* U * ü h 444-à i ù U n u u U U ASHLAND CLIMATE, with out the aid of medicine cures nine cases out ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings THE TIDINGS HAS BEEN ASHLAND’S LEADING NEWSPAPER FOR NEARLY FIFTY YFAFm : ____________________ VOL NO. V. (International News Wire Service) Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. SPANISH ARMY TAKESCONTROL OFGOVERNMENT 1 MALARIA GERMS cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. The * pure domestic water helps. ♦ ASHLAND, OREOOX, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1903. NO. 13. EAGLE POINT » K W •fcX.Xi TAKES PRIZE ’TUFFY’’ KING ARRESTED AGAIN ¡West Side Community Close Second While Ashland Did Not Place Local Racer Put Under Arm Of Law After Winning Events REPORTS SHOWS MANY CARS IN STATE IN YEAR Eagle Point took first place in the community exhibits, in the Horti­ Military Premier FJLvera An cultural hall with the handsome av­ Tuffy King the local automobile nounces Vigorous erage score of 93.75 per cent. West racer who won two ten-lap races at Local R e g i s t r a t i o n Office Program Side made a close second with 91 j the Fair on Wednesday and Satur­ Fourth In Number Of per cent, Valley View came third, day seems to have caused the County NATIONAL GUARD Cars Signed Up Court some little dissatisfaction by WILL BE FORMED then in order Willow Rock, Talent, Table Rock, Butte Creek, Central his efforts in cleaning up the first MEDFORD BUREAU prizes on those two occa3slons so Many Constitution Changes Point, Coleman Creek. Ashland made LEADS STATE LIST after his race on Saturday he was Being Contemplated When a very Interesting display though did Placed under arrest as he was leav­ Next Election Ts Held B y not enter the contest, says the Med­ ford Sun. ing the grounds on an order from Most Automobiles Are From New Order. Africans Will Justice Gowdy. who evidently be­ | Individual awards in bovs’ and Calttorma, But Nearly Every Be Put Down Soon. I i girls’ clubs were: lieves In giving certain law breakers State Represented Bv Few all he can put over. MADRID, Sept. 17:— Dictatorial Camp cookery, Robert Carter. Cat-s During Year Of Tour­ ist Travel. powers were today conferred upon Canning, Ellen Galey and Adena According to Charles Reames. who the military powers of Spain under Joy. The canning demonstration on is King's attorney, some time ago A statement of the registration of the leadership of General Rivera, Friday will be given by these two “Tuffy” was arrested on a charge of motor vehicles in the state of Ore­ girls. the new Premier, when the other larceny. He was taken before Jus gon beween May 24 and Aug. 31 of Sewing, division 1, Ethel Alford. governing bodies were dissolved by tice W. H. Gowdy in Ashland, this year as compiled by Secretary th orders of the King. Sewing, division 2, Irene Holst. Reames states that he entered no of State Sam A. Kozer. shows that Homemaking, Mina Milner. General R ivera in Pow er. Plea before Gowdy when arraigned COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO., a total of 25,488 cars registered in This latest development in the Sumary of the awards in the live­ "The law says that when a man Sept.— The Garden of the Gods, fa­ Oregon and of this numebr the Ash­ Spanish political affairs as the re- stock department show: stands mute and enters no plea, land bureau registered 3,521 and suit of the seizing of the Govern­ Milking shorthorns, Kirtland farms mous scenic spot in the Pikes Peak Plea of not guilty shall be entered region, will be the scene onSeptem- stood fourth In the state for reglstra- ment by the Army under the leader­ divided honors with Oakleigh, each and a jury trial shall be given him, ber 23 of one of the greatest spec­ tratlon of cars although the bureau ship of General Rivera practically I taking seven first premiums. In the said Mr. Reames last evening tacles ever seen in the Rocky Moun­ gives the General dictatorial power beef 3horthorn corrals T. S. John­ “However In this case no plea was was not opened till the season was nearly half gone. tain region, when the National in the Nation. son took all the first awards. Hoolo- entered. King was not given a trial Womans party will 3tage a ceremon­ R egistration H igh Here peter received the first money for A fricans to Re F ou gh t. and yet he was sentenced to Jail for ial in celebration of the establish­ This augers well for the .success of In Guernsey cattle The new Premier, General Ri­ milch goats. 