.M ilin !.,. »upteioixr. *, iu t a ‘»V < » »■» I AíHWtb b itit MbUíffl ^C lassifiedC olum n ' •» »»>' >•♦ » » attui _____ «■»» « POR RENT—»After géjît. 10, th» FIND ■ * IT * HERE FÁGfc TÄHKÄ M M ttttM a _______ _ Mrs, Ray Jones and non, of Pat«?«,» oil Church- Si Mrs w .tn made maoe and ana tiled nied w ith 1 n ».. - . , . » «w w i »i. .»ns -*» sessmeflts: I .••«■»<> baTe been 4-tf. E. C ? P a y n e ,' Lot 24, Southern Jh° C,ty ^ ecorder w ithin the ten 1 g’ are viP,t,ng «t the Jones arrived W ednesday and cx- A Column Devoted to Brief • > i Home Tract .............21.64 ,,ayS Ab?CLfi„e.d,l.Lhe.J’am e, sba‘.1. Ve . home o( Mrs- Jone9’ m other, Mrs. pects to visit indefinitely. FOR RENT— Housekeeping rooms i ! Business and Personal Notes., * F . E. Perry is a visitor from L. and L. E. Pavne, Lots 25 26 A i Payabæ m cash within Classified Column R ates .......................................................... »<■ Eugene. 27, 28. 29, Southern Home] Í ? y ,«day8 , frOm and after the and apartm ents at reduced One cent the word each time. T ract io s i t i PXI,,ration of ten days from date price for the w inter. 153 G ran­ To run every issue for one ♦ ♦»»»♦♦«>»♦»>>11 i »1 W. G. Tucker. Lots 17 and i s of publication. " " k" — All -Red Seal Records reduced ite. Phone 411-R. m onth or more, ’Ac the word NOTICE If default is made in paym ent Southern Home Tract ... 43.28 each time. I will not be responsibe for any 11.25 Records, Now $1.00. 25c to M. M. Tucker. Lots 14, 15? 16, after the expiration of the time FOR RENT— Victrolas with rec­ bills run by Mrs. Helen Stidham. $1.00 off. See Rose Bros. Southern Home T ract 64*9 0 a, H°,wed’. such assessment will bei F. A rant, Lot 13, Southern ' d?.C.?e^ as a. li.e n up? n the pr°p- W. ords. 842 Boulevard. Phone FOR SALE 5-3 Henry Stidham. Tract ......... 21 64 erty and will be subject to six 432-Y 6-tf. F. C. DeW itt of Eugene is J . Home FOR SALE— Saddle, driving, or L. Lance, Lot 12, Southern ' TV cent Pebalty together with! Mr and Mrs. R. H. Brown of among recent arrivals. work horses. Phone 9-F-4 6 tf VOR RENT— Private garage on Home Tract 21 64 ° terest thereon a t the ra te of , 3- 1V j« “ “nn’« 7 « 1 1 1 W alla W alla, W ash., are visitors Factory stret. Phono 481 J. FOR SALE— Owner m ust sacrifice SOMETHING NEW from out-of-town. 2 8 6-tf J. A-.BItth, Lota 9 „ a io.' "siutU -l S tr A « te “ ef 8 ‘"ofS M,e°“-- ’ 2 Good Ford Roadster w ith de­ An autom obile accident policy ern Home T ract ...............43.28 7 h e City V Ashland th ’ ,-C h a rte r livery bed. 185.00. Cash takes For the best in sweet milk and th a t p a y s - $25.00 per Week; in M. M. becker, Lots 7 and 8, South MISCELLANEOUS The following is a statem ent nf it. See It at Park Garage. 6-1. cream go to Detrlck'a. 106-tf hospital $37.50 per w eek; acci­ orn Home Tract ........... -»...'43.28 LOST— Purse containing a sum of dental death $1,000; in 5 years C larette J. Miller, Lots 4 , ’ 5 / 6 , the special benefit assessments levied, giving the am ount thereof. • OME to think of it, a ban] IS Southern Home Tract . . 64 90 together FOR SALE— Baby sulky, like new money and Cameo Broach. I Miss Eleanor Brown is also a $1,500; cost only $7.00 per year. with the name or names i I I. D. U ittman, Lots 2 and 3, South 550 E. Main St. 6-2 Finder retu rn to caretaker of visitor from W alla W alla, W ash. Phone 274J. Yeo, of course. of the owner or owners of the a strange business bouse. Ev y ern Home Tract .........;....... 64.9 0 property affected by such assess­ Tourist Auto Camp or Mrs. G. 4 other kind of business bouse you J. E. Fifield, Tract fronting 100 I go ment: FOR SALE— Rhode Island Red W. Young. Roseburg Oregon. B ert Hughes la a visitor from ft. on Avery St.....................43.2" Minnie McKamey et al, Lot 3. blk'1 Oranges, lemons, grape fruit— into makes you pay for what you 1 Pullets. Mrs. W. D. Booth. Reward. g» Detrick sells for less. W. E. Reed, Tract fronting 24 0 ft 106-tf Salem. 