u- u u u i u n » » i u n u 4 U i j ASHLAND CLIMATE, with out the aid of medicine cures nine cases out ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. MALARIA GERMS cannot THE TIDINGS HAS BEEN ASHLAND’S LEADING NEWSPAPER FOR NEARLY FIFTY YEARS. (International News Wire Service) VOL NO. V. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. WAR THREAT IN BALKANS OVER CREER TROUBLE survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. The pure domestic water helps. ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12,1923 JAP EARTHQUAKE NO. 9. HEAVY SENTENCE I WORST RECORDED GIVEN BY GOWDYi More Lives Lost In Recent Holocaust Than In Any Other Disaster Barton Frulan Draws Harsh Decision Because Of ! Alleged Speed j The great Japanese earthquake last week was the most destructive in the loss of life and property that Greek People Highly Aroused has ever shaken the world accord­ Over Occupation Of ing to a set of figures gathered by authorities and compile at New Corfu By Italy York recently. Tt seems that most of the great ITALIAN SUBMARINES In stru ctiv e quakes have taken place LOCAL BUSINESS WILL CLOSE FOR FAIR ON FRIDAY Justice Gowdy, of the local court; was evidently In a very bod hum or' this morning for as the result of his All Stores With But Sino^p contemplation over night of the Exception To Shut t p ° case of Barton Frulan, who was For Afternoon found guilty of speeding yesterday by a jury composed of C. H. Vaupel. C. W. Banta, E. F. Smith, W. H. ASHLAND COMM NITY Day, B. M. Shoudy, and W. A. Free- DISPATCHED AT CORFU/" , ^ 3 ? is “ supposed ™ i “ k' a EXHIBIT TO BE GOOD | or ' 1703 to have “ T taken berg, he levied the extremely heavy toll of 200,000 lives which was the sentence of 90 days in Jail, a fine of greatest till the present Holocaust. 350.00, and the suspension of Fru- Many F ast Races Scheduled All Nations Bordering Near . The following Is the chronological lan's driving license for a period of For Four Days Of Jackson Adratic Ocean Concentrate record of the m03t destructive earth- 60 days. County Exhibition. Auto Troops For Quick Movement qUakes since 577 a . d J. J. MacMahon, said to be the And Motorcycle Races Are Italy Sending Regiments To NO. very efficient traffic officer of the Doped As Good. Corfu Region. Place. Killed. Year county, was the complaining witness Constantinople ............. 10,000 577 In the case which was prosecuted by Every store and business house in Lisbon .......................... 30,000 1531 Rawles Moore for the state, the at­ Ashland, with but a single excep­ LONDON, Sept. 12.— Warlike ru— Sicily 100 000 1693 torney for the defendant being Wil­ tion, will close their doors on Fri­ mors came out of the Balkans to -;Yeddo, Japan .......... 200,000 1703 liam Briggs, city attorney. day noon which is Ashland day at day as the Greek population is re- Peking 100 000 1731 The complaint lodged by McMa- the Jackson County Fair, and it is ported as highly aroused over t h e |Liabon .................... 50.000 their arrived in Ashland, where !hey 1 wil^make t h ^ ir L m T 3 tOUr ° f t h e United States UUtil 1755 j hon was to the effect that Frulan expected b ythe committee in charge quarrel with Italy. A Vienna dis- Napjes g ggg 1805 - had been traveling at a rate of 30 of the day that there will be a very patch said the “Countless border- gleppo 20 000 1822 ---------- --------------- — ---------- - _ < miles an hour on the highway north large delegation of Ashland people Johnny Gruelle formerly of N or-> sort and it will’ probably be publish- ing the adratic are holding troop Murcia 6 000 1829 an hour, although it never has gone i of town’ which he stated was in the in Medford on that afternoon to vis­ trains in readiness, and steamships Canton 6 000 1830 walk, but now ot Ashland and the ed in the near future, he says The at that speed,- Mr.' Gruelle assures Bmit3. are being concentrated at Trieste by Cape Haytien ............. 4,000 it the Fair and see the various ex­ 1842 famous author of the “Raggedy , title of the volume is “ Raggedy Ann Briggs & Briggs, attorneys for the hibits. J. J. MacMahon and other speed Italy”. Th eltalians are landing Galabria Ann and “Raggedy Andy” child-1 and the Camel With the Wrinkled .................. 10,000 1857 cops and traffic officers of this vie- dpfendant, have stated they will ap troops at San Quarantina in Albania Quito ............................ Fair Opens Today. 5,000 1859 ren s stones, arrived here about three) Knee” and Mr. Gruelle says it is as mity. -. . . . . peal the case to the circuit court be­ and three regiments left Bari prob­ Mendoza S. A.................. 7,00 The Fair, which opened today, is 1860 weeks ago and after spending three [ good as his other stories so it evi- fore Judge Thomas as soon as it ably headed for Corfu. The interior of the bus is so ar­ expected to he the livliest and best weeks at Lake of the Woods and sev-jdently will draw the praise of the San Jose de Cu- convenes. ranged that ho space is lost, as the ever held in Jackson county and eral days in Ashland, decided that children of the nation cuta, Colombia .14.000 1875 front is equipped with a single ATHENS, Sept. 12.