4T4 * ASHLAND CLIMATE, with out the aid of medicine cures nine cases out ten of asthma, J This is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings «’ f H n e t » W î t M + t »» W H n t 1 THE TIDINGS HAS BEEN ASHLAND’S LEADING NEWSPAPER FOR NEARLY FIFTY YEARS: (International News Wire Service) VOL NO. V. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. MALARIA GERMS cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. The pure domestic water helps. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ASHLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1923. NO. 14 LOCAL CANNERY HANDLESLARGE PACK FOR YEAR ILLINOIS PICN IC . TO BE THURSDAY To Be Held In Lithia Park Unless Bad Weather Prevents LEGISLATORE OF OKLAHOMA PLAN TO MEET HAWLEY TO BE - i HERE THURSDAY Congressman Will Talk At Pioneer Reunion To Be Held In Park COUNTY W. C. T. U. P IC K S OFFICERS FOR NEXT YEAR The Illinois Association of the Rogue River Valley will hold its an­ Both Houses Plan Session In Congresraan W. C. Hawley is ex­ nual reunion picnic on Thursday, pected to give the principal address Mrs. S. Leonard Of Medford Spite Of Governor Waltons September 20 at 12:30 in Lithia on the program at the annual Pion- Selected As President Orders Park unless the weather is so bad err Reunion to be held in Ashland For Coming Year that the picnic would be unadvis- on Thursday of this week. The Con­ able. In case of bad or unfavorable gressman from thi3 district, who is ENDERS TO HANDLE weather the meeting will be held in EXECUTIVE SUSPENDS himself a native son and a member COMPLETE OUTPUT Pioneer Chautauqua Hall. of one of the older pioneer families DELEGATES NAMED STATE FAIR FOR TIME The picnic is to bo held in the FOR STATE MEET of Oregon, is spending two or three form of a basket affair with each days this week in the valley on one Grad© Of Produce As (rood Or family also furnishing their own Governor To Continue Fight of his regular visits to his constiu- Better Than That Of Larger eating utensils. Cream, sugar and Mayor ( ’. Loomis And «Judge Against Ku Klux Kian He ents, arriving here tomorrow. Companies Says Authorities. hot coffee will be furnished by the The committees in charge of the Dill On Program During States Till Organization Is Tomatoes Chief Product. Asociation. arrangements for the Reunion which Afternoon For Speeches. Driven From State For All will be held at the Pioneer Cabin rime. Law EnlorcemenI Urged By The Ashland cannery is one of the All members and families have real live business enterprises of the! been invited and any others who are Association. and the adjoining Civic Club House OKLAHOMA CITY, Sept. 18.— Thursday, plan to make an inter­ communiey as is shown by the fact ' ,,0I members who have alto been ex- Mrs. 8. L. Leonard of Medford, The State Legislature of Oklahoma esting day of it for the old settlers tbat they have been employing on an i tended invitations. will assemble in a special session and their families who will be In was elected as president of the Coun­ average of 65 women and 10 men}! Maud Ingrsoll Hawley, Mrs. C. either late thia week or early next attendance from many sections of ty W. C. T. U., organization at the steadily in the preserving of the dif­ B. Lambkin and H. E. McGee are meeting held in Lithia Park this week, regardless of military or other the valley. ferent varieties of fruits of this dis­ officers of the organization and morning. Mrs. Alice JUlson of Ash­ edicts. The statement was made The Native Daughters of Ashland trict and at some periods of the sea­ should be notified of others who are that it is on unimpeachable author­ are in charge of the dinner arrang­ land the retiring president of the son have had as high as 70 women not members of the association, ac­ organization was selected as Vice- ity. cording to Mrs. W. H. Hodkinson, ements and the committee will fur­ working in the building. president while Mrs. H. A. Kennedy S en ate A lso to A ssem b le president of the asociation. nish bread, meat, coffee and . ice Output Is I-ACgC Hundreds of telegrams passed cream and the baskets of those par­ of Medford was elected Correspond­ The output of the cannery is 500 I t e c i ta . t v s J in v * between the legislators yesterday ticipating w ill bring in the pastries ing secretary and Mrs. C. W. Fraley gallon cans and 7900 two and one and last night, and sixty of the 109 and dainties to make up the banquet of Ashland was selected as treasurer. half pound cans a day at present Fight D elegates Named members of the lower house signi­ spread. and the manager B. M. Lininger is The election of eight delegates to fied their intention of attending the A number of musical and literary contemplating the installation of ad­ the state convention was also ac­ CANNON CITY, Col., Sept. 18.