! ****** ASHLAND CLIMATE, with out the aid of medicine cures nine cases out ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. NGS THE TIDINGS HAS BEEN ASHLAND’S LEADING NEWSPAPER FOR NEARLY FIFTY YFARS (International News Wire Service) VOL NO. V. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. DEMPSEY WINS FROM FIRPO IN 13292346 Heavyweight Slugging Match Ends With Argentinian Completely Out \ >♦» » m m << « »4 1 MALARIA GERMS cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. The pure domestic water helps. ♦ * * ♦ * ♦ ♦ : ASHLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER, 15, 1923. NO. 12 STATE FAIR TO MANYASHLAND PEOPLEATTEND FAIRJFOR DAY OPEN SEPT. 24 Floral Displays Of Fair Will Be Especially Good is Report SALEM, Ore., Sept. 15— (S p ecial) — Beauty as well as utility will have a place at the forthcoming state fair, which opens in Salem on the 24th of this month. Aside from the FIRPO PUTS DEMPSEY OUT OF RING ONCE hundreds of exhibits that will be ar­ ranged to interest the farmer and manufacturer, there will be found Terrific Slugging Of Both B at­ any number of displays to attract tlers Features Battle With and hold the attention of the less Result Never Doubtful As materialistic visitor. Champion Was The Agres- The grounds never before present­ sor Throughout. ed so attractive appearance, with the NEW YORK, Sept. 15— Jack lawns widened and in excellent Dempsey still reigns supreme in the i shape> J’ W* Maruny- the florist of heavyweight pugilistic ring for al-1 the State fa,r’ has again put forth though the Argentine bull A n gel1 8pecial effort to have the beda in ful1 Firpo knocked him completely out of! bl° ° m at the time Of the fair’ and the ring in the first round of their ha3 made extenw~ Plantings with scheduled fifteen round battle h ere! th‘S ln n,ind’ ° ne feat,ire’ a 200 last night Dempsey came back and ! f° Ot bed ° f 8C&rlet 8alvia’ ia an,ong after only 57 seconds of the 3econd I the most notable. The floral department will accent round had passed the bulky Argen­ this out-door color note, with Tom­ tine was down and out his champion­ — JJL.- . .__ -iJn -, ... .f - - A. ship hopes blasted for the time being my Luke, superintendent of the flo­ ral department, making numerous Ends as Predicted London is wondering just now whether the Prince of Wales possibly The fight wa3 as experts and fans trips from Portland to Salem to supervise the changes that have had predicted for although it was can remain invulnerable to the petite pulchritude of Ileana, daughter of over much sooner than expected the been made in this division, prepara­ the resourceful Rumanian queen. It is declare dthat thq sojoury of Queen general course of the battle was tory to the big list of entries that Mane and the beautiful Ileana in London has for its direct purpose the much as had been expected by the will be made by the leading florists followers of the ring throughout the and growers of the state, as well as meeting of the British heir and the fair Balkan Princess. world. Dempsey throughout the lia show, with different varieties battle showed his superior speed and 3hown on special days, promises to • ability to escape the sledgehampier arouse keen competition. blows of Firpo except for that o n e , occasion when Firpo connected and11 as a result Dempsey was knocked ' entirely out of the ring. SPEED COP CHARGED Largest Crowd During Fair Necessitated Closing Of Gates Early NO ACCIDENTS MAR AUTOMOBILE RACES Ashland Band Scores Lartre Novelty Pieces while Litdiian Octette Also Draws Praise From Holiday C rowds. Between 2000 and 2500 Ashland people were on a holiday yesterday afternoon and took advantage of Ashland Day to be at the fair. It is estimated by authorities of the fair that^yesterday saw the biggest attendance of the year. One third of the grandstand was filled with Ash­ land people and the tickets for ad mission went so fast that it was necessary to close the gates before all the crowd could be packed Into the arena. Program F o r Day Good According to reports brought back by the visitors everything was as good or better than the general run of county fairs. The program was good. Delays, which usually threaten the good dispositions of the atten­ dants were fewer and of shorter dur­ ation than in any previous perfor­ mance, thus keepiug the crowd on tip-toe throughout and interest at a high pitch|. No A ccidents Mar Day D em psey th e A ggressor OREGON FROSH COACH PICKED Bill Reinhart Former Star At U. Of O. To Instruct First Year Men UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eu­ gene, Sept. 14.