ASHLAND CLIMATE, with out the aid of medicine cures nine cases out ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings 1 HE TIDINGS HAS BEEN ASHLAND’S LEADING NEW SPAPER FOR NEARLY F IF T Y __________________ _____ VOL NO. V. (International News Wire Service) 1 1 YEARS. :: malaria germs cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. The pure domestic water helps. ♦ ♦ ♦ * Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. ASHLAND. OKEOOX WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1903 ENGLAND TURNS DOW PROPOSAL OFFERED BY U.S. NO. 15 FOOTBALL TEAM ORFORD f CITY COUNCIL PO RT BOOSTS ROAD KLAN FIGHT IN . WORRIED OVER OKLAHOMA WILL WATER PROBLEM BE CONTINUED TO BE STRONG Seven Lettermen Out First Night, With Others Soon To Come Curry County People After Improved Highway To Coast With the biggest turnout, both in numbers and size, thatthe local High Extension Of Legal Limit For!8cb001 has ever bad tor Football the first week of practice, prospects Searching Ships Not j for a winning team are very good ac­ Desired cording to Coach Walter Hughes, who has guided the destinies of the Ashland athletes for the past three WILL REFER MATTER years and took the basketball team TO IMPERIAL MEET through to a state championship two year ago. Desire Of United States To With seven lettermen out the first Extend Present Three Mile night and indications that at least Limit To Twelve Miles Not ;tw° more wil1 be out bef°re the end Received W ith Favor By o£ the week the prospects for a vet- I eran team are bright. The seven English Government. Miss Emma Vascovie, 10, and Mrs. Roy McGlone, 30, were found brutally murdered in the apartment of Mrs. McGlone. Police are search­ ing for Joe Brindisi, a Sicilian, with whom Mrs. McGlone is said to have been friendly for several years, on the theory that the crime was com­ mitted by a Jealous-raged man. Mrs. McGlone was the wife of Roy M e Glhne, athletic instructor, of Denver. The couple had been married ----------A To be present while Oregon cedar to the amount of 3,000.000 feet, Question Whether To Build. which will be used in the reconstruc­ Reservoir Or To Buy From tion of districts in Japan devastated State Labor Federation To by earthquake, is loaded Into the Back Governor Walton Talent Company hold of the “Frogner," a Norwegian In Campaign steamer of 9300 tons. Port Orford, Curry, county, has extended an in­ MAYOR BELIEVES vitation to the people of Klamath, PRESS CENSORSHIP BOTH NECESSARY Josephine, Jackson, Coos and Curry LIFTED AT TULSA counties to be at Port Orford. Sat­ Construction Of Warehouse urday, September 22nd. On Second Street Starts During the gathering, plans will State National Guard Being Mobilized In Case Force Immediately To Be Used For be further developed for the pro­ Reeded To Enforce Orders Storage Purposes By Three posed construction at a paved high­ Departments. V Governor Against K u way that when completed will link Klux Klau. Rather a mean battle was waged Klamath Falls with the * Oklahoma City, Sept 19— at the regular Council meeting last Orford, using that part of the Pacif-I ic highway already constructed from ( Ported unanimously by the State ‘ ± ' . T : " ° ' A' h“ M « Labor £ h.„ £ £ I lettermen who reported for the first Washington, Sept. 19— Great Bri- I Practice are Thornton, Marske, Mof- tain has virtually turned down the fet> Wild, Chapman, Carlon and Dix proposal recently made by the Amer- and both Hobson and Beeson have ican government to extend the legal i »Unified their intentions of returning • • Mcc,on*’ limit of searching ships at sea to i 800n- twelve miles, tlie state department ° r n,Rn>' m onths. M cGlone was out of the city when the dou- Sr. of the Water committee and a short distance north of Grants | mlnation to drive the Ku Klux Kian Several of these men have played announced today. e tragedy was enacted. Miss Vascovie had been a ehuj»i of Mrs. Me- most of the members of the commit- Pass. two seasons and should produce a out of Oklahoma, Governor Walton Refusal Softened To insure a local representation, I today ‘‘took heart” declaring hlm- real team this year and should have G,one- K tee came out strongly in iavor of the The refusal of the British Govern­ an especially strong and heavy line to Idea of constructing a new reservoir the Ashland Chamber of Commerce se,f more firmly determined ment to honor the American request as all the men with the exception of has been requested to send a fight than ever. He Bhowed not the on the south fork of Ashland creek was softened by the promise to sub­ Marske who are out at present are to the meeting next 8,,ghte«t sign of backing down in his while City Water Superientndent delegation mit the propositiou to an Imperial linemen but the return of Eli