— Five Italian Ccio .......•....... many horse faces, and motorcycle there was no better place for him t o ) This.caravan truck* the famlv has 4,000 1881 drivers seat with a double scat di- submarines left Corfue today for un­ Charleston, S. C.................. 43 1886 call home , so his family is now in-j been traveling and automobile races will feature ‘s .th c kind of a^rcctly behind (he driver s seat and known destination. ’ the program of the tour day exhi- stallod „„ Granite Street and |,e ! conveyance everyone wl,„ ha, ever Hondo Island, I bition. a single seat on the right side. Th*’ two b o , a. Worn, aged .1 , an d : road wontd like ------- Japan ................. .............. 10,000 1891 , r a v p ||n , , ; rear has (wo long cushions along A shland Exhibit Good. PARIS, Sept. 11.— The council of/ Venezuela .............. .................... 3,000 1894 D ieky. ag ed ala. will a tte n d Ihe A s h - ; the sldds which make up into beds 1 The exhibit which Ashland has this - winter. Ambassadors failed to persuade ' / j San Francisco ............... 452 1906 land schools ,, „ , j which one can escape from land- I entered in the community exhibits 3t night. Lockers along the roof and m e Grnelle ta .n l, atarted Iron, |ord3 neighbors, can see the Italy to agree upon a definite date ; Messina, Italy ........ 164,850 1908 is said to be very good by those in for the evacuation of Corfu, altho ' Cartago Cota Rica .......1,000 1910 heir formerr home at Norwalk e a r l,; t.oantry a„d wake up every morning underneath the seats provide am­ ple-storage space. in May of this year and in a special * - the matter was discussed for two I Sixteen towns in Cen- WASHINGTON, Sept. 12.— At the touch with the situation, and the with a new front yard, and not have The caravan was formerly bound meeting of the Senate Commission of entire exhibit will be completed by built truck, which combines all the hours and finding the Italian repre­ trai Italy ................. 35,000 1915 to pay any hotel bills or (axes - for Tor Southern' California or Arizona, features of a home and with the Gold and Silver Inquiry held in Re­ this evening. J. H. Fuller, secretary sentative obdurate, the commission Central Java ............. 10,000 1919 * the privilege. hut on arriving in Ashland the mem­ no, Nevada. September 4. 1923. Sen­ of the Chamber of Conierce who ar­ adjourned until tomorrow. Persia ........................... 20,000 1923 comforts of a traveling Pullman The vehicle is composed of a de­ car, have toured most of the United luxe bus body mounted on a big bers decided there was no use trav­ ator Tasker. L. Oddie, Chairman of rived home from his trip through States in the time that has elapsed. Larrabee speed chassis and a motor eling any farther, as their object the Commission in his opening state­ the East last night, and President a new book which can send the entire convev- was to find a home and in Ashland ment presented the conclusions ot a Fred Uplines, of the Chamber of , Mr. ,, Gruelle . . completed . while at the Lake of the Woods re-j veancye along a f a rate of 55 miles they believe they have found an world-wide survey of the monetary Commerce, are in charge of the col­ ideal location. and currency changes in the use of lection of produce from Ashland silver since 1914 made at the request and state that they are getting god of the Commission by the Finance results. and Investment Division of the Bur­ A shland P eop le to A ttend. The desire of the Lithlans as eau of Foreign and Domestic Com­ Secretary Fuler isued a statement expressed last night to the peo­ The inviting Oregon Scenery prov­ merce. To briefly summarize the re­ this morning urging all citizens of ple of Ashland is that as ed stimulating and invigorating for sult of this Investigation. Senator Od­ Ashland to attend the Fair as often many residents should attend the a small party of tourists who stop­ die quoted from the report as fol­ a3 possible and made a special re­ County Fair on Ashland Day, Friday ped in Ashland recently en route to lows: J. H. Fuller, secretary of the lo­ quest that everyone plan to attend as possible. Each car that expects the south. cal Chamber of Commerce, returned “To recapitulate, silver may be us­ on Friday, as that is the day set The youths o f Ashland had better to be at the fair would do well to SALEM, Sept. 11.