— On the thirtieth anniversary of his extraordinary session. The senate numbers are being arranged for the ditional machinery for next year, complished during the business ses­ program. incarceration in the Colorado State Penitentiary here, Santiago Torres, likewise is ready to assemble. whereby the daily output of the can­ sion this morning and the following State Fair Suspended. known as “Indian Jim”, will seek executive clemency, with the hope that nery will be increased to abut 20,- eight women were selected five of Governor Walton meanwhile 000 tw’o and ane half pound cans NEW YORK, Sept. 18.— A strike the board of pardons will recommend his pardon or parole to Governor them being from Ashland. Mrs. Alice continued his efforts to drive the of 2500 pressmen today tied up Sweet. and 5000 gallon cans per day. Jillson, Mrs. Stella J. Leavitt, Mrs. “Ku Klux Klau from the state". He practically every newspaper in New Enders T akes O utput. C. W. Wolcott. Mrs. F. L. Putman. Indian Jim, who is 86 years old and "legless, is serving a life announced an id,efinite suspension The entire output of the cannery York City. The walkout is the cul­ Mrs. Ambrose and Mrs. S. C. God- of the State Fair which was to be­ this year was taken over by the mination of eighteen months strife sentence for the murder of a rancher near Pueblo, in 1893. love, Mrs. 8. L. Leonard and Mrs. He has always maintained his innocense of the crime, and now gin Saturday. H. G. Enders wholesale house and over wages, and working conditions. John McDonald of Medford. will be sold throughout the markets Many early editions were eliminated after three decades, declares that he “don’t like this place,” and wants WASHINGTON, D. C.. Sept. 18.— Selected from County Revolutionary changes In the metal­ of Northern Calirfornia and South- due to the strike. News was boiled , to get out. These delegates are selected from 'to a minimum, and advertising was lurgy of iron by which production ern Oregon by this firm. “I don’t like this place,” Torres said. “I want to get out. I am the county at large to represent the -Di'ted. The pub': 1;v , hoped to ef­ costs should be materially decreas­ Grade E xceptionally Good county organization at the state con­ not guilty of the crime for which I am-here, and I want to be free to go ed and quantities of low-grade ore, The grade of fruit put up by the fect an agreement in time to issue hack to my native country and spend the rest of my life with my own peo and smelting fuels now considered vention aud Ashland is especially concern is as good or even better the afternoon editions. worthless be made available as the fortunate to have five of theelgln. pie. I don't know if I have any folks left but I want to get out and find them’ than that put up by many famous The program this afternoon was PORTLAND, Sept. 18.— A blood result of the use of oxygen and oxy­ if I have.” tanneries, according to many author­ a varied and interesting one start­ genated Air in blast furnace practice stained auto with a bullet hole ities. and it is expected will com­ Torres claimes to be a full-blood Navajo Indian. He was born in Old ing off with the report of the differ­ through the windshield was found are suggested in a report just made mand a fancy price in a few years, .Mexico. ent organizations of the various cit­ overlooking the high bluff of Osv«^ to the Department of the Interior by or after the brand has been estab­ ies of the County and were approved Torres is not only the oldest prisoner in the Colorado Penitentiary go Road, near here today and gave a committee appointed by the Bureau lished on the market. by the officers. from point of age and years of imprisonment, but also the most interest­ mute evidence of the murder of R. of Mines to study the problem. T om atoes C hief A rticle. Mayor Makes Speech In the past it has been necessary ing. He has spent altogether 38 years behind the high gray walls of tlTe Dabuey, a Roseburg Jitney Man, the Tomatoes is the fruit which the Mayor C. L. Loomis, gave the first police stated:. in the production of one ton of pig WASHINGTON, Sept. 18.