90 days and fined $15. ment of equal rights for wimen. the local office next year for Medford vera, announced early today that a Riverbanks farm took all the first “He paid the fine,“ said Reames, l^d the registration towns of the The pageant will be under the di­ vigorous campaign will be launched awards. Collins and Emmens* Mead­ “and has served 50 days In jail. The state this year and with the local immediaetly to put down the rebel­ owbrook farm carried nearly all the rect supervision of Alice Paul, noted statute says that larceny is punish­ office open the full season next year lion of the tribemen in the Spanish prizes in Jerseys, though R. W. Mc­ feminist leader, who is now in Colo­ able by fine or imprisonment: It does it had ought to jump Into the lead colony if Northern Africa in the Cracken and John Billing3 each took rado, she says, "to aid in the cam- not provide for both fine and lmprls California Gars High province of Morroco. first in certain classes. Montcrest paingn to make the world a better on men t. Yet he was sentenced to place for women, and a more beauti­ California cars with a registration ranch specialized in Herefords, re­ N ational Guard to B e Form ed. both. He has paid the fine, there­ of 11,855 car3, represented nearly ful place for everyone." James The new control of the Govren- ceiving sten first prizes. fore the Jail sentence is null and void ialf of the registrations while Wash­ The pageant here will be nearly ment of the nation by the military Campbell, E. G. Coleman and A. C. Yet attached to the warrant is a ington was second, with 4,843 cars, forces will probably result in the Joy also took some first premiums a reproduction of te scenes presentd check made to the order af King by an dthe state of Idaho, third, with THE PICTURES. at th seventy-fifth anniversary of the I » formation of a national guard of ov­ j in Heregords. the court, Intended to remit the fine. 1.949 cars. Every Btate Is repre­ Alice Paul, vice-president of er half a million men according to In the horse division, C. N. Walters first equal rights convention held re- + The presentation of the check itself sented on the registration list with the Woman’3 party, and Ha­ an annouucementof Premier Riv­ , received first for standard bred. cently in Seneca Falls, N. Y. Is admission of the injustice of at the exception of West Virginia and zel MacKayem, foremost wa- era. Montcrest took first on nine differ­ In choosing the Garden of t he} ♦ least one of the penalties. We will South Carolina and in addition there ent entries of Morgan stock. Kirt­ Gods as the setting for the Colorado « nian pageant producer, in the •Many C hanges Expected* not acept the check.” Garden of the Gods, at Col­ lave been cars from Alaska, Canada. Many changes in the constitution land farms received first on saddle pageant Hazel MacKaye, pageant ‘ * It is understood that an order for orado Springs, Col., .where England, Hawaii, Old Mexico and the of the nation are being contemplated animal. Collins and Emmens split director of the Woman’s party and ! * SALEM, Ore.. Sept. 15— The var­ King s release had been given by the Woman’s party will pro­ Republic of Panama The number by the new order and it is believed honors on Percherons, each taking probably one of the foremost woman * ious days for the forthcoming state Justice Gowdy to take effect at the duce Its Equal Rights Pag­ registering from each state follows: by many of the political leaders o f ! tw° firsts- Gltzen got first on a Bel- pageant producer.^ in the country.} • fair were announced by office of the end of 50 days during all of which eant on September 23, laun­ Few From .Haluttua gian stallion. said : Europe that rustic changes in th e ! state fair board today. A feature of time King is said to have worked ching the Western^campaign Alabama, 11; Arizona, 178; Ark- government of Spain will take place) (he week will be Governor’s day, Only a noble Idea is worthy o f'* for an amendment to the Fed­ for the county. According to deputy *nsaa- 49: California. 1 1,855; Colo- under the military rule of Premier! which will fall on Wednesday, Sep­ Sheriff Forncrook working during I rad°. 426; Conecticut. 29; Delaw being interpreted in that awe-inspir­ eral Constitution giving eq­ are, Rivera and the Military Dictator-! tember 26. which will also be known the Jail sentence shortens the length | l; Plor,da. 35 ing spot. But we who come with ban­ ual rights to women. G eorgia, 6; ship. Idaho, as Salem day. Invitations will be is­ of the term. ners and garlands to ‘celbrate this 1.949; Illnois, 532; Indiana. 173, The other view depicts the sued this week by the board to gov­ anniversary feel that we are bring­ Justice Gowdy. when the officers I iOWa’ 360; Kanaa3- »22; Kentucky, characters Lucretia Mott and ernors of the states of California, Ida ing an ideal lofty enough even for and defendant accompanied by h ie l^ 3, ^•‘ou*s*ana. 26; Maine, 7; Mary Elizabeth Cady Stanton as ho and Washington to attend the that eternal garden spot— the ideal attorney reached the court in A s h -|laDd’ 10: MftMacb«M«tts. 89; Mich they will appear in the tab­ j SALEM, Sept. 17.