— Concealing ed for monetary purposes aa reserve aside for Ashland, and he stated A. Huyfer and daughter have’ be^- last night from a seven weeks’ eas­ atop look and listen in the future be at the park entrance at 12:30. ¡come professional hikers during the tern trip, combining necessary bus­ before they “light up“ cigarettes in themselives in a truck load of saw­ against notes or other liabilities, or that it is the duty of Ashland peo­ Friday noon in order that they may days from January 2, 1922 when iness with visits to relatives. public places for according to Judge dust being hauled from the state aa a circulating medium. Since 1914 ple to attend, especially during the proceed to the fair grounds en masse j they started their tour of the states. Mr. Fuller accompanied his father Dill there is a state law against min­ prison, Geoyge Jackson and Ells- its employment for reserve purposes afternoon when the stores and bu and make as good a showing as pos­ With their home life centering at to the family home in Augusta, ors smoking cigarettes in public woarth Kelly escaped from within hM considerably decreased in most iness houses are to be closed. sible. According to the Litluans, plen­ Pasadena, Mr. Huyfer and daughter, Maine, where they were joined by places and this law Is to be strictly the prison walls today. Kelly was countries, both in absolute quantities R aces W ill be Fast. ty of time has been allowed by set- left for Florida early in the new the H. T. Elmore family and visited enforced in Ashland says the Judge. recaptured while leaving the truck and in proportion to gold and vari The races at the Fair are said by ting this hour, so that no rush or year. Hiking successfully from there there several days. Mr. Fuller left Several boys have been taken up near the Fair grounds but Jackson ous forms of paper cover. Numerous authorities to be the best that have hurry need be looke dout for. they walked to the far famed Caro- hl3 father in care of the Elmores on this charge already and has been is still at large. forces have also been at work dur­ ever been held in Southern Oregon A section of the grand stand at linas, visiting many picturesque and and returned to Chicago. ing this period to dislodge the metal and among the best staged in any given the minimum fine pf 32 but! Jackson was committed.from Lane the fair grounds has been set aside varied places. Washington, D. C., The national summer school for in the future the fine is to be madei co,,uty for a term not to exceed from its former place as a circulat­ part of the Coast. There are 71 for Ashland people and Lithlans, with enthralling capitol buildings, Chamber of Commerce secretaries is heavier in order to impress upou twelve years for assault and rob- ing medium. Although silver circu­ thoroughbred horses at the Fair and.everyoue should avail themselves the majestic Patomac river, and Mt. held in Chicago and Mr. Fuller at­ the minor boys of the city that t|e ! bery. Kelly was serving a terra of lation has increased In several coun­ grounds at present and all will take of the opportunity to sit in that di­ Vernon carried the Californians far tended the course for two weeks. law is a boni fida one and is to be not to exceed twenty years for aid- tries since 1914— particularly in part io the various races of the vision as there are several stunts on their journey to the west. China and India— its place has been During that time he was called upon lived up to week. ing prisoners. in an escape from the and songs that the people may aid taken in many others by paper and Chicago, far heralded as the “Win­ to deliver an extemporanious speech Jackson county jail: Kelly was in making successful. The reserved dy City” with miles of boulevards of two minutes deration. He suc­ of three convicts who sawed thrift1 base metal substitutes. These latter area is a good one so no fears that carrying maddening traffilc, hundreds ceeded In winning the cup offered way through the roof of the pHsot» £ ul>8tl‘ute9 are generally acceptable v‘JtfklïQ rû nn poor accommodations will be hand­ of factories and high smoke stacks to the winner, even tho he compet­ .< n t tnPPtì there ft are no movements afoot several months ago. F 01839688 ed forth need be entertained. ' 3|U9 ustlfying the belief that silver will belching forth their black fur, end­ ed with 200 secretaries, likewise at­ Ashland people who do attend less boats and purging Industry, camo' soon regain its pre-war relative im­ tending and striving for the coveted Friday should see that they are iden- in for a proper share of admiration. portance in reserves, in coinage, or prize. This cup was brought home ttged by wearing one of the-red and in circulation.” Saddle horses were purchased when by the winner and will remain in his -Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Whillhite and INDIANAPOLIS, Sept. 12.