Kioto wtó Àstt’ ÀSb DÁlLt i«■+> w»».f n > » «<■>><» + thHnbership rolls at«? ofcieti to thoie eff all figes; fint, there are ,,i. i£any-feiamplts of-the rdtiUty o fth * Ifcinil I owb httempting ..r to support two or three coffltnereihl dfganmtiofis, frhote ob- . jects are all but the same. It destroys the effect obtained n through a single organization, in which is combined the best .. efforts of all businessmen and other citizens. Let the Kiwanis Club, the RotarV Club, the Chamber of Commerce, the Commercial Club live and prosper, but for the sake of advancement and harmonv permit onlv’ a single organization in the small town. ' ’ ' A s h la n d D a il y T i d i n g s (Established in 1876) Publishe<< Every Evening Except Sunday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO Bert R. Creer ............................. , Editoi OFFICIAL CITY PAPER Telephone 39 Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postoffice as . econd Class Mail Matter. One Blent h ..................................................... $ .65 Three Months ................................................. 1.95 Six Months ...................................................... 3.75 One Year ........................... 7.50 By M ail a n d R u ra l R o u te s : One Month ...................................................... $ .65 Three Months ................... 1.95 Six Months .......................................................... 3.50 One Year ............................................................. 6.50 DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: Single insertion, per inch ...................................30 Yearly Contracts: One insertion a week ................................... $ .27% Two insertions a week ...................................... 25 Daily insertion .........................................................20 and Calls for volunteer fir« fighter# of the school and turn the fund# h a te been received here: bVei* t» ihe Red Cross. The fira started yesterday morû The ohjefct of the drivé is to raise Ing. fühds ehOilgh to engage two Red Cross nurse» for Glskiyou countv, SISKIYOU DRIVE WILL BE SUCCESS Don’t forget that Friday is Ashland Day at the County I air. I t ’s going to lie one lucky Friday. <>.. . .................................. .. M iscellaneous A d vertisin g First insertion, per 8 point line ................. $ .10 Each subsequent insertion, 8 point l i n e ......... 05 Card of Thanks .......................... ’................. 1.00 Obituaries, per line ..............................................02 % I Daily JNews Letter •> ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ W 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ •> ♦ > » » ♦ » 4 “There is very little sense in spending the best part one’s life in working hard to get a few dollars if those dollars do not earn for you after you get them. If your income is $5000 or under it is probable that all )our Havings for some iime should be used as an investm en t fund. Copco stock— Par V alue,$100— now selling at $98 per share yields 7.14 per cent per annum. Stock may be secured on partial payment plan— $5 per month. /CO NSTIPATIO N ^ « A M B E R L A IN ’ cept that honor and display proper appreciation of it in united attendance. Declaring that the entire prob­ lem is a eugenic rather than a legal one, and that the potential criminal and delinquent child are now recon­ cilable early in life, the statement is made that failure to control crime or to change criminals is, in a large part, due to misconceptions of fund­ amental causes responsible for them. SCATTER GUN METHODS Eflic/oncy experts declaim lour and long against scatter gun methods in business, in civic activities, in fraternal mat­ ters, in religious circles, and in all other things that have to do with the multiplieiy of human affairs. In fact, that con­ stitutes tffe “ long suit” of the efficiency expert. Common sense teaches that it is advantageous to concentrate in all that we Criminals have often been said do. It is also apparent that unless that plan is followed and to be socially unadaptable Individuals efforts are scattered to the lour winds accomplishments will when surrounded by modern com- not he satisfactory. The rule applies to the individual, to the Jlex social conditions. The prac- civic organization, to tin 1 internai 'society, «Ito commercial I t*ca* B°tution of this is said «to be organizations, ami to all o flier societies, whether formed fori1“ determ,n,ne thelr <*«««» of re­ I CALIFORNIA OR..GON, POWER COMPANY n • „ 1 , . .... are joining commercial organizations to an extent that many two men 8 endeaor Is to eliminate belong to no less than three of four. Not to be outdone by The outeta^ T eaohlg the the male ol the species, the ladies no longer confine thei. r the Mikadoo-iam of "making the membership to a single organization and have joined this, that, punishment to fit the _____ ______ crime,” with and the other. It is no wonder that we are referred to as a more humane and practical soiu- joiners. ‘ Don. What is the outcome of the membership in a multiplicity NOW EASIY ENDED, SAYS JAMES o f