w ^4 »♦» ASHLAND CLIMATE, with out the aid of medicine cures nine cases out ten of asthma, t This is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings THE TIDINGS HAS BEEN ASHLAND’S LEADING ' NEWSPAPER FOR NEARLY FIFTY Y F A R ^ (International News Wire Service) VOL NO. V. » m Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. 1 * m m » M M t< H > » MALARIA GERMS cannot survive three months in the rich osone at Ashland. The pure domestic water helps. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ASHLAND. OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 20, 1923. NO. 16. REPRESENTATIVE1ITII1A " BE ™ ___ ' SERVED AT FAIR PRAISES BUDGET SYSTEM OF U.S. GOVERNOR OF RAIL OFFICIALS MANY DEAD AS VISIT ASHLAND OKLAHOMA MAY RESULTREVOLT BE IMPEACHED OF BULGARIANS Plan Of Chamber Is That Fifty Cases Will Be Dispensed Free Reduction Of National Debt And Of Expenses Laid To Budget CONGRESSMAN GIVES SEVERAL TALKS HERE Adoption Of Budget System By State Of Oregon i ’rged By Congressman In Talks Made Today. Has Served Many Terms In Senate. W. C. Hawley, congressman from the third district of Oregon, is in Ashland today in attendance at the Pioneer reunion. Congressman Haw­ ley delivered an address before the venerable pioneer men and women immediately after the noon hour. Later in the day he made an address before the Illinois association. The distinguished visitor arrived in Ashland yesterday morning and at noon was a guest at a banquet given at the Hotel Ashland by the Lithians. A real feature of the Oregon State Fair which opens at Salem on Sep­ tember 24, will be the fact that Litliia water is to be served free by an Ashland delegation which plans to take over fifty cases to Sal­ em for the purpose. The idea originated with the Cham her of Commerce and when they got into touch with the bottling works, Mr. Silver agreed to furnish 50 cases of the water free of charge if the Lithians and the Chamber of Com­ merce would agree to pay the trans­ portation charge and arrange for the serving of the water. The Lithian Octette is also to be present at the Fair and will sing on Thursday on several occasions. It is believed at present that a special booth will be set up for the occas- sion and the Litliia Water will prob­ ably be dispensed by the wives of the younger Lithians in the Octette who plan to accompany them to the Fair. Declare That Tourists Are Beginning To Recognixe Oregon Attractions House Of Representatives To Meet Despite Order Of Executive WALTON TO IGNORE LEGISLATURE CALL Tourists in increasing numbers are coming to recognize the attrac­ tions of Oregon. This was the opinion expressed to­ day by J. A. Ormandy, General Pas­ senger Agent of the Southern Pacif­ ic Company at Portland, and K. C. Ingram of San Francisco, editor of th ^ railroad company’s Bureau of Backbone Of Revolution Reported As Broken From Belgrade Is MACEDONIANS THREAT Twenty Four Charges Filed TO JOIN INSURGENTS A-gamst Governor Bv The AI embers Of The Lower] Ne’ 3' who visited Ashland with a . ( entral Sol ¡a Government Mouse^Whieh Will Conduct s- Rosebaura. District Freight and Charges That Neighbor Bal­ Trial On Wednesday. Passenger Agent. , kan States Have Been As­ A larger volume of travel was cit­ sisting Rebels With Anns M ajority To B e P resen t ed by the railroad men in support of And Supplies. OKLAHOMA CITY, Sept. 20.— A majority of the members of the House of Representatives will meet here next Wednesday to consider charges of misconduct against Gov­ ernor Walton. Simultaneously with the call it was announced that sixty one members of the House will be present. Twen­ ty four charges have been filed against the Governor touching a number of phases of his career, particularly since martial law was Mrs. B elm on t, president of th e W om en’s P arty, w ho w ill preside at declared. th e im portant m eetin g o f th e N ational C ouncil Qf th e W om an’s Party their opinion. Freight traffic has al­ so increased. The growing impor­ tance of this district has been recog­ nized in a substantial way by the Southern Pacific Company in the creation of a district traffic agency for this region under the direction of Mr. Rosenbaum, and by the raises in rank of the railroad’s traffic of­ ficers in Oregon, notably the ap­ pointment of J. M. Mulchay and J. M. Scott as assistant freight and pas- senegr traffic managers at Portland, respectively, and the promotion of E. Miller and Mr. Ormandy as General Freight Agent and General Passenger Agent at Portland, res­ pectively. London, Sept. 20— Many hundreds of persons were killed in the fight­ ing betweet the Bulgarian commun­ ists and the