—The white tags that have been provided Colorado was reached, so that great­ In commenting upon the serious Mr. and Mrs. John Dennison return-I possession one year. • American Legiou's national campaign for by the publicity committee. These er miles of scenery could he covered conditions set forth in the report, ed Monday from a business trip to Among the cities visited by Mr. to promote the convocation of an in­ are booster tages as well as recog­ during their survey of the Grand Senator Oddie urged that the iufiu Portland, having left Ashland Tluirs- ______ Fuller on his journey were: Boston ternational air disarmament confer­ nition assets. Canyon and broad expanses of color­ Banff and Lake Louise. Vancouver, day afternoon. They returned to Ash- WASHINGTON. Sept. 11.— Ten- ences that’ have been and are now ence will be continued, it has been The Octette has been provided with ful blues, greys and greens appalled B. C., Victoria, Seattle and Port land in a 1924 Buick 6 touring car,! tative plans fof the debates between working to undermine the monetary announced at national headquarters uniforms at the expense of the Lith- the observers to silence (also bringing home a Buick 6 en- Lloyd George and Senator Borah, of and currency position of silver should In Indianapolis. Legion officials as­ land. ians and many members have Order­ lellow stone Park. Spokane, Seat­ be promptly “checked. To accomplish 1 closed car. x T > u .. i Idaho, upon the occasion of the ex- results along these lines, Senator Od­ sert that the results of a national ed individual suits. At least seven tle, Tacoma and Portland were ex­ j r. hillliite had the pleasure of premier s visit to America in early poll taken by the organization in­ cars will represent Ashland at the plored and feted in their turn. Th die said, will require a continuous i viewmg the 14 different models o \ ) October, have been abandoned. The dicate that public sentiment favsrs State Fair in Salem, September 24- Columbia Highway, Mt. Rainier rnd survey of conditions, which is be- the conference. j 6 “ «Machines and was; senator from Idaho was willing but 19, and reproduce some of the stunts endless noted beautv gorging places oynd the power of any individual pro­ They point out that from a total of and others equally prepared, thus fed the keenest observe»* on scenerv ducer. Therefore, there is an urgent 252 replies to a referendum taken wl--h the 1 Automobile “ d e m ■L,oyd ° ° se of the not men agreeable. , onstrated by the Howard 1 The results s boosting Ashland along with other till his cup rimmed full. national need, in his opinion, for an organiza­ [company of Portland. towns. tennis championship singles today tion which will assist in restoring among United States senators, con­ 18000 miles have been covered UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu-j were Wiliam Johnson defeated How­ the pre-war monetary position of sil­ gressmen. governors, editors, col­ Walter Hughes and John R. Ed- during three years that Mr. Huyfer gene, Sept 12.— (Special)— High) lege presidents and other prominent ard Kinzy 6-1, 10-8, 6-3. wards were taken half through fie and his daughter have been on the school graduates who plan to enter! ver and to encourage Its greater mon­ citizens, 225 have voted for the con­ C. B. Norton, South Africa, de­ etary and industrial use. initiatory rites last night. Clyde I road. Despite the fact that Mr. Huy- ference. Included among the favor­ the University of Oregon this fall: feated Leonard Beekman, New Young and V. D. Miller furnished fer is not a yong man, he has a won- Senator Oddie called attention to able replies are letters from a num­ are requested by University officials! high and hilarious entertainment foriderful vitality and is able to walk York. 6-2. 6-1, 6-2. Norri3 Williams ‘ the fact that it has probably occui- ber of experts on international rela­ to be in Eugene Sept 25. The regu-i members of the society. 35 or 40 miles each day. defeated Leighton Crawford, E n g-1 red to very few people that it would tions. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge lar freshman English examination ' land, 6-3, 6-4, 6-0. he an impossibility to buy a large who was a member of the American will be held on that date. The Ashland community exhibit ______ amount of silver on the market to­ delegation at the naval limitations Registration dates for both new which has been made up for the) BOSTON. Sept. 12.— Bogus rlng- and old students will be Thursday Jackson Fair is to be a very good side tickets for the Dempsey-Firpo day because of the depletion of cur­ conference in 1921, has expressed ap­ and Friday, Sept 27. and 2S. Classes and representative exhibit according Hght at the Polo Grounda in New rent stocks and of a lack of a large proval. Newton D. Baker, former sec­ accumulations, without sending the retary of war. also has indorsed tlie begin on the following Monday, Oct. of the York on Friday night, are flooding market sky high, and inquired where proposal. 