— The hig prison here— 30 of them without a break. Tannery handles the largest amount speech of the afternoon welcoming iron to pass three tons of inert nitro­ The clothing and papers found in of and according to the manager purchaso of fifteen more sets of the the delegates to Ashland and com­ the back seat of the light auto truck gen through the blast furnace, re­ they often put up as much as 20 tons three reef motion picture film, “The mending them on the work which 3even, had whooping cough. indicated they were the property of sulting in serious heat and metal los­ of this article a day and he esti­ Story of Coal”, produced by the they have been doing in the Coun­ Milk was supplied at one time Dabney. The car registered under ses. The elimination of such losses mates the season's pack of tomatoes Bureau of Mines for the National regularly to 32 children. Lunches the name of Hiram Hatcher, a race by the substitution of oxygen, or a ty especially in the relieving of the Coal Association, has been authoriz­ will run close to 250 tons. liquor situation. are supplied at school for children horse man, of Myrtle Point, or, but mixture of oxygen and air, has long ed by the directors of the Associa­ Volume Will Total $20,000.00 Ju dge Dill <>n Program undernourished and in such unhap­ on investigation of a sales Blip found- been considered, but has not been tion in response to the widespread The output of the canery so fat demand for this picture by educa­ Judge J. H. Dill also gave an in­ put into practice on account of the py home environment. The John near the car showed Hatcher had for the season has closely approxi­ tional institutions, engineering socie­ inability to produce oxygen in quan teresting and appealing talk on Maly children are a pitiful example. sold the car to Dabney, on August (By M. E. D.) mated 820,000.00, the manager ties and chambers of commerce in taties at sufficiently low cost to make Law Enforcement” and congratulat­ The members of the executive Many women in Ashland contribu­ 22. states, and he believes it will run this and foreign countries. The new’ board of the Ashland branch of the ted clothes and cheer to those five Deputy sheriff’s believe a high­ such application industrially possible. ed the women of the county upon much higher in future years if the film will be ready for distribution by Jackson county chapter of the little sisters. Mrs. McNair held to wayman shot Dabney as a white In view of the many recent devel. having such a tine organization per­ pack of this season meets with a September first. opments in oxygen manufacture, and fected for the purpose of law enforce American Red Cross held a meet­ the determination that they should mask and a penny were found neap ready sale. considering,the increasing cost and ment. Since “The Story of Coal” was ing late last week at which the re­ not be separated. Now they send the car. It is believed Dabney made decreasing quality of the nation's P atriotism Urged Im provem ents Made. first produced in the later part of port of the Home Service chairman, word back from the W. C. T. U. his bed in the car for the night but raw materials, the Bureau of Mines, Rev. Judson Oldfield also made a The building which houses the 1917, according to Bureau of Mines Mrs. Sam McNair, was given and Children’s Farm Home, “It is so was roused by the intruder, who shot speech on the “Constitution” in machinery Installed this season wa9 officials, the picture has been shown Mrs. W'. M. Denton w’as elected to pretty here and a nice piano for fearing Dabney would fire. It is be­ appointed an advisory committee to study the problem of the applica lieved the highwayman threw the keeping with Constitution Week and constructed early this year and the to more than three and a quarter serve as Home Service chairman music and we are so happy.” Mr. tlon of oxygen or oxygenated air to urged everyone to be more patriotic total output for the building and million people. The Bureau has nev. during th e absence of Mrs. McNair Sam McNair volunteerly contributes body over the bluff into the river metallurgical and allied processes. and think more of keeping the laws new machinery for the season wil’ er been able to comply with the on a two months visit in Missouri. 825 a year toward their support in to hide his crime. M. H. Roberts, of New York, is of the Nation and State. approximate close to $8000, Man many demands received for this The Reverend P. K. Hammond, thi3 home. chairman of the committee. ager Lininger estlmtes. The new picture. Mrs. Leggttt gave a very interest­ chairman of the board, reported The Red Cross is given discount This committee has made a thor­ ing reading during the afternoon, machinery installed at the begin­ Of the original .eighteen sets, each that Ashland citizens were respond­ by business firms, the hospital, and ough survey of the existing processes while the Salvation Army furnished ning of the year cost over 83,500 has beeu given approximately twelve ing nobly to their quota of 8850 for individuals. So the stretching power for the manufacture of 98 per ctnt music at several times during the pro alone and the building and other showing a month, making a total of the Japanese Relief fund and among of the sum is strengthened. Phy­ oxygen. The conclusions reached are gram. operating costs have been running 216 showing for the eighteen sets. the organizations had been given: sicians of Ashland are continually that the comparatively small demand very high. Estimating the number of specta­ Elks 8100, Shrine 850, Knight giving their services. for the product has prevented the New Company Formed. tors at each showing at 250, makes Templar 825. W. C. T. U. 85. Art The Red Cross workers give of SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 18.