— Fire broke of equality for man and woman, fair on Wednesday. The Governor’s leau in the Garden of the land la3t evening stated that the i s - | gan’ 258’ M,nnes<>ta. 309; Missls- i out shortly after noon today in the I complete justice to all the human Derby will be run on that day. Gods pageant. suance of the warant from his court slppl, 8; Misouri. 257; Montana 576 flax mills adjoining the state peni-|race. Monday will be Children’s Day, Nebraska. 291; Nevada. 131; New I tentiary and caused damage approxi­ i with all the girls and boys under 12, for King’s second arrest on the same, charge was under instructions from Hampshire’ 4: New 54; New ATLANTA. Georgia, Sept. 17.— mately of a hundred thousand dol­ admitted free. The formal dedica­ Mexico, 28; New York, 206; North A pair of shoestrings, the only weap­ lars. A hundred tursties with firemen tion of the new Modern Woodmen County Judge O. A. Gardner. He Carolina, 11; North Dakota, 161; ons left her, were used by pretty -5- batled the flames which menaced the of America building will mark this agreed to release King to Mrs. J. F. Reddy until Thursday at 2 p. m.. Ohio. 365; Oklahoma, 243; Pennsyl- date. year-old Maggie Bedford, of thi3 city pawer plant nearby. If the power when a hearing will be held, and the vanla’ lfi2 ; Rhode Island. 8; South in culminating her fifth unsuccessful plant catches fire the loss is expec­ Tuesday will be known as Wom­ entire matter straightened out. j Dakota, 178; Tennessee, 13; Texas. attempt at suicide within 12 hours. ted to reach two hundred thousand en s day, and also Farmers’ and 261; Utah, 260; Vermont, 4; Vir­ The sudden attack of suicide-man­ dollars. Good Roads’ day. ginia. 32; Washington. 4,843; Wash­ The convicts, other than trusties, ia resulted through mistreatment at Portlanders will claim Thursday KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., Sept. ington. D. C„ 12; Wisconsin. 197; PORTLAND, Sept 15 home, Maggie told the police. “I were immediately hurried into their Those who according to annual precedent, and The chamber of commerce at Wyoming. 213; Alaska. 2; Canada. am determined not to live any lo n g -!cel,s under armed guards. Six flax | hav® considered the W. C. T U. as its noon-day luncheon Wednesday, will come thousands strong , their 400; England, 1; Hawaii, 17; Old er,” 3he declared. mill buildings were desctroyed and antiquated and past its usefullness gave official approval to the name number to include the Rosarians; Mexico, 1; Republic of Panama, 2. Her first attempt was an effort to the flax piled nearby and valued at must have suffered a serious jolt Shriners of El Kader, Rose City "Klamath Lakes Route,” which the Medford R egisters Many jump out of the office window of $100,000 wa3 also endangered. The if they attend’ed the dedication of Elks and members of various other Southern Pacific is asked te desig­ INDIANAPOLIS, Ind Sept 17— 1 *reate8‘ Quniber ° f registra- the chief of police, where she had fire was caused by spontaneous corn- the two first units of the Children’s organizations, for the day is to be nate the route between San Fran­ orno, m a.. s»ept. 17— | tlons was made at Medford, while Farm Home of the organization on been brought following her first bustion. dedicated to all fraternaties. A total of $146,579.99 has beep cisco and Portland by way of Kla­ Portland was second on the list. the fifth of the current month. threat to kill herself. There later Friday will be G. A. R. and Wo­ raised for the American Legion math. Salem third and Ashland fourth. On­ On a farm of two hundred and followed another attempt at leaping men’s Relief Corps day, with exer­ Graves Endowment Fund, to pro­ tario, being the gateway to far east­ Some time ago, while on a visit forty five acres, the pick in point from the window after she had been cises and entertainment, including vide perpetual decoration of graves of fertility and beauty in Benton! ^ere’ " illiani Sproule, president of ern Oregon, registered most of the placed la charge of the chief matron. music by the fife and drum corps. of world war dead now resting on County, they have erected to beau-' the Soutb®ra Pacific stated that cars coming into the state from that She then drew a razor from conceal­ The closing day of the fair. Sat­ foreign soil. This fund was accu­ a name for this route was wanted section. A statement of the permits I tiful Homes for department ------ rD ment and sought to slash her throat. urday. will be Grange day. mulated through the 11,000 postE Issued at thq various registration where something over forty happy and said he would give preference Her fourth attempt came after she The official state fair hand, the of the legion, the money being sent stations follow SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 17.