Beeson It is expected th a tjilgbt to eradicate “Mob Justice” Hosier was evidently in favor of the Saturday conference in London to be held in will greatly strengthen the back- plan of securing an additional water Ashland, Grants Pass, Klamath Falls | irora the state. October to be attended by the pre­ field. supply from the Talent irrigation Marsh field, Medford and other parts miers of all the British colonies. of Southern Oregon will be repre-| P ress C ensorship Lifted company. Marske handled the quarterback sented. position throughout the season last Tulsa. Okla., Sept. 19— Censor- May Use B oth Advocates of the proposed h ig h -|Shlp o£ tbe Tulsa Tribune started year and with the experience gained Acording to Mayor Loomis the BOSTON— “Two Special No. 1 for One of the most encouraging should be able to put over some real Mrs. Coolidge and an orange for signs pointing to the rapid comple­ present indications are that both way are urging that It be such pave-1 yesterday by military forces, enforc- j heady work this year especially with me.” methods will have to be used in or­ ment as will carry trucks of five-ton | lng martlal law here, was lifted to- tion of the Grants Pa3s-Crescent der to secure a sufficient supply of capacity and stand the traffic, thus| gbt by orders received by Adju- j the strong line which will be on This was the invariable breakfats City highway, . received in many hand to open holes for the backs. water for the city if the use increas­ insuring to Southern Oregon a per­ lant General Baird H. Markham order of Calvin Coolidge, when, as Barton Frulan is one of the most Governor., he lived at the Adams months was seen today in a letter es in the future as much as it has mauent outlet to the ocean at Port fr° n‘ Governor J. c . Walton. received by Resident Engineer J. in the pa3t. Congressman Hawley was the Proniising of the second string at Orford, which port when improved J MaJ°r Turner Rorark was wlth- House with Mrs. Coolidge. will be large and deep enough to a c - |draWU £rorn tbe Tribune offices and G. Bromley , of the local highway guest of Honor at the Lithian ban­ present and should be able to fill one Stiff Fight Ahead Take it from one who knows—— office, from the state office. Mr. quet held this noon at the Hotel of the backfield positions left vacant The Mayor believes that before commodate the largest vessels a- editors were informed they might Wh° Bromley was asked to prepare an Ashland at which the wives of all the by .he graduation of Chuck Huah . . X d . L T reB'"“r print whatever they wished. No ex­ many years the entire supply from* float. • ir » H ^ 1 « « , , . [lie coffee and cereal, and estimate as soon a3 possible of the Lithians were also present. Congress1 and ^lpm Clark. » Hobson who is ex- , ‘ Ashland creek will be necessary for Strong efforts will be made to se­ planation of the lifting of the cen­ had the entre to the gubernatorial ¡ cost ot the road from man Hawley in keeping with C on-ipected to <*nter school soon is an ex- Grants Pass the household and domestic purposes cure federal and state aid in build­ sorship was made public. stitution Week emphasized law en­ perienced end and has already filled room when the executive was sick. to the California line. This is taken while the supply taken from the ing the highway, which will greatly No one is better acquainted with to mean that the state is now inter­ forcement in his talk and also em­ ihat position for two seasons so I roops Gathering Hiatt project can be used for irriga­ decrease the sum to be raised by the tastes of the esting itself in the building of the phasized the growing need of moral should be the best in Southern Ore­ the gastronomical Oklahoma City. Okia., Sept. 1 » _ tion purposes only. Other members counties affected. President of the United States and I road to uplift in the nation. gon this year it he plays as he should. the United States Senators Charles L .I nÍtioua? ^ buudn'd ‘ »klahoma First Ladv nf thn i », » I, “ >nnect with the work be-! of the Council think differently fir s t Lady of the Land than | ing done on the California side of Fred Holmes, president of the though so It looks as if a stiff fight Ermal ‘Bo Carlon who halis from "Mac”__ not even me ».z, i HCp,r y housekeeper, the state line. Chamber of Commerce told the Lith­ Eastern Oregon, hue h.d .wo yen'ra L „ o deci” faces the city In the securing oi ad­ ares that “Silent Cal” has ians what they could do to assist experience already in handling the The only part of the road which ditional water supplies. the Chamber of Commerce in boost- center position at present and with a weakness for custard pies. “Mac” must be surveyed by the local high­ Storeh ouse to be B uilt Comn,r°re"1" - 8 “ ‘e J- C' ?r“ and