51, Summit Add ....... $41 43 4 Phone 257-Y get. Here we give you safety and on Avery St...................... 103.86 C. Gilchrist,, Lot 4, Block 51, Sum 5-2 4 IX)ST-— S. P. Annual Pass, in lit­ John Kellner, Tract fronting 55 mit Add ............................. 41 43 profit on your savings account and Cantalopues and W aterm elons ft. on Avery St. ...„............. 23 80 E. C. Bradley of Berkeley is a FOR SALK ( HEAP— New W hite tle black leather folding case. C. McCarter et ux, Lot 5, Block 51 sold rig h t off the ice. The Oasis. C. F. Marmean. Tract fronting 50 we pay you for the privilege. 4 rotary sewing m achine; also 1 Mrs. W. L. Baker. Finder re­ recent arrival. Summit Add ...................... 41.43 ft. on Avery St............... ^164 C. L. Loomis 4.3 : new Iceless refrigerator. Phone I turn to Tidings Office. T. T. Reeder, Portion of Lots 1 6-1. C. F. Maream, Tract fronting 144 4 269-R. 4-3 I Full line of ammunition. We and 2 Highland Park Add 47.09 4 3 ft on Iowa St........................ «2 4 5 G. A. W helpley et ux, Portion of Jack Bussey of Salem is an P * 25 ACRES in Lane county to ex­ repair, buy, trade and sell new ' - V' ^ W illia m s o n , Tract front- Lots 1 and 2 H ighland Park- A s h l a n d Army Goods out-of-town visitor. FOR SALE— Elberta and Muir change for lots or good used and used guns. P *V M to «S*0“ l0Wa St --2 0 .6 5 addition ....... _................... 47.09 295-tf auto. S. L. Allen. 4.3 Store. »V‘ 7- AA illiamson, T ract front-/ Phoebe J. McCoy. Portion of Lots Peaches. 50c per apple box, de­ Ing 140 ft. on Calif. St ....60.58 School Books and all supplies livered. Season will soon be ov­ Ashland, Oregon 1 and 2, H ighland Park 4 9 /- V; , N; W illlamson. T ract front- 4 Add................................. 47.09 er. Phone 408-J. 527 Terract. No Doubt the Best Buy in Ash­ P eter dal Ferno is a recent vis­ at Elhart’s. 4-3 ing 67 ft on Calif. St . 28 99 Mary Johnson, Portion of Lot 3 land property today is the home ito r from Berkeley. L Vfi7N'hWiIliam9On’ TtraCt front" 4-3 4 and all of 4, H ighland Park 4 at 272 Maple Street. There is Belle Lent and daughter are »ng 67 ft, on Calif St........... 28.99 „ Add........................................ 76.65 • FOR SALE— Tuseon cling peach­ F. C. Stevens, Tract fronting 140 a fraction over one acre of the Better be safe than sorry. See out-of-town visitors from P o rt­ Rose E. Banks, Lot 5, Highland z ft on Calif St..................... 60.58 es. Bagley ranch, Talent, Ore­ Park Add............................. 41.43 best soil, about 1-2 in red rasp­ Beaver Realty Co. about your in­ land. 4 W. B. Dennis, T ract fronting 103.5 Summers, Lot 6, High gon. 2-6* -» » « t I M M t M M M O -»■»-» » ». berries, the balance in grapes, surance. Phone 68. 287-tf ft On Calif St. ................. yg Caroline land Park Add.................... 41.43 pears, peaches, blackberries, School Books and all supplies W. B. Dennis, tract fronting 103 5 J. W. H atcher, Lots 7 and 8, Highf FOR SALE— Second hand lum ­ 44 79 prunes, cherries, spring straw ­ 4.3 ft on Calif. St................. W illiam Howland of New York a t E lh a rt’s. land Park Add.................... 82.86 J i»?’,,Moore * t„ ax ’ Tract A n tin g J. L». Shelton et ux. Lots 9 and 10, ber. U. T. Myers, 43 Church berries and ever bearing straw ­ is an Ashland guest today. 207 ft. on Calif St................39.58 St. 2-4* H ighland Park Add ........ 82.86 berries. The house is a 6-room High School Credits. J. and H. Keer, Tract fronting 173 G ertrude Biede, plastered Bungalow and bath; 20 per cent off on Hood Tires Miss Berna H aight will g ra n t ft. on Calif St......................... .. ge FOR SALE— Tomatoes for can­ City Recorder. Good as new, owner called to this week only a t Leedom ’a. credits In Plano to High school L. Dennis, Tract fronting 100 ft 1923 ° f firSt publIcation SePt 8- ning. lc per pound. Mrs. on Calif st. .................. 