*Aöfc two mmm ♦»-■»X“ ♦- • *»»■»»»•»« ■ «>♦ >t » m »> m >» m u > -» » » .-O-O*' I » M ÂffÜLÂxb DAILY TlDÍÑGg UM 51 PAR REACHING RESULTS ÓF JAPANS CALAMITY Thui^da>, September id. 1924, 50 spent several hours in a most thor- Messrs and Mesdames Don W hit-' ough exploration. They considered ney. K. p. Niets, B (T The people of Japan aee® duly sensible of the generous they had had a w onderful experience. C. F o P. r s y S. te Provost, , Louis Schwein, C L I ( Established In 1870 ) sympathy and aid extended them by foreign nations because It was the first visit for all the party. Spindler, Homer Billings, V.’ O. N.'l of the disaster which has caused such frightful loss of life There has been 13,000 visitors at; Smith, H. C. Caley, J. n . McGee,! Published Ever) Evening Except Sunday by the Caves co far, this season, but Guy Good, and Dr. and Mr3. A. E and tremendous destruction of homes and other property THE ASHLAND PRINTING 00 on expect several thousa There was no need of an appeal for assistance, for news Z V Z l a °'° fore the season closes. Mrs. L. M. W right, Mrs. P. K. Bert R. Greer ........... .................... Editor ot the catastrophe had no sooner reached America and other The discovery of a new and Hammond, Mrs. J. H. Fuller, Mrs. countries than contributions of tood and money began to go wonderful cave in Marble Mountain Emil Peil, and Mrs. A. E. Joy. OFFICIA L CITY PAPER Telephone 39 forward. This spontaneous help, in such liberal measure, was twelve miles out from G rants P ass.' The Misses Allen and Meyers and E ntered at the Ashland, Oregon, P ostofflte as a fine manifestation of the sympathy which influences humanitv is creating considerable excitement. , Mr. George A. Briscoe. second Class Mail M atter. The Gold Hill Cement P lant peo-l There is a two-fold object to be under the circumstances, throughout the world. Subscription P rice, D elivered in City pie made the discovery, while b la st-! attained at this gathering; th at the Such proof of friendliness in time of need surely must affect ing. The room is filled with beau-j teachers may m eet% ach other and One Mcnth ....... - ................... ....... ................ | .65 G E N U IN I Three Months ......... 1.95 favorably and permanently public sentiment in Japan, and tiful form ations, although some were th at the parents and all interested Six Months .............. 3.75 tend in future to promote amidable relations between her peo­ destroyed in the blasting. They ex- may meet the teachers One Year ............ 7.50 pect to uncover others as they go ple and those of other nations. A cordian invitation is extended DURHAM B y Mail and R ural R ou tes: farth er into the mountain. to all who are interested to attend Moreover, the losses have been so enormous as to seriously One Month ...................................................... $ .65 TOBACCO It seems the finding occurred ju st the Reception on Sept. 28. Three Months ................................................. 1.95 cripple her military and naval resources, and to suspend or last week. Could ___ the ______ O rres’ have Six Months ........................................................ 3.50 set aside tor a long period all policies of imperialism and 8Pared the time they would have Spend Few Days at Lake of .Woods land the one whose birthday was the One Year ... ..................................................... 6.50 territorial expansion hitherto entertained. visited the new discovery. Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Fridcger and inspiration of the jolly party, Miss baby motored out to the Lgke of Ma^r Hadfield. “ It will be twenty-five years before Japan can even think Partv at * * * .. DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: of war,’» says Captain Edward A. Salisbury, “ of New York! m ™ i k ^ 80" 8 the Woods on Friday last, they were Single insertion, per inch ..............'................... 30 Y early C ontracts: and California, in an interview published by the New York ¡was hostess, Friday" evening^ oT’ia^i d X h t ^ r " F ra n c e s /8' Greene and her *ome‘u,nK ,o At ,h e Llb,ar> One insertion a week .................................... $ .27 V& Beginning this week, and lasting Vv orld. He is quoted as a world traveler, econDmist and stu- wee,t at a pieasand little card party, The paity returned after a m ^ i i for a month, there is now being plac- Two insertions a week .............. _....................... 