troops, according to a dispatch from Sofia today. R evolt R eported Broken Belgrade, Sept. 20,— The back­ bone ’ as two large holdings make really a game pany held on 9,000 acres of land a tee that framed the budget law’. transportation charge, dispatched a or three Quakes being recorded few miles north of Red Bluff. The preserve. Deer are never molested. P raises System special train of 100 empty cars1 daRy* Most of these are mild shocks case has been set for trial on Octob­ SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 19. — To While the farms are fenced, the deer The congressman is enthusiastic from its Roseville yards to handleiand are recorded only by the seis- er 16th. jump over fences at any place and most of the veterans of the Ninety- over the accomplishments of the the shipments of rice. which some of the more serious dis- The Tuscan Oil company drilled make themselves at home. They first “Wild West” Division, which budget system, and ¡3 firm in his These cars were distributed among turkances occur has caused the au a well down 1.700 feet deep on the C HICAGO, Sept. 20.— Subpoenas seem to know they will never be will hold its 1923 reunion in San opinion that it averted a financial thorities in Japan to insist upon Wilcox land and then ceased oper­ the various warehouses in the Sac­ Francisco in connection with the na­ panic following the close of tlie ior 22 persons w’ere issued and an ramento Valley and, as fast as load­ building construction throughout molested on the Parker farms. ations when its funds became ex­ This home park is on the edge of tional convention of the American World War, as well as having pre- j investigation started that threatened The equipment was sub­ ed, are being placed in trains des­ the empire being “seismologically Scott Valley, Robert Parker showed Legion, the reunion dates, October hausted. vented business from sinking to the to reduce society and the under­ tined to San Francisco. sequently sold at a sheriff’s sale to perfect.” Particular laws to this ef­ Dr. and Mrs. Corbiere 100 deer graz­ 13 and 14, will celebrate the fifth low’est level. In an interview’ with world to common levels here after a tool "concern in the bay cities to fect followed the mo3t calamitous Detailed arrangements for the ship­ anniversary of the short period of a representative of the Tidings, he Mrs. Helen Stokes, of New York, told ment of this large consignment of earthquake of recent years at San- ing at ea.se. They could walk up which the company was indebted. the state attorney that her million­ within 100 feet of the herd and not recuperation which followed the divi. said: were made at a series of conferences riku, which destroyed over 13,00lf sion s relief in the Argonne and pre­ Stilt later a number of local citizens “The United States is the only aire husband had been spending between T|. Ahern, Southern Pacific house and took a toll of more than a deer moved. c ed ed its entrainment for action in got together and subscribed enough really safe, and sane nation in the thousands of dollars in an effort to Superintendent at Sacramento and 27,000 lives. Belgium. It was at that time that money to purchase tlie complete make it appear she had once been an world today, with the exception ot According to Professor Omori, the division was theoretically resting plant at the well and planned to re­ England. The nations of Europe are ' C,licago Br°thel, famous representative Harris of the American Red Cross at the state capital. near Bar-le-Due, though the reorgan sume drilling at the earliest practic­ Japanese seismologist, the number hnnAU.dv D, o... , ........f° r lts Pa,r°nage from the ultra rich. able time. hopelessly in debt, and the fact that Several days ago President Sproule of earthquakes which occurred in ization of the personel and replace She said her husband has been the United States is today in the Meanwhile it was deemed advis­ ment of equipment following the bat­ buying perjured affidavits from for- of the Southern Pacific announced various parts of Japan during the best condition financially is due to tle made the “rest” a rather frenzied able to have title to the land clear­ merbers of the Everleigh Club, say. his company had subscribed $25,000 last twenty-five years was 37,642, our adoption of the national budget ed up, with special reference to the for Japanese relief work and that, affair). ing she was also a member. The an average of 1,506 a year, or about PORTLAND, Sept. 19.