— Special)— William ( BUI ’) Reinhart, former Oregon football, baseball and basketball star and recently Multonomah Ath­ letic Club athlete, has been appoint­ ed coach of freshmen athletics at the University, it was announced to­ day by Virgil Earl, director of ath­ letics. Earl’s recommendation of Reinhart was unanimously approved by the executive council of tho As­ sociated Students and by the school of physical education, jointly Inter­ ested in the development of the Ore­ gon athletic system. Reinhart resigned this week from the credit department of the Stan­ dard Oil Company. Portland, and will be here Monday to get a line on his new duties. Employed full time, he will assist “ Baz” Williams in coaching the freshmen team in the fall. He will also coach the frosh basketball team and the first year baseball candidates. FOR RAIL JUBILEE KLAMATH FALLS, Ore.. Sept. X5.— In the first day’s drive made yesterday for funds to finance the railroad celebration which will be held here October 12th and 13th, actual cash contributions of $3,500 were subscribed, promises to pay within a short time of $1,000 more and from business men ln an indi­ rect way another $1,500 bringing the total to $6,000 The lumber operators have agreed to add 25 pr cent to what is col­ lected, so this increases the money positively. available from this sec- tion alone to $7.500. CONUTY W. C. T. U. TO M EETH ER E NEXT TUESDAY ProgTam For Day Outlined By Mrs. Alice Jillson District Head OFFICERS WILL BE SELECTED FOR YEAR Several Local Men To Talk Dn Aiternoon’s Program Being Arranged Now. Good Music Promised Those Who Attend. The annual W. C. T. U. County Convention will be held In Ashland next Tuesday September 18, ac­ cording to Mrs. Alice Jillson of Ash­ land, president of the Jackson Coun­ ty branch of the organization for the past year. Couvention P lan s O utlined The plans for the Convention as outlined by Mrs. Jillson include the r-ports of officers during the morn­ ing including the reports of all the local presidents of the county and at noon a big luncheon will r><- held by all assembled delegates the luncheon being put on by the local organiza­ tion. Mayor Loomis To Talk The program for the afternoon in­ cludes a talk by Mayor Loomis wel­ coming the delegates to Ashland and Inviting them to coine here for their conventions as often as possible. Judge Dill will also give a talk probably along the lines of law en­ forcement. I REKA, CAL., Sept. 13,— Forest According to Everett Acklin a Io- - A IK the races were fast and no At the sound of the first bell Supervisor West announced to-day! eal taxi driver, the alleged speed cop accidents were reported. Motorcycle Rev. Oldfield (in Program Demp3ey started for Firpo with a that some of the most valuable tim-! or Traffic officer of the county. J J races and airplane stunts filled the Rev. Oldfield will also appear on determination üiat showed that he ber in Sisikyou County was being McMahon, has been showing’ rank afternoon after the horse races weje the program ln order to give a talk NEW YORK, Sept. 15— A check meant to rush the fight. He missed threatened by the forest fire along | discrimination between the taxi op- run off. No accidents or delays kept on the constitution following out a left and Firpo retaliated by send­ for $1500 has been sent to the Uni­ the Klamath River which broke out ) erators of Ashland and Medford the crowd dissatisfied. tne plans of the Jackson county com­ versity* of Indiana by the Home In ing a hard right over Dempsey’s Friday and has been burning Mere­ during the progress of the Jackson mittee on Constitution Week, whleh Band Scores Hit snrance company because cloudy guard which sent the chatnpon to his ly ever since. The fire i.s on the County Fair at Medford Fair ground starts next week. Rev. Oldfield will l he Ashland Band scored a hit knees. Dempsey recovered without weather prevented its expedition edge of the Beaver Creek unit, and, and evidently^did not care to hav^ probably emphasize the allegiance an effort and after sparring for a from taking photographs of the ec­ has already burned and destroyed ■ local taxis to operate at all in that during the afternoon with their nov-j to the flag and