25 dent of social and political conditions who had recently re- i formitwo tables' pleasant outing at the Lake, on Mon ed in the library, a beautiful exhibit Daily insertion ......................................................... 20 This group of friends are having day evening of this week. turned from a visit to that country. of famous pictures. R ates F or L egal and M iscellaneous A d vertisin g as r tf en\Phasizes the fact that the Japanese government,' together i n d X e ^ X X u t i n ^ l Mr. and Mrs* h * g Enders Sr They are shown in the colors of F irst insertion, per 8 point line ....... »........ $ .10 the original paintings and are a rare as well as the people in the stricken Cities, must have suffered . club organization. ; spent Sunday with their friends collection, th a t Miss Hicks has se­ Each subsequent insertion, 8 point l i n e ......... 05 Heavily, as owner Ot railroads, bridges, buildings and other1 Those who enjoyed Mrs. Robison’s Mr. and Mrs. C. E Roy in ( rants cured from the State Library. Card of Thanks ............................................. 1.00 00 national property. Remarking that for four years past busi-' llospltality were the Mesdames o.' Pass. O bituaries, per line ..............................................02 % These are accompanied by books ness has not been good in Japan, her exports being onlv half!c B" rurner’ s- M- Rhodes, j . h . it win be remembered th a t the th at may be taken out by readers, WHAT CONSTITUES ADVERTISING the value of her imports, Captain Salisburv furthers savs- : ‘ 1’? ’, J7‘n,e, Schwan- Mrs- Ida L- Ro>'3 arp formerly or Ashland, peo- who wish to know more of these "All fu tu re events, where an admission charge Is ? of Talent a 9ister of Mrs. Robison’s, pie having lived here until a few works of a rt and tlieartists. made or a collection taken is A dvertising. In view of this catastrophe, I think there j Crandall, Noyes and Mrs. Denham years ago. 00 00 There are th irty four pictures un­ No donations to charities or otherw ise will b« L ittle Janie Sugg and Virginia Cran- will be no need for the west coast of the 00 Mrs. Enders spent Tuesday as the der the head of British artists, and Benevolent orders. 00 dall were also there. United States to worry about war with Japan 00 Guest of Airs. George Eubanks at sixteen painted by famous A m eri­ 00 The hostess served most delight- her home on Wimer Street. for at least a quarter of a centurv. 00 cans. DONATIONS: 00 ♦ ♦ ♦ Meanwhile the Japanese must look to our Pacific Coast « 2 . 7 ^ ”"”*"“ “ ,h,i C,M e No discount will be allowed Religious or 00 They are w-ell wortii a visit to 00 A Farew ell .Affair made in advertising, or job printing— our contribu­ the library to enjoy and study. The 0 0 foi the enormous supplies ot lumber and other building ma­ tions will be in cash. Miss Edith Robison was the gra- list of artists is too long to enum er­ OO terials needed for the rebuilding of Tokio, Yokohama and the Yew Comers to Ashland t „ j „ j .< , cious young hostess at her home on ate but you will fiud hung, well- Judge and Mrs. J W G o o d in am t r, . « un, 4 cities shattered and burned. And no doubt much American .1,».. , ... uooam and Reach Street, Monday evening at a known pictures from the hand of of iiw Hillsboro h a v d r farewel .. party before th e nionniint K at a and other foreign capital will be borrowed for reconstruction their son, Melville, ui sooro, nave; Reynolds, Gainsborough, Rommey, came to Ashland to spend the W in t-L - - .- - , m e pleasant purposes. rxn e 1 associations of tlio school years were Hoppner, Landseer, Turner, Millias, SEJTEM BER 13 er and are com fortably located in years were 1', “I’ “ X“'" “ 1»" terldent Burne- Jones, Lawrence, and from It is predicted that the cities named will be rebuilt along one or the apartm ent, ta tee V I . X *' ” “ * others perhaps equally famous HEAR, O ISR A EL:— The Lord our God is one Lord. And thou shalt modern lines, with , broad streets and business structures of A partm ent building. Judge Goodin v „lverakt, Of Americans, Gilbert S tuart, In- COUnty judge iu d g e of Of W Witulrirr0,800,000,<>00 a year, this means that the burden of a town for thirty years who tells the new-comer that he had from and G ertrude Brown, who put on a I iVsitors at Mr- H o le rs the Lake of the Woods Friday government on ever; man and woman in business or profes­ better move on. They are here, they are everywhere. wonderful entertainm ent. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haener and of last week. sional life, including the 2,000,000 persons who are on the Mr. Scliwein and Roselind and Wan . The initiation of the young m e n 'Eddie Schwahn motored down from da, came in Sunday evening, so the fo,*owed- J u st the particular form Tacoma early in the week to visit public pay rolls in states, would be i a dhoon „ nation, tj , a , , , . cities, counties, . There *s no law compelling an individual to remain in girls would he here for the opening aUd ltS particular Purpose, history for a time at the home of Mr. and about $220 annually If they should contribute ' ibor instead) a place he dislikes, except the penitentiary and insane as- of school on Monday. Mrs. R. P. P orter on Church St. sayeth not. of dollars, every worker vould give as his or her share more ylum “ Move On” iis good advice to the fellow who has They have had a ’ delightful vaca- Mrs. Haener is a daughter of the *,“ 1 deliciouB refreshm ents than seven weeks’ labor every year. Every week one of us nothing but knocks for his home town and community. were served by an attractive hostess, Porters, and a sister of Mrs. Schwahn tion and the rest aud change has reiUctant good byes Eddie Schwahn is Mrs. Schwahn's were spoken. would work approximately one day without pay as our con­ b«jen very beneficial fcr Mr. Sch-i . . i Those who shared this hapD / eve- son. tribution to the cost of preserving life, liberty aud the pursuit wem, who was not we 1 when thev ___ * . . rne? |n in g with their young hostess were, v e n t out to the lake of happiness under our system of government. the Misses Nellie Hake, G ertrude « • • Brown, M argaret McCoy, Mabel We maintain in civil life and in the national defense full­ F irst M eeting of the Art Club THE HIGH COST OF MRS. GRACE X.ANDKBW 8, Editor Trott, Pauline Plum m er, K atherine time employees to the number of all the military forces we The F irst m eeting of the Art Club Parsons, and the Messrs, Frederick L IF E AND IAMB Phone items to her at 346 3t, between 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. sent abroad during the World War. In the lists are more (ccurred at the Civic Club H ousj and evenings. and Paul Koehler, Gleen Wilde, Ot- If you were injured by an Monday evening of thi? week. than 50,000 town and cit yfirement, 82,000 policemen, 115,000 . to Neidermeyer, Donald W right automobile and had to go There was much business to vt- Ralph Robison and William Hunt, guards, watchmen and door-keepers, 107,000 common laborers, N eighbors h a v e P icn ic deer, which effort they hope will be tend to a t this tim e; among o*'i , r , through life with a wooden ♦ * * 12,000 detectives and 10,000 sheriffs, 56,000 city and county Ashland Neighbors of Woodcraft successful th is tim e; a t any rate they tilings, the appointm ert of a trea*-* . leg, you would feel that you .. , . . inspectors of various kinds, 32,000 postmasters, 225,000 sailors, entertained the Phoenix Neighbors will have a pleasant outing even If a^er, Mrs. J. W. Phortrldge, to fill' had a claim against the at a six o'clock picnic dinner In Miss May Hadfield had a joyous owner of th at machine. the prim e object of th e expedition rhe unexp’red term le^t vacant by soldiers and marines, 2,300 life-savers, and so on down to little celebration in honor of her Lithia Park, Friday evening of last Is not accomplished. You may hit a man with Mrs. B ush’s going to I n s Angeles to snake doctors and star-gazers. week. birthday yesterday evening. I • • • make her home. you machine some day. 1 he census ol 1920 gives the total number of workers with­ All the good things com m ensurate Meetings at the Churches It was a swimming party at Jack- L etter to friends report th at she Such m isfortunes happen