— Portland law. which made it possible for the lease held by the Tuscan Company. inquiry is to be hurried as Mrs. in order to relieve human suffering four shocks a day. In Tokio alone a grain quotations are a puzzle to Between 150.000 and 200.000 Hence the suit brought by Wilcox. governmental ntachienry to func­ Stokes divorce case rehearing is due as promptly as possible, the railroad perceptible schock occurs once a most persons who know that turkey World War veterans are expected in tion at a minimum of expense. Plain­ October 1, in New York. would carry free of charge food and week. A traveler in Japan will find red is one of the best milling wheats San Francisco for the Legion con­ ly speaking, the budget system has supplies consigned to the Americani it a dull morning if he is not awak- for Oregon. Many farmers think that vention and the military reunions, compelled us to keep our expendi­ regU,arly a«thorized|ened from slumber by the gentle because that excellent variety is so which will be held at the same time. tures on a level with our income, ° r the representatives handling reHef fQr swayjng tQ and fro of h_8 largely grown buyers take advantage Naturally the 91st reunion will be and more, for we are not only meet­ earthquake sufferers rattling of the chandelier and the of the large supply as a talking point the largest of these, since the divi­ ing the interest on bonded indebted­ dishes. in lowering the price. Buyers on the sion was organized on the Pacific ness and the regular expenses of In Japan the study of the earth's other hand say they want the hard Coast, and it is expected to bring be­ conducting the government, but we SACRAMENTO. Cal.. Sept. 19.__ disturbances has ever been a pre­ dark turkey but are not so keen tween 15,000 and 20,000 wearers Headed by Lewis F. Eppich of Den­ have paid approximately $1,700,- about the poorer classes. They point of the green fir tree. The 91st re­ dominating matter. 000,000.00 of our public debt. ver, President of the National As­ NEW Y ORK, Sept. 20.— A curtail The Seismological Society of Jap­ out that most of the export demand union will be held Saturday and sociation of Real Estate Boards, a A nnual E xpenses Reduced Sunday preceeding the convention an was formed by a group of is for white wheat. * “ In 1919, the year following the[ ed metropolitan newspaper in size week, with regimental unit and divi­ large list of prominent land develop­ Turkey red is the best yielding scientists and many astonishing war, the expenditiurs of the govern­ and edition loomed as a possibility The question of a Winter Fair is sional business meetings, sightsee­ ers and real estate brokers from all ment reached the enormous sum of for an indefinite period when the to be considered by the Directors new discoveries issued from its lab- and best paying variety for the dry ing trips, and an immense banquet at parts of the state of California will $18,500,000,000.00. In 1920 the New York publishers called off their of the Chamber of Commerce at a orltories in the Imperial University farm lands of the Columbia basin, be on hand for the opening of the dealings with the two thousand strik but the experiment station grain men which the entire gathering will be annual state convention of the Cal­ at Tokio. sum was reduced to $6.500,000,000 ing pressmen who quit Tuesday. A meeting which they are holding Fri Japanese visiting or living here at have been looking for a white wheat served at one time in the huge civic and to $3,500,000,000.00 in 1921. ifornia Real Estate Association to be combination papers will appear in an day night at 7:30 P. M., in the the time the first meager reports of with turkey milling qualities equal­ auditorium', and other entertainment That this reduction w’as effected is held here October loth to 13th. The features. eight page form and the only adver­ Chamber of Commerce rooms. Sev­ the cataclysm which had over­ ly hardy and non-shattering. list of speakers will include such a real accomplishment of the Re­ tising used will be that of amuse­ eral other important matters are al­ whelmed their native coutnry were An information bureau, where ho Several varieties were obtained publican party, and is due for most ment houses. men as President Harry B. Allen of so to he discussed according to Sec­ from Kansas last year and tried out tel reservations may be made, has San Francisco Real Estate Board, received were unanimous in the part to the saving effected by the retary Fuller and he urges everyone opinion that, despite the horror of in the nursery at the Burns station been established by James I. Herz, Frazier O. Reed, state President of budget system.” to be present. under severe conditions. Of the va­ secretary of the Ninety-first Divi­ How Saving Is A ccom plished The