43 gg 4 other business interests. See Josselyn, upper end of Ashland 304-t5 pupils. It does not seem to be gen­ L. Dennis, Tract fronting 152 ft 4 J. J. Deakin 307 E. Main. 4 erally known there are accredited St. 2-6* on Calif St............................ 70 ADVERTISEMENT FOR PRO- ♦ ♦ » »-» I Courtesy to brokers. 5-3. Fay Yaryan Tract fronting 200 I POSALS TO CONSTRUCT CE­ Cliff Payne makes Cupboards. music teachers in Ashland. I 4 ft. on Calif St................... ... 54 i FOR HALE— Muir and late Craw- j MENT SIDEWALKS 4 T. E. Hadfleld et ux, Tract front- ford peaches. 2 cents per lb. ! 20 per cent off on Hood Tires W. Meverden of Portland is a “ o w s t 115 7V I A V w r io . 7------------ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Bring your boxes. Avery or­ this week only a t Leedom’s. recent arrival. : inc 208UfT L eV 7 . ; Tract frout * th at sealed proposals will be re- chards. Phone 10F5. 3-tf , PHYSICIANS 304-15 4 F Cai!f St.......90 01 ceived by the Common Council of 4 Cliff Payne makes book stands. 129Sft Jn Calif0?/ Tr&Ct fronting the City of Ashland. Oregon, un- 4 FOR SALE DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ W C „ ! ....... 55.82 H 8 o’clock P. M., Tuesday. Sept. R obert H. Jordon of Memphis, High school credits; dence and office, 108 Pioneer A cozy Bungalow Home and in­ 4 e t a x ’ Tract front-: 18th, 1923, to furnish -----m all m aterial aterial Tenn. ,is an out -of-town today. 4 avenue. Telephone 23. Office 200 ft on Calif. St. 86 54 and labor necessary to construct come property. Nicely located 4 hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 Mrs Sugg, busines woman of •L K Meikle Tract, fronting 100 cement sidewalks on High street, 4 on paved St. Large Lot and p. m. only. ft on Calif st. . r . »c between Church and Rush Streets, 4 We make a specialty of picnic Ashland, spent one doy this week ♦ plenty of fruit and vegetables. Leroy V. Hicks. T ract’fro n tin g '202 where same have not already been Music by Loveland-Launspach Orchestra 4 in Medford transacting business. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac-, and campers’ needs. Detrick’s. ft. on Calif st. .. 87 11 laid. Inquire at 332 Orange Ave., 4 Alice I. Hlgii, T racl illE 236-tf tice lim ited to eye, ear, nose and 'Pile spacious Open Air Pavilion will present a 4 6-1* A certified check for $25.000 4 th ro at— X-ray including teeth. " C«'i.1.dlng inay exist- nook, large bath room, screen 1 CHIROPRACTORS the following described boundar , 1 16 council reserves the right CARD OF TILANKS porch, laundry trays, built In ies. to-w lt: *° reject auy and all bids. We carry ready-to-wear. Suits, DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic ♦ Beginning a t the laniphole near f The con.tra<;t Price is to be paid • : features in kitchen, dining 4 and Electro-Therapy. The com­ P aulserud’s. 2~tt the south end of Lincoln Streef • m sPec,al assessm ents for ben- We wish to extend our thanks room and bed room. Cement Finds through thorough experimenting that bination does wonders. First south to Iowa Street; thence, »vest! accru,ng from sueh sidewalk N ational Bank Bldg. Phone to the many friends who showed porch and pergola, basement, Beulah Cole of Baker, Ore., is on Iowa Street 370 feet and from ° *.h.e J'®RPw ,iv e Properties. th eir kindness by the flowers and Iowa Street south on Palm A v . double garage, wood shed, one i 48-142. blds RI1ou'd be a d d re ssed !'' an out-of-town visitor. House Calls block from Baulevard. Come ; toys given our little son Johnnie enue 490 feet more or less to-ac- i.n the Ci!y Recorded and m arked; commodate all property north o f ! «J,ropo1s,a a to Construct Cement and look it over a t 311 Beach DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings Is superior to other brands from a production f ! : Collego boys’ Suita a t Paulser- who was operated on a t the Com­ the Boulevard not aireadv prof S,d? wa,k/ office. Phone 91. and health standpoint. St. Terms if desired. 