before the by Major General Charles A. Mor­ general during the day. General Mor­ ton, commander of the ninth corps area, who is here on his annual trip ton expects to remain in the North­ of inspection. west for the remainder of the week General Morton said that he has on army business. Send thi3 ad and ten cents to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name aûd address clearly. You will re­ ceive a ten cent bottle of FOL­ EY’S HONEY AND TAR for Cougs, Colds and Croup, also free sample packages of FOLEY KID­ NEY PILLS for Backache, Rheu­ matic Pains, Kidney and Bladder Trouble, and FOLEY CATHCAR- TIC TABLETS for Constipation and Biliousness. These wonder­ ful remedies have helped millions 1 of people. Try them! } Sold everywhere. i < ► Austria is on longer the “para­ Ben Llpton is among out-of-town dise” of German vacationers. The visitors from Vancouver, B. C. crown, for years the ‘ poor relation” Beter clothes for less, at Pauls- of the German mark, is now stabil­ erud’s. 13-tf ized, while the mark keeps on in its fatal plunge. Yet, stabilization, which is the M. C. Meyers i3 among late arri­ direct result of the American loan vals from Salem. that put Austria back on its feet. ha3 O. I. W. Meyer is a recent arrival not served as a check to the steady upward trend of prices in Austria. from Portland. The cost of living is mounting from Let us renovate that old suit. day to day. If Austrians want to Paulserud's. 13-tf get any benefit from their money they go to Germany, just as a year Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wright are ago— and even six months ago— visitors from Honolulu, H. I. Germans came to Austria to spend their marks. I C. A. Claran and family are ou^- At Bad Gastein, the fashionable of-town visitors from Newmonia, Summer resort, one day costs— for A steel Guitar and Ukelele orches­ Wis. a modlst tourist— 300,000 Austrian tra is the newest thing in the musi­ PROSPERITY is a hard thing to crowns. That is, at the present rate cal line to be introduced to Ashland get moving. Some people can­ UMBRELLA MAN of exchange, forty-five million by the enterprising band leader, Carl Leaves town. Thur3ady last day. marks, or approximately $40. Thus not budge it. Others can. They Loveland, who in answer to the Bring your work to Vendome Hotel. Austria, a year ago the cheapest use the budget. That means they demand for this sort of music plans 15-2 country in Europe, has become the plan their expenses, and alxive ail, to organize such an orchestra in most expensive. the near future if enough people that they plan to save a part o f all S. R. Russell is among late-arri- The following table illustrates the come out and enter the organization. their earnings. vals from Sah Francisco. rise In prices since the war: Carl is to be assisted in develop­ CROWNS 1914 1923 ing the organization by F. M. Rush K. K. Kelts is an out-of-town 400— monthly expenditure of a an accomplished and experienced guest in Ashland calling on mer­ middle-class household........ 1 turnip ukelele player who was with the chants from Portland. SCO— 21 days’ round-trip f Keoklas Hawaiian entertainers in Spitzenbergen .... 2 cheap cigarettes Vancouver and on Vaudeville circuit * Ashland. Oregon For good waffles and real coffee 1,000— A good piano........1 news­ for nearly four years. Rush will try the Palace Lunch. paper or 2 rolls. be remembered as the man that put 1,700— A plot of land for a large on the Hawaiian number at the Geo. L. Thompson is registered 2,000— Complete furniture for a Armory during the minstrel 3how from San Francisco. He is a business j large home........ 1 glass buttermilk last January and also put on the visitor calling on merchants. 4,000— Pearl necklace........ 1 cup surprise Hawaiian number at the * .................................................. ..................................................... .. black coffee. Elks ball last winter. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Peterson ar 10,000— A little country home Si Many people have already inquir­ ♦« » » » > ♦♦> > I > ... .......................... " , among late arrivals from Portlan with garden....1 shirt colar or 1 ed about the orchestra acocrding to slice of ham Carl Loveland and the two men are Waffles, the kind that melt in your) 1 necktie of medium quality. to give lessons to many others who mouth at the Palace Lunch. 50,000— A luxurious mansion have signified their desire of join­ WILL BE m BUDGET The Citizens Bank of Ashland Mrs. C. Brown is a recent arrival from Portland. The best coffee and town. Palace Lunch. waffles In Among late arrivals from Portland Is G. W. Ingrain. C. C. Crawford, Mrs. W1. II. Brew­ ster and children and Mrs. L. G. Turner are motoring south from Seattle. Cliff Payn© makes stands. S. D. Clarke is a recent arrival from Everett. S. D. Lemley is a recent guest from Spokane, Wash. guest J. E. Blair and family are out-of- town visitors from Chehalis. New Fall Paulserud’3. Styleplus Clothes at 13-tf Auction Sale ing the orchestra. Registering from Portland are Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Calhoun. OF E L E M IIY OSEO Los Angles, Sept. 19— The total annual capacity of the hydro-electric generating stations of the eight lead­ ing countries of the World is about 20,000,000 horse power according to Benjamin E. Jones, hydraulic en­ gineer of the United States Geologi- Survey. In this field of power pro­ duction the United States heads the list with a total production per year of over half the entire amount. If ad­ ditional hydro-electric plants are put in operation in the United States at the same rate as they have been since 1920, by 1930 this type of electric current production will be providing the nation with 14,000,000 horse power annually. Canada, Japan and Europe have all been making rapid progress in this method of producing electricity by water power. In Canada alone the increase in capacity of hy­ dro-electric plants for 1922 was 500,- 000 horse power. —I— 1--- F Phew«« «s (404 CommoaitiM •nisi:) i»t« Farm Stock and Implements, r- "V •S F ricM A G oo Tun J rowTV il wis u m mi tita ten T H O U G H always highest in q u a l­ ity , Goodyear Tires a re n e v e r h ig h priced, as th is ch a rt s h o w s . S ee h o w G o o d y e a r T ir e prices fo r years have kept u n d e r th e av­ erage price level fo r a ll c o m m o d itie s . Today, th e best tires Goodyear ever b u ilt sell fo r 37% less th a n in 1920? 30% less th a n in 1914. This is a good tim e to buy Goodyears. I 4« C m J j w Sarvica S t . / i w , Lee OlBen is a recent arrival from Speedy British Plane O— f ar« wa aaff « « 4 racam - THE SAFER WAY San Francisco. m a n J tA < n«aa C a a J v a a r E n ters Schneider Race CarJ« m O S M a fcaaaf«Z London, Sept. 20,— Great Brit­ IV e a tA a r Z r a a J a n j S a c * To KNOW what dangers fA o m « p la ffA « ta n rfa rW Mr. and Mrs. J. White of Corvallis ain’s entrant for the Schneider Cup threaten you— are among recent arrivals. race, the Napier Supermarine Sea Ashland Vulcanizing Works FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE Harrison Bros. Ford Garage Lion, which won the race for her To PROTECT Yourself FOR SALE— Modern bungalow, A. C. Yaden and family are out- at Naples last year, has been from these dangers garage, 3 large lots, fruit, of-town guests from Klamath Falls. at Cowes, Isle of Wight, on Septem­ berries, etc. 356 Laurel St. ber 27. through insurance— •W e c ta ra M a J a 1 m W Troie’* 280-1 mo* Mrs. L. E. Gorch is a late arrival Her potential speed has beèn in­ 3XT To SECURE that insur­ from Tillamook. creased to 160 miles per hour, her WANTED ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPO­ wing span reduced from 30 feet to ance from this Agency— , SALS TO CONSTRUCT SEWER. AN INTELLIGENT PERSON__ ) j J. F. Jones is a business visitor 24 feet, and her engine increased to Either sex, may earn $100 to Recored’s Office, 450 horse-power. THAT IS THE SAFER i today from San Pranc‘8co- $200 monthly corresponding Ashland, Oregon. Her chances, however, are no* re­ for newspapers; $15 to $25 Sept. 19. 