probable dates for the winter the catastrophe, the fact remains rieties tried, 18 winter killed and sion Association, at 353 Bush Street, the California Real Estate Associa­ tion; J. V. Mendenhall, president of Congressman Hawley explained in fair, which are being considered at that following each seismic distur­ several came through with promise. San Francisco. the California Approved Land Associ­ bance, Japanese cities are rebuilt detail the mechanism of the budget j present are December 6-7-8, and ac­ One of these will be shown for the ation; Dr. Herman Janss, vice pres­ system. Briefly, it is best explained cording to Mr. Fuller full plans will on more modernized Ocidental lines first time in the experiment "Station ident of the California Real Estate by saying that its organization is be made tomorrow evening in re­ than previously. show at the Oregon state fair. Spec­ I Association and land developer of such that though intensive study of gard to the Fair if it is decided to ial provision is being made by Secre­ the San Joaquin Valley; Ira E. High be held. the cost of running the various de­ tary Currey to keep this valuable The last three days of this week, of Boise, expert and multiple list­ partments of the government, cover-, ----- hold it. seed in a place guaranteeing Its safe­ ing several years past, its heads ^“htember 20, 21 and 22,the people ing; Henry P. Barbou. Long Beach The directors will be pleased to ty from theft and fire. and a score of others. know at the beginning of the fiscal 1 P ,., lt a *a, will celebrate receive any suggestions In regard to If successful, the new wheat will year just about the amount that with a fair and rodeo, bigger and the holding and staging of the Fair make possible complete standardiza­ Portland, Sept .19— R. Dabney, is actually required. That sum is pro­ better than any ever staged in Call- Mr. Fuller states, and invites any­ tion in Eastern Oregon of white Roseburg and Salem jitney driver, fornia. Some of the features of this vided and no more. Under the eld one interested to' attend the meeting WASHINGTON, Sept| 20.— The wheat, high yielding and good in whose blood stained bullet and punc­ system the Secretary of the Treas­ big celebration will be a $150,000 tomorrow evening. agricultural depression which is quality. tured automobile was found over­ ury mailed inquiries to the heads of gold exhibit, a $200,000 stock show, sweeping the west has practically looking a bluff near Oswego, giving vraious spending agencies of the gov­ exhibitions of 13 county granges, a wiped out party lines, Senator Bor­ evidence of his cold blooded murder ernment, asking for the amount re­ special poultry show, auto show and ah, of Idaho, stated today. He pre­ i9 now believed to have been a San Francisco— Although many quired by the respective departments open air dancing. According to word dicted the west would throw its sup­ framed murder to hide his disap­ great forest fires are burning in received from officials of this affair, Naturally the department heads w’ere port in the next presidential cam­ pearance”. Dabney “disappeared” twenty northern California counties, not at all hesitant in asking for it is a little more elaborate and more paign to the man “who can relieve two years ago while living at O > it is believed they are completely plenty, and while reductions made extensive than anything of its kind present conditions.” Borah said, the bany, Ore., and was gone for five under control. A menacing situation Paris, Sept. 19— Premier Baldwin West is friendly to William McAdoo by the Committee on Appropriations ever planned for northern Califor­ WASHINGTON, Sept. 19.— The months, acording to his wife when 3till exists in Marine County. The nia county. and by Congress as a whole served of England, and Premier Poincare and that a strong sentiment exists Battleship Arkansas of the Atlantic quizzed at Salem today. This togeth­ town of Fairfax is still endangered. A number of Ashland and soutn- of France, reached a reparations to check expenditiures to a certain for Henry Ford, and Coolidge. Fleet collided with the destroyer Me er with the fact that Dabney took Additional fire fighters including degree, the waste was teriffic and j n Oregon people w ill motor over agreement, it was officially announc­ Farland off Newport, R. I., accord­ out a $3000 insurance policy nam­ 200 soldiers from the Presidio were the annual co3t of conducting the ^.e Rne next week and enjoy the ed today. Details were not made Autum n V acation— ing to a dispatch to the navy de­ ing his wife as the beneficiary lends government continued to fhcrease by . SlS *'°U