patriotism. elty, 1 es. We Have No Bananas.” lipse of the sun which would have couple of seconds sent over a left over 2,000 acres of valuable repro-j vicinity according to Acklin. The band played thru moat of frfie Good Record .Made hook that knocked Firpo to the floor been visible except for the clouds in duclion and virgin timber. VENUE CHANGE GRANTED Acklin states that he drove to the program in the afternoon and per­ The local chapter of the W. C. T. Lower California on September 10 for one count. IN HIGHWAY SQUABBLE Reinforcements, as 'fast as they U. has made a very good record this Fair grounds and was not allowed formed with a special note-worthy Swarthmore college al.so insured Firpo K nocked Down can be recruited, are being sent -to weather through the same company, to park bis car by the roadside by concert in the evening. The Llthlan I QUINCY. Cal., Sept. 15— Th? suit year and during the drive for the As Firpo stood up Dempsey hit relieve and as3ist the more than taking a policy for $10,000. The the same J. J. McMahon, called the ctette was also heartily received instituted by Plumas County against W. C. T. U. childrens home at Cor­ him on the chin with a hard fight 100 fire-fighters who are atempt- county speed cop, who ordered him by their own supporters as well as the state highway commission, re- vallis the local gruop raised over University of Indiana paid a premi ing to control the flames. ajid Firpo hit the mat again for the 1 um of $150. Swarthmore paid $500 to move on. while at the same time, u'°,,,linPS ° . pe° ple who are not graining that body from expending $1000 for the purpose of aiding the West said that it had been dis­ count of two. Firpo on arising this construction of the $75,000 home time started to retreat from the I for a pro rata policy and will be covered that the fire had broken Acklin states, several Medford jitney miisicHn acqua,n*e w,th the local upon other projects money held de- at Corvallis. drivers were evidently allowed to paid according to the degree of the s as s s and itself. . finitely allocated to the construction out from a left-over lightning fire smashing blows which Dempsey was . ., . ... Officers To Be E lected H orse Show Entertains of the Plumas County seat lateral sending in.„ his body and the crowd! 0W“,n s a t,s ,,' tOT>' ’ la‘es- and had not been caused by careless park as long as thy desired to in the The horse show in the evening was of the state highway system, has very spot from which he had been The officers for the coming year plainly saw the fight was going hunters, as had been reported. ordered by the alleged officer of the truly credible entertainment. The been transferred from Quincy to Sac- for the County will lx* elected dur­ Dempsey’s way. The 3ection through which the law. James McCleave string of 22 horses ramento for hearing ing the session which is to be held fire is raging, is according to West, Dem psey H its at W ill This action was taken following during the morning. Mrs. Alice Acklin charged this same McMa­ front Victoria Bj C., caused many extremely difficult for fire fight­ As the champion knocked the big! o h s and “ah’s” with their feature the presentation in the Jillson an Ashland woman has been superior ing because of the topography and hon with discrimination but states Argentinian to the floor for th e 1 stunts. High jumping, jumping over court at Quincy of president of the county during Hie a motion seek­ fire has been almost under control he was given no satisfaction but was fences, other horses, patches of fire third time-the-crowd called and hoot i past year and will preside at the ing a change of venue. several times, but has been 3wept ordered to move along. ed the challenger and he attempted ■ and stands were among the special meetings to be held here on Tues­ beyond the fire lines by a high wind. to wade in only to be put to the floor i day. numbers. for the fourth time in the round by i Congressman W. C. Hawley has More than twenty-five miles of fire Music W ill B e Feature Airplanes Loop The Loop a hard right to the chin which the! been invited to address the Chambr lines have been cut in the ceaseless Two airplanes cavorting In the air A good musical program has h^p of Commerce and allied commercial eforts to halt the advance of the champion sent over. with illuminations provided late eve-| arranged for the afternoon besides and industrial