— Af installation of large units suitable This is the first year the cannerj a total of 54,216 people a month, Club 85, National Bank 850, Citi­ their time and bets efforts to re­ ter taking a property toll which may for metallurgical processes, with cor­ has been operating under the new or three and a quarter million in zens Bank 825, State Bank $10. lieve the old and sick when found reach twenty million dollars, the responding economies, and that by stock company and although- no the ?ixty months of circulation. The Llthlans conducted street sales forest fires which destroyed or dam. far the greater proportion of the check has yet been made of the bus­ at two booths and brought in over in distress, to encourage, the ex­ aged six northern California towns present cost of oxygen represents iness to find just how the season's Corvallis— New grammar school 8200. Individuals generously re­ pull, and to do a bit toward giving were reported under control late to­ the cost of transportation, Btorage totals are coming out it is expected under construction, A posse scouting the fair grounds sponded with from 50 cents to 825, helpless children in poverty a chance day. A high wind abated and the and service. that the season will be very success­ each. Friday evening failed to find trace : tired fire fighters were able to check to grow up normal. ful one and if the produce enjoys Forest Grove— Work progressing of the District Attorney’s motor car, Thursday evening Reverend Ham­ J the flames, a dozen towns including the ready sale which it merits the rapidly on addition to Masonic home. mond sent a check for 8765 to the although nearly every one on the Sonoma City, Bolinas, and Fairfax, management plans to double the ca­ grounds was notified to be on the headquarters chapter. Contributions which appeared doomed, are safe. Couldn’t Wait Longer. pacity for next season, which means lookout for the prosecutor's car it will be received at any one of the An old lady was on a visit to her could not be found. the bringing of a considerable pay LIFE ON THE OTHER WORLDS three banks throughout the month married daughter. One day there was Gladstone to sink well for greater roll to Ashland. . Rawles Moore had ridden to the to be applied to this fund company, and little Theodore, the hope water supply. Two more streets will of the house, was doing his best to Astronomers Less Optimistic Regard­ fair grounds with a friend and No worker in Ashland Red Cross have sewers. Fred Wagner will take over the when he started home from the ing Existence of Life Than amuse his mother’s visitors. Present­ has ever acepted money for services official duties of the Post Office on evening performance began look­ ly lie left the room, to return soon the Enthusiast. or expenses. So quietly i3 their work afterward with a zinc bucket. This October 1, according to the latest in­ ing for some mode of transporta­ Discussing planetary life, bo far conducted that few persons realize he planted right In front of his grand­ formation from that source, the rea­ tion. preferably his cur. Being un­ as It bears on the planetary system of the amount of suffering that is re­ ma. while the others sat wondering son being that September 30 closes able to find* it he instituted a the sun, we may state the average as- lieved in Ashland. The itemized list what w’as about to happen. up the business of the local office search. All the special traffic cops I tronomical opinion; It is far less ep- gives not one half of the 3tory. For “Grandma,” said little Theodore, for one of the four periods of the who have been doing calesthenics on i tlmlstlc for the diffusion of life than “will oo kick It?” instances: under “care of children is the opinion of the enthusiast. “Bless the child,” said the surprised year, so by taking over the office on street corners and within the fair BERKELEY, Cal., Sept. 18.