dinners, ’ and in Ashland and the community as broncho busting experineee behind I served .. breakfasts . way office lies between the Apple- The Council authorized the con- him should oM. ... . . . I sometimes luncheons, to the Cool- a whole further along the line which he able yardage to keen Through o th e r ! I u “ “ gate river and Kerby. The survey 1 struction of a one story cement | invited to be teams from making 8lXteen m<>"th8- they have already been fololwing. he present to become ers to get their men ready for dutv has been completed to the Applegate warehouse at the corner of C and familiar with the possibilities of » ready for duty. Mac, ’ incidentally, is known to Secretary J. H. Fuller of the Cham the center of the line. and a large amount of work done first Avenue streets the building of Port Orford as an important ship­ hundreds of diners out all over her of Commerce gave the talk with Another man who is new here this on the highway, which has been which is to start Immediately. ping point and the advantages of the] which he won the national cup for year but has all the ear marks of Boston. For years he has been em­ graded and widened. From Kerby to This warehouse will serve as a store­ proposed highway. the best impromptu speech at the a real football player is a young ployed in first-class hotels. Now he the line the survey has been laid house and warehouse for the Water school for chamber of commerce fellow from Hillsboro by the nam* is the Ganymede who rushes filet out. The party will get to the rest of Electric and Street departments of secretaries held by Nortliwestern Un­ of Goodin. He plays either full hack mignons a la Woodcock, and Baked the highway as soon as possible. the City. The construction of the iversity at Evanston, Illinois this or tackle and shows quite a bit of Alaska, to epicures at Rich’s Grill building has been placed In the summer. on Federal street, where patrons ability for a new man. hands of Easterling, Walker and M a r y s v i l l e , cai. sept. 19.__ High Fizz, V. D. Miller, of the The regular Alumni game which love to sound him on his somewhat Bennett Coffman, Oroville youth, is Hosier superintendents of the Re­ Lithians made a few remarks at the has been played for the last four or conservative political opinions. having a costly experience for de­ spective departments. opening of tlie meeting compliment­ five years was called off this year by He believes “Coolidge will make Much Pipe Bought murring to the entrance of a bee ing the members on their “pep” and Coach Hughes as in the game last a fine President,” but his spontan­ Into his automobile as he traveled City Water superintendent Hosier urging them to make the organiza­ year he greatly underestimated the eous enthusiasm is for Mrs. Cool­ along the highway. was granted permission to expend WEED. Cal., Sept. 19- -Joe I tion as good a boosting asset to the powers of the graduated men and idge. While traveling at the rate of $8781 for the purchase of pipe for Thornton, coloured, was not community as possible. when they won from the High school ‘There’s one lady that is in her ed here on September 7th on a com-U.b° Ut thirly m,Ies au hour on the The Plaza Confectionery operat the work of replacement and addi­ The Lithian Octette was selected team by a large score it served to I right Place at last,” he declared, plaint sworn to by Sherry Platt ‘ lary8vine'0rov,lle highway. Coft- to represent Ashland at the Stale put a damper on the spirits of t h e | ‘Mw> Coolidge is a fine woman, a ed by Minard and Taylor is in the tion to the city water mains. Part process „ of p a r big of g improve of this pipe will be of the ten inch manager of the Weed Company Store u 8“ »8,r.UCk Ht th* bee’ 1,1 a ,wiuk‘ Fair, on Thursday. September 27, and younger men for some time. Because! real lad,, and the White House Is men, e s e t program c o a s t in pbflp^no . . threat­ I he lost control of his automobile variety. charging that mu----- Thornton . had they will have their expenses fur­ oi this reason and also because the) Ju®t where she belongs, lt_landed on the side of the road Pfeffly Gets Contract construction of a banquet hall and nished by the organization. ened the life of C. Young, a clerk first scheduled game is only a little IIis real name is Austin McKough upside down, with Coffman pinned dining room at the rear of the build­ J. D. Pfeffly was awarded the con­ in the store, as was stated in a pub­ Mr. Lincoln the Kiwanas organi­ over a week off the Coach has deem- and he lives at No. 96 Marshall beneath the door. zer for the district was present and ed it impractical to play the games street, Winthrop, where in leisure ing which will be unsurpassed in tract for the construction of the lished announcement. This