organizations at Oak­ flames,-but the wind ha3 caried the Firpo L ands Hard B low the talks that have been scheduled nnig pleasure. Several varied colors land. California, on September 14, fire beyond each time. At this juncture of the fight the and the officers of the organization were spread in the air as the planes only real thrill of the day came and leaves Tuesday night for this looper, spiraled and dived with agll-l DUNSMUIR, CAL., Sept 14 — have extended an invitation to the about when Firpo landed one o fh is ! PUrP?Se; “ e wil1 also deliver sever- WORKMAN SU SPEN D E D MLSKOGEE, Okla., — Censorship ity and abandon, this being also in- Following the stirring address by public to attend the afternoon meet- BY FIN G ER IN MACHINE of the press is Governor Walton’s tremendous right swings on the al other addresses, including two to eluded in the afternoon performance. | James M. Allen, who called attention ings and hear the talks and enjoy side of Dempsey’s head and knocked the Woodmen of the World of Oak­ latest step in his'eampaign to “clean the music with the members of the to the serious situation the farmers HAWKINSVILLE, CaL, Sep. 15— up” Oklahoma. It is in effect at him completely through the ropes land and San Francisco. organization. R ace R esu lts W ere: J are confronting as the result of the On his return he will be at Ash­ Joseph Lemos was the victim of an Tulsa and i3 threatened here. A man into the lap3 of the ringside specta­ 2:20 Trot — Purse $3.50, T hree]8tate division of water rights virtu- land September 19, at Medford Sep­ unusual accident while working on in the Tulsa Tribune office censors tors. DIVORCE G RANTED TO heats. Time 2:19, 2:19% , 231. ally granting the Electro-Metals Jack Kearns. Dempsey’s manager tember 20, at Grants Pass September a hay fork in Scott Valley. The mid­ everything that goes into the papers FORM ER DUNSMUIR W IFE Company the privelege of appropria­ Florirael, (Languni) 321 The Governor promised the most and his full force of assistants stood 21, and at Roseburg September 22. dle finger of his right hand in some ting practically the entire flow of Esmeraldo, (Madison) 212. spellbound, believing that the He will attend the State Fair Sep­ manner got caught in the pulley and drastic martial law orders ever RENO, Nev. Sept. 15— On grounds the Klamath River, Sisikyou County he was lifted several feet off the known ln Tulsa unless the Chamber . Little Bill, (A. D. Smith) 183. champion had been finished by the tember 24-29. of non-support Mrs. Margaret H. He expets to visit Tillamook Bay ground before the end of the digit tion of the sheriff, jury commission, 2:25 Pace— Purse $350 Threel Pomona Grange ------ «t at a meeting at Glandou was yesterday granted a wild Pampas bull, but Dempsey, cool heats. Time 2:14 %. 2• i fi !».i s u I L,ttle Shaata SaturdaX adopted and the police commissioner. as a cucumber and only a litle grog­ and the Nehalem during the first was crushed off and let him fall. 2:14% , 2:16. 2:15% . strong resolutions opposing the con­ divorce from John W. Glandon. The gy as the result of the terriffic blow week in October’ and the Coos Bay, Billie Herman, (Langum) 223. couple formerly lived and were mar­ struction of the dam. calmly climbed back into the ring tbe Coquille, the Umpqua, and the W. A. Mac (Madison) 33 ried at Dunsmuir. California. The The action of the Grange, follow­ and before the end of the round had Suis,au dnring »he second week in Mary Logan (H. G. Smith) 111. wedding took place November 28 ing as it does closely upon the action succeeded in flooring the challenger Oetober"Exact da*ea "’ill be an- Borden McKiney (Swartz) 442. 1920. ot the chambers of commerce of the again nounced later Mack (Young) 554. Mrs. Glandon told District Judge , county and the Associated Chambers B oth B leed in g at End o f Round H® haS inform ed that durinS Three-eights Mile Dash— For purse of'Commerce of Sisklyon County, It George A. Bartlett her husband i , from the' his visit in California the business Both were i bleeding . . of $50. (five entries): Messenger] la held, places Siskiyou county al­ quit work shortly after tlie marriags mnn.i, «* **. . . 