ASHLAND D A l t f TIDINGS Wednesday, September 19, 1923 FIND IT HERE - : < • _ , _ PROFESSIONAL Classified Column A Column Devoted to Brief ’’ < > Business and Personal Notes. ‘ [ PHYSICIANS Classified Column Rates One cent the word each time. To run every Issue for one month or more, %c the word each time. FOR SALE FOR SALE— Fixtures and furni-1 shings of small rooming and ap­ artment house— in good location. Call quick at 177 E. Main St.> Yockey & Co. Phone 146. FOR SALE— Oak and Alder wood. Amer at Pell Bldg. 10-6* FOR SALE— Ten - room apartment house. Inquire 137 First Street, Ashland, Oregon. 12-5* FOR SALE— Or will lease for aterm, strictly first-class modern bun­ galow, nicely furnished. Respon­ sible parties only need apply. E. T. Staples, Hotel Ashland Bldg. 13-3 FOR SALE— New 10x12 tent for sale, $14.00, at 111 Third St. 15-2* FOR SALE— 13 Dairy cows or will take for stock cattle. Phone 447L. 14-3* FOR SALE— Good gas range and gas heater. E. T. Staples, Hotel Ashland Bldg. 13-3 WANTED WANTED— Woman Roomer— kitchen privileges, 240 C. St. Phone 288R. 15-tf WANTED— Boy to learn printing trade. Call at Tidings ofice. 14tf W ANTED— Girls, Apply at Plaza. 8-tf. DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ dence and office, 108 Pioneer avenue. Telephone 28. Office hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 p. m. only. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ tice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat— X-ray iucluding teeth. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg, Ashland, Ore. DR. G. C. PHETTEPLACE DENTISTRY Above Citizens Bank Office Phone 131 Res. Phone 201J CHIROPRACTORS DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic and Electro-Therapy. The com­ bination does wonders. First National Bank Bldg. Phone 48-142. House Calls DR. HAWLEY— Above office. Phone 91. Tidings DR. ERNEST W. SMITH— Chiro­ practor, near Postofflce. Hours 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS FOR prompt and careful service, auto trucks or horse drays, cal Whittle Transfer Co. Phone 117. Office, 89 Oak street, near Hotel Ashland. 56tf T. L. POWELL— General Trans­ fer— Good team and motor trucks. Good service at a rea sonable price. Phone 83. TRY FEHIGE FOR HAULING and transfer work of all kinds 375 B St. Phone 410-R. 200-lm o PLANING MILL JORDAN’S SASH AND CABINET WORKS, Cor. Heilman and Van Ness. 194-tf WANTED TO BUY Will pay cash for used Ford roadster or second­ PLUMBING hand drag saw. Amer at P e ll' JERRY O’NEAL— Plumbing. 207 Bldg. 10-6* East Main. Phone 13S. ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May MONUMENTS communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the White MONUMENT— MARKERS Shield home, 565 Mayfair Ave., Lowest Prices Portland, Oregon. 10-lyr ASHLAND GRANITE CO. 3rd and East Main St. 223-6mo MISCELLANEOUS ASHLAND GRANITE LOST— Boston leather bag with MONUMENTS baby's apparel. Lost near or in Oregon Granite Co. Llthia Park. Finder please leave i S. PENNISTON, Salesman. at Tidings office. 10-6 Res. 470 Ijanrel Phone 444Y FOR RENT CÄ1TEE REGISTRHION L PORTLAND, Sept. 18.— The dairy bull registration law has been very J. L. Child and family are Cali­ fornia visitors today from Los well observed by Oregon dairy breed- [ ers as a whole during the life of Angeles. I the law, reports II. N. Colman of Beter clothes for less, at Paul3- ' the O. A. C., dairy staff, secretary Certain erud’s. 13-tf of the registration board. violations could not be prosecuted Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rinaldo are because of flaws in the original act j which have now been amended and recent arrivals from Los Angeles. set right. The measure provides that no per­ Let us renovate that old suit. son or firm in Oregon may sell, give Paulserud’s. 13-tf away, or offer for public use, or buy Ed Birmingham is an out-of-town or accept for use any dairy bull that is not registered, pure bred, and li­ visitor from San Francisco. censed to be sold. Public service is defined as breeding any cow in herds J. A. Newell is also a visitor from of five or more cows not owned by Portland. owner of bull. The dairy department at the col­ New Fall Styleplus Clothes at lege constitutes the dairy registra­ Paulserud’3. 