sume «hart? a o u o ß lx iu W AJLUI XXUX^US Tuesdaj, September, 18. ithiá: m A s hl a t: »1 »t u t n i fl m » » tn , » h m m D a i 1 y T i d i n f s (E stablished in 1870) Published Mvery Evening Except Sunday b- THE SHL Ï ND PRINTING CO Bert R. G ........................... Edil •i OFFICIA Entered at CITY PA PER Ashland people 66M well be pfèud ôf thê libérai aitea- ndaü» assisted by the Misses, E v a n - i daasa at the J a c k e t Céiiaty TO* to “ Ai&iMfitâ Dfiÿ” ç on? geline and Minnie Poiey, Miss Lydia I servntivo estim ate places the àtfêftd fiw from A s h l a n d h t Mc Cal1 and Mi8S Gladys Applegate .close to 2,000 people, and while it Was no greater than the *iflrrtcd t , , » i m ( ♦ Telephone 39 e A .lilauu, Oregon, Poatoffice aB ond Class Mail M atter. Sabse J tio n P r ic e , D e liv e r e d in C ity One Month $ .65 Three Mont’ 1.95 Six Months 3.75 One Year ... 7.50 F 40378738 M ail an d R u ra l R o u te s: One Month Î .65 Three Mont 1.95 Six Months 3.50 One Year . 6.50 1 event deserved it at least proves that Ashland people real-! Out of Town Guest— izei the value ot that excellent institution. Next year should- Mrs. Lewis Donald F ars of o a k -' not only witness increased attendance but a representative ,and> California, was a guest in th e ’ | community display of our best products. ! Poley home on B. Street over the * ‘ ‘u / x v _________ _________ - p o ,? t h T s t h r “ r week-end. C o o lid g e w i n n o t u s e ' - X " " a s u Z „ a . : : » mx o' . X i if methods m forcing the senate to-adopt th e ;nle Poiey taught there, and she has i world Court plan. Does it mean that the new executive ’been a fre(iuent visitor here Mars is in ‘h in ts he can handle that body without force, or is that he Mr. ............... ' " the governm ent service, but their w inter home is in holds little interest for the plan! Oakland. Ne Ô- RHEUMATISM LEAVES YOU FOREVER S S 2"S2 -E™ *; ..»tic I-,..™,,I W»ll» I»'»ve »tier« 111» su ite ,i„ B a lld o s Xi» wI« "" ’ » " “ » •» •» amt pheou, and where th e tto u is. patient was helpless Every Druggist in this country is authorized to say to every rheu- pnv ,I * Allen> the dis- matic sufferer that if a full p inti £ r of A11enrhu. who for many bottle of A llenrhu, the sure co n -! **a,r a ?“ ffer®d. the_ torm ents of queror of rheum atism , does not k , ‘^um atism , desires all suf- show the way to stop the agony, Wflnk „ „/„n.OW#th a t b e ,does not reduce swollen joints and do 1ini„uo k , ‘? f anyone s money away with even the slightest n ,iprK fh,_ decisively con‘ twinge of rheum atic pain, he will ,inf1 of all diseases, gladly re tu rn your money w ithout • nstructed druggists to guarantee it as above in every comment. A llenrhu has been tried and instance. lEast Side Pharm acy tested for years, and really m ar- can supply you. * * * The m arriage of Miss Pearle Pin- nion and Mr. R. Robertson occurred A certain amount of sap must be expected in presidential September the ninth at Sisson., Cal. Miss Lillit May Poley went trom timber. Ashland to attend the wedding. It was a very quiet affair and the hap­ DISPL r ADVERTISING RATES: When will European nations come to realize that strain- py young codple left at once fo r' Single inser relations leave nothing in the sieve? the groom holds a good position with of wljic hthere were many shown, common experience, and who have Yea ly C ontracts: One insertic a we* k .... their new home in Algona, where < Ellen Galey won first honors and watche dthe wondermul development | Dena Joy second. j of this Valley from the crude begin- Two inserti s a v eek ......... the Algona Lum ber Company A n th e r way to keep warm in Europe is to stuff four or The girls will be very busy now nings, to the lovely land it now is. Daily insert i ............ Miss Pinnion is a young Ashland five dollars worth of currency in your clothes. getting ready for the trial of skill A program is arranged and com­ girl, and has attended Ashland High I •4 Rutes For m ittees have been appointed that in- gal «• nd M iscellaneous Advertí- e g Mr. Robertson is a fine young m an, at Salem. Life is a process of getting enough money to move to the sn d the many friends of the young The dem onstrate at Jun io r H ig h 'su re tho success of this very im- F irst inserti , per i point line ............. .... 6 .1 Lach subseq nt in ertion, 8 point line ......... 0 couple extend to them the best of Tuesday morning, and later in th e 'p o r ta n t gathernig. city to get enough money to move back to the farm. I • * • Card of -Tli !ks .......... wishes for a fu tu re of prosperity week at Senior High. ’ 10 We are counting most surely on' Mr. and Mrs Victor Mills togeth- and much happiness. Obituaries, r lint .......... this team bringing the honors to! or with Mr. and Mrs. Tomilson w-ere * * * Ashland in the final contest. [visitors at the home of Mrs. Emma <, Canning Club “All futui events, w here an admission cliarg jg. < i L. Oeder on Sunday evening at a < ► I A little organibation of which A sh-’ made ot a c ectioD taken is Advertising, 1 » land is very pround i3 the one that Pioneer Reunion party given for Mr. and Mrs. John MRS. GRACE E. ANDREWS, Editor No disco it will be allowed Religious °i t The reunion of the Pioneer So- Gruelle of Norwalk, Con. " i will go to Salem a week from Wed- Phone items to her at 34S-R, between 1« A. H. and 2 p. it. Benevolent * ders. ° ' nesday. ciety on Thursday of this week 4s Mr. Gruelle was gracious in show- and evenings. an event of considerable interest to >ng the beautiful draw ings for his Of course we all know what these DOI ATIONS: latest hook, called “ Raggedy Andy . . little girls have done. Beginning last many in the valley. C a len d a r o f tl»e W ee k ’s E v e n ts No donati s to < harities or otherw ise will Mrs. Petty of Medford, Miss Char-1 spring, this club, composed of Dor- Ashland boasts many members of made in adv< ising, or job printing— our contri u~ Septem ber 18th.— W. C. T. U. lotte Chappelie of San Francisco and (Continued on Page 3) : othy and Lucile Crews, Dena Joy, Pioneer fam illes and at these m eet­ 1 County Convention in Park. tions will bt in cas! . Mrs. Sulloway of Weed, an au n t of Ellen Galey, and Alice P ratt, under ings descendants of the ones whol « Sept. 18— Civic Club— Club House. Miss Poor. : the efficient leadership of Mrs. Al- made Oregon history gather from all Sept. 20th. Illinois Picnic in Park. T/»w. ir • . club • . . leader, _ The best wishes of th eir hosts of ■ bert Joy, their have * • ♦ ♦ * * ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Sept. 20th. Thursday Evening friends follow them to th eir new been quietly getting ready to carry ties th at so closely hold t lióse of ----- 1/17 fc- Bridge Club— Mrs. Franco, Hostess. borne, for a very happy and p ro s -1 off the honors and win the right to over the Valley to blind anew the SEI TEMRER 18 Sept. 20th— Pioneer Reunion, Pio­ perous future. . go to Salem. neer Building. COCGH DISTURBS SCHOOL THE OMNISCENT VIDE -T h e steps of a good! man are ordered .. * Tbe try "out ior Places on the Dem- Sept. 20th Guild Meeting, Parish n a u WORK D. A. R. Meeting. • onstration Team, was held at the by the Lord.