— In I girls and boys are being given real to a name suggested by communi­ nfunicipal band of La Grande will had been removed to a Juvnile De­ to Robert H. Tyndall, national treas­ ties affected by this new route. A Play. Ashland, 3,521; Astoria, 2; Baker the grip of a heat wave with a high cbr*stlan home training. tention Home, where she tried to urer of the organization. 61; Bend, 40; Eugene, 151; Gold committee from the chamber of com­ northeast wind blowing the worst I Mayor George L, Baker of Port- hang herself with a chain. In the list of per capita contrlbu-I Beach, 164; Grants Pass. 1,04 8; Following her fourht attempt she epidemic °f forest fires of this sea- ,and- Chairman of the Portland com merce immediately got to work and PRINCETON LEGION TO buttons. West Virginia leads in the | p olice'800 has eugaged tb® ®fforts °f hun-I w ittee charged with raising Port- Klamath Falla, 407; Medford 6,027; sounded out the people and selected was locked in a cell at AID SICK MEMBERS amount for members, having attain­ Ontario. 2.82S; Pendelton. 1.408; dreds of fire fighters north of here. the name “Klamath Lakes Route.” land’s quota for the Farm Home headquarters, where she took the ed a percentage of nearly twice the I Portland. 4,365; Salem. 7 .2 3 7 ? The In Sonoma. Napa, Marine, and The railroad people were advised Building fund turned the ground for strings from her shoe3 and attempt-} PRINCETON, Cal., Sept. 15— The quota set. The four next highest de Dalles, 554; Inspectors. 635 Lake Counties the fires are reported tb® Portland cottage, plans for at once by wire, but the’ official ap­ ed to choke herself. As strength} Jefferson L. Winn Post of the Amer­ partments under this classification Law Prove« Profitable left her body, and air left her lungs, as doing huge damage and defying which are already completed, con- proval by the chamber could not ican Legion will give a benefit dance are Rhode Island, Maryland, Dele* An examination of many of the ap- choking sounds issued from her the efforts of the fire fighters to con- tract let. and work will be under way be had until the meeting this week. Saturday night to raise funds to send ware, Connecticut and Vermont trol them. The fire on the north ,nimediately with the hope that it - 4 a plications for permits indicates that No indication of the action of the throat. The matron heard the one of its members to a climate that Twenty-five departments of the or- the visitors to the state are hurriedly slope of the Santa Ynez mountains n,ay be ready for the reception of Southern Pacific has yet ’been re- is especially beneficial to tuberculo­ sounds and rushed to the cell. ganlzation have exceeded the quota passing through the state with inten­ ceived. is said to have burned 20,000 acres children early in the year. The The disheartened and lonely little sis. This sick buddy saw active ser­ se Contributions to the fund still tlon of remaining but a few days scores of ranches. Large proper- dedication exercises were witnessed girl lay back on her couch sadly I and vice overseas on the front line where comes In. and it is expected that the Others desire for a longer period and ties have been swept ------------- away and the} by a large crowd people coming . .. J ----- ~ of y/vvpic disappointed, but determined, he contracted pneumonia from which goal of $200,000 will be reached be- quite a number Indicate a sojourn of ’ ¡total fire front of all blazes is estl-Jirom the various portions of the to end her life.A close watch w a s'm„,„ he never recovered. He wa3 also a fore the annual convention of the 90 days, the maximum privilege ■ i at over a hundred iyi II aq State, for the ceremony. Judge Wal­ kept on her while a bit of invest!-' ___________ soldier on Pershing’s expedition into legion, to be held in October. I which our law grants. The registra­ ter Evans Chairman of the Farm gatlon into her home life mas made. Mexico. It is said the government Home Board presided. Addresses tion of the cars as they come into has so far failed to do anything for Y l’B A COUNTY WOMAN wgre made by Mrs. Mary Mallett, the state has revealed the fact that him. IS CALLED BY DEATH in a considerable number of instau- president of Oregon W. c . T. U B. C. Martine, proprietor of the Governor Walter Pierce, Hon Frank Rosslyn rooming house of Grants _____ , ces the applicants were not entitled MARKSVILLE, Cal., Sep. 15— Mrs) to a visitor’s permit but by reason B. Irvine and others. Mrs. Ada Wal­ Pass, charged with the possession of Johanna McGowan, wife of Edward of their residence the car should be lace Unruh Executive Secretary of liquor, experienced a change of mind McGowan, farmer of West Bear licensed under the laws of Oregon, OKLAHOMA CITY, Sept 17.