7 organizations on the bay desire to mouth at the end of the round and v , . .. , . * hoy (Murphy) first: Ella Retreat most unanimously opposed to the and that she was forced to support hnth nioir.i » • , show him the naval base at Alemeda, both were plainly suffering from the (Holbrook), second: Camel Backl priveleges granted the metals com­ th«m both until she wearied of the and the other projects for public im- results of the terriffic pounding provement. (Bradley), third; allowed to re­ pany by the division of water rights. burden. She was which they were being subjected to One-half Mile Dash— Purse of $75) sume her maiden name, Margaret The single terriffic right which Fir­ of his dream of the championship (four entries); race abandoned for! Kolaeh. po had succeeded in landing full for the time being. force against Dempsey’s head, had Dempsey throughout the fight badly bruised that side of his head plainly had the best of the battle while Firpo’s lips were cut where and his greater experience stood out Dempsey had landed blows. throughout. Firpo was simply a big F irpo P la in ly E xhausted man and although he had a tremen- When Patrolman J. F. McDonald Firpo was plainly the most ex- dus punch .the champion we3 wary ot Klamath Pals paid the daily hausted as the second round opened and allowed the Argentinian to land O. R. Redfern, the U. S. Radio! police call to the jungle camp near SALEM, Ore., Sept. 14.— Recent Inspector of the seventh district | Modoc park yesterday afternoon 'he and was floored almost immediately this but once during the fight. damp weather and togs have threat­ by blows to the body which Dempsey will hold examinations for operators I found a drunken free-for-all scrap In Plan to B a ttle A gain ened heavy loses to the hop and landed without seemingly any at­ in the Medford City hall at 8:30 a. progress. The participants Scotty Firpo after the batle declared he prune growers of the Willamette val­ tempt being made by Firpo to stop j intended to fight Dempsey again m. on October 19. 1923. Matthews. Jack O’Brien and Joe ley and growers are hoping for clear the drives. As Firpo got to his feet when he gatliered more experience In the evening at 8 p. m. he will Gavin were arrested and spent the weather until the crops are harvest­ groggy from the effects of the pre­ and it was announed by Tex Rick­ hold a meeting open to anyone In- night In jail. This morning they ed and placed under cover. Mold hai vious blows the champion hit him ard, the promoter of the battle, terested In Radio and would like a were fined $25 each by Police Judge appeared on the hops in various on the chin with both his left and that he will match the two again good turn out. This meeting will be Gaghagen, and ln default of payment parts of the valley and growers have right the blows coming so close to­ next summer if Firpo believes he can devoted to explaining the work be- started to serve 12 days apiece ln sent out calls for additional help so gether that although the left would gain the necessary experience in that ing done by the Department of Com- jail. that the harvesting may be complet­ plainly have finished the challenger time to stand up against the cham­ merce to regulate Radio and to George Kelly and R. P. Robinson, overcome interference from all their although not mixing in the scrap ed in the shortest possible time. the right hit him before he could pion. • It was said today that fully 1,00ft start falling to the floor. different sources. The Inspector also were arrested for drunkeness and G ate R eceipts Large pickers could be used to good ad­ Firpo E n tirely Out wishes any comment for the good of drew the same fine $25 each, this Firpo’s part of the gate receipts vantage If the entire hop crop of the all concerned. morning. Firpo was knocked completely out amounted to a cool two hundred n will be necessary for all those | In the free-for-all one combatant Willamette valley is to be saved. and remained on his back while r e f-; and fifty thousand while Dempsey Practically all growers have rrftsed holding amateur licenses to take “Scotty.” had his little finger so eree Gallagher of New York counted cleared a half million dollars for his their picking price to 70 cents a box the fatal ten which marked the end few minutes work in the Ting. this examination or forfeit the one badly hurt It may have to be am- and some are said to be offering they hold. Iputated. bonuses for large picks. ESSMAN HAWLEY ID BE HEBE SEPE. ID T RETAINS HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE FIVE MEN FINED AT KLAMATH FAITS WET M R INJURES WILLAMETTE GRAINS SET FOR DCT. 19 1