13-tf tion board. Responsibility and penalty for vio­ Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cusick are out- lation of the act was placed by the of-town guests from Dunsmuir. last legislature on the received as well as the purveyor of animals A. L. George and S. Mossiger are sold or used illegally. Permission to among visitors from Portland. obtain a temporary license to sell animals meeting the registration re­ Coming from Cicago, Illinois is quirements but not yet licensed, may T. A. Meier. be granted by the board, made up of P. M. Brandt, head of dairying Antoher visitor from Dunsmuir is at the college, and members of his Geo. M. Taylor. staff. Interpretations by the attorney- O. S. Johnson is a new arrival general’s office permit much of the from Pasco, Washington. “red-tape” to be cut and the law- more readily and effectively admin­ Lewis A. Clarke is among out- istered. of-town visitors from Portland. The board depends upon breeders, county agents, farm bureaus au^ Mr. and Mrs. S. Lesser and Mr. others interested in raising the stan­ and Mrs. F. J. Goedert are register­ dard of dairy livestock, for informa­ ed from Portland. tion onv iolations or attempted vio­ lations of the law. Special informa­ Mr. and Mr3. L. H. Brown are tion as to cases, names, dates and visitors from Multnomah County. other legal points is essential. NOTICE I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by my wife, Mrs. E. R. Blair. Emerson Blair. 13-3* F. L. Walker is an guest from Salem. out-of-town W. II. Campbell of San Francisco is among out-of-town visitors. J. II. Swanton is among late ar­ rivals from San Francisco. GUIDE SAVED BV ROPE FREEZING IN GLACER Geneva, Sept. 19— An extraordin­ ary incident unique in the annals of alpine climbing in reported from the Bernese Oberland, where a woman climber and her guide were saved from certain death by their rope freezing into the glacier in which they were' trapped. The womanfi Mme. Coninz, witli a guide named Bischoff, wa ascend­ ing the Monch when the guide slip­ ped and fell into a deep crevasse. Mme. Coninz had the presence of mind to throw herself flat on the snow, saving herself from being dragged over, but she was unable to pull up the guide. Thus they remained for several hours until finally the guide, des­ pairing of help, decided to sacrifice himself to save the woman, and beg­ ged her to cut the rope. She at first refused, but at last yielded to his entreaties and cut it To the great astonishment of both lie did not fall. The cord had cut deeply into the ice and had frozen to the glacier and the guide re- longer until help arrived when they were both got out by means of ropes. Where was Mrs. Place’s Deer— Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Kruggel Fred Kruggel acompanied by J. F. Place and H. W. Mitchell motored to the Klamath Lake regions Saturday t£ be on the ty>ot at the opening of the duck season. They report a good lot of ducks and Mr. Mitchell wa* able to bring home a few fish. Owe- ing to the rough condition of the roads the party were tired when they returned to Ashland, however, a first class outing was experienced. J. G. Bolander is a recent arrival FOR RENT— Piano, 842 Boulevard IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE from Reno, Nevada. Phone 432-Y. 13tf STATE OF OREGON FOR JACK- SON COUNTY REAL ESTATE LOANS Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Peckham are among out-of-town guests from IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE 6 PER CENT LOANS— Undei Ontario, Cal. OF JACOB CONELY, Deceased, Reserve Sy9tem on city or farm NOTICE property. Reserve Deposit Frank H. Moore is a visitor from Company. 