— | the Board through whose efforts the and heart, after a jury to try him • Virtual warfare existed today be- money has been raised, told briefly River township, died at her home which was required in those cases. Ashland sportsmen will get their tween the visible government of |th e financial outlook, explaining that had been chosen in the Justice court last nlfcht. She was 64 years old. a By reason thereof, considerable re­ yesterday afternoon, and changed first real bird hunting next week ns} Oklahoma and the “invisible empire) Home, a generous balance native of Ireland. in the venue has fallen to the state, of the Geese and Duck seasou for Klam of the Ku Klux Kian cease its al $75,000 was already invested in the his plea from not guilty to guilty.. WASHINGTON. Sept. 17.— Pres­ Funeral services will be held to- which it would otherwise have been Whereupon Judge Emmitt impos­ ident Collidge is not going to resort ath County opens on Sept. 16. and . leged influence in politics as a con-1 treasury for the new cottage, with morow morning at 10 o’clock at the derived for the lack of check occas- ed a fine of $350, which he paid. to the “big stick” method to Jam Catholic church here. "_8Ual * ! t rgP nun,by or dhion “P°n which he would end the many outstanding pledges apart from sloned through the operation of the When Martine was arrested the through the senate the World Court Ashland disciples of the gun will hie bayonet rul® started at Tulsa, on >75,000 pledged by other organiza Five daughters and two sons sur­ law. police seized, besides liquor, two re­ proposal which he inherited from themselves to the lake county for August 14, and carried into effect, tions to he paid later. vive. They are Mrs. Mary Board- August High Month say they found on the premises. the opening days of the season in over the entire state the Harding administration, it was man, Mrs. Agnes Suftin, Ml3s Grace n . . . . In recognition of the splendid During the month of August there After the payment of $350 had re­ learned authoritatively today. order to prove their skill with the ublic meeting are banned, streets service rendered -to the things which McGowan, Edward T., John P„ and were nearly as many cars registered gained him liberty, Martine demand­ gun has not left them. The President is publicly silent William McGowan, all of Yuba r ^ 1l?,’l d t! i ter_™idnlght and W’ c ’ T- U” holds as vital, the as during the period from May 24th ed the guns back, but Chief of Po­ There are large numbers of Ducks about the court and the word has County, and Miss Kathryn and beautiful fire place of the Willard to July 3 lst, indicating that the lice Humphrey decided the depart­ been passed around that the senate on the lakes and also quite a few Laurette McGowan of Sacramento. c « . , , according ,o word from K lam 'F ederal W TarnmenS’ ^ m ',? u X » “ * ' J “ “ r- 1 " ment would hold the arsenal. month of August carries the peak of is to be left to deal with the court Martine was inclined to be travel. This is also Indicated through ath Palls and no doubt there will be Oklahoma "Civil War" Is that of a» a ° e regon to Hon in- in its own way. Coolidge realizes Jackson County Bartlett pears are Oswald West. Pictures of these great the volume of gas sales as the re­ si3tent, but the chief pointed out it is said, that the republican will be some good bags brought back by; interested spectator. The officials de- 8eling for $40 a ton. turns under the several laws impos­ tlie local haweyes who make the trip'dared there is nothing to be done in men are placed above the mantel that as an alien Martine had no have a hard enough row to hoe with and beautiful bronz tablets set in ing a tax on that commodity are right ot the weapons. Martine left the slim majority without courting for the opening of the season. I the situation. Ivory mantel panels. Sheridan sawmill and furnltnre treatest during that month of the his armament in the police station, trouble which can be avoided. factory to he revived by D. B. Kirby. year. ESPECIAL DAYS STATE FAIR ARE SET ASIDE E FOUR TIMES IN DAY HEAVY EOSS RESULTS IN SALEM FEAX FIRE W. C. T. U. E ED IE N TI FUND CROWS RAPIDLY E GRANTS PASS MAN E OPENS SEPTEMBER 16 E EEFI UP 10 SENATE