3 0 -ltf m unity Hospital by Dr. Sweeden- ♦ ud's. 2-tf ylded for by sewer on the Bon ! „ By, order of th ® Common Coun- : berg and his assistants. * Jpvard. eou |c ll of the City of Ashland. Ore ' FOR SALE, TRADE OR BENT— ) DR* E ^ XEST W. SMITH— Chiro- It is the intention of the co o n -; g0" ' ' The operation surely saved ouf A. F. Jarv is is a business vis­ 160 acres unimproved land, un- ql ?ato r’ ° Ga^ Fostofflce. Hours ell to have a sewer constructed n * G ertrude Biede. R ecorder.!,, lncumbored. near village of 300 aDC* 2-u. Phone 114. itor from San Francisco. boy’s life and we are very g rate­ to serve the district above describ- WE DELIVER 9 q ° f first Pu b lk a tL°n Sept. 8,; on S. P. R. R. and good h a r d __________ __________ ful to the nurses, who were so No. 2°6 kD0Wn S6Wer D istric' ' roads. 100 acres under fence TRANSFER AND EXPRESS An New Fall ready-to-wear Suits, kind and attentive and to the Dr. with good natu ral p a s t u r e , --------------- ------------------------------- who perform s m arvelous opera- by m f S inteb«»ted are here 2-tf plenty of w ater. Three roomed FOR prom pt and careful service, a t P aulserud’s. U « . ..m o « d . „ , pub, IC |DP geo a p “r“ S e d . E dc „ m ~ bouse, barn and woodshed. For auto trucks or horse drays, cal fu rth e r particulars address F. W. O. Ingram of Los eral know nothing of th a t would as Gl1 of the City of Ashland, at th W hittle T ransfer Co. Phone J ., care Ashland Tidings. 148tf 117. Office, 89 Oak street, near is among recent arrivals. tonish the many people who talk 18th ’ a) V16 r m eetlag on the Hotel Ashland. 66tf ! 18th day of Sept. 1923, at 8:30 of the Mayo Bros, could they but FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE oclock p. m ., then and there to T. L. PO W ELE-C -eneval Trans-I „ W® tallor Suits to measure. know th a t we have one of the S i S U e r « o K6 estate r- ______ 375 B St. Phone 410-R. who is now up and about. Wei ^ it,un said d istrict benefited there WANTED __________________ 20Q"lm o *®a ve a fit at Orres. Tailors for are yours to command. Dated this 8th day of Sept. 1923 men and Women. Upstairs. J. M. B urns and Fam ily PLANING MILL Male Help Wanted v. Li. Loomis, Mayor. 1219 E. Main St. Ashland, Ore. D a te * n 7 r f idei B i e d e ’ C i t y Recorder 4-tf W anted strong young man 25 IORDAN’S SASH AND CABINET 6-1* 1923 f fiF9t Pl,bllcation Sept 8, WORKS, Cor. Heilman a n d u v o > to 35, for P o rter work and to 194-tf . S* ’ Allen for Furnished Van Ness. sell fruit and ice cream on Sta­ NOTICE OF SEWER ASSESS­ A partm ents. S S L iS F ° F SEWER ASSESS­ MENTS IN SEWER DISTRICT tion Platform . Salary and com­ PLUMBING For a tire you can depend upon, you can’t 4-1 Mo. MENTS IN SEW ER DISTRICT NO. 23. CITY OF ASHLAND m ission. Apply today Depot IIo- NO. 24, CITY OF ASHLAND OREGON M ason FERRY O’NEAL— Plum bing. 207 le l. beat Mason Cords, either in price or in qual­ OREGON M a x i-M ile E ast Main. Phone 138. O. N. Sayre is a Los Angelos ity. There are NO finer tires than Mason NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN j I ' i.-A tor. WANTED— Will pay cash for good NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, th at the Common Council of the Cords! These astonishingly low prices are MONUMENTS N. S. CLINCHER used plumbing m aterial and fix­ that the Common Council of thé u Sh,and’ Gregon did on less by about one-third than you have to pay “ Yes we have no B an an as” . City of Ashland, Oregon, did on the 4th day of September, 1923 tures. L. Prescott. 