72 Fourth street, St. Louis. Notice is hereby given that the Portland, Oregon. undersigned Executor of the abovt> 290-Wed Sat-3 mo. - --- —,------------1 Estate will, from and after Septem­ C. F. Swander is a visitor from ber 22, 1923, offer for rent, and Multnomah County having regis­ FOR SALE rent, the real property belonging to FOR SALE— Muir and late Craw­ said Estate consisting of 240 acres tered from Portland. of land with about 100 acres under ford peaches. 2 cents per lb. cultivation, including about 20 acres Another visitor from Portland is Bring your boxes. Avery* or­ in alfalfa to the highest and best Malcolm L. Gilbert. chards. Phone 10F5. 3 -tf cash bidder therefor, for a period of one year from October 1, 1923, sub­ ject to ratification by said Court, FOR SALE— Fresh fruit3 and Mrs. A. G. Jillson and daughter said premises being well fenced and are among recent arrivals from vegetables. Phone 335L. 575 containing fair buildings, such lease Liberty St. 304-1 mo to be made subject to sale of prem­ Dinuba, Cal. ises with usual clause for reimburse­ FOR SALE— Beautiful new five ment to tenant in case of sale; the Cliff Payne makes cedar chests. room bungalow, breakfast present tenant to he given the first right to release. nook, large bath room, screen Mr. and Mrs. W*. Andrews are Said premises are situated in sec­ porch, laundry trays, built iu tions 33 and 34, township 35 South among recent arrivals front Toledo, features in kitchen, dining Range 2 West Willammett Meridian, Ore. room and bed room. Cement Jackson County, Oregon in Sams porch and pergola, basement, Valley. Written bids will be received up to George Andrews is a visitor from double garage, wood shed, one September 22, 1923 at 10 A. M., at Toledo, Ore. block from Baulevard. Come the office of F. J. Newman in the and look it over at 341 Beach Palm Bldg., Medford, Oregon. Mrs. W. H. Lish Is among out- St. Terms If desired. 30 ltf For further information write, ‘phone or interview the undersigned of-tow-n guests from Portland. FOR SALE, TRADE OR KENT— at Ashland, Oregon, ‘phone number 160 acres unimproved land, un­ 2F22, or said F. J. Newman, at hi3 The Knapp Studio will open Wed­ incumbered, near village of 300 address above set forth, ‘phone on S. P. R. R. and good hard number 56R or 21F3. nesday, the 19th at Hotel Oregon. roads. 100 acres under fence Dated September 15th, 1923. Students interested in credits (in REVO MAX SHOOTS SELF with good natural pasture, FRED C. HOMES, voice) toward graduation must make plenty of water. Three roomed IX FOOT WHILE HL’XTIXG Executor of the Estate of Jacob house, barn and woodshed. For arrangements soon. Stndio open Conley, Deceased. further particulars address F. 13-4 Wednesday only from 9 to 7. Phone RENO, Cal., Sept., 19.— Dr. J. Le- J., care Ashland Tidings. 148tf 1 1 3 :’ 13-3 Rue Robinson was painfully injured For a smooth shave, and FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE while hunting ducks near Washoe Mrs. H. J. Bleasing 13 among the Lake when the shotgun was accident, quick service, go to the FOR SALE— Modern bungalow, ally discharged. The charge entered recent arrivals from Portland. Shell Barber Shop, across garage, 3 large lots, fruit, the physician’s left foot. berries, etc. 356 Laurel St. from Depot. Grinding of First aid was given by Dr. S. K. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Grab is among 280-1 mo* all kinds. Children’s work recent visitors from Dallas, Ore. ! Morrison, who was hunting with Dr. a specialty. WANTED Mr. and Mr3. A. E. Hagan of Ed- Robinson at the time. | monds, Washington. AN INTELLIGENT PERSON— W. A. SHELL, Prop. UMBRELLA MAN Either sex. may earn $100 to Leaves town. Thur3ady last day. 532 A. St. Ashland. Ore. Elmer L, Shirrell and Lindsay A. $200 monthly corresponding Bring your work to Vendome Hotel. Crawford are recent arrivals from for newspapers; $15 to $25 15-2* weekly in spare time; experi­ A Carload of Fencing, just Oakland/- ence unnecessary; no canvas­ in. Why pay 10 or 15 cents sing; subjects suggested. Send more per rod elsewhere. Just for particulars. National Press for to be mean, and to trade Bureau, Buffalo, N. Y. 1-tf out of town, and genuine FOR RENT FOR RENT— Furnished 478 Boulevard. See S. L. Allen Apartments. for house. 