— Psalm 37 23. house. School teachers should give the t SpDt 21th . . . «. . , o , A of more than passing High school, under Miss B urr and same advice to children who have mu , tc , ,,. „ ilrls the coughs as did this Florida teach­ * thl3 week a t 7:30 a t the Civic Club, canned sweet com, SCHOOL DAYS , Sept. 21st. S. S. In stitu te a t Ap-j Club House, er. “ I recommended FOLEY’S A t this time Eleen Galey and Dena Mornings, nooi It is a p a rt of the work of the HONEY AND TAR to the children aim nights Ashland skretrs arc made plegate School house. Joy were chosen to represent the in my school who had the ‘flu ’ gladsome with the j oeession to and from sc hot- bv several > u°^t’ o3J d' 9‘ S‘ ln9tItute at ap -1 D- A- to always m ark co n stitu tio n Club. and good results camo whenever o-irk Attn?Xl i Bi lieftt, ‘ Week, the observance will occur the Hundred bright ey< 1 bov. hlle no team ooy, and ami gills. well I Plegate School . house. * ♦ ”ccur inQ V ....... — other learn appeared it was used,” w rites Mrs. L. fitting clothes, with Itealtl, radiating f r o n t e v e r cheek and I Tff. above c .l « t d a r lis t, some „,'on Frt^., ’ • W h keeping the ed- The milk of human kindness too often is synthetic. r ..... ............. ............. .................. , S O C IE T Y ’ a . » . « :u»£,4i ' nation. Education i public school systei pardness for the fut en is well armed an- Many of the n: president can doul education among tl discontent, and ana:. The true Anieri system, and well h system in the work institution that me mg. It is an instil Bovs nnd girls. — _ the I ulw aik of any nation t id the great XTTa'tt.d»“.'' ,>lan- oi America is the best lm liod of pre- If entertainm ents are planned ■ ie. A nation ot educated m. n and wom- which admission is charged that, of m all probability will take < are of itself I course, will be paid for at the rate ons ot the world that are a trouble at of ten cents a line, but if there is no money consideration It appears >ss attribute much of it 1.» a lack of : as any other news item. masses. Ignorance breed suspicion, 1 It will be a m atter of gratification, by, ad of which are seeds << war. if these events are phoned to 345-R in ta met at the altar, whore I>ut to those who i e their job as a gallr-y tots , who keep ivows were p,l8hted ''u a ®cord with the one eve on the doc as t e minuto hand draws n ear closiim ful1 Eplacopal service, during which time, who are fear .1 lest they give th « ir empioyer a sec- LeLd“" Loh',“" l,‘ » « • - A* « — ond overtime—the 1 f t ten Iilinnf/Ar, minutes are a time of torture. To The bride was very lovely m soft- such they will alwa' >e 1: l i d to pass. For the f et th at they!eMt oi crepe-like satin, with hat in are so held gives the • constancy in repetition a t t, a tim s sixtv I the sanie t0lle and carrying beau- seconds of irksome < tort. * tifully arranged pink and white flow- This also place- U ie s.Hieivi cu t of the running* f o r • ers- Mrs. Elwood Hedberg as M atron promotion that won U i nately Spell relief. Ft • those who of Honor, was gowned in a harm ony finish the d ay ’s job ith one eye on the clock dk> j ot finish the! °f S°ft brown> wlt!‘ b*t to m atib , lace for advance men and torfeit title to profetnn nt that goes * and carrying ...... yellow blossoms. ” to the workers show ig interest in their task. A fter congratulations were receiv­ i FAIR A SUCCESSFUL EVENT The Jackson C ed the F air can reasonably claim any- thing other unquali cd success. The exhibits , were typical o i the productivity < Jn< kson ( ountv and Rogue ' tiver vulley. r! he best of all prodp ts v eie on exhibition and tho quality, the size, the beauty o f it ormed an inspiration for manv. that will be felt in years to < >me. The inspiration afforded the bovs i nd girls of the conn > will be reflected. j • Exhibits, howev were not the only success uj features, The afternoons pro; am afforded clean and pleasant enfcer- taiument for the the isands who attended, and the liberal at- tendance recorded e; h day means financial success, The Tidings sin erely believes that th e Jackson County F air has attained a « giec that makes it one of the very best in the Northwest, a I tin success of the recen: event will doubtless pave the w y for a bigger an