son’? Springs, with a most elaborate in the I.nited States as 41,(ill,248. One out of every twenty with picnic appetites were present The Home M issionary Society of is nicely established to the most careful drivers. anc enjoying pjcnjc dinner as the satisfying ac-! to satisfy the inner man and jollity the M. E. church will m eet at Mrs. her new home very much is, therefore, on a public pay roll. Take out a Travelers Au­ and neighborliness were very much Ralph Billings on Friday of this week ! A fter the business session closed. com panim ent. tomobile Policy. Then if you The cost of maintaining the various forms of government in evidence a t the feastz They, the guests, had a most de­ The W. C. T. U. also m et at the the hostess of the evening, Miss Bhould injure someone, you that are a i>art ol the United States is apportioned as fol­ • The visit continued long a fte r the M. E. church Tuesday for th eir elec-i Hicks and Mrs. Se-nu Gray, served lightful time, both at the swimming can settle up squarely with . . Party, and at its most pleasing finale I lows: Federal government, $4,666,671,594; forty-eight state supper was o v er- and tables were tion of officers. ; delirious refreshm ent durin* th * |th e dinner. him w ithout bankrupting The M issionary Society of the Chris serial hour, governments, $1,008,540,232; 253 muniqipal governments ¡in cleared. yourself. • Miss Hadfield was the recipient of The officers of this organization tian church holds its m eetings the i • ♦ * cities of more than 30,000 inhabitants $1,6.382296,052; mun­ are Mrs. Phillpott, G uardian Neigh- first F riday of each m onth, and had Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Miller receiv- many lovely gifts to commemorate icipal governments of towns and cities of from 2,56 500 to 30,000 bor, Mrs. A bbott, Advisor, Mrs. Rob­ th eir reg u lar program a t the church ed a telegram th .• morning announc- her natal day. Real E state and Real Insur­ The guests were Messrs and Mes- population, $431,278,059; municipal governments of 12,905 erts, C lerk, Mrs. Prescott, Magician, a t 2:30 p. m. ¡ng the birth of a daughter to Mr. and ance. dames Ed Coovling, Sam Jordan Ed incorporated communities of less than 2,500 population, $123,- Mrs Hicks Capt., of the Guards, P ast Mrs. R itchie is the leader. They Mrs. E. E. U m phlette at Corvallis, (E stab. 1883) 147,687; county governments of forty-eight states $59° 0 6 8 9 7 ° • G uardian’ Mrs- Bauehm an, Mrs. shei- will have the m issionary program as Tuesday, September the eleventh. Hadfield and their daughter, June, Phone 211 41 East Main tt k , i M*88 E rnestine Hicks, Mrs. H udnell A ttendant, Mrs. U m phlette was form erly Miss . , nuuueu makmg the total cost oi AmeneaO government m 19°L $8 e tt Outside, and Mr. L. A. Rob­ outlined. imr o n / , . ; y , an success is pres- REMEMBER ! ! up th a t work at O. A. C„ ident. Rev F. C. Koehler, vice-pres­ aged by the personnel, have been returns to the scenes of the happiest years of her life. One take T here Are No Fim-r T in's H erbert Doran is beginning his ident, and Miss Louise Plnnell, P ast­ assigned the various duties incident Than Motion Cords. cannot entirely comprehend the emotions which rise to choke preparation for the m inistry and will or of th e Nazarene church Secy-Treas such an elaborate function, and overwhelm under such circumstances until one has ac­ en ter th e Occidental College a t l.os of th a t organization. The Program Committee is under • « • <0x3 t t CL I A 55 84x4 tually passed through the experience involved in laving a Angeles. SS 15 MASON tire prices are the efficient guidance or Mrs A. E Miss Pauline Plum m er will study P ertin en t and P ith ry Oversize Maxi-Mile loved one, a helpmate in life, into the silent tom b. the sensation of the tire Woods and Mrs. W hitney, the Si Pipe Organ under Paul McConnell This little jingle, from the pen cial Committee has Mrs. Guy Good industry. E v e ry o n e 80x8 t t MS I I 80 32x4 t t MS 2 5 40 Mrs. Harding had grown to he very popular in the po­ and 1 iano with R obert H arkness, of Mr. H. C. Gilmore of 283 Scenic "s chairm an, and Mrs. Swedenbaig knows that Mason Cords < iversize Maxi-Mile litical life oi Washington. Her intense interest