304-tf Furnished 4-1 Mo. LODI GIRL INJURED WHEN AUTO TURNS OVER LODI Ca., Sept. 19.— Miss Matilda Hass, 333 East Elm Street, was pain fully injured when an automobile in which she was riding turned over. Three other occupants of the cai were injured. The accident happened near For­ est Lake, a few- miles north of this city. The injured woman was brought to town by passing motor­ ists. ?ood American fence too that you will get here. New and old Sewing ma­ chines always on hand. Har- nes and implement. You will always find the best at PEIL’S CORNER < • I " Farm Stock and Implements, 6 Miles East of Ashland on Dead Indian Road. Aa Well As In One Of PROVOST BROS Refrigerators Auction Sale Monday, Oct 1,1923 S A V E IC E FO O D Three head horses, 9 head young cattle, mower and rake, hay baler, chickens and other farm supplies. I '• «> C. D. OWEN, Owner. PAGE THREE M* ♦ Alabama Mayor Says Tanlac Restored His Health BUDGET ♦ ♦ P R O S P E R IT Y is a bard thing to ■ get moving. Some people can­ not budge it. Others can. They use the budget. That means they plan their expenses, and above all, that they plan to save a part of all their earnings. The Citizens Bank of Ashland ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Î ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * Ashland, Oregon JITDGX 6 .W . THOMASON 4 « ♦ Judge G. W. Thomason, Mayor of 4 Tarrant City, Alabama, widely known and highly esteemed pioneer citizen, recently gave his unqualified endorsement to the Tanlac treat­ ment. “Chronic indigestion brought me < > to the verge of a general break­ down three years ago,” said Judge Thomason, “and nothing seemed tq * CORRECTED BUDGET afford much relief. I was eating Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chapter XIV Irrigation scarcely enough to keep going oi> District Laws of Oregon, that the Board of Directors of Talent Ir­ and food stayed in my stomach like rigation District has prepared and placed on file in the office of said a rock, causing pain and extreme District In the City of Talent, Oregon, where the same is open for nervousness. Sleep was often im­ inspection, an estimate of the t-otal amount of money proposed to possible, and I gradually weakened be expended by the said District during the ensuing fiscal year from so I could hardly attend to my of­ October 1, 1923 to and including September 30, 1924, for each and fice duties. every branch and department of said District. The estimate is as “The fiist bottle of Tanlac im­ follow»'. proved my appetite and digestion Directors: Per Diem ................. 300.00 ♦ appeared and I rested better at MUeage .......................... 100.00 night. Each successive bottle gave Miscellaneous .... 58.00 450.00 added impetus to my returning Secretary-Manager.....................................;........................ 3.000.00 strength, and I felt ten years young­ Office: , Clerical ............„..... ................. ........................ 900.00 er when I finished the sixth bottle Telephone & Telegraph ........... 250.00 a short time later. Tanlac gave me Postage, Stationery, etc..................................... 150.00 new zest in life that still remains Water ...................................................................... 12.00 with me.” Light ...... 12.00 Tanlac is for sale by all good Fuel ........................................... J......................... 50.00 druggists. Accept no substitute. Insurance ............... ~............................................. 50.00 Over 37 million bottles sold. Industrial Insurance ........................................ 