organizations? It is only necessary to state that the result is H. ALLEN that in many eases money is being expended for dues that right- It does not matter to me whether lull v belongs in other channels. More men and women are be­ you .are disabled with cursed rheu­ coming affiliated with so many organizations that they are matism or have only occasional unable to do themselves or their organizations justice. The twinges, I know that Alleurhu, my discovery, will stop the agony, person who belongs to a sufficient number of organizations own do away with the gnawing pains that he can spend every night in the week attending one or and reduce the swollen joints, the other, can not he of benefit to any of them and is doing I know' it will dissolve the uric himself an injustice in neglecting private interests and home acid deposits that have become deep­ ly imbedded in joints and muscles ties. and quickly drive every trace oi Quite recently resourceful individuals conceived the idea rheumatism from your body. 1 know that the chamber of commerce or commercial club—their this because I was crippled for years functions are the same—was not the organization to carry and many times was unable to work, on the work prescribed for it, lienee there came into existence and Allenrhu made a well, robust the Kiwanis, the Rotary club, and a number of other organiza­ healthy man of me. because since I cured my­ tions. The result is there is duplication, dissension, a dis­ self, I know hundreds have taken Allenrhu memberment of the soli«I phlan of businessmen, and the energy and speedily rid themselves of this of co-ordinated forces has been diffused through a dozen dif­ agonizing disease. ferent channels. No matter how severe your case, I urge you to put your faith in the The writer has only the kindliest feelings for the Kiwanis prescription that it took me years to Club, the Rotary club, and other like organizations. They are perfect— a prescription that made a organizations typifingy the highest ideals, and there is no deny­ new man of me after doctors tried ing that they are getting results in many of the towns and and failed. cities in which they are functioning. There is no excuse to Allenrhu is no laggard; it starts attempt to create the impression that there is not work for right in at once; it gets into the those organizations in cities of a half million or more people. blood, searches out the poisonous uric acid deposit and in two days starts In the larger cities the population is such that if the member­ to drive the concentrated Impurities ship were limited to a single commercial organizalion it would that cause rheumatism, out of the he so unw’ieldy as to be almost useless. body through the natural channels. The point aim««I at in this article is that there is not Through the columns of this news­ sufficient room for a duplication of commercial organizations paper, I authorize every druggist to guaran auTthet? snufeeo ETAOIN in the small towns, *iud w here such prevails the outcome has guarantee one full pine bottle in ev­ been the same. The town of five thousand or fifty thousand ery instance. does well to support one effective commercial organization. The majority of the people The fact is, the town that supports one live organization does think that they are paying high well and in the average case is the town that is forging ahead enough taxes now. There are instances, and Ashland is an illustration, of where commercial organizations composed of the younger men Clackamas County to pave 3.11 can and do work effectively with the chamber of commerce whos miles. x To most everybody 30 x 3/2 means usco aturally usco ’ s N could hardly have de­ livered such money’s worth —tire after tire —w ithout making a clean sweep. It’s been a pretty perform­ ance every tim e—no two opinions about that. And no two opinions about what tire to get again after a man has once used USCO. United States Tires ORGANIZATION Medford, Grants Pass and Klamath "My friend, that’s the truth —it’s die best cigarette ever made! L: oq 2 tt & M yers T obacco C o BAKERY »44 ♦*-♦♦♦”♦•♦-♦♦-♦<4 4 44.^ «44 4 4 4 . 4 , , , , , , , , , , ASK ANY MEMBER OF OUR sponsibility and social adaptability, , and is segregating, under wholesome ‘ *” 1111 I bat w e have become a nation ol joiners, self-supporting conditions, those who Men and women have joined t internal societies until many ¡are permanently unfit for coping of them can not tell to just how many they belong Likewise men w,th the outMld* world, private or public benefit. LITUI A APXtCi YOUR PARTN ERS IN PROGRESS THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY 4, of high grade breads will con­ vince you that we make more deli­ cious breads than the best average bakery. Every one knows that our bread has that delicious nutty fla­ vor that only the best flour and skillful baking can give, and our rolls, and biscuits are the finest to be secured anywhere. Don’t fail to give our breads a trial. arc Good Tires E v e ry table ; should have its D a ily Portion ’ ►♦♦♦ • A SAM PLE OF OUR RAKING COPCO Preferred To know how good a ciqareite rer ly can be mad« you must try a- 44., of the children would not subscribe, to the fund in a sufficiently to meet the allotted amount of the ilstrict, the children of the school held a mass meeting and by a unanimous vote decided to do the janitor work SAYS: frrplembcr 12. l ü á j YREKA, Cal., Sept. 11.