826. B. St. MONUMENT— MARKERS the 4th day of September, 1923, a fte r due publication of notice Record No. 19068, Rose Bros. for other standard high-grade tires. We Lowest Prices 6-3* after due publication of notice of or hearing on the report of the ASHLAND GRANITE CO. 4-tf hearing on the report of the view­ viewers m aking special Buy Mason Tires for CASH, at bed-rock benefit 223-6mo WANTED— Houses for rent, fu r­ 3rd and East Main St. ers m aking special benefit assess­ assessm ents in Sewer Dist. No. 23 prices. We sell for cash. Our profit margin nished or unfurnished. We have N. H artm an of Boisfe. Idaho is m e n ts'in Sewer DIat. No. 24, ac­ accruing from the construction of ASHLAND GRANITE a business visitor today. is small. Our sales volume is large. T h at’s cruing from the construction of a sewer therein, on the property many calls daily. If you have a MONUMENTS a sewer therein, on the property ^ Ith ln and abutting on said s •» » ■ - . bouse for rent list with us. why we sell at such astonishingly low prices. ab U d n g on said sew- er district, • approve „ and 11U uu„,n Oregon G ranite Co. adopt ine the M. Meyers is a recent arrival 'Va*/11* Robison & Wild 6-2* I t ’s foolish to pay more—i t ’s dangerous to er district, approve and adopt the l f,d re P<>rt and did. bv Citv d r S. PENNISTON, Salesman. s a i d report r o n n r l and -lu ~ . dinon^r, J from Boise, Idaho. WANTED— To hear from owner Res. 470 Laurel said did, by City Ord dinanee No. «nr. 763, . levy ¿gainst the 1 pay less.! Phone 444Y lnance No. 762, levy against the aay®r a l.Pieces and parcels of prop­ having farm or unimproved The Tidings office for all several pieces and parcels of prop­ erty within the aforesaid sewer land for nale. John J. Black, REAL ESTATE LOANS 30x3 H CL-»n55 33x4 erty within the aforesaid sewer d'M rict, the assessm ents as set SS o x 70 SS 2 0 55 kinds of printing. Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. district, the assessm ents as set forth in said report, to be collect- 1 Maxi-Mile Oversize* Oversize 6 PER CENT LOANS— Undei Mason makes its own cord forth in said report, to be collect­ Nn ?-rovided by City Ordinance WANTED— Sc hool girl to work SS ed as provided by City Ordinance n o . 247, as amended bv Citv Or­ Reserve System on city or farm /T 30x314 SS 4 4 MO 34x4 S S 2 J 1*5j 35x5 fabric in 3 of the 5 great for her board and room. 240 C. No. 247, as amended by City Or­ dinance No. 248. ' Maxi-Mile J -A Oversize* property. Reserve Deposit OversÌ7x* dinance No. 248. factories of the $12,000,000 Street. Said special benefit assessments 4-tf. Company, 72 F ourth street, 37x5 SS ' Wia u e due and Pa ya ble within Mill be due and payable within Mason organization which 30x3 H CL 4 0 5 0 Portland, Oregon. WANTED TO LEASE— Comfort- Oversize* i Said special benefit assessments days aft^r date of this publiea-J T Oversize* V ’ Oversize ten days after date of this publi­ Hon. date ot said publication be- means uniform fabric of 290-Wed Sat-3 mo. able house of 5 or 6 rooms. As Well As Ford Owners cation, date of said publication uig Sept S. 1923. ATTENTION W. M. W right. Phone 4 61R. greatest elasticity. Easy 30x3 H SS 4 4 75 being Sept.. 8, 1923. If the owner of any propertv | 33x4 H SS 2 7 « ” H u n d r e d s of 2-tf riding, long life, and free­ If the owner of any property so so assessed for such sewer ini-J Oversize Oversize* “ j Thousands o f THE HIGH COST OF ! assessed for such sewer improve­ provement, in the sum of twen-i dom from punctures and Ford Owners WANTED— Young man to learn LIFE AND LIMB m ent, in the sum of twenty-five ty-five dollars or more, at anyfl 32x3 H SS 4 In One Of 34 x4 H SS 2 y p rin ters’ trade. Small wages j dollars or more, a t any time w ith­ time within ten days from date rim cutting are effected know the* qual­ Oversize