— The . , , . , <1.) Venus, so far as we can see, and women’ comes a case where the old lady, “why do you wish me to A Ford Sedan driven by George that date Mr. Wagner will start out minus one club, gove up theib so far stnekou university city, sustained a more nearly fulfills the conditions Home Service chairman and Dr. do that, darling?” at the beginning of a new quarter. unsucessful attem pts to completely loss of between six an ten million than any planet other than the earth, Brower went at midnight on urgent “Because," replied the young hope­ Trefreu and a Chevrolet touring car Mr. Wagner has already received hypnotize, mesmerize and baftle in the fire here last night. Military Its mass and orbit are certainly favor- cal and found a mother desperately ful, “I heard pa say we should be aw­ driven by Ross Applegate came to­ his official temporary recess ap­ every motorist by the process of gether at the Intersection of Oak and guards are patrolling the hundred : able, its distance, rotation, and chem- ill and the family in poverty. The fully rich when oo kicked the bucket!’’ B. Street yesterday afternoon at five pointment and although the ap­ continuous aud unabated Indlau club devastated blocks. No confirmed re-1 lcaI constitution, are probably not un­ mother was cared for. She was tak- * o’clock. His Boss-y. pointment has to be passed on by exercises aud started a search for port of the loss of life in Berkeley! favo™ble- thouS»' cannot penetrate en to the hospital and given special n . . .. , i Rs dense covering of clouds and All good farmers like their cows, but Congress when it assembles again the car but it was not found. The collision which was purely Relief measure# for the ten thou- out the niy8terles of Its surface. care. She i3 well now. The Salvation Lewis Owpn either carried matters to accidental, happened so quickly that the temporary appointments are sand homeless are under way rap­ The reason was finally dis- (2.) Low forms of life may exist on Army officers found a position for extremes or else he must have had an idly and no suffering is expected the planet Mars, where the thin at­ her husband and the oldest child is especially likeable cow. This is the neither of the drivers of the cars recognized as practically the same ered, Rawles Moore's own car was mosphere does permit our telescope in school. An almost totally blind way they tell the story down in Craw­ were able to prevent the occurrence. as regular apointmenta. Over a dozen summer resorts and in the garage at his home. As has scores of ranches and vineyards were exPlorat,ons- High forms of life at woman, 78 years old was sent back ford county, Indiana, where Mr. Owen, Mr. Trefren was approaching Oak In Interest of County Work— been stated before he had ridden a Kentuckian, recently bought a farm. Street from B. St., driving east; Mr. destroyed. i t,ie Present tlnQe are, however, gen- W. W. Robison motored to Wag­ to the fair with a friend. The search I erally deemed improbable, and being* to Baker to be among relatives un­ One of his neighbors was James H. Applegate traveled south on Oak ner Creek Sunday afternoon and „ . . _ comparable with man and other ter- til 3he could save enough money Clay, also a Kentuckian, and from him Street. It is reported that Mr. Apple- attended the Sunday School held W’as abandoned. Mr. Moore got ortland Fireboat house to be restrial mammals are considered ut- from her widow’s pension to go to Owen bought a cow, but the cow home some way and the special gate resumed all blame and would there in the afternoon. Mr. Robison erected at foot of East Start Street; terly Impossible. didn’t want to leave her family pas­ police again began imitating a Montana, her home state, where she be responsible for damages. reports that the school is not very flock of human pendulums. to cost 835,000. (3.) The otlier planets of the solar ture. She liked the Clay farm, she is entitled to a blind pension. The Both cars were damaged to a very active, but he was able to do a good ---------------------- - : system are now quite unsuited to was contented there. So they traded nurse expense was occasioned when farms and Owen moved over with the large extent and were taken to re­ bit of work and campaigning for the Contract awarded for paving 3 11 i>rotoP'asm^c Harlow Shapley, Springfield— Guaranty Oil Co., a mother was ill with the flu and cow. Everyone is said to be satisfied, pair shops as soon as legal proced­ w i.es Clackamas county roads. ’ I Sunday School convention to be held leases approximately 6,000 acres of her five children, o ena baby of especially Bossy. ure was handled. at an early date. land for drilling purposes. Estimate $20,000 Business Has Been Turned Out During Season TIED DP BÏ STRIKE E IA FOREST FIRES ARE CHECKED HAS NEW CAR TRICK WAGNER EO ASSUME DOUES OCTOBER 1 BERKELEY SÖFFERS IEN MILLION FIRE FOCAL MEN COLLIDE AND SMASH AUTOS