— Petitions are in circulation here for the disso­ lution of the Klamath-Shasta Irri­ gation District. The old district Is to be disincor­ porated and, if any of the several storage projects now under consid­ eration are proved feasible, a new district embracing a smaller acreagn will be formed. KLAMATH FORESTS SWEPT BÏ FLAMES B A B S O N LOS ANGELES, Sept. ll.N o w comes the startling suggestion by YREKA, Cal. Sept 11.— The forest WHAT CONSTITUES ADVERTISING two men prominent in Los Angeles fire in Klamath national forest has “All future events, where an admission charge is scientific circles that virtually 2 per jumped the grades near Oak Bar made or a collection taken is Advertising. cent of the entire population of the ton the Klamath river. Fanned by a No donations to charities or otherwise will be United States should be “banished" | high wind. It is sweeping an area Benevolent orders. if 0,1“.? i8 _U8Ua! haUnt8 aDd 8ecurely'8ix miles wide. Several ranches and isolated as a solution of crime con­ summer resort« are in the path of DONATIONS: ditions. the flames and fifty men are fighting No discount will be allowed Religious or the flames. • made in advertising, or job printing— our contribu­ Such was the revelation made in ” i. Careless hunters are blamed for tions will be in cash. b an advance copy of "Crime, Abnor­ starting the blaze, which is the heav­ mal Minds and the Law," by Ern . ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦ »*♦♦♦»*♦*«♦>♦ ♦»»♦»»»♦»»♦ mo, uy K .T U - iest in the yelow pine of Siskiyou . est Bryant Hoag and Edward Hunt- county. ingtou Williams SEPTEMBER 12 The 2 per cent is declared to rep­ YREKA, Cal. Sept. 11A forest fire resent the fixed ration of criminals is sweeping through the Klamath na­ HUMBLE YOURSELVES:— Humble yoursolves therefore under the to the rest of society since the be- tional forest at Oak Bar. thirty miles mighty hand or God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all | , ginnlng Qf time. west of here. The local bureau of your care upon him; for he careth for you.— 1 Peter 5:6, 7. the United States forest service re­ Both of these men are physicians ported that 75 rangers and others with sociological leanings and prom­ are fighting the flames, but that the ASHLAND DAY inent in the ranks of the nation’s fire had not been checked. Friday has been designated as “ Ashland Day” at the best criminologists. However, in the case of Williams his colaboration Jackson County Fail-. It is apparent that many Ashland pe«f- ple will attend on more than one day, but it is important that in the most recent work marks him or ton the author of 32 books dealing with Friday be one of the days. and gassy pains result. scientific subjects. Optimistic reports are emenating from the organization “The control of crime, which is ä in charge of the County Fair, and there is a firm belief that now sweeping the world, cannot he t a b l e t s the event of this week will eclipse that of any year of the brought about through popular de­ past. There is every assurance that people who attend will mands for additional police, better w r e r disappoint or nauseate—25c be well paid for the time and money expended in seeing the prisons,; more hangings, probation, of prisoners, inde­ excellent exhibits produced in Jackson county and Rogue self-government terminate sentences, moral or any river valley, nor forgetting the excellent program of racing and kind of education." Such is one of other attractions. the generalizations that preface the Another good reason demanding our attention is that book, which is heartily endorsed by Ashland has been honored with "a speical day. Let us ac­ Henry H. Goddard, internationally known psychologist and sociologist. icm Î ma , disincorporation of DISTRICT IS SOUGHT How many of our citizens have paused for a moment to YREKA, Cal., Sept .11— The drive a ?6,000 nursing fund, instituted consider the beauty that flowers add to a town, and of their for by the Siskiyou county Chapter of Í power of attractiveness? How many have contemplated the the American Red Cross, and which beauty of the bed of geraniums in front of Hotel Ashland? culminates today, is expected to go Perhaps the beauty of it has been lost to you because of see­ over the top with a big over sub­ ing it daily. But, don’t forget that it catches the eve of the scription. ThP t The first wiri,-'CT a“« that “ 7 appeal t01,im that is -■>»« h X town in the T county T „ o u to ♦♦♦ \ thin anothei year let ns have beautiful flowers blooming in was Gazelle and the next »as sis. tront 01 every home in Ashland, and more especially those sit­ son. In one school district, when uated along the highway. it was ascertained that the parents Subs< iip tiou P rice, D elivered in City R ates F or R egal i* v v Where to buy USTires Trade Mark A s h la n d S e rv ic e S ta tio n Ashland, Oregon.