1923. WAY! Medford to vote on $160,000 garded very favorably in view of weekly in spare time; experi­ SEALED PROPOSALS will be re­ "> school bonds. the keen United States competition. ence unnecessary; no canvas­ ceived by the Common Council of the So that the clients— present sing; subjects suggested. Send City of Ashland, Oregon, until 7:30 and future— of this Agency for particulars. National Press O’clock P. M„ Tuesday, Oct. 2nd, may always be informed of Bureau, Buffalo, N. Y, 1-tf 1923, at the Recorder’s Office in the developments affecting their ? j j City Hall, and such proposals will FOR RENT insurance interests we issue be opened and considered the same See S. L. Allen for Furnished a monthly publication called i day and date at 8 o’clock P. M., for Apartments. ‘‘The Safer Way” the ocnstruction and installation of Washington. Sept. 19— Since the NEW YORK, Sept. 19.— Is there 4-1 Mo. a sewer in Sewer District No. 26, all United States has let down the bars a modern and acceptable substitute If you will write or phone we on child labor, the employment of for the “Deadwood Dick” tales, the pipe and material to be furnished will be glad to mail you a sam­ IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE children in the industrial tast haB “Injun” stories, the blood-and-thun- by the Contractor. STATE OF OREGON FOR JACK- ple copy of this publication— Said sewer is to be built from the increased by leaps and bounds, the der paper-backs of a generation ago SON COUNTY without obligation, of course. Department of Labor announced to­ that will be acceptable to both grown terminus of the present sewer on Lincoln Street south along Liucoln day. A survey of conditions of thlr- up censors and boy readers? Can IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Street to the center of Iowa Street; 1 ) ty cities scattered over the country the writers of best sellers, backed OF JACOB CONELY, Deceased, < J showed an increase of of 36.8 per by modern science and invention, thence westerly along Iowa Street NOTICE Real Estate and Real Insur­ ' cent in the last six months. turn out tales that the modern boy approximately three hundred seven­ Notice is hereby given that the ance. undersigned Executor of the above will grab and read as eagerly as ty feet, also from Iowa street south (Estab. 1883) Estate will, from and after Septem­ on Palm Ave. approximately four Phone 211 41 East Main ber 22, 1923, offer for rent, and For the best in sweet milk and his grandfather read the lurid but hundred ninety feet, according to rent, the real property belonging to \ream go to Detrick’a. 106-tf tabooed books and booklets of his the plans and specifications on file day? said Estate consisting of 240 acres of land with about 100 acres under ♦•*•* * * *♦ *■* *> »» m ♦>♦«♦«♦>»» These are leading questions to in the office of the City Recorder. Oranges, lemons, grape fruit— cultivation, including about 20 acres The whole cost incurred in the Detrlck sells for less. 106-tf which the Executive Committees in construction and installation of said in alfalfa to the highest and best For a smooth shave, and charge of the publications issued by cash bidder therefor, for a period of the Boy Scouts of America propose sewer and all expenses incident one year from October 1, 1923, sub­ quick service, go to the Full line of ammunition. We ject to ratification by said Court, Shell Barber Shop, across finding a direct answer. This inquiry thereto are to be paid by special as­ repair, buy, trade and sell new said premises being well fenced and has been made possible as a result sessment and levy on the property and used guns. Army Goods containing fair buildings, such lease from Depot. Grinding of of a $100,000 gift received from an specially benefitted thereby in pro­ Store. 