1. Ashland Chamber of Commerce. -,V*o Boston, according to Tex Rickard, The recent statement of President The registration procedure is as ias men in charge of getting the the promoter. The police are ju- if a sudden demand from some great­ er of the world should come unex­ Coolidge in which he said that he Miss Ruth Peil of Trail. Oregon LOS ANGELES, Sept 12.__Plow- follows: The student will call at the ex i it together with other members vestigating all sales of tickets, pectedly for a large quantity of sil­ was in favor of the proposed con­ won one of the three first prizes of-j ing through heavy seas, and a dense registrar’s office in the Administra­ ot the Commercial Club who he asked ver, it could be bought at anything ference but doubted that the time fered by the state W. C. T. V. for , fog. the battleship “Texas” crashed tion building to obtain his registra­ to help him. MOSCOW, Sept. 12.— The report like the market price. The operation the best essay written on any topic' headlong into the freighter “Sea-” was opportune for Its convocation tion blanks. He next takes his blanks Everything is included in the ex­ originating in Berlin that Leon Trot- of a silver export association. Sen­ because of the situation In Europe suggestive of “Scientific Temperance farer” off the point Arguella light to his adviser, the adviser being a hibit from canned fruit to needle­ Instruction.” early today according to word re­ member of the faculty of the depart­ work according to Mr. Holmes and zky the Commissar for war, is dead, ator Oddie believes, should provide has not dampened the legion’s ardor. is not true. “You see I am alive,” for a reserve from which acute de­ Miss Peil won the honor represent ceived here by the radio corporation ment or school in which the stu­ The assertion is made by the veter­ he expects the Ashland exhibit to Trotzky laughted to the interview­ ?jg Jackson County «and a prize of The crash occurred within 14 miles dent has elected to undertake his mands could be .met, witbQut iucreas ans that the people of the world make a very favorable showjpg ers. ing the price to an abnormal de­ do not believe that civilized nations 35 was given for hsr efforts and in off the rocks where the seven United major work. In consultation with among the community exhibits which gree, and that such market protec­ recognition of her interpretation of States destroyers piled up Saturday the adviser the student’s course is are to be shown at the Fair. PORTLAND, Sept. 12.— The sale tion would be of great benefit to the can refuse to participate. If certain the topic given by tbo committee. night. The “Texas’’ was apparently arranged. European governments are unfavor­ All persons who have anything of pitcher Yarrison, and shortstop consumer. Miss Peil'« paper was on “Health.” undamaged, while the steel “Sea­ ably disposed, the legion believes An innovation in this year's reg­ of any sort which could be exhibit­ Jones, by the Portland Baseball Club Through winning this prize, Miss farer” was only slightly damaged, a istration plan, which will simplify that the American people have the ed are requested by the committee to the Brooklyn Nationals was an­ Peil is made eligible with her paper hole having been pierced through the procedure, is that the student will LONDON, Sept. 12.— Papyrus the right to know why they refuse to to turn in this sort of thing at the nounced here today. The deal is an to appear at the National Contest ships bow above the water line. The register on Sept. 27 and 28, for the Derby winner that will race America’s co-operate toward world peace and Chamber of Commerce as a truck outright sale for 350,000. Yarrison given at a later date. It is not known freighter is en route to San Fran­ entire year’s work. This will elim­ Premier three-year-olds in Arn­ what substitute proposal they desire is to take the different exhibits down is one of the leading pitchers of the whether she will take advantage of cisco under her own power while the inate registrations at the beginning to the Fair Grounds in time to get Pacific Coast League, while Jones is ica next month, ran second in the to advance to end the mad race for this position or not . St. Leger race toda.y Tranquil won military air supremacy, it has been Texas is proceeding south. of the winter and spring terms. them distributed for tomorrow. a flashy young shortstop. the race. announced. Zi°,” T REPORT OF SILVER which on.» «■■»,» LITHIANS PLAN TO BACK COUNTY FAIR PRAISE ASHLAND • ’ U FULLER EETS HOME MINORS MOST STOP FROM JOUR OF EAST CIGARETTE HABIT t y ìa v o t w - MEET WILL BE HELD Lafe Bulletins OPENS SEPTEMBER EXHIBIT TO 8E GOOD TRAIL GIRL TAKES STATE ESSAY PRIZE TEXAS t __