is the statement by Justice I , ° f MarysvH,e a«toists Southern Oregon in its service to sidewalk on High street and the complimented the Lithians on the until later in the season. I hours he digs in his vegetable gar­ the public according to the efficient Council also decided to put addition­ of the Peace J. P. Bradley who als^ £ T a,°’lg Wh“e tbe whi‘ala of spirit which they were showing boost den and disciplines six little Mc- manager. a iV ing the community and praised the al sewers in district 26 as 3oon as says no one else swore to ™ Koughs. organization as a whole. complaint against Thnorton in his bar thev / “ d ° f ft“ ,r° “ The room is to be finished in hard possible. court or any other court known to , m° V*d lbe ear ,rom Coff- The Lithians decided that there wood and will have a hard wood hlm Plaft o D a a « I nxan 8 body aud took his to au Oro would be no dance in the Pavilion floor in order that dancing may be . complaint* a° “’" • r‘"e ' T '" " ore this week. indulged in by the special parties, The aaaouocemeat of the arreel " ‘8 » «* »recked, which are to be held in the room. The room at present in a state of was made following an encounter in PACIFIC MAIL LINER REDDING, Calif., Sept 19— Two construction will be ten by 38 feet the store between Mre. Hester ' CURA IH iw r a i ball games were played in this part and the total cost of finishing and Thornton, wife of Joe Thornton, and w of the state Sunday by pro-league Portland, Or., Sept.— Plans _ _ are equipping the new feature of the Young, a clerk, during which each LOS ANGELES, Sept. 1 9 — The teams that made far flung journeys being rapidly formulated here for Plaza service is estimated to cost Is said to have burled vegetables Pacific Mail Liner Cuba, which went The Public Library has added >y automobile. In Dunsmuir Susan- American Federation of Labor which close to $1000 by the management. and canned goods at each other. (ashore on a reef off San Miguel Is­ several new books that will interest ville played Weed for the alleged will meet at the Labor Temple, Lovers of artistic and fascinat­ It is the plan of the management the scientific reader, as well as own­ championship of the northern part October 1 to 14. It will be the forty- land. has been abandoned, a total ing remembrances, will be glad to that special parties will be held in er of the ever-popular motor car. of the state. There never before was third annual gathering of the organ loss. This loss is estimated at $4 0o - know that Mrs. J. T. Milelr, a new 000. the room and also special banquets Every volume is complete in itself such a jam of people in the Duns- ization. resident of Ashland, is displaying It is muir baseball park. The score was: President Samuel Gombers will tables will be installed which can aud is bound In high grade compo­ ship’s T A K F F IR ^ T P P I 7 F i waa not said due a° the mu,h f° destruction the p°und novel sachet bags, coat hangers, pil­ sition material. easily be removed making the space Susanville, 4; Weed, 0. be in attendance and labor leaders lows and many novelties, specially • n i l L l l l l u l I n lL L j ^ g of the waves against its sides Scientific instruction in the use of A great deal of money changed are of the opinion that he will be available .for dancing. prepared by herself. hands. Dunsntiur and Weed sports elected unless a dark horse arises. a8 to the swelling of a cargo of The construction is going on rap­ radio outfits and transmission are The tokens, are the hand work of treated at length in two volumes. Dahlias from an Ashland garden coffee' which became, water soaked atkiag Weed’ At present no suggestion ha3 devel- idly at present and it is estimated Mrs. Miller and the various articles that of Mrs. Homer Elhart took two and exerted such force against the Minerals and rare ores, their compo­ In Weaverville, Grass Valley play- oped that there will be any opposi that it will be finished in the pro­ are made with bright colored orgau- first prizes in the Jackson County holds that the hull and decks were sition, and formation will Interest ed the Weaverville Highways. The tiou to re-electing him. The last cess of another week. dy and ribon, fileld with flowers I score w»«- ~ ' “" I ............. ‘cvl*“K “ **“• ine The room is to be opened only on the student who knows the posslbill Fair exhibits of flowers held at t h e |f° reed out of line. grown in the park and perpared so! Valiev 2 ' ** ’ Gra3s effort to oust him failed two y ears County Fair gounds last week as special occasions Mr. Taylor says as ties held in position of the earth. ago. when President that the natural odor and shape of Weaverville flushed ..... John L. Lewis the expense of-operating the place her entries in both the General and There is