295-tf to be made subject to sale of prem­ all kinds. Children’s work anonymous source. This fund is to portion to the respective benefits ises with usual clause for reimburse­ a specialty. thereto. ment to tenant in case of sale; the Better be safe than sorry. See be used initially in developing a with­ present tenant to be given the first All bids must be addressed to the Beaver Realty Co. about your In­ er range of contributions to Boys’ W. A. SHELL, Prop. right to release. City Recorder and marked “Pjopo- Life, the monthly magazine publish­ surance. Phone 68. 287-tf Said premises are situated in sec­ sai to Construct Sewer.” ed by the Boy Scouts of America for tions 33 and 34, township 35 South 532 A. St. Ashland, Ore. A certified check for $25.00, pay­ Range 2 West Willammett Meridian, We make a specialty or picnic all boys. «>>><«»>♦»- Jackson County, Oregon in Sams *~* ♦ able to the City of Ashland must ac­ This $100,000 contribution repre­ and campers’ needs. Detrick’s. Valley. company, which amount the success­ sents a protest against the idea en­ ÍS8-tf IV ritten bids will be received up to tertained in many quarter that in­ ful bidder shall forfeit to the city in September 22, 1923 at 10 A. M.. at the office of F. J. Newman in the Have a fit at Orres. Tailors for nocuous potbollbrs are the sort of caes he shall fail to execute a con­ Palm Bldg., Medford, Oregon. articles that boys should read. The tract and furnish an approved bond men and Women. Upstairs. For further information write, 4-tf fund will be used in placing at the for the faithful performance of 9uch ’phone or interview the undersigned , Aa Well As disposal of the boy reader a por­ contract within five days after noti­ at Ashland, Oregon, ‘phone number tion of the talent now almost exclu­ fication of acceptance of the bid. In One Of SOMETHING NEW 2F22, or said F. J. Newman, at hi3 sively employed in writing for mag­ address above set forth, ’phone The council reserves the right to An automobile accident policy number 56R or 21F3. azines that are supposedly gotten out reject any and ali bids. that pays $25.00 per week; in Dated September 15th, 1923. for mature readers. hospital $37.50 per week; acci­ GERTRUDE BIEDE, FRED C. HOMES, dental death $1.000; In 5 years City Recorder. Executor of the Estate of Jacob Springfield school budget calls for Date af first publica- Conley, Deceased. $1,500; cost only $7.00 per year. z z - zzz $36,493. 13-4 *-*-*-w-*-*-*-R-*-*-v-v-w-v-o-w-w-v-w-w Phone >7 4J. Teo, of course. tion, Sept. 20, 1923. good M ear Monday, Oct. 1, 1923 6 Miles East of Ashland on Dead Indian Road. Three head horses, 9 head young cattle, mower and rake, hay haler, chickens and other farm supplies. C. D. OWEN, Owner. Let Us Deliver Your Fuel To You Slab Wood Unfortunately, we can deliver at this price only close in and not on the hills. Try our Rock Springs, Utah Coal and Briquettes— Delivered anywhere. CARSON-FOWLER CHIU LABOR SAID SUBSTITUTE WANTED TO BE INCREASING I FOR “DIAMOND DICK PROVOST BROS Refrigerators LBR. CO. PHONE W* Ashland, Oregon i\ A Way to Save Money Billings Agency S A V E IC E FO O D L * < Use Zerolene— d better oil even i f it does cost less. Zerolene cons leas than many other oils of infrrio r lubricating quality because of our ex* « lie n t &cdiuea for producing and distributing it in very larve quantities to users on the Paciâc Coast. W e ao not have to pay long'haul trans* ion and high merchandising costs to it available. A ll that you pay for Zero* to buy high quality only nnr. ne w d l reduce your carbon troubles and e v e you more mileage from your gasoline. It w ill reduce your upkeep cost, add years to the life o f your car and give you greater satis* fecaon in driving. I ' * Insist on Zerokne— even if it does cost less. STANDARD (ML OOMPANY 3o^to CARBON 5% Rxwtjouateu miWe. ZEROLENE ♦ i ♦ t t i ♦ i ♦ i ♦ ♦ : :