100.00 Miscellaneous ..................................................... 50.00 1,574.00 Tanlac Vegetable Pills are Na­ Auto Transportation: 2 Fords ......... 600.00 ture’s own remedy for constipation 1 Chevrolet ..............................‘...........................300.00 For sale everywhere. 1 Truck ...............................................................200.000 1 ,1 0 0 .0 0 < ► Legal ................................................................................... 500.00 Improvements: McDonald Canal ................................100.00 Talent Lateral ......... 600.00 Miscellaneous ............«........................................ 300.00 Cleanse th o r o u g h ly —then, 1,000.00 without rubbing, apply— Ditch Cleaning: Bast Lateral ....................................250.00 Talent Lateral ...................................................... 600.00 McDonald Canal ................................................. 400.00 1.250.00 ▼ V a p o R ub Ditch Walkers: O ve r 1 7 M illion J a n UooJ Yoart» 2 Ditch Tender 12 months © $110.00 ........ 2,640.00 East Lateral: 1 man <8> $115.00, 6 months 690.00 1 mau © 100.00 6 months ........... «00.00 For the best in sweet milk and 1 man © $100.00 1 month ................. 100.00 1,390.00 veam go to De trick’s. 106-tf Talent Lateral: 2 men © 100.00 6 months ........ 1,200.00 2 men © 100.00 2 months ................. 200.00 1 ,4 0 0 .0 0 f Oranges, lemons, grape fruit— McDonald Unit: 2 men © 100.00 4 months ........800.00 Detrlck sells for less. 10 8-tf 1 man © 100.00 2 months ............200.00 1,000.00 Hyatt: 1 man © 100.00 8 months .......................... 800.00 Full line of ammunition. We Elections ....... .......................................................... ...................... 50.00 repair, buy, trade and sell new Refunds ........ ................................................................................... 50.00 and used guns. Army Goods State Interest ............................................... .............................. Store. 295-tt 6,333.74 Interest, Storage Unit, on $101,116 bonds ........................... 6,066.96 Better be safe than sorry. See Interest, McDonald Unit, on $107,884 bonds ...................... 6,473.04 Beaver Realty Co. about your In­ Bond Principal Due January 1, 1925 ........................................ 11,500.00 surance. Phone 68. 287-tf Dellnqulncy ...................................................................................... 5,000.00 Emergency 25c per acre ......................................................... 2,275.00 We make a specialty of picnic Total to be levied ................................................................. $53,852.74 and campers’ needs. Detrlck’a. Notice Is hereby further given that on Tuesday, October 2, 1923, 236-tf the Board of Directors sitting at a board of equalization, will meet and continue in session from day to day. as leng as many be neces­ Have a fit at Orres. Tailors for sary. to hear and determine any objections by any interested persons men and Women. Upstairs. to the assessments and apportionment thereof and any other matter 4-tf connected therewith that may come before them. Dated September 4, 1933. SOMETHING NEW BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TALENT IRRIGATION DISTRICT An automobile accident policy O. ARNSPIGER, Secretary. that pays $25.00 per week; In hospital $37.50 per week; acci­ dental death $1,000; in 5 years $1.500; cost only $7.00 per year. Phone 274J. Yeo. of course. Tidings classified do the business Notice To The Land Owners Of Talent Irrigation District c V I C K S UTS-SORES DON’T SAY YOU MISSED IT. Northern California’s Biggest and Best THE Siskiyou County FAIR and RODEO September 20, 21, 22 Well worth your trip for the knowledge you gain and the Fun You Have Open Air Dancing—Baby Show, Carnival, Horse Races and Aquatic Sports $150,000 MINING EXHIBIT. $200,000 STOCK SHOW Reduced Fare from Ashland and way Stations.