A ‘ Oversize If you were injured by an in ten days from date hereof, so hereof, so desires, he may have to begin. Good opportunity ity of Mason Maxi by the use of two breaker automobile and had to go desires, he may have the time e the tune of payment extended bv for rig h t young man. Inquire 31x1 SS 35x4 SS 9 0 *5 •Fabrics. and cushion strips and 4 payment extended by signing an signing an application, as pro-! through life with a wooden a t Tidings office. tf Oversize Note tlierse* lo»v Oversize vided by law, a t.th e City Record-i application, as provided by law. leg. you would feel that you EXTRA plies above the price's: e r's office. at the City R ecorder’s office. had a claim against the 32x4 SS 4 Q»5I 30x3 ........ S.25 _Where the a pplication for the | beads.—Buy Mason Cords, W here the application for the Mix I SS 2 Q ‘- ° HELP WANTED owner of that machine. , extension of payment shall not 30 x3 «4 .0 .1 5 ¿Oversize Oversize for both Quality and Price i have been made and filed with CUT THIS OUT— IT IS WORTH \ ou may hit a man with AN INTELLIGENT PERSON— ! the City Recorder w ithin the ten MONEY you machine some day. E ith er sex, may earn $100 to < ► 1 days specified, the same shall be due and payable in cash within $200 m onthly corresponding Such m isfortunes happen Soud this ad and ten cents to , th irty days from and after the for new spapers; $15 to $25 to the most careful drivers. Foley & < o ., 2835 Sheffield Ave., ; ; expiration of ten days from date weekly in spare tim e; experi­ Take out a Travelers Au­ Chicago, 111., w’riting your name i of publication. ence unnecessary; no canvas­ tomobile Policy. Then if you If default is made in payment and address clearly. You will re ­ No wicks, nor wick subfiti- sing; subjects suggested. Send .should injure someone, you after the expiration of the time ceive a ten cent bottle of FOL­ tutes— Fuel goes direct to allowed, such assessm ent will be EY’S HONEY AND TAR for for particulars. National Press can settle up squarely with docketed as a lion upon the prop­ burner— a feature in no oth­ B ureau, Buffalo, N. Y. 1-tf him w ithout bankrupting erty and will be subject to six Cougs, Colds and Croup, also free er stove. yourself. per cent penalty together with sample packager, of FOLEY KID­ WANTED— At once Women w ork­ interest thereon a t the ra te of six NEY PILLS for Backache, R heu­ Call and inspect this won­ ers at the Bagley Canning Co. per cent per annum from the date matic Paine, Kidney and Bladder derful oil stove. Rhone 364-J-l 6-2* of dolinquincy, In the m anner pro Real E state and Real In su r­ vlded in Sections 1 and 2 of Article Trouble, and FOLEY CATHCAR- ance. 12 of the C harter of th e City TIC TABLETS for Constipation ASHLAND FU R N IT U R E FOR RENT of Ashland. knd Biliousness. These wonder­ (E stab. 1883) COMPANY Beaver Block Ashland The following is a statem ent of ful remedies have helped millions FOR RENT— Furnished house. Phone 211 41 E ast Main the special benefit assessm ents of people. Try them ! »4 N. Main 478 Boulevard. 304-tf levied, giving th e am ount ther Sold everywhere. of, together w ith the nam e or flee, $1^.00 the month. quire Tidings office. In -i + f “ Rose Bros ™ • • ♦♦ A Strange Bus « « ♦ ♦ ♦ T he C itizens B ank of ♦ ♦« 4 C A R N IV A L D A N C E *-* ♦ ♦»♦♦♦«♦» L IT H IA PA R K PR O FESSIO N A L S aturday Evening, Sept 8. 4 Auspices L ithians 4 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«4 ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ A Local P o u lrty O w ner ♦ ♦ Mt. Ashland Egg Mash 44 A shland M ills W E C H A L N O T H E R R E C O M P E T IT IO N B O T H IN Q U A LITY AND IN PR IC E 30x3] Q uality and P rice 38“ SA V E IC E 26 40 FO O D PR O V O ST BROS Refrigerators* R E D STA R O IL STOVES B illings IV M A S O N - — C O R D S Agency L e e d o m ’s T ire S to r e