in everything the A ustralian who is accounted such Drive seems particularly apt and is at the head of the refreshm ent are the finest tires that 30x3 t t CL 1 0 5 0 33x4 t t MS 27 will strik e responsive a chord in Committee. which was a part of the government, even the shrubbery and a w onderful accompaniest. can be made at any Oversize Oversize price! Here’s why we the white house squirrels and other pets, all spoke of a human Miss E dith Robison takes a regu­ the minds of the delighted visitors The personnel of the Reception lar music course specializing in voice. to our city. Committee is from the P. T. A., i can sell Mason Cords at 30x3 t t MS 1 ^ 7 5 34x4 t t MS 27»<» nature which she possessed. Some called it a “ Main Street” Both Miss Plum m er and Miss Robi­ Sing a song of tourists— Oversize the Civic Club and a representative such amazingly low Oversize temperament, but all recognized in this fine quality which son will carry Bible studies. Don’t know where to go. •from each school building. prices. We buy for cash. 32x3 t t MS I *795 35x4 t t MS 2 3 45 Mrs. Ilitrding demonstrated, something very- gentle and de­ W alter Miksch, Frederick and Searching for a perfect spot. The Committee follows: We sell for cash. Our Oversize Oversize Paul K oehler are taking the regular Looking high and low. lightful—almost spiritual, if not quite all of that. profit is small. Our sales college courses as are a num ber of W hen they reach dear Ashland, are large. Insist on buy­ 31x4 MS j (150 30x4 t t MS 9Q2O The task of collecting ^ersonnal effects, superintending others. Oversize This is their only woe; ing Masons. I t ’s foolish Ovei’slze their assignment to proper boxes, and the hundred and one Miss M arguerita Moore is contin­ T hat they did not come here soon­ 33x5 SS 3 ^ 7 0 to pay more. I t ’s dang­ er— 32x4 M M I Q 05 details which arc a ¡•art of the experiences through which the uing h er Normal train in g a t Fresno Oversize erous to pay less! Oversize formei h iist Lady >f the Land’ has just passed, all combine and Mrs. Murphy is specializing in Yes, many years ago. 35x5 SS He adds, Lithia Park and Ashland to form a very heavy load to carry at such a time. No doubt " R u ra l W ork” at O. A. C. 33x4 MM O A 55 Overaise Many others of A shland’s young Creek, should be visited at least, all Oversize there are moments when the flesh does not seem capable of people 37x5 SS . are leaving for th eir Colleges the week. Oversize bearing up under t ie strain, but God in his infinite mercy and U niversities, a goodly num ber, « « • A Pleasant Outing always grants the adequate strength to perform necessary- as is seen, out of the state. — • * • Another of the pleasant outings 30x3 MAXI- 30x3« work. A 'Week-End in Dead Indian planned by the Orres’ for the pleas­ «25 FABRICS ()45 Away from scenes ot almost regal importance and splen­ Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Costolo of ure of their guest, Mr. A. M. Steffen- For Fords dor, Mrs. Harding will seek solitude and rest amid the quiet­ Church Street, and Mr. and Mrs. son, was a trip to the Caves over ness and wholesome atmosphere of a little Ohio town. Memory Conner o f Medford, w ent o a t S atu r­ the week-end. The returned Monday will keep alive the y-ears that have fled; glorious years of coan- day evening to the Dead Indian evening. Made by The Maton T ire & Rubber Co. Kent, Ohio radship, the one with the other.’ Now that the silver thread country to spend the week-end. as The party was composed of Mr. they have done a num ber of times and Mrs. Orres and Edna, Miss Lou­ is broken, and a companionship servered, the nation will not lately. ise Lennart, and Mr. A. M. Steffen- Leedom’s Tire Store forget, but in its prayers will seek the divine direction and They ____ — - a ____ _ son, the guest at the Orres’ home. combined restful ___ outing Beaver Block support for the one who is left to bear her sorrows alone. i and the effort to locate the elusive They camped at- the Caves, and A s h la n d D a ily T id in GOOD CIGARETTES 1OC “BULL" S O C IE T Y Billings Agency m COMPARE THESE P R IC E S Wishing for sleep is a poor way to get it. ' 9z?Postum instead of coffee T/ltere s « Reason^ Iced Postum is delicious MASON CORDS