also a study in Geology with anotherl of the United Mine workers was de­ the flowers are retained, making the the Cactus collections took off both will be considerable. and a hook giving detailed informa­ interior of the bags resemble a flow- SunsInvtRe and W „ 7 7 that feated- tion in the repair lines of Ford cars, first prizes although they were en­ er garden. Panseys, roses and G rin« t ‘° H The U8Ual skimishes between ‘he tered against the flowers of prof^iT- trucks and tractors. shasta daisies are among the flow-! Sunerior the radicaI wing Ot the labor movement INTOXICATION CHARGED sional growers. TO LODI TRUCK DRIVER All of these books have just come — Superior California championship, and the conservatives are expected. ers used aud they can he handled There were fifteen varieties of to the library and will soon be placed without becoming broken or niis- at once telegraphed a challenge to Efforts will likely be made to obtain Dahlias represented in the General LODI, Cal., Sept. 19.— James Dev- on the circulation list. KLAMATH FALLS, Sept. 19— O ik , Susanville for a real championship adoption of a resolution favoring class and five classes of five blooms thousand dollars was taken some The method in which Mrs. Miller ino of Woodbridge, was arrested yes contest and for a purse of 3500. recognition of Russia, with the con in the Cactus Collection, in both of prepares the flowers for use is one terday by local officers on a warrant Mountain Product to Market__ time Sunday night or early Monday It is reported here that Su3anvillle last of her own formulas, learned many Charles and Vernon came to Ash­ which the flowers of Mrs. Elhart, morning from the safe in the City has accepted the dare. The widest divarance is said to charging him with driving an auto­ were judged the best. years ago in Georgia and handed Laundry, a Japanese concern, locat­ A.. J. Breidwieser of Susanville exist between Russian recognition mobile while under the influence of land the earlier part of the week In the general collection the Hi Gill ed on Main Street, near Link Riv­ to her through generations. Six said here. liquor. A. E. Schroeder, 215 North from Dead Indian. They brought a I which the American Federation of Gesla and Issullnda stood out dis­ er. weeks are required in the prepara­ Susanville has accepted Weaver- Labor heretofore has opposed and Union Street, Stockton, swore out the band of goats which were raised in tinguished particularly for their tion from the time that the flower Frank Nakata, owner of the laun­ ville s challenge to play baseball Mexican recognition’ which it has warrant after sustaining painful in­ Dead Indian. beauty and coloring and in the Cac­ dry, reported the robbery yesterday is gathered until it is ready to fill for a $500 purse and the champion- favored. Leaders point out that con juries as a result of a collision with tus varieties the Hohannusburg Rein- the discovery of it not being made its niche in the use with the maker. ship. Susanville offers Weaverville ditions are not at all on a par be- Devino’s truck Sunday. Generosity Displayed__ cher Froshim and the F. W. Fellows After the warrant for his arrest These various novelties were on $_.>0 expense money to come to I cause in Mexico the workers retain until the safe was opened late in A number of boxes of fine peaches was issued Devino sought an appor- were given last week by an Ashland are preeminent in their class. display at the fair, btu no prize was I Susanville for the game.” the day. The safe was in the window given for their exhibition, the m ain' - - " ‘ the‘r freed° m a“d aCtUa,ly beneflt- tunity to settle the damage claim Mrs. Elhart also took first and in full view of any one passing along fruit man for the Children’s Farm Time and place will «be deter-j ted by the revolutions, whereas, in second prizes with her entry of reed outside of court. The two parties Home at Corvallis. This gift was idea in displaying them being to that section of town has very little mined when Breidwelser passes Russia it is held they have beceme basketry in the Fair. familiarize the public with the work through Weaverville on his way to|m ore enslaved than ever they were were referred to the district attorney very much appreciated by the ladles traffic after midnight. by Justice J. H. Solkmore, who Issued of the W>. C. T. U. who have this work conducted that few persons re­ Eureka. The police have no definite clue Deschutes county votes $130,000 under the czarlat regime. [the warrant. but a roundup of suspicious char­ ‘ home in their care. road bond issue. acters is being made. WILL BE COMPLETED H A W M S AI W 1 ABBESIED AFTER B FIGHTl BASEBALL HAMS PUY ™ Al BEE AND IDE FEDERATION NOW AI LIBRARY ASHLAND DAHLIAS KLAMATH FALLS SAFE IGHT